Launching Your Acad Job Search Sample Rembrandt
Launching Your Acad Job Search Sample Rembrandt
Launching Your Acad Job Search Sample Rembrandt
Fantastic College
Bethesda, MD 20817
February 25, 2001
Dear Dr. Picasso:
I am writing to apply for the one-year Visiting Assistant Professor position in the area of
behavioral neuroscience. I am currently working towards a PhD. in Neuroscience with Dr.
Benjamina Spock at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Currently writing the
third of five chapters in my thesis, I expect to complete my dissertation by July 2001. A year
at Fantastic College will provide an unparalleled opportunity to develop my skills as a
teacher and mentor.
As my curriculum vitae illustrate, I have pursued every available opportunity to teach. I have
assisted in the development and instruction of many courses relevant to those outlined in
the job announcement including Introductory Neuroscience, Brain and Behavior, Human
Behavioral Biology, and the Biological Basis of Behavior. For my service as a teaching
assistant in Introductory Neuroscience, my students selected me for the Long Teaching
Award. Yet my crowning achievement has been the development and direction of an upper
level psychology course at San Francisco State University. There, I attempted to bridge
psychological theories of motivation with the underlying neurobiology for a diverse group of
students, many of whom had not taken a biology course since high school. In the classroom,
I have three priorities: interdisciplinary content, interactive teaching strategies, and inquirybased learning. By the end of the course my students could intelligently discuss a topic of
their own choosing from this interdisciplinary perspective. Several students said that this
was the first time they had seen the relevance of neuroscience as applied to behavior.
Moreover, I discovered that not only could I successfully direct a course, but that I simply
adored the process.
The theme of interdisciplinary academic pursuits is pervasive not only in my teaching, but in
my research as well. I am equally comfortable discussing ideas with neuroscientists,
psychologists, and molecular biologists since my research on the neural circuits underlying
drug addiction has broad applications beyond the standard techniques I employ. In
particular, I am interested in the limbic brain areas that contribute to drug relapse and other
motivated behaviors. My work is immediately engaging and accessible to those new to
research, and I have directly supervised several such individuals including a high school
teacher and a first year graduate student who is now continuing in her pursuit of addiction
Finally, I am dedicated to enriching the lives of students outside the classroom. Through
student government and committee work, I have advocated for better housing, graduate
education, and student advising. Through ten years of service in outdoor education, I helped
many young people gain leadership skills and self-confidence. Perhaps most importantly, I
am committed to improving scientific education. In partnership with primary school
teachers, I led 2 different after school programs and developed hands-on activities for a
third. Currently, I am enrolled in the Strategies in Gender Equitable Teaching course at the
University of California, Berkeley Extension. The position at Fantastic College is particularly
appealing since it provides an opportunity for me to draw young people into science through
personalized interactions in the classroom and laboratory.
I have always envisioned my future self as a professor at a small liberal arts college. I
celebrate the philosophy of a liberal arts education in everything I do. College should kickoff
a lifetime of intellectual growth, not simply provide career training or mass instruction for
500 students packed into a lecture hall. Although my educational training has been centered
at large institutions, I have consistently sought out the smaller, more intimate communities
within them, and I am highly experienced as a facilitator in small group settings. I am thrilled
to apply for this unique position because my mission perfectly matches that of Fantastic
College: to encourage students to find their passions and to develop into independent
thinkers and future world leaders.
I have enclosed my curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching interests, a statement of
research interests, a letter of reference from Joan Sutherland (other letters have been sent
directly from Benjimina Spock and Marie Curie), and a copy of the article I recently
submitted to Nature. I would be happy to forward a full teaching portfolio, syllabi for past
and proposed courses, or other additional materials at your convenience. I look forward to
hearing from the committee and wish you the best of luck in selecting the ideal candidate.
Thank you for your consideration,
September 1996
1992 to
September 1996 to
June 1999
September 1992
June 1996
University of California, San Francisco, CA
Neuroscience, expected in July 2002.
University of California, Berkeley, CA
MS, Neuroscience.
Columbia University, NYC
MA, Psychology.
Columbia University, NYC
BA in Biology. Graduated with Honors. GPA: 3.8.
Ph.D. in
October 2000 to
August 1998
June 1998 to
June 1999
to to
Research Experience
Neuroscience Program, University of California, San Francisco, CA
Doctoral thesis research conducted with Dr. Benjamina Spock. Pioneered
behavioral and electrophysiological experiments investigating the neural
mechanisms underlying relapse to drug-seeking triggered by environmental
cues. Resulted in 3 publications to be submitted to The Journal of
Neuroscience, Nature, and Psychopharmacology.
The Wheeler Center for the Neurobiology of Addiction , San
Francisco, CA
Member of a unique scientific community of clinicians and basic scientists
trying to understand the neural underpinnings of drug abuse.
Dept. of Biology, Columbia University, NY
Masters thesis research conducted with Dr. Chinua Achebe. Investigated
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) by studying the effect of environmental
risk factors for SIDS on sleep development in neonatal rats.
Dept. of Psychology, Columbia University, NY
Honors thesis research conducted with Dr. Georgia OKeeffe. Coordinated
experiments analyzing the effects of stress on social behavior and on the
morphology of GnRH releasing neurons in the African cichlid fish, H. burtoni.
Mentoring Experience
Rembrandt van Rijn Curriculum
Vitae page 5
toto to
June 1996
September 1998 to
University Service
Curriculum Committee, University of California, San Francisco, CA
Student representative on the departmental committee responsible
for curriculum development and educational policy.
Mission Bay Housing Committee, University of California, San
Francisco, CA
Student representative on the campuswide committee responsible for the design and development of
student housing at the future Mission Bay campus.
Graduate Student Association, University of California, San Francisco,
Director of External Affairs for the UCSF Graduate
Students Association. Worked on policy issues including enhancing
faculty-student mentoring, increasing student housing, extending
student advising to include non-academic careers, and revitalization of
the Universitys teaching mission.
Commission on the Growth and Support of Graduate Education,
University of California Office of the President, Oakland, CA
Student representative on a University-wide task force
responsible for planning the long-term growth and financing of public
graduate education throughout California.
June 1997
June 1996
May 1995
Van Rijn, R, Pavola, A, Washington, G, Rousseau, JJ (2001) Dopaminedependent accumbens neuron firing drives reward-seeking behavior. Nature.
XX:XX (submitted)
Van Rijn, R and Rousseau, JJ (2001) Basolateral amygdala lesions abolish
stimulus-controlled responding for cocaine and disrupt cue-induced
reinstatement. Journal of Neuroscience. XX:XX (in preparation)
Van Rijn, R and Diderot, D (2000) Operant discriminative stimuli, not
classically conditioned stimuli, reinstates food-seeking. Psychopharmacology.
XX:XX (in preparation)
Van Rijn, R, Diderot, D, Shaw, G.B, and Pavolva, A (1996) Modulation of sleep
through ambient temperature increase and sleep deprivation in the neonatal
rat. Soc. Neurosci. Abstracts.
Thatcher, M, Van Rijn, R, Shaw ,BG, and Pavolva, A (1995) Stimulation of
adenosinergic A1 receptors enhance non-REM sleep slow wave activity in
neonatal rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstracts.
Bee-keeping, dancing (swing, Argentine tango, and ballroom), astronomy, sea
kayaking, and reading fiction.
At Fantastic College, I hope to find colleagues who will add new, innovative strategies to my
toolbox, and who will provide me with critical feedback on my teaching. I want to take the
idea of interdisciplinary case studies from the San Francisco State Motivation course and
create Introduction to Behavioral Biology. I would spend the first third of the class exploring
the perspectives and assumptions of the many disciplines that inform our study of behavior:
ethology, cognitive psychology, molecular biology, endocrinology, neuroscience, etc. In the
second third, we would explore case studies such as reward-seeking, anxiety, and sexual
behavior. Finally, the students, in teams of 3 or 4, would teach their classmates about a case
study that interests them. I would work closely with each team before their presentation and
incorporate their material into the final exam. A similar course awakened my passion for
neuroscience. I hope that others may discover their passions through something I stimulate
in them.
My vision of a laboratory course in behavioral neuroscience would not only provide hands-on
experience with the techniques used in the field but also provide experience with developing
a research proposal and with data interpretation. Each week would begin with a 1 hour
"journal club" where major concepts in behavioral neuroscience would be explained through
sample scientific articles. The goal of these sessions would be to identify the scientific
question, assess how the researchers answered that question, and then postulate directions
to take this line of research in the future. Later in the week, a 3 hour laboratory session
would provide hands-on exposure to one of the techniques discussed in the article. By the
end of the class, students would be familiar with the major tools of behavioral neuroscience:
quantitative behavioral analysis, psychopharmacology, neuroanatomy, targeted brain
manipulations, and electrophysiology. Midway through the course, students would write a
two page research proposal based on a "journal club" discussion or on an original
experiment idea. The take-home final exam would provide the introduction, methods, and
results sections of a manuscript; the student would be charged with writing the discussion.
While my goals are ambitious, students should already have a basic foundation in research
methodology through the prerequisite Psychology 200. Familiarity with techniques alone is
not enough to become an intelligent consumer and producer of scientific research;
experience with the process of scientific inquiry is required.
Finally, I would love to collaborate with Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and/or
the Fantastic College Alcohol and Drug Awareness Project to develop an advanced seminar
course, the Neurobiology of Addiction, focusing on the biological and social aspects of
addiction. The course would be divided into five sections, each covering the history and
pharmacology of a different class of drug: stimulants, opiates, nicotine, alcohol, and
hallucinogens. Most importantly, each section would begin with a patient interview or a
discussion with a clinician to put a human face on the disorder. I believe it is critical to
associate the suffering of real people with the promise of scientific research that may one
day help bring relief.
partners, food, and drugs of abuse. More recently, several researchers raised the hypothesis
that dopamine is required to motivate a behavioral response to a salient environmental cue.
I recognized that my behavioral task could directly test this "motivational salience"
hypothesis. If dopamine is truly required for a cue to trigger a behavioral response, not only
should dopamine blockers disrupt the ability of animals to respond to the DS, dopamine
disruption should abolish the activity of neurons that are excited by a DS.
As I pondered these questions, a postdoctoral fellow, Chinua Achebe, joined our laboratory.
Her expertise in monitoring the activity of neurons with electro physiology and mine with
behavioral neuroscience allowed us to devise productive experiments together. We
combined microinjections of pharmacological agents into specific brain areas with
electrophysiological recordings of neurons in awake, behaving animals. We found that
dopamine proved essential for neurons in a target region of the amygdala, the nucleus
accumbens, to increase their activity after DS presentations, and for these DSs to drive lever
pressing. This experiment provides the first direct physiological evidence in support of the
motivational salience hypothesis. The fruit of our collaboration has been submitted as an
article to Nature. Moreover, our experiment established the great advantages of a
collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to behavioral neuroscience research, and I am
eager to continue my work in this direction through a wider range of collaborations.
My future research.(This part should entail one or two paragraphs about your future
research as well as what part you intend to conduct at the institution you are applying to. )