WBCS Syllabus

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The scheme and syllabus of the examination shall be as detailed in the Schedule below : 1. Scheme of the Preliminary Examination : The Preliminary Examination will consist of only one paper, viz., a paper on
General Studies. The paper will be of an objective type consisting of 200 multiple-choice questions. The paper will carry 200 marks
and will be of 2 hours duration. The standard of the paper will be of the level of knowledge as expected of a graduate of any
faculty of a recognized University. The paper will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge:


English C omposition

25 Marks


General Science

25 Marks


C urrent events of National & International Importance

25 Marks


History of India

25 Marks


Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal

25 Marks


Indian Polity and Economy

25 Marks


Indian National Movement

25 Marks


General Mental Ability

25 Marks

An outline of the syllabi is given in Appendix I

The Preliminary Examination is meant to serve as a Screening Test only for the purpose of selection of candi dates for the Main
Examination. The marks obtained in this examination by the candidates will not be considered for final selection. Only those
candidates who will be declared qualified at the Preliminary Examination in a year will be eligible for admissio n to the W.B.C .S.
(Exe.) etc.(Main) Examination of that year.
2. Scheme of the Main Examination : The Main Examination will consist of six C ompulsory papers and one optional
subject (Only for candidates applying for group A and / or B) to be chosen by the candidates from the list of optional subjects given
below. There will be two papers of the optional subject of 200 marks each. Each paper, Compulsory or Optional, will carry 200 marks
and will be of 3 hours duration.
Out of six compulsory papers four papers i.e. (i) General Studies- I, (ii) General Studies- II, (iii) The C onstitution of India
and Indian Economy including role and functions of Reserve Bank of India and (iv) Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning will be of MC Q
Type to be answered in OMR answer sheets. Remaining two compulsory papers i.e. Paper - I and Paper - II will be of conventional
type written examination.
Compulsory Papers :
Paper I

Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali - Letter writing (within 150 words) / Drafting of Report (within 200 words),
Prcis Writing, C omposition and Translation from English to Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali

Paper II

English - Letter writing (within 150 words) / Drafting of Report (within 200 words), Prcis Writing, C omposition and
Translation from Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali to English

Paper III

General Studies-I : (i) Indian History with special emphasis on National Movement and (ii) Geography of India with
special reference to West Bengal.

Paper IV

General Studies-II : Science and Scientific & Technological advancement, Environment, General Knowledge and
C urrent Affairs.

Paper V

The C onstitution of India and Indian Economy including role and functions of Reserve Bank of India.

Paper VI

Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning.

3. List of Optional Subjects : (Vide restriction on choice in Item No.-4 below and syllabi in Appendix-I)

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Comparative Literature
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Commerce and Accountancy
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science


4. The standard of Arithmetic part of C ompulsory Paper VI(Arithmetic & Test of Reasoning) will be similar to that of the
C ompulsory Mathematics paper at the Madhyamik Examination of the Board of Secondary Education, West Bengal. Test of Reasoning
will cover Analytical Reasoning:Data Sufficiency, Logical Reasoning : (i) Logical Deduction (ii) Forcefulness of the Arguments(iii)
Implication of sentences (iv) Inferring from diagrams, Series: (i) Letter series, (ii) Number series, Inferring from Data, Analogy
tests, Symbol Interpretation, Mathematical puzzles, Odd man out, Perception test, Non-verbal reasoning & Selecting the correct
The standard of other compulsory papers will be of the level of learning expected from a graduate of any faculty of a recognized
The two papers of the optional subjects will be of conventional type and the standard of the examination will be approximately that
of an Honours Degree Examination as prescribed by the recognized Indian Universities except Law, Medical S cience and Engineering
subjects which will be that specified for the LLB, MBBS and BE or equivalent courses respectively recognized by Indian Universities /
The Topic Environment in paper General Studies II will include the following:Bio diversity and Coastal Regulation Zone, Global Warming, Industrial and Environmental Pollution, Ozone Layer and related issues.
The Topic Indian Economy including role and functions of Reserve Bank of India of the 5th compulsory paper will consist of the
following:C entral State relation and devolution of central funds to state, Planning process and objectives of five years plan, Functions of RBI
and Monetary policy, Central Finance Commission & State Finance Commission and Fiscal Policy of Government of India.
5. Answers in all the papers, Compulsory and Optional, except the language papers may be written either in English or in
Bengali (unless otherwise directed in these rules or in the question papers). Answers in the following optional papers may al so be
written in Nepali:

(1) Political Science

(2) Botany

Note : C andidates should write their answers to all the questions in only one and the same language in any particular paper.
C andidates may use the Devanagari or Bengali Script in the ans wer papers on Sanskrit, the Devanagari Script in the answer papers
on Hindi or Nepali, and the Bengali, Arabic, Persian, Urdu in the answer papers on Bengali, Arabic, Persian and Urdu
respectively.Questions for Santali Paper will be set in Olchiki script and ans wers should also be written in Olchiki.
6. A summary of the group-wise papers in the Main Examination :
Group A & B Services & Posts : All 6 compulsory papers and one optional subject of two papers.
Group C & D Services & Posts : All 6 compulsory papers.
7. Personality Test : A number of candidates selected in order of merit on the results of the Main Examination for all the
services and posts included in Groups A, B, C and D will have to appear at a Personality Test. Each candidate will be asked questions
on matters of general interest. The object of the test will be to assess the candidates personal qualities e.g., alertness of mind,
power of clear and logical exposition, intellectual and moral integrity, lea dership and also the candidates range of interests.
C andidates for Group B Service (West Bengal Police Service) will be specially tested at the interviews with regard to their suitability
for the service.
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Marks for the Personality Test


Group A & B

200 Marks


Group C

150 Marks

(iii) Group D

100 Marks

Note : No separate Personality Test will be held for different groups viz. Group-A, Group-B, Group-C and Group-D in respect of a
candidate. Marks will be awarded according to different services against allotted full marks for Personality Test.
In all the answer papers under examination due credit will be given for proper economy of words combined with clarity,
precision and effectiveness of expression and originality of approach.
8. Deduction of marks : A deduction of 10% of full marks may be made from the total marks secured by a candidate in a
particular paper if he / she discloses his / her identity by writing his / her nam e, roll number or by putting any identifying marks in
the answer script of that paper.
There shall be negative marking for each wrong answer to multiple -choice questions (MC Q) type.
9. Discretion of the Commission : The C ommission has discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the papers
/subjects and in the agreegate .
If a candidate fails to secure qualifying marks in any paper / subject, the marks in that paper / subject will not be conside red in
calculating his / her aggregate.
Abstract Table of Papers / Subjects and Marks
Main Examination and Personality Test





Compulsory Papers
Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali - Letter writing (within 150 words) /
Drafting of Report (within 200 words), Prcis Writing, Composition and
Translation from English to Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali
English - Letter writing (within 150 words) / Drafting of Report (within
200 words), Prcis Writing, Composition and Translation from
Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali to English
General Studies-I : (i) Indian History with special emphasis on National
Movement and (ii) Geography of India with special reference to West
General Studies-II : Science and Scientific & Technological
advancement, Environment, General Knowledge and Current Affairs.






















The C onstitution of India and Indian Economy including role and

functions of Reserve Bank of India.






Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning.






Optional Subject - One subject to be chosen, Two papers of 200 marks







Personality Test









Total Marks

Questions on English Composition will cover Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Vocabulary test, Phrasal Verbs, the
same words bearing more than one meaning, use of appropriate and qualifying words etc. Questions on General Science will cove r
general appreciation and understanding of science, including matters of everyday observation and experience as may be expected of
a well-educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. In History, emphasis will be on broad general
understanding of the subject in its social, economic and political aspects. Questions on the Geography of India will relate to Physical,
Social and Economic Geography of the country, including the main features of Indian Agricultural and Natural Resources with s pecial
reference to West Bengal. Questions of Indian Polity and Economy will test the knowledge of the countrys Political System,
Panchayatee Raj, Community Development and Planning in India, Questions on the Indian National Movement will relate to the
nature and character of the Nineteenth Century Resurgence, Growth of Nationalism and Attainment of Independence. General Mental
Ability will relate to Logical perception, understanding and natural conclusion.
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Paper I :

1) Topics from the History of Bangla Language.
a) The chronological track from Proto Indo-European to Bangla (Family tree with branches and
approximate dates).
b) Historical stages of Bangla (Old, Middle, New) and their linguistic features.
c) Dialects of Bangla and their distinguishing characteristics.
d) Elements of Bangla Vocabulary.
e) Forms of Bangla Literary Prose-Sadhu and Chalit.

Process of Phonetic C hanges in Bangla Language.

Apinihiti (Anaptyxis), Abhishruti (Umlaut), Samibhavan (Assimilation), Svarabhakti /
Viprakarsha, Svarasangati (Vowel harmony).

3) Problems of standardization and reform of alphabet and spelling and those of

transliteration and Romanization.
4) History of Bangla Literature.
a) Periodization of Bangla Literature: Old Bangla and Middle Bangla.
b) Roots and reasons behind the emergence of modernity in Bangla Literature.
c) Evolution of various Middle Bangla forms: Mangal kavyas, Vaishnava lyrics, Adapted
narratives (Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavata) and religious biographies.
d) Narrative and lyric trends in the nineteenth century Bangla poetry.
e) Development of prose.
Bangla dramatic literature (nineteenth century, Tagore, Post-1944 Bangla drama).
5) Tagore and Post Tagoreans (upto the decade of fifties).
6) Fiction, major authors:
Bankimchandra, Tagore, Saratchandra, Bibhutibhusan, Tarasankar, Manik.

Paper II :

7) Women and Bangla Literature.

a) Swarna Kumari Devi, b) Ashapurna Devi, c) Mahasweta Devi, d) Rajlakshmi Devi, e) Kabita Singha,
f) Nabanita Deb Sen
Section - A
1) Vaishnava Padavali (Calcutta University Publication).
Phases (Parjayas): Gourchandrika, Purvaraga, Abhisar, Mathur, Prarthona.
2) Chandimangal: Kalketu episode by Mukunda (Sahitya Akademi).
3) Meghnadbadh Kavya by Michael Madhusudan Dutta - 1st, 2nd and 3rd cantos.
4) Rajani by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay.
5) Kapalkundala by Bankimchandra C hattopadhyay.
6) Samya and Bangadesher Krishak by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay.
7) Punascha by Rabindranath Tagore.
8) Bichitra Prabandha by Rabindranath Tagore.
9) Chacha Kahini by Sayed Muztaba Ali.

10) Chandragupta by Dwijendralal Roy.
11) Grihadaha by Saratchandra Chattopadhyay.
12) Adhunik Bangla Kabita
Selected Poems:
i) Saswati by Sudhindranath Dutta
ii) Rabindranath by Achintya Kumar Sengupta
iii) Aami Kabi Jata Kamarer by Premendra Mitra
iv) Bandir Bandana by Buddhadeb Basu
v) Amar Koifiat by Kazi Nazrul Islam
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13) Prabandha Samgraha by Pramatha C houdhuri:

Selected Essays: Bharatchandra, Birbal, Boipara
14) Pather Panchali by Bibhutibhusan Bandyopadhyay
15) a) Ekaler Galpo Sanchayan - Vol.- 1 & 2 (C alcutta University Publication).
b) Selected Stories:
i) Payomukham by Jagadish Gupta
ii) Haraner Natjamai by Manik Bandyopadhyay
iii) Fossil by Subodh Ghosh
iv) Tope by Narayan Gangyopadhyay
v) Adab by Samaresh Bose
vi) Aswamedher Ghora by Dipendranath Bandyopadhyay
16) Shrestha Kavita by Jibanananda Das.
17) Jagori by Satinath Bhaduri.
18) Ebam Indrajit by Badal Sircar.

Paper I :

1. Hindi Linguistic and Grammatical References
Definition of Language
Difference between learning and parole
Elements of Communication of Language
Different aspects of Language
Units of language - Phonemes, Morphemes, Syntax, Discourse, Sementics.
2. History of Hindi language and Nagari Lipi
History of Development of Hindi language (Short study)
Development of Khari Boli Hindi as literary language and Lingua Franka
(Special context to Indian Freedom struggle and post Independent India)
Area of Hindi Language
Prominent Hindi dialects and inter relationship between the dia lects
Grammatical structure of standard Hindi
Scientific features of Nagari lipi
Development of Hindi as a global language in the modern context
History of Hindi Literature:
1. Tradition of writing History of Hindi Literature
2. Literary trends of following four periods of Hindi Literature:
a) Adikala
b) Madhya Kala :
i) Purva Madhyakala (Bhakti kala) (ii) Uttar Madhyakala (Riti Kala)
c) Adhunika Kala
A. ADIKALA- Prominent Poets and their works:
i) Sarhapa and Goraknath
ii) C hand Vardai and Narapati Nalha
iii) Svambhu
iv) Abdur Rahman and Amir Khusro
B. PURVA MADHYAKALA (Bhakti kala) - Prominent Poets and their works:
Sant Kavyadhara - Kabir and Sahjo Bai
ii. Sufi Kavyadhara - Jayasi
iii. Krish Kavyadhara - Surdas and Meerabai
iv. Ram Kavyadhara -. Tulsidas
C . UTTARMADHYAKALA (Ritikala) Prominent Poets and their works :
Ritibadh - Keshavdas
ii. Ritisiddha - Bihari
iii. Ritimukta -Ghananda
1. Trends of Navajagran (Renaissance)
2. Development of Hindi Prose and contribution of Bhartendu Mondal
3. C ontribution of Mahavir Prasad Divedi towards the development of Hindi Prose
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Prominent trend of Modern Hindi PoetryC hahayavad, Pragtivad, Prayogvad, Nai Kavita, Samakalin Kavita and Ghazal, Sanavadi Kavita
Prominent Poets - Maithili Sharan Gupta, Prasad, Nirala, Mahadevi, Dinkar,
Agyeya, Muktibodh, Nagarjun, Dushyant Kumar.

i) Development of Hindi Novels and short stories
ii) Prominent writers-Premchand, Jainendra, Prasad, Renu, Bhishma Sahani,
Yaspal, C hitra Mudgal, Mohan Rakesh and Krishna Sobti

Paper II :

Development of Hindi Drama and Stage
Prominent Dramatists-Bhartendu, Prasad, Mohan Rakesh, Lakshmi Narayan Lal
The development of Hindi Theatre

1. Development of Hindi Criticism
2. Prominent Critics -Ramchandra Shukla, Hazari Prasad Divedi, Ram Vilas Sharma
(Textual studies of the prescribed text. This paper will test the critical and analytica l aptitude of the

Kabir - Kabir Vani, ed. by Parasnath Tiwari, first 25 padas


Surdas - Bhramar Gitsar, ed. Ramchandra Sukla, first 25 padas


Tulsidas-Vinay Patrika-Geeta Press, first 15 padas


Bihari -Ritikavya Sanghra ed. Jagadish Gupta, first 25 dohas


Prasad -Kamayani (Shraddha and Ira Sarga)

Nirala -Saroj Smriti, Jago Phir Ek Bar


Mahadevi Varma - Mai Neer Bhari Dukh ki Badli, Ravindra ke Mahaprasthan Par


Agyeya-Asadhya Vina, Hamne Poudhey se kaha


Nagarjun-Bahut Dino Ke Bad and Pret ka Byan.

10. Dhumil-Mochiram, Roti Aur Sansad

11. Sarveshvar Dayal Saxsena -Tumhare Sath Rah Kar, Soundryabodh
12. Muktibodh - Mai Dur Hun, Bhool Galati

Bharatendu - Andher Nagri


Mohan Rakesh - Ashad Ka Ek Din


Ramchandra Shukla-Shraddha Aur Bhakti, Krodha


Premchand-Godan (Novel), Paush ki Raat, Badey Ghar ki Beti, Ahuti, Mukti Marg, Idgah (Stories)
Prasad - Dhruswamini


Phanishwar Nath Renu - Tisari Kasam, Panchlight, Rasapriya(Stories)


Manu Bhandari - Mahabhoj


Bhairv Prasad Gupta-Ganga Maiyya


Harishankar Parasai - Matadin Chand Par, Viklanga Shraddha ka Dor

10. Hazari Prasad Divedi-Vasant A Gaya, Devdar

Paper I :

(a) Sanskrit Linguistics:-.

(i) Indo European family of languages
(ii) Phonetic Laws-Grimms Law, Verners Law, Grassmanns Law, C ollitzs Law
(iii) Phonetic Tendencies
(iv) Development of Sanskrit- Vedic and C lassical Sanskrit, Non-Aryan Influence in
Sanskrit, C ontribution of Sanskrit in Linguistic Studies
(b) Sanskrit Grammar- Siddhanta Kaumudi-Karaka and Samasa
(c) Translation from Vedic texts into English:Agnisukta-1.1
Hiranyagarbha Sukta-10.121
(d) (i) Translation from Sanskrit into English
(ii) Translation from English into Sanskrit
(e) Paragraph in Sanskrit
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Paper II :

(a) History of Vedic and C lassical Sanskrit Literature:(i) Vedic- Samhita, Brahmana, Aranyaka, Upanisad, Vedanga
(ii) C lassical- Ramayana, Mahabharata, Asvaghosa, Bhasa, Kalidasa, Sudraka, Visakhadatta,
Bhavabhuti, Bharavi, Bhotti, Magha, Dandi, Banabhatta.
(iii) Philosophical - Fundamental ideas of orthodox systems of I ndian Philosophy
(iv) Technical - C handas, Arthasastra, Architecture, Medicine, Mathematics
(b) Texts (Meant for general acquaintance and not for minute study)
(i) Kalidasas Abhijnanasakuntalam and Bhavabhutis Uttararamacaritam
(ii) Kalidasas Kumarasambhavam (C anto I - V ) and Bharavis Kiratarjuniyam (C anto I - V )
(iii) Manusamhita (C h. VII Sl. I-144)
(iv) Isavasyopanisad

Paper I :

In Section A, candidates will have to write an essay. Texts for detailed study in Se ctions B and C are
given below.
An essay on a literary topic
1. William Shakespeare- -Macbeth -As You Like It
2. C hristopher Marlowe - Edward II
3. John Donne- - 'C anonization'; -' Death be not proud'; -'The Good Morrow'
4. Andrew Marvell-'To His C oy Mistress'; -'The Garden'
5. John Milton-'Lycidas'; -Paradise Lost, Book I
6. Alexander Pope - The Rape of the Lock
7. William Wordsworth- -'Ode on Intimations of Immortality'; -'Tintern Abbey'
8. Samuel Taylor Coleridge -'Kubla Khan'; -'Dejection: an Ode'
9. Percy Bysshe Shelley- - 'Ode to the Westwind' ; -' Ozymandias'
10. John Keats- -'Ode to a Nightingale' -'Ode on a Grecian Urn'
11. Alfred Tennyson-'Ulysses'; -'The Lotus Eaters'; -'Tithonus'
12. Robert Browning-'The Last Ride Together'
13. Elizabeth Barrett Browning-' How do I love thee!'
1. Jane Austen- Pride and Prejudice
2. C harles Dickens-Great Expectations
3. Thomas Hardy-The Mayor of Caster bridge
4. Mark Twain-The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
5. Emily Bronte-Wuthering Heights
6. Mary Shelley-Frankenstein

Paper II :

In Section A, candidates will have to respond critically to an Unseen Passage. Texts for detailed study in
Sections B and C are given below.
C ritical analysis/response to an unseen passage in prose/verse
1. W. B. Yeats-'Easter 1916';
-'Sailing to Byzantium';
-'Leda and the Swan'
2. T. S. Eliot-'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock';
-'The Journey of the Magi';
-'Burnt Norton'
3. W.H. Auden-'In Memory ofW.B.Yeats';
-'Lay your sleeping head, my love';
-'The Shield of Achilles'
4. John Osborne-Look Back in Anger
5. Samuel Beckett-Waiting for Godot
6. Sylvia Plath -'Mirror';
- 'Nick and the C andlestick'
7. Henry Louis Vivian Derozio-'To India My Native Land';
-'My C ountry'
8. Kamala Das -' An Introduction'

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1. D.H. Lawrence-The Rainbow
2. Raja Rao-Kanthapura
3. Amitava Ghosh-The Shadow Lines
4. C hinua Achebe-Things Fall Apart
5. James Joyce -A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
6. Rabindranath Tagore - 'Crisis in C ivilization'
7. Virginia Woolf - 'A Room of One's Own'

Paper I :

C andidates shall have to answer five questions taking atleast one question from each group. A nswer to
questions on Group-B, Group-D and Unit 3 of Group-C must be written in Pali language either in Bengali
or in Roman script. The remaining questions must be attempted in Pali or in Bengali or in English but in
only any one of these languages.
Unit 1 C oncepts of Linguistics, Languages and Phonetic Laws.
Unit 2 C oncept of Homeland of Pali, Features of Pali, Pali as M.I.A., Pali & Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrits.
Unit 3 Short notes on Phonetic Tendencies.
Unit 1 Sandhi, Samasa, Itthipaccaya.
Unit 2 - Karaka Vibhakti, Paccaya-Kita & Taddhita.
Unit 3 C onjugation, Declension, Make Sentences.
Unit 1 Pali to English (unseen passages from poetry) with grammatical notes on any two words.
Unit 2 - Pali to English (unseen passages from prose) with grammatical notes on any two words.
Unit 3 English to Pali.
D) ESSAY IN PALI consisting of 200 words on any one of the following topics:
Gotama Buddha, Tipiaka, Dhamma Vinaya, Sammsambuddha, Paccekabuddha, Bodhisatta,
Majjhima paipad, Ariyaahangikamagga, Cattriariyasaccni, Dukkha, Paiccasamuppda, Nibbna,
Dukkhanirodhagminpaipad, Tilakkhana, Anicca, Anatt, Kammavda.

Paper II :

C andidates shall have to answer any three questions from Section -A and any two from Section-B.
Answers of questions belonging to Section-B must be answered in Pali language in Bengali or in Roman
script. The remaining three questions must be attempted in any one of the following three languages
Pali, Bengali, English.

History of C anonical Literature : Vinayapitaka, Suttapitaka & Abhidhammapitaka.

B) Non-C anonical Literature : Extra-Canonical (Anupitaka), C ommentaries


(Atthakathas), Vamsa

C ) History of Early Buddhism : Pre-Buddhist India, Life of Buddha, Royal Patronage, Origin of Samgha.
D) Development of Buddhism : Buddhist Councils (1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th); Buddhist
Spread and Decline of Buddhism.

Schools and Sects;




Yamakavagga, Appamadavagga, Cittavagga, Maggavagga, Buddhavagga


Pabbajja Sutta, Padhana Sutta, Karaniya Mettasutta, Khaggavisanasutta,

Parayanavagga - Vatthugatha.


Kaccayana, Talaputa, Silava


Ambapali, Subha Jivakambabanika, Kisagotami

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Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta, Mahaparinibbana Sutta, Ariyapariyesana Sutta, Singalovada Sutta,
Kutadanta Suttanta. How women were admitted to the Sangha, Milindapanha -Bahirakatha, Marriage of
Visakha, Annihilation of the Sakiyas, Sibi Jataka, Dasaratha Jataka
Explanation of Pali quotations from the prescribed texts in Pali language.
Ref.: www.vipassanaresearchinstitute.com for Pali texts

Ref.: B.A. Pali Selection, Prose & Poetry, Calcutta University Publication
B.A. Pali (Hon.) Selection, Calcutta University Publication
M.A. Pali Selection, Prose & Poetry, Calcutta University Publication

C RITICAL STUDY OF C HANDA AND ALAMKARA (Answers to be written in Pali language)



- Samavutta Chanda

SUBODHALANKARA - Yamaka, Upama, Rupaka, Vyatireka,

Paper I :

(a) Arabic linguistics; (b) Arabic grammar; (c) Translation from Arabic into English; (d) Translation from
English into Arabic; (e) Arabic rhetoric and prosody.

Paper II :

(a) History of Arabic literature; (b) Texts (meant for general acquaintance and not for minute study) : (1)
Diwan-Ibn-ul-Fariz; (2) Saba Muallaqa; (3) Sirat-Ibn-i-Hisham; (4) Muqaddama-Ibn-i-Khaldun.

Paper I :

(a) Persian linguistics (Persian and Indo-European family of languages; Aryan or Indo_Iranian branch,
evolution of Persian language, Old Persian, Avestan language, Middle Persian or Pahlavi, Modern Persian,
Iranian dialects, Persian influence on Indian languages); (b) Persian grammar; (c) Translation from
Persian into English; (d) Translation from English into Persian; (e) Persian rhetoric and prosody.

Paper II :

(a) History of Persian literature (Origin of Persian poetry, Early poets, Development of poetic forms qasida, ghazal, masnavi,, etc. Growth of poetic themes or trendsepic, romantic, mystical, philosophical,
ethical, etc. Survey of prose-works-historical, mystical, ethical, biographical, etc. Literary progress in
different periods of Iranian history. Contributions of eminent poets and writers. Modern poetry, Modern
prose, Indo-Persian literature); (b) Texts (meant for general acquaintance and not for minute study) : (1)
Shahnama of Firdausi; (2) C hahar Maqala of Nizami Aruzi; (3) Qasaid-iKhaqani; (4) Diwan-i-Hafiz; (5) Masnavi of Jalaluddin Rumi; (6) Naldaman of Fayzi.

Paper I :

Translation from French into English, Translation from English into French, French Gramm ar.

Paper II :

History of French Literature, Texts, Texts (meant for general acquaintance and not for minute study) :
(1) Prose-Ronsard : Deveres choisies (C lassique Larosusse) 2 volumes, Pierre Loti; La roman dum
enfant; (2) Poetry-Ronsard : Poesies choisies (C lassique Larosusse)-2 volumes. Musset : Poesies
nouvelles. Drama-Moliers : LAvare, C orneilles : La C id.

Paper I :

(Answer must be written in Urdu)

Section A
1. Development of Urdu Language :a) Development of Indo-Aryan
i)Old Indo-Aryan
ii) Middle Indo Aryan
iii)New Indo Aryan
b) Western Hindi and its dialects :i) Brij Bhasha, Maghrabi Hindi Aur Uski Mukhtalif Boliyan & Haryanvi
ii) Theories about the origin of Urdu Language
c) Daccani Urdu origin and Development, its significant linguistic feature.
d) Fort William C ollege and its contribution to Urdu Literature.
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Section B

Genres and their development :-


Poetry :i. Ghazal, Qasida, Masnavi, Marsia, Nazm and Rubai.

a) Ghazal :i) Wali :- Intekhab-e-wali compiled by Nurul HasanHashmi (First five Ghazals)
ii) Mir :- Intekhab-e-Mir compiled by Maulvi Abdul Haq
( First five Ghazals)
iii) Ghalib :- Diwane-Ghalib ( First five Ghazals)
Faiz Ahmed Faiz :- Naqsh-e-Faryadi, (first five Ghazals)
Nasir Kazmi :- Barg-e-Ne ( first five Ghazals)
Shaharyar :- Hijr ke Mausam ( First five Ghazals)
Qasida :

Dar Tazhik-e-Rozgar - Sauda.

Masnavi : Sahrul Bayan - Mir Hasan

Marsia; i) Jab Badban-e-Kashti Shahe Umam Gira
- Mir Anis
ii) Kis Sher ki Amad hai Ke Run Kanp Raha hai - Mirza Dabir

Banjara Nama

Nazir Akbarabadi

Masjide Qartaba Iqbal



- Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Ek Ladka

- Akhtarul Iman

Taslise Hayat

- Pervez Shahedi

i. Khenche Huwe Sar Ko Kahan jata hai

- Mir Anis

ii.Ek Fitna hai Naqeson Mein Kamil hona

- Josh Malihabadi

iii.Aa Ae Mani-e-Kayenat Mujh Mein Aaja


- Firaq Gorakhpuri

Significant features of :a)

i) Lucknow School
ii) Delhi School


Sir Sayed Movement

Progressive Movement

iii) Modernism
Answer must be written in Urdu

Paper II :

(This paper will require first hand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the
candidates critical ability)
Section A


Bagho Bahar
Abe Hayat (Dibacha)
Ghubar-e- Khatir
Toba Tek Singh
Maqualate sir syed (Taasub,
Tahzib, Rasm-o-Rewaj ki Pabandi
Ke Nuqsanat, Khushamad)
Ganjhaye Giramaya
(Maulana Md. Ali Johar,
Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari,
Md. Aqbal, Ayub Abbasi,
Asghar Gondavi)
Safaid Khoon

Mir Aman Dehalvi

Md. Hussain Azad
Asadullah Khan Ghalib
Maulana abul Kalam Azad
Munshi Prem C hand
Rajindra Singh Bedi
Saadat Hassan Manto
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Rasheed Ahmed Siddiqui

Agha Hashr Kashmiri

Page 10 of 55

Section B
Literary criticism and its development with reference to :i.

Muqaddama sher-o-shaeri
Tanquidi Nazaryat
Urdu Tanquid Per Ek Nazar
Adab aur zindagi
Tanquidi Afkar

Altaf Hussain Hali

Ehtasham Hussain
Kalimuddin Ahmed
Majnu Gorakhpuri
Shamsur Rahman Farooqui

Section C
Essay writing
(C ompulsory, covering literary and imaginative topics).

Paper I :

Question Papers are to be set in OLCHIKI script and Answers should also be given in OLC HIKI script.
Section - A

Topic from the History of Santali Language:


The chronological track from Austro-Asiatic-Austric to Santali (Family tree with branches
and approximate dates);


Historical stages of Santali (Old, Middle and New) and their Linguistic features with Santali
grammar (Ranor);


Santali languages and its Dialects and their distinguishing characteristic;


Elements of Santali Vocabulary;


Forms of Santali literary prose (Relevant with personal relations);


Process of Phonetic changes in Santali languages and necessity of OLCHIKI script.


Problems of standardization and reform of alphabet and spelling and those of transliteration and
inevitability of OLCHIKI Script. Ill effects of use of other script in writing Santali excepting
OLC HIKI script.
Section - B



Paper II :

History of Santali literature:


Periodization of Santali literature: Old and Middle Santali literature;


Roots and reasons behind the emergence of modernity in Santali literature;


Evolution of Santali oral literatures like Binti, Bankher, Thuti, Se rwa Sereng (Traditional
songs) and the Jamsimbinti- the scripture of SARIDHARAM religion;


Narrative and lyric trends in the nineteenth century Santali poetry;


Development of Santali prose;


Santali dramatic literature (Nineteenth century, Pandit Raghunath Murmu, Sadhuram Chand
Murmu and Post 1946 Santali drama);

Majhi Ramdas Tudu (Reska), Sadhuram Chand Murmu and Pandit Raghunath Murmu (Upto 1950).
Fiction - Major Authors :
Majhi Ramdas Tudu (Reska), Sadhuram Chand Murmu, Pandit Raghunath Murmu, Paul Jujar
Saren, Narayan Saren (Toresutam), Sarada Prasad Kisku (Totko Malang), Nayke Mongal Chandra
Saren, Domon Sahu Samir.

Question Papers are to be set in OLCHIKI script and Answers should also be given in OLC HIKI script.
Section - A

SADHURAM C HAND ANOLMALA (A total collection of Sadhuram Chand Murmu) - April, 1997,
Department of Information & C ultural Affairs, Govt. of West Bengal:

Marang Buru Dharam Sari

Ana terang horko Dusao Kana
Deban tengon adibasi bir

Page - 19
Page - 11
Page - 61

(All from ol daha anarhe)


Bhorom nasao

Page - 85
Page 11 of 55


Jati Milan
Kolkata renah bharak
Bah julung

Page - 93
Page - 155
Page - 151

(All from Aldaha anarhe)


Dharti Dhasao
Manmi Reah Bad Borket
(Jat hating)

Page - 204
Page - 208
Page - 283 - 304

(All from Lita Godet)







DHARAM AAR SERWOA - Page - 203-249

Kherwal Bansha Dharam Puthi - Rajhi Ramdas Tudu (Reska)

Karmu ar kharmu reyah - Karambinti Galmarao - Page - 68-102


Sansar Phend - A Drama by Sadhuram C hand Murmu


Bidu C handan - A Drama by Pandit Raghunath Murmu


Sidu Kanu Santal Hool - A Drama by Pandit Raghunath Murmu


The Jamsim Binti By Nayke Mongal C h. Saren

Section - B


Pandit Raghunath Murmu (Biography) By Ramchanda Murmu


Santal Folk Tales (Collected) Vol-I By P. O. Bodding




SAOHEND MOHANK - A collection of selected Essays By Subodh Hansda and

Debdulal Murmu


AYO AARANG TE OLOH - Pandit Raghunath Murmu






SAI SERMA RENAH ANORHE - A collection of Santali Poems of 100 year with
Bengali Translation


NIDA YUNTA - Sarada Prasad Kisku


DHARAM GE SARIYA - Mondal Hembram


MAYAJAL - Narayan Saren (Tore Sutaru)


MIT GEL HOR KAHNI SALAH MIT SAI MIT KAHNI - A collection of Ten Santali Folk Tales and 101
short stories.


Paschimbangla (Sadhu Ramchand Murmu Memorial Edition - Govt. of West Bengal).


Saotal Bidraher 150 Bochhor - Paschimbanga special issue.

Paper I :

Paper II :

(a) Theories of Literature : Dates terms and Concepts.

(b) Literature of the Ancient World; (i) Indian, (ii) Western
(c) Bangla Sahitya : 1 (Baishnab Padabali theke Bankimchandra)
(d) Bangla Sahitya : 2 (Rabindranath o Uttorkaal)
(e) Bengali Literature in Translation
(f) Indian Literature other than Bengali in Translation
Western Literature (a) 800 1400 A.D. (including Song of Ronald, Tristan and representative writings of
Troubadour Minnesang, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio and Chaucer).
(b) 1400 1616 A.D. (including representative writings of Villon, Ronsard, Spencer, Machiavelli,
Rableis, Montaigne and Shakespeare).

(c) 1616 1749 A.D. (including representative writings of Moliere, Racine , Swift, Voltaire and
Page 12 of 55

(d) 1749 1832 A.D. (including representative writings of Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Wordsworth,
C oleridge, Shelley, Keats, Scott, Rene, Lamartine, Vigny, Hugo and Musset).
(e) 1832 1910 A.D. (including representative writings of Whitman, Baudelaire, Verlaine,
Laforgue, lbsen, Balzac, Tolstoy, Maupassant and C hekhov).
(f) 1910 to the Present times (including representative writings of Yeats, Eliot, Frost, Rilke,
Mayakovsky, Eluard, Neruda, Hervert, Kafka, Marquez and lonesco).

Paper I :

Agro-ecological factors- plant growth and distribution. Distribution of crops according to region. Role of
climate and weather of crop production, weather forecasting including mode rn methods. Greenhouse
effect and global warming. Precision farming- Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information system
C ropping pattern and cropping system-distribution, objectives, types and impact on high yielding
varieties, scope and limitations.
Package and practices of cereals (rice, wheat, maize), pulses (green gram, black gram, red gram, lentil
and peas), oil seeds (mustard, sesamum, ground nut, linseed, sunflower); fibre crops (Jute, sunhemp,
mesta); sugarcane and forage crops (Sorghum, napier, para, berseem, Lucerne, ricebean, cowpea, oat,
dinanath grass).
Weeds- definition, characteristics, dessimination and control.
Agroforestry-Definition of forest, scope of various types of forest - social forest, rural forest, urban forest,
farm forestry; forest products. Aforestation. Conservation.
Soil- definition, process and factors of soil formation, soil properties and soil conservation. Soilfertility problems of soil and their reclamation.
Nutrition- essential elements, role of nutrients on plants, integrated nutrient management and
Water use efficiency and dryland farming- water use efficiency in relation to crops production. Criteria for
scheduling irrigation. Methods and systems of irrigation. Rainwater harvesting.
Dryland farming - definition, prospects and problems. Techniques for establishment and management.
Farm management - scope, importance and characteristics, farm planning, farm budgeting and farm
Agro-economics - function and crop insurance.
Agril-extension - importance and role, methods of evaluation of extension programme. Role of KVK in
technology transfer. Role and scope of Information Technology in Indian Agriculture. Livelihood
management through agriculture (Self Help Group in agricultur e).
Marketing - its channels, pricing, marketing intelligence, storage with special references to cold storage
and wirehouse. Distribution- public distribution system.

Paper II :

C rop improvement- Cell structure and functions, law of heredity, chromosome structure and aberrations,
polyploidy. Mutation breeding.
History of plant breeding. Mode of reproduction, selfing and crossing techniques. Crop genetic resources conservation and utilization. Application of principles of plant breeding. Breeding me thods.
Heterosis,somatic hybridization. Molecular markers, DNA finger printing and genetically modified crops.
Principles of plant physiology; absorption, translocation, photosynthesis and respiration (definition,
process, factors affecting and significance). Growth and development, photoperiodism, plant growth
substances (definition, classification and role).Stress-physiology.
Seed production, testing, certification and storage.
C ultivation practices of major commercial fruits, vegetables, flowers, plantation and spices, medicinal and
aromatic crops. Landscaping- principles, features and designs. Postharvest technology. Protected
cultivation of horticultural crops.
Pests and diseases of commercially important fruit, vegetables, flowers, plantation & spices, medicinal
and aromatic crops. IPM.
Food and nutrient security. Scope for export of agricultural products.


Paper I :




Livestock Feeds : C ommon feeds and fodder and their classification. Proximate analysis of feed

Energy Nutrition : Energy sources, Measures of food energy and their application such as Gross
Energy, Digestible Energy, Metabolisable Energy, Net Energy, Total Digestible Nutrients. Energy
requirement for maintenance, growth, pregnancy and lactation in milk producing livestock.
Protein Nutrition: Biological value of protein, Protein efficiency ratio, digestible crude protein.
Use of NPN in ruminants, bypass protein. Protein requirements for maintenance, growth, pregnancy and
lactation in milk producing livestock. Improvement of poor quality roughages.
Mineral and Vitamin Nutrition :
Major and trace minerals, their sources, physiological
functions and deficiency symptoms. Role of vitamins , their sources and deficiency symptoms.
Page 13 of 55

Feed Additives: Role of probiotics, prebiotics, antibiotics, enzymes, antioxidants, buffers, mould
inhibitors and methane inhibitors. Antinutritional and toxic factors present in livestock feed and fodder.
Storage & C onservation of Feeds and Fodders: Storage of feed ingredients. C onservation of
fodder through hay and silage making and their use in livestock feeding.
C omputation of Ration: Balanced ration, Formulation of ration and feeding of dairy c attle and
buffaloes during different phases of growth and production (young, pregnant, lactating and dry animals).
Formulation of ration and feeding of sheep,goat, pig and poultry.


Breeds : Various indigenous breeds of livestock including poultry; Exotic breeds experienced in
India; Origin, distribution and breed descriptor of important breeds.
Farm Animal Practices : Dentition and ageing of animals. Disbudding, marking of animals,
Grooming, Dipping, C astration, Isolation, quarantine, Disinfection and
disposal of carcasses. Drug administration, Vices of animals, their prevention and care.
Dairy Farming : Opportunities in dairy farming, Dairying under mixed and as specialized
farming. Management of calves, heifer, pregnant, lactating and dry animals, bulls and bullocks. Housing
systems, Layout and design of different buildings for dairy animals. Methods of milking and precautions.
Factors affecting quality and quantity of milk. Organic Live stock Production.
Fodder Production : Importance of grasslands and fodders in livestock production. Feed and
fodder requirements of individual animal. Supply of greens throughout the year. Scarcity fodder,
Recycling of animal wastes and washings for fodder production.
Sheep and Goat Farming : Homestead farming vs. Commercial farming, Goat as
poor mans
Poultry Production : Economic Importance of commercial poultry farming, Backyard poultry
farming. Brooding management. Incubation and hatching, Management of broilers, layers and breeder
flock. Designer egg.


Principles of Genetics : Mitosis and Meiosis. Mendelian inheritance, deviation to Mendelian
genetics. Expression of genes. Linkage and crossing over. Sex linked, sex influenced, and sex limited
characters. Cytoplasmic inheritance, chromosomal aberrations, Gene and its structure, DNA as a genetic
material, genetic code and protein synthesis, Recombinant DNA technology, Transgenesis.
Population Genetics : Quantitative and qualitative traits. Gene and genotype frequency, Hardy Weinberg Law and its application. Inbreeding and methods of estimating inbreeding coefficient.
Heritability, repeatability, genetic and phenotypic correla tions and environmental interaction.
Animal Breeding : Basis of selection such as individual, pedigree, family, progeny testing.
Methods of Selection. Methods of breeding - Inbreeding, out breeding, upgrading, cross breeding.
C rossing of inbred lines for commercial production. Sire index.


Hormone in reproduction : Hormones related to reproduction, mechanism of action, control of
secretion and negative feed back mechanism of hormonal regulation. Releasing and tropic ho rmones of
Andrology : Puberty, sexual maturity and libido. Factors causing infertility in males.
C omponents of semen, physical and chemical properties of semen. Preservation of semen and artification
insemination. Deep freezing of semen.
Gynaecology : Symptoms of heat, detection of oestrus and time of insemination for optimal
conception. Anoestrus and repeat breeding. Silent heat. Management of buffaloes in summer for better


Milk and milk products : Milk industry in India. C omposition and nutritive value of milk.
Physico-chemical properties of milk Quality testing of raw milk. Processing, packaging, storing,
distribution and marketing of milk. Pasteurized, standardized, toned, doubled toned, homogenized,
reconstituted, recombined and flavoured milk. Various milk products such as Cream, Butter, Ghee, Khoa,
C hanna, C heese, Condensed, evaporated and dried milk. Preparation of cultured milk such as yoghurt,
Dahi, Lassi and Srikhand.
Meat and meat products : Meat industry of India.Ante mortem care and management of food
animals, stunning, slaughter and dressing. Meat inspection. Physical and chemical characteristics of meat.
Method of meat preservation such as curing, canning, irradiation, packaging.
Poultry products Technology : C omposition and nutritive value of poultry meat and eggs.
Slaughtering techniques. Grading of eggs. Structure, composition and nutritive value of eggs.
Milk and meat hygiene : Clean milk production. Hygienic method of handling meat and meat
products. Adulteration of milk and its detection. Legal standards of milk.
Page 14 of 55



C oncept of Sociology : Man and animal relationship, Society, C ommunity, Association and
Institution. Social groups, its types and function.
Principles of Extension : Basic philosophy, objective and concept. Methods adopted to educate
farmers under rural condition, generation of technology, its transfer and feedback. Animal Husbandry
Programmes for rural development.
Paper II :





Osteology, arthrology and myology: C lassification, physical properties and structure of long
bones, joints and muscle. Study of skeleton of Pectoral, Pelvic gardles, Skull and vertebral bones of
Splanchology : Gross morphology and topography of visceral organs of thoracic, abdominal and
pelvic cavity.
Neurology and asthesiology : Basic structural organization of nervous system (CNS, PNS, ANS), Eye and
Anatomy of fowl : Parts of female reproductive tracts of fowl and their role in egg formation. Organs of
digestive system.


Blood : C onstituents of blood, blood cell formation, haemog lobin synthesis, coagulation of blood,
hemorrhagic, disorders, anticoagulants. Biochemical tests for assessing liver and kidney function.
C irculatory System : Haemodynamics of circulation, physiology of heart function, C ardiac C ycle,
regulation of cardiac output, coronary circulation and EC G, blood pressure and hypertension, osmotic
regulation, shock.
Excretion : Structure and function of nephron, formation of urine. Regulation of
acid-base balance, sweat glands and their function.

electrolyte and

Respiration: Mechanism of respiration, Transport and exchange of gases in lungs and tissues.
Neural control of respiration and hypoxia.
Environmental Physiology : C limate change, climatological variables and their importance in anim al
ecology and behaviour. Effect of environmental stress on health and production.
Physiology of Milk Production : Hormonal control of mammary growth, lactogenesis and galactopoiesis.
Letting down and holding up of milk.
Biochemistry of carbohydrate, protein, lipids, enzymes, co -enzymes, co-factors and their role in
metabolism; Biochemistry of blood and body fluids.


Pharmacology : Principles of drug activity such as pharma cokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

C oncept of drug and receptor. Does response relationship. Adverse drug reaction, drug interaction.
Biopharmaceuticals and gene therapy Antimicrobials, antifungal and principles of chemotherapy in
microbial infections.
Toxicology : Fundamentals and scope of toxicology. Toxicity due to insecticides, organo phosphates,
heavy metals, non-metals, micotoxins and their ameliorative measures. Toxic plants.


Microbiology: Marphology and classification, cultivation and identification of microbes related to

animal diseases. Transmission of infections, sterilization and disinfactants.
Pathology: Pathogenesis and Pathognomic lesions in important microbial diseases of livestock.
Parasitology: Morphology and pathogenesis of important helminthic and protozoal diseases in
livestock like ascariasis, facioliasis, Trypanosomiasis etc.


Infectious diseases : Etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and control of important bacterial, protozoal
and viral diseases of domestic livestock and poultry, such as Anthrax, HS, BQ, Brucellosis, FMD, Hog
C holera, PPR, Goat Pox, Rabies, RD, IBD, Trypanosomiasis, Babesiosis, C occidiosis et c.
Production/metabolic diseases : Etiology, symptoms, treatment and control of important
metabolic diseases such as milk fever, ketosis, pregnancy toxaemia, hypomagnesemia of domestic
Page 15 of 55

Systemic states and diseases : Fever, hyperthermia, hypothermia, toxaemia, septicaemia, bloat,
impaction, diarrhoea, dehydration and snake bite.
Herd health Management : Herd immunity, disease free zones, chemotherapeutics and
chemoprophylaxis for herd health. Vaccination and deworming schedule of livestock an d poultry.
Surgical intervention : Diagnosis and surgical intervention in fracture, hernia, choking,
ruminotomy, castration and C aesarian section.


Epidemiology : Principles and applications of epidemiological measures in the study of diseases

and their control. National and international regulations on livestock diseases.
Zoonoses : Socio-economic importance of zoonotic diseases. Role of animals in transmission of
zoonotic diseases. Occupational zoonotic diseases.
Animal Welfare and Jurisprudence : Role of veterinarian in animal welfare. Animal Welfare Board
of India. Role and function of Committee for the Purpose of C ontrolling and Supervising Experiments in
Animals (CPCSEA), Common offences against animals. Examination of living and dead animals in criminal


Method of handling and restrant of Wild animals. C onservation of wild life. Management and
feeding practice and housing of Wild, Zoo and Laboratory animals.

Paper I :


Introducing anthropology: Meaning and scope of anthropology.

Major branches of anthropology:


Main branches of Anthropology, their scope and relevance :


Social-cultural Anthropology,
Biological Anthropology,
Archaeological Anthropology,
Linguistic Anthropology.


Brief outline of the growth of anthropology. Enlightenment. C olonialism and anthropology.


Human evolution and Hominization process :


Theories of organic evolution. Human evolution and emergence of Man :

(a) Biological and C ultural factors in human evolution,
(b) Theories of Organic Evolution (Pre-Darwinian, Darwinian and Post-Darwinian),
(c) Synthetic theory of evolution; Brief outline of terms and concepts of evolutionary biology.


Neutral theory of molecular evolution.


Concept of evolutionary biology: Skeletal changes, (skull, vertebral column, pelvic girdle, hind limb).

C haracteristics of primates, Primate classification (general), Features and distribution of New
World Monkey, Old World Monkey, Asian and African Apes.

Theories of human origin.


Geological time scale with special reference to Pleistocene epoch.


Distribution, characteristics and phylogenetic status :


Dryopithecus, Sivapithecus
Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus afarensis, Homo habil is
Homo erectus (Java Man, Peking Man)
Archaic Homo sapiens
Neanderthal Man La-chapelle-Aux-Saints, Tabun Man
Anatomically Modern Homo sapiens C romagnon, Grimaldi, C hancelade


Human Genetics :


Methods Mendelism, Twin-study, C ytogenetics, Population genetics.

Biological basis of inheritance: DNA structure and replication, Restriction Fragment Length
Polymorphism (RFLP), Variable Number of Tandem Repeat(s) (VNTRs), Short Tandem Repeat(s) (STRs)
protein synthesis, gene, allele, cell division.
C oncept of Human Genome : nuclear genome, mitochondrial genome, C hromosome and
chromosomal aberrations in man (Numerical and structural aberrations, point mutation), Satellite DNA.
Patterns of inheritance autosomal, sex-chromosomal, multifactorial, polygenic, sex
determination, sex influenced.
Page 16 of 55

Application of human genetics consanguinity, inbreeding, genetic load, genetic counselling,
forensic anthropology, personal identification, paternity identification, DNA fingerprinting,

Human variation :


C oncept of Race, racism.

Basis of variation Morphological (hair, eye) metric (stature, head shape), Polymorphic (genetic
marker) blood group (ABO, Rh), Hb, PGM, HP, Y-chromosome STR, mtDNA.

C oncept of Human physique and somatotype.

C oncept of ethnic groups Mongoloid, C aucasoid, Negroid, Australoid.


Human Growth and Nutrition :


C oncept of human growth, stages of growth Pre-natal, Post-natal, Adolescent.

Factors affecting the growth and development genetic, environmental, nutritional, socioeconomic.

Methodology of growth study.


Concept of Health and disease :

C oncept of C ommunicable and Non-C ommunicable diseases. (Malaria and Type-2 diabetes
respectively). Nutrition Deficiency related diseases.

Nutrition concept of Macro and Micro nutrients and Deficiency.


Human adaptation :

C oncept of Human adaptation and acclimatization hot, cold and high altitude. Bergmans and
Allens Rules.
Anthropometry and its uses in understanding human adaptation (BMI and C I), Physiological
variable (blood pressure, pulse rate), Body composition (fat patterning).

Cultural evolution :


Tool typology and technology of tool manufacturing.


Excavation, Exploration, Site survey, Application of GIS


C oncept of Dating: Absolute (C 14, K-Ar) Relative (Dendrochronology and Stratigraphy).


Features and distribution of prehistoric cultures with reference to Indi a and Europe :


C halcolithic
Iron Age.

Theories and concept of culture and society :

Brief outline of Anthropological Theories: Evolutionism, Diffusionism, Functionalism,
Structuralism, Symbolism and Interpretative Approach, Post-structuralism and Post-modernism
Hermeneutics and Phenomenological Anthropology.
C oncept (brief outline): Social structure, Social organization, Gender, I nstitution, Group,
C ommunity.

Culture and civilization :


Definition and features of culture and civilization.


C ultural relativism, Acculturation, Enculturation, Diffusion, C ultural lag, World view, Symbol.


Anthropological approaches to the study of civilization.


Elements of social organization :


Family Definition, Types, functions, recent changes.

Marriage Definition, Types, functions, recent changes.
Marriage payments (dowry and bride wealth). Incest regulation, Pr eferential and prescribed forms of
Kinship - Definition of kinship system. Importance, Types of kinship systems, kin term

Rules of Descent and alliance, Rules of residence, Descent groups.

Page 17 of 55


Economic Anthropology :


C oncept and approaches.

Major ways of subsistence Hunting-gathering, Pastoralism, Horticulture and Settled
Production, Distribution (Reciprocity, Market exchange, Re -distribution), C onsumption, Gift



Political anthropology :


Definition and approach.


Power, authority, social control, law, social sanction, governance.

C oncepts of Band, Tribe, C hiefdom and State.
Political movement - Approaches of study, Types of socio-political movements (Revitalization,
Messianic, Social solidarity, regional and Ethnic).

Ethnicity Definition, concept of ethnic boundary.


Anthropology of religion :


Definition of religion, functions of religion.


Approaches to the study of religion (intellectual, psychological, functional, interpretative).

C oncepts: Myth, magic, witchcraft, sorcery, taboo, totem, divination, rituals, symbolism in

Religious specialists shaman, witch-doctor, priest.


Social stratification :


Definition and features.




Types C aste and class.


C oncepts: Status, role, age-set/age-grade, social mobility.


Ecological anthropology :


Definition, scope and approaches/methods of ecological anthropology.


C oncept of culture ecology.


Emerging fields of social-cultural anthropology :


Development anthropology Definition and scope, development, globalization.


Legal anthropology and Human Rights.


Anthropology of communication visual anthropology, mass media, popular culture.


Anthropology of gender.


Basic methods of data collection and interpretation :


Qualitative and quantitative approaches, ethnography, fieldwork.

Basic methods/techniques of data collection observation (special reference participant
observation), interview, case study, schedule, questionnaire, genealogy, PRA and RRA.
Application of statistical principles Descriptive statistics central tendency (mean, median,
mode), standard deviation, standard error, Testing of hypothesis: t-test, chi-square test.
Paper II :


History and Development of Anthropology in India :


C olonialism and Anthropology in India.


Phases of development and major trends of Anthropology in India.

Page 18 of 55

Idea of Indian tradition of Anthropology. Contribution of Indian scholars : S.C .Roy, N.K. Bose,
M.N. Srinivas, D.N. Majumdar, T.C . Das, S.C . Sinha and S.S. Sarkar.

Evolution of Indian culture and civilization :


Prehistoric cultures: Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, C halcolithic, Iron age.

Indus Valley C ivilization (origin, distribution, features with special reference to architectural,
socio-economic and religious; decline; Indus script.)

Vedic society (early and late): Society, economy and polity.


C ontribution of tribal cultures to Indian civilization.


Ethnoarchaeology in India with special reference to mortuary practices and

megalithic burials.
Emergence of man in India and contempo rary variation :


Fossil remains in India: Ramapithecus, Narmada man.


C lassification of Indian population: H.H. Risley, B.S. Guha and S.S. Sarkar.


C ontemporary classification based on morphology, anthropometry and genetic

markers (ABO, Hb, HP, mtDNA).


Demographic Profile of India :


Demography: concept, theories and methods.

Structure and features of Indian population; Rates and Ratios : Fertility, Mortality; Factors
influencing fertility and mortality. Dynamics of demography in rural, urban and tribal contexts. Migration
and effects of migration.

Linguistic elements in Indian population (Grierson and S.K.C hatterjee).


Anthropological approaches to Indian civilization :


C ultural categories of ancient India :Varnashram, Purushartha, Karma and



C aste system origin, features, functions and change in caste system, Dominant
C aste, Jajmani system.


Structure of Indian civilization: Theoretical understanding (R.Redfield, N.K.Bose).

C oncepts for understanding Indian civilization: Sanskritization, Universalization-Parochialization,
Tribe-peasant & Tribe-caste continuum, State Formation and Sacred C omplex.
Idea of folk and folk culture, folkloric elements in Indian culture (proverbs, folksong, folkart with
special reference to West Bengal), folklore and identity, performances.

Impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, C hristianity on Indian society.


Aspects of Indian village :


Development of village study in India and its significance.


Types of village, social organization of Indian village (agricultural).


C oncepts developed through village studies in India.


C hanges in rural society in post-Independent India.


Weaker sections :

C oncepts of SC, ST, OBC, minority, women, children, aged status, constitutional provisions,
problems, programmes of development.
Linguistic minority and its problems.

Tribal situation in India :


Ethnic strains in Indian population, Geographical, Economic and linguistic distribution of Indian


Major problems of Indian tribes with special reference to issues of land and forest.

Plan and programmes for the development of the STs; problems/critique of tribal development;
five year plans and Indian tribes a review.

C onstitutional safeguards for STs, 5th and 6th Schedules.

Page 19 of 55

Socio-economic changes in tribal millieu Impact of urbanization, industrialization, forest policy,
development projects on tribal people. Changes in tribal society in colonial and post-Independent periods.
Impact of modern democratic institutions on traditional political system.
Tribal movement (Nature and distribution), Emergence of Ethnicity, Issues of Identity, Tribe and
Nation-State, Indian National Movement and Indian tribes, Regionalism, Jharkhand movement, Santal

Anthropology of development:

C ritique, approaches, issues of women deve lopment, cultural factors of development,
displacement and rehabitation, sustainable development, alternative to devel opment.

Role of NGO in development.

Role of anthropology in development.


Emerging issues in Indian Anthropology:

Human Rights and advocacy of anthropology in the contexts of women, children, health and

Social-cultural dimensions of health: Bio-medical, medical anthropology and ethno medicine.

Issues in context: Sect, Cult, Religions pluralism in India, Visual image and Indian society, Public
C ulture in India, Refugee, C ivil Society, Violence, Traditional Knowledge.

Paper I :

Plant virus- types - TMV- Physicochemical characteristics and Multiplication, One step growth curve, Lytic
cycle (T 4 phage) and Lysogenic cycle (Lambda phage), Significance of lysogeny, Viroids and Prions.
Bacteria - Distinguishing features of Archaea and Bacteria, Flagella (ultrastructure) and Pilli, wall
chemical structure and differences between Gram +ve & Gram ve bacteria, Bacterial genome and
plasmid, Endospore formation, structure and function. Genetic Recombination (Transformation,
Transduction & C onjugation) Application in Medicine and Industry.
Plant Pathology:
Terms and Definitions: Disease concept, Symptoms, Etiology and causal complex, Endemic, Epidemic,
Pandemic and Sporadic diseases, Disease triangle, Disease cycle (monocyclic, polycyclic and polyetic)
with special reference to Late Blight of Potato, Brown Spot of Rice and C itrus C anker. Host Parasite
Interaction. Pathotoxin (Definition, criteria and example), Phytoalexin, Resistance. Plant Disease
Management- Symptoms, C ausal organism, Disease cycle and C ontrol measures.
General account. Ultrastructure of cell. Diatom: C ell structure, C ell division, Auxospore formation in
C entrales and Pennales. Economic Importance: Food, Phycocolloid (Agar-agar, Algin, C arrageenan),
Diatomite, Algal Biotechnology potential of microalgae for SC P, -carotene, Biofertilizer, Biodiesel;
Principles of mass cultivation of microalgae; Algal toxins.
FUNGI & LICHEN: General Account: Hyphal forms, Fungal spore forms and mode of liberation,
Sexual reproduction and degeneration of sex, Homothallism and heterothallism, Life cycle patterns,
Anamorphic fungi and parasexuality, Mycotoxins with emphasis on aflatoxin. Mycorrhiza: Role in
Agriculture & Forestry.
Fungal Biotechnology: Mushroom, C heese and Ethanol- Industrial production (brief outline), Fungal
sources and uses of Mycoprotein, Enzyme (C ellulase), Amino acid (Tryptophan), Vitamin (Riboflavin),
Antibiotic( Griseofulvin), Pharmaceuticals (C yclosporin-A).
Lichen : Types, Reproduction , Economic and ecological importance.
General Account and Origin of Alternation of Generations (Homologous and Antithetic theory), Evolution
of Sporophytes (Progressive and Regressive concept).
Importance: Role of bryophytes in Plant succession and Pollution Monitoring.

General Account: C olonisation and rise of early land plants.
Fossil Pteridophytes: Structural features, Geological distribution and Evolutionary significance.
Telome concept and its significance in the origin of different groups of Pteridophytes.
Heterospory and Origin of Seed habit.
Economic importance as food, medicine and Agriculture.

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Palaeobotany & Palynology:

Plant Fossil: Types, Different modes of preservation, Nomenclature and Reconstruction, Importance of
fossil study.
Geological time scale with dominant plant groups through ages.
Palynology: Pollen aperture types, NPC classification (Erdtman). Pollen wall- Sporopollenin, Stratification
and Ornamentation (sculpturing), Applied Palynology:- Palaeopalynology,.Aeropalynology , Forensic
palynology, Melissopalynology.
Progymnosperms: Phylogenetic importance.
Fossil gymnosperms: Structural features of Cycas, Pinus, Lyginopteris, Williumsonia oldhamia and
Geological distribution of reconstructed genera.
Economic Importance of fossils with reference to Wood, Resins, Essential oils, and Drugs.
Inflorescence types with examples. Flower: C orolla- forms, aestivation; Stamen- types; Placentationtypes; Ovule - structure and forms. Fruit - types with examples.
C omponents of Systematics: Nomenclature, Identification, C lassification; Taxonomy and its phases Pioneer, C onsolidation , Biosystematic and Encyclopaedic ; alpha- and omega- taxomony .
Nomenclature: Herbaria and Botanical Gardens their role; important Indian Herbaria and Botanical
Gardens; Dichotomous keys indented and bracketed, Phenetics. Brief idea on Phenetics, Numerical
taxonomy; Cladistics; Monophyletic, polyphyletic and paraphyletic groups; Plesiomorphy and apomorphy.
Data sources in Taxonomy: Supportive evidences from: Phytochemistry, C ytology and Anatomy.
Diagnostic features, Systematic position of Economically important plants (parts and uses) with special
reference to the families Poaceae, Orchidaceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae and Malvaceae.
Pre-fertilisation changes: Microsporogenesis and Microgametogenesis, Megasporogenesis. Postfertilization changes. Embryogenesis and Development of Endosperm, Apomixis, Apospory and Apogamy,
Ultrastructure and chemical composition of cell wall. Stomata: Types, Ontogeny of Trachea and Sievetube. Stele: Stelar types & evolution/ Secondary growth with special reference to the abnormal growth in
Dracaena, Boerhaavia and Bignonia. Mechanical tissues and the Pinciples governing their distribution in
Organisation of shoot apex (TunicaCorpus) and Root apex (Korper-Kappe), Adaptive anatomical features
of Hydrophytes and Xerophytes.
Habitat and Niche, Ecotone and edgeeffect, C arrying capacity.
C ommunity ecology: C ommunity- C haracteristics and diversity, Ecological succession Primary and
secondary, Seral stages (with reference to Hydrosere), autogenic and allogenic succession.
Plant indicators (metallophytes); Phytoremediation. C onservation of Biodiversity (In-situ & Ex-situ).
Plant Geography:
Phytogeographical regions; Endemism; Endemic types and Factors; Age & Area hypothesis and Epibiotic
theory; Endemism in Indian flora with special emphasis on Sunderban and Eastern Himalayas.
Paper II :

Cell & Molecular Biology

CELL BIOLOGY: C ell and its types (prokaryotic and eukaryotic), structure and functions of the major cell
organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies,
microbodies), cell division (mitosis and meiosis), significance of cell division, C ell cycle, structure of a
typical chromosome, nucleosome model of chromosome, chromos omal aberrations (deletion, duplication,
translocation and inversion), C oncept of RNA world.
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: C hemical structure and nature of the nucleic acids, concept of gene, replication
of DNA, concept of genomic DNA and cDNA, split genes, overlapping genes, oncogenes, genetic code,
protein synthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, central dogma, basic of recombinant DNA technology
(restriction enzymes, vectors, molecular cloning, application of R DNA technology and its social ethics).
Genetics, Plant Breeding, Biometry & Evolution Biology:
GENETICS: Mendelian principles (Mendels monohybrid and dihybrid experiments and laws), concept of
linkage and crossing over, polyploidy, multiple alleles, point mutation, sex-linked inheritance, cytoplasmic
inheritance and basic population genetics.
Page 21 of 55

PLANT BREEDING: Objective of plant breeding, methods of propagation in relation to breeding

methods, methods of plant breeding (selection, hybridization, concept and causes of heterosis).
Maintenance of germplasm, Heterosis and hybrid seed production, Molecular Breeding (use of DNA
markers in plant breeding). Maintenance of germplasm, Mass selection and pure line selection, Heterosis
and hybrid seed production, Molecular Breeding (use of DNA markers in plant breeding).
BIOMETRY: Random sampling, Frequency distribution, C entral tendency Arithmetic Mean, Mode and
Median, Measurement of dispersion Standard Deviation, Standard error of Mean, Test of significance:
t- test; chi square test for goodness of fit. Probability, Measurement of gene frequency (HardyWeinberg equilibrium). Overview of Bioinformatics, nature of biological data, literature databases
(searching and downloading), introduction and overview of biological databases, nucleic acid sequence
databases, GenBank, Protein sequence databases, introduction to BLAST series.
EVOLUTION BIOLOGY: C oncept of biological evolution, evidence of organic evolution (taxonomic,
geological, morphological and anatomical); Lamarckism, Darwinism and mutation theories of de V ries.
Physiology and Biochemistry :
Plant-water relations, Stomatal physiology-mechanism of opening and closing, Organic Translocation
Photosynthesis, Photochemical reaction centres, Cyclic and noncyclic electron transport, Water splitting
mechanism, photophosphorylation, Z-scheme, Calvin cycle Biochemical reactions and stoichiometry,
Photosynthetic efficiency of C 3 and C 4 plants and crop productivity, Photorespiration, C rassulacean acid
metabolism. Respiration- EMP pathway, TCA cycle, ETS and oxidative phosphorylation, Oxidative pentose
phosphate pathway and its significance, -oxidation of fatty acids and significance. Nitrogen Metabolism
(symbiotic and non-symbiotic), structure and function of di-nitrogenase complex, ETS of di-nitrogenase,
basic concept of nif and nod genes. Plant Growth Regulators (Auxin, Gibberellin, Cytokinin, Ethylene and
Abscisic Acid). Photoperiodism and plant types, Phytochrome, Vernalisation, C oncept of biological clock
and biorhythm. Seed dormancy, Physiology of Senescence and Ageing. Stress Physiology.
Biochemistry as the molecular logic of living organisms, axioms of living organisms, the major compounds
of living beings; pH, buffers and basic bioenergetics, chemical structure and properties of water
molecule, ionization of water, Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, titration curve and the concept of
preparation of any buffer solution; biomolecules: general structure, properties, classification and
metabolic importance of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids; enzymes, basic structure
(holoenzyme, apoenzyme, cofactor, coenzyme and prosthetic group), nomenclature and classification of
enzymes according to IUBMB, mechanism of enzyme action (concept of active site of an enzyme,
activation of free energy, principles of enzyme action, Fishers and Koshlands models), enzyme kinetics
(Michaelis-Menten equation and Lineweaver-Burk plot), reversible and irreversible enzyme inhibition,
allosteric enzyme regulation and covalently modulated enzyme regulation, basic concept of ribo zymes,
abzymes and isozymes.
Pharmacognosy :
Pharmacognosy and its importance in modern medicine , C rude drugs, Drug evaluation Secondary
metabolites, Interrelationship of basic metabolic pathways with secondary metabolite biosynthesis with
special reference to Cinchona, Ipecac, Adhatoda and Curcuma longa.
Plant Biotechnology & Instrumentation:
Plant tissue culture and Micropropagation. Plant Genetic Engineering: Brief concept of different gene
transfer methods. Transgenic plants.
Principles and applications of simple, compound, confocal and electron microscopy, colorimetry, visible
and UV-visible spectrophotometry, deferential centrifugation, PCR, RT-PCR, Gel Electrophoresis, Blotting
(Southern, Northern and Western) and ELISA.

Paper I :

Group A

Atomic Structure:

Bohr theory of hydrogen atom, Mosleys experiment. Heisenbergs uncertainty principle;

Schrodinger wave equation; Interpretation of wave function, particle in a one -dimensional box; quantum
numbers; hydrogen atom wave functions; shapes of s, p and d-orbitals.


Chemical Bonding:

Ionic bond: characteristics of ionic compounds, lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle. C ovalent bond and its
general characteristics: polarities of bonds in molecules and their dipole moments; sha pes of molecule,
VSEPR theory.
Valence bond theory, concept of resonance and resonance energy; molecular orbital theory (LC AO
method); bonding in H2+, H2, He 2+ to Ne 2, NO, C O, HF, and C N-, comparison of valence bond and
molecular orbital theories, bond order, bond strength and bond length.
Page 22 of 55

3. Acid-Base & Redox Reactions

Theory of acids and bases; pH, buffer solution; solubility product and salt hydrolysis.
Nernst equation (without derivation). Influence of complex formation, precipitation and pH on red ox
potentials; formal potential. Feasibility of a redox titration, redox potential at the equivalence point, redox
indicators. Redox diagram (Latimer and Frost diagrams) of common elements and their applications.
Disproportionation and comproportionation reactions (typical examples).
4. Chemical Periodicity:
Periodic table, group trends and periodic trends in physical properties.
Effective nuclear charge, screening effect, Slater s rules, atomic radii, ionic radii (Pauling univalent),
covalent radii. Ionization potential, electron affinity and electronegativity (Pauling, Mulliken and Allred Rochow scales) and factors influencing these properties.
C omparative studies of hydrides, halides, oxides of s- and p- block elements.
Structure and bonding of B 2H6, (SN)x, Phosphazenes and inter-halogens.
d-block elements; electronic configuration, ionization energies, oxidation states, variation in atomic and
ionic radii, magnetic and spectral properties.

5. Gaseous State and Transport Phenomenon
Maxwell distribution of molecular speeds, intermolecular collisions, collisions on wall and effusion; thermal
conductivity and viscosity of hard sphere gases. van der Waals equation of state, inter-molecular
interactions, critical phenomena and liquefaction of gases,


Liquid State

Viscosity, Poiseuille equation, temperature dependence.

Surface tension and surface energy, wetting and contact angle, interfacial tension and capillary action;
Laplace equation.


Solid State

C rystal systems; designation of crystal planes, lattice structure and unit cell; Miller indices, Braggs law;
X-ray diffraction by crystals; close packing, radius- ratio rules, calculation of some limiting radius-ratio
values; structures of NaCl, KCl; stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric defects, impurity defects, semiconductors.

8. Thermodynamics
Work, heat and internal energy; first law of thermodynamics.
Second law of thermodynamics; entropy as a state function, entropy change in various processes,
reversibility and irreversibility, free energy functions; thermodynamic equation of state; Maxwells
relations; temperature, volume and pressure dependence of thermodynamic functions; J -T effect and
inversion temperature; criteria for equilibrium, relation between equilibrium constant and thermodynamic
quantities; Nernst heat theorem.
Definitions and interrelations among K p, K c and K x ; Vant Hoff equation, Le C hatelier principle.

Group - C
9. Aromaticity
Aromaticity and anti-aromaticity; benzene, naphthalene, annulene, azulene, tropolones, fulvenes,
sydnones. Electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution. Synthesis and reactions of heteroaromatic
compounds (pyrrole, furan, thiophene, pyridine).

10. Study of Mechanisms

General methods (both kinetic and non-kinetic) of study of mechanism of organic reactions: isotopic
method, cross-over experiment, intermediate trapping, stereochemistry; energy of activation;
thermodynamic control and kinetic control of reactions.
Reactive intermediates: Generation geometry, stability and reactions of carbonium ions and
carbanions free radicals, carbenes, benzynes and nitrenes.

11. Organic Reaction Types

Substitution Reactions: S N1, S N2 and S Ni mechanisms; neighbouring group participation.
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Elimination Reactions: E1, E2 and E1cb mechanisms; orientation in E2 reactions -Saytzeff and
Hoffmann; pyrolytic syn elimination C hugaev and C ope eliminations.
Addition Reactions: Electrophillic addition to C =C and C C ; nucleophilic addition to C =O, C =N,
conjugated olefins and carbonyls.
Rearrangements: Pinacol-pinacolone, Hoffmann, Beckmann, Baeyer-Villiger, Favorskii, Fries,
Sclaisen, C ope, Stevens and Wagner-Meerwein rearrangements.
12. Organic Spectroscopy:
Principle and applications in structure elucidation:
Infra-red: typical functional group identification
UV-vis: Singlet and triplet states; n-* and -* transitions; application to conjugated double bonds
and conjugated carbonyls - WoodwardFieser rules; charge-transfer spectra.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( 1H NMR): Basic principle; chemical shift and spin-spin interaction and
coupling constants.
Mass Spectrometry: Parent peak, base peak metastable p eak, McLafferty rearrangement.

Paper II :

Coordination Chemistry - I

Bonding theories of metal complexes; valence bond theory, crystal field theory and its
modifications; application of theories in the explanation of magnetism a nd electronic spectra of metal

Coordination Chemistry - II

Isomerism in coordination compounds; IUPAC nomenclature of coordination compounds;

stereochemistry of complexes with 4 and 6 coordination numbers; chelate effect and pol ynuclear
complexes; trans effect and its theories; kinetics of substitution reactions in square -planer complexes;
thermodynamic and kinetic stability of complexes.

Bio-Inorganic Chemistry

Metal ion in biological systems and their role in ion transport across the membranes (molecular
mechanism), oxygen-transport proteins: hemoglobin, myoglobin, hemerythrin; electron-transport
proteins: cytochromes and ferrodoxins.

Organometallic Chemistry

EAN rule, synthesis, structure and reactivity of metal carbonyls; carboxylate anions, carbonyl
hydrides and metal nitrosyl compounds.
C omplexes with aromatic systems; synthesis, structure and bonding in metal-olefin, -alkyne and cyclopentadienyl complexes; coordinative unsaturation, oxidative addition reactions, insertion reactions,
fluxional molecules and their characterization; compounds with metal -metal bonds and metal atom
Group - B

Phase-equilibria and solutions

Gibbs phase rule and its significance. C lapeyron equation; C lausius C lapeyron equation; phase
diagram for a pure substance; phase-equilibria in binary systems, partially miscible liquids, upper and
lower critical solution temperatures; properties of dilute solutions; Raoults and Henrys l aw. Partial molar
quantities, their significance; excess thermodynamic functions.

Surface phenomena, catalysis and polymers

Adsorption from gases and solutions on solid adsorbents: Langmuir and B.E.T. adsorption
isotherms; determination of surface area, characteristics and mechanism of reactions on heterogeneous
Number and weight average molecular weight, their determination. Kinetics of polymerization.

Chemical Kinetics

Differential and integral rate equation for zeroth, first, second and fractional order reactions; rate
equations involving reverse, parallel, consecutive and chain reactions; branching chain and explosion;
effect of temperature and pressure on rate constant; collision theory and transi tion state theory.

Photochemistry and spectroscopy :

Fluorescence & phosphorescence, Jablonsky diagram, Franck -Condon principle, Lambert-Beer law.
Laws of photochemistry, quantum yield, photo-stationary state, photosensitized reaction.

Rotational spectra of diatomic molecules: Rigid rotator model, selection rule, determination of
bond length.
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Vibrational spectroscopy of diatomic molecules: SHO model, selection rule, determination of

bond energy.
Group C

Configuration and conformation

Representation of molecules in three dimension Fischer, Saw-horse and Newman projection;

configuration (R and S) of chiral carbon, priority rule.
C onformation of acyclic and alicyclic molecules; gauche-butane interaction; chair-boat in

Chirality and stereoselectivity

C hirality: asymmetric carbon, axial and planar chirality. Optical activity; resolution of optically
active compounds; enantioselective and diastereoselective synthesis; enantiomeric excess; Prelogs rule
for configuration determination; C rams rule.

Organic Synthetic methods

C ondensation reactions; Aldol, C laisen, Diemann, Perkin, Knoevenagel, Stobbe, Acyloin

Oxidation; epoxidation, dihydroxylation, periodate, chromate, permanganate, lead tetraacetate,

allylic oxidation.
Reduction; catalytic hydrogenation, metal hydrides, dissolving metal reduction.
Organometalic, catalysis; palladium-catalyzed coupling reaction and allylic substitution;
Wilkinson catalyst; alkene metathesis.

Pericyclic and photochemical reactions

Photochemical reaction; singlet and triplet state; Norrish Type I and Type II. Patterno -Buchi.
Photochemical generation of radicals.
Pericyclic reaction; conservation of orbital symmetry; electrocyclic reactions; cycloaddition
reactions, sigmatropic rearrangements.

Paper I :

Strength of Materials :
Stress-strain, elastic modulus, shear force and bending moment diagrams of determinate beams,
deflection of beams by different methods.
Structural Analysis :
Application of Area moment theorem & C onjugate beam method, C astiglianos theorems I & II,
Slope deflection & Moment distribution method. Introduction of Matrix method of analysis : force and
displacement method. Application of displacement method to truss, beam & frame structure,
Introduction of plastic analysis.
Design of steel structures :
C oncept of design by working stress method and Limit state method. Application of Limit state
method : Design of tension and compression member, design of flexure members : Beams rolled
section and plated beam. Design of column for axial and eccentric loads. Design of connection : B olted
and welded.
Design of concrete structures :
C oncept of working stress method and limit state method. Application of limit state method to
design of singly reinforced rectangular, T and L beams, doubly reinforced beam, column for axial and
eccentric loads, isolated footing.
Geotechnical Engineering :
Type of soils. Weight-volume relationship. Grain size distribution. Index properties Attergbs
limit, relative density, identification and classification of soils.
Water in soils, Effective pressure, Pore water pressure, Permeability laboratory and field tests, Seepage,
Quick sand condition.
Page 25 of 55

Shear strength - MohrC oulomb failure criteria, pole, Determination of shear strength parameters
laboratory and field tests.
C ompressibility and consolidation normally consolidated and over consolidated soils, compression and
swelling indices. Determination of coefficient of C onsolidation. Settlement C omputation.
Soil stabilization C ompaction, Laboratory test, field methods and uses of admixtures.
Soil exploration Spacing, depth and number of exploratory borings. Methods of boring & sampling.
Standard penetration test, Static cone penetration test, Seismic refraction method.
Earth pressure theories Rankine and C oulomb, Different types of back fill. Determination of earth
pressure. Stability of retaining walls. Sheet piles, Braced excavation.
Shallow Foundations Estimation of bearing capacity and settlement. Allowable bearing pressure. Effect
of ground water table. Field tests. Types of footing Isolated, combined, strip, grid and raft foundations.
Deep foundations Types of piles, material, suitability and uses. Determination of pile capacity. Negative
skin friction, Testing of piles.
Paper II :

Construction: Materials, Planning & Management :

Physical Properties of Cement and cement concrete, stone, bricks and mortars, Stress -strain
behaviour of reinforcing steels, Nondestructive tests Rebound Hammer, Ultrasonic Pulse velocity tests,
C onstruction activities schedules, organization for construction industry. Quality assurance principles.
Network analysis, C PM & PERT analysis: their use in construction monitoring, C ost optimization and
resource allocation.
Surveying :
C hain surveying; Principles, Methods of linear measurement; Instrum ents for C haining; C haining tape
corrections including sag corrections; Chain triangulation; Selection of stations, locating ground features;
Plotting of chain survey.
C ompass survey; Use of prismatic compass; Measurement of bearing, C omputations of angle s from
bearings, C hain and C ompass traversing, Plotting compass traverse;
Plane table survey; Introduction and method; Errors in plane tabling;
Leveling; Adjustment of dumpy level; Reciprocal leveling and profile leveling; C ountering and
interpretation of contour maps;
Theodolite Surveying and Traversing. Uses of Total Station.
Basic elements of Remote sensing and photogrammetry
Transportation Engineering :
Principles of Highway Planning. Functional classification of road. Highway alignment, Geometric de sign
C ross section, Camber, Superelevation, Horizontal and Vertical curve, Pavement structure and Materials
Subgrade soil, Sub base, Base materials, aggregates & bitumen. Pavement design flexible and Rigid by
IRC and other methods. C onstruction method of WBM, Bituminus work and cement concrete roads.
Highway drainage system.
Traffic surveys and their application in traffic planning. Design of intersection, rotary signals. Standard
traffic signs and marking.
Water Resources Engineering :
C oncept of storm and unit hydrograph, type of aquifers, Ground Water: Specific yield, storage coefficient,
coefficient of permeability, confined and unconfined aquifers, aquitards, radial flow into a well under
confined and unconfined conditions. Flood-flow estimation. Rainfall-frequency distribution and analysis.
Water requirements of crops, C anals : rectangular and trapezoidal, design of lined and unlined canal,
Types of dam, design, principles of design of rigid gravity & earth dams including statistical analysis,
River training : Objectives and methods.
Environmental Engineering :
Water Demand, Population estimate. Water quality : Physical, C hemical and bacteriological. Water
treatment principle and design of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtrati on. Principle of
C hlorination and softening. Waste water : Types and characteristics, BOD, C OD estimation, Design of
separate and combined sewer. Wastewater treatment: Grit chamber, setting tank, activated sludge
process, stabilization pond.
Solid waste : C omposting and land fill methods
Air Pollution : Types, sources and effects, control measures ventury, wet scrubber, Electrostatic
precipitator, C yclone.
Noise Pollution : Equivalent noise level, Determination of Leq.


Paper I :

Financial Accounting: Accounting as a Financial Information System, Basic C oncepts & C onventions,
Accounting Standards, Final Accounts of Profit-seeking and Non-profit seeking organisations.
Page 26 of 55

C orporate Accounting: Issue, Forfeiture & Re-issue of Shares, Redemption of Preference Shares &
Debentures, Buy-back of Shares, C ompany Final Accounts, Reconstruction of C ompanies,
Preparation of C onsolidated Balance Sheet.
C ost & Management Accounting: C ost C oncepts, Terms & C lassification of C osts, Elements of C ost,
Accounting for Material, Employee Cost and Overhead, Job costing, Process costing, Activity -based
costing, Marginal C osting C VP Analysis & Decision Making, Standard Costing, Budgetary C ontrol,
Funds flow & C ash Flow Statement, Accounting Ratios.
Income Tax Definitions, Residential Status & Incidence of Tax of Individual, Computation of Total
Income of an individual (various heads of income and deduction from Gross Total Income), Set off
& C arry Forward.
Paper II :

Indirect Tax
WB VAT Act, 2003: Basic concepts, features, determination of tax payable, registration of dealer.
C entral Sales Tax, 1956: Definition, incidence and levy of tax, exemption and exclusion,
determination of turn over and tax payable, registration of dealer.

Indian Financial System Role of finance in an economy, components (instruments, markets, etc.), role
of financial intermediaries, structure of Indian financial system, role of RBI, Commercial Banks and other
Financial Institutions(LIC I,UTI, SIDBI, SFC s, NABARD)
Money Market structure of Indian money market, discount houses, call money market, recent trends of
Indian money market
C apital Market primary and secondary market, functionaries of stock-exchanges, concept of DMAT, role
of SEBI.
Business Laws
i) Indian C ontract Act, 1872 Offer & Acceptance, Consideration, capacity of parties, free consent, void
& voidable agreements, discharge of contracts.
ii) C onsumer Protection Act, 1986 Rights of consumers; definition of consumer, manufacturer,
complaints, unfair trade practices; composition and jurisdiction of District Forum, State C ommission and
National C ommission.
iii) C ompanies Act, 1956 Types of companies, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Prospectus,
Promotion and Incorporation of C ompanies, Directors, C ompany Meeting, Winding up.
iv) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 - Nature, C auses, and settlement of industrial disputes, workers
participation in management and collective bargaining.
Auditing Auditing procedures and techniques; internal co ntrol and internal audit; company audit
divisible profit, dividend and depreciation; Audit of Bank, Insurance and NGOs; Audit Report.
Organisation Behaviour Nature and Concept of Organisation; organisation structure; modern concepts of
organisation theory; Leadership theories and styles; Motivation concept & theories; Quality of Work
Life meaning and impact.

Paper I :

Algorithms and Problem solving : Number systems and Arithmetic : Theory of C ounting : Graphs and
Algorithms : Boolean Algebra : Models of C omputer Machines : Numerical Algorithms : Operations
Research : C ircuit and Network Theory : Basic Electronics : Instruments : Digital Logic and Systems :
Data C ommunication : Data Structure.

Paper II :

Operating System : System Analysis and Design : Object oriented Programming, C omputer Architecture
and Organization : Micro Processor : C omputer Networks : Database Management : Assembler, Loader
and Linker : C ompiler : Graphics and Multimedia.

Paper I :


Microeconomic Theory
Macroeconomic Theory
International Trade Theory
Public Finance
Statistics and Econometrics
Microeconomic Theory
C onsumer Theory
Production and cost- returns to scale, short run and long run costs
Market Structure-Perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly
General Equilibrium and Welfare (optimality of perfect competition)
Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution
Page 27 of 55

Paper II :


Macroeconomic Theory
National Income Accounting
Economy in the long run, economy in the short run, Fiscal and Monetary policy using
IS-LM, Growth TheoryHarrod-Domar Model, Solow Model, Endogenous Growth.


International Trade Theory

C lassical Ricardo, Neoclassical Hecksher- Ohlin
Imperfect competition and trade , Intra-industry trade
Trade PolicyTariff, Quota
C urrent and Capital Account in Balance of Payments, Fixed and Flexible exchange rate
Open economy macroeconomics Mundell-Fleming model




Statistics & Econometrics

Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion
Theory of Probability
Sampling Theory
EconometricsClassical Linear Regression Model



Theory of externality and market failure
Public Goods and Role of the Public Sector
Budget Different concepts
Taxindirect and direct, VAT, subsidy and transfers
Public debt and its burden

The Indian Economy
(a) Pre-independence period
(b) Post-independence pre-liberalisation period
(c) Post-liberalisation period
(d) The West Bengal Economy
Process of development
Lewis Model
Harris Todaro Model
Demographic change and occupational transformation
Trade and Development
Trade as an engine of growth
Planning vs. Market Model of Development
Poverty and Inequality
C apability and Human Development including issues of Gender
Environment and development

The Indian Economy

Land system
C ommercialisation of agriculture
Drain Theory
Development of Indian Railways

Planning models and experience till Seventh Plan
C hange in composition of national incomeAgriculture, Industry & Services.
AgricultureGreen Revolution
IndustryRole of Public Sector


C hanging role of Planning (from centralised to indicative, participatory and
decentralised planning.)
Salient features of NEP
Progress in Reforms1st and 2nd generation Reforms
Role of WTO & IMF
Monetary and Fiscal Policies
Poverty and inequality
The West Bengal Economy-A historical perspective
Brief economic history of the colonial period.
Economic & demographic consequences of Partition.


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Evolution of Land and Tenancy Reforms (1950-1980) and its economic

C hanging composition of SDP


Social development indicators-health, education, environment


West Bengal: in relation to other major States of India.

Paper I :

Electrical Circuits and Network :

C ircuit components, network graphs, KC L, KVL.
C ircuit analysis methods : nodal analysis/mesh analysis, basic network theorems and applications.
Transient analysis : RL, RC and RLC circuits.
Sinusoidal steady state analysis, resonant circuits and applications.
C oupled circuits and applications.
Balanced 3-phase circuits.
Two-port networks.
Signals & Systems :
Representation of continuous-time and discrete-time signals & systems, Analysis of signals & systems by
Laplace Transform and Z-Transform, Poles & Zeroes, Fourier Transform, Sampling and Reconstruction of
Signals, analysis of discrete time signals by DFT and FFT.
Field Theory :
Electric Field : Gausss Integral Law, Electric Dipole Fields, Electric Polarisation and its relation to the
Permittivity of Di-electric media. Gausss Law in differential form. Poissons and Laplace Equations in
different co-ordinates. Energy stored in Electric Field.
Magnetic Field : Amperes Law and Biot-Savarts Law, Faradays Law of Electromagnetic Induction, Self &
Mutual Inductance, Energy in Magnetic Field, Force due to Magnetic Field.
Maxwells equations, Wave propagation in bounded media. Boundary C onditions. Reflection and
Refraction of Plane Waves, Distributed Parameter circuits.
Analog & Digital Electronics :
C haracteristics and equivalent circuits (large and small-signal) of Diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET.
Diode circuits : C lipping, clamping and rectifiers.
Biasing and bias stability of BJT.
Amplifiers : Single and multi-stage, differential, operational, feed-back and power.
OPAMP circuits, Active Filters.
Sinusoidal oscillators : transistor and OPAMP configurations.
Function generators and wave-shaping circuits.
Boolean algebra; minimization of Boolean functions; logic gates.
Digital IC families (TTL,MOS,C MOS).
C ombinational circuits : Arithmetic circuits, code converters, multi plexers and decoders.
Sequential circuits : latches and flip-flops, counters and shift-registers.
C omparators, timers, multivibrators.
Sample and hold circuits, ADC s and DAC s.
Semiconductor memories.
Logic implementation using MUX / DMUX and programmable devices (ROM, PLA, FPGA).
Measurement and Instrumentation :
Error analysis, measurement of current, voltage, power, energy, power -factor, resistance,
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inductance, capacitance and frequency, bridge measurement, Use of C T and PT.

Electronic measuring instruments : multimeter, C RO, digital voltmeter, frequency counter, Q -meter.
Transducers : Thermocouple, thermistor, RTD, LVDT, strain-gauge, piezo-electric crystal, use of
transducers in measurements of non-electrical quantities.
Data acquisition systems.
Control System :
Elements of control systems, block-diagram representation, open-loop
& closed-loop systems, principles and applications of feed-back.
LTI systems : time-domain and transform-domain analysis.
Stability : Routh Hurwitz criterion, root loci, Nyquists criterion, Bode plots.
Design of lead-lag compensators.
Proportional, PI, PID controllers.
State-variable representation and analysis of control systems.
Principles of discrete-control system.
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers :
Microprocessor architecture, Address/Data and C ontrol lines, Timing Diagram, Internal Registers,
Interrupt mechanism (hardware/software), Memory interfacing, I/O interfacing, Programmable Peripheral
devices, Microcontrollers and Embedded Processors its architecture.
Paper II :

Electrical Machines :
Principles of electromechanical energy conversion : Torque and emf in rotating machines.
DC machines : characteristics and performance analysis, starting and speed control of motors.
Transformers : principles of operation, analysis, regulation, efficiency. 3 -phase transformers.
3-phase induction machines and synchronous machines : characteristics, performance analysis, starting,
speed control and braking.
Special machines : Stepper motors, brushless DC motors, permanent magnet motors, single -phase
induction motors, AC series motors.
Power Electronics & Electric Drives :
Semi-conductor power devices : diode, transistor,
characteristic and principles of operation.

thyristor, triac, GTO and Power MOSFET static

Diode rectifiers, phase control rectifiers, triggering circuits.

Bridge converters: fully-controlled and half-controlled.
Principles of choppers and inverters.
Basic concepts of speed control of dc and ac motor drives.
Linear power supplies and SMPS.
Power Systems and Protection :
C onstruction and parameters of overhead lines and underground cables, and T models of lines,
principles of active and reactive power transfer, per unit representation, load flow analysis, control of
voltage, active and reactive power, frequency control, tie -line control, economic operation, analysis of
symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults.
C oncept of power system stability : rotor angle stability and voltage stability, swing equation, equal area
Line compensation, static VAR system, basic concepts of HVDC transmission and Flexible AC
Transmission System (FAC TS).
Power system protection : principles of overcurrent, differential and distance protection, protection of
lines, transformers, busbars and generators.
Page 30 of 55

C ircuit breaker : principles of current interruption and arc quenching, restriking voltage, making capacity
and breaking capacity, different types of circuit breakers.
Introduction to energy control centre : SC ADA and RTUs.
Distribution system : radial and ringmain systems, calculation of voltage drop.
Analog & Digital Communication :
Signals and Spectra: properties of Signals and Noise.
Power Spectral Density and Autocorrelation, Random Signals, Random Process.
Analog modulation Techniques : AM, FM and PM.
Pulse Amplitude modulation and digital communication : PAM, Delta, ASK, FSK, PSK, MSK.
Performance of communication systems corrupted by Noise : signal -to-noise ratio, C /I ratio.
Energy Sources :
Present Electrical Power Scenario of West Bengal & India (Generation & Utilisation).
Main components of Thermal and Hydel Power Plant.
Basic theory of small Hydropower, Solar (thermal and photovoltaic), Wind & Bio -energy and other
renewable sources.
Pollution from energy sources.
Energy C onservation & Storage.
Energy Management and Audit.
Electrical Utilisation & Illumination Engineering :
Electric heating. Resistance, Arc & Induction Furnaces - basic principles and application, Dielectric Heating
- principles & application.
Radiometric and Photometric quantities, Laws of Illumination, Photometry.
Lamps : incandescent, discharge and solid-state types, their efficacies, features and applications.
Magnetic choke and glow starter operation in TL circuit. Difference between electronic and magnetic
Luminaire its functions.
General indoor lighting design by Lumen method.

Paper I :



Nature and composition of earth's crust; Structure of earth's interior; Origin, distribution
and permanency of C ontinents and Ocean Basins; Theories of isostasy, continental drift,
and plate tectonics; Earth movements - types and effects; Fundamental concepts in
geomorphology; Gradational processes - weathering and masswasting; Landforms due to
fluvial. glacial. aeolian, coastal and karst processes; Evolution of landscape - cyclic and
non-cyclic models; Global hydrological cycle.
Atmosphere - nature, composition and structure; Elements and factors of weather and
climate; Insolation and Heat-budget; General circulation of winds, Jet Streams and
Monsoons; C ondensation and Precipitation; Airmass and fronts; Tropical and Extra tropical cyclones; Thunderstorm and tornado; C limatic classification - principles and
application(Koppen, Thorntwaite, Trewartha); Global climatic changes.
Origin of continents and ocean basins; Bottom topography of ocean basins: Indian, Pacific
& Atlantic Oceans; Nature, origin and characteristics of continental shelves and slopes,
submarine canyons and coral reefs and atolls; Ocean currents: Indian, Pacific and Atlantic
oceans; Physical and C hemical properties of ocean water: temperature, salinity and
density; TS Diagram and Watermass; Ocean Deposits; Marine Resources.
Page 31 of 55

Environmental Geography
Nature and composition of Biosphere; C oncepts relating to Ecosystem - production and
decomposition, homoeostasis, energy environment, productivity, food chain, food web,
trophic structure, ecological niche, ecological pyramids, and ecological cris is; Ecosystem principles and components; C omponents, Bio -energy C ycles and Biogeochemical cycles;
Major Ecosystems of the world; Environmental degradation and conservation;
Environmental pollution - land, water, air and noise; Natural hazards and natural disaster
characteristics, mitigation and global efforts.
The Earth as a C artographic Problem - size and shape; co-ordinate system; scale and
map projection; Principles and properties of Polar Zenithal. C onical. C ylindrical and
C onventional projections (all normal case); Thematic mapping - types and techniques;
Principles of Surveying and Levelling with C hain, Plane Table, Dumpy level and GPS;
Remote Sensing nature and principles; Geographical Information System - evolution,
components, and functionality.
Economic Geography
C oncepts and theories of resources; Locational analysis of agriculture (intensive
subsistence in monsoon lands, extensive commercial farming in temperate lands,
plantation farming in the tropics and dairy farming in the temperate grasslands),
lumbering, fishing, mining (coal, petroleum and iron ore), power production (hydel and
nuclear) and manufacturing (iron & steel, aluminium, and cotton textile); Economic
models - landuse (Von Thunen), industry (Weber, Hoover, Pred). Economic systems and
economic landscape - characteristics and evolution (Rostow, Myrdal, and Isard). Global
economic blocks - patterns and functions.
Population Geography
Factors and measures of population growth; Malthus, Neo-Malthusianism, Optimum,
Social and economic, Biological and natural and Demographic transition theories of
population growth; Pattern of World population growth; Migration - nature, theories and
consequences on society; Population distribution - density and global pattern; Global
patterns and trends of population composition (age -sex structure and occupational
Social & Political Geography
C oncept of space: absolute & relative; Social structure: stratification and differentiation;
Social Processes; segregation, adaptation, assimilation and integration; Heartland and
Rimland theories; Principles of boundaries and frontiers
Settlement Geography
Origin and Growth of Settlements; Function, morphology, types and patterns of Rural
settlements; Urban growth and urbanization; C lassification, functions, and morphology of
towns and cities; Models of urban growth - Burgess, Hoyt, Harris and Ullman, Mann.
Urban gradients and densities; Residential areas - patterns and processes; The C entral
Business District - characteristics, delimitation and changes; The C entral Place Theory
and the Ranksize rule, The Urban field and inter-urban movement.
Regional Development and Planning
Regions - concepts, types and methods of regionalization; Regional divers ity and
disparities in development; Regional development - role of resource base, technology and
information system, agriculture and industry, transport and communication, trade and
commerce; Regional development theory - Perroux and Isard; Regional planning - basic
principles and types; Environmental issues in regional planning and planning for
sustainable development; Planning regions - concepts and delineation; State as a
planning unit and micro-level planning with special reference to India.
Paper II :



Physical Geography
Location and space relationship with neighboring countries; structure and Relief; C limate
and Drainage; Soil and Natural Vegetation
Resource Base
Distribution, utilization and C onservation of Land (soil), Water (freshwater), Water
Disputes interstate and neighboring countries, Mineral (iron ore, manganese, bauxite,
mica), Energy (coal, oil, natural gas, and Non - C onventional sources like wind, tidal and
solar power) and Biotic Resources
Page 32 of 55

Indian agriculture - nature and characteristics; Development of Agriculture during the Plan
periods; Green Revolution; Distribution and characteristics of cultivation of rice, wheat,
jute cotton, tea, and coffee; Agricultural Regions, Industrial development and industrial
policy during the Plan Period; Locational Dynamics, Growth and Development of the Iron &
Steel, Aluminum, Engineering, Oil Refining, C otton Textile, Jute, Sugar, Paper, cement and
automobile industries; Growth and Development of Transport and C ommunication System
(Road, Rail, Water, and Air); Nature and Development of Trade - national and foreign
specially with the SARC and ASEAN countries; Trade Balance.
Population as a Resource; Relation between Population and Socio-economic Development;
Population Growth - spatial and temporal variations; Population Distribution and
population - resource relationships; Population C omposition and social implications age,
sex, literacy, religion, and caste; Urban Growth a nd Urbanization - characteristics and
patterns, factors and processes; Population Problems and Population P olicy during the Plan
Physical Geography
Location with Geographical Personality; Physiographic Divisions - structure and relief;
C limate - seasonal weather conditions; Agro-climatic regions; Drainage systems and
problems; Soil - types and fertility, erosion and conservation; Natural Vegetation - types
and distribution, deforestation and afforestation.
Resource Base
Distribution, utilization and C onservation of Land, Water, Mineral, Energy (both
C onventional and Non - C onventional) and Biotic Resources
Landuse - characteristics and correlates; Irrigation and Agriculture - development during
the Plan periods; Rice, jute, and tea - cultivation, crop ecology, production and problems;
C rop C ombination Regions; Impact of Green Revolution; Industrial Regions - growth,
development and problems; Trade and Transport - nature and status of development;
issues of development
Population as a Resource; Relation between Population and Socio -economic Development;
Growth and Distribution (absolute, and density - crude, physiological and habitational);
Population Composition - age, sex, literacy, occupation, religion, and caste; Urban Growth and
Urbanisation - characteristics, patterns and factors; Population Problems and Population Policy
during the Plan periods

Paper I :


General Geology:
C omposition of the planets and meteorites. Abundance of elements in the universe and earth.
Origin of the Earth. Internal constitution of Earth. Heat flow and geothermal gradient. Gravity,
gravity anomalies on earth and Isostasy. Earth as a magnet, magnetic anomalies.
Earths internal processes, volcanism and global distribution of volcanoes. Earthquakes: causes,
effects, earthquake belts. Seismic zones of India.


Structural Geology:
Stress and strain- basic concepts, analysis of stress-strain in two-dimension, stress and strain
ellipse. Behavior of rocks under stress. Stress-strain relationships of elastic, plastic and viscous
Unconformity: different types and their recognition
Fold and Fault: geometry and classifications, mechanisms. Fold and thrust belt.
Shear zones and shear sense markers.
C lassification of joints, foliation, lineation and their relations with folds.


Geomorphology and Remote Sensing:

Basic concept of geomorphology, common landforms related to action of wind, river and glacier;
coastal landforms. Geomorphology and its rela tion to structure and lithology.
Aerial photographs and their interpretations. The Electromagnetic spectrum.
Orbiting satellites and sensor systems. Indian remote sensing satellites.
Applications of remote sensing in geology. Basic concepts of GIS and GPS.


C ontinental drift and sea-floor spreading hypotheses, linear magnetic anomalies.
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Plate tectonics- types of plate-boundaries and their characteristic features.

Island arc, continental rift system, active and passive continental margins.
Palaeomagnetism. Mountain building and orogeny.

Paper II :


Definition, types and significance of fossils. Modes of preservation of fossils.
Species concept in biology and binomial nomenclature. Index fossils and their significance.
Description of hard-part morphology of brachiopoda, cephalopoda, pelecypoda and gastropoda.
Evolutionary trend in Hominidae, Equidae and Proboscidae.
Description and importance of Siwalik fauna, Gondwana flora and fauna.


Geologic time scale, Principles of determination of absolute and relative ages of rocks and
geological events. Importance of unconformities in stratigraphy.
Lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic and geochronologic
units and their inter-relations.
Geological evolution of Precambrian terrains of Dharwar, Singbhum and Rajasthan.
Evolution of Proterozoic C uddapah and Vindhyan basins.
Geological evolution of the following Phanerozoic basins/ successions of India: Gondwana, Spiti,
Kutch, Siwalik, Assam and Bengal.


Hydrology and Engineering Geology:

Hydrologic cycle, vertical distribution of groundwater, porosity, permeability, hydraulic conductivity,
transmissivity and storage coefficient. Aquifers: properties and classifications. Exploration for
groundwater, groundwater recharge, rainwater harvesting. Groundwater provinces of India and
West Bengal.
Engineering properties of rocks. Geological investigations for dams, tunnels and reservoirs.
Landslides: classification, causes and prevention.


Elements of crystal symmetry, Hermann-Mauguin symmetry notation. Crystal classes, crystal
systems, crystallographic axes- interfacial angle and axial ratio. Crystal faces and linear directions,
their nomenclature and interrelationship.
C rystal forms in different crystal classes and crystal habits.
Twining. C oncept of space lattice, space group and unit cell.
Physical properties of minerals. C lassification of minerals on the basis of chemical composition.
C rystal chemistry: bonding, coordination principles, isomorphism, polymorphism, solid solution,
exsolution. Elementary thermodynamics. Structural classification of silicate minerals. Physical,
chemical and optical properties of pyroxene, amphibole, feldspar and carbonate groups.
Optically isotropic, uniaxial and biaxial characters of minerals. Pleochroism, birefringence,
extinction angle, double refraction, interference figures and optic sign.


Igneous Petrology:
Forms of igneous rock bodies. Description and origin of common structures a nd textures of igneous
rocks. Phase rule and its derivation; concept of the liquidus; one -, two- and three-component
systems. Diopside-anorthite, forsterite-silica, albite-anorthite, diopside-forsterite-silica systems.
Bowens reaction series. Processes of diversification of igneous rocks: differentiation, assimilation,
and partial melting.
Basis of classification of igneous rocks and different classification schemes C IPW norm; IUGS
classification. Petrography and petrogenesis of: granite, basalt, anorthos ite, alkaline and ,
ultramafic rocks.

III. Metamorphic Petrology:

Agents and types of metamorphism.
Texture of metamorphic rocks, metamorphic crystallization.
C lassification of metamorphic rocks. C oncept of metamorphic grade and metamorphic facies, fac ies
series. Prograde and retrograde metamorphism. Metamorphism and tectonics. ACF, AKF diagrams.
Regional metamorphism of pelitic and mafic rocks, and contact metamorphism of impure carbonate
rocks. Metasomatism and granitisation. Migmatites. Granulite ter rains of India.

Processes of formation of sedimentary rocks, provenance, diagenesis and lithifaction.
Textural components; Textural parameters- porosity, permeability.
C lassification of sedimentary rocks-terrigenous and chemogenic. Types of fluid. Aqueous fluid flowcurrent and wave.
Primary sedimentary structures, their processes of formation and significance. Flow regimes, bed
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forms, their internal structures and fields of stability.

Facies, facies association and facies models- fluvial, deltaic and beach-barrier bar systems.
Sandstone, conglomerate and limestone: definition, composition, classification.

Environmental Geology:
Natural hazards earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, landslides, floods, and droughts.
Impact of human activities on wetlands and forests, use of fertilizers on land.
Pollution of groundwater, surface water and ocean.
C omposition of air, air pollution, effects of air pollution on human health.
Impact of mining on atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. Industrial and
radioactive waste disposal.
Environmental Protection, legislative measures, processes of mitigation.


Economic Geology:
C lassification of ore deposits, protore, ore, gangue, tenor and grade.
Ore forming processes: magmatic, sedimentary, metamorphic, hydrothermal and supergene.
C ontrols of ore localization, ore textures and structures.
Metallogenic provinces and epochs.
Geology of important metallic deposits of India: chromite, copper, iron, lead-zinc, manganese and
Geology of important non-metallic deposits of India: bauxite, mica, phosphates, barite, diamond
and graphite. Rock as construction material.
Raw materials used in iron and steel, cement, refractories, fertilizer industries.
C oal: its origin, chemical, macroscopic and microscopic constituents, ranks, classification, grade
and utilization. Distribution of coal in India.
Petroleum and natural gas deposits with special reference to their origin, migration and
accumulation. Distribution of petroleum and natural gas in India.
Methods of mineral prospecting (geological, geophysical and geochemical), mineral
beneficiation and ore dressing.


Paper I :


Sources :
Archaeological Sources: Exploration, Excavation, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Monuments.

Literary Sources: Indigenous, Biography, Religious Literature, C reative Literature, Scientific

Literature, Literature in Regional Languages.
Foreign Accounts: Greek, Roman, C hinese and Arab Writers.

The Harappan Civilization : Third to Second Millenium B.C .E

Origin, Date, Extent, Characteristics, Decline, Survival and Significance, Art

and Architecture.

The Iron Age in India, Vedic Society and the Megalithic Culture: 1500
C entury B.C .E.

B.C .E to 6th

Distribution of pastoral and farming cultures outside the Harappan orbit. Early Vedic Society,
Polity and Economy. C hanges in the later Vedic period.

Period of Mahajanapadas :

Formation of territorial States (Mahajanapada): Republics and Monarchies; Spread of Jainism

and Buddhism; Rise of Magadha and the Nandas. Iranian and Macedonian invasions and their impact.

The Mauryan Empire:

Foundation of the Mauryan Empire, Chandragupta, Kautilya and Arthasastra; Asoka; C oncept of
Dharma; Edicts; Polity, Administraton; Economy; Art, Architecture and Sculpture; External contacts;
Religion; Spread of religion; Literature. Disintegration of the Empire.

Post-Mauryan Period

Northern India: The Sungas and the Kanvas, The Indo -Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas, Western
Kshatrapas, Contact with the outside world;The Deccan and Southern India: The Satavahanas, Tamil
States of the Sangam Age: Administration, Economy: land gr ants, trade guilds and urban centres; Social
conditions. C ulture and Religion: Rise of Mahayana Buddhism and Buddhist C entres; Literature and
culture; Art and architecture and science.
Page 35 of 55


Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas:

Samundra Gupta, Chandragupta-II: Gupta Polity and administration, Economic conditions, land
grants, C aste system, Position of women, Education and educational institutions; Nalanda, Vikramsila and
Valabhi, C reative Literature, scientific literature, art and architecture.
Decline of the Gupta Empire; changes in Trade network, Decline of urban centres, Indian

The Post Gupta Period and the Rise of Regional States


The Kadambas, Pallavas, Chalukyas, Palas, Senas, Rashtrakutas, Paramaras, Cholas, Hoysalas,
Regional Polities and Administration, Local Government, Land administration, Economy, Trade

Religion: Proliferation of Religious Sects in Buddhism, Vaishnava and Saiva religions. Tamil
Bhakti Movement, Shankaracharya; Vedanta.
C ultural Aspects, Regional Languages and texts, Literature, Growth of art and architecture,
Sculpture, Temple Architecture; Education and Literature, major philosophical thinkers and schools, ideas
in Science and Mathematics.
Arab conquest of Sind; Alberuni.

Major political developments in India during 13th to 15th Centuries:

C ampaigns of Mahmud Ghazni, Muhammad of Ghor The foundation of the Delhi Sultanate and
the early Turkish Sultans Qutbuddin Aibak to Balban The Khalji revolution Alauddin Khalji,
conquests and economic reforms , MuhammadbinTughlaq and his projects Firuz Tughlaq
agrarian measures, public works Decline of the Tughlaqs.
Provincial Kingdoms Bengal under the Iliyas Shahi and Hussain Shahi DynastiesBahmani
and Vijaynagar Empires Kashmir and Gujarat.

Society, Culture and Economy during 13th and 15th centuries:

Social and C ultural Assimilation Sufi and Bhakti MovementsKabir, Nanak, C haitanya,
Namdeva, Growth of Regional Languages and Literature Nature of the State agriculture, revenue
system (iqta) trade and C ommerce art and architecture.

Major Political Developments in India during 16th and 18th Centuries:

C oming of the Mughals Babur and the foundation of the Mughal Empire, Afghan Mughal
C ontest for supremacyHumayun and Sher Shah C onsolidation of the Mughal Empire Akbar,
Jahangir and Nur Jahan, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb The Mughal Central State and regional powers
Rajputs, Afghans, Marathas, Sikhs, Deccan, Awadh and others. Peasants in Revolt Jat, Satnami etc.
Later Mughals Fall and Disintegration of the Empire Rise of the Regional States Bengal, Hyderabad,
Awadh and the Marathas.

Society, Culture and Economy during 16th and 18th centuries:

Administrative System- Sher Shah to Akbar, Jagir and Mansabdari systems, Evolution of
religion under the Mughals Sulh-i-Kul and Din-i-Ilahi Mughal art, architecture, painting, music and
literature, Mughal economy and SocietyCondition of the peasants urbanisation trade and commerce
and the mercantile classes C oming of the European merchants a nd trade revolution.
Paper II :



European Penetration and Rise of British power in India:

The early European Settlements in India in the 17th and 18th centuries - The Anglo French rivalry.

The British East India Company and the Bengal Nawabs - the EIC as sovereign ruler of
Bengal (From Plassey to Buxar), Grant of Dewani.

British relations with and subjugation of the other principal Indian powers - Oudh,
Hyderabad, Marathas, the Sikhs, and Mysore.
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Indian economy under the British Colonial Rule:-

(A) Impact of Colonial rule on Indian agrarian economy:

Land revenue settlements Permanent, Ryotwari and Mahalwari Settlements.

Economic Impact of revenue settlements C ommercialization and its consequences.

Rural Indebtedness and growth of landless labour .

Famine and poverty.

(B) Changing nature of Indias trade and industry under the colonial rule:

Dislocation of traditional trade and comme rce

De-industrialization - decline of village industries and town handicrafts


Growth of Foreign capital and rise of modern industries.

3. Indian Society in transition: Cultural Encounter and Socio -cultural changes:

Introduction of western education and modern ideas

Reform movements - Ram Mohan Roy, Brahmo Samaj, Young Bengal, Vidyasagar, Arya
Samaj, Vivekananda and Ramkrishna Mission.

Womens Question and Indian Reformers

The Growth of modern vernacular literature, press and public opinion, growth and
spread of scientific ideas.

The Faraizi and Wahabi movements; The Aligarh movement, Deoband School .

Social Reform movements in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (including
depressed caste movements) - a broad overview.

4. Resistance to the British rule:

Early uprisings against the British rule in 18th and 19th centuries (1757 - 1856) with
special reference to Bengal and eastern India .

The Revolt of 1857 - genesis, course, character, causes of its failure and its impact.

The Act of 1858 and the establishment of the British Raj .

5. Growth of Nationalism (1858 - 1918):

Factors leading to birth of Indian Nationalism - Early Political Associations - The foundation of the
Indian National C ongress (1885) - The Safety-valve thesis - Programme and objectives of the early
C ongress - Economic Nationalism and Drain Theory - The moderates and the extremists - the Partition of
Bengal (1905) - The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal and other provinces - the economic, cultural and
political aspects of Swadeshi movement.
6. Gandhian Era (1919 - 1947):
Rise of Gandhi - C haracter of Gandhian nationalism - the Rowlatt Satyagraha - The Khilafat - the
Non C o-operation movement - Simon Commission, Nehru Report and Round Table C onferences - C ivil
Disobedience Movement - Quit India Movement.
The Left: The Left within the C ongress and Jawaharlal Nehru - Subhas Chandra Bose and the INA
- the C ongress Socialist Party - the C ommunist Party of India - other left parties.
The Peasant Movement.
The Working C lass and Trade Union Movements.
Womens organisations, development of women issues and the role of women in nationalist
The Peoples Movement in Princely States.
The Post - War upsurge
Growth of Muslim Separatism - Rise of Muslim League - Demand for Pakistan
Hindu Nationalism
Depressed C lasses and caste politics with special reference to the role of B. R. Ambedkar.
C ommunalism, British Policy, Partition and Independence.
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7. The Constitutional Developments (1773 - 1947):

The Regulating Act, Pitts India Act and the C harter Acts.
The Acts of 1861 and 1892 - the Morley Minto Reforms (1909) - the Montague-C helmsford
Reforms (1919) - Government of India Act (1935) - Working of Provincial Ministries - C ripps Mission,
Wavell Plan and C abinet Mission - Act of Indian Independence (1947).
8. Consolidation as a Nation after 1947:
Framing of the Indian C onstitution - Integration of Princely States - the question of National
Language - the linguistic reorganisation of States, making of Indias foreign policy - Non-alignment and
the Third World - India and her neighbours.
01. Enlightenment and Modern Ideas:
(i) Major ideas of enlightenment ; and its impact
(ii) French Revolution and its aftermath: 1789 - 1815
(iii) The American War of Independence (1776). The American civil War
02. Industrialization:
(i) Industrial Revolution in England: causes, nature, impact.
(ii) Industrialization in other countries: USA, Germany, Russia, Japan.
03. Nationalism:
(i) Rise of nation states in Europe: Italy & Germany.
04. Imperialism, Colonialism and War:
(i) C apitalism, imperialism, scramble for colonies.
(ii) Origins and impact of the First World War
(iii) Making of the Russian Revolution & establishment of a Socialist State.
05. World history from 1919 to 1945:
(i) League of Nations, collective security.
(ii) Rise of Nazism and Fascism : Germany, Italy & Japan.
(iii) Second World War: C auses and consequences.
06. Asia and Africa after World War II:
(i) C hinese Revolution of 1949
(ii) Nationalist movements and decolonization in South and South East Asia.
(iii) C hanges in Africa: Egypt and South Africa, End of Apartheid.
07. Cold War & Global scenario:
(i) Origins and Growth of cold War
(ii) UNO and global disputes - Korea, C ongo, C uban crisis.
(iii) Emergence of Third World and NAM
08. Collapse of Soviet Union
(i) Disintegration of the Soviet Union: C auses & C onsequences
(ii) End of the C old War
(iii) Political C hanges in Eastern Europe.

Paper I :

C onstitutional Law of India :International Law : Jurisprudence.

Paper II :

Law of C rimes and Torts : Law of C ontracts and Mercantile Law : Indian Evidence Act.

Paper I :

(1) Linear Algebra:
Vector spaces over R and C , linear dependence and independence, subspaces, bases, dimension;
existence of basis for finite dimensional vector spaces; d eletion and replacement theorem. Linear
transformations, rank and nullity, matrix of a linear transformation.
Algebra of Matrices; Row and column reduction, Echelon form, congruences and similarity; Rank of a
matrix; Inverse of a matrix; Solution of system of linear equations; Eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
characteristic polynomial, C ayley-Hamilton theorem.
Euclidean space, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Symmetric, skew-symmetric, Hermitian, skewHermitian, orthogonal and unitary matrices and their eigenvalues. Quadratic forms, diagonalization of
symmetric matrices.
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(2) Real Analysis I:

Real number system as an ordered field with least upper bound property; Sequences, limit of a sequence,
C auchy sequence, completeness of real line; Series and its conver gence, absolute and conditional
convergence of series of real and complex terms, rearrangement of series.
Open sets, limit points, closed sets. Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem.
Functions of a real variable, limits, continuity. Intermediate value theorem. Di fferentiability, Rolle's
theorem, mean-value theorem. Higher order differentiation, Leibnitz' formula, Taylor's theorem with
remainders. L'Hospital's rule. Maxima and minima; asymptotes; envelopes.
(3) Real Analysis II:
C ompact sets. Nested interval theorem. Heine Borel theorem. Uniform continuity of functions, properties
of continuous functions on compact sets.
Riemann Integration. Riemann's definition of definite integrals; Darboux theorem; Indefinite integrals;
Fundamental theorems of integral calculus. Improper integrals.
Sequences and series of functions. Uniform convergence. Term by term differentiation and integration.
Power series. C auchy-Hadamard test. Weierstrass approximation theorem (statement only). Fourier
(4) Analytic Geometry:
C artesian and polar coordinates in two and three dimensions. Transformation of rectangular axes.
Straight lines.
C onic sections: Circle, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola and pair of straight lines. Second degree equations in
two variables, reduction to canonical forms and classification of conics. Tangents and normals to conic
Planes in three dimension; shortest distance between two skew lines. Second degree equations in three
variables, reduction to canonical forms. Sphere, cone, cylinder, paraboloid, ellipsoid, hyperboloid of one
and two-sheets: tangent planes and normals. Surfaces of revolution.
(5) Differential Equations:
Formulation of differential equations; Equations of first order and first degree, integrating factor;
Orthogonal trajectory; Equations of first order but not of first degree, C lairaut's equation, singular
Second and higher order linear equations with constant coefficients, complementary function, particular
integral and general solution.
Second order linear equations with variable coefficients, Euler-C auchy equation; Determination of
complete solution when one solution is known using method of variation of parameters.
Laplace and Inverse Laplace transforms and their properties; Laplace transforms of elementary fu nctions.
Application to initial value problems for 2nd order linear equations with constant coefficients.
Formation of partial differential equations. Solutions of 1 st order PDE, Lagranges method and C harpits
(6) Statics:
Equilibrium of a system of coplanar forces, Astatic equillibrium; Stability of equilibrium, equilibrium of
forces in three dimensions. Work and potential energy, friction; Principle of virtual work.
(7) Particle Dynamics:
Rectilinear motion, simple harmonic motion. Damped harmonic oscillation. Motion of a particle in a plane.
Work and energy, conservation of energy. Orbits under central forces. Planetary motion and Kepler's
laws. Artificial satellite.
Paper II :

(1) Classical Algebra

Prime integers. Existence of infinitely many primes. Relatively prime integers. C ongruence. C hinese
remainder theorem. Fermat's theorem.
C omplex numbers; de Moivres theorem; complex functions.
Polynomial with real coefficients. Fundamental theorem of algebra. Relation between roots and
coefficients. Symmetric functions of roots. Descartes' rule of sign. C ardan's method of solving a cubic
equation. Ferrari's method of solving a biquadratic equation. Binomial equations and special roots.
Inequalities AM GM HM and their generalizations. C auchy Schwarz inequality.
(2) Abstract Algebra
Sets and relations; equivalence relations.
Groups, subgroups, cyclic groups, cosets, Lagranges Theorem, normal subgroups, quotient groups,
homomorphism of groups, basic isomorphism theorems, permutation groups, C ayleys theorem.
Rings, subrings and ideals, homomorphisms of rings; Integral domains, principal ideal domains, Euclidean
domains and unique factorization domains; Polynomial Rings. Fields, quotient fields. Finite fields Z p, for
prime p.
(3) Multivariate Calculus & Vector Analysis
Vector valued functions of one real variable. C ontinuity and differentiability. Velocity and acceleration.
Functions of two or three variables: limits, continuity. Directional derivative, partial derivatives, Jacobian.
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C hain rule. Higher order partial derivatives. Euler's theorem. Maxima and minima, Lagrange's method of
Double and triple integrals; Areas and volumes.
Scalar and vector fields. Differentiation of vector fields. Gradient, divergence and curl. Higher order
derivatives; Vector identities and vector equations. Line integral, Surface integral. Green's theorem and
Stokes' theorem.
(4) Metric Space & Complex Analysis:
Metric spaces. Open sets and closed sets. C auchy sequence and convergence. C ompleteness. Total
boundedness. C ompactness. C ontinuity, uniform continuity. C onnectedness. Separable metric spaces.

Baire category theorem. Examples: R n, Cn, Space of real valued continuous functions on [a,b]. p spaces.
Extended complex plane, stereographic projection.
Differentiability of complex functions; Cauchy-Riemann equations, Analytic functions, harmonic functions;
relation between analytic and harmonic functions.
(5) Numerical Analysis and Computer programming:
Numerical Analysis: Interpolation. Newton's (forward and backward) interpolation, Lagrange's
Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations of one variable by bisection, fixed point iteration;
Regula-Falsi and Newton-Raphson methods; solution of system of linear equations by Gaussian
elimination and Gauss-Seidel (iterative) methods.
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's 1/3rd rule, Gaussian quadrature formula.
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Picard, Euler and Runge- Kutta method (4-th order).
C omputer Programming: Positional number system, Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal systems;
Binary arithmetic, C onversion to and from decimal systems.
Algorithms and flow charts: important features, Ideas about complexities of algorithm, applications in
simple problems.
Boolean algebra: Huntington postulates for Boolean algebra, algebra of sets and switching algebra as
examples of Boolean algebra, duality principle, disjunctive normal and c onjuctive normal forms of Boolean
expressions. Design of simple switching circuit.
Programming using C .
(6) Probability & Statistics:
Probability: C lassical and frequency definitions of probability. Axioms of Probability. Multiplication rule of
probabilities. Conditional probability, Bayes theorem. Independent events. Bernouli trials and binomial
Probability distribution. Distribution function (Discrete and continuous) of one variable: Binomial, Poisson,
Gamma, Uniform and Normal. Transformation o f random variables. Two dimensional probability
distributions (Discrete and continuous): Uniform and normal. Transformation of random variables.
Marginal and C onditional distributions. Mathematical expectation: Mean, variance, moments, central
moments. skewness and kurtosis. Median, mode, quartiles. Moment-generating function. C haracteristic
function. C ovariance, Correlation coefficient. C onditional expectation. Regression curves, least square
regression lines and parabolas. C hi-square and t-distributions and their important properties.
Tchebycheffs inequality. Convergence in probability. Statements of: Bernoullis limit theorem. Law of
large numbers. Statement of central limit theorem.
Statistics: Sample characteristic and their computation. Sampling distr ibutions of the sample mean and
variance. Estimation of parameters: Method of maximum likelihood. Interval estimation for parameters of
normal population.
Bivariate samples. Sample correlation co-efficient. Least square regression lines and parabolas.
Statistical hypothesis. Simple and composite hypothesis. Best critical region of a test. Neyman -Pearson
theorem and its application to normal population. Likelihood ratio testing and its application to normal
(7) Linear Programming:
Linear programming problems, Graphical method of solutions; hyperspace, convex sets, extreme points.
Basic solution, basic feasible solution and optimal solution; Fundamental theorem of LPP; Simplex
method; Duality.
Transportation and assignment problems.

Paper I :


C oncepts, Theory and Practice, The Evolution of Management Thought -- Scientific
Management School, The Operational or Management Process approach, Behavioural School,
C ontemporary School, Recent Contributions, Patterns of Management Analysis, Managerial Roles
Planning Nature, Importance, Types, Process, Concept of MBO, Objectives, Policies, Procedures,
Decision-Making-Approaches, Decision-Making under Certainty, Risk and Uncertainty, Group
Decision Making Guidelines
Page 40 of 55

The Nature of Organising -Types of Organisations, Organisational Levels, Process of

Organising, Line/Staff Authority, Decentralisation of Authority and Delegation of Authority
Direction -- Supervision - Span of Management Factors determining Span
Motivation -- Elements - Importance Methods - Morale
Leadership--Theories, Approaches-Power and Authority
C oordination - Definition - C haracteristics- Objectives - Principles Techniques
C ontrolling --Control Process, Requirements for effective C ontrol, Critical Control Standards
and Techniques, Maintenance vs. C risis Management, Overall Control Process
Foundations of Individual Behaviour-- Personality, Perception, Learning, Attitudes & values
Foundations of Group Behaviour--Group Process, Group Tasks, Types, Group Development
C onflict Management Management of C hange
Global Management, Managerial Functions in International Business, Business Process Reengineering,
TQM-Six Sigma, Information Technology in Management, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP); Supply
C hain Management, Management of Innovation
Paper II :

Marketing Concept; Marketing Environment; Marketing Mix --4Ps vs 4Cs; Consumer Behaviour--Buying
Process, Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning; ProductTypes, Product Life Cycle; PricingMethods;
DistributionChannels; PromotionIntegrated Marketing Communications; RetailingRecent Trends;
Service MarketingFeatures 7Ps; International MarketingCultural Dimension; Modes of Entry; emarketing
Objectives; Functions; Sources of Finance; Working C apital Management; Cost of C apital; Operating and
Financial Leverage; Dividend Policies; Capital Budgeting; Financial Control
Importance; difference between Personnel Management and HRM; Role of a HR Manager
Human Resources Planning-Objectives-Importance-Process- Manpower Estimation-Job analysis-Job
Description-Job Specification
Recruitment-Sources of Recruitment-Selection Process-Placement and Induction
Retention of Employees; Training and Development- Objectives and Needs-Training Process-Methods of
Training-Tools and Aids-Evaluation of Training Programmes
Performance Management System-Definition, Concepts, Different methods of Performance Appraisal
Grievance RedressalConcepts. Mechanisms
Productivity ManagementConcepts, Employee Involvement, Quality Circles, Kaizen
Industrial Relations--Collective Bargaining-Settlement of Disputes
C oncept, SWOT Analysis, PEST Analysis, Porters 5 Forces Framework, BCG Matrix, GE Model; Values and
Ethics; C orporate Governance; e-governance
Assignment; Transportation; Linear Programming (Graphical and Simplex methods); Network Analysis

Paper I :

Paper I
Theory of machines :
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of planer mechanisms. General description and working
principles of Belts, Cams, Gears and Gear trains. Inertia force analysis. Flywheels, Governors , Balancing
of rotating masses and in-line engines. Linear vibration analysis of mechanical systems single degree of
freedom. C ritical speeds and whirling of shafts.
Mechanics of Solids :
Simple stress and strain plane stress and plane strain, cases, Mohrs circle. Relation of elastic
constants. Stress-strain relations due to uniaxial loading. Thermal stress. Bending Moment and Shear
Force diagrams of beams. Bending stress and shear stress in Bending. Deflection of beams. Torsion of
circular shafts. C ombined stresses - thin wall pressure vessels. Struts and columns. Strain Energy
concept. Theories of failure.
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Engineering Materials :
Basic concepts on structure of solids - crystalline materials. Defects in crystalline materials.
Binary phase diagram for selected alloys e.g C opper-Zinc, C opper-tin, Iron-C arbon.
Ferrous alloys structure, properties and applications. Heat treatment of steels. Plastics, C eramics and
composite materials general character and uses.
Manufacturing Science:
Merchant force diagram. Tailors tool life equation. Machinability. Rigid, Small and Flexible Automation.
C NC concepts. Recent machining concepts -- EDM, EC M,
Ultrasonic, Laser, Plasma. Introduction to Forming processesRolling, Forging, Extrusion. Surface finish
Manufacturing Management :
Production Planning and control, Forecasting-moving average, exponential smoothing.
Operations scheduling, assembly line balancing. Concept of Product development. Breakeven analysis,
C apacity planning. PERT and CPM. Inventory control ABC analysis, EOQ model. Materials Requirement
Planning. Work measurement. Quality management.
Elements of Computation :
C omputer Organization, Flow charting.
Features of common C omputer Languages C /FORTRAN and elementary programming.
Paper II :

1. Thermodynamics :
Open, closed and isolated systems.
Ideal gas law, Ideal thermodynamics processes pdv work; Thermodynamic C ycle,
1st law and 2nd law of Thermodynamics; Concepts of Internal Energy, Entropy and Reversibility
simple problems.
C oncept of Heat engine and Heat pump - efficiency and C OP.
Application of 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics in closed and open system (SSFF Equation) simple
2. Vapour power cycles:- Rankine cycle and Modified Rankine cycle - simple problems.
3. Air standard cycles : Otto, Diesel, Dual, Brayton and Bell-C olman. - pv and TS diagrams, simple
4. Refrigeration : Joule Thomson cooling effect, vapour compression cycle - simple


5. IC Engine : a) S.I and C .I engines - basic principles of working, differences and applications,
indicator diagram.
b) 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines: working principles and simple engine performance
calculations involving




Combustion process, Basic idea about knocking and detonation. Cetane and Octan numbers.
C arburetion and Fuel injection-description only.


Exhaust gas analysis: ORSAT analysis.


Air Fuel ratio simple problems.

6. Heat Transfer :
a) Fouriers law of heat conduction. Derivations of unsteady 2-D heat conduction


Numerical problems involving 1-D equation. C oncept of Bi-number.

b) Steady state heat conduction in extended surface - derivation of related equation and
c) Basic concept of free and forces convections - concept and significance of Nusselt
number and Grashof number.


number, Reynolds

Simple problems with the help of empirical convection correlation for heat transfer.
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d) Heat exchangers - types and use, Efficiency.

C oncept of LMTD and NTU method for parallel flow and counter flow heat exchangers - simple
problems using LMTD method only.
e) Laws of radiation, Heat exchange between surfaces - black and non-black surfaces, View factorsimple problems.
f) Refrigeration cycles and system components, C hoice of
performance, C OP of refrigeration system.


Problems related to

Airconditioning - system components and general description.

C omfort indices. C ooling load calculation using psychrometric chart.


Fluid Mechanics :

a) Newtons law of viscosity: statement and simple pro blems.

b) Hydrostatic force on submerged flat plate - simple problems
c) Flow parameter measurement - Manometer, Pitot tube, Weir, Venturi meter, Orifice
meter working principles and simple problems.
d) Application of Bernoullis principle in simple engineering systems.
e) Head loss in pipe, Darcy - Weisbach equation, Friction factor as function of Reynolds number and
relative roughness, Minor loss, Simple system head loss calculations
f) Dimensional analysis - various dimensionless quantities, problems involving model tests and their use
in prototype performance prediction.
g) Different types of pumps and their applications, Concept of specific speed, System curve and Pump
performance curves operating point.
8. Power plant :
a) Thermal and Hydraulic Power plant components - description only.
b) Different types of hydraulic and steam turbines and their areas of application.

Modern High pressure, high duty boilers - description.

d) I.D., F.D and balanced draft boilers description and simple problems, Dust removal systems description only.
e) Heat balance, Station and plant heat rates, Plant load factor, Load curve; Station economics simple

Paper I :

Human Anatomy : Human Physiology : Biochemistry : Pathology : Microbiology : Pharmacology : Forensic

Medicine and Toxology.

Paper II :

General Medicine : General Surgery : Obstetrics and Gynaecology including Family Planning : Preventive
and Social Medicine.

Paper I :

Problems of Philosophy (European and Indian)


Plato and Aristotle : Ideas, Substance; Form and Matter; Causation; Actuality and Potentiality.


Rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz) :

Substance; God; Determinism and Freedom.


Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume) : Theory of Knowledge; Substance and Qualities; Self and
God; Scepticism.


Kant : Possibility of Synthetic a priori judgments; Space and Time; C ategories.


Moore, Russell and Early Wittgenstein : Defence of C ommon sense; Refutation of Idealism;
Logical Atomism; Picture Theory of Meaning.


Logical Positivism : Verification Theory of Meaning; Rejection of Metaphysics.


C rvka : Theory of Knowledge; Metaphysics and Ethics.


Jainism : Anekntavda,; Saptabhanginaya.


Buddhism : Four Noble Truths; Prattyasamutpda , Kaikavda, Nairtmyavda.

C artesian Method and C ertain Knowledge;

Page 43 of 55


Nyya Vaiesika : Theory of C ategories; Theory of Pramna; Self; Theory of C ausation;

Atomistic Theory of C reation.


Smkhya : Prakti; Purua; C ausation; Theory of Evolution.


Yoga : C itta; C ittavtti.


Mmms : Epistemology; Theory of Validity.


Vednta : Views of amkara and Rmnuja on Brahman; vara; tman; Jva; Jagat; My;
Avidy; Adhysa.


Swmi Viveknanda : Practical Vednta.


Sri Aurobindo : Evolution; Involution; Integral Yoga.


Rabindranath Tagore: Nature of Man; Surplus in Man.

Paper II :

Socio Political Philosophy and Psychology


Social and Political Ideals : Equality, Justice, Liberty: Views of Mill, Locke, Rawls.


Individual and State : Rights, Duties and Accountability.


Political Ideologies : Anarchism, Marxism, Socialism and Democracy.


Humanism; Secularism; Multiculturalism.


Social C hange : Gandhi, Ambedkar.


Mind Body Problem : Dualism, Philosophical Behaviourism, Person Theory of Strawson.


Levels of Mind; Proofs for the existence of the unconscious; Freuds theory of dream, citta,
cittavtti (Yoga).
Ethics and Philosophy of Religion


Standards of Morality : Utilitarianism (Bentham and Mill), Deontological Theories.


Virtue Ethics : Aristotle.


Human Rights and Discrimination.


Feminism : Liberal and Radical.


Environmental Ethics : Bio-centric ethics and Eco-centric ethics.


Theories of Punishment; Capital Punishment.


Terrorism and Just war.


Indian Ethics : Pururtha, Concept of Liberation, Anuvrata and Mahvrata (Jainism),

Brahmavihra (Buddhism).


Proofs for the existence of God : Descartes, St. Anselm, Naiyyikas.


Religion without God, Religion and Morality.


Religious Pluralism.


Nature of Religious Language : Cognitive and Non-cognitive, Analogical and Symbolic.


Biophysical Principles :
Definition and example of osmosis and buffers; Definition of pH.

Paper I :


Biochemical Principles :
Definition and chemistry of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, triglycerides,
cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL; amino acides, nucleotides.

Metabolism :
Glycolysis, TC A C ycle, -oxidation, deamination, transamination.


Nutrition & Dietetics :

Definition of food groups, Balanced diet and ACU. Source, functions and deficiency symptoms of
vitamin A, B 1, B 6, B 12, C , D, E, and Fe, Zn, Na, K, C a, I.

Blood :
Formed elements of blood, functions of hemoglobin; plasma protein. ABO and Rh Blood groups.
Overview of innate and acquired immunity.

Heart and circulation :

Properties of cardiac muscle, cardiac cycle, definition and determination of cardiac output,
normal EC G waves.

Respiratory System :
C arriage of oxygen and carbondioxide, definition of lung volumes and


Renal Physiology :
Structure of nephron, formation of urine, non excretory functions of kidney.

capacities, hypoxia.

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Paper II :

Nerve-Muscle Physiology: Structure and functions of skeletal muscle & nerve fibre,
classification of nerve fibres, neuromuscular junction, neuromuscular transmission , synaptic transmission,
origin and propagation of nerve impulse, degeneration and regeneration in nerve fibres.
Nervous system : Basic anatomical organization of the neurons system, ascending and
descending tracts, reflex arc, classification and prope rties of reflexes, functions of sympathetic and
parasympathetic neurons system, sleep, memory, learning and aphasia.
Sensory physiology: Eye-structure of retina, accommodation, myopia, hypermetropia and
astigmatism; Ear-structure of middle and inner ear, transmission of sound wave through ear; structure of
taste buds and smell receptors.
Skin and body temperature regulation: structure and functions of skin and sweat glands,
neural and hormonal control of body temperature.
Endocrine system: structure and functions of pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas and
adrenal gland diseases associated with hypo and hypersecretion of these glands.
Reproductive physiology: Histology of testis and ovary, spermatogenesis, ovulation,
menstrual cycle.
Work physiology: Definition of 02 debt, 02max, static work, dynamic work and physical fitness
index (PFI), Body Mass Index (BMI).
Environmental and social physiology: Air, water and noise pollution, mass immunization,
ORS and concept of safe drinking water.

Paper I :

1. Mechanics:
a) Particle dynamics: Laws of motion, conservation principles. Inertia and inertial frame, C entripetal and
C oriolis acceleration. Motion under a central force, Keplers laws. Gravitational Field and potential - simple
examples. System of particles, centre of mass and laboratory reference frame. Elastic and inelastic
Generalised coordinate, degrees of freedom. Lagranges and Hamiltons equations - simple applications.
Hamiltons principle.
b) Rigid body dynamics: Degrees of freedom of a rigid body. Euler angle. Moment of Inertia, parallel and
perpendicular axes theorem.
c) Properties of matter & fluid dynamics: Elasticity. Surface Tension. Viscosity. Equation of continuity.
Bernoullis equation.
2. Special Relativity:
Michelson-Morley experiment. Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time dilation, addition of
velocities. Doppler effect, relativistic kinematics, mass energy relation. Four vector and covariance.
3. Waves and Oscillations:
a) Oscillation: Simple harmonic motion, damped oscillation, forced oscillation and resonance. Fourier
series and its simple applications. Superposition, beats.
b) Waves: Equation of progressive wave, wave packets, phase and group velocities. Stationary waves ,
reflection and refraction from Huygens principle.
c) Geometrical Optics: Fermats principle and laws of reflection and refraction. Matrix method in paraxial
optics, thin lens formula, nodal points, two thin lenses separated by a distance. C hromatic an d spherical
aberration (qualitative).
d) Physical Optics: Spatial and temporal coherence. Interference of light, Youngs experiment. Stokes
law, thin films. Newtons ring. Michelson interferometer.
Fraunhofer diffraction single slit, double slit, diffraction grating. Fresnel diffraction, Zone plate.
e) Polarization: Linear and circularly polarized light, double refraction, quarter wave plate. Optical
activity. Polarimeter.
f) Laser: Einstein A and B coefficients. Ruby and He-Ne lasers.
4. Electricity and Magnetism:
a) Electrostatics & Magnetostatics: Gauss and Stokes theorem. Laplace and Poisson equations and
boundary value problems. System of charges, multipole expansion of scalar potential. Method of images
and its applications. Dipole field and potential. Dipole in an external field. Dielectrics, polarization.
Boundary value problems for conducting & dielectric spheres in a uniform field.
Magnetic shell, uniformly magnetized sphere. Ferro-, para- and diamagnetic substances. Hysteresis in
ferromagnetic materials.
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b) C urrent electricity: Kirchhoffs laws and their applications, Biot-Savart law, Amperes law, Faradays
law, Lenzs law. Self and mutual inductances. Mean and rms values in AC circuits. DC & AC circuits with
R, L and C components. Series and parallel resonances. Q -factor. Basic principle of transformer.
c) Electromagnetic theory: Displacement current and Maxwells equations. Wave equations in vacuum,
Poynting theorem. Vector and Scaler potentials. Normal and anomal ous dispersion.

Paper II :

5. Thermodynamics:
Laws of thermodynamics, change of entropy in different processes. Maxwells relations and its
applications. C lausius C laperyon equation. Gibbs phase rule and chemical potential. Joule -Thomson
effect and liquification of gasses.
1. Quantum Mechanics:
Wave-particle duality, Schrdinger equation and expectation value, uncertainty principle, Solutions of the
one-dimensional Schrdinger equation for a free particle (Gussian wave-packet) particle in a box, particle
in a finite well, linear harmonic oscillator, Reflection and transmission by a step potential and by a
rectangular barrier. Particle in a three dimensional box. Angular momentum. Hydrogen atom. Spin. Spin
half particle, properties of Pauli spin matrices.
Stern - Gerlach experiment, electron spin, fine structure of hydrogen atom, L-S coupling, J-J coupling,
Spectroscopic notation of atomic states, Zeeman effect, Raman Effect and molecular structure, Laser
Raman spectroscopy.
2. Statistical Physics:
Macro and micro states. Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions. Partition
function. Distribution of molecular velocities in ideal gasses, equipartition theorem. Specific heat of
solids, Einstein and Debye theory. Blackbody radiation, Plancks law, Stefan Boltzmann law. RayleighJeans formula and Weins displacement law. Specific heat of electrons at low temperature.
3. Nuclear and Particle Physics:
Basic nuclear properties - size, binding energy, angular momentum, parity, magnetic moment; Semiempirical mass formula and applications, mass parabolas; Shell model of the nucleus -successes and
limitations; Violation of parity in beta decay; Q-value of nuclear reactions; Nuclear fission and fusion,
energy production in stars;
C lassification of elementary particles and their interactions; C onservation laws;
4. Solid State Physics:
C rystalline and amorphous structure of matter; Different crystal systems. Methods of determination of
crystal structure; X-ray diffraction; Band theory of solids-conductors, insulators and semiconductors;
Magnetism; dia, para and ferromagnetism; Elements of superconductivity,
5. Electronics:
Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, p-n-p and n-p-n transistors, Amplifiers, Oscillators-Hartley,
Weinbridge and crystal oscillators, Op-amps, FET, JFET and MOSFET. Digital electronics-Boolean
identities. De Morgans laws. Logic gates and truth tables. Simple logic circuits.

Paper I :

Group A
Western Political Thought - Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Rousseau, Bentham, J. S. Mill, Marx.
Indian Political Thought - Kautilya, Rammohan Roy, Vivekananda, Syed Ahmed Khan, Rabindranath,
Gandhi, Ambedkar.
Political C oncepts - State, Civil Society, Government, Governance, Power, Authority, Nation, Nationalism,
Political Ideas - Rights, Duties, Liberty, Equality, Justice, Rule of Law, People Participation.
Political Ideologies - Liberalism, Democratic Socialism, Feminism, Terrorism.
Different aspects of Democracy - Meaning and Theories of Democracy; Direct vs Representative
Democracy; Electoral System; Electoral Reforms.
Political Process - Party System, Single Party, Bi Party, and Multi Party Systems; National Parties and
Regional Parties; Lobbyists and Pressure Groups.
Forms of Government - Dictatorial vs Democratic; Totalitarian vs Liberal. Presidential vs Parliamentary,
Unitary vs Federal.
Social Movements - Environmental movements, Womens movements, Human rights movements.
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Basic features of Indian Constitution - Constituent assembly, Salient Features of the Indian C onstitution,
Nature of Indian Federation, C entre-State relations, Legislative, Executive and Financial-Fiscal
dimensions, Evolving political trends.
Fundamental Rights - Directive Principles & Fundamental duties - C onstitutional provisions and judicial
interpretations regarding fundamental rights.
Union Legislature - C omposition, Powers and Functions of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Functioning of the
C ommittee System.
Union Executive - President, Vice President - Election, Position, Functions, Prime Minister, C ouncil of
Ministers, Relationship between President and Prime Minister.
The Judiciary - Supreme C ourt and the High C ourts, C omposition and Functions, Judicial review and
Judicial activism, Public interest litigations, Judicial reforms.
Government in the States - Governor, C hief Minister and C ouncil of Ministers, Position and Functions.
State Legislature - C omposition and Functions.
Local Government and Politics - Panchayati Raj: Evaluation, Structure, Powers and Functions, Municipal
Government; Significance of 73rd and 74th amendments; Role of women, SC s & STs in Local
Bureaucracy - Classical administration and Development Administration; C hanging role of bureaucracy in
Post-C olonial India, Representative bureaucracy, Issues of bureaucratic accountability.
Social Processes - Role of Peasants and Workers in Indian Politics; Role of Interest / Pressure Groups;
Regionalism, C asteism, Linguism and C ommunalism in Indian Po litics; Issues of C riminalisation,
C orruption; C itizens movements.
Paper II :

Public Administration and International Relations

Group - A
Public Administration
Theories of Administration - Scientific Management, C lassical Theory, Webers theory of bureaucracy,
Riggsian Model of Echological Approach to Public Administration.
Forms of Public Organizations - Ministries and Departments; C orporations, Boards and C ommissions.
Principles of Organization - (a) Hierachy (b) Unity of C ommand (c) Span of C ontrol (d) Authority (e)
C entralization, Decentralization and Delegation, (f) Line and Staff.
Processes of administration - (a) Decision - making and Policy Formulation (b) C ommunication and
C ontrol (c) Leadership (d) C o-ordination.
Accountability and Control - Legislative, Executive and Judicial Control over administration; Role of C ivil
Society; Public opinion and Media; Right to Information; Administrative C orruption; Grievance Redressal
Machineries like Ombudsman.
Development Administration - Evolution of the C oncept; Basic features.
C ontrol of Public Expenditure - Parliamentary C ontrol, C ontrol of Parliamentary C ommittees;
Indian Administration - C ontinuity and C harge - brief historical outline.
Recruitment and Training of C ivil Servants in India - Role of Union and State Public Service C ommissions
and Training Institution.
Organization of the Union Government in India - PMO, C abinet Secretariat, Secretariat Administration.
Organization of the State Governments in India - Chief Secretary - Relationship between Secretariats and
District Administration in India - C hanging role of District Officers, Sub-divisional Officers & Block Officer;
their interfaces with Local Self Government.
International Relations
Some Basic Concepts of International Relations - (a) Balance of Power (b) C ollective Security (c) Bipolarity and Unipolarity (d) Neo-C olonialism (e) Globalization.
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Foreign Policy - C oncept and Techniques; Determinants of foreign policy.

Evolution of World Politics - League of Nations; United Nations; C old War; Detente; Collapse of the Soviet
Union; Regional Integrations; International Terrorism.
Non-Alignment - Evolution of the Movement and Role of India.
Major Issues in Indian Foreign Policy - Sino-Indian relations, Indo-Pak conflicts and the liberation of
Bangladesh, developments in Sri Lanka, Indian role in promoting regional cooperation through
S.A.A.R.C., the Kashmir question and India becoming a nuclear power. India and South East Asia; Indias
relations with U.S.A., China, Japan & Russia. India on the question of nuclear weapon. India and the U.N.
system-Indias role in U.N. peace keeping and global disarmament. India and the emerging international
economic order.
Recent Global Issues - Egypt, Lebanon and Lybia.

Paper I :

Basic psychological processes and development

Scope and Methods of Psychology - Biological basis of behaviour
2. C ognitive Processes:

Sensation: attributes of sensation, psychophysics (weber-Fechner Law), Methods of



Attention: determinants of attention, fluctuation of attention, selectivity of attention


Perception: Movement, space, depth and time perception, perceptual organization,

Gestalt View

3. Learning.: Conditions of Learning

Theory of classical conditioning
Theory of operant conditioning
Trial and error theory
Theory of insight learning
Programmed learning
4. Memory: Encoding, storage, retrieval
Types of Memory (STM & LTM, IC ONIC, Echoic & Procedural)
Forgetting curve
Theories of forgetting
5. Motivation and Emotion: Physiological and psychological basis of motivation and emotion
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation - factors influencing intrinsic motivation
Theories of motivation - Maslow, Mcclelland
Theories of Emotion - James-Lange Theory, Canon-Bard and
Schachter-Singer Theory
Effects of Motivation and emotion on behaviour
6. Intelligence
Spearman's two factor theory
Thurstone' s theory
Guilford's structure of intellect
Gardner's theory
Measurement of intelligence - IQ & deviation IQ, Tests of intelligence - Stanford Binet
Types of intelligence - Social, abstract, concrete, emotional, artificial, spiritual
Gifted and mentally challenged children
7. Thinking
Piaget's theory of cognitive development ~ Problem solving
C reative thinking - Nature and stages
8. Attitude, Values and Interest
Definition of attitude, values and interests
Value - concept, development and measurement
Attitude - formation, measurement and change concept
Stereotype, prejudice, discrimination
Measurement, reduction of prejudice
9. Interest - concept and measurement

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10. Development of behaviour : From birth to adolescence

Physical development
Emotional development
Moral development
Social development
Paper II :


Theories of personality - Freud, Erikson, Eysenck and Rogers


Individual Difference:
Nature - Nurture controversy
Nature - nurture controversy
C haracter and construction of standardized psychological tests, types of tests


Mental health & adjustment - concept of mental health & wellbeing

Stress & health - nature, types, causes and consequence of stress
Adjustment - criteria of adjustment
Management of stress


Psychological Disorders
C auses of abnormal behaviour
Anxiety disorders
Mood disorders
Substance abuse disorders

5 ..

C ognitive Behaviour therapy
C lient centered therapy


Organizational psychology
Personal selection, job analysis methods
Job Satisfaction
Theories of motivation, Herzberg, Alderfer
C onflict in organization - sources, types
Organizational culture and climate


Occupational health hazards

Types of group
Group versus team - Influence of primary and secondary group on society
Structure and functions of group
Leadership - C haracteristics of a good leader with special reference to trans actual and
transformational leadership


Social problems
Problems of social integration caste, class and religion
Delinquency and crime
Psychosocial problems related to old age


Application of Psychology to different fields

a) Rehabilitation - concept, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
b) Education - Psychology, principles underlying effective teaching-learning
c) Motivating and training people for entrepreneurship and economic development


Psychology and Methodology

Normal probability curve
Parametric and non-parametric statistics - characteristics
Hypothesis formation
Research variables and their control
Techniques of sampling

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Paper I :

Fundamentals of Sociology :

Modernity and social changes in Europe and emergence of Sociology.


Scope of the subject and comparison with other social sciences.


Sociology and common sense.

Pathfinders of Sociology :

Karl Marx Historical materialism, mode of production, alienation, class struggle.


Emile Durkheim, Social fact, collective consciousness and social solidarity, suicide,
religion and society.


Max Weber - Social action, ideal types, types of authority and bureaucracy. Protestant
ethic and the spirit of capitalism.


Simmel : Formal Sociology : Forms & Types; Subjective & Objective C ulture, Money;


C ontemporary interpretations of Modern Sociology:

Talcolt Parsons - Social system and its four major problems, pattern variables.
Robert K. Merton Latent and manifest function and dysfunction, conformity and
deviance, reference groups.


Social System : Equilibrium, status, role, culture, heredity and environment, social
control, conformity & deviance, forms of interaction, social interaction and everyday
life. Types of human groups. Personality and socialization. Power, authority,
legitimacy, sociology of political life. Religion in relation to solidarity and social conflict,
magic, science and morality.
Social aspects of production, distribution, exchange and consumption.


Individual & groups : Personality & Socialization, classification of groups & their
contemporary significance.

Inequality, Stratification & Mobility :


C oncepts - equality, inequality, hierarchy, exclusion, poverty and deprivation.


Social mobility - open and closed systems, types of mobility, sources and consequences
of mobility.

Economy & Society :


Social aspects of production, distribution, exchange & consumption, Social

organization of work in different types of Society - slave society, feudal society,
industrial / capitalist society, post industrial society.


Formal and informal organization of work.


Labour & Society.

Politics and Society :


Power elite, bureaucracy, pressure groups and political parties.


Nation - state, citizenship, democracy, civil society, ideology.


Protest, agitation, social movements, collective action, revolution.

Religion & Society :


Religion in modern society: religion and science, secularization, religious revivalism,

fundamentalism, pluralism.


Magic, religion & morality and science.

Science & Technology :


Ethos of science;


Scientific temper;


Social responsibility of science;


Social control of science;

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Social consequences of science and technology;


Technology and social change.

Social research and methods of enquiry:


Importance of social research.


Survey Method - Questionnaires and interviews as technique.


Field Method Observation (participant and non-participant) as technique.


Experimentation in Sociology.

Social & cultural change in modern society :

Paper II :


Development and dependency,


Agents of social change,


Education & social change,


Science, Technology & social change ,


Dominant C ulture,


C elebrity C ulture.

Society & Culture in India :

Unity & diversity, modernity and tradition, contestation.
Approaches to the study of Indian Society :
Indological (Ghurye); Structural-functional (Srinivas); Marxist / Dialectical (Desai) ; Dalit (Ambedkar).
Major Social Groups :
Religious groups, linguistic and regional groups, castes & tribes.
Some Major Institutions :
Marriage, family, kinship patterns and changes affecting those; gender socialization; division of labour
and economic interdependence, decision-making, centres of power and political participation; religion and
society; Education, inequality, social change, contemporary trends.
Social Inequality :
Nature and types; traditional concepts of hierarchy, caste and class; the Backward C lasses; concepts of
equality and social justice in relation to traditional hierarchies; education, occupation; changing patterns
of stratification.
Social change in modern India :
Westernization, Sanskritisation and secularization; directed and undirected change; legislative
and executive measures; social reforms; social movements; industrialization & urbanization; associations
and pressure groups.
Women & children :
Demographic profile of women; special problems - dowry, atrocities, discrimination; existing
programmes for women and their impact. Situational analysis of children; child welfare programmes.
Globalisation & ecological crisis in India :
Ecological and Environmental movements in India.
Social problems in India :

Poverty in rural and urban areas,

C hild labour,
Problem of youth,
Drug addiction,
Juvenile delinquency,
Problems relating to old age,
Population problem,
Mass illiteracy,
Problem of violence.
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Paper I :

Probability theory:
Definition of probability: Classical and relative-frequency approach to probability, Kolmogorovs Axiomatic
definition (detailed discussion on discrete space only), limitations of C lassical definition. Probability of
union and intersection of events, Conditional probability and Independence of events, Bayes Theorem
and its applications
Random Variables : Definition of discrete and continuous random variables, cumulative distribution
function (c.d.f.) and its properties (with proof), probability mass function (p.m.f.) and probability density
function (p.d.f.), Expectation and Moments, Joint distribution of two random variables, marginal and
conditional distributions, Statistical Independence.
C onvergence in Probability, Weak Law of Large Numbers and its applications, Convergence in Distribution,
C hebyshevs inequality, Statement of C entral Limit Theorem (i.i.d. case) & its applications.
Statistical Inference:
Point & Interval Estimations and Testing of Hypothesis:
Point estimation: Requirements of a good estimator notions of Mean Square Error, C onsistency,
Unbiasedness: Minimum Variance Unbiasedness and Best Linear Unbiasedness. Sufficiency and
factorization theorem, Rao-Balckwellisation, Methods of estimation- moments, least square, maximum
likelihood and minimum chi-square
Elements of Hypothesis Testing : Null and Alternative hypotheses, Simple and C omposite hypotheses,
C ritical Region, Type I and Type II Errors, Level of Significance and Size, p -value, Power. MP and UMP
tests, Neyman Pearson lemma, Likelihood ratio tests.
Interval Estimation: Confidence intervals, Concepts of Uniformly Most Accurate (UMA) confidence sets,
relationship with tests of hypotheses.
Multivariate Analysis:
Multivariate data multiple regression, multiple correlation and partial correlation their properties and
related results.
Random Vector: Probability mass and density functions, Distribution Function, Mean vector and
Dispersion matrix, Marginal and C onditional Distributions, Ellipsoid of Concentration, Multiple Regression,
Multiple C orrelation, Partial C orrelation, Multonomial and Multivariate Normal Distributions.
Sample Survey:
C oncepts of a Finite Population and a Sample, Need for Sampling, C omplete Enumeration and Sample
General Ideas: Planning and execution of sample surveys, analysis of data and reporting, Biases and
Errors. Judgement and probability sampling. Tables of Random Numbers and their uses Simple Random
Sampling with and without replacement, Determination of sample size in simple random sampling,
Stratified random sampling, Systematic sampling, Cluster and multistage sampling, ratio and regression
methods of estimation.
Analysis of variance and Design of Experiments:
Heterogeneity and Analysis of Variance and Covariance, Linear Hypothesis, Orthogonal splitting of total
variation, applications of the ANOVA technique to: one -way classified data, two-way classified data with
equal number of observations per cell (fixed effects model only).
Principles of experimental design: Randomization, Replication and Local Control, Uniformity trials, Shapes
and Sizes of Plots and Blocks.
Standard Designs and their Analyses: Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Randomized Block Design
(RBD) and Latin Square Design. Factorial Designs- 22 and 23 experiments.

Paper II :

Industrial Statistics:
Introduction: C oncepts of Quality and Quality C ontrol, Process C ontrol and Product C ontrol.
Process Control: Control Charts and their uses, Choice of Subgroup sizes, C onstruction of control charts

by attributes (p, c, np) (including unequal subgroup size) and variables ( X , R). Interpretation of nonrandom patterns of points.
Product C ontrol: Producers Risk, C onsumers Risk, Acceptance Sampling Plan, Single and Double
sampling plans by attributes, their OC, ASN ( and ATI ), LTPD and AOQL , Sequential sampling plan- OC
and ASN.
C oncept of Reliability, failure rate and reliability functions, reliability of series and parallel systems.
Economic Statistics:
Index Numbers: Price, Quantity and Value indices.
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Price Index Numbers: C onstruction, Uses, Limitations, Tests for index numbers,Various formulae and
their comparisons, C hain Index Number.
Some Important Indices: C onsumer Price Index, Wholesale Price Index and Index of In dustrial
Production methods of construction and uses.
Measurement of income inequality: Ginis coefficient, Lorenz curves, Application of Pareto and Lognormal
as income distributions.
Population Statistics:
Introduction: Sources of Population Data Census data, Registration data and the errors in such data.
Rates and ratios of vital events.
Measurements of Mortality: Crude Death rate, Specific Death Rate, Standardized death Rate, Case fatality
rate and C ause of Death Rate, Infant Mortality Rate, Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality Rates.
Life tables: Descriptions of Complete and Abridged Life Tables and their uses, C ohort vs. C urrent Life
Tables, Stable population and Stationary population, Construction of complete life table from population
and death statistics.
Measurements of Fertility: C rude Birth Rate, General Fertility Rate, Age Specific Fertility Rate, Total
Fertility Rate. Growth C urve models.
Time Series Analysis:
Introduction: Examples of time series from various fields, C omponents of a times series, Additive and
Multiplicative models.
Trend and Seasonal C omponents: Estimation of trend by linear filtering (simple and weighted moving averages ) and curve fitting ( polynomial, exponential ), Estimation of seasonal component by ratio to
moving-average method, ratio to trend method, some special processes-: Moving Average process, Auto
Regressive processes of orders one and two, Exponential smoothing method of forecasting.
Linear Programming: Formulation of LP problems, Simple LP model and its graphical solution, Simplex
Official statistics:
The Statistical system in India: The C entral and State Government organizations, the functions of the
C entral Statistical Organization (CSO), National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) and West Bengal
Bureau of Applied Economics and Statistics.
National Income statistics: Income, expenditure and production approaches. Their applications in various
sectors in India.

Paper I :

Group A :

Group B :

Short/objective questions.
This group will cover the whole content of the Paper (I)
Non-Chordata & Chordata
01. Outline classifications of Protozoa upto Phyla
02. Outline classifications of Porifera to Hemichordata upto classes.
03. C lassification of chordata upto orders.

Non Chordata Locomotion in Protozoa Annelida, Insecta & Mollusca,

Excretion and Osmoregulation in Annelida, Arthropoda & Mollusca.
Sense organs in Mollusca and Arthropoda.
Specialized Features:
C onjugation in ciliates
Polymorphism in Siphonophora
C oral reefs: types and formation
Evolutionary position of Onychophora, Limulus
Social Organisation in insects Honey bee & Termites

Specialized Features:
C iliary mode of feeding in lower chordates.
Integumentary derivatives in mammals.
C omparative anatomy of heart, aortic arches & Kidney
Respiratory structure and function in fish, bird and mammals.
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Ruminant stomach.
Evolutionary position of Sphenodon and Monotremata
Poison apparatus, Biting mechanism and types of poison in snakes.
Retrogressive metamorphosis, Neoteny and paedogenesis.
Migration of Birds
Aerodynamics in birds flight.
Echolocation in C hiroptera and C aetacea
Group C :

Ecology, Biodiversity and Ethology

Energy flow, Population Dynamics Growth forms, mortality, natality, population
density regulation.
Niche concept and resource Partitioning
Ecological succession.

Pollution :
Green house effect, Pollutants types and nature. Acute and chronic toxicity due to air
and water pollution.
Innate and learned behaviour, FAP (Fixed Action Plan), Selfishness, Co-operation, Altruism and Kinship
Biodiversity :

Definition, Levels, values, in-situ and Ex-situ conservation, Hot spots, megadiversity
countries, Biopiracy.
Wildlife management strategies with reference to Tiger, Rhino and Elephant,
Elementary concept on remote sensing for sustainable diversity.

Systematics and Quantitative Biology

C odes of Zoological nomenclature, species concept, phenetics and cladistics.
Measure of Central Tendency, Probability, Student t test C hi square, ANOVA, Goodness of fit.
Paper II :

Group A :

Short/objective questions.
This group will cover the whole content of the Paper (II)

Group B :
Cell Biology & Genetics :
Ultra structure & functioning of Plasmamembrane, Golgi complex, Mitochondria, ER, Lysosome,
C hromosome, Nucleosome, C ell cycle.
Allele : Types, ABO blood group, Bombay phenotype, 3 point chromosome mapping in diploid with
problems. Autosomal & sex linked inheritance in Drosophila & Man, Sex determinations in Drosophila &
Man. Replication, Transcription and m RNA processing & Translation in prokaryots. Operon concept Lac
& Tryptophan, Mutations & Mutagenesis, Down, Klinefelter and Turner syndrome, Albinisim, Sickle cell
anaemia, Thalassemia, Recombinant DNA : Vector, Principle of cloning, Restriction Endonucleases
Transgenic animals. Role of protooncogene & Tumor Supressor Genes. Human Genome Project.
Histology & Endocrinology :
Histology : C ell types and functions. Pituitary, endocrine pancreas, gonads, Thyroid, adrenal.
Mechanism of hormone action, Basic concept of cell signalling. Hormonal control of reproductive cycles in
mammals. General idea of insect endocrine glands and their function.
Physiology & Biochemistry : Enzymes : C lasses, kinetics and factors affecting enzyme action.
Osmoregulation : Types and mechanism in aquatic vertebrates.
Macromolecules : Protein, fat & carbohydrates. Glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, Transamination
& oxidative and non-oxidative deamination. Role of haemoglobin in oxygen & carbon di oxide transport,
Foetal haemoglobin, Physiology of nerve impulse and propagation, Muscular contraction, Vitamines.
Principles and use of instruments Spectrophotometer, TLC, RAPD, RFLP, PCR, ELISA , DNA finger
Group C :
Developmental Biology
Gametogenesis, fertilization, IVF basic concept, cleavage -types and examples. Gastrulation in frog and chick.
Organizer, induction and competence. Placenta : Types and formation. Organogenesis : Eye and heart.
Evolution & adaptation :
Origin of life, natural selection : modern view, Neutral theory.
Evolution : Elephant, Horse & Man.
Hardy Weinberg equilibrium and factors affecting it.
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Fossilization, Zoogeographical realms, continental drift, Adaptive features of Aquatic, Volant and desert
animals. Mimicry and colouration.
Economic Zoology : Pisciculture, Apiculture, Sericulture & Poultry. Types of cattle breed in India.
C ommon pests of paddy, wheat and jute damage & control, IPM.

Parasitology & Immunology : Morphology, Life-cycle, Pathogenecity and control of Plasmodium,

Leishmania, Taenia, Fasciola, Ancylostoma & Wuchereria. Immunoglobulin classification, T & B cell
cooperation. T cell receptors, cytokines, complements. Antigen-antibody reaction. Principles and
importance of vaccination. Pathophysiology of Tuberculosis, Types of virus.


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