What Is Inland Container Depot (ICD) ?
What Is Inland Container Depot (ICD) ?
What Is Inland Container Depot (ICD) ?
A The present trend in the international trade is containerization of cargo. The full benefits of
containerization can be derived only when the containers are, permitted to be moved to points in
close proximity to important industrial station so that the importers can get clearance of the
imported goods at the nearest point to their factory/premise. The facility is helpful to the
exporters as they can export the goods from the nearest point of their factory/premise in order to
provide this facility some statutory conditions are to be fulfilled and necessary infrastructure
To start with, the Government of India issued a notification under Section 7 of the Customs Act
1962 appointing a suitable place as inland container Depot for the unloading of the import goods
and the loading of export goods or any class of such goods. After issue of such notification, the
Commissioner of Customs having jurisdiction over that place issues a notification under Section
8 of the Customs Act, 1962 approving proper places in the ICD for the loading and unloading of
the goods and also specify the limits of Customs area and post Customs Officers and staff to
attend to work.
In the case of export through ICD, the exporters are requested to file two additional copies of
Shipping Bills known as "Transference Copies" along with other documents as discussed. The
rest of if the procedure is the same as in the case of exports through Customs Port/Airport.
Q.4 What is the procedure in case the Containers are to be stuffed in the Factory premises?
A. Whenever the exporters intend to stuff their export cargo into the container at their factory
premises the exporters should requisition empty containers from steamer agents who normally
supply the containers and also seek the permission of the Customs authorities to remove the
empty containers from the port to their factory premises. This permission is necessary as the
containers are generally of foreign origin and when they are allowed to be taken out from the
customs area necessary precautions shall be taken by taking a Bond /Guarantee from the steamer
agents concerned to ensure that the empty containers permitted to be taken out are brought back
to the port/ICD. The exporters after obtaining the permission from the Customs authorities may
take empty containers to their factory. The exporters should requisition the services of central
excise officers in charge of the factory to examine the export goods and supervise loading into
the container. The central excise officers examine the goods with reference to the export invoice
etc., and permit the exporters to load their goods. After the loading is completed, the containers
are sealed with the Central excise seal and the Export invoice and other connected documents are
signed by the Central Excise Officers. A sample of the seal used to seal the container is
forwarded to customs officers of the PORT/ICD along with the other signed documents. On
receipt of the container and on presenting the shipping bill and other connected documents the
customs officers may verify the seal and allow export if the Central Excise seal is found intact
without further examination of the goods. However, if the seal on the container is found broken
or tampered with or on a reasonable suspicion regarding the correctness of the value or quantity
or quality of the goods in the container, the customs officers may re-examine the goods before
allowing export.