Frankenstein Oral Exam

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Summary Young Victor Frankenstein comes from a caring family.

His adopted sister, Elizabeth,

loves him and he has a good friend called Henry. He is intelligent and deeply interested in
science. At university he learns how to create life from human body parts but, at the moment of
his triumph, he realizes he has created a monster. The monster wants to be loved but Victor
rejects him and the monster escapes from Victors laboratory. In his anger and frustration, the
monster first kills Victors brother, William, but then comes to believe that he will be happy if he
has a mate. He asks Victor to make him a female companion, promising to leave the country and
commit no more evil in return. Victor agrees but later has doubts and destroys the female. The
monster wants revenge and goes on to kill Henry and finally Elizabeth on the night she marries
Victor. Victor pursues the monster across the North Pole and eventually dies. The monster,
saddened by the death, vows to kill no more.
In a letter to his sister Margaret in England, Robert Walton expresses excitement over his plans
to discover a passage from Russia to the North Pole. He yearns for a friend to share his dreams,
despairs, and successes. What he finds is Victor Frankenstein, stranded and nearly frozen on the
ice, yet determined to continue his pursuit northward. Sensing that Walton is a kindred spirit in
his pursuit of knowledge and the unknown, Frankenstein offers his history as a moral tale.
Chapters 12: Victors family adopt a young girl called Elizabeth and they move to Geneva. Two
more sons are born, Ernest, the oldest and later William. Victor makes friends with a boy called
Henry Clerval. Victor is very interested in electricity and chemistry and goes to Ingoldstadt
University to study. He becomes obsessed with creating life and puts together a human form
from parts of dead bodies. The monster comes to life. It opens its eyes and makes sounds. This
distresses Victor and he falls very ill. His friend, Henry, nurses him back to health.
Chapters 34: Victor receives a letter telling him his brother, William, has been murdered. He is
very sad and travels to Geneva. On the way, he briefly sees the monster in a forest. Justine
Moritz, a servant to the Frankenstein family, is arrested and executed for the murder. Victor is
terribly unhappy because he knows who the real murderer is. He travels to the mountains where
he meets the monster again. He threatens to destroy the monster. The monster replies that
Victor is responsible for everything because he created him and now his life is miserable because
people are unkind.
Chapters 56: The monster tells Victor his story. After leaving the laboratory, he lived in a small
hut next to the de Laceys house. The monster watched the family and secretly helped them by
collecting wood. But one day, the children saw the monster with their blind father and they
screamed and attacked him. They left their house in fear. The monster was lonely, unhappy and
he wanted revenge. He burned the de Laceys house down and went to look for Victor. Instead,
he found his brother, William, and killed him. The monster now wants a female companion and
Victor agrees to create one.
Resumen Joven Vctor Frankenstein proviene de una familia memorable. Su hermana adoptiva,
Elizabeth, lo ama y tiene un buen amigo llamado Henry. Es inteligente y profundamente
interesado en la ciencia. En la Universidad que aprenda a crear vida a partir de partes del cuerpo
humano, pero en el momento de su triunfo, se da cuenta de que ha creado un monstruo. El
monstruo quiere ser amado pero Victor lo rechaza y el monstruo se escapa del laboratorio del
vencedor. En su ira y frustracin, el monstruo mata primero el hermano de Vctor, William, pero
luego llega a creer que ser feliz si tiene una pareja. Pregunta Victor para hacerle una
compaera, prometiendo dejar el pas y cometer nada ms a cambio. Victor acepta pero luego
tiene dudas y destruye la hembra. El monstruo quiere venganza y va a matar a Henry y
finalmente Elizabeth en la noche se casa con Victor. Victor persigue al monstruo a travs del Polo
Norte y eventualmente muere. El monstruo, entristecido por la muerte, se compromete a matar

En una carta a su hermana Margaret en Inglaterra, Robert Walton expresa emocin sobre sus
planes para descubrir un pasaje desde Rusia hacia el Polo Norte. Que anhela un amigo para que
para compartir sus sueos, desesperaciones y xitos. Lo que descubre es Vctor Frankenstein,
trenzado y casi congelados en el hielo, an decidida a continuar su bsqueda hacia el norte.
Sintiendo que Walton es un espritu afn en su bsqueda de conocimiento y lo desconocido,
Frankenstein ofrece su historia como un cuento moral.

Los captulos 1 2: Familia de Victor adoptar a una nia llamada a Elizabeth y se mueven a
Ginebra. Nacen dos hijos ms, Ernest, el ms antiguo y ms tarde William. Victor hace amistad
con un chico llamado Henry Clerval. Victor est muy interesado en electricidad y qumica y va a
la Universidad de Ingoldstadt para estudiar. l se obsesiona con la creacin de vida y rene una
forma humana de partes de cadveres. El monstruo vuelve a la vida. Abre sus ojos y hace
sonidos. Esto aflige Victor y cae muy mal. Su amigo, Henry, las enfermeras le salud.
Los captulos 3 4: Victor recibe una carta dicindole a que su hermano, William, ha sido
asesinado. Es muy triste y viaja a Ginebra. En el camino, vio brevemente al monstruo en un
bosque. Justine Moritz, un sirviente de la familia Frankenstein, es arrestado y ejecutado por el
asesinato. Victor es muy infeliz porque l sabe quin es el verdadero asesino. Viaja a las
montaas donde encuentra el monstruo otra vez. Que amenaza con destruir al monstruo. El
monstruo responde que Victor es responsable de todo porque lo cre y ahora su vida es
miserable porque las personas son crueles.

Los captulos 5 y 6: El monstruo dice Victor su historia. Despus de salir del laboratorio, viva
en una choza pequea junto a la casa de la de Lacey. El monstruo vio la familia y les ayud en
secreto por la recogida de madera. Pero un da, los nios vieron al monstruo con su padre ciego y
gritaba y le atac. Dejaron su casa en el miedo. El monstruo era triste, solitario y quera
vengarse. Quem la casa de la de Lacey y fue a buscar a Victor. En cambio, encontr a su
hermano, William y lo mat. El monstruo ahora quiere una compaera y Victor se compromete a
crear uno.

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