Flat Earth No Space Travel
Flat Earth No Space Travel
Flat Earth No Space Travel
NASA is part of a conspiracy using their space program to uphold the premise
that the Earth is round. Space travel is impossible and photos are doctored.
Jack W. Administrator Flat Earth Forums, 2008 (The Flat Earth Society, Flat Earth FAQ,
Dec 12, http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=11211.0, Accessed: 6/22/11, SL)
Q: "What about satellites? How do they orbit the Earth?" A: Since sustained spaceflight is not possible,
satellites cannot orbit the Earth. The signals we supposedly receive from them are either
broadcast from towers or any number of possible pseudolites . However, temporary space-flight is
possible. Space Exploration and Government Q: "NASA and other world space agencies have pictures of the Earth from
space, and in those pictures the Earth is clearly a globe; in this day and age, hasn't it been proven beyond any doubt that the
Earth is round?" A: NASA and the rest of the world's space agencies who claim to have been to
space are involved in a Conspiracy to keep the shape of the Earth hidden. The pictures are
faked using simple imaging software. Q: "Are you saying NASA had Photoshop in the 1960s?" A: Of course
not. Back then the pictures taken were of far lower quality and were likely produced using analog means. Q: "Why has no
one taken a photo of the Earth that proves it is flat?" A: Only those connected to the Conspiracy have access
to heights from which the shape of the Earth can be discerned . Also, nobody has been to the
edge of the Earth and lived; conditions on the Ice Wall get increasingly treacherous the further
you get out, and navigation methods become unreliable that far south. It is also possible that
the Conspiracy is guarding the edge to prevent people from getting too close to the truth. Q:
"How did NASA create these images with the computer technology available at the time?" A: NASA did not send
rockets into space; instead, they spent a fraction of their funding on developing increasingly
advanced computers and imaging software to cover their lies. PLEASE NOTE: This means that
pictures confirming the roundness or flatness of the Earth DO NOT CONSTITUTE VALID
PROOF. Q: "What is the motive behind this Conspiracy?" A: Although their main objective can only be
speculated upon, the most favored theory is that of financial gain. In a nutshell, it would logically cost much
less to fake a space program than to actually have one, so those in on the Conspiracy profit
from the funding NASA and other space agencies receive from the government. Q: "If you're not
sure about the motive, why do you say there is a conspiracy?" A: Well it's quite simple really; if the Earth is in fact flat, then
the space agencies must be lying when they say it isn't. Q: "No one could possibly pull off such a conspiracy successfully."
A: Actually, they could. Q: "How are the world governments organized to carry out this conspiracy?" A: Only those
governments with space agencies that have actually been to space and produced round
pictures of the Earth need be in on the Conspiracy. And even in those cases only a limited
number of people within those governments need necessarily be involved. For the most part, even
those in the highest positions of these governments are probably unaware of the Conspiracy .
Q: "Why has this site not been shut down by the government?" A: Not enough people take this site seriously for it to be
perceived as a threat by those involved in the Conspiracy. Shutting it down, however, might open them up to suspicion. Q:
"There's no way the government could possibly guard the entire Ice Wall! It would take too many men! Millions of men!"
A: Not really. You could do it with a few hundred men and some basic equipment. But even so there's no reason to assume
the Ice Wall is guarded; the harsh conditions of the region make it very difficult to reach anyway. Q: "Why is NASA's space
shuttle runway curved?" A: It was specially constructed by NASA to be so. After all, NASA is at the heart of the
Earth is flat and covered by a dome no space travel possible oceans prove
Shenton, president of the Flat Earth Society, 1998 (Daniel, Why the Earth is Flat, The
Flat Earth Society, http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskopf/Flatearthsociety.htm, SL)
Water. Regardless of which train of thought you follow, it covers over seventy-five percent of our
planet's surface. And the atmosphere, also a fluid, covers the entire surface. The difference is why.
While flat-Earthers know that the ocean is really just a large bowl, (with great sheets of ice
around the edges to hold the ocean back), and the atmosphere is contained by a large dome,
the backwards "round-Earth" way of thinking would have you believe that all those trillions
of gallons of water and air just "stick" to the planet's surface.
assumption that the Earth was moving through outer space and not the fixed center of the
Universe, conducted an experiment to "prove" whether or not ether actually existed. In this
experiment, the general idea was to try to calculate the absolute speed of the earth relative to the fixed ether. In a sense, they
would emit a light pulse, and calculate how far it "trailed" behind the earth, much like tossing
a napkin out the window of a moving car to calculate the car's speed. It was assumed that, if
ether existed, the light pulse would fall back in one direction, giving the physicists a tangible "absolute"
speed of the earth. Their calculated speed: Zero. Yes, scientists Albert A. Michelson and Edward W.
Morley were baffled by this, wondering how the Earth could be sitting in one spot, while every aspect
of the teachings of Grigori Efimovich indicated that the planet must be orbiting its own sun, and therefore must be moving at
least with a critical orbital velocity. Moving quickly to avoid having to admit that they were wrong, they were able to
instead "infer" from their results that the ether must not exist, and that light must propagate through no
medium at all (impossible for a wave by the very definition of a wave). Their inference was generally accepted by the
scientific community (save a few notable exceptions, including Hendrik A. Lorentz) and the "ridiculous" notion of ether was
thrown out. But light waves would still require a medium for transmission, and the actual purpose of the
experiment was to determine the existence of that medium. The results speak for themselves: the Earth does
not move. And even if the Earth did, the problems inherent in keeping it moving through this light medium called ether are
overwhelmingly supportive of "Flat-Earth" theory.
If the earth was orbiting around the sun, everything on the surface would be thrown
Shenton, president of the Flat Earth Society, 1998 (Daniel, Why the Earth is Flat, The
Flat Earth Society, http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskopf/Flatearthsociety.htm, SL)
A second critical piece to the Efimovich model is that the Earth is not the center of the solar system either. It is,
according to "round Earth" theory, orbiting the sun at a radius of around five-hundred
million kilometers. Were this the case, the Earth would be an accelerated object in circular
motion around its sun. And thereby are the problems introduced. The Earth accelerating in circular
motion would behave no differently than would a car taking a corner: loose objects (humans
and animals would act like loose change or a cup of coffee on the dashboard) would slide
around, or be thrown off completely. There would be an apparent centrifugal force on
everything. During the day, when things would be facing the sun and therefore on the inside of the "orbit",
buildings would be crushed and humans beings squashed like grasshoppers in a centrifuge .
And at night, when everything would be at the outside, trees and buildings would be ripped from the
ground and flung into outer space, and humans wouldn't stand a chance . Obviously, there is a flaw in
Efimovich's "orbit" theory.
If the earth was round, the oceans would fall off the surface and evaporate
Shenton, president of the Flat Earth Society, 1998 (Daniel, Why the Earth is Flat, The
Flat Earth Society, http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskopf/Flatearthsociety.htm, SL)
Conventional thinking would suggest that the water would just run down the sides of the
Earth (to use the analogy again, like droplets running down the sides of a beach ball) and fall into
outer space, while the air would dissipate. Using the earlier mentioned idea of "gravitational
charge" gives some credibility to the theory. If the fluids were static, then exposure to the
gravitational field for a long enough period of time would allow their molecules to align
themselves with and be pulled in by the field. But fluids are not static, especially not in the
atmosphere and oceans. Great ocean currents run both at the surface and deep below,
carrying water across huge basins, keeping the solution far from stagnant. Jet streams of air
travel at hundreds of miles per hour through the atmosphere. And windblown rainclouds
carry vast quantities of evaporated seawater across miles of ground, releasing their load far
from its starting point. Water or air that (according to "round-Earth" theory) starts on one side of
the planet could end up completely on the other side in a matter of only a few days. With all this
turbulence and motion, if the world were round, the oceans should all fall "down" into the
sky, leaving the planet dry and barren, and the atmosphere would simply float away. Why, just
look at the moon. It is round, like a ball, and yet it has no atmosphere at all.
country. After the war, the world would be declared flat and Roosevelt would be elected first
president of the world. When the UN Charter was drafted in San Francisco, they took the flatearth map as their symbol." Why declare the world flat? Johnson responds that a prophesied condition for world
government (Isaiah 60:20) is that the "sun shall no more go down." This could be fulfilled by admitting that
sunrise and sunset are optical illusions. The UN did adopt for its official seal a world map
identical with the one on Johnson's office wall. But Franklin Roosevelt died coincident with the UN's birth,
and the other imminent events described by Johnson never came about. What did happen, according to conventional
historians, was that Russia and the U.S. began space programs. After the Russians sent up Sputnik in 1957, the space race
was on in earnest. The high point came in 1969, when the U.S. landed men on the moon. That, according to Johnson, is
nonsense, because the moon landings were faked by Hollywood studios. He even names the man
who wrote the scripts: the science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. But he acknowledges that the moon
landings were at least partly successful. "Until then," he says, "almost no one seriously considered the world a ball. The
landings converted a few of them, but many are coming back now and getting off of it." Perhaps the Space Shuttle is
intended to bolster the beliefs of these backsliders. Whatever its purpose, Johnson is convinced that
it is not intended to actually fly. Because it was built and tested almost in his back yard, he knows many people
who worked on it. What they've told him about some aspects of its construction only reinforces his convictions. " They
moved it across the field," he sneers, "and it almost fell apart. All those little side pieces are on with epoxy,
and half fell off!" The Shuttle had other problems besides heat resistant tiles that wouldn't stick.
For instance, when the testers tried to mount it on a 747 for its first piggy-back test flight, it
wouldn't fit. "Can you imagine that?" chortles Johnson. "Millions of dollars they spent, and it wouldn't fit! They had to
call in a handyman to drill some new holes to make the thing fit. Then they took it up in the airand some more of it fell to
pieces." If the Shuttle ever does orbit on its own, it's supposed to return to Edwards Air Force Base. To Johnson, that's
appropriate enough. "Do you know what they're doing at Edwards right now?" he asks. "'Buck Rogers in the 25th Century' is
made right where they claim they're going to land the Shuttle. Edwards is strictly a science-fiction base now.
"Buck is a much better science program, considerably more authentic. In fact, I recommend that the government get out of
the space business and turn the whole thing over to ABC, CBS, and NBC. The tv networks do a far superior job. They could
actually pay the government for rights, and it wouldn't cost the taxpayers a penny." Flat Earth Society members are working
actively to bring the Shuttle charade to an end. They hope to force the government to let the public in on what the power elite
has known all along: the plane truth. "When the United States declares the earth is flat," says Charles
Johnson, "and we hope to be instrumental in making it do so, it will be the first nation in all
recorded history to be known as a flat-earth nation. "In the old days, people believed the earth
was flat, because it's logical, but they didn't have a picture of the way it was, as we have today.
Our concept of the world is new.
are, from an early age, told to accept it without question and in the face of our own first-hand
experience. But as 16th Century mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace stated, "The weight of evidence for an
extraordinary claim must be proportioned to its strangeness." The Spherical Earth model is
truly extraordinary and runs contrary to all of our senses . Consequently, the burden of proof is
extraordinary - and this burden has never been met. But, because the idea is so firmly
ingrained in our culture, few of us bother to hold the Spherical Earth model to account. This
tendency to firmly maintain beliefs while intentionally disregarding opposing evidence particularly evidence in the form of first-hand experience -is intellectually dishonest and unscientific. Man's
quest for truth is furthered only through experience and reason. During the 19,h Century, Samuel Birley
Rowbotham pioneered an approach to astronomy called Zetetic Astronomy. Zeteticism stresses the
importance of reason and experience over the trusting acceptance of dogma. This emphasis on
experience as the only source of true knowledge dates back to ancient Greek empiricists such as
Aristotle and was also prominent in the more recent British empiricism espoused by [ohn Locke. In his An Essay
Concerning Human Understanding, Locke states, "No man's knowledge can go beyond his experience."
explained by some unknown object occulting the sun or moon. Zetetic cosmology is 'faithbased', based, that is, on a literal interpretation of selected Biblical quotes. Hell is exactly as
advertised, directly below us. Heaven is not a state of mind, it is a real place, somewhere above us. He uses
Ussherian Biblical chronology to mock the concept that stars could be millions of light years
away. He attacks the concept of a plurality of worlds because no other world than this one is
mentioned in the Bible.