Dracula by Bram Stroker

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h th! 5!g o 1975. JqorE HL



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b by! b} th! $i' shc yiis oI Jomt|rmr ].n.6, 6

lhq Jo Dd @h!' d Mhi i ifoid' l
lF Jonlhi! n

LWy. vilt



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y sory b.gins about s.v.n )cirs ago, in 1375.Mt

n.me is Jontha. Harkcl' and I live and vork in
|ondon' My job to 5uy and sell hoNes for othe. people'
one dy |eter aived ol ne ron ! very rich nan qho

aL lbdd

d si

6 Tdd


E6! *

|ivedin TBnsylvini,. He s]nted to by. house in England

lnd he Deededmy help.The nan Nas CoubrDracuhj and I
I onnd a housc tol hin' lnd he isl.ed me to t][e l|1 te
papes lol it to Trrnsyhania' j was not vely pl a s.d about
rhis.I *rs planningto get maried in th. iutumn, and i did



rctwant to l a ve my betutifulMin.
.But you nus go,Jonathan',lhc sid''Tie c.nt is ch
nd pcihapshe will giveyoU mole work l,ter''
so ! agreed to go. l did not l.now then ot|. teible dange
wlicb Nrired lor me in Trrnsylvania.
Andso, on alh M.y I arrivcdat i litdetown cauodBisitz.
vis a sRns! and beantiful country' Tne.e wele
inthemouDr,inswisdEcounishome'castlcDracul.I had
six hous !o wlit befolc th. co.ch camc to tkc hc theIe,sT I
wenr into a litdc hor.l. lnsidc thc notel it was vam and
fie.dly. The people there were iU llusbins ind t2lkins.
'vhcre areyou
soing| tbeyaskedne.

'To c]le Dl.tcuIi,' lrq'icd.

sJddenly t]rriin wrs!|cnr JndcYeNon.tunrd b ]lk
arDrc.I.otrl'l D.tundcBt.nJ r'hy th.v xll IookedrGr ,
'D.nt g.th!rc, somconcsxid.
'But I hrv. to,' I rnsvefed. It\Lru!n$s.
Th.y bcE ro ulk rg.in, butthcyw.rc no loDgerllnshins.
5lowlv. t]relloreIke.!c.s wictook til. eold o$ r.n]hcI
D e . kr D d p t t i ] n om y h a n d ' . T ] k e t b n . . s | j . s l i d ' . ' I h cLf u
d]ng.r xl ci*lc Dncul]. |tupl.hil wi|]l'.ll ]lo ''
whcn th.coch ] v.d.nd I grl inkj n' r.ru}'J olpcoplc
camcol']tch'1nd l h.1dth.]vod \impir''
The coi.h rrvcllcd up rnto rh. mounui'x. HiBher ird
higheritw.n(.fr*cI r]3.r'Tlrc5UDwtrsbr]El'l.Lt]borc
t h e . e \ . h c l c l a s s n o w o n t h e D o U D t ] n r |Tsh, ! n N d . c n I y


thesuDwent dosn behindthe mountrinsrnd everywherervss

d].. In tl'e fo!.ta,!nd us,th9woIvcswcrchow]inE.h rvjs
sndJcn|yth.corch sopPcd' A sma]lcaiasc cincdo{n
th Mrcw ro]donthe right' Fonrbl]ckhoNs wc|cpullinE
it,M dle'lrjvrwxsdresedin bIx.t'rvnh r bLrcl.[xt pulled
'whcrc's thL Engl$hjn.n?' hc clllcd..l\c.on1! roDlcisle
He |ookcd nnge, $rndiIs there in thc nroon|jghr'and
suddcnlt l $xs 1rxid'But it w]s oohtc' I could not go brc]<
soTD]V!{elconourNy rocr*]eDri.ul..Thcnlounrlnr
{ c c i l l . r c u n d o s i n J t h cn o o n w . s b c h h d b | . k . ] . d ! . I

.ouldseenothi'rs-butl.ould *illherrtlewolves. Thchork!

sent 6$er rnd f.ser. and tne drivel l,Uged sildly'
sndden|y.hc cai.lc *opped' l openedthc dool rnd go1
our, ! oncc thccli.hge drove awiy rnd I was |oDein lrnl
ofth. JaIk' silentci*|e, | ood therc,|ootnrs up.t t, nd
slow|}''thebigrv.odendoolopcned' AtjlI mlD s.! in ront
ot mc' His ]un ws whtc and he wxs ']rc$.d in b|.[ from
.co'nc jn. M H]IkeI., he siid' .l
im counr Drx.ulj.He
held our h hand ]nd Itook it. It sis as cold xs iceI

l rvent ino t]rec,le rnd the coun. ctrr f uIly l..ked th!
'loorbe|ji'r'lDe. He Iut e key i!k' hi\ pock.t iid tdl to
3o p{xs' |]|ow.dhnn'nd Nc.rjn! to. ooh wh.rc a
bightly'In frontoitthcrcwls x Indctxbl!
wi oodr.d lijrk oD ir' The count rs| d nE to lit down
rnd cxr, b he nid not elt rvir| me. L.r. Ne slt.nd..lked
bythe hre, His lDg|jshrvN Ye!go.d, nd $hi]c \'c trlk.J,l
l'xd nnrekr l.oL lt hih .l!n]lb. l.l\ facc sas vcIy t'hit.' Ln
.l $!rc ljk.thccan or r cat' rnd hntt.th wcrc $rong |jk.
th. tccth of rD rnimrl. Th.rc sJs hriron his hsnJs xn'l his
liDgersrvercvcrlong' \\'henhctoU.lr.d Dc.l wx! xrlid'
It wrs nerrlv Drxni'igwh.n l(rnt o l,!dj rM outsidcjrh!
fhc i.\r 'non1i'rgln[nr]my brciLhon c Iittlct]LIcnr
Ontofthc li' Not'llrit ir rYJs1ight'l cotrldte nrrr cr|e
D m c u h t ' ] s o I d x n d ' l n t v . ] s l ! v n o r . r v n r \ . |t ]l t , t d . l '
l'he cou|did notc.It lo belk.r*,lrtibcrc wi\ i |cfur
'c. iny{hcr i'r tircc$d.', ils]jd'.btrtY'nc o drc rcoms
]fu |ock ' Do Dot t|y to go i'o tlrcscfuom!,.
\lren d]c coMt cxnrc b1.k i'j rhe evening,l'. ull.!d 10
kD.NrLlihout his rc{ hous! i Ilnglrna.
'\](cll, I b.grn, itsivcry bighousc,old rnd drrk, wirli l
dr houseisdx'h.1r hrsi lnllecl,rr.h ror. ,\ndIslktrvldhin
Il.\'r5 plcrs.d ibo thcchurch. Ah,'h! s.

sla|!, Ihc bis uoad." dToopoEd'

, \o I shrll

\ r { /' ' l

'''| ''.|||^''f
. r. In ',,tt^.,
. ' t r ' c ] ' n h i r ns . j t c i b l c 'l 1 w x t h ! s n . L i o t r ] . . h
a, ..1, l',.
h.snjl!J. hi\ lL.{J5 r|rcfu.. oJ rv.


!t , '., ,,
, t.
Tr.]n:v|v1n'j .j jD (]'NL]c|)']( |i' t.nl tlr. Ci trl d |]
l \ tr ]l!( w hi'n n] th! .'\r !. ll| t
k r . r i r r b r D i , , t i c ( L ) n n r . . l . i l t v ! i w t r ' t r i .or! t , r r ! t r c nh (
\ '''l
' ]'''

't. .
, i, . I
.t .



j\,1i'r].]DJ hU hjdnl

| tr.r.l-|.'Y ln(

hcf trrir,!r$c,.{.ryi'rsLrv drr!0, rDJ i\,l,nrN.r\t,t.nrirun

ri\l ]hC[ th!'! !'n! tnn!, sttr|nJL},I tolJ tlr. counI i1
Th.|. \yl5 Do ljilntr in nv b..l'o.D]. LD1] !rrd 1[. Blr
!I ' .fa | (rs s]Iri,rs. SuJd.rlr r h.'nJ nN.h.J m. inrl r



b|t 1,nn l.t n? hiD Drl\

\ ' l] l ! ( l \ h o . k ] o J l . u t ] n y ( ! ] .|' ] | l { l l], C ! l n t o l u n d o |
S r d d . D Lh
v . p t r t o u lh i \ l , ! ! l I l ! 6 x dx N i l d 1 . . [ i ' ]l r i \l r c i

out. |*'.s high xtrovctlr! g|ound' N1trDy

oltllc Joo i! tlrl
!N|| $.r. Lo.k|t],sUJJ]|y.l!DJcAn,'] |wl\ l |r^!D.r



Dnt l|itc

ro voII

n1L Hiwki'r dut y.u ll be h.r.


''J h..|\"s.o'J
.o''|'|.'' v|..
v ||''\l[,''d'|'r, ^'' h l''
w.s inrpo]nt to hm, io i c count needc'lnjc. thcn Ih]l
tosxy' I srotl my lcttc'Lut I ]<Dew
dlxr l]t cTuntPhDled
to leld ' ] coul.]nottell]vii Hxwk!] thit l t'.s x prjsoneIf

t]t w! {,w | 9rv thc.hcutifr']Iouig 'fcn' Tl'c' .'.rC

Ritlh,og mc, rnJ rrlkins qtrictl]. H. is youns rn *rong,

Thrt cvenirBth! Cornr d]d not suy rnd tilk Nitl' nr, bur

onc of th. $om.n cxmc ncRc'|lc srcns {hnc t.cth

tou.lreJ nr}'nd. |.loseJ nyey s rni xited' .Kjs nrcl Kks

| . . ' '

|'e 4'''''

' 'a


o' 'e '''



lriend, d.cp.nly in thn roonr or your Lrcdroonr.Yon nnsl

n v cr f1|I.s|!!pinxny odrerroo l jI thccisIc' YoU \rjlIb. j
whcD hc letl' l went io nly oom'but Ico l'] nor i.*1nJ
but I tound orc which $rs opor.I frrh.d bick thcrloor ?nd
!xw Lhrt rhcr. $rs x !vi'rdos i'r are room. h rvrs J beruritul
DjNbtandfu ntou|xij]s
|L.i wonJcnIi'j thesot'.|](\r
liEhtoath( n,oon.SrJJeDll, $mcthirE moved belos 'nc. tt
$rsd,rCounr.slowLr.h!cim.outoatuNind.\ 6r*dros.
hxndr,riketr{ h.mtsotxnaoi'nrl,rfd rh!n h sh.rJ. Hcbc$n
to',c Jou d]c !yi]|',.,J'r!' \\'ilhhis lrLi.1<
cIojk 1rotrlJ
llm. h. IookcdLike] 1l.rt b|.bIick bi] lnd nrI bll,oJ.tln
.Okl' whxt l{J (iit Dm.uh]

.Yes.There 1te khfs or]1loLl'. xDonrel!.svered'

I wjsex.t!d.lJlftd
' ILlewLllr.I srDled tlYtresofte'l

sJddc||y th.e$xs r .ry o xnFer, h rvrs l cTnnt! H.

!!]Ln th! }'.frn ilr}

fro'n 'nc, nd hcr brighl blL'. cy.5

I sh 9.'Cd.Jtrr]s.tdo!|nloI r Dintrl. 1hcn'n lxs sJ'n]

1n'l '.idall'' l thjnkthxrmxnv }'.]Ii.No sJs ] rooD l.' lhc
lidi.\ ol th. .xLc, xnd l de. c. not to go bJ.k r Dlr ,l!|.
dxrk rconr,but.osleepid rhr rcon. So I lrf dorvf rftlclGlrl
snddenly If.h at I i']s not ]lon.' In thL 'noonIightron

Th( cq,i

,rttcd tbc uetth

crry trd, ,ne.

hrncd rcd !vith r wLld.nscr. I Ioo[ed rt rlic (i{'nr im] his

.}'.s wcie bLjnjgwnh ilI the nreso h.]l.
. G e to I h ] ' n | ' h c c r i c d . . H e \
D . I l t r } o u I s t i yr w ] y l r n l
hi'n'' ^ s..onr]lat.I' d]e woDr.'j \yccno longcIdEe, Th.I
dld not lcav. by the dorr. but th.) wcrc no l.nEefrl,.&t
I (mcnberro rytr. of thrt nishr. WheD I wokc,l rvrs in
b.d in my ro.m. My sold cros hy on .he hblc ncxt to nrc.
b ghr in rhc morningsun.
I kn.w rhcnrhrtthosew.n,.nwcrcvrmpires,xDdlhthlt

Two uightslater,rh. Count crne to mc,.wntc to MnB,.he

srid. ' rell h.r that your wo.k iDTransylvrnir is 6nisnedrnd
dt you ar..onins home.'

I nus do sonethiry beforeit was oo bre.

vampncs.rn only .omc o(t ar night,so I kncw th.t rhcrc
wasno dang.rduringthcday. Thc ncxtmorni'rs I dccidcdto
visirthe councs rcom tosee wht l conld nnd' To do this I
b1d to get jnto ir by th wi'rdow' T]]k wls pTsible bec]usc
hjl nnn sas i$t bcl.w fy Mdrrrnl' nd thcre N.r. |i!l|.
ho|s in rhc wall bctt'c.n thc $o.s' I c.u|d pt h9 f.( nl
$o' 3nJ l conlJ Uscdrchc]vy cuajnsiron ny winJow to
hold oDto.k srs drnscrous,bnr I hrd to k).
s]otVlyl DrovedJoNn rheN1|1'once or vi.e l !lmoslcll'
l'ut.tl.$ l found i1ys.|l]0 th.cotr0L\ bedoonl,

tlow plcrsedI wrswhen I h.arJ rhistBui rhen rhc Cornt

srid' .sy th.t you re.r Bisirz' ]nd pLt Jnc29th on the

Thc roonr {iscmpty. Thc count vis not thc...l loolln

fu ec]*]e k}s'|rtrll.on|d not 6ndth.nr'ovcr in one.ornc
ol t|c foon t|erc sxs somc goLd,iDJ on thc othcr sideolthc
roonrlhcrcwlsx bi8soodcn dTl' ltt'lsoP
lnd I sxs tlrjt
thccwere sohe *lirs gojngdown l w.I. do{I tbenl.rnd I

I shiver.d Nhcn hc said this. I kn.w rhcn that nre coLnt

p|nnedto ku mc on t|rt day, whRt could I doIThe|e wis
nothins. I.ould only wair.nd try to escrpe.But thc Count

nrx roonsithr$on.noor. slowlv,Iloohcdrroundmc.Thc(
we JbTur riltysooddrboxesh tlreroom'T]rcywclccot6Ds.
.n. of d,.m hy rhe CruDtl l
J thcy werc full of.rnh.l

took avay i|l 'ny othcr.|othes3nd ny ]ve|!pcls, ind he

locked ihe doo! ofmy mon.
w..k oI two |lte.' l headnoiscsin thecr$|e'.hc Jolnd
ot hcn working'.Perhps on.olthcnvil| tlke" |c$clonro
c c*lc o.ne,' I lhought'
But it wxstoo lteIItwff alreadyJUn.29th,andthireveni']g
romnjy windTw l srv rlre count lcavc c cl*le' wnh ny
let|erto Mini inhishrnd' Hewasgoingto poitIl(nes thit

.oUkl not9y lLcwasr]cJdorr5]cc]j'HcI!5.vcrcopetr lM

lookcdcold ]nd ony' b thn r].cdid notlook llkc c rc.
5].NIy l w.nt ne]tet' l thoD3lt pclhxps d]]t hc hjd thecxle
k.yi.i him. But*h.n llookcd.r th.r cold, *ony ./ds, m),
blooJ rn.old' AiiJ.l turncd Jnd lan bx.k to thc RlnJow.
I did Dot *op to t|nrk until I wrs brck nr my room.
Th1t night dle cont cane to me ]gnr' .Tonoo$ you

Morningclmelx$,aDdIwrssdll rlive.'l nu*escxpe,' I

olgnt. But i6tI !d to get the keys'
oncc.gai' l weitdown theI|'d ]nto..counf s room,
I rrn down rhc *ann to thc room with thccoffns.
ThecoUDt$s tlrere'i'r lris cof6n' but [e looked youngel
iDd his hrir wrs Do loaser white. There wrs blood on his
jnoud]' which tjn drwD ross his neck' My h]nd! wele
shrkins, but I had to touchhin, .o lmk rir rhc keys.I reltxll
ovu lris Lody' bni thcy Ncl.nt thcc'suJd.nlv l wantedto
kill countDnc r.Itook a worknins hammcr,anJ bcsnn
t. bliDs it dowD hrld on b rlrlt li|rlc. snrilingfuce' B
r u * t h . n . h e h e i d . u n e d a D d . h . c o n t , s b u r i n 3 eI yo eosk e d
at mc' His bloody houth snilld nlorc holbly thrn ever. I
droppedthc hamnrcandood thcrc'shkjng.wht cou|dI
]u* dlen I ]]elrd the soDndovoi.cs' The tvor[ncn wcrc
coninEL!ck. I llutrledb]ck Upd*xnsbtlccolDlsroTm'
BdTw,l hca]thcnoscof . k.y,'l-h.soknl.n 1Vere.pening
]rl ou! of.h. .oi|'

liy |ht cqn|'

wil||etunj o Eghtrd'' M slid - tnd I [&w tlrlttonlr[ow

] iy down o! D} Led. bot l Jid ]rots]ecp|.Iy rvclI Dui'rg
th. night I h.ltd son.n\ voice\oIt!iJe nly dlltr, J] thcn
tlrt connjsl!iIg. .'xn Your tinjl llr5 nor v.t conre'
Tom..w nishr rou cin hxvc hnn th.n. Thc rvoDen
lrtrgheJ.x lor,s*cetsound,lD,l I slrookNith lcrr.

rdoor. so thercNisanothcr JoortothconNnlcdoNn rh.t.l I

gctij]glhe colintrexny.Tr 1ioLfiey. perh.ps to EngLrndII
ncfib.!] thc c.uncs R.ils ib.!t his llrls tT visit my
I 'trcd to n bck do*'n]ns' to lind this opcn doo.' Rut
l sxs tTo |'rc' coId wind lln th|ought|c c*lc ]nd, rvitlrx
cras|l.the door!t the rop ofdlestlns.Iosed 1Ddlocl.editscl'
I cruld not g.t back do-n the *ans.
soon lsrv &om thc window the hea'y c.ts ullofcoffins'

wlonq' Bt Wha!?Was Jonalhan in dange?]'houghl about

him a thel me. WhVdidn't h. come bckio ng|and
and lo

g home and Was at Bisitz

e ene 'Pelhaps he,s i||',


r1lheLl' 4 |ltl In).I

l lllld|.a1|

inn rhr workDrn dror. rw?y.l $s xlon. i'r rU cr*Lc Bith

thot tcnibl. Y1D,tr.csoncn.
whiLt I srs slnngresewoft|\ in yr]riry.I(].. .dt'hx'
t] do' l nu.|r. to es.]|c I n l| tv fu !.t dltT L|l. \x]l
lJnc Th! \nrn'w i\ hig|rxt.(,vcth.gu
, h!' I ]rrvt to
k}.l fi.tl]tJ|i.'n! l'fr|rcgo]i \\itlr nr! - jlcs$t.'t!r|ji|r\
If I Ji!. n $i]| L]! tr.ttcr driD lhe n.rtll djlt !v.]its
ht!,(;.!)lhI!' I,1i'lxj\]i]l l l|e \cc |oU Jgxjni

much.He.sawayjust now,
andyou knowlha' Mo'her and lae slay]nga' Wh tby, bV'he
se' P|s6comandsty with us,nd Idanle you a alJul

peased to heaher news and deci.ledlo qo mmed]ateV.

BUt somet mes il was hadlor mel beca9ewhen Lucy

taIkedofAnhu,Ilhoughl oJonathanagain
T h e W e a l h e lw s g o o d a n d L u c y a n . , w a k e d a | o t '

| o u n dh e l , s h e w a s s n g i n t
m o o n q h t ,a n d I t h o q h Il s a w s o m e l h i n d
q a kb e h i n dh e l


somethng dalknd hoibe. s|ow|y'ils head moved nerer

Al nisht Lrcy and lslept in one room,bul somerimesshs

wa ked in hels]eep.sh b6gantos eepbad|y'ndhermothe
and Idecided'o Iockthebedoomdoorat nighl.
Then ono dythewealhel chang.d' The skywas b ack and

ilte cy.she p!t herhan.]s'o her neck'and saW lhal'hele

were two i1le dropsTlb|ood the.

vryexciled by il' and she sat by lhe window a|ln ghi and
The n x ! moninglhere was a ship on lhg bach'
'll's a Russianship, rrom Varna

seanl lo|d us, .bele aecoffins on il, and lheyle

afrh'And a biq b|ckdogjumped oftheship and n
,And is v r yon onihe ship
,Th.fs lh stange lhjnq
about ]t,,lhe seruan1
'Th6wasno one
on the ship, T
Eveybody]n lhe 'own ws Very exched by thh
sh]pibut'heewr no answe^
sawthe bis blackdos asain
Tfut nighl Iwoke Up and foundlhallhe bedrcomdoorws
|oo| d |ol hel everywhrdin
lhe hoUse'bUt ]cou d not lind he.' 1'm araidorh r ' ldon1
k n o w w h y , 's a i d t o h e r m o r h e r .
I knewrharLucysomeiimesliked

A r " l ' h d 1 i o \ lL U N \ . o A
nighl and her Iove|ylace was wh te' IWas a'a]dlT hsand
o c k e dt h d T o r a t n g h t , A n d | * | d i d n T t h e a r r o r
r o a a r r d nl ^ d - u r \ c o p " d r d d .
one n ghl went oa wa]k a o
i h o U q h t , ' T h e d o T r| iosc k e ds h e c a n 1g e i o u t , a n dn o o n T T r
qet in'' Bul whBn came back, ond Lucy bV tho Tpe
w n.'Tw,LUcy]'IcreB
d ' t s h ed d n o l e p | vs h e w a s a s e e p




t ' ood' j . ^c'

someih ns brack,rkea biq bi.d.

eer' Jonathan Was i||and n

wedovelhouqhthe drcetsoL
said sofilv,'oh M]n,I ov y oU,
acewen' While, and he
ariage'outs]da shop. In i1
lhewas a penyq rl wilh dakhi.' s|re was wailing or
, wilh tonqwh re reerhand a
v e yr e d m o U i h
l h e c o U n t ! ' J o n a i h a nc i e d ,. H e r e] n


p e d a n dh e t dJ o n o r h a in
e h]sdiry to read'And so
onihan,sle bIedventre
in 1he casl e But hr sTaped And When he fe|| ] n th.
mounla ns' sTme workmen ond h]m and 'ook him 1o lhe
e w s W h j t ea n d 1 h i n ' a n h
was srr very arraid,bu( now w
.]onthanand Iweemaied on seplembe.1st' an.|i|ren
We beoan Tm joney home We aved bdk in Engand on
scplember ] l h] and h Was wo
EVeyoneIookedhappVon lh1w

1.' dr :o&l|| ]onh4n in



Jona'han pu1h s hed in h s handsandsid no1hinglolhe

restot|rejouneywasvery al|aidfohim' Ws h lea||ytu

b|ood Bulhow?was itthroughiheselwo |newounds in hr

lhallhis hoib e conl Dracu was herein London7

when we a Ved hTfie,lhere was a |e!e rTm AfrhUr
l'lolmwood.Lucywas dead My dear*lLucy, dead! icou d

Ideciddiosend formy o d 'eachProsssorVanHe|sinq

fomHolIand'Pe aps hecTU|dh|p
Hecame]mmeditey' nd when he saw how i||LucVwa.,

La1elwe 16adthe |eera!a]n

'sTon alier yoU Ie,,
Ad|rUwote,'LUcy beoan tT gel
w o s e ' d ] dn o tk n o w w h a l l od o ' I k n e wo | | yI h t m u s t d o
q U i c ky ' s o | s k e do U r o d r i e n d ' . ] cske w a r di,o
' ' ,I l h o u 9 h 1 ' , , P e hhaepcsa n
ame ai once,brl in rhe end
d she died yesreday''

l ^ c Ks E w r ( D s s r o R Y

'she can hav. my b|ood'cried nhur''A||ofit-rT

th |sl

V a n H e s ] n gw a s i q h lW
' ilh Ad
H e s i n gd i d o n e m T c l h i n gH' e b r c U g h l s o m e l | o w e | s w il h
Veyston9 sfre||land he pul a ck.|e o lhem rTund Lucy,s
t|remomyoUr neck|onighliand
van Ne|sinqhad to Tlurnlo Ho||andol a few days and
belorehe Ieh' heloId Us:,YoUmUstwalch LlcY evvni9ht'
h|reawas nol ston!
3n.l AdhUr had 1o go bac| ho

sal by her bed, I heald slanqenoises a1

hTn I head om dhUr lhe terib|eneWs o Lucyls
ediately. cou dsee

l r r a i s h e w a s v e riy . s h D 3 y n b e d a d a ya n d d i dn o r m o v e .

k tchenwindow and we went in.

ou dsoethe bodiesofthe
loJl servanG on lhe l|oo.hy
'someona put.oTlhin9 ]n the
we ran up ro Lucys room, and sropped outsde n wilh
wh ieacesnd shakinghands'weooo^edthedTorsoh|yf,.l

he molher'sacetheewas a
n her hand sh h6d Ihe owe 'Tm
LUcyt neck'and on lhe oolthere ws9|asslrom lhe boken

frother dead', hesaid


LUcy n is

r,,1,^,1\tt,., r. tr t t, ,. , i rti.\,,.t
N|sinq,Walch LUcycrB|u
hor l me, LUcy belan lo show

| .lid not wa r lor bfeaklasr, rJ

id Yo not get my note?

ouick| Perhapswe aea readyloo a'e '
we knockedaqain,but theewas sti||o answ8'We wenl

herand pur her in a warm bed. Fron rlnaro I mo she s epr,

b ' s h ed d n o l g h 1 t o y a ] V e
a i h e r w a sn o w d e a d a, n dh e
y . o n e o u s s a l W t hL u c V
a I l h e l i m e 'a n dl h a !i i g h l A i h u
siluns room,while

when Van Helsinscame back

rthwas sl] | s eepdownsli
Lu.y andlooledar her.'Thewou

s e d n d s h . s e p 1s o o i s h .
and and si.l son y,'MVtue
lriend'and then,qrietry,Lucy died.
'she's gTne,,sidVan

He movedhh headnereto he,butVan Hesing pu ed
hlm back.'Nol h. cried.For a m

m, and Van Hersinsaid I

oo(ed down to!elherat he beaUlilu ace.
' P o o r s l r l , 's a i d r i s r h e e n d
is Tn ythe beg]nnin , ,
Some days rarer

s r o re s i n t h e
g chi|dranwho went oul l
night and did not so home untilrhe nexrmorn ns. and when
iheY did qo home, they l ked a
ihese chi|drenhad.lps ol bood and Mo tt|ewonds on
nd h. brouohl the paoe
, don,t know,,
said. ,Thstwo
T h e nV a n H s s n ! e x p a i n e dA. r r r s t t c o u d n o l b e t i e v ier ,
and w 1 aIked foa Iongl me. A
lht pool LUcy was ki||odby d v
Vampieis laking b|oTdfomlhe
'No'' Van Ho|singrepied' ,You haven1Undeslood The
m t h e s ec h i l d f e ni s . . . L u c y

th.) \r.t,,tt\ t,



wasveryanqry',Tha{sno!tu]' c]ed'

' T h e nc o m e w t h m e , ' h e s ad . A
So ihal nishr he rook mo to Luc
a i d w e w n ln ] s d o 'I w a s V e y
ffn' the tomb Was a te ll|c
p|ace s owly, Van Nek nq began1oop.i th.cofin.Then re
rhc coffinwas enpty.
ait oGide'' he said
Iwas coId and araid,a.l n!yw]i|r
m y s e ] fa n d W t h v a n H e | s n g 'T h e ' s u d d e n y 's o m e t r i n g

trhe Un Dead,b!r in rheend

he aqreedto.omr with usro theromb
The n ghtwas da*, bur nowand then,a tt e moontighrcame
tlrough1hec|oudsVan He|singopn d thedoor o|lhe tomb
'Now, Jack,, ho s].l lT me, 'you
cTfiin' AhU,sacewas
while when hemoved nea|oW

o o k e d a i1t s n e c k , T h e | e e n o
worndsonrhe.h ds ne.k, soid.
,No'' Van Hes nq lepIied.,We
re ru* ]n i]me ,
he n'.xl day, Van Hes ns and I
ofn' This l me Lcyt bodv
eek aso bur sho d d not
d an.r haf face was more
b e a J l f | t | r aenV e T h e nV a H e
i d L u c y t sn o w o n e o l t h e

ko nqry He .ou]d not

:'nL]\ f r H, n;1\: 1l\,l 1l),,


hammein you]qhlhand Then yTu must divethe wood

lhoUghLcy's heat h isn1easy foryou, bU1ii w]|soon be
done' can yo do lhi.forlre|7'
ed, and drops ol brod irll
rrom ii. Suddenly h saw us and s
anqer'and Adhur gve a

ce and openod|lismslo
h i w h e nV a n H 3 s n g r n
betlveenlheh,.nd ho|dout h i
d throu!h lhedoo Ihedoor
was clDsetl,burshewen.|hraqh h!
'Now, AnhUr, mV iend,,Va
n d c ] e d ' d' o I o h , d o ! ,
q, and lwenr back to the
lomb'Van He|sinqhad a bag wi'h h m, and when wwrro in
1hetomb,haqa n openedLucy'scof'in Ths body Iaythere,
hoib y beautifu|'AdhUwas w
1t is' and it is not' Bl wan, and you wi||scethrelLucy
again,,VanNe s]nglepIed
Helookomhis baq |ongpiec
rched.Then Van Hehinq said
n y o U r I e th a n d ' n d l h e

|d the p ecTwood ove.

LUcy,shead, and broUghtlheh

ide and a hoibe sceam

came iiom the open edmo!!h Anhu|.I]d no'.lop' Hd.
and hafderhe hnrhewood wirh rhehammer,untir,alrasr,thr

e n l o V e r t oh j m , n dn o w
y o m a yk i s sh e l , ,h e s a i d ,' s e e T h e V . m p n e i s d e a d , n d t h e
rea Lucy has come back'
|l Was tue. Lucyt accwas pa e
nn ,.]r rfuh r!14 ' |tdt P^1|:!\fa!llll'Ls'
s d' ,we hve ony ]U
b e g n W e m u s l ] i dl h . v m p r
be di|cuh an'l dn9rous'Wi||yoUhe|pme?,


MinJ in dmgr


d]|! lfl.''\1trjl

l1d 'h! ]c1tcno

! l,u.y\ .]cJr|r,\|rc h.k] .Wth.r

^Illlu. w r|r tLc


Thrs w.[

|ojI' Pn)fc$o vx| |]cLsmg' ] fr]ox| o Athur's' ln it h.

srotc. 'I knos' trcm lolr l.t|!Is b LU.y' thJt you LY| h.l
il(nd' I son|d ytLr nn'.h ]i!. t 'nell {lL. k] lrL|i

'bot rhcn|rc whU]yTl w.Ctr'h |-u.vxtwhitbv'.

so tlr! ltoBjtr|lji'! n] \.c ns ]t ol' hUse,1lJ w. |!.
t|[ fulIsol.|o.r l,u.}\ tcibLc de'nh' Ihco I'linr grvc
vr H.]nig D)' driIy to rcxd.]|J hc Lcrnt rbout nr)'tiD! .t
(]rnLcDicnIx'Hc a']s very.x.r(i
. A h l , h c c i c ! ] ' . N .1
s h.gijl
n , u I l J c B t x D$J n l n l y t h ] n s \ !
ThncolDtDrl.UIl ]jcBi:th!vxD]Pnath]iilllJlToMns
Lu.]. w I fotr hc\r u\ r) 6nf |ima
()l toul(' i\,n31nd I ]gr.!!i r. [!|n wh(o l sxw couIl
DnN r rtrLondon' Iw]sY!l lf.r 'L,utDow l eltroDg
b..xus.l hrJ work (, dr.
w.LeF]i rroncc MiIr sent o.ly \nhJlckscw]
hL\ho!sc. tr (lI hlm ]nd [hr 1|l ]hoIt thc coUnt'.nrl l
vt lo whitbv' I wxnte'l t. ti']J otrl ]ho(t c.olins thx.
w(rci'rth.shitont|tIighrotB!onn thc\hipd]ltb,Fhr
cotrnt D'r.J]J k) hlg|lnd. Artcnr]n''qtr.{].ns. Il!'otth.t
t]rc.ofh|s str. trowLothccon'\ hou in L.dJon'

ey.sbured |]kercd ires,v)n H.]si'j!

Arrili ntrl{f
iid Lh. (i\fi.nl.(l'

Ih|td bl.| to Lo|drnlndt.1]c|.sewJh housc.whcn

I told vrn Bclsng this ncws, hc .rll.d !s rll toFether,rnd
!ljd' .Nos drc d?ng.r bcglns' l h1v.l.. 'nUch lbolt
vlmpires lronr old books,rnd I know that thcv crn cotueout
oi\ l. night' DLi'rgt|e d]y njey xrc jite d.ad bodics Jnd
m| havc l ||J!! () hi!c. I dliik dDt C:ountDrcuh useshis
cor6nsoIhn d.yrin'. hnli]1rpl]ccs If sc.rn hnd lrim nr x
cofdn,wecrn kill hinr.Burlcls so to hr hors.loniChr. !(/ell
|ut holy breld iI tlrc cof6us' JnJ thcn thc colDt cnnot g.r
bxck fio thenr'He.ll Len]rrveno ph.. to hir]cnuri]rEth!
da}. ]nd hc w]L|bc*ellt.r nd exsto dght rvl]enwc dnn
so nmt night v]n H.|!ng' Ja.k, AhUr' aDd I se|t oul
tog]]crro tlle counls housc'MiDl' of.ou6c, Jlrl not.ol..
\'ith !s,I wN lriJ t.lcavehcrJlonc, bUtlhe s]id thrt drcrc
s.s molc Jingc {oI ni th.D {fhdl'
h.k h]J somcold ].cys\'nh LJjjin'l wihon. of thrsc w.
got i'o d]c hou lr N.s olJ .nrl drv, inJ c sN|] . L|.Td



vrs.veryNhert. ve *rltcd throughthc cold,.lrptv roo s

rnd rr h* \'c nlllJ !ulins'
Inon hI L.asVII' H!|!iigt',|. \om ]t.lI bejJ,.!c n]*
put r pio.o oftl,is i'r crch.ollin,'[. \]nl.
\r. w.k.d hl' h took r |o|g tnnc to brcik op$ m!|)
..fi nxIJIl. h.]y b|eldnxidt' verv. iL'.pcningdlch*
collin l'h.n V.n ''lcl\i'1gg.y. l .' .\Y. ll. k,o |xt.| Ihc
welooked uponroul Norlr xnJ sls count Dncl|J' ]l!
crme throusl rhe drrk room like a bhcL cloud. His ansry



vr' l kl!i!. \\!,

( \ . \ 1 , , . i m r L , !n l i o s o '

M) ll!j'l n!'!|r .|r(]s|ro' l lj(!.l rfu5'.oh. \1 !]!.l

.||'|n Ilx. M]n]!.
.nli 'IL|']]
ts!trvhUr \r.E |']![ !' |1!k,t y
I lil Ll]{]n!' Th! l,clllil

J o l t r \ y ] s L ( , . ( ]l ! ' L ] d . l I


nly fuitr]s'.H!|t mC](J]l. h!|| Dl!l.

..|d' A tJll(|jlt |[|

Jo( liJtlkn

nrrl.](! r].

wjs inl]]! i]l 'll! N!']|j!ht'

I'r l,\ rnfr l,! ltlJ

lr| dl'

my t1l!. o) ]tlidi! Hrr whtc

hrd lrl(nJ or r, rDd h.r h.c Lrr rgin,{ a.otrnt

Dr.Lu]l' B](!](]rcptcJ l!! hL\ DlII|j.]nJ h! \.\ l'l'LJnj!

M,nr n) htrn,,t s/LIL,,A

I rintohcrnllri.J

r^ rlu!/!

to nrll h'nr.,s.) nori her VinH!lsin!

Drx.uh n,yci l'.[
vhc! h. \J\y t|L .l)\, (i

Ie]v. m.|, ll.r


6oi}'' 5

Dontl.i\cn,cr'\l,e.ficd. Oh,pl.rscJ"r',
|'& rl\ pI|. ]nr] w. !n]Ld s.e svo IittL!

s o t r n ! s o n h c r I c c ] <s h . p r h . | 1 r | l r n | ' ! . h - * | ' i

.5t]y *lr nrc|.$c.nc
l.nN, tetrih]. r. 'n '

blt:he wintcn n) h!|t u\' v! |n.u thil R. Li.] , kiL]

Dl]!|h h!fo( \1i'Ll (] !J
\ v . ! ] . n t . , v x D H | L ! | ! $ . . ^ , l i ] lvl L | ] J i ! ' ! t r ] \ i ] l L r ]
l ' | ] L | ' ! n . \ , ] h I ! l r t n b ] . I n ) t h . L i | l \ l ] ! ! l c ' h 1 \
D U I i ' ] g . J t r ] ' h c ] . l { ] l l i ' jh i s g
)li.l|.l $ilL l.( | l ( |'g1|l. J.lv' l] \y. |rD iitr!] nn] b.nr

t r\ h d c ! i ( n . $ l l r \ l c J , ! i l ! L ! f
( ) ! ] j \ ! . ( ! J ! l n . { k n . \ r t r
' ] n l ] i t ' . l ! ! l l | j ] '] ' ! n h l L l | i n ] | n ! ] ] r . r ( ] ) .r n J l I D d ] D c !

tNvc l tcftih].l|)'inJ
thchc(| ^.L.trd Db'cd x!\\t|rc nlnll. rDJ shr rht Dxld
!.nnc fo B!L]dJ tr.coutrtDm.U|] $rj !o'.rr'e'
N l ] n ] ' I l y l 1 \ ! ! ' | . l i e J ' I n r I h c r 0 ) ] n n \ , . w h .
l'tr\hrrp.nrJ?T.lLusl l qi\ qild *ith ifir.


h c n r i t d r v v r n H e l s , n ! : , l . . ls<$ ! i . ^ n h u . ,r l I
o r J c o u . t l r , \ i u i , , ru r s t h . r ! t . o . S h c \ r r \ v . t F 3 l q

l ! .utr


]u* noq

L h ! ! g h Lt l r n l . . U L ! h c x l t I c N n J . f . n r L I n ! | l N ' h n I L N l l
1)f.ouF!|. L(| v Il |]eIsi]lg' i'Ix 1rN .]..

!' l..NC

s'!]'lhn].n |5trn(].rt i1n

L ]r ! L i n ] | | ] . k n o { j N ] l ' l '
( r , A c R n x l h i ' nl i . r . .S . f c n ! o i r r ! [ ] r L ' ! ) l . ) ] v h r n i , ,
)\ nrL|rl\YDl){ jn otrt uhilh slri}.\ ..t ntr tl| ljll.l. s.,


^ n J I h t l d h e . i ' r m ) ' . n \u l ' i l . | j . n t 1 i g h to f ! ] i ) \ h o \

ntr Vrru

sh,It' osoili.! rr.lcr'Dtd,xt.i.

$ l. ttril.J
th.n,glrt lr(itrc \Ycrlv,lc.!rt!I.,

iD t|[ Rh.kSrr
j ' ' i y . d ] t t h | | . } tn n D u t e . t r l I l | ] U m n ] l
|''\\hg !ho
l)'cL ll!hklr!,,l.l,.e,lunri,rscfs.iDJ

And hc hrJ rlth hLm x lons boxl

.so,. slid vrn Helsjng'.Thc ship wLIltakc rbout thcc*cc]..

vehled b.k to oul hotc|to tell my de]r n,nr,th news'

but w.sawthatsh. kneN nnle]dy' rnd her 1.ew]swlnc

to sxlI Io vxnjx. |trt we si|]t]k. tlrc daiI ]coss EurOp.3lJ

wirh f.ar'.Hc hasgone''res!id qUiedy.'1ndl'ttr tlLing mc

wthnin' ohnydexrriends| Bcl.rc I.h^|g.fior v.hpnc'
yoJ mU kjl| n]c]Thcn vT! nLtrt 'lo $'h3t you Jid to pool
L.y. r.Eivc'n. c'Tc|] mc thit yon rviu do dris foL nrel.
l h.ld hcr hrnds' but I conld .ot spc]t' l! d]]t dry eve



E.t tL.t. fl.

\. {n|-'J'''''''
|]l' '' |r'd!
Ne LYcE jn v31a.l'lc nlidcourt|rn\in!

''' d;

dJ) |''''

w.(!n fotd'es|li|

to iiye' Evc|y d]y ]vlioi told Is rhitslrc!ou]d *lIlh..th.

,'.J ,.v.'


,J -v..
i o V r n u , r n ( lw l s . l r ! r d y x r ( i i l l r z !
\!, ', Jl'i
',.' -',r,',. .,.
NlrN...De o|t|k slil.s to]d us'

lr. 'd l,. hp.l'. ',

l,.rit s

nr.,, ... L. t'

comcs' lJontknos ho\YI ]]1||ivedoughil,

Lxtor,r'hilc Minr slepr,we rle,l o n'rk. ncw rlan5.
'Sheisrishr, sxid vxD Hehinsunhipp y.
is in
d.nge|. sh! $ a|r]Jy bclmning to c|lxngc hc!
andshlrpel' ]nd whcnc counr tc]ds
hcl thoughts'hcr cyes]Ie h]rd lnd coId' v. nnr. iDdh]m
and killhim belorcit k roohter'
I.rn rememberIir.|.of the .xl {cw diys' l N3swildwitlr
|.xand.ger. ve lcrntrhattlrccoulls cof6n rYrsJvelIing
by bo rp th! rlvcr, imlJicLscwxrd, Aithur, rnd I beg ro
follos in anothuboar. Vr! Hellnrstook my Miix with him
lo ] ciirge' xnd thevbegJ Io dlive rcnN ic Dnt.lns to
c.Ntle Dr].ulr' !llrD I s d gooJL]}c&, h.r' my hc? srs
belkin3'|,crhrpsI shrIj ncYc. sc. hf rglin'
wc fdlow.rlthc counas boxt for 6v.dxfs, but we.rDld
notcrtch ir. TMn wclexrnr tuoni\.me vilhg.N rht he srs
no* tLrvcllinsby f.rd,sr we MrEh.hotsc5a
ron.likc thc
By ]teaftelooD.n thc ncxt dayj Ne rvcIcgettjngDelr to
calc Dla.ula' .wc nru$ dde iNe||, l cried to t|e o ]es'
Thc sun was bcginninsto go dosD and d,en, suddenly,we

sJrv on tllerord jn roDtTl us som. nkn *'itlr ].]It' And on

lj'ln. i.!

'hc l)lt|iof lh..l

h( J'r J }.rr \...DJ\. uh|D lhc \l \Ul


J hldonIIofuih'g|jl jn]! h.lJ'1.

J|i\ c|.\ lrn'n.l r.J 'nLllj!\ |lDli.l 't Dt

n!\r|. h. !vIiJ Lg
]( t) nnvc' I rtr|lNl JllI
l] ']]c !ll|l].
]r!]J n kD.
h ! r . f . r h I t l ! t r , rx, f J b ] , r * h 1 r \ L o \ r . L h . I , l t r rt . . r r l . h



I got bdrc.x
I ] npc.l fronr mI ho:c onn, th!.x' r|J
$hi]c Il.k lnd (]jnl loughlth! dIivc|xnJth!.d]u mur.I

n'| {'.l]!hL lll]!] 8]]il]cr,nnn '.\h..t' c,l{tr l)r'l]lr x'L|.

l llltrlihl! !l|rnL'.t
r].n ]i]i qui.t ln lb! \'n! \c(n
! m ! | l ! L o { D . . n l l h . | | | | ( ) l ' k | J| o n l ' . 1 l l i n ] g r ' i t

tUs]r.d l]t.o|jjl b lI'e gloutd' lt.cL|]nd hrok.o|r' count

Dr].Il' Iiy .|rc...ltr| lh! ]]n |]gh' .nj Lll. j ..|] .D hi\


Ahove Uson drehi]lq'rs cxvle Drxch',nd sooDwe slw

Vn L|c\nlg' FlchuicddoNntbchi]lto ut'andi]ydcxlMnlx
w!wth h]m'I ra tobc'and took hcr in n/.ns' Hclov.|y
fi.cw.s bight]ndnappy lgrin' .k\ all .ght' hy lo'c''lh.
s]id soltly'.!0elouDdthetombs01rhcthrccvnrpilc$oncn'
They cann.tnutDs Dow,'nd Dl,.uli isdexd xtlx|wecrn

A ch.cking you u'dsfudig
chap 1 wba :.il |h*! fu s, ,nd lo &hafr!
l .Thccountjs.ic[,.dpdhapshcwillgi.youmortwoli',
] .Thc s dalg lt c d. Dncula'.
4 .If. a vgy big hous' o]dMddk.wnh a hishw,||.|Llound
J l haY(PlaDsb Ao drenys.l$o!'.
art rhBe skn
A ttu o or fdtv lF).
1 Tlrr$ bcaft| pmg womm tkd b kiss Jomthm.
] ]oltha! found thc k.ys .o the c*
] Jon.'hnlillcd count D.uh wihi bmo,
cl,pk 3 who uh n .h.pb|
' ' didMila !( on Lucy\ |<k 0 ih..btrl.h'dr
{ ' ' didjnha!gic Mioi to rcrdr
J ' ' did]oltha!$c i! bldo| srcd]
' ' ' wxs tb. .w5 iolhu HoL'nwoo,s
(.h,p|i 4 Fil,tl dBus o th$!
h |he fu'|'
2 Hov did v }I.|siq krcv Lucy w* d}ing?
r vh.! v.n Hdsii8 tok JJ(k s$E!d b Luq\ rb olthc fi6t
4 vhtdid

ty 6d dDihc !c vkit' du'jngr|Fdy?

wood dYolsh Luly,s haft?

L vhatdidrheondPltinlhcco6'5'indwhyi
] vhatdLd rh.Io! rd6nJ {hco l
ovmr b.ton rb. courtl
4 vh' did Mi'n xL joMth ald thc olltB to lj|Lh?
5 who ki led comr Dr.ur4 md how?




! bb |o6c @. w

D .d6

loI thc eo!

cT|lpld. !b& ln|dt bn, i|lThi,ut

tro |hl !o4'
joMrj' nnLot v 'o h|k to Nl
wh Jo.ih$ .L]L]|i'l th. 'nou'.]'[ kl ]]issape' ' . '
Anh L rc kik |-Ny .nd go br.[ hoN bsrls. '
vitr Hdsi|NwJftd fu sop 'h. rxD|. ]-u.yb.orts]].. ' '
D[g t]x dly nnjps ! jk.dndLodks]nd (|.y. ''

] wfu. r shon d.sripol oI colN Dn' . J

hf cN.]e'

]] vRtrHdsB'Jick s.wJd' Ahlr, rid lo'lh

&Rk i|rc th.
cou\ I-ondo|hoN.n\] Nl joLl 1]re.dtrroth.co6ns'
\4lle rh.y.re doi4l)is' jn4ft
1tJ ro|cnmn fi!ds tb!n'
vh*dos he v to c.o m$j rid whltdo t[ey sy to hlml

hinn 1i' i L$!} loo|sld to.hfuls$hs\

lc l'' E' n94 J6|Lkq oPPsit! o'o*.



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tlo$t l'] .mth'ngtlEt'ou

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6. ody o's d(dlryD


Iiv. di.btd dJi''k

wol| . wj|daDh.] !r lool lik a dB

wur 'l ' Ph on !fu ody vl. 'oruh3l$

c n ydu

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