Edra Part II

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EDRA examination team consists of two examiners.

There will be two questions per candidate:
The candidate will draw the first question (ca 10-15 min).
The second question (ca 5-10 min) is selected by examiner 2.
First Question
Block performance (on live model)
1. Interscalene brachial plexus block
2. Infraclavicular brachial plexus block
3. Axillary brachial plexus block
4. Nerve blocks at elbow and wrist level
5. Intravenous regional anaesthesia
6. Femoral nerve block (incl fascia iliaca and saphenous nerve block)
7. Sciatic block- proximal approaches
8. Popliteal fossa block
9. Ankle block
10. Thoracic epidural analgesia
11. Thoracic paravertebral and intercostal block
12. Spinal anaesthesia
13. Combined spinal/epidural anaesthesia
14. Caudal block
Second Question
Procedure based RA anaesthesia and perioperative analgesia
1. Shoulder surgery
2. Humerus and elbow surgery
3. Hand surgery
4 Analgesia for rib fractures
5. TUR bladder /prostatae
6. Hip surgery
7. Knee surgery
8. Foot surgery
9. Lower limb amputation
10. Analgesia after thoracotomy
11. Analgesia after major abdominal surgery

12. Cesarean Section

13. Low abdominal and perineal surgery
The candidate should be able to show competency in the following areas
1st question
Demonstrate landmarks and block technique on patient (model) and comment on
Demonstrate proper use of nerve location methods (PNS and US)
Demonstrate choices and dosages of LA and comment on block dynamics
Demonstrate complications and side effects related to specific blocks, their
prevention and
2nd question
Demonstrate rational selection of regional anaesthesia methods for specific clinical
Describe contraindications of specific RA - technique in this specific case
Demonstrate ability to rescue failed regional anaesthesia block
Explain perineural/wound catheter techniques and postoperative regimen
Comment on complications of perineural/wound catheters their prevention and
The candidate should be graded as pass or fail

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