Microsoft Power Point - InnoXchange Presentation

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27th APRIL 2009

A Dynamic Ecosystem

To update the JTPIN on the development of the Innovation

Exchange as a knowledge base platform under the Technology
thrust area.

The concept of Innovation Exchange was presented during the

3rd National Innovation Council on the 10th of November 2008.
Subsequently, the JTPIN meeting in February 2009 further
refined the scope and activities of InnoXchange.

This presentation is divided into two parts. Part 1 is an overview

of the InnoXchange project; Part 2 will be a live demonstration of
the InnoXchange portal and what has been done so far.






The Needs

Innovation Exchange is a virtual platform for efficient exchange

of ideas and knowledge complementing physical needs to

It will enabled better collaborations for the exchange of

knowledge among Researchers, Industries, SMEs, Academia,
Government, Students and the Public.

It will provide a platform for innovators to meet the investors for

their funding needs, collaboration, and commercialisation of
products or services.

Based on these needs, JTPIN (Technology) has embarked on the

development of INNOXCHANGE as a knowledge base platform to
support the realisation of the National Innovation Agenda.
The Needs

The innovation value chain from pre-R&D until commercialization requires continuous
sharing and exchange of information and data through a common platform



Foster & promote idea Supports the selection & Resources for innovators & Provide resources for
generation via interaction development of the ideas investors . Provides the commercialization. Assist
SUPPORTING & collaboration with into R & D. Provides screening & filtering process in providing ONE of the
community of the same resources for innovators for IP management and channels to promote and
interest as well as the & investors for this stage. commercialization. The first market the innovation and
experts. step towards realizing ideas ideas.
to results.

•Online Community •Resources for Innovators •Technology Marketplace •Virtual Showcase

INNOXCHANGE •Focus Group Forums •Resources for Investors •Commercialization •Market Insights
•Idea Depository •Resources for SME Management System •Industry Database Links
•Experts Panels Insights •Resources for Innovators
•Resources for Investors
•Resources for SME

Establish interest groups. Create database on R & D Create database on Establish virtual galleries &
Provide platforms for idea & its funding resources. commercialization, IPs & its links to existing
sharing , comments & Integrate to available R & D funding resources. commercialized R & D
THE PROCESS database. Integrate to
rating of the ideas. databases from MOSTI & Establish commercialization
Establish experts panel to MOHE . Establish a process management system. other market & industry
moderate & contribute. of continuous updates. databases. E.g SME &
The Approaches
An international benchmarking was conducted to examine the approach taken by
other countries and organizations implementing open innovation exchange. Below are
a few of the innovation exchange platform that was benchmarked.

InnovationXchange (IXC) Australia Innovation Exchange (IX)

A a non profit company that delivers intermediary service An online marketplace where diverse community members
to business and research. from all over the world respond to challenges posted.

Innovation Exchange (UK) Idea Connection

Operated by Innovation Unit, a non profit company Online portal that give businesses access to the world's most
established by the UK government. creative and innovative minds, who work collaboratively to
solve problems and develop innovations.

TekScout InnoCentive
An online open innovation network that enables posting An open innovation online community to provide solutions
of development challenges and reward for solving their to tough problems in business, science, product
challenges in selected areas of science and engineering. development etc

Corporate Initiatives HumanGrid

P&G Connect & Develop A virtual data factory, which utilize online networking to
Dell Idea Storm provide solutions and solve tasks over the Internet.
Innovate with KRAFT
Nespresso : Coffee, art & innovation
The Approaches
The Approach : Organizational v Virtual
From the benchmarking study conducted, it was concluded that there are two major
approaches of implementing an innovation exchange i.e. institutional or virtual. The
table below looks at the advantage and disadvantage of these approaches.

Institutional Virtual

A dedicated organization to look into innovation. It will A virtual open innovation online workspace that facilitates the
provide the intermediary services to facilitate the exchange exchange of information across the innovation value chain.
of information across the innovation value chain.

Advantages Advantages
•Dedicated for the intermediary services •Utilize existing organizational support
•Information deposited is selectively shared •Lower cost of establishment
•Responsible for activities of the exchange •Relatively lower cost of operation
•Processes and scope regulated by organization •Truly supports open innovation
•More intimate and personalized •Support active collaboration with shared responsibilities
•Not bound by space, time and geographical limitations
•Utilize communities and networking
•Self regulation

Disadvantages Disadvantages
•The need to establish a new organization or entity •Processes is done virtually, no enforced intervention
•Larger cost of establishment •The need to define work distribution & responsibilities
•Relatively higher cost of operation
•Information is selectively shared
•Bound by space, time and geographical limitations
The Approaches
Based on the needs identified in the National Innovation Agenda and what is already
available in the country, InnoXchangeTM was developed as a “virtual gateway to
inculcate the culture of innovation and encourage the exchange of ideas among all
walks of life”

A platform to promote as well as foster

productive knowledge transfer for idea
generation, conversion & diffusion. Therefore
promoting the concept of open innovation.

Online resources of research &

commercialization, public inputs and links to
Government & private sector. Convergence of
innovators to spur future industries.

Links to information on innovative ideas, IP

sourcing, searching for partners & financing.
Complementing other resources for
The Benefits

Based on the implementation approach being undertaken, the following are the key
benefits of InnoxchangeTM.

•Central resources for information across the innovation value chain for
innovators, investors & SME.
•Facilitate idea generation, conversion & diffusion.
•Promote active collaboration & exchange of information across ministries &
government agencies.
•Promote collaboration between the government, industry and the academia.
•Encourage the development of homegrown technology.
•Spur commercialization activities and the culture of IPR.
•Relatively lower cost to mobilize and operate.
•Utilizing existing organizations for content management & support activities.
The Costs

The InnoxchangeTM approach of leveraging on existing facilities and collaborative

arrangement with relevant agencies and organizations will minimize the costs
involved whilst ensure speedier implementation.

•Mechanism and process integration between relevant organizations.

•Collaboration process as well as module responsibilities.
•Promotion of use.
•IP Policy & protection.
•Cost of establishing & development of the portal.
The Collaborations
InnoXchangeTM is collaborative in nature, breaking borders and barriers. This extends
to its associations with other innovation platforms and organizations. InnoXchangeTM
complement and co exists with other similar platforms.

Various Innovation Resources Market & Industry Databases

MASTIC Online Communities

Statistics Dept Universities

Other Technology Other Commercialization
Transfer Organizations Organizations

SMIDEC Research Inst

Other Innovation Exchange Platforms Other Innovation Organizations

The Progress Report

As of 27th April 2009. InnoXchangeTM system development is at the stage of

system integration, testing and commissioning as well as content population.
Initial data integration process with MOHE and MASTIC is currently being

System System System System Content

Requirement Design Development Integration Population

•dB •Forms
•User Interface
•Engine •Queries •dB •Modules
•Applications •Engine •Applications •Administration
•Hardware •Applications

Testing & Commissioning

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