MGemar PE Exam Transportation Supplement 9-29-14

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The document covers topics related to transportation engineering and design, including horizontal and vertical alignment, traffic signals, roundabouts, and sidewalk design.

The document discusses problems and solutions related to horizontal and vertical alignment design, traffic signals, roundabouts, railroad crossings, and sidewalk design.

The process involves determining the rate of grade change, calculating the distance to the low or high point using the rate of grade change, and using that distance and the entrance and exit grades to calculate the station and elevation.

Transportation Engineering

PE Supplemental Problem Set

Prepared by: Mason Gemar, PhD, P.E., PTOE

Test Masters Educational Services, Inc.

PE Supplemental Problem Set
1. Calculate the stopping sight distance in feet for a roadway segment with a design speed of 88
fps and a -5% grade. Assume the vehicles deceleration rate is 11.2 ft/s2 and the driver
reaction time is 2.7 sec.

2. Which of the following colors is unassigned as a sign color in the MUTCD:


Fluorescent Pink
Light Blue

3. A 6-lane undivided highway is to be superelevated about the centerline from a normal crown
of 2% to a rate of 6.4%. With a design speed of 55 mph and a lane width of 11 ft, find the
minimum length of superelevation runoff and the minimum length of tangent runout in feet:

4. Which of the following are true about urban collectors:

I) A design speed of 30 mph or higher should be used for urban collectors
II) Within the traveled way, lanes should range from 9 ft to 12 ft in width
III) The vertical clearance at underpasses should be 14 ft or greater over the entire
roadway width.
IV) Their function is equally divided between mobility and access
V) The maximum grade for urban collectors with a design speed of 50 mph along rolling
terrain should be 11 percent
5. The suggested clear-zone range in feet from the edge of through travel lane along the outside
radius of a 1,200 ft horizontal curve with a design speed of 45 mph, a design ADT of 1,150
vpd, and a foreslope of 1:6 is most nearly:

6. A circular horizontal curve has the following data:

Intersection angle = 32.5 degrees

Degree of curve = 6.74 degrees
Station of the PI = 31+50.00

Find the station of the PT.

7. An intersection has an approach with a 35 mph approach speed, a +2% approach grade, and a
cross-street width (curb to curb) of 52 ft. The total green, yellow, and all-red time for the
approach phase is 40 sec, including a 3-sec change interval. Calculate the time, in seconds,
for the green interval assuming a vehicle length of 20 ft.

8. A vertical curve has the following data:

Length of curve = 250 m

Back tangent grade = -3%
Forward tangent grade = +4%

Calculate the rate of grade change for the curve.

9. For a 40-ft pedestrian crosswalk, the WALK indication is displayed for 8 sec. A flashing
DONT WALK indication is displayed during the remaining green and yellow intervals. The
adjacent approach speed is 40 mph and approach grade is -3%. Assuming the pedestrian
walking speed is 3.5 fps, driver reaction time is 1.5 sec, and deceleration rate is 11.2 ft/s2,
calculate the green time, in seconds, that must be displayed.

10. This alternate color to yellow may be used on crossing warning signs, such as the W11-15:

11. Which of the following is not true about sidewalks:


A network of sidewalks should meet ADA requirements

The minimum clear width for a sidewalk is 4 ft
Sidewalks must be constructed with a maximum cross slope of 2%
A post-mounted object shall not overhang more than 4 inches per side of post when
located 8 ft above the sidewalk

12. A PCC pavement is to be overlayed with an HMA surface course with a structural layer
coefficient of 0.44. The effective structural number of existing pavement is 5.12. Assuming
the required structural number for future traffic is 6.0, find the required overlay thickness in

13. A ramp is superelevated at a rate of 5.2% with a paved outside shoulder sloping in the
opposite direction away from the traveled way. Find the maximum rate the shoulder can be
sloped to prevent vehicle roll over:

14. A vertical curve has the following data:

Design speed = 55 mph

Stopping sight distance = 495 ft
Back tangent grade = +4%
Forward tangent grade = -6%

Assuming the standard eye and object height criteria and that the sight distance is less than
the length of curve, calculate the minimum length of vertical curve.

15. A critical foreslope is steeper than what rate:

16. A circular horizontal curve has a tangent length of 200 m and an intersection angle of
35 degrees 30 minutes 40 seconds. Calculate the length of the middle ordinate in meters.

17. Which of the following is not true about freeway facilities:


Along six-lane urban freeway sections, the minimum median width is 22 ft

Curbs shall not be used along rural freeway sections
A freeway interchange involves at least one grade separation
Freeways have full access control

18. An equal tangent vertical curve has the following data:

Length of curve = 900 ft

Back tangent grade = -3%
Parabola constant = 0.00005
Station of the PVC = 200+50
Station of the PVI = 205+00

Find the station of the low point along the curve.

19. Typical spacing of chevron alignment signs on horizontal curve with an advisory speed of 25
mph and a curve radius of 320 ft is:

20. A median barrier is required for an 8-ft wide, flat median, which of the following barriers
would be considered the best option for installation in the center of the median:

High-Tension Cable Barrier

Low-Tension Cable Barrier
Weak-Post W-beam
Blocked-Out W-beam

For problems 21-22, use the following information for an asphalt pavement being designed using
the AASHTO structural design method:
AC surface course
Crushed stone base course
Sandy gravel subbase

Coefficient of
Structural Layer

21. If the asphaltic concrete surface course has a structural number of 1.1, calculate the minimum
thickness of the layer.

22. If the surface course and the base course are 3 inches and 6 inches thick, respectively, and the
structural number for the pavement is 3.0, calculate the appropriate thickness of the subbase.

23. Find the minimum passing zone length, in feet, for a posted speed of 40 mph:

24. A horizontal curve has the following data:

Radius = 1600 ft
Superelevation rate = 10%
Side friction factor = 0.09

Calculate the maximum design speed in mph for the roadway through the curve.

25. For overhead sign supports, find the minimum lateral offset from the edge of shoulder to the
near edge of overhead sign supports:

26. A median opening is to be designed along a roadway to accommodate a SU-30 design

vehicle to turn onto a perpendicular intersecting street. Find the appropriate control radius
for the turning vehicle to prevent vehicle encroachment on adjacent lanes, along with the
minimum length of median opening, in feet, assuming the median width is 20 ft and has a
symmetrical bullet nose design. Also, find the minimum length of median opening, in feet, if
the cross street was at a 30 degree skew with the roadway.

27. Which of the following is a common type of failure for rigid pavement:

Reflective cracking

28. Which of the following are true of pedestrian crossings:

I) A no parking zone of 20 ft from a crosswalk should be provided on urban streets with
30 mph speed limits
II) Curb ramps should be designed for a 10% grade
III) Longitudinal striping is not used for crosswalk markings
IV) Parallel curb ramps are generally the best design for pedestrians
V) When a midblock crossing exceeds 60 ft in length, a median or crossing island should
be considered
29. A straight section of roadway has an ADT of 5,500 vpd, a design speed of 70 mph, a 10 ft
shoulder, and an embankment slope of 1V:10H. The required length of need of flared
guardrail, with a 45 ft transition length, in advance of a roadside obstacle, using the
suggested flare rate, is most nearly:

30. A roadway with a design speed of 88 ft/s is to have a spiral curve transition for a circular
curve with a radius of 1,550 ft. Using driver comfort as the design criteria, find the minimum
and maximum length of spiral, along with the associated maximum recommended radius for
use of a spiral transition, in feet, assuming a maximum rate of change in lateral acceleration
of 1.2 m/s2; does the design radius exceed the recommended maximum?

31. A lane drop marking used in advance of a freeway exit ramp should begin at least this far in
advance of the theoretical gore:

32. Which of the following are advantages of one-way urban streets:

I) Operational speeds are likely to be reduced
II) A reduction in head-on crashes
III) Additional capacity is achieved through more efficient signal operation
IV) A reduction in travel distance
V) Better facilitation of on-street parking
33. A rigid pavement is to be designed with an 8-inch subbase. The roadbed soil modulus is
5,000 psi and the subbase elastic modulus is 75,000 psi. Assuming a semi-infinite subgrade
depth, find the composite modulus of subgrade reaction in pci.

34. A 2-lane local rural road has a design hour volume of 102 vehicles, a design speed of 40
mph. Assuming the minimum width of travel way, find the minimum graded shoulder width
and clear roadway width for bridges in feet:

35. Find the suggested distance from the edge of traveled way beyond which a roadside barrier
will not be perceived as an obstacle for a design speed of 70 mph:

36. A vehicle approaches a rail crossing without train-activated warning devices at 40 mph, with
an oncoming train traveling at 80 km/h. Find the design sight distance along the railroad from
the crossing and the sight distance along the highway from the crossing necessary for the
vehicle to come to a stop 15 ft from the tracks, in feet. If the vehicle moves up to 10 ft from
the tracks, determine the required sight distance leg in feet along the railroad tracks for the
vehicle to safely depart and cross the tracks after the train has passed.


37. A vertical curve is being designed for a roadway with a 50 mph design speed. The entrance
grade is 2.2% and the exit grade is -2.0%. Assuming a design based on stopping sight
distance, determine the minimum length of curve.

38. Which of the following is not a specific feature of a roundabout:


Yield control for entering vehicles

All approaches are channelized
Only one entering lane
A total of eight conflict points for a four-leg intersection

39. Find the total number of traffic signal warrants. Determine the number of these warrants that
require vehicular volume at an intersection to evaluate.

40. A 600 ft equal tangent sag vertical curve has a PVC station of 200+00 at 42 ft elevation. The
entrance grade is -4.5% and the exit grade is 3.0%. Determine the elevation and stationing of
the PVI, PVT, and the low point of the curve.


PE Supplemental Problem Set - Solutions
Solution to Problem #1:
This problem requires use of the stopping sight distance (SSD) equation
SSD = 1.47Vt +

30 32.2 

 = driver reaction time = 2.7 seconds (as given)

 = deceleration rate = 11.2 ft/s (as given)
 = percent grade = 5% (as given)/ 100 = 0.05
88 ft 3600 s
1 mi
- = design speed =

= 60 mph (note the unit conversion)

1 h
5,280 ft
SSD = 1.47(60 mph)(2.7 s) +

(60 mph)

11.2 ft/s
30 5 32.2  0.056

= 238.1 ft + 402.9 ft = 641.0 ft

Solution to Problem #2:

Part 2 of the MUTCD covers signs, but Part 1 describes the color code for traffic control.
According to Section 1A.12 Color Code, two sign colors have been reserved but are yet
unassigned for application. They are coral and light blue (C).


Solution to Problem #3:

To find the minimum length of superelevation runoff and the minimum length of tangent runout,
the AASHTO Green Book, Chapter 3, can be used. The following equation for minimum length
of superelevation runoff, 3-23 on page 3-61, is provided:
89 =

(:;< )=>
(@A )

89 = minimum length of superelevation runoff, ft

: = width of one traffic lane, ft = 11 ft (as given)
;< = number of lanes rotated = 3 (as given)
=> = design superelevation rate, % = 6.4% (as given)
@A = adjustment factor for number of lanes rotated = 0.67(per Table 3 16 for 3 lanes)
= maximum relative gradient, % = 0.47(per Table 3 15 for 55 mph)
89 =

(11 3)6.4
(0.67) = 301 G

The following equation for minimum length of tangent runout, 3-24 on page 3-66, is provided:
8H =

(8 )
=> 9

8H = minimum length of tangent runout, ft

=IJ = normal cross slope rate, % = 2% (as given)
=> = design superelevation rate, % = 6.4% (as given)
89 = minimum length of superelevation runoff, ft = 301 ft (as calculated)
8H =

(301) = 94 G

Solution to Problem #4:

For information on urban collectors, the AASHTO Green Book Chapter 6, Section 6.3 Urban
Collectors can be reviewed. Based on the information provided in the aforementioned section,
the following statements are true about urban collectors: (I, III, IV).


Solution to Problem #5:

For information on clear-zone requirements, the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (2011) can be
used. In Chapter 3, Section 3.1 The Clear-zone Concept, Table 3-1 (page 3-3) lists suggested
clear-zone distances based on design speed, design ADT, and roadside slope. For roadways with
a design speed of 45 mph and an ADT between 750-1500 vpd, a foreslope of 1:6 corresponds to
a clear-zone range of 14-16 feet. Along a horizontal curve, an adjustment factor for the range in
Table 3-1 is used. These factors are found in Table 3-2 on page 3-4 and the following equation
is used:
KLM = (8M )(NMO )

KLM = Clear zone on outside of curve, ft

8M = Clear zone distance, ft (from Table 3 1) = 14 16 ft
NMO = Curve correction factor = 1.2 (for a radius of 1,200 ft and design speed of 45 mph)
Lower bound: KLM = (14 G)(1.2) = 16.8 RS ~17 G
Upper bound: KLM = #16 G%#1.2% = 19.2 RS ~19 G

Solution to Problem #6:

Given the station of the PI, finding the station of the PT requires first finding the station of the
PC using the tangent distance

V = tangent distance = [;(Y 2)

[ = radius =


] = degree of curve = 6.74 degrees (as given)

Y = intersection angle = 32.5 degrees (as given)

5729.58 5729.58
= 850 ft

V = 850 ft^;(32.52)_ = 248 ft

UVW XK = (3150) 248 = 2902 or STA 29+02

Now the station of the PT can be found using the length of curve UVW XV = UVW XK + 8

8 = length of curve = [Y

= 850(32.5) 
 = 482 ft

UVW XV = (2902) + 482 = 3384 or STA 33+84

Solution to Problem #7:

Since total phase time and the yellow (change) interval is given, we need to find the all-red
interval to determine the green time


a = width of intersection, curb to curb = 52 ft (as given)

b = length of vehicle = 20 ft (as given)
c = vehicle approach speed =

35 mi
1 h
5280 ft

3600 s
1 mi

= 51.3 fps (note the unit conversion)


52 ft + 20 ft
= 1.4 s
51.3 fps

d = length of yellow interval = 3.0 s (as given)

S==; fg= = 40 s d S = 40 s 3.0 s 1.4 s = 35.6 s


Solution to Problem #8:

Solving for the rate of grade change requires the following equation S = rate of change of grade =

hi jhk

m< = grade of back tangent = 3% (as given)/100 = 0.03

m = grade of forward tangent = +4% (as given)/100 = 0.04
8 = length of curve = 250 m

ro s

= 0.00028 RS 2.8 t 10jp

Solution to Problem #9:

This problem requires first solving for the yellow interval

2 64.4

 = driver reaction time = 1.5 s (as given)

40 mi
1 h
5280 ft
c = vehicle approach speed =

3600 s
1 mi
= 58.7 fps (note the unit conversion)
 = deceleration rate = 11.2 ft/s
 = percent grade = 3% (as given)/100 = 0.03
d = 1.5 s +

58.7 fps
= 1.5 s + 2.9 s = 4.4 s
2(11.2 ft/s ) 64.4(0.03)

Next, solve for the required time to cross the crosswalk (i.e. time required for flashing DONT
WALK indication)
KSR//:bu b=;m/:buf;m /w==x = 40 ft/3.5 fps = 11.4 s
To find the green time, add the WALK and flashing DONT WALK indication times and
subtract the yellow interval
S==; fg= = 8 s + 11.4 s 4.4 s = 15 s


Solution to Problem #10:

To find the alternate color for a crossing warning sign (denoted by the W), the MUTCD is
used. The chapter on warning signs, 2C, lists different warning signs and Figure 2C-10
displays the W11-15 with a note, A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for
this sign or plaque.

Solution to Problem #11:

For information on sidewalks, the AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of
Pedestrian Facilities (2004) can be reviewed. Based on the commentary, the one false statement
about sidewalks is that a post-mounted object shall not overhang more than 4 inches per side of
post when located 8 ft above the sidewalk (D).

Solution to Problem #12:

For information on pavement overlays, the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures
(1993) can be used. In Part III, Chapter 5 Rehabilitation Methods with Overlays, Section 5.5
AC Overlay of Fractured PCC Slab Pavement, relevant information is provided. The overlay
thickness for AC pavement over PCC pavement can be determined using the following equation
on page III-111:
xyz =

U{| U{}||

xyz = Required AC overlay thickness, inches

U{| = structural number for future traffic = 6.0 (as given)
U{}|| = effective structural number = 5.12 (as given)
yz = structural coefficient for the AC overlay = 0.44 (as given)

6.0 5.12
xyz =
= 2 f;=/
Solution to Problem #13:
The maximum algebraic difference in rate of cross slope is found in the AASHTO Green Book in
Chapter 4. In Figure 4-2 on page 4-3, the maximum value provided to prevent vehicle roll over
is 8%. For a superelevation rate of 5.2%, the remaining rate available for the shoulder is equal to
8% 5.2% = 2.8% or -2.8% since the shoulder is sloped in the opposite direction.


Solution to Problem #14:

Since its given that the standard eye and object height can be used and the sight distance is less
than the length of curve, the following equation is used
(Note that with a positive back tangent and negative forward tangent, the problem is identifying a
crest vertical curve.)
8 = length of curve (ft) =


W = absolute value of algebraic difference in grades = |6% 4%| = 10%

U = sight distance = 495 ft (as given)
= 1135 ft
Solution to Problem #15:
For information on roadside slopes, the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (2011) can be used.
According to Chapter 3, Section 3.2.1 Foreslopes, a critical foreslope is generally considered
steeper than 1V:3H.

Solution to Problem #16:

The middle ordinate can be calculated using the following equation
= length of middle ordinate = [^1 cos(Y 2)_
Y = intersection angle = 35 degrees + 30 min
= 35.51 degrees

1 degree
1 degree
 + 40 sec

60 min
3600 sec

The radius can be calculated using the tangent distance by rearranging the following formula
V = tangent distance = [;(Y 2) [ =
V = 200 m (as given)

H (/ )

200 m
= 625 m
; (35.51/2)

= 625 m^1 cos(35.512)_ = 29.8 m


Solution to Problem #17:

For commentary on freeway facilities and interchanges, the AASHTO Green Book Chapters 8
and 10 can be reviewed. Based on the information provided, the one false statement about
freeways is that curbs shall not be used along rural freeway sections (B).

Solution to Problem #18:

This problem requires first calculating the distance from the PVC to the low point along the
t = horizontal distance to min elevation on curve =


m< = grade of back tangent = 3% (as given)/100 = 0.03

 = parabola constant = 0.00005
t =

= 300 ft

Next, add the distance calculated to the PVC station to get the station along the curve at the
low point
UfR; RG = bR: wRf; = 20050 + 300 ft = 20350 or STA 203+50

Solution to Problem #19:

For information on signs, Part 2 of the MUTCD is used. According to Section 2C.09 Chevron
Alignment Signs (W1-8), Table 2C-6 on page 113, the typical spacing for chevron alignment
signs along a horizontal curve with an advisory speed in the range of 20-30 mph and a curve
radius in the range of 200-400 ft is 80 ft.

Solution to Problem #20:

To find the appropriate barrier for the median, the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (2011) is
used. The appropriate barrier is chosen based on the deflection characteristics of each barrier.
With an 8 ft median and a barrier placed in the center, the maximum deflection is 4 ft to keep
from encroaching on the traveled way. The only barrier with a design deflection distance less
than 4 ft is the blocked-out W-beam barrier (D).


Solution to Problem #21:

For the surface course, the structural number can be set equal to the product of the layer
coefficient and thickness. The terms can then be rearranged to establish the minimum thickness
U{< = < ]< ]<


U{< = /tructural number for the layer = 1.1 (as given)

< = layer coefficient for the layer = 0.44 (as given)

= 2.5 in

Solution to Problem #22:

To find the thickness of the subbase, given the information provided, the AASHTO structural
design method equation can be used U{ = < ]< +  ] + q ]q
U{ = structural number for the pavement = 3.0 (as given)
< = layer coefficient for layer 1 = 0.44 (as given)
 = 0.14 (as given)
q = 0.11 (as given)
]< = thickness of layer 1 = 3 in (as given)
] = 6 in (as given)
3.0 = 0.44(3 in) + 0.14(6 in) + 0.11]q
Rearrange to solve for D3

0.11]q = 3.0 2.16 = 0.84 ]q = o.<< = 7.6 in

It is typical to round up to the nearest half inch, so the appropriate thickness is 8 in.

Solution to Problem #23:

Minimum passing zone lengths are provided in the AASHTO Green Book in Chapter 3. Table 35 on page 3-14 provides passing zone lengths based on posted speed. For a posted speed of 40
mph, the minimum passing zone length is 750 ft.


Solution to Problem #24:

Begin by entering the known variables into the side friction factor equation
0.01= + G =
= = superelevation = 10% (as given)
G = side friction factor = 0.09 (as given)
[ = radius of curve = 1600 ft (as given)
- = design speed (mph)
0.01(10%) + 0.09 =
15(1600 ft)

Rearrange the equation to solve for the design speed

- = 4560 - = 67.5 mph
For a design speed, it is typical to round down to the nearest 5 mph, so the maximum design
speed accommodated through the curve is 65 mph.

Solution to Problem #25:

To find the minimum lateral offset from the edge of shoulder to the near edge of overhead sign
supports, the MUTCD is used. According to Section 2A.19 Lateral Offset on page 43 of the
MUTCD, the answer is 6 feet.

Solution to Problem #26:

Information on the minimum median opening width is found in the AASHTO Green Book in
Chapter 9. Table 9-26 on page 9-146 provides the control radius and minimum length of median
opening for the SU-30 design vehicle. Assuming a bullet nose median design with a width of 20
ft, and a perpendicular intersection, the control radius is 50 ft and the minimum length of median
opening is 56 ft.
Considering an intersection skew angle, with a 50-ft control radius, Table 9-28 on page 9-153 is
used. Since the bullet nose is symmetrical, a 30-degree skew and a 20 ft median width yield a
recommended median opening of 105 ft.


Solution to Problem #27:

For information on common failures for rigid pavements, the AASHTO Guide for Design of
Pavement Structures (1993), Part III, Chapter 3 Guides for Field Data Collection can be used.
Based on failures for reinforced concrete pavements noted in Table 3.4 on page III-30, the one
applicable failure of the answers provided is spalling (C).

Solution to Problem #28:

For information on pedestrian crossings, the AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and
Operation of Pedestrian Facilities (2004) can be reviewed. Based on the commentary provided
regarding crossings, the following are true statements: (I and V).

Solution to Problem #29:

Length of need for barrier installations is discussed in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide
(2011), Section 5.6.4 Length-of-Need. First, determine the clear-zone for an ADT of 5,500
vpd, a design speed of 70 mph, and a slope of 1V:10H. Using Table 3-1, the suggested clearzone is 28-32 ft with 30 ft recommended as a maximum for consistency (see note below table).
The following equation is used to determine the length-of-need:

8 +   #8< % 8


= length of need, ft
8 = lateral extent of concern, ft = 30 ft
8< = transition length, ft = 45 ft (as given)
8 = barrier offset, ft = 10 ft (assumed to be the shoulder width)
8 = runout length, ft = 330 ft (for an ADT of 5,500 vpd and design speed of 70 mph)
Using a suggested flare rate of 15:1, per Table 5-9 on page 5-48, for a semi-rigid barrier system
at a 70 mph design speed, the equation becomes:

 (45) 10
= 146 G
  + 330

30 + 


Solution to Problem #30:

To find the minimum and maximum length of spiral, the AASHTO Green Book, Chapter 3, can
be used. The following equations for minimum length of spiral based on driver comfort, 3-26
and 3-27 on page 3-71, are provided:
Use the larger of 8, = 24(w )[

8, = 3.15

8, = minimum length of sprial, ft

w = minimum lateral offset between the tangent and circular curve, f
= 0.66 ft (default)
[ = radius of circular curve = 1,550 ft (as given)
ft 3600 s/h
- = design speed, mph = 88
= 60 mph
s 5280 ft/mi
K = maximum rate of change in lateral acceleration = 1.2 = 4 ft/s
8, = 24(0.66)1,550 = 157 G

8, = 3.15



= 110 G

Use 157 ft as minimum.

The following equation for maximum length of spiral based on driver comfort, 3-28 on page 372, is provided:
8, = 24(w )[

8, = maximum length of sprial, ft

w = maximum lateral offset between the tangent and circular curve, f
= 3.3 ft (default)
[ = radius of circular curve = 1,550 ft (as given)

8, = 24(3.3)1,550 = 350 G
The maximum radius for use of a spiral transition is provided in Table 3-20 on page 3-71 and for
a design speed of 60 mph, the maximum radius is 1,822 ft. Since 1,550 ft < 1,822 ft, the design
radius does not exceed the maximum suggested value.


Solution to Problem #31:

To find information on pavement marking placement, the MUTCD is used and Part 3 covers
pavement markings. A lane drop marking is a white pavement marking, and according to
Section 3B.04 White Lane Line Pavement Markings and Warrants, lane drop markings should
begin at least 1/2 mile in advance of the theoretical gore along a freeway.

Solution to Problem #32:

For information on one-way urban streets, the AASHTO Green Book Chapter 7, Section 7.3.12
Operational Control and Regulations under Urban Arterials can be reviewed. Based on the
commentary provided, including advantages and disadvantages of one-way streets on page 7-48,
the following are noted advantages: (II, III, V).

Solution to Problem #33:

To find the composite modulus of subgrade reaction, the AASHTO Guide for Design of
Pavement Structures (1993), Part II, Chapter 3 Highway Pavement Structural Design can be
used. Using Figure 3.3 on page II-39, the value can be obtained with the provided inputs of
subbase thickness (8 inches), roadbed soil modulus (5,000 psi), and subbase elastic modulus
(75,000 psi). Based on the graph, the composite modulus of subgrade reaction should be
approximately 400 pci.

Solution to Problem #34:

The minimum graded shoulder width and clear roadway width for bridges along local rural roads
is found in the AASHTO Green Book in Chapter 5. This is based on daily design volume, which
requires converting the provided design hour volume to a daily volume. To do this, an assumed
K-factor for a rural road is needed. Typical K-factors for rural roads are in the range of 12 to 18
percent. Assuming a K-factor of 15 percent (note: all in range provide the same overall answer):
W]V =

]- 102
= 680 cwx

The design volume is in the range of 400 to 1500 vpd, and according to Table 5-5 on page 5-6,
the minimum width of traveled way for a design speed of 40 mph is 20 ft, and width of graded
shoulder on each side of the road is 5 ft. For a design volume in the range of 400 to 2000 vpd,
the minimum clear roadway width for bridges is equal to the traveled way plus 3 ft on each side,
20 G + 3 G + 3 G = 26 G.


Solution to Problem #35:

The distance from the edge of traveled way beyond which a roadside object will not be perceived
as an obstacle is known as the shy distance according to the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide
(2011). In Chapter 5, Section 5.6.1 Barrier Offset, suggested shy-line offsets for barriers are
provided based on design speed are provided in Table 5-7 on page 5-41. For a design speed of 70
mph, the suggested shy-line offset is 9 ft.

Solution to Problem #36:

For information on railroad crossing sight distance, the AASHTO Green Book Chapter 9, Section
9.12.4 Sight Distance under Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings can be reviewed. Based on
the information provided for Case A, moving vehicle approaching a crossing, Table 9-32 on page
9-191 can be used. For a train speed of 80 ug/~50 gw and a vehicle speed of 40 mph, the
distance along the crossing is 511 ft and the distance along the highway from the crossing is 324
ft. For Case B, if the vehicle moves up to 10 ft from the tracks, the table cannot be used and
instead, Equation 9-4 on page 9-189 is used:
x = W-

- 8 + 2] + a x

x = sight distance leg along the railroad tracks for departure maneuver, ft
W = constant = 1.47
- = speed of train = 50 mph (as given)
- = maximum speed of vehicle in first gear = 8.8 ft/s (default)
< = acceleration of vehicle in first gear = 1.47(default)
8 = length of vehicle = 73.5 ft (default)
] = distance from stop line to nearest rail = 10 ft (as given)
= sum of perception time = 2 sec (default)
a = distance between outer rails for single track = 5 ft (default)
x = distance vehicle travels while accelerating to max speed = 26.3 G (x=Gb)
x = 1.47 50

8.8 73.5 + 2 10 + 5 26.3

+ 2 = 1,190 G


Solution to Problem #37:

The first step is to determine the stopping sight distance for a design speed of 50 mph. This is
found using the AASHTO Green Book. For crest vertical curves this is found in Table 3-34 on
page 3-155. For a design speed of 50 mph, the stopping sight distance is 425 ft. Assuming that
the length of curve is greater than the stopping sight distance, Equation 3-43 is used:
8 = length of curve (ft) =


W = absolute value of algebraic difference in grades = |2% 2.2%| = 4.2%

U = sight distance = 425 ft
= 352 ft
Since the calculated value of L<S, the assumption was wrong and Equation 3-44 must be used:
8 = length of curve (ft) = 2U
8 = 2(425)

= 336 G


Solution to Problem #38:

For commentary on roundabouts, the AASHTO Green Book Chapter 9, Section 9.10
Roundabout Design can be reviewed. Based on the information provided, the one false
statement is that a roundabout is limited to one entering lane (C).

Solution to Problem #39:

Information on traffic signal warrants is found in the MUTCD, Part 4 Highway Traffic
Signals, in Chapter 4C Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies. According to Section 4C.01 on
page 436, there are currently nine traffic signal warrants. Based on the commentary on each
warrant provided in the subsequent sections, seven traffic signal warrants require vehicular
volumes entering the intersection to evaluate. The only two that do not are Warrant 5, School
Crossing and Warrant 6, Coordinated Signal System.


Solution to Problem #40:

The PVI station is first found by adding half the length of curve to the PVC station: 200+00 +
(600 ft/2) = 203+00.
The PVT station is found by adding the length of curve to the PVC station: 200+00 + 600 ft =
The elevation of the PVI is found by the following: PVC elevation + 300 ft * (-0.045) = 42 +
(300*-0.045) = 28.5 ft
The elevation of the PVT is found by the following: PVI elevation + 300 ft * (0.03) = 28.5 +
(300*0.03) = 37.5 ft
The station of the low point is found by determining the distance from the PVC to the low point.
This is done by first calculating the rate of grade change:
[ =  < /8

[ = rate of grade change

 = exit grade = 0.03 (as given)
< = entrance grade = 0.045 (as given)
8 = length of curve, ft = 600 G (as given)
[ = 0.03

= 0.000125

Then the distance to the turning point can be calculated:


= 360 G

The station of the low point is then found from adding x to the PVC station: 200+00 + 360 ft =
The elevation of the low point can then be found using the following equation:
0.000125(360 )
=b=c =
+ < t + =b=cJ =
+ (0.045)(360) + 42 G
=b=c = 33.9 G


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