2 Test format
The WISC is one of a family of Wechsler intelligence
scales. Subjects 16 and over are tested with the Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), and children ages three
years to seven years and three months are tested with
the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
(WPPSI). There is some overlap between tests, with children aged 7 being able to complete the WPPSI or the
WISC-IV, and children aged 16 being able to complete
the WISC-IV or the WAIS. Dierent oor and ceiling
eects can be achieved using the dierent tests, allowing for a greater understanding of the childs abilities or
decits. This means that a 16 year old child who has mental retardation may be tested using the WISC-IV so that
the clinician may see the oor of their knowledge (the
lowest level).
both the VCI and PRI, thus they were given 30% weighting each; in addition, PSI and WMI were given weighting
for their two subtests each. The WISC-IV also produces
seven scaled process scores on three subtests: Block Design, Cancellation, and Digit Span. These scores were
intended to provide more detailed information on cognitive abilities that contribute to performance on the subtest. These scores did not contribute to the composite
The VCIs subtests are as follows:
Vocabulary - examinee is asked to dene a provided
Similarities asking how two words are
Comprehension - questions about social situations or
common concepts.
Information (supplemental) - general knowledge
Word reasoning (supplemental)- a task involving
clues that lead to a specic word, each clue adds
more information about the object/word/concept.
The Verbal Comprehension Index is an overall measure
of verbal concept formation (the childs ability to verbally
reason) and is inuenced by knowledge learned from the
Letter-Number Sequencing children are provided a series of numbers and letters and asked to
provide them back to the examiner in a predetermined order.
Arithmetic (supplemental) - orally administered
arithmetic questions. Timed.
The PSIs subtests are as follows:
Coding children under 8 mark rows of shapes
with dierent lines according to a code, children
over 8 transcribe a digit-symbol code. The task is
time-limited with bonuses for speed.
Symbol Search children are given rows of symbols and target symbols, and asked to mark whether
or not the target symbols appear in each row.
Cancellation (supplemental)- children scan random
and structured arrangements of pictures and marks
specic target pictures within a limited amount of
3 Psychometric properties
Subsequently, the WISC can be used as part of an assessment battery to identify intellectual giftedness, learning diculties, and cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
When combined with other measures such as the Adaptive Behaviour Assessment SystemII (ABASII; Harrison & Oakland, 2003) and the Childrens Memory Scale
(CMS; Cohen, 1997) its clinical utility can be enhanced.
Combinations such as these provide information on cognitive and adaptive functioning, both of which are required for the proper diagnosis of learning diculties and
learning and memory functioning resulting in a richer picture of a childs cognitive functioning.
7 External links
WISC-IV at Fairleigh Dickinson University site
David Wechsler Biography
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