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Static and Kinetic Friction

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Revitalizing Achievement by using Instrumentation in Science Education 2004-2007

Static and Kinetic Friction

1. Introduction
You probably take for granted how many times you interact with frictional forces on a
daily basis. Frictional forces are everywhere. If you are sitting down right now, the friction
between the seat and the fabric of your pants is keeping you from sliding onto the floor. If
you are standing up then the friction between the floor and your shoes is preventing you from
slipping. Frictional forces can be found between any two bodies that are in contact with each
other. In this experiment we will study the concept of friction between a wooden block and a
sliding surface, when stationary and when in motion.

2. Background
2.1 Static vs. Kinetic:
There are two types of frictional forces, static and kinetic. Static friction is what keeps a
resting body at rest. Kinetic friction is what slows down an object when slid on a surface.
Any two materials have a static and kinetic coefficient of friction which represents how much
friction exists when they are in contact with each other. The coefficient of friction is
represented by the Greek letter mu (), and it usually varies between 0 for slippery objects
like ice and 1 for rougher objects.
Table 1[1, 2] has typical values of static and kinetic friction for different material combinations.
Note that the static coefficient of friction is higher than the kinetic coefficient of friction for all
combinations except Teflon.
Table 1: Coefficients of static and kinetic friction

Steel on Steel
Aluminum on Steel
Copper on Steel
Rubber on Concrete
Wood on Wood
Glass on Glass
Waxed wood on Wet snow
Waxed wood on Dry snow
Metal on Metal (lubricated)
Ice on Ice
Teflon on Teflon
Synovial joints in humans

Coefficients of Static Friction

( s )

Coefficients of Kinetic
Friction ( k )



2.2 Frictional Forces

When we say that there is friction between two surfaces, we are actually talking about
frictional forces. Frictional forces always act in the direction opposing the applied force (see

The National Science Foundation

GK12 Program of Division of Graduate Education


Revitalizing Achievement by using Instrumentation in Science Education 2004-2007

figure 1 below). The force of static friction is calculated by multiplying the normal force of
the object with its corresponding coefficient of friction ( Fs N s ). Similarly, the force of
kinetic friction is calculated by multiplying the normal force of the object with its kinetic
coefficient of friction ( Fk N k ). When an object is pulled upon, its static friction is what
initially resists motion; until a force so strong is applied that it overcomes the static frictional
force. Typically, the coefficient of static friction is greater than the coefficient of kinetic
friction because the force to initiate movement is greater than the force required to slide the
object at a constant velocity.

Figure 1. A block of mass m is pulled upon with a pulling force. The frictional force keeps it from moving

3. Objective:
To gain an understanding of the different coefficients of friction and how they affect
frictional forces between different objects.
To find the coefficient of static friction between two objects by pulling on it until it starts to
move and measuring the force required to do so on two different surfaces.
To calculate the objects coefficient of kinetic friction by sliding the block on the table top
and measuring its speed and displacement.

4. Equipment List:
-Wooden blocks
-Sliding surfaces

-Vernier Load Sensor

-Vernier Data acquisition unit
-Vernier Motion sensor

The National Science Foundation

GK12 Program of Division of Graduate Education


Revitalizing Achievement by using Instrumentation in Science Education 2004-2007

5. Experimental Procedure:
Part 1: Calculating the coefficient of static friction
1. Connect the Dual-Range Force Sensor to Channel 1 of the interface. Set the range switch on
the Force Sensor to 50 N.
2. Load the logger pro software. A plot should open automatically for force vs. time.
3. Click on the Data Collection icon on the menu, its the one that looks like a clock. Change
the length of time to 50 seconds.
4. Hold the Force Sensor in position, ready to pull the block, but with no tension in the string.
to set the Force Sensor to zero.
5. Suspend the block in the air with the force detector, steady the block so that it stops
swinging. In the upper left corner of the screen, it should tell you how many Newtons the
sensor is sensing. Record the weight of the block to the data table.
6. Lay the block on the table and connect the force detector to it as shown below in Figure 2 [3].
7. Click
to begin collecting data. Pull slowly and gently on the force sensor until the
block begins to move, move it slowly with constant force for a few more inches. Click stop
on the menu to finish collecting the data. Zoom in on the plot for each graph so you can see
the results clearly. It may take several trials to master pulling smoothly. To clear your data
for the next trial click on the tab that says data and select clear data.
8. Look at the plot for position vs. time, note at about what time the block began to slide, this is
where the maximum force was recorded by the sensor.
9. Scroll down the data table and look for the corresponding time. Record the corresponding
maximum force.
10. Do this experiment one more time and average your results.
11. Do this experiment again using the rubber sliding surface.

Figure 2. A schematic of the experiment

The National Science Foundation

GK12 Program of Division of Graduate Education


Revitalizing Achievement by using Instrumentation in Science Education 2004-2007

Part 2: Calculating the coefficient of kinetic friction

1. Set up the motion sensor so that it faces the sliding surface, as shown below in figure 3 [3].
Do not use the rubber mat for this experiment.
2. Practice sliding a block from 2-3 meters away gently until you are able to get it to stop about
meter from the detector
3. Connect the Vernier Motion Detector to the DIG/SONIC 1 channel of the interface. Make sure
that a plot opens up for position, velocity and acceleration
4. Press


5. Slidetheblockaspracticedbefore
6 Clickstopaftertheblockhasstoppedmovingtofinishcollectingdata
7. Lookatthegraphforvelocity,thereshouldbearegionthatdecreaseslinearly,whilethe
8. Recordtheslopeofthisline,thisistheacceleration.Ifyouneedassistance,refertothedata
9. Dothisexperimenttwomoretimes.

Wooden block

The National Science Foundation

GK12 Program of Division of Graduate Education


Revitalizing Achievement by using Instrumentation in Science Education 2004-2007

6. Analysis/Questions:
Part 1: calculating the static coefficient of friction
1. Print out or sketch the graph of force vs. time (one for each experiment is sufficient). Label
the areas on the graph that correspond to when the block is at rest, when the block first starts
to move, and when the block is moving.
2. Using the values for force collected in your experiment; calculate the coefficient of kinetic
friction between the block and the sliding surface for each trial.
3. What is the difference in the coefficient of friction when you used the table top and when you
used the rubber mat? Is this what you expected?
4. Why does the graph of force vs. time peak at the moment the block began to slide?
5. What are some possible sources of error in this experiment and what could you change to
improve the accuracy?

Part 2: calculating the kinetic coefficient of friction

1. Print out or sketch the graph of velocity and circle the area where the block is slowing down
at a constant rate.
2. Using the calculated acceleration, and the blocks mass, figure out the frictional force that was
slowing it down (do for each trial).
3. Now that you know the frictional force, using the normal force, calculate the coefficient of
4. How does the coefficient of kinetic friction compare to the coefficient of static friction?
5. What are some possible sources of error in this experiment and what could you change to
improve the accuracy?

The National Science Foundation

GK12 Program of Division of Graduate Education


Revitalizing Achievement by using Instrumentation in Science Education 2004-2007

Data Sheet

Equations and values of Interest:



Gravitational Acceleration = 9.81m / s 2

Slope of line =


The National Science Foundation

GK12 Program of Division of Graduate Education


Revitalizing Achievement by using Instrumentation in Science Education 2004-2007

[1] Online: http://www.physlink.com/Reference/FrictionCoefficients.cfm, web site of Physlink.com
containing coefficients of static and kinetic friction.
[2] R.A. Serway and R.J. Beichner, Physics for Scientists and Engineers. Saunders College Publishing,
Orlando, FL, 5th Ed., (2000).
[3] K. Appel, J. Gastineau, C. Bakken, D. Vernier, Physics with Computers. Vernier Software &
Technology, Beaverton, Oregon, 3rd Ed., (2003).

The National Science Foundation

GK12 Program of Division of Graduate Education

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