Anti-Cancer Activity of Silymarin On MCF-7 and NCIH-23 Cell Lines
Anti-Cancer Activity of Silymarin On MCF-7 and NCIH-23 Cell Lines
Anti-Cancer Activity of Silymarin On MCF-7 and NCIH-23 Cell Lines
ISSN 1992-006
IDOSI Publications, 2014
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.abr.2014.8.2.82286
Cancer Cells
Corresponding Author: Selvam Arjunan, Department of Biotechnology Indian Academy Degree College Hennur Main Road,
Kalyan Nagar Bangalore 560043, India. Tel: +91 7760867365.
Cell Lines: MCF-7 and NCI-H23 cells were cultured and
were treated with Silymarin. RNA extraction was done by
Trizol reagent. The RNA samples were subjected to cDNA
synthesis and real time PCR for apoptotic mRNA
expression. Six common apoptotic gene expressions were
analyzed in the Silymarin induced MCF-7 and NCI-H23
cells by Real Time PCR.
RNA Extraction by Trizol Reagent: MCF -7 and NCI-H23
cancer cell lines we have procured from NCCS (National
Center for Cell Science), Pune, India. Cells were cultured
and induced with Silymarin and incubated for 24hrs. After
incubation cells were trypsinised and centrifuged for 5min
at 3000rpm to pellet the cells. Wash the pellet with 2-3
times with sterile PBS for RNA isolation.
In detail, 300 L of Trizol solution was added to the
cell pellet and vortexed. The reaction mix was incubated at
RT for 5 minutes and followed by 80L of chloroform was
added and mixed well. Then the mix was incubated at RT
for 5 minutes and followed by centrifugation at 11,000 g
for 15 minutes at 4C. The aqueous phase was collected
into a separate 1.5mL micro centrifuge tube and added
150L of isopropyl alcohol, mixed well. The reaction mix
was incubated at RT for 10 minutes followed by
centrifugation at 13,000 rpm for 10 minutes at 4C. RNA
was the pelleted with 75% absolute alcohol and
centrifuged at 9,000g for 10 minutes at 4C. Air dries the
pellet and resuspended in 10L of RNase free water for
further use.
The MCF-7 and NCI-H23 cells were cultured in MEM
complete medium. The medium was supplemented with
10% heat inactivated fetal bovine serum, antibiotics. The
cells were maintained at 37 C in a 5% CO2 incubator and
the media were changed frequently. The cell morphology
has been analyzed after treatment with Silymarin for 24hrs.
As the result, figure 1 showed that, there is an cell death
as well inhibition of cell proliferation after drug treatment
(Fig 1 B and Fig 1D).
In order to check the inhibition activity of Silymarin
on NCIH-23 and MCF-7 cells were plated and treated with
different concentration of the drugs like, 12.5g, 25 g, 50
g, 100 g and 200 g respectively. At the end of
silymarin treatment after 5days, MTT assay was
performed. As the result shown in the figure 2, inhibition
activity was measured based on the cell number. 58.54 %
inhibition activity shown in NCIH-23 cell line in
comparison to MCF-7 cell line 48.14% was shown.
Fig. 1: A and C: MCF-7 cell lines and NCI-H23 cell lines before silymarin treatment; B and D: MCF-7 cell lines and NCIH23 cell lines after silymarin treatment for 24hrs.
Fig. 2: Anti cancer activity of silymarin on MCF-7 and NCIH-23. Graph showing the percentage proliferative inhibition
values of cell lines. All he values are average of triplicates.
Fig. 3: Graph showing the Quantification of mRNA levels of apoptosis responsive genes
To investigate the molecular mechanism of
Silymarin induced apoptosis in MCF-7 and NCI-H23
cells, the expression levels of six apoptosis-related
genes were examined. Bcl-2, Bax and p53 are three major
proteins generally involved in apoptosis. The relative
quantification of apoptotic genes, caspase-3 (0.5407+/0.001) APAF1 (0.29284+/-0.02) and TP53 (1.0000+/- 0.020)
were expressed in NCI-H23 (Lung cancer) among six
apoptotic genes. mRNA levels were performed using one
step RT-PCR SYBR Green mix quantitative real-time
reverse transcription PCR using a CF96 Real-Time System.
Figures 3 and 4 summarize the gene expression changes
of APAF1, caspase-3 and TP53. Silymarin treatment
increased the number of transcripts of caspase-3, APAF1
and TP53 by several fold. The expression levels of these
genes in MCF-7 cells treated with 49g/ml ZR extract after
for 24hrs.