O Level History Notes by Sir Hamza M Ali PDF
O Level History Notes by Sir Hamza M Ali PDF
O Level History Notes by Sir Hamza M Ali PDF
Birth & Education: Qutub-ud-Din popularly known as Shah Wali Ullah was born in Delhi in 1703. He belonged to a
respected family. His father Shah Abdul Rahim founded Madrassa Rahimya and also helped to compiled
Fatawa-I-Alamgiri a book of Islamic legal text under the direct supervision of Emperor Auragzeb Alamgir. Shah
Walliullah received his education from Madrassa Rahimya and also taught there for twelve years. In 1724 he
went to Arabia, he was greatly influenced by the teaching of Abu Tahir bin Ibrahim a well-known scholar of his
time. He returned to Delhi in 1732.
Political & Social Conditions of India during Shah Waliullahs Time: The social & political condition of India during Shah Waliullahs time was extremely bad there was
political instability & insecurity of life, property & hanor were not secure as there were a number of disruptive
forces at work in the muslim society. Disintegration of the Mughal empire had set in & the Muslims were split
up among themselves. Taking advantage of this situation of the division of the Indian muslims the neighboring
non-Muslim communities like the Marathas, jats & skins were now threatening to overwhelm Dehli & finish the
once mighty mughal Empire. Ignorance about quran and sunnah. B/C Hindus and muslim live togetter.
Social Conditions: As far as the social condition of the Indian Muslims was concerned, they were divided among different
religious groups & there was a constant trouble between the Shia & Sunni sects, which was a serious threat to
Muslim society. More over after the death of Aurangzeb the Mughal Empire began to crack and crumble
because of the incapable successors.
In 1793 Nadir Shah attacked Delhi. The result of this plunder was that the Muslims suffered the most,
the infidels gained strength & as the attack has weakened the power to Delhi the neighboring non-Muslim
attacked one by one. After Nadir Shahs attack, Delhi was attacked, by Jats, who not only plundered Delhi but
took away whatever they could lay their hands on. After sometime the Marathas & Sikhs also attacked Delhi &
thus the conditions of Muslims in Delhi became worse Loss of power also caused economic suppression,
sectarian differences and social degradation among the Muslims.
Shah Wali Ullah appeared in his crucial period & exerted to make the Islamic regima independent of
all these props. His services in the religious, political & economic fields for the above cause are discussed
below: Educational Services: Shah Waliullah believed that many of the problems Muslims faced was due to their ignorance about
islam & the Holy Quran. He felt that an emphasis on Quranic teachings would not only improve their
knowledge, but it would also reduce the sectarian differences & create a feeling of unity. Shah Wali Ullah
worked hard to ensure that he was a role model for other Muslims His deep understanding of the Holy Quran,
Hadith, Fiqah and Tasawuf made him highly knowledgeable scholar at an early age.
As Arabic was not widely understood by the Indian Muslims, thus the average Muslims derived his
knowledge from the teaching of Muslim Jurists.
A. Translation of Holy Quran Shah Wali Ullah recognized that the principles of Islam could not be
followed properly unless the Holy Quran itself was understood. As the Indian Muslims did not
understand the Holy Quran in Arabic since it was not their language thus Shah Waliullah translated the
Holy Quran into Persian, which was the main language of the Indian Muslims of that time. The Ulema
criticized Shah Wali Ullah, but his work proved very popular Later his two sons, Shah Abdul Qadir
and Shah Rafi translated the Holy Quran into Urdu, which meant that many more people could study it.
B. Hijatul-Balighah in this book, Shah Waliullah discussed at length the principle & fundamentals of
Islam. In this he explained the methods of changing the muslim society into a real Muslim society. He
advises the Indian Muslims to act upon the teachings of Holy Quran & asked them to forget their
differences & unite.
Izalat-al-Akhfa is another renowned book of Shah Waliullah in which he has written the explanation
of the Holy Quran. Shah Waliullah wrote extensively on hadis & Fiqah. He altogether wrote 51 books,
out of which 23 are in Arabic & 28 are in Persian.
D. End of the Shia-Sunni Rivalry: - Shah Waliullah very firmly rejected the belief of some Sunnis that the
Shias were not Muslims. He tried to bridge this difference opionion by writing an account of the first
four Khalifas of Islam in a way that should acceptable to both the sects.
His Political Services: The political conditions of the Mughal Empire were in a bad state. The Mughal rulers had become lazy
& ease loving & the officers had become totally corrupt.
A. His Letters to the Kings & Nawabs For the Protection Of Indian Muslims:
The Marhatas were a permanent threat for the Mughals. They had killed many Muslims & had destroyed
their lands & fields. The Muslim Kings, Nawabs & Knights were leading lives of ease & did not care for
their people. The Mughal rule was shaking & was on the verge of decline. Shah Waliullah wanted to save
the Muslims from these loot & plunder. He wanted that the Muslims should lead peaceful lives & for this
purpose he wrote letters to the kings & Nawabs but in vain.
B. His invitation to Ahmed Shah Abduli to Attack Indian: when his efforts of writing to the Muslim
kings & Nawab resulted in nothing their finally. Shah Waliullah invited Ahmed Shah Abdali to attack
India. In his letter Shah Waliullah encouraged Ahmed Shah & pleased him to launch an attack, as it was the
only way left to save the Muslims of India.
In his letter to Ahmed Shah, he explained the geographical situation of India & the economic condition of
the people & also the military strength of the enemies.
Due to his effort, Ahmed Shah Abdali the ruler of Kabul combined his forces with Najib-ud-Dullah the
leader of Rohillas & attacked India in 1761. This battle, which was also known as 3rd Battle of Panipat.
Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated the Marhatas & crushed their power. But due to the lazy & ease-loving
attitude of the Mughal rulers, the Muslims could not avail this golden opportunity of the conditions created
by Shah Waliullah. However he was able to arouse the consciousness of the Muslims of India.
His Economic Services: Shah Waliullah was very concerned about the economic conditions of the Indian Muslims. He
requested the workers to work for more hours & spend less. He laid great stress on Adi & Tawazen that is
Justice & Equilibrium. He stressed labour; peasants & craftsmen should be justly rewarded. He also urged the
traders & businessmen to adopt a fair system of trading & making money.
His Death: Shah Waliullah was laid to rest in 1762, happy to saw the defeats of the Marhatas by Ahmed Shah
Abdali but disappointed that Ahmed Shah did not stay back in India. His sons & followers ably continued his
work. Under his successors the Madrassa-I-Rahimya also continued to flourish.
After the successes in the wars against Sikhs, Ranjit Singh created disruption in the camp of the
Mujahideen through his agents who called the reforms of Syed Ahmed as UnIslamic.A conspiracy was
hatched against, the movement & an attempt was made on the life of Syed Ahmed by poisoning him,
which he survived. Sardar Yar Muhammad was bribed to betray to Syed Ahmed & joined the Sikhs
against Mujahideen.Some misunderstanding arose between the pathans & the Mujahideen & the
Pathans now deserted the Movement.
Syed Ahmed was still hopeful & he now shifted his headquarters to Balakot. He met the Sikhs again in
1831 at Balakot. A serve & courageous battle took place where Syed Ahmed, Shah Ismail & many of
the Mujahideen lost their lives.
Lack of cooperation between the followers of Syed Ahmed & local Pathan tribes.
After capturing Peshawar, Syed Ahmed tried to introduce Islamic system of Government, which out
down the influence of Tribal chiefs & thus created dissatisfaction.
Introduction:Ever since the loss of independence, the Muslims of India were not only hovering in the domain of
uncertainly but also many un-islamic ideas were taking place in the minds of Muslims. It was at that time that
some Muslim thinkers throught that unless the Muslim were brought back to the teachings of the Quran &
Hadis, would not be possible to save Muslims from their ruin. This shows that growth or Religion &
national Movements in the subcontinent was not a spontaneous act. All these movements started not
only in one part of Indo-Pakistan but throughout the country. One of the movements started by Haji
Shariatullah in Bengal was Faraizi Movement.
Haji Shariatullah was born in the district of Faridpur in the year 1781. After receiving his early
education in his village he got an opportunity to perform Haji at the age of 18 He stayed there in Hejaz for 20
years & studied religion & Arabic. He returned to Bengal in 1806. During his stay in Arabia he was greatly
impressed by doctrines of sheikh Mohammad Abdul Wahab who had intiated the Wahabi Movement in Arabia.
Conditions Of The Muslims In Bengal & Reasons Of Starting The Faraizi Movement By Haji
Shariatullah: When Haji Shariatullah came back to Bengal from Arabia, he was in much pained to see the miserable
conditions of the Bengal Muslims. The British traders & the Hindu Zamindars were giving them a rough
treatment. The Muslims there had also gone far away form the paths of the true religions Islam being influenced
by the Hindus; they were sunk in various superstitions. Haji Shariatullah was deeply moved by these prevailing
conditions of the Muslims of Bengal & decided to improve it. Thus he started the Faraizi Movement among the
The Faraizi Movement: Haji Shariatullah started his Faraizi Movement, The Faraizi Movement emphasized on performing of
Faraiz, which were the religious duties, imposed by Allah. He also asked his Muslim brothers to give up all the
un-Islamic practices. His followers thus came to be known as Faraizi. Furthermore Haji Shariaullah utterly
disliked the expressions of Pir (Master) & Murid (Disciple) & desired them to be replaced with the title of Ustad
(Teacher) & Shagird (Student). He believed that these titles signified a complete submission by relationship
between Ustad & Shagird.
Adopting Tauba: Haji shariat ullah urged from his followers to adopt Tauba as a manifestation of repentance for all the
past sins & a pledge to lead a righteous & God-fearing life in future. His followers as already mentioned were
known as Faraizi. His movement brought the Muslim peasants together against the cruel treatment by the
Hindus Zamindars.
Declaring India as Dar-ul-Harb: Haji Shariatullah declared India as Dar-ul-Harb (Lands of Infidels) where Eid & Friday prayers could
not be offered. The Movement of Haji Shariatullah was direct, Jihad against the religious oppression &
superstitions. It infused a new life among the Bengali Muslims & especially among the peasants. With this
movement his sowed the seed of independence in Bengal. He thus brought a renaissance in the history of Bengal
& Prepared the ground for his successors for future works.
Opposition of Hindu Zamindars against Haji Shariatullah: Haji Sahib was greatly opposed by the Hindus who were disturbed by the unity of the Muslim peasants.
They started harassing him by putting up false cases against him. Ultimately he was forced to leave Dhaka. He
thus returned to his birthplace in faridpur district & continued his religious preaching & fighting against the
non-islamic forces.
His Death: Haji Shariatullah breathed his last in the year 1840 & was succeeded by his son Dadu Main who
continued his fathers movement.
Possible Examination Questions
Q-1) Why did Haji Shariat Ullah mean by Dar-Ul-Harb?
Q-2) Why was Haji Shariat Ullahs movement called the Faraizi Movement?
Q-3) Why did Hindu Landlords drive Haji Shariat Ullah out of East Bengal?
Q-4) Why did the British imprison Mohsin ud-Din?
Annexation Policy of the British: - The Britishers through their diplomacy continued to expand their
rule by annexing different states of the sub-continent for example Sindh, Mysore, Oudh, etc as a result
their territorial limits also increased.
Doctrine of Lapse: - Lord Dalhousie applied a new policy for the expansion of the British Empire,
which was called Doctrine of Lapse in 1852. According to the doctrine the rulers of state were not
allowed to adopt sons. As a result their states were annexed many states like Oudh, Jhansi, Behar etc
through this doctrine. These annexations created a sense of insecurity among the general public. They
became suspicious of the British policies. Before the introduction of Doctrine of Lapse, the
replacement of both Sanskrit & Persian by English as the official language in 1834 had further upset
both the Hindus & Muslims.
Confiscation of Property of Nobles: - It was decided by the past rulers that the nobles were always
granted large estates which served as a source of income for them. The British Government reversed
this policy & confiscated thousand of such states. As a result thousands of affected persons went
against the company. That is why when the war broke out those landlords were in the front-line.
2. Economic Causes: - The new agrarian policy of the British, destruction of the local industries,
unemployment & monopoly of the British traders were some important economic causes of the war.
Agrarian Policy: - The new agrarian policy introduced by the British Government shook the
foundations of the village communities. The Zamindars were now asked to provide documents to
proof about their land holdings. If they failed to do so then their properties were confiscated. In
addition the rates of taxes on the lands were also increased due to which thousands of zamindars were
in great problem.
Destruction of Local Industries: - As a result of the industrial revolution in England, cheaper &
superior goods now flowed in Indian markets. The local industries could not compete with the
imported goods, as a result the local industries badly suffered.
Unemployment: - The British did not trust the Indians due to this factor Indians were not appointed
on important jobs especially on the higher posts. The higher posts were now reserved for the British
only. This policy resulted in unemployed & many educated Indians were now without a job. Due to
destruction of local industries (cottage industries) left millions of people jobless especially among
lower classes.
Religious Causes: -
Propagation of Christianity: - Although in the beginning the English had shown respect towards all
religions, yet with the passage of time they changed their mind & devised ways & means of
propagation of Christianity in India. The missionaries wre sent to India from England for preaching.
They did their preaching mainly on the public places with the support of British Government. Bible
was included in the syllabus of different school. More ever the British Government now passed a law
according to which the convents were allowed to keep their ancestral properties.
Anti-religious Laws: - The British Government introduced certain laws which were against the
prevailing religions of the sub-continent. For example the windows were allowed to remarry which
greatly offended the Hindus & so did the banning of the sati custom in 1829. The British Government
banned Pardan.
Military Causes: -
Disbandment of Armies of the annexed states: - The British had annexed many states of the subcontinent on the basis of the doctrine of lapse. Now they declared that the armies of these annexed
states were banned. This action of their left thousands of local soldiers unemployed.
As the British Army marches into Afghanistan, it created problem
Because the Hindu soldiers did not want to leave what they saw as Mother India The Muslims
soldiers were also unhappy with having to fight fellow Muslims.
Greased Cartridges: - The British introduced a new kind of cartridges which were greased in cows &
pigs fat & the soldiers were required to chew the top & then use it. Since there were both Muslims &
Hindus soldiers in the army; they became too agitated with this new introduction as pig is consider
Haram for Muslims & cow is a sacred animal for the Hindus. Now both communities refused to use
these new cartridges.
Causes of the Failure of the Revolt of 1857
War of independence 1857 was over officially in August 1858. Although the people made great sacrifices and
waged a heroic struggle to end the foreign domination; the attempt to expel British failed due to number of
There was absence of fully organized plan and coordination between the freedom fighters; they fought
like rabbles in different groups at various places. Even there was no coordination between the local
rulers who were fighting individually so they were defeated easily by the British troops.
British troops numerically inferior were superior to the armies of the local soldiers; they were well
trained, well equipped and well disciplined. The British also had advantage of effective and adequate
military equipments and resources. Their control over telegraph and postal system enable them to
gather information from various fronts of the war and issue necessary instructions.
There was very little unity and the sense of nationalism amongst the Indian states. The rising was led
by princes and big landlords. They were temporarily united to achieve a single common goal of
throwing out British from India. Most of the rulers were fighting to restore their own regional
authority and restoration and the protection of their own rights.
Many of the prominent states for example Hyderabad, Gwalior and Nepal remained loyal to the
British. Rulers of Kashmir and Punjab assisted British government during the rising.
Apart from the Rani of Jhansi (Lakshmi Bar) and Nana Sahib there was no capable central leadership
who could unite whole population. The last Mughal King was too old and weak and was not fit to be
the leader of the rebels army.
The British succeeded in bribing certain freedom fighters in the Indian camp. These traitors betrayed
their own men & sided with the British troops, which resulted a great loss to Indians.
Impact of the War of Independence 1857
Bahadur Shah Zafar the last Mughal emperor exiled by the British to Rangoon in Burma and Mughal
rule (Muslim Rule) was ended from India forever.
War of independence also put an end to the rule of British East India Company and crown rule was
British held Muslim responsible for the rising because they were the chief fighters and Muslims of
India wanted to restore Muslim Rule n India. On other hand Hindu had no such desire. Hindu joined
hand with British and started a revengeful policy to crush Muslims in all fields of life.
Soon after the War of Independence British government realized that some of their earliest policies
were wrong for example abolition of Doctrine of Lapse and change n the policy of annexation; they
did much to correct them in next 50 years.
The English had always desired to trade with India & their main interest were Spices and Christians,
but the English were not the 1st Europeans to do trade with India in 1498 Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gamma
visited India and established a base in Goa in 1510. in 1600, Queen Elizabth I, granted a charter to British East
India Company, giving it a monopoly for all British trade east of Africa. The 1st serious effort made by the
British for trade with India was made in 1608 through Captain Hawkins who requested the Mughal Emperor
Jehangir to set up a factory in Surat. The request was turned down (pressure by the Portuguese). In 1612 another
request was made through Sir Thomas Roe, which was accepted by khurram (Future Shah Jehan) and thus the
company setup its factory at Surat. In 1615 British Company had a minor battle with Portuguese to remove their
from India. In 1640 the English built fort (head office) at Madras. In 1681 they got a charter to keep warships,
soliers and weapons for the defense of their factories. In 1674 the got a charter to keep warships, soldiers and
weapons for the defense of their factories. In 1674 the British moved their heaquarters to Bombay and founded
the town of Calcutta in 1690.
Auranzeb suspected the East India Company of Issuing their own coins and avoiding taxes. In 1691
Auranzeb fought with the British and defeated them and they have to pay a huge fine, if they wanted to trade in
After acquiring all the important coastal strategic bases in India the company made some changes in
their policies and started to get involved in the administration of India. In 1751 a brief war broke out between
British and France, which was won by British.
Battle of Plassey 1757: The province of Bengal was one of the largest and the richest province of India. It was
also economically very important due to its natural resources and trade. A fierce battle took place at Plassey in
1757 in which due to the treachery of Mir Jaffer the Nawab of Bengal Sirajudalla was defeated. The company
then appointed Mir Jaffer as the new Nawab of Bengal as promised.
Battle of Buxar 1764: In 1764 the victory at Battle of Buxar meant that EIC also received trading rights from
Nawab of Oudh as well as new territory. The EIC had been established to gain as much profit as possible but its
greed after battle of Buxar embarrassed the British government. The company made huge profit from its
monopoly of the trade in Bengal and company merchants become accustomed to receiving personal gifts,
which increased their wealth, whilst they made huge profits, the local people were exploited and many died in a
serious famine, which hit Bengal.
Act of Parliament 1773: The British government was forced to act to try to stop this misgovernment. In 1773 it
passed an Act of Parliament, which required the EIC to provide good government to stop this anarchy. Then in
1784 the British government passed the India Act and took direct control of the Indian possessions. It appointed
a Governor-General, who would control of the three presidencies (Bombay, Madras and Calcutta). There would
also be Provincial governor and a C-in-C of the armed force. The EIC continued to trade, but lost most of its
administrative powers.
In 1784 the first British Governor General of India, warren Hastings, signed a treaty ending the First Maratha
war between the British and Marathas. This gave the British the opportunity to extend their influence elsewhere.
EFFECTS OF ANNULMENT ON THE MUSLIMS: The reversal of the partition was bitterly
opposed by the Muslims, but the British were not to be moved. The muslims now realized just how
vital it was that the Muslim league prospered if Muslim were to receive fair treatment in India.
They now had lost all their hopes & created feeling of distrust among the Muslims about British.
The deep disappointment caused by annulment of the Partition, however indirectly served to
quicken the growth of the Muslim politics. They became politically more consicious. They came to
the decision that they could not trust the British Government fot the protection of their rights.
JUNE 2009
(c) The reasons for partitioning Bengal in 1905 were more important than those that
caused its reversal in 1911. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
Simplistic statement. (12)
It wanted to be free.
Description of partition and/or reversals. (36)
Bengal was too large and needed partitioning. Hindus were in the majority and wanted
Explains reasons for partition OR reversal. (710)
Explains BOTH. (913)
Supporters of Partition among the British thought it would be sensible to divide up the
province for administrative convenience. Bengal was very large and producing significant
administrative problems. By doing this, the British felt that the province would be easier to
administer, especially at the time of a new British government in power.
Many Muslims supported Partition because they believed that it would give them dominance
in the new province. Of the 54 million people in pre-Partition Bengal, 42 million were Hindus,
but a new separate East Bengal would have a Muslim majority.
Congress argued that Partition was part of the British divide and rule policy which would
weaken India and Indian unity. Major protest (meetings and mass rallies) organised by
Congress, supported by many Hindus, was so great that it caused the British to reconsider it.
Many Hindus started a mass boycott of British goods under the Swadeshi Movement. A few
extreme Hindus adopted terrorist behaviour and, among other attacks, attempted to
assassinate Lord Minto.
As Level 4: also produces a judgement or evaluation. (14)
June 2007:
(b) Why did the British decide to reverse the partition of Bengal in 1911?
LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement [1]
The Hindus didnt like it.
LEVEL 2: Identifies reasons [2-4]
Hindus wanted to protest and banned British goods.
LEVEL 3: Explains reasons [5-7]
The Hindus objection to Partition was so great that it caused the British to reconsider it.
Congress opposed it by holding meetings and there were mass rallies which put
pressure on the British government. They thought it was a deliberate attempt to divide
and rule on the part of the British. The Hindus were so angry that they attempted to
assassinate Lord Minto and started their boycott of British goods under the Swadeshi
Movement. There was also an outbreak of terrorist activities. Further Lord Curzon,
originator of the idea, was no longer viceroy so a change of policy was easier.
JUNE 2006:
(c) Bengal was partitioned in 1905 because of geographical factors. Do you agree?
Explain your answer.
LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement
It wanted to be free
LEVEL 2: Description of geographical or other factors
It was too large and Hindus were in the majority.
LEVEL 3: Explains at least one factor
LEVEL 4: Explains at least two. Geographical factors to be explained for
maximum marks
Of the 54 million people in Bengal 42 million were Hindus. It seemed sensible to divide up the
province on religious grounds and also because it was becoming very large and producing
significant administrative problems. By doing this it was felt that the province would be easier to
administer especially at the time of a new British government in power. The Muslims believed that
partition would bring an end to Hindu oppression and that they would enjoy true recognition in a
province in which they were in a majority. The Hindus believed that the partition would come
about as part of the British divide and rule policy which would weaken Hindu unity and its
influence in the new East Bengal.
LEVEL 5: As Level 4 - also produces a judgement or evaluation [14]
(Bajwa pages 97-98, Kelly pages 50-52)
After the partition of Bengal as the Hindu agitation grew more intense, more & more Muslims left
the INC & joined the AIML. Quaid-e-Azam also joined AIML in 1913. The AIML held its first
&last joined session with INC in LUCKNOW in 1916. For the time it started & till the creation of
Pakistan it showed great progress & provided help for the Indian Muslims in getting a seperate state
for themselves. During the course of its journey it corssed many paths like Lucknow Pact, Khilafat
movement, Non Co-operation Movement, Simon Commision, Jinnah's 14 points & elections of
1937 & 1945.
JUNE 2009
(b) Why was the Muslim League established in 1906?
Simplistic statement. (1)
They wanted their own party.
Identifies reasons. (24)
Muslims were not united. Congress was seen by some as a party for Hindus, not all Indians.
Explains reasons. (57)
The belief among some that Muslim rights would not be advanced if they continued to rely on
the Indian National Congress. They saw it as an organisation which would only advance
Hindu views. Congress was demanding that India should be treated as a cultural whole and
Hindi should be declared the official language. By not organising a Muslim group, they saw
that they would continue to be disorganised and disunited. Even more worrying to some
Muslims was the growth of tiny extreme Hindu nationalist groups demanding that Muslims be
forcibly converted to Hinduism. Equally, they saw a way to increase their influence with the
British and gain better terms for Muslims (because many British saw India as organised and
divided on religious lines). Therefore, a number of prominent Muslims founded the League.
NOV 2006
(b) Why was the Simla Delegation of 1906 an important turning point for the Muslims of the
LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement, for example: They got on better with the British. [1]
LEVEL 2: Identifies reasons, for example: It led to a separate electorate for Muslims and the
formation of the Muslim League. [2-4]
LEVEL 3: Explains reasons, for example: The Muslim demands for separate representation,
election by only Muslim voters and weightage in all elected bodies were accepted by the British.
This resulted in a sudden upturn in Muslim-British relations and helped to remove the previous bad
feelings between the 2 sides. It also paved the way for demands for a separate homeland with the
granting of a separate electorate. It also guaranteed Muslims an independent role in the political
process and as a result led to the formation of the All-Indian Muslim League later in the year. [5-7]
June 2005
(b) Why was the Muslim League founded in 1906?
LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement
They wanted a party of their own
LEVEL 2: Identifies reasons
The Muslims were disorganised and disunited. The Indian National Congress was an Hindu
LEVEL 3: Explains reasons
Muslim rights would not be advanced if they continued to rely on the Indian National Congress. It
was seen as an organisation which would only advance Hindu views. The Congress was
demanding that India should be treated as a cultural whole and Hindi should be declared the official
language. By not organising a Muslim group they would continue to be disorganised and disunited.
Even more worrying was the growth of extreme Hindu nationalist groups who demanded that
Muslims be forcibly converted to Hinduism. Therefore, a number of prominent Muslim leaders
founded the Muslim League .
In 1915 both the Muslim league and Congress had their annual meeting in Bombay. Muslim
leaague partly with the urging of Jinnah had included the demand for self rule in their program
which delighted the congress and committees comprising of muslim league and congress were
formed to try to reach some common grounds of understanding. This feeling of co operation led to
the first major experiment and the two parties tried to fig common political ground against the
British. This culminated in 1916 with Lucknow Pact. Jinnah borught both the parties closer. Jinnah
led Muslim league while Ambeka Charan led Congress. It was the greatest effort of Jinnah to bring
both the nations closer because he always tried his best to bring the Hindus and the Muslims closer
to each other. After this pact M.A.Jinnah was given the title of ' The Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim
Main Provision of the Pact:
1) The Congress accepted separate electorate for Muslims.
2) 1/3rd seats would be reserved for Muslims in central legislature.
3)Muslims and Hindus would be given weighted in the provinces where they formed minority.
4) No bill affecting any particular communtiy would proceed with in any council if 1/3rd of the
representatives of that commnunti opposed it.
* The number of elected seats on the counsils should be increased.
* Motions, which were passed by large majorities in the councils should be accpeted as binding by
the British government.
* Minorities in the provinces should be protected.
* All provinces should have autonomy
Importance: Congress for the first time recongnized Indian Muslims as a seperate nation by
accpeting electorates. It was the first and last time that both AIML & INC were jointly agreed by
the set of constitutions reforms and political demands against the Briths. Most of the Constitutional
features of the pact were later incoporate in the reforms of 1919.
Nov 2004:
c) The lucknow pact of 1916 was the only beacon of hope for Hindu-Muslims unity between 1914
and 1930. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
HIJRAT MOVEMENT: It was a by-product of Khilafat Movement. In 1920 Abdul Kalam Azad
and Maulana Abdul Bari gave a call for Hijrat Movement and urged the muslims to migrate to a
place where they can freely pratice their religion,they called India as dar-ul-Harb. Nearly 18000
muslims mostly from Sind, NWFP and Punjab after selling their land and properties, migrated to
Afghanistan. The Afghan Government welcomed them in the beginning but afterwards refuse to
accept them. Many people perished in the way and those who returned back to India to find them
homeless and doomed forever. As a result of this all muslims became backward in all fields of life.
This migration to Afghanistan is known as the, Hijrat Movement in the history of India.
CHAURA CHAURI INCIDENT: The non-cooperation movement was leading to violence and
losing its momentum. In Feb. 1922 at Chaura Chauri in a village near UP a trouble erupted between
the police and the demonstrating procession. The hostile mob set fire to the police station where
22policemen were burnt alive. Gandhi was so upset that he immediately and unilaterally called of
non-cooperation movement doing great deal of damage to the entire Khilafat Movement.
In 1927 British Government announced to send a seven-member commisiion under the
Chairmanship of Sir John Simon to preapre the report for the new reforms. The commisiion had no
Indian member, Congress and a section of Muslim league announced to boycott the commission.
But a section of Muslim League headed by Mian Mohammad Shafi stood for co-operation with the
commission. The commission completed its work and these recommendations were published in
The Simon Commision Recommendation:
* Abolition of Diarchy
* federal form of government with maximum powers for the provinces.
* Seperate electorates for Muslims.
* Weight age for the Muslims in minority provinces.
* Muslims demanded for the seperatio on Sind from Bombay and introduction of reforms in NWFP
was not rejected but postponed.
* Muslims should not be given one third of the seats in Central Legislature.
In reaction Congress launched Civil Disobedience Movement against the recommendation of
Simon Commission, Gandhi and Nehru both were arrested. Where as the Muslim league stayed
aloof form the campaign.
In 1927 Mohammad Ali Jinnah called a conference of all Muslims leaders in Delhi to discuss the
future of constitutional reforms and seperate electorates. These demands were known as the Delhi
Proposals and were:
1) Sindh should be seperated from Bombay with full provincial status and all previous British
reforms should be applied to the Frontier Province and Balochistan.
2) In Punjab and Bengal the allocated fewer seats should be corrected.
3) Muslims should be given one-third of the seats in the central legislature through joint electorates
then the Muslims league would be prepared to give up separete electorates.
The congress and Muslim leage had already rejected the recommendations of the Simon
Commission. The Indian leaders accpeted the chllenge and convenced an All parties conference at
Delhi in Feburary 1928 to prepare draft for the Constiutional reforms. A nine-member committee
headed by Pundit Motilal Nehru ( father of Jawaharial Nehru) was established to draft the future
Constitution of India. The representation of the Muslims in the committee was of an insignificant
nature. Ali Imam and Shoaib Qureshi were the two Muslims representatives in the committee. Th
report submitted by the committee is known as "Nehru Report" which contained the following
major recommendations:
1) Full dominion Status for India(that the meant India would become independent, but remain a
member of Common Wealth accpeting the British monarch as Head of State).
2) Seperate electorates and wieght ag were rejected.
3) The muslims were to get proportional representative in Central legislature.
4) Sindh should be seperated from Bombay.
5) Full provincial status to be given to NWFP and Balochistan.
6) India should have a unitary form of government with a strong center.
7) The vote for all adult men and women.
8) India to be a federation with a two chamber parliament.
Muslims dislike the findings of the Nehru report as most of the Muslims demands were rejected.
The recommendations of Nehru report were place for the final approval. In all parties Convection
held at Calcutta in December 1928. The Muslims l eaders also attended the convection. At that
occasion Quaid-e-Azam proposed three ammendments in the Nehru report which were as follow:
1) One-third representations for the Muslims in the Central legislature.
2) Muslims representation in the Punjab and Bengal on the basis of population.
3) Federal form of government with maximum powers (autonomy) for the provinces.
Hindu majority rejected all these ammendments. It was last attempt M.A Jinnah to reconcile
Congress with Muslim league. The Nehru report marked the end of any future cooperation between
the Congress and the Muslim league. Leading Muslim figures were disillusioned with the Congress
and were never trust it again.
Third Round Table Conference (17 Nov 24 Dec 1932) Before the 3rd session of the Round
Table Conference, British announced their own solution for the communal and constitutional
problem of India known as Communal Award. British Prime minister Ramsay MacDonald
announced it on 16th August 1932.
The congress once again abstained from the conference because Gandhi had started h is civil
disobedience movement. Quaid-eAzam did not take part in this conference and Sir Aga Khan led
the Muslim delegation.
The Conference could not solve the problems of Hindu Muslims and proved a formality. Gandhi
and Nehru were in jail. The Conference ended after few meetings without achieving anything.
The British government gave enough time and chance to Indian leaders to come up with a workable
constitutional setup, after vainly waiting. British government published their own scheme known as
Communal Award in 1932. it retained separate electorate for the Muslims and all other minorities
but the Muslims majority in Punjab and Bengal were reduced to minorities and due to this the
Muslims rejected it while the Congress was not happy with this award.
Nov 2009:
b) Why was the second round table conference of 1931 unsuccessful?
June 2008
b) Why were the three roundtable conference held between 1930 and 1932?
June 05:
c) How successful were the three roundtable conference of 1930-32? Explain your answer?
was made a part of the school curriculum and tachings was to be in Hindi. It aimed at creating at
creating a high respect among the yound minds about the Hindy heroes and religious leaders. It
sought to isolate the yound generation of the muslims from their religion, culture and civilization. It
also aimed at injecting the political ideas of the Congress into the minds of Muslim children. If
completely ignored religion and favored Hindi at the cost of Urdu.
Hindu-Muslims riots: During the congress rule organized attempts were made on the honour,
property and lives of the Muslims. The Hindus were to assault the Muslims and the properties were
set on fire. Muslims children and women were abducted.
Muslims mass contact campaign: The main objective of this campaign was to crush the
popularity of the Muslims league amongst the Muslim. The campaign began by directly contacting
the Muslims masses with a view to win them over to the Congress.
End of the Congress rule: The 2nd World war broke out on 3rd September 1939. The war had a
direct impact on Subcontinent. The british Indian Army was the largest contigent of the Britsh
Army. Lord Linlithgow the Viceroy of India declared the war with Germany by the side of India
too. Congress criticized this announcement and passed a resolution on 15th Spetember 1939. The
resolution demanded that India would not be fight unless it was free. British Government refused to
accept the demand. On 22nd October 1939 the Congress called on all ministries to resign by saying
The war had been declared without consulting the congress Ministries.
Day of Deliverance: Thus more than two and half year rule of Congress come to an end. Following
the resignation of the congress ministries. All India Muslim league officially celebrated the Day
of Deliverance on 22nd December 1939 as a celebration to mark an end of Congress ruel,which w
as based on tyranny,oppression and injustice.
Nov 09:
c) Do you agree that the celebration of the Day of Deliverance in 1939 was justified? Give
reasons for your answer.
June 07:
b) Why did Muslims object to the rule of the Congree party between 1937 and 1939?
June 04:
b) Why was Congress rule of 1937-39 hated by the Muslims?
Nov 06:
c) The main reason why Congress rule 1937-39 was so hated because of the introduction of
Wardha Scheme. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
with the Indian leaders but because of the dead lock between Congress and the Muslim league, the
mission failed to reach any agreement, it however submitted its recommendation, which are as
Dominion status for India after the war
Any provinces of states would be to opt out of proposed Indian Federation
Election would be held at the end of world war
During the British government would retain control of the defence of India.
Congress, which had observed the weak position of the British Government during the did not want
to offer any concession to the British, so it decided to use that occasion to pressurize the
government and demanded immediate transfer of power to a Congress dominated body. Gandhi
regarded the proposals of government as a Post dated Cheque on a falling bank. All India Muslim
league also rejected the proposals because there was no guarantee that the proposals would lead to
June 09 & Nov 04:
b) Why was the Cripps mission of 1942 unsuccessful?
Nov 09:
c) Was the Cripps Mission in 1942 the most important factor during the 1940s that led to the
partition of the sub-continent in 1947? Give reasons for your answer.
On 8 August 1942, the India National Congress Committee passed its Quit India Resolution
calling for immediate withdrawal of the British. This resolution Quit India was to be followed by
open non-violent civil disobedience and resistance to British Rule. Gandhi called it Do or Die
attempt to force British out. He argued that if the British left India, there would be no longer be
threat of Japanese invasion. The British responded firmly by arresting most of the senior leaders of
congress e.g Gandhi, Nehru and Azad etc as well as by banning the Congress party. For several
weeks there was widespread rioting and the British lost control in some parts of the Country.
Thousands of Indian lost their lives.
The muslims league did not approve of the Quit India movement campaign Quaid-e-Azam raised
the slogan Divide and Quit in answer to Gandhis Quit India Movement. Muslim league neither
supported Congress nor the British Government. During this movement, Quaid-e-Azam termed the
Quit India Movement as a Black mail, saying that congress was trying to exploit Britains
problems to win advantage for it self.
June 05:
b) Why was the Quit India movement formed in 1942?
Lord Wavell released Gandhi from prison in may 1944. Gandhi proposed Jinnah that they should
meet to consider the future of India after the British departure, which now seemed inevitable.
Throughout September 1944 the two met at Jinnahs home in Bombay. Although many people
expected a comprise to be reached, the talks broke down for a number of reasons:
Gandhi wanted the Muslim league to give immediate support to Congress in its struggle to
remove the British. Only after the British left could partition be considered. Jinnah knew
that he had to secure partition before the British left.
Gandhi also wanted the central government to have control over key areas such as defence
and foreign policy. Jinnah wanted these matters to be in the hands of the provinces.
Gandhi considered himself to be speaking for all India. Jinnah reminded him that really he
was just the spokesman of Congress.
Gandhi gave the impression that he did not support the Two nation theory , whereas this
had now become official Muslim league policy.
Importance: Though the meeting ended on failure but it was a great technical and political
achievement of Muslim league and Jinnah. As the Congress through its main leader (Gandhi) had
been forced to negotitate with Muslim league on equal footing and recognize that there were two
leaders in India Jinnah representing the Muslims and Gandhi representing the Hindus.
Nov 05:
c) Were the Gandhi Jinnah talks the most important factor during the 1940s that led to the
partition of the Sub-Continent in 1947? Give reasons for your answers.
In 1945 Lord Wavell the Viceroy of India announced a plan for the transfer of power of India to its
natives. To discuss the details of the plan Lord Wavell invited representatives from the various
political parties in a conference at Simla in june 1945.
Wavell Proposals:
An Executive council should be set up as Interim Government under the present
constitution (Government of India act 1935) until a new constitution could be agreed on.
The Executive Council would contain equal number (5 each) of Muslims and Hindus.
All portfolios would be given to Indians expect defense and Viceroy.
To discuss the formation of the Executive Council and the future handover the Viceroy called a
conference of all the political parties in Simla. The Muslim league delegation included Quaid-eAzam, Liaquat Ali Khan and Khawaja Nazimuddin while Gandhi, Abdul Kalam Azad and Khizar
Hayat Tiwana represented the Congress. They deliberately included Muslim members in the
delegation to demonstrate that not all Muslims were members of the Muslim league.
There was a deadlock over the Muslim leagues demand that all the five members of the Executive
Council should be the nominees of the Muslim league. The Viceroy accepted four and Chief
Minister of Punjab and Unionst party leader Khizar Hayat Tiwana demanded one Muslim seat out
of Muslim quota, which was accepted by the Viceroy. Jinnah also pointed out as the Sikhs and
Scheduled Castes on the Council were bound to vote with the Hindus, this would mean permanent
Muslims minority in the Executive Council. Jinnah also objected LordWavell could see no solution
to the problem and closed the conference on 14th July 1945. Another British attempt to find a
solution had failed.
The general elections to the provincial and central legislatures were held in 1945-46. Both the
parties took an active part in these elections because the constitutional future of India was
dependant on the results of these elections. Both Congress and Muslim league contested the
election on two exactly opposed slogans. Congress wanted to keep Subcontinent united, whereas
Muslim League wanted to divide it.
Results of Election: The results showed that the Muslims league won all the 30 muslims seats in
the Central Assembly and 446 out of 495 Muslims seats in the Provincial Assemblies. The Congrss
won the same victory in the Hindu majority areas. In Bengal, the Muslim League won 113 out of
119 Muslim seats and formed ministry in Sindh. The Victory of Congress in N.W.F.P was a serious
blow to the league, Muslim League won 17 out of 36 Muslim seats and Congress took 19 Muslims
seats and Dr. Khan Sahib formed ministry with Congress. In Punjab, Muslim league won 79 out of
86 Muslim seats and Khizar Hayat Tiwana formed the ministry with Congress. Congress won total
930 seats gaining an absolute majority in 8 provinces.
Conclusion: Result of the elections not only divided the assemblies between Muslim League and
Congress but also approved the Muslim league claim that, it was a sole representatives party of the
Muslims of Subcontinent and the demand for the establishment for a separate Muslim homeland
was true.
When all the election results were announced, an all Indian Muslim league legislators convention
was announced in Delhi between 7 to 9 April, 1946. Nearly 500 Muslims who had been elected
attended it. A resolution was passed known as Delhi resolution. This demanded that the Muslims
majority provinces to be made into a fully independent sovereign state.
The issue which was not solved on 14th August was the boundary between Muslims and nonMuslims areas. Lord MountBatten had appointed Sir Cyril Radcliffe to head a boundary
Commission to establish new borders, particularly in Bengal and Punjab. Radcliffe had four
assistance, two nominated by the Muslim league and two by Congress.
The decision of the boundary Commission (known as Boundary reward on Radcliffe award) was
announced on 16th August 1947. The muslim league was disappointed to hear that Calcutta was
given to India, even though the Muslim areas surrounded it.In Punjab both Ferozpur and Gurdaspur
were given to India. Again the muslims were disappointed by this decision. Ferozpur had a muslim
majority and Pakistani had evidence to suggest the Radcliffe had originally awarded it to Pakistan
but had been forced b MountBatten to change his mind. Gurdaspur also had a muslim majority. By
awarding it to India the Indian now had a border with Kashmir and future disputes between India
and Pakistan became inevitable.
Jinnah told people of Pakistan that the awards were Wrong and unjust and perverse.However, the
partition had been take place two days earlier.
INDEPENDENCE ACT OF 1947: The British Government passed the Indian independence acts
on 15 july 1947. The act ordered that from 15 august two independent dominions be established by
the names of India and Pakistan. These dominions have complete freedom to pass any act or bll and
the Government of India act 1935 was to be the provincial constitution until replaced. The princely
states were given the option to join one or either of the country.
Chaudri Rehmat Ali was born in Hoshiyarpur in East Punajb on 16th November 1897. He received his
basic education from Jallandar and passed his B.A from Government college Lahore. In 1915 he
founded a society named Bazm-e-Shibli. In 1930 he went to England where earned the degress of
M.A.Jinnah and Bar at Law from Cambridge University and Dublin University.
Contribution in Pakistan Movement:
In 1930 Round Table Conference were held in London to discuss possible political agreement
between Hindus,Muslims and British. Chaudri Rehmat Ali met the muslims leaders including
M.A.Jinnah and tried to convince them to give the idea of Indian federation and focus their energies
to form a separate homeland for the muslims. But at this stage M.A.Jinnah and other leaders
remained unconvinced nd they refuse to accept the proposals of Chaudri Rehmat Ali.
In 1933 Chaudri Rehmat Ali founded the Pakistan Movement which issued its 1st pamphlet on
Pakistan under the title of Now or Never in that pamphlet tht Muslims should have their own
homeland called Pakistan. Muslim states comprising the Punjab. N.W.F.P, Kashmir, Sind,
Balochistan. Muslim homeland which was formed from the initials of components units, P for
Punjab, A for afghania, K for Kashmir, S for Sind and Tan for Balochistan. The word Pakistan
means the Land of Pure. His views were different from Allama Iqbal as Chaudri Rehmat Ali
wanted his Muslims homeland to be independent.
He was rightly awarded when in 1940 ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE adopted his central demand
for a separate homeland for the Muslims and later the name Pakistan which was also coined by
Chaudri Rehmat Ali adopted for the muslim homeland.
He was one of those leaders who lived to see the establishment of Pakistan. But he did not agree
with the final map of Pakistan. His contribution also never appreciated officially. He visted Pakistan
in 1948 and live in Lahore for sometime and left for England. He died in Cambridge on 3rd feburary
Nov 05:
b) Why was Chaudri Rehmat Ali an important influence on the Struggle for a separate homeland for
Section 2
JUNE 2002
1(b) Why was the Khilafat Movement founded? [7]
(c) Which of the following contributed the most to the Pakistan National Movement:
(i) Allama Iqbals Address of 1930;
(ii) Chaudhary Rahmat Alis Scheme of Pakistan;
(iii) Muhammad Ali Jinnahs Lahore Resolution of 1940?
Explain your answer with reference to all three of the above. [14]
JUNE 2003
2(b) Why was the Muslim League founded in 1906? [7]
(c) The Morley-Minto reforms were the most important of the attempts by either the Muslims,
Hindus or the British government in seeking a solution to the problems in the sub-continent
between 1906 and 1920.
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
3(b) Why was Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal an important influence on the struggle for a separate
homeland for Pakistan? [7]
(c) Was the Simla Conference of 1945 the most important factor during the 1940s leading to the
partition of the sub-continent in 1947? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
4(b) Why was Bengal partitioned in 1905? [7]
(c) Was the Chaura Chauri incident of 1922 the most important reason for the failure of the
Khilafat Movement? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
JUNE 06:
8(b) Explain why the Lucknow Pact of 1916 came about. [7]
(c) Bengal was partitioned in 1905 because of geographical factors. Do you agree? Explain your
answer. [14]
9(b) Explain why the Khilafat Movement had failed by 1924. [7]
(c) Was the introduction of Jinnahs 14 Points in 1929 the most important factor in the
development of the Pakistan Movement between 1928 and 1935? Give reasons for your
answer. [14]
JUNE 08:
10(b) Why was it necessary to hold three Round Table Conferences (193032)? [7]
(c) The main reason why Congress rule (193739) was hated so much by many Muslims was
because of the introduction of Bande Matram. Do you agree? Explain your answer. [14]
JUNE 10:
11)Read the source below carefully to answer question (a).
The election results of 1937 created more problems than they solved. Congress was able to
form a government in most of the provinces and began to exert control over the minorities. They
introduced the Wardha Scheme amongst many other reforms.
(a) What was the Wardha Scheme?
(b) Why was the Khilafat Movement founded? [7]
(c) The Muslim League was established in 1906 because the Hindus had their own political
party. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
12)Read the source below carefully to answer question (a).
During the summer of 1946 the Muslim League became increasingly worried that the British might
simply withdraw from India and leave it to the Indians to sort out the problems that they had left
behind. What followed was called the Direct Action Day.
(a) What was the Direct Action Day?
(b) Why did Jinnah produce his 14 Points in 1929? [7]
(c) The First Round Table Conference of 1930 was the most successful one of all three. Do you
agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
Nov 10:
13 Read the source below carefully to answer question (a).
Bengal was the largest of the provinces of India. It was a huge area to govern as one unit and the
British government decided that it should be partitioned in 1905. This had the effect of causing
conflict between the Muslims and Hindus, especially as the Muslims welcomed partition. The
Hindus decided to form the Swadeshi Movement.
(a) What was the Swadeshi Movement? [4]
(b) Why was the Simla Deputation of 1906 an important event for the Muslims of the
subcontinent? [7]
Was the migration to Afghanistan the most important reason why the Khilafat Movement
failed? Explain your answer. [14]
Oct 09:
14)(b) Why was the Second Round Table Conference of 1931 unsuccessful? [7]
(c) Do you agree that the celebration of the Day of Deliverance in 1939 was justified? Give
reasons for your answer. [14]
Oct 08:
15) (b) Why did Congress oppose the Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909? [7]
(c) The Khilafat Movement failed by 1924 because of poor leadership. Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer. [14]
16)(b) Why was there so much opposition to the Government of India Act of 1935? [7]
(c) Was the Cripps Mission in 1942 the most important factor during the 1940s that led to the
partition of the sub-continent in 1947? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
Oct 07:
17(b) Why did Jinnah produce his 14 Points in 1929? [7]
(c) The Morley-Minto reforms were more important than any other political developments
between 1909 and 1919. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
oct 06:
18(b) Why was the Simla Delegation of 1906 an important turning point for the Muslims of the
subcontinent? [7]
(c) Was the abolition of the institution of the caliphate in 1924 the main reason for the failure of
the Khilafat Movement? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
19(b) Why was the Government of India Act of 1935 so important to the future of the subcontinent?
(c) The main reason why Congress rule (1937-1939) was so hated was because of the
introduction of the Wardha Scheme. Do you agree? Explain your answer. [14]
Oct 05:
20(b) Why was the Partition of Bengal reversed in 1911? [7]
(c) Were the Morley-Minto reforms the most important attempt by either the Muslims, the Hindus
or the British in seeking a solution to the problems in the sub-continent between 1906 and
Explain your answer. [14]
21)(b) Why was Chaudhri Rehmat Ali an important influence on the struggle for a separate
homeland for Pakistan? [7]
(c) Were the Gandhi-Jinnah talks the most important factor during the 1940s that led to the
partition of the sub-continent in 1947? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
He could little about the fact that the country that the country was divided in to two distinct
areas-east & West Pakistan. He works hard toward establishing the Pakistan was a single,
united country. He stressed people not thing of himself or herself as for example: Punjabi or
To help the newly arrived refugees he setup a Relief Fund to rehabilitate them as quickly as
possible. The people were quick to respond with donations in cash & kind.
Quaid secured membership of the country in to the United Nation Organization (UNO) on
30th September 1947. This helped in gained recognition & support among the other nations
of the world.
Liaqat Ali Khan was appointed prime Minister and Cabinet was formed. A Constituent
Assembly was set up to begin to frame a constitution for the new Pakistan.
The Civil Services were recognized to draft the civil services rules.
He also completed the judicial structure of administration by creating the Federal court.
In 1948 Jinnahs Industrial policy Statement made it clear that he & the government wanted
to setup industries in Pakistan as quickly as possible.
Canal Water Dispute was settled due to Quaids efforts. He also helps to persuade to Indian
government to hand over the agreed share of financial assets from pre-partition of india.
Although Pakistan has been given poor military equipment & it lacked military officers for
the army. Quaid fulfill this gap by offering temporary commission & using British officer in
Pakistan army.
Although Pakistan army was ill equipped saw its 1st action in Kashmir. Despite being out
numbered & having inferior arms & ammunition, it stoop up well & held its own in fighting.
Issue Of Junagadh: Junagadh was a small state on the coast, 300 miles south of Karachi with a
population of 700,000. The population was mostly non-Muslims, but its prince was Muslim.
After the independence the request for accession with Pakistan was accepted by Quid-e-Azam.
But the Indian government refused to accept the accession. An economic blockade of Junagardh
was imposed and states were surrounded by Indian force. There was food shortage. By the end of
October 1947 the ruler of the Junagardh was force to leave the state. On 9th November 1947
Indian army occupied the state Ignoring the strong protest of Pakistani government India held
referendum and majority of the voters cast their vote in favor of the accession with India.
Pakistan took up the matter in UNO, which is still unresolved.
Issue of Hyderabad: Hyderabad was the largest of the princely states (almost equal to U.K)
with population of 160 million and generates revenue of over 160 million rupees Majority of
its population was Hindu but ruler whose title was Nizam was a Muslim Hyderabad being a
prosperous state and because of its prestige and importance wanted to maintain its independent
status but Lord Mount batten told him this was not possible. As being Muslim he wanted to
accede to Pakistan.
The Indian government, however, was determined not to allow Hyderabad to join Pakistan. It
began pressurizing the Nizam to join Pakistan. He was unwilling to do so, but finally agreed to
enter in respect of defence, foreign affairs and communications The Indians exerted further
pressure and in August 1948 Hyderabad filed a complaint before the UNO. Before it could be
heard, on 13th September 1948 just two days after the death of Quaid-e-Azam, Indian troops
entered Hyderabad, dismantled the state and incorporated it into different provinces in India.
The dispute was finally resolved on 19th September 1960 when Indus water treaty was signed
between president of Pakistan Ayub Khan and Prime Minister of India Jawahar Lal Nehru.
fourteen, eight Artillery divisions to Indias forty and eight Infantry divisions to Indias twenty
one. Pakistan also received the Staff College in Quetta and Service Crops College at Kakul,
which later became Pakistan Military Academy.
union with Afghanistan or complete regional autonomy. The Afghan government also supported
the issue that the Pakhtoons or Pathans living in both Pakistan and Afghanistan belong to the
same race and the Pakhtoons of Pakistan wanted to be the part of union with Afghanistan,
called Pakhtoonistan.
Quid-e-Azam: Assume power as the 1st Governor General of Pakistan on 15th August
1947, died on 11th September 1948.
Khwaja Nazimuddin: Assume power after the death of Quaid-e-Azam on 14th September
1948, resigned from his office after the death of Liaquat Ali Khan to become the prime
Minister on 17th October 1951.
Malik Ghulam Muhammad: Assume Power on 19th October 1951, forced to resign
because of his ill health on 15th October 1955.
Major General Iskander Mirza: Assume power on 16th October 1955, resigned from the
office of Governor General on 22nd March 1956 to become the President of Pakisrtan.
Major General Iskander Mirza: Elected as the 1st President of Pakistan by the Members
of the National Assembly on 23rd March 1956, forced to resign by General Ayub Khan on
27th October 1958.
General Ayub Khan: Assume power as the 1st Chief Martial Law Administration of
Pakistan on 27th October 1958, sworn as 2nd President of Pakistan in February 1960
resigned in March 1969 because of widespread protest against his government.
General Yahya Khan: He became the Chief Martial Law Administrator and 3rd President
of Pakistan after the resignation of General Ayub Khan on 25th March 1969, he resigned
on 20th December 1971 after the separation of East Pakistan.
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto: Assume the power as the 1st Civilian Chief Martial Law
Administrator and the 4th President of Pakistan on 20th December 1971, resigned from the
office of the President when elected as the Prime Minister of Pakistan by the National
Assembly on 13th August 1973.
Chaudri Fazal Elahi: Elected as the 5th President of Pakistan on 14th August 1973,
retired at the end of his term on 16th September 1978.
General Zia-ul-Haq: Assume power as the Chief Martial Law Administrator on 15th July
1977, also became the 6th President of Pakistan after the retirement of Fazal Elahi on 16th
September 1978, died in plane crash on 17th August 1988.
Ghulam Ishaq Khan: The Chairman of Senate assumed the office of President after the
death of Zia-ul-Haq on 17th August 1988, forced to resigned on 8th July 1993.
Liaqat Ali Khan: He became the 1st Prime Minister of Pakistan on 15th August 1947, shot
dead on 16th October 1951.
Khwaja Nazim uddin: Assume power on 17th October 1951, dismissed by Ghulam
Mohammed on 17th April 1953.
Mohammad Ali Bogra: Appointed (twice by Ghulam Mohammad on 17th April 1953,
Ghulam Mohammed dissolved the Constituent Assembly on 11th August 1955.
Chaudri Mohammad Ali: Elected by the members of the members of the Constituent
Assembly as the Prime Minister on 11th August 1955, forced to resign when lost majority
in the Assembly on 12th September 1956.
Hussain Shaheed Suharwardy: Assume power on 12th September 1956, forced to resign
when lost majority in the Assembly on 17th October 1957.
Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar: Assume power on 18th October 1957, forced to resign when
lost majority in the Assembly on 16th December 1957.
Feroz Khan Noon: Assume power on 18th December 1957, removed when Martial Law
was imposed on 17th October 1958.
General Ayub Khan: On 22nd October 1958, Major General Iskander Mirza appointed
General Ayub Khan as the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Benazir Bhutto: After the election held in October 1988, Benazir Bhutto (daughter of
Z.A. Bhutto) becoming the 1st woman Prime Minister of Pakistan in November 1988.
1st Martial Law imposed by President Major General Iskander Mirza on 7th October 1958 and
lifted by President General Ayub Khan on 1st March 1962.
2nd Martial Law imposed by President General Yahya on 25th March 1969 and lifted by Z.A.
Bhutto on 1st March 1972.
3rd Martial Law imposed by General Zia-ul-Haq on 7th March 1977 and lifted by President
General Zia-ul-Haq in December 1985.
The constitution should observe the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance
and social justice as laid down by Islam.
Muslims would be able to lead their lives according to Islamic principles.
Other religious group should be able to practice their religion freely.
Minorities and the poor would be legally protected from social injustice.
All fundamental human rights should be guaranteed.
The legal system should be independent of government.
Advantages: It was the 1st step towards the constitution making and most important accasion in
the life of Pakistan. In Objective Resolution the Islamic and ideological character of the newly
established state was preserved. In view of these basic principles, the Objective Resolution
contained fundamental principal on which the future constitution of Pakistan was to be based.
The Objective Resolution contained several references to Islam, as it tried to
counter criticism from Ulema that the new government had not made Pakistan a proper Islamic
state, with a constitution based on the Shariat. There was no agreement that how these objective
would be implemented. Further more, no timetable given for the holding of elections and
drafting of constitution.
In 1951 Malik Ghulam Mohammed who was Finance Minister at that time, persuaded him to
step down as a Prime Minister from the post Governor General. In 1953, Pakistan suffered a
great food crisis due to flooding in East Pakistan and severe economic problems leading to civil
unrest. This unrest was exploited by religious elements that wanted Ahmediyas to be declared as
Non-Muslims. The government of Khawaja Nazimuddin was criticized for lacking firmness in
the maintenance of law and order and dealing with the economic situation. In 1953 Malik
Ghulam Mohammed dismissed Khawaja Nazimuddins government and appointed Muhammad
Ali Bogra as new Prime Minister.
Political Activities
Ban over political parties: For Ayub Khan political leaders created political instability in the
country, they also blocked the way of countrys progress. To culminate the influence of the
political leaders and parties and to prevent their entry into politics Ayub Khan banned all
political parties under Martial Law Regulation of 1958.
Basic Democracies: The 1st step in Ayub Khans constitutional reforms came with the
introduction of the Basic Democracies Order on 26th October 1959. This four-tier system in
which ordinary people elected union council members who in turn elected district and divisional
members Later it was stated in the 1962 Constitution that the 80,000 elected Basic Democrats
would also form the electoral college for the election of the President and members of the
Central and Provincial Legistatures. System of Basic Democracies deprived the common people
from taking part in the election of President, National and Provincial assemblies directly.
At the end of 1959, Ayub asked the Basic Democrats for a vote of confidence. Almost 95% of
them declared their confidence in Ayub Khan and on 17th February 1960 he was confirmed as
President of Pakistan for the next 5 years.
Constitutional Changes: On 17th February 1960 Ayub Khan announced the creation of a
Constitution Commission to make recommendations for a new constitution. Ayub Khan
introduced the 2nd Constitution on 1st March 1962; he described it as combining Democarcy
with Discipline. It was Federal and Presidential type of constitution.
Constitution of 1962 provided democratic dictatorship, as it provided the President
dictatorial powers. The Governors and Ministers were appointed by the President and
could dissolve the assembly. The Constitution was dictated by Ayub Khan and imposed
without any discussion in Parliament.
After the introduction of 2nd Constitution in 1962, Martial Law was lifted and ban on
Political parties was removed. It appeared that Pakistan was moving nearer to a
democratic system, but actually, Ayubs reforms had increased the powers of the ruling
elite. This had happened because the major landlords dominated the elections to the Basic
Democracies and often used coercion or bribery to influence the results.
The Constitution also further upset the people of East Pakistan. They felt that they would
have little part in governing Pakistan. Gradually they were coming to realize that
Pakistans government was in the hands of military and civil officials from West
Pakistan. Various steps were taken to placate East Pakistanis: (1) Both Urdu and Bengali
were recognized as two of the national languages. (2) The National Assembly Session
was to be held in both Dhaka and Islamabad. (3) If the President were from West
Pakistan, then the Speaker of the National Assembly was to be from East Pakistan.
Despite these measures the people of East Pakistan still believed that West Pakistanis
governed Pakistan. This resulted in feeling of unease in East Pakistan.