Oracle® Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

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Oracle Cloud

Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Release 13.1
Part Number E38517-01

February 2013

Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Part Number E38517-01
Copyright 2011-2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Authors: Asad Halim, Sreya Dutta
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1 Welcome to Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management Cloud Service
Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management Cloud Service: Overview ...........................1-1
Manage Application Implementation: Overview ..............................................................1-2
Project Management Offering: Overview ......................................................................... 1-3
Define Common Applications Configuration for Project Financial Management:
Overview ...............................................................................................................................1-4
Define Common Project Configuration: Overview ........................................................... 1-5

2 Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application

Define Project Foundation Configuration: Overview ........................................................2-1
Create Expenditure Types .................................................................................................2-2
Create Nonlabor Resources ...............................................................................................2-5
Create Rate Schedules .......................................................................................................2-7
Create Planning Resource Breakdown Structures ........................................................... 2-10
Create Project Types ........................................................................................................2-15

3 Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Costing Application

Define Project Costing Configuration: Overview ..............................................................3-1
Define an Additional Segment in the Cost Collection Flexfield ........................................ 3-2

4 Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application

Define Project Control Configuration: Overview ..............................................................4-1
Create Financial Plan Types ..............................................................................................4-1
Create Project Plan Types ............................................................................................... 4-15

5 Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Billing Application

Define Project Billing Configuration: Overview ............................................................... 5-1
Create Event Types ........................................................................................................... 5-1
Create Revenue Methods ..................................................................................................5-3
Create Invoice Methods .................................................................................................... 5-5
Create Invoice Formats ..................................................................................................... 5-8

6 Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Performance Reporting Application

Define Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Overview ..................................... 6-1

Create Key Performance Indicators

.................................................................................. 6-1

7 Configure Oracle Fusion Project Templates

Define Project Templates: Overview ................................................................................. 7-1
Create Project Templates ...................................................................................................7-1

This Preface introduces the guides, online help, and other information sources
available to help you more effectively use Oracle Fusion Applications.

Oracle Fusion Applications Help

You can access Oracle Fusion Applications Help for the current page, section,
activity, or task by clicking the help icon. The following figure depicts the help

You can add custom help files to replace or supplement the provided content.
Each release update includes new help content to ensure you have access to the
latest information. Patching does not affect your custom help content.

Oracle Fusion Applications Guides

Oracle Fusion Applications guides are a structured collection of the help
topics, examples, and FAQs from the help system packaged for easy download
and offline reference, and sequenced to facilitate learning. You can access the
guides from the Guides menu in the global area at the top of Oracle Fusion
Applications Help pages.
Guides are designed for specific audiences:

User Guides address the tasks in one or more business processes. They are
intended for users who perform these tasks, and managers looking for an
overview of the business processes. They are organized by the business
process activities and tasks.

Implementation Guides address the tasks required to set up an offering,

or selected features of an offering. They are intended for implementors.
They are organized to follow the task list sequence of the offerings, as
displayed within the Setup and Maintenance work area provided by
Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Concept Guides explain the key concepts and decisions for a specific
area of functionality. They are intended for decision makers, such as chief
financial officers, financial analysts, and implementation consultants. They
are organized by the logical flow of features and functions.

Security Reference Manuals describe the predefined data that is included

in the security reference implementation for one offering. They are

intended for implementors, security administrators, and auditors. They are

organized by role.
These guides cover specific business processes and offerings. Common areas are
addressed in the guides listed in the following table.

Intended Audience


Common User Guide

All users

Explains tasks performed by most


Common Implementation Guide


Explains tasks within the

Define Common Applications
Configuration task list, which is
included in all offerings.

Functional Setup Manager User



Explains how to use Oracle

Fusion Functional Setup Manager
to plan, manage, and track
your implementation projects,
migrate setup data, and validate

Technical Guides

System administrators,
application developers,
and technical members of
implementation teams

Explain how to install, patch,

administer, and customize Oracle
Fusion Applications.
Limited content applicable to
Oracle Cloud implementations.

For guides that are not available from the Guides menu, go to Oracle Technology
Network at

Other Information Sources

My Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle
Support. For information, visit
ctx=acc&id=info or visit
ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.
Use the My Oracle Support Knowledge Browser to find documents for a product
area. You can search for release-specific information, such as patches, alerts,
white papers, and troubleshooting tips. Other services include health checks,
guided lifecycle advice, and direct contact with industry experts through the My
Oracle Support Community.

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications provides details
on service-oriented architecture assets to help you manage the lifecycle of your

software from planning through implementation, testing, production, and

In Oracle Fusion Applications, you can use Oracle Enterprise Repository at for:

Technical information about integrating with other applications, including

services, operations, composites, events, and integration tables. The
classification scheme shows the scenarios in which you use the assets, and
includes diagrams, schematics, and links to other technical documentation.

Other technical information such as reusable components, policies,

architecture diagrams, and topology diagrams.

The content of Oracle Enterprise Repository reflects the latest release of Oracle
Fusion Applications.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Comments and Suggestions

Your comments are important to us. We encourage you to send us feedback
about Oracle Fusion Applications Help and guides. Please send your
suggestions to [email protected]. You can
use the Send Feedback to Oracle link in the footer of Oracle Fusion Applications

Welcome to Oracle Fusion Project
Financial Management Cloud Service
Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management Cloud Service:
Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management Cloud Service enables you to plan,
organize, and manage activities, resources, cost, billing, and revenue to bring
about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives.

Understanding Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management Applications

Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management Cloud Service includes the
following functionality by default.


Oracle Fusion Project Foundation

Includes common components that are shared across

the Project Financial Management applications
within Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management.
Includes the basic project plan structure and
components such as resource breakdown structures,
rate schedules, pricing, burdening, and cross-charge

Oracle Fusion Project Costing

Captures and processes commitments and costs

from Oracle Fusion Applications and third-party

Subscribe to the following Project Financial Management cloud services for

financial management and planning, billing, and reporting:
Cloud Service


Oracle Fusion Project Control

Oracle Fusion Project Control provides full-function

project planning, progress management, as well as
budgeting and forecasting.

Oracle Fusion Project Billing

Oracle Fusion Project Billing accelerates invoice

processing while reducing billing errors through a
functionally rich work area offering visibility into
formatted invoices with estimated taxes. Embedded
analytics for contract revenue, invoice, profitability
and margin give insight into potential contract and
payment problems.

Welcome to Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management Cloud Service 1-1

Oracle Fusion Project Performance Reporting

Oracle Fusion Project Performance Reporting helps

project-driven organizations keep pace through
project performance insight. It allows project
stakeholders to receive answers to critical business
questions and take action in real time, utilizing
a multidimensional model to deliver the right
information at the right time.

Enhance contract management and reporting capabilities by subscribing to the

following services:
Oracle Fusion Enterprise Contracts Management Base Cloud Service
Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence for Projects Cloud

Using Project Portfolio Management Implementation Documentation

This guide contains procedures that enable you to quickly and efficiently
configure the Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management Cloud Service to meet
your business requirements.
For general cloud setup documentation, refer to the Oracle Cloud Getting Started
with Oracle ERP Cloud Service guide.
For additional Project Financial Management implementation documentation,
refer to the Oracle Fusion Applications Project Management Implementation

Manage Application Implementation: Overview

The Manage Applications Implementation business process enables rapid and
efficient planning, configuration, implementation, deployment, and ongoing
maintenance of Oracle Fusion applications. Features include the following:
Configurable lists of implementation tasks
Task lists can be easily configured and extended to better fit with business
requirements. Auto-generated, sequential task lists include prerequisites
and address dependencies to give full visibility to end-to-end setup
requirements of Oracle Fusion applications.
Quick import or export of data across application instances
Specific implementations can become templates to facilitate movement
and reuse of consistent Oracle Fusion applications setup across many
environments or instances.
Comprehensive reporting
A set of built-in reports helps to analyze, validate, and audit
configurations, implementations, and setup data of Oracle Fusion
Use Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager to implement all Oracle Fusion
applications through a standard and consistent process. With Oracle Fusion
Functional Setup Manager, you can:

1-2 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Analyze implementation requirements.

Configure Oracle Fusion applications to match your business needs.
Address setup requirements through guided, sequential task lists
downloadable into Excel for implementation project planning.
Enter setup data through easy-to-use user interfaces available directly
from the task lists.
Export and import data from one instance to another for rapid setup.
Validate setup by reviewing setup data reports.

Project Management Offering: Overview

Use the Getting Started page in the Setup and Maintenance work area to access
reports for the Project Management offering, including full lists of setup tasks,
descriptions of the options and features you can select when you configure the
offering, and lists of business objects and enterprise applications associated with
the offering.
If you select all of the options, then the generated task list for this offering
contains the following task lists.
Task List


Define Common Applications Configuration for

Project Management

Define the configuration for common setup such as

users, enterprise and HR structures, security, and
common reference objects for Oracle Fusion Projects.
You can find other information that supports the
common implementation tasks in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Project Management Implementation
Guide and the Oracle Fusion Applications Financials
Concepts Guide.

Define Common Project Configuration

Configure components from other product offerings

that are used by Oracle Fusion Projects.

Define Project Foundation Configuration

Configure all foundation components for creating

and maintaining projects in Oracle Fusion Projects.

Define Project Costing Configuration

Configure Oracle Fusion Project Costing to collect,

monitor, and influence the costs associated with the
delivery of the project.

Define Project Control Configuration

Configure Oracle Fusion Project Control to monitor

project execution, progress, budgeting, and

Define Project Billing Configuration

Configure Oracle Fusion Project Billing to invoice

customers and recognize revenue for project

Define Project Performance Reporting Configuration Configure Oracle Fusion Project Performance
Reporting to collect and review project data against
defined performance areas.
Define Project Templates

Create and maintain project templates that have

features common in the projects you want to create.

Welcome to Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management Cloud Service 1-3

Define Transactional Business Intelligence


Define the configuration for Oracle Transactional

Business Intelligence to enable business intelligence
reporting with the Oracle Fusion Applications.

Define Extensions for Project Management

Define extensions such as custom Oracle Enterprise

Scheduler jobs.

The Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management Cloud Service does not
support integration with Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
using Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway.
Also, client extensions are not available if you use the Oracle Cloud.

Define Common Applications Configuration for Project Financial

Management: Overview
In the Define Common Applications Configuration for Project Financial
Management activity, you perform common setup steps such as defining users,
enterprise and human resource structures, security, and common reference
objects for Project Financial Management applications in Oracle Fusion Project
Portfolio Management.
Setup tasks in the Define Common Applications Configuration for Project
Financial Management activity are grouped into the following task lists:
Task List


Define Synchronization of Users and Roles from


Run a process to populate the product tables

containing user and role information with the users
and roles held in LDAP. This process is always
the first implementation task but can also run
periodically to keep the product tables synchronized
with subsequent updates to LDAP.

Define Implementation Users

Create implementation users and roles. Provision

implementation users with job and data roles.

Define Currencies and Currency Rates

Define the currencies and currency rates that your

organization does business in.

Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial


Access your enterprise organization, such as legal

entities, legal jurisdictions and authorities, and
business units, and specify their use in Oracle
Fusion Project Financial Management. Define the
accounting configuration and chart of accounts that
serve as a framework for how financial records are
maintained for an organization.

Define Social Networking

Review options related to social networking and

update as necessary.

Define Security for Project Financial Management

Enable users to perform functions related to their job


1-4 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Define Automated Governance, Risk, and

Performance Controls

Define the controls that automate the analysis of

data-related and address-related issues to mitigate
risk and optimize performance of an organization.

Define Approval Management for Project Financial


Define approval routing structures and controls to

match your organization's needs.

Define Help Configuration

Define what users can see and do in a local

deployment of Oracle Fusion Applications Help.

Define Application Toolkit Configuration

Set up Oracle Fusion Application Toolkit

features, which are common across Oracle Fusion

Maintain Common Reference Objects

Review and manage common objects, for example

profiles and lookups, that affect the functionality and
look of applications.

Define WebLogic Communication Services


Configure WebLogic Communication Services,

security, and gateways for third-party call control,
session initiation protocol telephony, or soft
switch serving the users within that domain, and
automated dialing.

Define Common Project Configuration: Overview

In the Define Common Project Configuration activity, you perform the steps
to configure components from other product offerings that are used by the
Project Financial Management applications in Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Setup tasks in the Define Common Project Configuration activity are grouped
into the following task lists and tasks:
Task List


Define Units of Measure for Project Financial


Define the prerequisite inventory setup for units of

measure and the units of measure used in Oracle
Fusion Project Financial Management.

Define Subledger Accounting Rules

Configure subledger accounting and set up

subledger accounting rules.

Define Project Notes

Define project note types, mappings, and descriptive


Manage Employees and Contingent Workers

Manage internal employees and contingent workers

in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources.

Manage Trading Community Parties

Enter customer, supplier, and partner organizations

and contacts that will be associated with projects.

Define Common Project Billing Configuration

Configure common billing features and behavior

such as tax calculations, intercompany rules, and
general contract management.

Welcome to Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management Cloud Service 1-5

1-6 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project
Foundation Application
Define Project Foundation Configuration: Overview
Setup tasks for Oracle Fusion Project Foundation are grouped into the following
task lists.
Task or Task List Name


Define Project Calendars and Periods

Manage calendars, accounting period statuses,

and project accounting period statuses used for
costing, budgeting, forecasting, billing, and project
performance reporting.

Define Types and Categorizations

Manage various classifications used to describe and

group projects, tasks, and transactions.

Define Project Roles

Define project roles and the business rules that

control how the roles are assigned.

Define Project Spaces

Configure how Oracle Fusion Projects interacts with

Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

Define Project Resources

Define job mapping, attributes, and rate schedules

for project resources.

Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules

Define rate schedules and costing rules used for

costing, billing, work planning, and financial
planning purposes.

Define Labor Costing Business Unit Options

Configure the business unit implementation options

related to managing labor resources in projects.

Define Project Resource Breakdown Structures

Define resource breakdown structures used for

project planning, billing, and reporting.

Define Burdening

Configure options used to calculate, group, and

apply indirect costs to project expenditure items to
report and account the total cost of a project.

Manage Project Types

Create classifications for projects and configure basic

options that are inherited by each project associated
with that project type.

Define Business Unit Cross-Charge Options

Configure the business unit implementation options

related to cross-charge transactions.

Define Cross-Charge Options

Configure options used to charge project costs across


Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application 2-1

Define Transfer Pricing

Define rules and schedules to determine the transfer

price amount of cross-charge transactions that
require borrowed and lent or intercompany billing

Define Action Controls

Define source products and configure action controls

to determine which actions cannot be performed
in Oracle Fusion Projects on data imported from a
particular third-party source.

Define System Administration and Maintenance


Perform system administration functions including

the definition of descriptive flexfields, distribution
of desktop integrator, and configuration of system

This chapter provides detailed setup steps for the following required tasks:
Manage Expenditure Types
Manage Nonlabor Resources
Manage Rate Schedules
Manage Planning and Billing Resource Breakdown Structures
Manage Project Types

Create Expenditure Types

Create expenditure types to classify the cost of each expenditure item that you
enter in Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management.
Use expenditure types for processing requirements, such as calculating raw
costs, to classify costs, and to plan, budget, forecast, and report on projects.
The following sections describe how to create expenditure types.
After you save an expenditure type, you cannot subsequently update the
following attributes:
Expenditure and revenue categories
Unit of measure
Rate required option
Expenditure type class
If a change is required, you must enter a To Date to make the expenditure type
unavailable and create another one.

Enter Basic Expenditure Type Information

To create an expenditure type:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Expenditure Types.
2-2 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Use the Manage Expenditure Types page to define expenditure types

and to review or edit existing expenditure types and the associated
expenditure type classes, assigned sets, and tax classification codes.
4. Click the Add Row button to create an expenditure type.
5. Enter a name in the Expenditure Type column. Optionally, enter a
6. Take the following decisions:
Option Name


Expenditure Category

Determine the kind of costs, for

example, labor or overhead, that you
plan to capture using this expenditure
Create expenditure categories using the
Manage Expenditure Categories page
before creating expenditure types.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application 2-3

Revenue Category

Determine the source of revenue, for

example, fees or other payments, you
plan to capture using this expenditure
Create revenue categories
using the standard lookup
creating expenditure types. You can
update the lookup from the Manage
Revenue Categories page or the
Manage Standard Lookups page.

Unit of Measure

Determine the default UOM for costing

and planning transactions associated
with this expenditure type.
Use Hours as the UOM for labor
expenditure types.

Rate Required

Determine whether cost rates must

be provided for expenditure items
associated with this expenditure type.

Proceeds of Sale

Determine whether cost rates must

be provided for expenditure items
associated with this expenditure type.
Indicate whether the expenditure type
is used to track the proceeds of sale for
a capital project.

7. Select a date from which the expenditure type is available for use.
Optionally, select a date to which the expenditure type is available.

Select Expenditure Type Classes

Assign the expenditure type to one or more predefined expenditure type classes
to determine how related expenditure items are processed.
For example, an expenditure item with the expenditure type Materials can have
the expenditure type class Supplier Invoice if it originated in Oracle Fusion
Payables or it can have the expenditure type class Inventory if it originated in
Oracle Fusion Inventory.
In other words, you can use the same expenditure type for expenditures with
different origins that must be grouped for costing, budgeting, or summarization
1. In the Expenditure Type Classes region, select an expenditure type class in
the Name column.

2-4 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

2. Enter a date from which the expenditure type class is associated with the
expenditure type. Optionally, specify a date to which the expenditure type
class is associated with the expenditure type.
3. Repeat the process for each expenditure type class that you want to
associate with the expenditure type.

Assign Sets
Use the Assigned Sets region to assign the expenditure type to one or more
reference data sets so that only expenditure types that are relevant to the project
unit are available for the project.
To assign sets:
1. Click the Add Row button in the Assigned Sets region.

2. Select the Code of the desired set.

3. Repeat the process for each set to which the expenditure type is assigned.
For additional information about set assignments, see the Create Financial Plan
Types section of this document.

Select Tax Classification Codes

Optionally, select a default tax classification code to use for customer invoice
lines for an expenditure type and business unit. To select a tax classification code:
1. Click the Add Row button in the Tax Classification Codes region.
2. Select a business unit.
3. Select a tax classification code.
4. Repeat the process for each tax classification code and business unit
combination you want to associate with the expenditure type.
5. Click the Save button.

Create Nonlabor Resources

Create nonlabor resources to represent assets or pools of assets that project
managers can use on projects.
As illustrated in the following figure, a nonlabor resource may be an equipment
or resource with capacity that is consumed, such as a training room, or
equipment with physical output that is consumed, such as a copier.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application 2-5

To create a nonlabor resource:

1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Nonlabor Resources.

Use the Manage Nonlabor Resources page to create nonlabor resources

and to review, edit, or delete nonlabor resources.
4. Click the Add Row button to create a nonlabor resource.
5. Enter a unique name, and optionally, a description for the nonlabor
6. Select an Expenditure Type to determine the rates used to calculate cost
and revenue for the nonlabor resource.

2-6 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

You can only select an expenditure type of Usage expenditure type class.
7. If you are creating a resource, such as a training room, whose capacity is
consumed, then select the Equipment Resource Class check box.
To indicate that the resource is equipment, the expenditure type you selected
must use a UOM in Hours.
8. Enter a From Date to indicate the date from which the nonlabor resource
is available for use. Optionally, specify a To Date.
9. Specify the organizations to which a nonlabor resource is assigned. Click
the Add Row button in the Nonlabor Resource Organizations region.
You can assign nonlabor resources to any organization from the organization
hierarchy, regardless of whether the organization has the Project Expenditure
Organization classification, and regardless of the start and end dates for the
10. In the Name field, select an organization.
11. Enter a From Date to indicate the date from which the nonlabor resource
is assigned to the organization. Optionally, specify a To Date.
12. Repeat the process for each organization to which the nonlabor resource is
You cannot assign a nonlabor resource to an organization multiple times, even
for different date ranges.
13. Click the Save button.

Create Rate Schedules

Create rate schedules as a source for cost or bill rates for costing, billing, or
planning purposes.
You can create rate schedules for the following types:
Resource class
The following sections describe how you create the different types of rate

Enter Basic Rate Schedule Information

To create a rate schedule:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application 2-7

2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.

3. Go to the page for the task Manage Rate Schedules.

Use the Manage Rate Schedules page to create, delete, and maintain rate
4. Click the Add Row button to create a rate schedule.
5. Enter a unique name, and optionally, a description for the rate schedule.
6. Select a Project Rates Set.
7. Select a Schedule Type depending on whether you want to create a rate
schedule for jobs, persons, nonlabor resources, or resource classes.
8. Select the Currency in which you plan to enter rates.

Create Nonlabor Rate Schedules

Define rates or percentage markups by nonlabor expenditure type or by a
combination of nonlabor expenditure type, nonlabor resource, and nonlabor
resource organization.
The application uses the most detailed information available to determine the
rate. For example, if a rate exists for the expenditure type, nonlabor resource,
and nonlabor resource organization combination, that rate is used. If that rate
does not exist, it uses the rate for the expenditure type and nonlabor resource
combination. Otherwise, the rate for the expenditure type is used.
As illustrated in the following figure, if you are creating a nonlabor rate
schedule, complete the following steps.

1. Click the Add Row button in the Nonlabor Rates region.

2. Select the Expenditure Type for which you are entering rates.
3. Depending on the detail at which you want to enter rates, optionally
select a Nonlabor Resource and a Nonlabor Resource Organization.

2-8 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

4. Select the Rate Required check box if you want to enter a rate or a
markup percentage for the expenditure type. If you do not select this
option, you must provide a markup percentage.
5. Enter either a Rate or a Markup Percentage that is used to calculate
amounts for the resource.
6. Enter a From Date to indicate the date from which the rate is available for
use. Optionally, select a To Date.
7. Repeat this process for each expenditure type or expenditure type,
nonlabor resource, and nonlabor resource organization for which you
want to enter rates.
8. Click the Save button.

Create Job Rate Schedules

Define rates for jobs included in a job set created in Oracle Fusion Human
Capital Management.
As illustrated in the following figure, if you are creating a job rate schedule,
complete the following steps.

1. In the Job Rates region, select a Job Set as a source for the jobs you are
entering rates for.
2. Click the Add Row button.
3. Select the Job for which you are entering rates. Note that the Unit of
Measure is always Hours.
4. Enter a rate for the job.
5. Enter a From Date to indicate the date from which the rate is available for
use. Optionally, select a To Date.
6. Repeat this process for each job for which you want to enter rates.
7. Click the Save button.

Create Person Rate Schedules

Define rates or percentage markups for person or for a combination of person,
job, and organization.
The application uses the most detailed information available to determine the
rate. For example, if there is a rate for Person, Person Assignment Job, and
Person Assignment Organization, that rate is used. Otherwise, the rate for the
person is used.
As illustrated in the following figure, if you are creating a person rate schedule,
complete the following steps.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application 2-9

1. Click the Add Row button in the Person Rates region.

2. Select the person for whom you are entering rates. Note that the Unit of
Measure is always Hours.
3. Depending on the detail at which you want to enter rates, optionally
select a Person Assignment Job and a Person Assignment Organization.
A default value is provided for the assignment organization when you select an
assignment job. You can select another organization if required.
4. Enter either a rate or a markup percentage.
5. Enter a From Date to indicate the date from which the rate is available for
use. Optionally, select a To Date.
6. Repeat this process for each person or person, assignment, and
organization combination for which you want to enter rates.
7. Click the Save button.

Create Resource Class Rate Schedules

Define rates or percentage markups by resource class or a combination of
resource class and organization.
You can assign resource class rate schedules to project plan types or financial
plan types. The selected resource class rate schedule functions as a source of
rates if the rates cannot be determined elsewhere.
As illustrated in the following figure, if you are creating a resource rate schedule,
complete the following steps.

1. Click the Add Row button in the Resource Class Rates region.
2. Select the resource class for which you are entering rates.
3. Depending on the detail at which you want to enter rates, optionally
select an Organization.
4. Enter either a rate or a markup percentage.
5. Enter a From Date to indicate the date from which the rate is available for
use. Optionally, select a To Date.
6. Repeat this process for each resource class, or resource class and
organization combination for which you want to enter rates.
7. Click the Save button.

Create Planning Resource Breakdown Structures

Create planning resource breakdown structures as a source for planning
resources that are used for project planning, and budgeting and forecasting.

2-10 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

A default planning resource breakdown structure with planning resources
for the four resource classes (Labor, Equipment, Material Items, and Financial
Resources) is created automatically for each project unit.
When you create a project template, it is selected as the primary planning
resource breakdown structure. You can designate another planning resource
breakdown structure as primary if required. However, you cannot remove the
default planning resource breakdown structure from the project or template.
As illustrated in the following diagram, setting up planning resource breakdown
structures is a three-step guided process.

Enter Planning Resource Breakdown Structure Details

To create a planning resource breakdown structure:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Planning and Billing Resource
Breakdown Structures.

Use the Manage Planning and Billing Resource Breakdown Structures

page to create new planning resource breakdown structures and to review
existing planning and billing resource breakdown structures.
4. Click the Create button in the Planning Resource Breakdown Structures

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application 2-11

Use the Create Planning Resource Breakdown Structure: Basic

Information page to provide basic resource breakdown structure
information including the name, active dates, and project unit.
5. Enter a planning resource breakdown structure name and select a date
from which the resource breakdown structure is available for use.
6. Optionally, provide a description and a date to which the planning
resource breakdown structure is available for use.
7. Select a project unit. Only projects created for the selected project unit can
use this planning resource breakdown structure.
8. If you want to allow project managers to add planning resources at the
project level, then select the Allow resource changes at project level
check box.
Changes at the project level do not move back to the parent planning resource
breakdown structure. Deselect this option to ensure all project using the
planning resource breakdown structure use the same resources.
9. Optionally, select a Job Set as a source of jobs for creating planning
resources on your planning resource breakdown structure.
10. Click the Save button.

Select Resource Formats

Resource formats are predefined resource types or hierarchies of resource types
of up to three levels. The following figure provides examples of resource format

2-12 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

You create resources for planning or billing resource breakdown structures

based on resource formats. For example, if you want to plan for project-related
expenses such as air fare, then you must select resource format hierarchies
created using the resource type Expenditure Type.
1. Click the Next button on the Create Planning Resource Breakdown
Structure: Edit Details page to open the Create Planning Resource
Breakdown Structure: Select Resource Formats page.

Use the Create Planning Resource Breakdown Structure: Select Resource

Formats page to select the resource formats and resource format
hierarchies to use for creating planning resources.
2. Click the Include check box for each resource format that you want to
create planning resources for.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application 2-13

Click the Expand icon to expand the resource format hierarchy. You must select
lower levels of a hierarchy individually even if you have selected a format at a
higher level.
3. Click the Save button.

Add Planning Resources

Create planning resources based on the resource formats you selected for the
planning resource breakdown structure.
1. Click the Next button on the Create Planning Resource Breakdown
Structure: Select Resource Formats page to open the Create Planning
Resource Breakdown Structure: Add Planning Resources page.

Use the Create Planning Resource Breakdown Structure: Add Planning

Resources page to create planning resources based on the selected
resource format hierarchies.
2. In the Resource Formats table, select a resource format for which you
want to create planning resources.
Click the Expand icon to expand the resource format hierarchy if you want to
create planning resources at a more detailed level.
3. Click the Add button in the Planning Resources region.
4. Enter a name for the planning resource.
5. In the Resource Combination column, select values for each resource
element that is part of the selected resource format hierarchy. For example,
if the selected resource format is Job: Supplier, then you must select
values for Job and Supplier.

2-14 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

6. Review the resource class and change if required.

For each resource format, you can create planning resources based on certain
resource classes. For example, if the resource format contains Job, then the only
available resource class is Labor. However, if the resource format is Expenditure
Category, then you can select any of the resource classes (Labor, Material Items,
Equipment, and Financial Resources) when you create a resource.
7. Review the spread curve and make changes if required.
Use predefined spread curves or create spread curves based on your
requirements on the Manage Spread Curves page. Spread curves
determine how quantity, cost, and revenue amounts for planning
resources are distributed across periods in financial or project plans.
The resource class associated with the planning resource determines the
default spread curve.
8. Repeat this step for each planning resource you want to create for each
resource format.
9. Click the Save button.

Create Project Types

Create project types to control basic project configuration options for burdening,
billing, capitalization, and project categorization.
Project types are the primary classification for the projects your business
manages. You must set up at least one project type to create projects.
The following sections describe how you create project types.

Enter Basic Project Type Information

To create a project type:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Project Types.
Use the Manage Project Types page to view, create, and edit project types.
4. Click the Create button to create a project type.
Use the Create Project Type page to specify basic project configuration
options, such as burdening, billing, and capitalization options, and class
categories, that are inherited by each project associated with the project

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application 2-15

5. Enter a project type name and select a date from which the project type
is available for use. Optionally, select a date to which the project type is
available for use and enter a description.
6. Select the Set to which the project type is assigned.
Project managers can use this project type only on project templates and projects
created in business units associated with the set you select here. For additional
information about set assignments, see also the Create Financial Plan Types
section of this document.
7. Select a Work Type.
Create work types on the Manage Work Types page. Work types classify
actual and scheduled work. Use work types to determine whether
expenditure items are billable, classify cross-charge amounts into cost and
revenue for cross-charge work, and calculate transfer price amounts.
8. To record burden costs on projects, select the Enable burdening check
9. To bill customers for project work, select the Enable billing check box.
10. To assign assets to projects, select the Enable capitalization check box.

Select Burdening Options

Control how burden transactions are created and accounted. If you enable
burdening for a project type, you can choose to account for the individual
burden cost components or the total burdened cost amount.
1. Navigate to the Burdening Options tab.

2-16 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

2. Select the Default Cost Burden Schedule for projects that are defined
with this project type. Project managers can change this value at the
project or task level.
3. Select the Allow cost burden schedule change for projects and tasks
check box to allow a change of the default cost burden schedule when
creating and maintaining projects and tasks. Do not enable this option
if you want all projects of a project type to use the same schedule for
internal costing.
4. Make the following decisions for burden cost accounting.
Option Name


Include burden cost on same

expenditure item

Decide if you want to include burden

cost and raw cost amounts on the same
expenditure item. You can store the
total burdened cost amount as a value
with the raw cost on each expenditure

Create expenditure items for burden

cost components

Decide if you want to include burden

cost amounts on the same expenditure
item, but want to see the burden cost
details. Expenditure items are created
for each burden cost amount on an
indirect project and task.

Project Name and Task Name

Determine the project, and optionally

the task, that receives the burden cost
expenditure items.

Create separate expenditure item for

burden cost

Decide if you want to account for

burden cost amounts as separate
expenditure items on the same project
and task as the raw cost.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application 2-17

Create burden cost accounting journal


Decide whether to create accounting

entries for the burden costs.
If you select this setting, a separate
journal line is created for the burden
amount rather than for the total
burdened amount, which is the raw
cost plus the burden cost. This journal
line is created independent of the raw
cost journal line.
Deselect this check box if burden costs
are calculated for reporting purposes
only and you do not want to export
burdened costs to the general ledger.

Create burdened cost accounting

journal entries

Decide whether you want to create

a separate journal line for the total
burdened cost.
The raw cost may be accounted twice
if separate journal lines are created for
the raw cost and for the total burdened
You can use this option to track the
total burdened cost amount in a cost
asset or cost work-in-progress account.

5. Click the Save button.

Select Capitalization Options

Configure capitalization options to determine the options that are inherited by
each project associated with that project type.
1. Navigate to the Capitalization Options tab.
2. Make the following decisions in the Construction in Progress region.

2-18 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Option Name


Cost Type

Decide whether to capitalize costs at

the burdened or raw cost amount for
projects with this project type.

Asset Line Grouping Method

Decide how asset lines must be

summarized. You can select All, which
is the highest level of summarization,
or summarize by expenditure category
or expenditure type.

Asset Cost Allocation Method

Decide if you want to automatically

distribute indirect and common costs
across multiple assets.

Event Processing Method

Decide how assets and costs are

grouped over time. You can choose to
use either periodic or manual events,
or no events.

Require complete asset definition

Decide if a complete asset definition

is required in Oracle Fusion Project
Portfolio Management before sending
costs to Oracle Fusion Assets.
You will not need to enter information
for the imported asset line in Oracle
Fusion Assets. The Transfer Assets to
Oracle Fusion Assets process places
asset lines with complete definitions
directly into the Post queue in Oracle
Fusion Assets.

Override asset assignment

Decide if you want to use the Asset

Assignment client extension.
Client extensions are not available on
Oracle Cloud.

Group supplier invoices

Decide if you want to consolidate

the expenditure items on a supplier
invoice into one asset line according to
the asset line grouping method.

3. If you are not grouping supplier invoices, select one of the following radio
buttons in the Supplier Invoices region.
As new additions: Sends each expenditure item on a supplier invoice
line to Oracle Fusion Assets as a separate addition line with a status of
As merged additions: Sends each supplier invoice line to Oracle Fusion
Assets as a separate addition line with the status of Merged.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Application 2-19

4. In the Capitalized Interest region, optionally specify a Default

Capitalized Interest Rate Schedule that is inherited by projects using this
project type.
5. Select the Allow override check box if project managers can change the
capitalized interest rate schedule at the project level.
6. Click the Save button.

Select Classifications
Assign project classifications to group your projects according to categories and
codes that you define on the Manage Class Categories page.
1. Navigate to the Classifications tab.
2. Click the Add Row button.
3. Select a Class Category.
4. Select the Assign to all projects check box to automatically add the
classification to the project definition for all new projects using this project
5. Repeat the process for each class category you want to add to the project
6. Click the Save button.

2-20 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project
Costing Application
Define Project Costing Configuration: Overview
Setup tasks for Oracle Fusion Project Costing are grouped into the following task
Task List Name


Define General Costing Setup

Configure transaction sources, documents, profile

options, and descriptive flexfields related to Oracle
Fusion Project Costing functionality.

Define Allocations

Configure options used to allocate overhead costs

such as salaries, administrative overhead, and
equipment charges to projects that benefited from
the costs.

Define Capital Projects

Configure options used to capitalize project costs

and place assets in service.

Define Capital Business Unit Options

Configure the business unit implementation options

related to capital projects.

Define Capitalized Interest

Configure options used to calculate and capitalize

interest on construction-in-progress costs.

Define Purchasing Integration

Configure options used to integrate Oracle Fusion

Project Costing with Oracle Fusion Purchasing.

Define Receiving Integration

Configure options used to integrate Oracle Fusion

Project Costing with Oracle Fusion Receiving.

Define Expenses Integration

Configure options used to integrate Oracle Fusion

Project Costing with Oracle Fusion Expenses.

Define Payables Integration

Configure options used to integrate Oracle Fusion

Project Costing with Oracle Fusion Payables.

Define Inventory Integration

Configure options used to integrate Oracle Fusion

Project Costing with Oracle Fusion Inventory

Define Third-Party Integration

Configure options used to integrate Oracle Fusion

Project Costing with third-party applications.

This chapter provides detailed setup steps for defining an additional segment for
the cost collection flexfield.
Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Costing Application 3-1

Define an Additional Segment in the Cost Collection Flexfield

The Cost Collection flexfield helps you manage capturing product-specific
attributes on actual cost and commitment transactions.
The Project Costing Descriptive flexfield captures a complete set of transaction
attributes in source applications and displays them in Oracle Fusion Project
Costing. The Cost Collection flexfield is available for use on pages such as the
Create Transactions page, Manage Unprocessed Transactions page, and on cost
transaction excel spreadsheets. It is also displayed on purchase orders, supplier
invoice distributions, and expense reports in source applications.
To define an additional segment in the Cost Collection flexfield:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Project Standard Cost Collection
Flexfield. Use this page to manage context sensitive segments.
4. Select the Project Costing Details flexfield row.
5. Click the Edit button.
6. In the Context Sensitive Segments region, click the Context list.

7. Select the PJC: All context and view the context sensitive segments.
8. Select a user-defined attribute row to define the context sensitive segment.
9. Click the Edit button.
Use the Edit Segment page to specify the segment name, and define how
it must be displayed and validated.
10. Specify a Name for the flexfield.
11. Optionally specify a Description.
12. Select the Enabled check box to enable this segment.

3-2 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

13. Depending on how the segment must display, for example as a dropdown list, associate an existing value set or create a value set for Oracle
Fusion Project Costing and associate the value set to the segment.
14. In the Validation region select a value set. You can also view the value set.
15. Optionally make this a Required field.
16. In the Initial Default region, specify the format of the initial value that
populates the segment, and the entity attribute from which the segment
can be continually updated.
17. In the Display Properties region, enter a Short Prompt which appears as
alternate text for the flexfield.
18. Enter a Prompt which appears as the field label.
19. The Display Type field specifies how the segment must be displayed. For
example, you can specify the expense locations in a drop-down list.
20. Select a Display Type such as Checkbox, List of Values, or Text Area.
21. On the Edit Segment page, click the Save and Close button.
22. On the Edit Context page, note the created segment name so you can
identify it in the transactional pages.
23. Repeat steps 7 through 23 for every additional context in which the new
segment must appear.
24. Once you finish defining all the flexfields you require, click the Save and
Close button.
25. You must deploy the Cost Collection flexfield from the Manage Project
Standard Cost Collection Flexfield page to make it available for users
while entering transactions.

26. You can now verify the segment you defined using the Cost Collection
flexfield by creating a transaction from the either Manage Unprocessed
Transactions page or Cost Transaction Excel Spreadsheets.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Costing Application 3-3

3-4 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project
Control Application
Define Project Control Configuration: Overview
Setup tasks for Oracle Fusion Project Control include the following.
Task Name


Manage Period Profiles

Description Specify how periods are grouped and

displayed when editing budgets, forecasts, and
project plans.

Manage Spread Curves

Specify how quantity, cost, and revenue amounts

are automatically distributed across a range of
accounting or project accounting periods.
Use predefined spread curves or create new ones
based on requirements.

Manage Resource Classes: Spread Curves

Review and update resource classes to specify the

spread curve to be used.

Manage Financial Plan Types

Specify options used to control planning scenarios

for budget and forecast versions.

Manage Project Plan Types

Specify default planning options that cascade down

to the template and project levels.

Manage Project Control Descriptive Flexfields

Define validation and display properties of

descriptive flexfields, which are used to add custom
attributes to Oracle Fusion Project Control.

This chapter provides detailed setup steps for the following required tasks:
Manage Financial Plan Types
Manage Project Plan Types

Create Financial Plan Types

Create financial plan types to define default information and planning options
for creating different types of budgets or forecasts.
Create any number of financial plan types based on company requirements. For
example, if your organization has stringent financial planning and oversight
Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-1

requirements, you can create separate financial plan types for each planning
scenario. Alternatively, you may create only a few financial plan types, for
example, for approved budgets and primary forecasts.

The following sections describe how to create financial plan types.

Enter Basic Information and Setup Options

To create a financial plan type:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Financial Plan Types.

Use the Manage Financial Plan Types page to create financial plan types
and to review, edit, or delete existing financial plan types.
4. Click the Create button to open the Create Financial Plan Type page.

4-2 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Use the Create Financial Plan Type page to enter basic financial plan
type information, and setup and planning options that determine how
associated financial plan versions are created.
5. Enter a unique financial plan type name and select a date from which the
financial plan type is available for use.
6. Optionally, provide a description and a date to which the financial plan
type is available for use.
7. Use the Plan Class list to determine whether project managers will use
the financial plan type to create budget versions or forecast versions.
8. Use the Planning Amounts list to determine whether associated financial
plan versions will contain costs amounts, revenue amounts, or both.
If you want to create a financial plan type to plan for both cost and
revenue, indicate whether one version will contain both amounts, or if
project managers must select to include either cost or revenue amounts
when creating a budget or forecast version.
9. Select setup options depending on whether you are creating a financial
plan type of the Budget or Forecast plan class.
If you are creating a financial plan type of the Budget plan class, make the
following decisions:
Option Name



Designate as approved
cost budget

Is the financial plan type

an approved budget?

Decide whether the

financial plan type will
create cost and revenue
versions used for plan
comparison or project
performance reporting.

Will you use an approval


Use workflow to trigger

notifications when
project managers change
the version status or
submit a request to
change the version

Designate as approved
revenue budget

Use workflow for status


Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-3

Set as default financial

plan type

Do you want the

financial plan type to be
the default selection?

Set the financial plan

type as the default,
if for example, you
anticipate it to be the
most commonly used for
creating budget versions.

Enable planning in
multiple transaction

Will project managers

enter amounts in
multiple currencies?

Decide whether project

managers can enter
amounts in currencies
other than the project
To use transaction
currencies, you must
define currency attributes
on the Currency Settings

If you are creating a financial plan type of the Forecast plan class, make
parallel decisions for the following attributes:
Designate as primary cost forecast
Designate as primary revenue forecast
Use workflow for status changes
Set as default financial plan type
You must also make the following decisions.
Option Name



Automatically submit
forecasts for approval

Can forecasts be
automatically submitted
for approval?

Automatic submission
for approval applies only
to primary forecasts.
When the project
manager creates the
first baseline version for
the approved budget,
the application creates
the primary forecast
version and submits it for

4-4 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Automatically approve

Can project managers

directly approve

If you do not use

workflow for forecast
approvals, decide if
project managers can
approve forecast versions
directly (without first
submitting them to an
The automatically
approve forecasts option
applies even if project
managers are not entitled
to approve forecasts. So,
use it to enable automatic
approval for certain
financial plan types while
controlling the forecast
approval entitlement for

Assign Sets
You associate one or more sets with financial or project plan types so that project
managers can use them to create financial plans (budget or forecast versions) for
projects or project templates. Financial plan types are available for selection only
when projects or project templates are created for project units linked to selected
The following diagram illustrates an example of set assignments. The Consulting
Services set is associated only with the Consulting Services project unit. You
associate the financial plan type Consulting Bid only with the Consulting
Services set. In this case, only project managers who create projects for
Consulting Services can create versions of the Consulting Bid financial plan type.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-5

If you associate the Internal Services Set to the Consulting Bid financial plan
type, then project managers from the Internal Services project unit can also
access that financial plan type.
To make financial plan types available more widely across your organization,
you can assign them to a common set.
To assign sets:
1. Navigate to the Set Assignments tab.

2. Click the Add Row button to add a set assignment.

3. Select the Code of the desired set.
4. Repeat the process for each set to which the financial plan type is
5. Click the Save button.

Specify Plan Settings

Use the Plan Settings tab to specify the cost and revenue amounts to include in
budget or forecast versions, level of detail for planning, calendar and period
options, and rate derivation options.
1. Navigate to the Plan Settings tab.

4-6 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

2. Make the following decisions related to the amount types that are
available for editing on budget and forecast versions and how they are
edited and displayed.
Option Name



Amount Types

What measures can

Decide whether to plan
project managers plan for for quantities, amounts,
on a budget or forecast?
and rates.
When selected,
corresponding fields
are editable on the Edit
Budget and Edit Forecast
pages. For example,
when creating a financial
plan type for internal
projects that do not track
cost amounts, project
managers can select
quantity and deselect
cost and rates.
If you are planning for
cost and revenue, select
the Use cost plan options
for revenue check box
to replicate your cost
selections to revenue.
Note that this check
box applies to current
changes only. If you
update cost options later,
you must select the check
box again to copy.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-7

Planning Level

What measures can

Determine the level of
project managers plan for the task structure at
on a budget or forecast?
which project managers
will enter budget or
At what level of the task forecast amounts.
hierarchy will project
managers plan?
For example, create one
financial plan type for
capturing detail cost
amounts at the lowest
task level, another to
capture summary cost
amounts at the top task
level, and a third to
capture total revenue
amounts at the project

Calendar Type

Will project managers

plan by period or for
duration of plan lines?

Decide whether to plan

for the duration of
budget or forecast lines
or to plan for specific
periods in the accounting
calendar or project
accounting calendar.

Period Profile

How will period

amounts be displayed?

If project managers enter

planning amounts by
period, select how the
periods are grouped for
display when editing
budget or forecast
Use predefined period
profiles or create period
profiles based on your
requirements on the
Manage Period Profiles

Specify Currency Settings

Use the Currency Settings tab to select transaction currencies in which to enter
financial plan amounts, and the rates for converting those amounts to project
currency or project ledger currency.
1. Navigate to the Currency Settings tab.

4-8 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

2. Click the Add Row button on the Transaction Currencies subtab to add a
transaction currency.
3. Select the desired currency in the Currency field.
4. Repeat the process for each transaction currency that project managers can
5. Click the Save button.
6. Click the Project Currency subtab.
Use the Project Currency subtab to define how the application must
convert transaction currency amounts to project currency. If the financial
plan type supports planning for cost and revenue, you must provide
currency conversion attributes separately for cost and revenue.

7. Select a Rate Type as a source of conversion rates.

8. Select a Rate Date to determine whether conversion rates are derived
based on the start or end date of plan lines or a fixed date.
9. If the rate date is Fixed Date, then enter the date from which conversion
rates will be used in the Fixed Date field.
10. Click the Save button.
11. Click the Project Ledger Currency subtab.
Use the Project Ledger Currency subtab to define how the application
must convert transaction currency amounts to project ledger currency.
Repeat steps as defined for project currency.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-9

12. Click the Save button.

Specify Rate Settings

Use the Rate Settings tab to specify the actual or planning rates used to calculate
cost and revenue amounts on associated budget or forecast versions.
If the financial plan type supports planning for cost and revenue, you specify
rate settings separately for cost and revenue.
1. Navigate to the Rate Settings tab.
2. Click the Add Row button in the Rate Schedules region to specify rate
settings for a business unit. You must specify rate settings separately for
each business unit.
3. Determine if project managers will use the same rate schedules defined
for the project to calculate actual costs, or use separate rate schedules for
planning purposes.
4. To use actual rates, deselect the Use planning rates check box. In the
Details region, optionally select rate schedules for Resource Class Raw
Cost Rate and Resource Class Bill Rate.

If the application is unable to determine cost or bill rates for a planning

resource, then it uses the resource class rates schedules you specify here.
5. To use planning rates, select the Use planning rates check box. In the
Details region, select separate rates for Person, Job, Nonlabor Resource,
and Resource Class, as required. You can also select a burden schedule to
use for calculating burdened costs for all planning resources (including
those that are not rate-based).

4-10 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

6. Repeat the process for each business unit for which you want to select
7. Click the Save button.

Select Generation Options

Use the Generation Options tab to indicate how cost and revenue are calculated
when you generate a budget or forecast version from another financial plan or
from the project plan.
As illustrated in the following figure, if you are creating a financial plan type of
the Budget plan class, you must perform the following actions.

1. Navigate to the Generation Options tab.

2. Select a Generation Source to determine whether budget versions must
be generated from another financial plan or from the project plan.
3. If you selected Financial plan type as the generation source, select a
Source Plan Type to indicate which financial plan type the source plan
must belong to.
4. Select a Source Plan Version.
If your generation source is Project plan type, then you can select
either Working or Baseline.
If your generation source is Financial plan type and your source
plan type is a budget financial plan type, then you can select Current
baseline, Original baseline, or Current working.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-11

If your generation source is Financial plan type and your source plan
type is a forecast financial plan type, then you can select Current
approved, Original approved, or Current working.
5. If the financial plan type supports planning for revenue, select a Revenue
Generation Method. Options include the following.
Option Name



Revenue amounts are not generated.

Project managers can enter amounts

Planning rate based

Revenue amounts are generated based

on the planning rates you specify in the
Rate Settings tab of the financial plan

Contract revenue classification method

Budget revenue is generated line

by line, using the revenue method
classification on the revenue plan
associated with the contract line.
The contract line revenue method
classifications determines if revenue
rates, bill rates, or contract line funding
amounts are used to derive budget

6. Select the Retain manually added budget lines check box if plan lines
added by project managers must be retained when an existing version is
generated again.
7. Select the Retain override rates from source check box if override rates
entered in the source plan version must be used to generate amounts in
the new budget version.
8. Click the Save button.
If you are creating a financial plan type of the Forecast plan class, then as
illustrated in the following figure, in addition to the decisions listed for budget
financial plan types, you must also determine the following:

4-12 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

1. Select one of the following options for Forecast ETC Method to determine
how ETC amounts are calculated.
Option Name

Resulting Calculation

Remaining plan

ETC = Plan - Actual

Plan to complete

ETC = Plan - Actual ETC = Plan * (1 Physical Percent Complete from latest
Published Progress)

Cost performance index based

ETC = (1 - Physical Percent

Complete) / Physical Percent
Complete * Actual
Actual amounts are from summarized
project plan data and physical percent
complete from latest published
If either the physical percent complete
or actual amounts are zero, then the
Plan to complete method is used.

Manual entry

ETC amounts not calculated

2. If you are using the Remaining plan ETC method, then select the Carry
forward unused amounts from past periods check box to carry over
unused source plan amounts from periods prior to the actual amounts
through period.
3. Select one of the following options for the Actual Amounts Through
Period field to determine the period through which to obtain actual
amounts when generating forecast amounts:
Current period
Prior period

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-13

Last closed period

4. Select the Allow negative ETC calculation check box if you do not want
negative results of ETC calculation to be set to zero.
5. Select the Open commitments check box to include commitments such as
purchase orders and supplier invoices, along with actual amounts when
calculating ETC amounts.
6. Click the Save button.

Select Reporting Options, Export Options, and Additional Information

Use the Reporting Options tab to indicate how to roll up amounts for planning
resources, report quantity when planning for cost and revenue in separate
financial plan versions, calculate margins, and display amounts. Make the
following decisions:
Option Name



Report Quantity

What quantity will be used for


If the financial plan type supports

planning for cost and revenue in
separate plan versions, decide
whether cost or revenue quantity
is used for reporting.

Report Cost

How will margin be calculated?

Decide whether to calculate

margins based on raw cost or
burdened cost.

Amount Scale

How will large amounts be


Decide how you want whole

number amounts to display when
project managers view quantities
and amounts when reviewing
and finalizing budgets or forecast
versions. For example, select a
rounding factor of 100 and a value
of 25,000 is displayed as 250.

Currency Type

What currency will cost and

revenue be displayed in?

Decide whether you want

amounts to be displayed in
project currency or project ledger

Use the Export Options tab to determine the amounts, rates, and quantities that
you can export to Excel. Make the following decisions:
Option Name


Use task planned dates as task assignment dates

Select the check box to display currency conversion

attributes and costs and revenue in project currency
and project ledger currency when you edit financial
plan versions in Excel.
This option is enabled if you select the Enable
planning in multiple transaction currencies check
box in the Budget or Forecast Options region.

Display commitments

Select the check box to display commitment amounts

in Excel.

4-14 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Selected Measures

Use the Available Measures-Selected Measures

select shuttle to determine what financial plan
information you can review and edit in Excel.

Use the Additional Information tab to capture information specific to

your organization. To enable data entry, configure the descriptive flexfield

Create Project Plan Types

Create project plan types to define default information used for creating a project
plan and capturing progress.
Associate one project plan type to a project template. Projects created using
the template inherit setup and planning option values. You can revise setup or
planning options at each level to match specific planning requirements.

The following sections describe how to create project plan types.

Enter Basic Information and Setup Options

To create a project plan type:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Project Plan Types.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-15

Use the Manage Project Plan Types page to create project plan types and
to review, edit, or delete existing project plan types.
4. Click the Create button to open the Create Project Plan Type page.
Use the Create Project Plan Type page to provide basic project plan type
information and specify setup and planning options that determine how
associated project plans and progress are created.
5. Enter a unique project plan type name and select a date from which the
project plan type is available for use.
6. Optionally, provide a description and a date to which the project plan
type is available for use.
7. Use the options in the Setup Options region to indicate whether:
Project managers can use Microsoft Project for scheduling.
Project managers can enter amounts in currencies other than the project
When you select this option, you must provide currency conversion attributes in
the Currency Settings tab.

Assign Sets and Specify Plan Settings

To assign sets and specify plan settings:
1. Navigate to the Set Assignments tab.
Use the Set Assignments tab to associate sets with project plan types so
that project managers can use them to create project plans for projects or
project templates. For more information, see the Create Financial Plan
Types section of this document.
2. Navigate to the the Plan Settings tab.
Use the Plan Settings tab to indicate whether you will track costs in the
project plan and whether you will plan for the project duration or by
3. Take the following decisions.

4-16 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Option Name



Enable project plan costs

Will project managers

plan for costs on the

Enable project plan costs

if project managers must
plan for costs on tasks
and task assignments
and monitor actual costs
through the project
If you do not enable
planning for costs,
then physical percent
complete values are
calculated based only on

Calendar Type

Will project managers

plan by period or for
duration of plan lines?

Decide whether project

managers will plan for
the task assignment
duration or if they
can plan for specific
periods in the accounting
calendar or project
accounting calendar.

Rate Derivation Date


How will cost rates be


If project managers
will not plan based on
a calendar, determine
whether cost rates are
derived based on the
start or end date of plan
lines or a fixed date.

Fixed Date

How will cost rates be


If the rate derivation

date type is Fixed Date,
then select the date from
which rates will be used
for calculating costs.

Period Profile

How will period

amounts be displayed?

If project managers will

enter planning amounts
by period, then select
how periods will be
grouped for display
when project managers
view amounts for task

Specify Task Settings

Use the Task Settings tab to specify task and task assignment date settings.
1. Navigate to the Task Settings tab.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-17

2. Decide how planned dates for tasks and task assignments are entered or
Option Name


Use task planned dates as task

assignment dates

Must task assignment dates match

corresponding task planned dates?
If yes, then project managers cannot
edit task assignment dates.

Automatically roll up task planned


Must planned dates for lowest-level

tasks roll up to summary tasks?
If yes, then project managers cannot
edit summary task dates.

The Use task planned dates as task assignment dates check box and the
Automatically roll up task planned dates check box are disabled if you enable
use of Microsoft Project as the scheduling application.
3. Decide how transaction dates are entered using the following options.
Option Name


Synchronize task transaction dates

with planned dates

Decide whether transaction dates must

match the planned dates for tasks, plus
or minus the date adjustment buffer.
If you do not select this check box, then
transaction dates for summary tasks
are blank by default. Transaction dates
for subtasks are set to summary task
transaction dates.

Date Adjustment Buffer in Days

4. Click the Save button.

4-18 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Optionally, specify a date adjustment

buffer to determine the maximum
lag (positive) or lead (negative) time
between task planned dates and task
transaction dates.

Specify Currency Settings and Rate Settings

Use the Currency Settings tab to select transaction currencies in which to enter
project plan amounts, and the rates for converting those amounts to project
currency or project ledger currency.
Use the Rate Settings tab to specify the actual or planning rates used to calculate
cost and revenue amounts on the project plan.
For more information on both tabs, see the Create Financial Plan Types section of
this document.

Specify Progress Settings

Use the Progress Settings tab to define how progress values are calculated and
roll up the task hierarchy. These options indicate default values that you can
modify at the project level.
1. Navigate to the Progress Settings tab.

2. Decide how physical percent complete values are calculated and roll up
the task hierarchy.
Option Name



Physical Percent
Complete Calculation

How is physical percent

complete calculated for
lowest-level tasks?

Decide whether project

managers must enter
physical percent
complete or if the
application calculates
the value based on either
cost or effort.
Calculation is based on
the following formula,
where amount can
be cost or effort, as
Actual Amount /
Estimate at Completion
(EAC) Amount * 100

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-19

Primary Physical Percent

Complete Method

How does physical

percent complete roll up
the task hierarchy?

Decide whether the

rolled-up physical
percent complete for
summary tasks is based
on cost or effort.
Calculation is based on
the following formula,
where amount can
be cost or effort, as
Sum of Earned Value
Amount from Subtasks /
Sum of Baseline Project
Plan Amount * 100
The rolled up physical
percent complete
value is used in project
forecasting, reporting,
and revenue generation.

3. Decide how ETC amounts are calculated.

4-20 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Option Name



ETC Method

How are ETC amounts


Use one of the following

methods to calculation
ETC values:
Remaining plan:
For all progress
calculations (initial
and subsequent)
ETC cost is
calculated as:
Current Planned
Cost - Actual Cost
Manual entry: For
first progress asof date, ETC cost is
calculated as:
Current Planned
Cost - Actual Cost
For all subsequent
progress as-of
dates, ETC cost
equals ETC cost
from the previous
published progress.

Allow negative ETC


Can ETC values be

negative or should they
be set to zero?

If you are using the

Remaining plan ETC
method and actual
amounts are greater than
the plan, then you can
select to display negative
ETC amounts that result.

4. Decide how project plan information is updated and whether a forecast

version is generated when project managers publish progress.
Option Name


Update planned quantity with EAC


Decide whether planned quantity in

the project plan is updated with EAC
quantity from progress.

Automatically generate forecast


Decide whether a forecast version is

created when the project manager
publishes progress.

Financial Plan Type

Select the financial plan type for use in

forecast creation.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Control Application 4-21

5. Click the Save button.

Select Budget Generation Options

Use the Budget Generation Options tab to decide whether a budget version is
generated when you set a baseline for your project plan and to specify how the
budget version is generated. These options indicate default values that you can
modify at the project level.
1. Navigate to the Budget Generation Options tab.
2. Take the following decisions.
Option Name


Generate budget version

Decide whether a budget version is

created when the project managers sets
a baseline for the project plan.

Financial Plan Type

Select the financial plan type for use in

budget creation.

Automatically designate budget

version as baseline

Decide whether the budget version

must be set as the current baseline
If an existing current baseline budget
version exists, then the existing version
becomes a standard baseline version
and the newly created baseline version
becomes the current baseline version.

3. Click the Save button.

Provide Additional Information

Capture information specific to your organization using the descriptive flexfield

4-22 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project
Billing Application
Define Project Billing Configuration: Overview
Setup for Oracle Fusion Project Billing includes the following task lists and tasks.
Task or Task List Name


Manage Event Types

Create event types for revenue or billing activities

that are not directly related to expenditure items.

Manage Revenue Methods

Create revenue methods used to recognize revenue.

Manage Project Billing Descriptive Flexfields

Define validation and display properties of

descriptive flexfields, which are used to add custom
attributes to Oracle Fusion Project Billing.

Define Billing Options

Configure options used to bill work according to the

contract terms.

Define Business Unit Project Billing Options

Configure the business unit implementation options

related to project billing.

Define Project Invoicing Options

Configure options used to present customers with

accurate and clear invoices.

Define Additional Intercompany Cross-Charge


Manage contract types, invoice formats, and billing

indicators for intercompany billing.

Define Additional Interproject Options

Manage contract types and invoice formats for

interproject billing.

Define Business Unit Interproject Billing Options

Configure the business unit implementation options

related to interproject billing.

This chapter provides detailed setup steps for the following required tasks:
Manage Event Types
Manage Revenue Methods
Manage Invoice Methods
Manage Invoice Formats

Create Event Types

Create event types to control whether events are used to invoice, recognize
revenue, or perform both functions for contract lines. For example, you can
create event types for invoice fees or to recognize revenue associated with
Event types can be used to derive the accounting in Oracle Fusion Subledger
Accounting for event-based invoice and revenue accounting entries.
Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Billing Application 5-1

Optionally, you can add a tax classification code to an event type. Oracle Fusion
Project Billing calculates the approximate tax amounts for events of this type on
contract invoice lines.
The following section describe how you create event types.

Enter Basic Event Type Information

To create an event type:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Event Types.
Use the Manage Event Types page to create event types and to review,
edit, or delete existing event types.

4. Click the Add Row button to create an event type.

5. Enter a unique name in the Event Type column. Optionally, provide a
meaningful description.
6. Select a Revenue Category for reporting event-related revenue.
Create revenue categories using the standard lookup
PJF_REVENUE_CATEGORY before creating event types. You can update the
lookup from the Manage Revenue Categories page or the Manage Standard
Lookups page.
7. Select the Revenue check box if the current event type will be used for
recognizing revenue.
8. Select the Invoice check box if the current event type will be used for
9. Click the Save button.

Specify Tax Classification Codes

Associate tax classification codes with event types to enable calculation and
display of approximate tax amounts in Oracle Fusion Project Billing before final
tax figures are available in Oracle Fusion Receivables.
1. Click the Add Row button in the Tax Classification Code region.
2. Select a Business Unit.

5-2 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

3. Select a Tax Classification Code.

4. Click the Save button.

Create Revenue Methods

Create revenue methods to determine how revenue amounts are calculated for
The following sections describe how you create revenue methods.

Enter Basic Revenue Method Information

To create a revenue method:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Revenue Methods.

Use the Manage Revenue Methods page to create revenue methods and to
review, edit, or delete revenue methods.
4. Click the Create button to create a revenue method.
5. On the Create Revenue Method page, enter a revenue method name.
6. Specify a status. Select Active to make the revenue method available for
7. Select one of the following revenue method classifications to determine
the basis for calculating revenue amounts for transactions on contracts or
contract lines.
Revenue Method Classification


Amount Based

Recognize revenue as billing events are


As Billed

Recognize revenue as customers are

invoiced, using a common set of bill
rates, a burden schedule, or transfer
pricing for both invoicing and revenue.

As Incurred

Recognize revenue as costs are

incurred, using a revenue-specific set
of bill rates, a burden schedule, or
transfer pricing for both invoicing and

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Billing Application 5-3

Percent Complete

Recognize revenue based on project

progress of a contract line or associated
When you select the Percent Complete
revenue method classification, the
Percent Complete billing extension is
automatically added to the revenue
The extension automatically creates
a billing event with the percent spent
revenue amount for a contract line,
or for the project associated to the
contract line.

Percent Spent

Recognize revenue as progress is

calculated, based on actual cost to date
over budget cost.
When you select the Percent Spent
revenue method classification, the
Percent Spent billing extension is
automatically assigned to the revenue
The extension automatically creates
a billing event with the percent spent
revenue amount for a contract line.

Rate Based

Recognize revenue as costs are

incurred, using a revenue-specific set
of bill rates, a burden schedule, or
transfer price rates.
Use this revenue method classification
if you are using a fixed price for
invoices, or if you require different
burden schedules for invoices and
revenue. You can also use this revenue
method classification if the invoice
method classification for a bill plan
on the same contract line is percent
complete or percent spent.

You can use a revenue method with the As Billed or As Incurred revenue
method classification only when combined with an invoice method that has the
Rate Based invoice method classification. In this situation, the bill rate, burden,

5-4 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

or transfer price schedule type selected for that invoice method is used for both
invoicing and revenue recognition.
8. To enable a revenue method for intercompany billing only, select the
Use Revenue Method for Intercompany Billing check box. Use revenue
methods with this option to track internal business activity between legal
entities within your enterprise. Deselect the check box if the revenue
method is used for billing external parties.

Define Rate Sources

If the revenue method classification is Rate Based, then, as illustrated in the
following figure, you must select one of the following schedule types on the
revenue method for both labor and nonlabor rates.
Bill rate
Burden rate
Transfer price (available if you are using the revenue method for
intercompany billing)

Assigning Billing Extensions

Use the Billing Extension Assignment region to add a billing extension to a
revenue method. In such a situation, contract lines that use revenue plans
associated with the revenue method use the billing extension to calculate
revenue amounts.
You cannot assign custom client extensions to revenue or invoice methods when
using the Oracle Fusion Project Billing Cloud Service.

Create Invoice Methods

Create invoice methods to determine how invoice amounts are calculated on
The following sections describe how you create invoice methods.

Enter Basic Invoice Method Information

To create an invoice method:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Invoice Methods.
Use the Manage Invoice Methods page to create invoice methods and to
review, edit, or delete invoice methods.
4. Click the Create button to create an invoice method.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Billing Application 5-5

5. On the Create Invoice Method page, enter a invoice method name.

6. Specify a status. Select Active to make the invoice method available for
7. Select one of the following invoice method classifications to determine the
sources for invoice amount calculations on contracts or contract lines.

Invoice Method Classification


Amount Based

Generate invoices as billing events are


Percent Complete

Generate invoices based on project

progress of a contract line or associated
When you select the Percent Complete
invoice method classification, the
Percent Complete billing extension
is automatically added to the invoice
The extension automatically creates a
billing event with the percent complete
invoice amount for a contract line or
the project associated with the contract

5-6 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Percent Spent

Generate invoices as progress is

calculated, based on actual cost to date
over budget cost.
When you select the Percent Spent
invoice method classification, the
Percent Spent billing extension is
automatically assigned to the invoice
The extension automatically creates
a billing event with the percent spent
amount for an invoice line.

Rate Based

Generate invoices as costs are incurred,

using an invoice-specific set of bill
rates, a burden schedule, or transfer
price rates.

8. To enable an invoice method for intercompany billing only, select the

Use Invoice Method for Intercompany Billing check box. Use invoice
methods with this option to track internal business activity between
legal entities within your enterprise. Deselect the check box if the invoice
method is used for billing external parties.

Define Rate Sources

If the invoice method classification is Rate Based, then, as illustrated in the
following figure, you must select one of the following schedule types on the
invoice method for the source of both labor and nonlabor rates.
Bill rate
Burden rate
Transfer price (available if you are using the invoice method for
intercompany billing)

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Billing Application 5-7

Assigning Billing Extensions

Use the Billing Extension Assignment region to add a billing extension to an
invoice method. In such a situation, contract lines that use bill plans associated
with the invoice method use the billing extension to calculate invoice amounts.
You cannot assign custom client extensions to revenue or invoice methods when
using the Oracle Fusion Project Billing Cloud Service.

Create Invoice Formats

Create invoice formats to determine how Oracle Fusion Project Billing creates
invoice lines.
Configure different invoice formats for labor, nonlabor, and event invoice line
items, and specify if you want to use the format for customer invoices, internal
invoices, or both.
Specify how to summarize expenditure items, and the fields you want an invoice
line to display. You can configure the invoice formats to include free-form text on
invoice lines.
The following sections describe how you create invoice formats.

Enter Invoice Format Header Information

To create an invoice format:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Invoice Formats.

5-8 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Use the Manage Invoice Formats page to create new invoice formats and
to review, edit, or delete existing invoice formats.
4. In the Invoice Format Header region, click the Add Row button.
5. Enter a unique name for the invoice format.
6. Select a Format Type to determine whether the invoice format is used for
labor, nonlabor, or events.
7. Select a date from which the information format is available for use.
Optionally, select a date to which the invoice format is available.
8. Select a grouping option to determine the fields displayed on the invoice
line and how they are grouped.
9. Select the Customer Invoice check box to use an invoice format for
regular contract invoices. Similarly, select the Internal Invoice check box
to use an invoice format for invoices generated by intercompany and
interproject contracts.
Select both check boxes if you want to use an invoice format for both customer
and internal invoices. However, the list of values for the Field Name field in
the Invoice Format Details region only includes values that are valid for both
10. Select the Fixed Format check box to prohibit distributions from being
moved to other invoices lines.
You must select this check box if you select the Internal Invoice check box.

Enter Invoice Format Details

Use the Invoice Format Details region to select the fields you want to display.
1. In the Invoice Format Details region, click the Add Row button.
2. Enter numerical values in the Start Position and End Position columns to
specify where the text in the Field Name appears on an invoice line.
3. Select the Field Name that will appear on the invoice line.
The fields available for selection are determined by your selection of the
Customer Invoice and Internal Invoice check boxes in the Invoice Format
Header region.
4. If you want to replace the default field name for a selected field, enter the
name you want to display on the invoice line in the Text column.
5. Select the Right Justify check box to justify the value of a field to the
right, for example in the case of numerical values.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Billing Application 5-9

6. Click the Save button.

7. Repeat this process for each field you want to include on invoice lines.

5-10 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project
Performance Reporting Application
Define Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Overview
Setup tasks for Oracle Fusion Project Performance Reporting include the
Task List or Task Name


Manage Project Units: Performance Reporting


Configure Oracle Fusion Project Performance

Reporting to collect and review project data against
defined performance areas.

Define Key Performance Indicators

Manage project performance measures, key

performance indicators, KPI categories, and status
and trend indicators to track and view project

Define Region Personalization

Configure region layouts and graph types on the

project performance reporting dashboard.

Define Summarization Options

Configure options for the summarization process.

This chapter provides detailed setup steps for the task Manage Key Performance

Create Key Performance Indicators

Create key performance indicators (KPI) to measure how well your organization
performs an operational, tactical, or strategic activity that is critical for the
current and future success of the organization.
To create KPIs you must enable a project unit to track key performance
The following sections describe how to create key performance indicators.

Set Up KPI Categories

Create KPI categories for the project unit to use based on organizational
requirements. KPIs are grouped into KPI categories based on performance areas.
Examples are, cost, profitability, financial, and schedule. To create a KPI category:
1. Sign in as an Application Implementation Consultant.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage KPI Categories.
4. Use the Manage KPI Categories page to define KPI categories that group
KPIs that belong to a specific performance area.
Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Performance Reporting Application 6-1

5. Decide on what KPI categories your organization uses, such as cost,

profitability, and financial.
6. Replace the User-defined KPI category 4 KPI Category field with a KPI
category name. Optionally add a description.
7. Select the KPI categories you want to Enable for Use.
8. Enter a From Date to indicate the date from which the KPI category will
be available for use. Optionally specify a To Date.
9. Click the Save and Close button.

Enter Basic KPI Information

To create a KPI:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Key Performance Indicators.
4. Use the Manage Key Performance Indicators page to search for, create,
and edit KPIs.
5. Click the Create button.

6. Use the Create Key Performance Indicator page to specify KPI details,
trending information, and threshold levels.
7. Provide the following information in the General Information region:
Option Name


Project Unit

Which project unit would Projects you create in the

you want this KPI to be
project unit you select
will be able to use the
KPI you are creating.

6-2 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start


KPI Name

What should the KPI

name be?

Choose a name for

the KPI based on the
measure name you select
and the name of the
group or project this KPI
will be used.
For example, your
organization may use
the same measure to
create KPIs for different
groups or projects.
In such cases it is
recommended to give
a specific meaningful
name to the KPI. If you
select the measure ITD
budget margin (%), you
can name the KPI Group
1 ITD Budget margin (%).


Which performance
You are creating a
measure should you use? KPI to calculate the
Inception-to-Date margin
percentage for a project.

Measure Format


Populated automatically
by the application based
on the selected measure,
such as percentage,
hours, currency.
The measure format
determines how you
enter threshold values for
the KPI.

KPI Category

What category does the

KPI you selected fall

You create and enable

up to five KPI categories
such as cost, profitability,
and effort on the Manage
KPI Categories page.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Performance Reporting Application 6-3

Currency Type

Which currency type

must the KPI use?

You can select either the

project currency or the
project ledger currency
depending on what is
enabled for the project
unit you selected.
You cannot change the
currency type once a KPI
is in use.

Calendar Type

Which calendar type

must the KPI use?

You can select either

the accounting calendar
or project accounting
calendar depending on
what is enabled for the
project unit you selected.
You cannot change the
calendar type once a KPI
is in use.

8. Optionally enter a description.

9. Enter a From Date to indicate the date from which the KPI to be available
for use. Optionally specify a To Date.
10. Use the Trending region to specify if the current KPI values, project
progress, and overall project health are better, worse, or the same as
previous values.
11. Provide the following information:
Option Name



Trend Indicator

Does an increase in the

Specify if an increase or
KPI value mean the trend decrease in the value of
is positive?
the KPI you are creating
is a positive or a negative
thing for the performance
of a project.
For example, an increase
in the ITD budget margin
percentage is a positive
trend in the project.

6-4 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Tolerance Percentage

Should the application

tolerate minor decrease
in performance of a KPI
when displaying the
trend indicator?

Set a tolerance
percentage to define
how much of a change
from the previous KPI
value will be tolerated
before the trend indicator
changes to indicate worse
For example, you
can specify that the
application can tolerate
up to 1 % deviation for a
decrease in ITD Budget
Margin (%) from the
previous value, before
the trend indicator
changes to depict that
performance of the KPI is

12. Use the Threshold Levels region to specify thresholds to indicate the
health status of a KPI. Select one of the following options:
Multiple threshold levels
Single threshold level value
Single threshold level range
Information you enter in the following sections will vary based on whether the
measure format of the KPI you are creating is percentage, currency, or hours.
This procedure is based on a KPI with a currency measure format.

Specify Multiple Threshold Level Rules

The Multiple threshold levels option is selected by default. To add or modify
multiple threshold levels:
1. Click the Add Row button.

2. Select a Currency and specify a Decimal Display in the Add Currency

and Decimal Display secondary window.
3. Click the Save and Close button.
4. Click the Edit button.

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Performance Reporting Application 6-5

5. Enter the Threshold Start and Threshold End range relevant to the
possible KPI values in the Edit Threshold Levels dialog box.
6. Select a Status Indicator which must be displayed when the KPI value
falls in the range you specify.
7. Click the Save and Close button.
8. Add as many rows as required to set multiple thresholds with different
currencies for the KPI.
9. Click the Save and Close button in the Create Key Performance Indicator

Specify Single Threshold Level Value Rule

To specify a single threshold:
1. Select the Single threshold level value option.
2. Click the Add Row button.

3. Select a Currency and specify a Decimal Display in the Add Currency

and Decimal Display secondary window.
4. Click the Save and Close button.
5. Click the Edit button.
6. Enter the Threshold value.
7. Optionally change the Status Indicator to be displayed for the Greater
than or equal to threshold and Less than threshold rows as relevant to
the KPI value.
8. Click the Save and Close button.
9. Add as many rows as required to set multiple thresholds with different
currencies for the KPI.
10. Click the Save and Close button in the Create Key Performance Indicator

Specify Single Threshold Level Range Rule

To specify a single threshold level range rule:
1. Select the Single threshold level range option.
2. Click the Add Row button.
3. Select a Currency and specify a Decimal Display in the Add Currency
and Decimal Display secondary window.

6-6 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

4. Click the Save and Close button.

5. Click the Edit button.
6. Enter the Threshold Start and Threshold End range relevant to the
possible KPI values in the Edit Threshold Levels dialog box.
7. Optionally change the Status Indicator to be displayed for the Within
threshold range and Outside threshold range rows as relevant to the KPI
8. Click the Save and Close button.
9. Add as many rows as required to set multiple thresholds with different
currencies for the KPI.
10. Click the Save and Close button in the Create Key Performance Indicator

Configure the Oracle Fusion Project Performance Reporting Application 6-7

6-8 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Configure Oracle Fusion Project
Define Project Templates: Overview
The Define Project Templates task list contains the following task.
Task Name


Manage Project Templates

Manage templates to quickly create projects that

share common features, attributes, and options.

Create Project Templates

Project templates enable you to quickly create projects that share common
features, attributes, and options.
To create a project template:
1. Sign in as either an application implementation consultant or a project
application administrator.
2. From the Navigator menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
3. Go to the page for the task Manage Project Templates.
Use the Manage Project Templates page to create new project templates
and to review or edit existing project templates. Create a project template
based on an existing project template or project, or manually create a
4. To manually create a template, click the Create Template button.
Use the Create Project Template page to provide basic project template
information including business unit, project unit, and organization, and
select a project type and project space template.

Configure Oracle Fusion Project Templates 7-1

5. Enter a Name and Number for the project template.

6. Provide the following information.
Option Name



Business Unit

What reference data do I

want projects to access?

Selecting a business
unit determines which
rate schedules, project
types, and invoice
formats projects can
use. It also determines
the legal entity and
which project and task
owning organizations are
available for projects.

Legal Entity


Populates automatically
based on the business
unit you selected.
Change this if required.

Project Unit

What reference data do I

want projects to access?

Selecting a project unit

determines which class
codes, financial and
project plan types,
project roles, and statuses
projects can use. It
also determines which
transaction types are
available for projects.


Which project and task

owning organization to

Selecting a project and

task owning organization
are used for reporting,
security, and accounting.
It determines the default
organization for the
project, quick entry
values, and allows

Project Type

What is the project type

of the project?

Selecting a project
type enables you to
control basic project
configuration options
for burdening, billing,
capitalization, and
project categorization.

7. Select an Initial Project Status such as Requested.

8. Select a Project Space Template to provide an online location and
collection of tools for teams to work more effectively together.
9. Enter a meaningful Description and click the Save and Continue button
to navigate to the Edit Project Template page.

7-2 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

Use the the Edit Project Template page to review basic template
information, access project, financial, and reporting options, and select
quick entry fields.
10. In the Edit Project Template page, scroll down to the Quick Entries region.

Use the Quick Entries region to specify the information that users enter
when they create a project using this project template. Quick entry fields
allow users to enter certain project information quickly.
11. Click the Add Row button.
12. Select a value in the Field Name column.
13. If you have selected Classification or Team member as the field name,
then select a value in the Specification column.
Classification: Select the class category to use when creating the
Team Member: Select the project role to use when creating the team
14. Enter a field label in the Prompt column.
15. Optionally make this a required field.
16. Scroll up to the Setup Options region.

Use the Setup Options region to select which regions, such as basic
information, financial options, and reporting options, are displayed in the
project definition after the project is created.
17. Click the Save button.

Configure Oracle Fusion Project Templates 7-3

7-4 Oracle Cloud Setting Up Project Financial Management: Quick Start

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