Mole Calculations Worksheet

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Mole Calculations Worksheet

Part 1
1) Calculate the number of moles of potassium hydroxide that must be dissolved to
make the following solutions:
500cm3 of 1 mol/l
200cm3 of 0.5 mol/l
(iii) 100cm3 of 0.1 mol/l
(iv) 2 litres of 0.25 mol/l
250cm3 of 2 mol/l
2) Calculate the concentration of each of the following solutions of hydrochloric
1 mol of HCl dissolved to make 100cm3 of solution
2 mol of HCl dissolved to make 1 litre of solution
(iii) 0.1 mol of HCl dissolved to make 500cm3 of solution
(iv) 0.5 mol of HCl dissolved to make 250cm3 of solution
0.4 mol of HCl dissolved to make 200cm3 of solution
3) Calculate the volume of each of the following solutions of sodium hydroxide
1 mol/l solution containing 2 mol of solute
0.5 mol/l solution containing 1 mol of solute
(iii) 2 mol/l solution containing 0.1 mol of solute
(iv) 0.1 mol/l solution containing 0.5 mol of solute
0.4 mol/l solution containing 0.1 mol of solute

Part 2 using both triangles

1) Calculate the number of grams of substance needed to make each of the
following solutions
50cm3 of NaOH (aq), concentration 2 mol/l
100cm3 of KOH (aq), concentration 0.5 mol/l
(iii) 1 litre of Na2CO3 (aq), concentration 0.1 mol/l
(iv) 25cm3 of lithium nitrate solution, concentration 0.2 mol/l
250cm3 of ammonium sulphate solution, concentration 1 mol/l
(vi) 200cm3 of calcium nitrate solution, concentration 0.25 mol/l
2) Calculate the concentration of each of the following solutions:
5.65g of NaCl dissolved to make 1 litre of solution
2.5g of CaCO3 dissolved to make 100cm3 of solution
(iii) 8g of NaOH dissolved to make 250cm3 of solution
(iv) 2.02g of potassium nitrate dissolved to make 50cm3 of solution
4g of copper (II) sulphate dissolved to make 100cm3 of solution

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