Life Without Death

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by Duncan Turner

Until recently, the thought that there might ever

be a cure for ageing seemed preposterous, growing older
and more decrepit appeared to be an inevitable and
necessary part of being human. Over the last decade,
however, scientists have begun to see ageing differently.
Some now believe that the average life-expectancy may
soon be pushed up to 160 years; others think that it may
be extended to 200 or 300 years. A handful even wonders
whether we might one day live for a millennium or more.
Behind this new excitement is the theory that the primary
cause of ageing lies in highly reactive molecules called
free radicals, left behind by the oxygen we breathe. Free
radicals react with the molecules in our bodies, damaging
DNA, proteins and other cell tissues, and are known to be
implicated in diseases as diverse as cataracts, cancer and
Alzheimer's. The body does its best to protect itself
against free radicals by producing its own chemicals to
prevent ageing, such as vitamins E and C, but it is always
fighting a losing battle.
A year ago Gordon Lithgow of the University of
Manchester discovered a way to help combat free
radicals. Using one of these anti-ageing chemicals, he
managed to increase the lifespan of one species of
earthworm by 50 per cent. Despite cautionary words from
the scientists, many welcomed this as the first step
towards a drug which would extend life. Research
involving the mutation of genes has also thrown up
fascinating results: after identifying two of the genes that
appear to control how long the earthworm lives, similar
genes were found in organisms as various as fruit-flies,
mice and human beings. When one considers the vast
evolutionary distances that separate these species, it
suggests that we may have discovered a key to how
ageing is regulated throughout the entire animal kingdom.
In June last year a small American company called
Eukarion sought permission to carry out the first trials of
an anti-ageing drug, SCS, on human beings. Although it
will initially be used to treat diseases associated with old
age, Eukarion said, that 'if the effect of treating diseases
of old age is to extend life, everyone's going to be happy.'
Some scientists, however, are quick to discourage
extravagant speculation. 'There is no evidence
whatsoever that swallowing any chemical would have an
effect on mammals', says Rich Miller of the University of
Michigan. 'And those people who claim it might need to
go out and do some experimenting'. Some research,
moreover, has produced alarming results. As well as
controlling ageing, these, genes also partly control the
hormones which regulate growth. The upshot of this is

that although the lives of mutant mice can be extended by

up to 80 per cent, they remain smaller than normal.
Quite apart from these sorts of horrors, the
ethical implications of extending human lifespan are likely
to worry many people. Even if the falling birth-rates
reported in the world's developed nations were to be
repeated throughout the world, would this be sufficient
to compensate for massively extended life-expectancy,
and would we be willing to see the demographic balance
of our society change out of all recognition? David Gems,
the head of the Centre for Research into Ageing at
University College, London, is enthusiastic about the
opportunities opened up by extended life, but even he
observes, 'If people live much longer, the proportion of
children would, of course, is very small. It strikes me that
it might feel rather claustrophobic: all those middle-aged
people and very few children or young people.'
The philosopher John Polkinghorne emphasizes
that any discussion of the merits of life-extending
therapies must take into account the quality of the life
that is lived: 'One would not wish to prolong life beyond
the point it had ceased to be creative and fulfilling and
meaningful,' he says. 'Presumably, there would have to
come a point at which life ceased to be creative and
became just repetition. Clearly, there are only so many
rounds of golf one would want to play.'
But Polkinghorne, a member of the Human
Genetics Commission, also observes that so far our
experience of extended life-expectancy has not resulted
in world-weariness. Throughout the last century, lifeexpectancy rose consistently, thanks to improved diet,
better hygiene, continuous medical innovation and the
provision of free or subsidized healthcare. In 1952 the
Queen sent out 225 telegrams to people on their 100th
birthday; in 1996 she sent out 5218. 'Consider also, the
lives of our Roman and Anglo-Saxon ancestors' he says. By
and large, the doubling of human lifespan we have seen
since then has not been a bad thing. Life has not become
frustrating and boring. For example, we now live to see
our children's children, and this is good.'

Vocabulary words:


1. What is the main idea of the article?
2. What are the moral issues regarding this
3. What will be the long-term effect to humanity
in case this will become a successful experiment
and people will enjoy this innovation?
4. How is natures balance be affected by this?

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