Website Functional Specification Document

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Website Functional Specification



Description of



[Provide an overall description of the FRD, its purpose. Reference the system name
and identifying information about the system to be implemented.]
[Discuss the scope of the document and how it accomplishes its purpose.]
[Describe the organization and its overall responsibilities. Describe who is producing the document
and why.]
[List references and controlling documents, including: meeting summaries, white papers, other
deliverables, etc.]
[Provide a list of contractual or task level assumptions and/or constraints that are
preconditions to preparation of the FRD. Assumptions are future situations beyond the control
of the project, whose outcomes influence the success of a project.]
A. Assumptions
Examples of assumptions include: availability of a technical platform, legal changes and policy

B. Constraints
Constraints are boundary conditions on how the system must be designed and constructed. Examples
include: legal requirements, technical standards, strategic decisions.

Constraints exist because of real business conditions. For example, a delivery date is a
constraint only if there are realbusiness consequences that will happen as a result of not
meeting the date. If failing to have the subject applicationoperational by the specified date
places the organization in legal default, the date is a constraint.
Preferences are arbitrary. For example, a date chosen arbitrarily is a preference. Preferences,
if included in the FRD,should be noted as such.

WEBSITE REQUIREMENTSA. Site Navigation and Organization

[Discuss the intent of the site navigation / information.]

Example: The user interface should intuitively guide the visitor to the information they seek, including
web accessibility. The siteshould include the following navigation strategies:
Menu System as the primary navigation method of the site that is always displayed on each page.
A hierarchical menu content divided into related functional areas based on the current Organization
site map.Please refer to site map in Appendix A.
Each section must have a main page where visitors can navigate to the sub items under the sections,
but still be able to get back to any of the other main section home pages.
Full site search, with administrator control.
Navigation, category, section, and link names and link design.
B. Automated Content Management
[Discuss whether the content will be managed through a content management system (CMS). Note
what purpose this content management system will serve, as well as the specific system, if
known. Specify if the CMS will have a built in workflow to facilitate content publishing. If it
will have workflow, specify roles for content authors as well as content approvers.]
Example: The web site content must easily be able to manage dynamically by non-technical
department staff in as simple a method as possible. The staff will be able to add, change and delete
site content without manipulating any HTML or scripting code. Personnel should be able to
access designated templates and easily update information in pre-designed formats, including the use
of databases to hold and change dynamic information. This includes formatted text, hyper-links,
digital pictures, as well as providing downloadable documents in Word, Excel, PDF, and
other formats. Most documents will age and lose relevancy over time, and need to be routinely
updated or removed.
C. Web Site Reporting
[Discuss what type of web metrics platform you will be using to measure usage and traffic. Who will
need to have access to the reporting system and what kind of reports do you want to create.]
Example: In order to maintain a quality site that continues to meet organization needs, a quality web
site reporting system that provides types and features of management reports, including traffic counts,
origin or domain names sources of visitors, or other useful information regarding the website is
D. Video/Audio Streaming
[Discuss whether the site will need to support on-demand, live streaming, podcasts (or all types) as
well the encode format the server will need to support (Real, Windows Media, Quicktime, etc.]
Example: Organization product demonstrations will be available for demand-access by users of
the website through video/audiostreaming or a similar technology. The website shall address this
capability and shall specify any requirements to enable V/A.
D. Search Engine Optimization
[Discuss how SEO will be implemented into the site. Note whether there are certain backend (hidden)
HTML components that the users should be able to modify via the CMS (e.g., meta keywords, meta
description, and Title.]
The SEO requirements examples below assume that there is a CMS:1.The title of each page
should be unique to each page and not be longer than 70 characters.2.Each content
author must have the ability to customize the META-DESCRIPTION and METAKEYW ORDS in the CMS
All page URLs , especially dynamically generated ones, must have friendly URL aliases so that they
are picked up by search engines.4 . T h e C M S m u s t e m p l o y s e m a n t i c H T M L ( h 1 , h 2 , p ,
e t c . ) 5.The CMS should allow the content author to specify ALT text for all images

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