Discussion of Findings

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This study seeks to foster an understanding of the workplace environment between

management and employees. In doing so the sociological theory can then be applied to
further explain the organization being studied and the intricacies of the aforementioned,
management and employee interaction. A major question addressed in in the research was
the question of what motivates individuals in the workplace to perform tasks. Motivaton
is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviours
(Cherry and Cherry, 2015).
According to the data gathered during the research the majority of the respondents felt
that there were motivators present in the workplace. These motivators usually took the
form of the salaries they receive monthly, opportunities for promotion, flexible work
hours, the comfortable work atmosphere and the good, solid professional relationship
between employees and managers.
This phenomenon of motivators in the workplace was discussed by psychologist
Frederick Herzberg in his motivation- hygiene theory. A major aspect of his theory was
the examination of the factors leading to job satisfaction or job dissatisfaction. Job
satisfaction is viewed as an outgrowth of achievement, recognition (verbal), the work
itself (challenging), responsibility and advancement (promotion) (Miner,2005).
Therefore the workers at Crosstown Accounting seemed to be experiencing some level of
job satisfaction since most of these factors were present in their workplace.
Job dissatisfaction according to Hrezberg however results from, company policies,

supervision, relationship with supervisors and peers, work conditions, salary, status,
security (Miner, 2005). Therefore if the data is to be observed one can come to the
conclusion that there were not many dissatifiers or hygiene factors at crosstown
accounting. However one hygiene factor was the fact that some employees were not
satisfied with the professionalism of relationships between managers and employees.
Maslow was also another theorist whose work was applicable to our research.
Maslow in his theory set up a hierarchy of five levels of basic needs. within the levels of
needs an individual does not feel or be aware of the second need until the first need has
been met and the process continues. The pyramid of needs is divided into two categories:
deficiency needs (physiological and safety) and growth needs (belonging, self-esteem and
self-actualisation). If the deficiency needs aren't satisfied, the person will feel the deficit
and this will stifle his or her development.
Thus Maslows theory applied to a work situation implies that managers have the
responsibility to ensure that deficiency needs are met. this therefore means that they are
tasked with providing a safe environment for workers and proper wages. With respect to
Crosstown Accounting the employee's basic needs are being met. another role of the
manager is to create an environment in which the employee can reach their full growth
potential.Failure to do so would result in poor employee performance and dissatifaction.
However the majority of employees are of the opinion that their needs are being provided
for, in terms of environment as well as room for growth.
In order to further improve the workplace along the lines of Maslows theory of
hierachy of needs

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