HR Process

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HR Process (Hiring and Recruiment)


- is a process designed to vet the best candidates and ensure that only the top candidates
continue through to the final step
- is an action of bringing on someone new to an organization. It is a step in the full employee
lifecycle and is the end of a successful recruiting process.

Steps in the recruitment process

Step 1: Form Selection Committee

Selection committees generally consist of a minimum of two members but not more than four
persons, including the chairperson.
Members of a selection committee should be chosen on the basis of their objectivity,
professionalism and ability to exercise good judgment in selecting the most suitable person for
the job vacancy.
Where possible, there should representation of both genders.
Members of a selection committees should not have a bias in favour of one candidate prior to
the start of the selection process. A perception of bias or lack of impartiality can be damaging to
the selection process, and can undermine the successful candidate.
The members of the selection committee should have a reasonable level of:
1. the requirements of the job in question; and
2. the principles of equal employment opportunity
Selection committee members are responsible for:

determining an appropriate method of assessing applicants that will be free from bias,
transparent and stand up to scrutiny
conducting the interview/screening process
ensuring candidates are selected on the basis of merit
ensuring that selection documentation remains confidential

Step 2: Review Position Description

Before advertising the job vacancy, members of the selection panel should review the position
description for the job. If there is not a position description available, one must be prepared
before the selection process can continue.
The purpose of reviewing the position description is so that members of selection committee
Familiarize themselves with the objectives and duties of the job
Review the selection criteria, if stated in the position description, or formulate selection criteria if

Ensure that applicants for the job are well informed about the nature of the job on offer
Review the condition of employment (pay, hours of work, leave, superannuation, etc)
There should always be a position description for applicants to review. This principle should also
extend to voluntary positions.

Step 3: Advertise
A job vacancy may be advertised in a variety of ways including:

Employment section of newspapers

Notifying a recruitment agency
Employment websites such as Seek (
Your organisation's own newsletters
Your organisation's own website
Calling a vocational education and training institution
Putting notice in local shop windows
Putting notice in own shop/office window
Community radio announcement
Steps in the recruitment process

Step 4: Receive Applications

Applications for employment must be treated with considerable diligence and respect. Failure to
appropriately handle applications for a job can severely jeopardize someone's employment
potential, and thereby cause annoyance, distress, financial hardship and career prospects.
Employment applications should be acknowledged as soon as possible, and filed in appropriate
place to ensure none are missed.
In determining a short list, the chairperson of the selection committee should eliminate all
candidates who have not provided all the necessary information, especially statements in reply
to key selection criteria.
The next elimination should be those candidates whose skills, abilities and experience are
insufficient to score well against the key selection criteria.
These eliminations can be carried out reasonably quickly.
The remaining applications will all warrant a closer examination and awarding of points for each
key selection criteria. Then a number candidates with the highest points score are selected for
the short list depending the available time and energy for interviewing.

Step 5: Arrange Interviews

Each candidate should be personally notified by telephone. It is unadvisable to notify by email,
as an email sent is not necessarily an email received. Notification by letter is better that email
but not as good as telephoning.

The notification should contain:

Start time of interview

Name of the chairperson of the interview panel
Contact details of the chairperson of the interview panel
Job title of the vacant position
Address of the venue for the interview
Advice on the format and duration of the interview
Advice on the number of panelists

Step 6: Compile Interview Questions

Interview questions must relate to the key selection criteria.
Questions must be open ended and well-worded so as to cause the "interviewee" to describe
their relevant work history and/or portray their knowledge.
One question may take the form of a "hypothetical". The purpose of such a question is to test
the candidate "what would they do" in a certain situation. The "hypothetical" question adds
significant pressure, and it evaluates the level of knowledge, experience and work-readiness of
the candidate.

Step 7: Conduct Interviews

Interview duration:
20 mins
not a serious duration for a career job
30 mins
barely enough time, risk of not keeping to schedule, rushed, insufficient time for note taking,
decision making, too hard for interviewers.
40 mins
allows for 30 minutes of questions and 10 minutes change round time in which interviewers can
write notes, discuss candidates and refresh themselves.
over 40 mins
durations between 40 mins and one hour are appropriate for middle management positions.

Step 8: Select Successful Candidate

Selection on merit' is a process of determining which job seeker has the skills, abilities and
knowledge deemed to be most suitable for the job. In a merit based system, applicants
effectively compete for a job. The written application, the selection interview and any testing of

applicants is all part of the competition process.

If the selection process is said to be "Closed Merit", a vacant position will be advertised only
within the organisation. Only applicants from within the organisation will be able to compete for
the vacant position.
If the selection process is "Open Merit" then the vacant position is advertised widely by
whatever means deemed to be suitable to attract a pool of applicants from outside the
organisation. Generally, in an open merit selection process, vacant positions are advertised in
the jobs section of a newspaper.

Step 9: Check Referees

It is essential to follow through with checking the applicant's referees. Although referees may not
make negative comments about the applicant, much can be gleaned from what they say (or do
not say). Although referees have agreed to be called and questioned about the applicant, it
would not be proper to keep them on the phone for more than five minutes unless the position is
very senior. Therefore make sure you prepare your questions in advance of the telephone call.

Step 10: Formally Notify

You will need to formally notify the successful and unsuccessful candidates as soon as possible.
The successful candidate may already have undertaken other interviews and may receive other
job offers. Furthermore, it is an important courtesy to formally notify unsuccessful candidates to
enable them to carry on with the rest of their life.

Recruitment Process

Hiring Process

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