Science Unit Planner

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EES440 Unit Planner

PST Names: Georgina Dunne and Isabella Giurina

Topic: Chemical Science
Year Level: 2
Table 1. Unit outcomes
Science Understanding
Chemical sciences
Objects are made of materials that have observable properties(VCSSU044)

sorting and grouping materials on the basis of observable properties such as colour, texture and

Everyday materials can be physically changed or combined with other materials in a variety of ways for particular

predicting and comparing how the shapes of objects made from different materials can be
physically changed through
different actions, for example, bending, stretching and twisting
investigating how food can be mixed to form different products, for example, jelly, ice cream or


suggesting why different parts of everyday objects such as toys and clothes are made from
different materials

identifying materials that can be changed and remade or recycled into new products, for example,
paper and plastic

Planning and conducting

Participate in guided investigations, including making observations using the senses, to explore and answer questions

EES440 Unit Planner

safely using sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell so that students can gather information about
the world around them
manipulating objects and materials and making observations of the results

Questioning and predicting

Respond to and pose questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events (VCSIS050)
considering questions relating to objects used in everyday life and changes in the weather


thinking about What will happen if...? type questions about everyday objects and events

Recording and processing

Use informal measurements in the collection and recording of observations (VCSIS052)

using units that are familiar to students from home and school, such as cups (cooking), hand spans
(length) and walking paces (distance) to make and compare observations Use a range of methods,
including drawings and provided tables, to sort information (VCSIS053)
using matching activities, including identifying similar things, oddoneout and opposites
sorting information in provided tables or graphic organisers
constructing column and picture graphs with teacher guidance to record gathered information

Concepts and Skills :

C1: The properties of materials change through a variety of different ways
C2: Materials are combined and mixed together for a particular purpose
C3: Students can make predictions and record observations in a variety of ways

EES440 Unit Planner

S1: Students are able to undertake investigations and collect and record their observations and predictions
S2: Students are able to use the correct terminology when discussing a materials properties.
S3: Students can explain why materials are combined or mixed for a particular purpose
Unit outcomes: (Consider: Content, Skills/processes, Science as a Human endeavour, Other domains)


can use the correct terminology to describe the properties of materials

understand the reasons why we mix and combine materials
investigate different ways to change the properties of materials
are guided to complete investigations, to explore, predict and answer questions
use informal measurements in the collection and recording of observations

EES440 Unit Planner

Teachers need to clearly identify big ideas, key concepts and their representations,
at the planning stage of a topic in order to guide refinement of representational

Table 2. Linking
concepts to
Prior to teaching this unit both teachers need to have a clear understanding of the key language that students are
wanted to use and understand. This will help to make a common language for students. Such key terms we want
students to understand are: combined, mixing, properties, liquid, solid, flexible, rigid, etc.
Teachers will also have to unpack the concepts together to ensure that the big ideas are understood and used
throughout the unit sequence. From this it will be easier to create representations which support these.
The key questions that we want students to be able to understand at the end of the 6 lessons will also be discussed
and chosen, so that lessons are planned appropriately, with these included. All of these can be found in Table 1, which
show the concepts, skills and unit outcomes and link strongly with the Victorian Curriculum.
The properties of
materials change
through a variety of
different ways

Materials are
combined and mixed
together for a
particular purpose

REPRESENTATIONS USED FOR LESSON 2: How these met and did not meet the
VIDEO INTERVIEW: In the video taken after the playdough was made, students were asked
what had to happen to change the materials based on how we created the playdough. This was
to get students to answer with mixing and kneading. This shows some of the ways that
materials can change, however does not show all the different ways that materials can be
changed (eg. through combining)
DRAWINGS AND ANNOTATIONS: Students annotated and drew a picture of the play dough as it
was being created. Students annotated with the changing properties that the mixture had, and
showed how properties changed.
VIDEO INTERVIEW: In the video taken after the playdough was made students were asked the
question why do you think we mix or combine things? This was to show whether students
understood that we might do this to make a new product or to recycle items etc. This was an
extremely broad question so helped us to understand a student's understanding of this concept
at this time. One way that it did not fully meet the phenomenon was due to the fact that we
had just made playdough so most students were thinking in terms of creating playdough, as
opposed to other, broader answers.

EES440 Unit Planner

Students can make
predictions and
record observations
in a variety of ways

VIDEO INTERVIEW: In the video prior to creating playdough, students predicted what they think
would happen to the properties of the materials (oil, water, flour, food dye and salt) when they
were mixed together. In the video taken after the playdough was made, students were asked to
explain if their prediction was supported. This got their ideas down verbally, but another way
that students can predict is through text.
DRAWINGS AND ANNOTATIONS: Drawings and annotations were used to show observations
throughout the playdough making process. The annotations were especially important as they
were used to determine what language students were using, but there was a huge variety in
terms of detail given, with some students only writing down a few observations, and others
completing five or six. This met the need for students to record observations in a number of
ways, but it is important to note that there are more ways that students can record
observations (such as graphs), which the students did not complete.

EES440 Unit Planner

Table 3. Assessment

Assessment tasks, representations included

usually in the
Engage lesson

To begin, students brainstorm what they knew

about Mixing and Materials. Each student has
their own marker and writes on a piece of paper
stating their knowledge and showing their previous
understandings. Because a different coloured
marker is used for each child, we will be able to
note down the marker students are using to
determine whose ideas belonged to whom.
Students will then complete a worksheet Mix It!.
They will write their predictions about what they
think will happen when two different substances are
added together, and then write/draw what they
observe actually happen.

(Assessment for)
(Assessment as)
usually in the
Explore, Explain and
Elaborate lessons

In the Explore lesson we will have students talking

into a camera to talk about their understanding of
mixing, how we combine materials and why we
combine materials. In this lesson we will also have
students involved in creating play-dough, and will
have to draw and annotate each step using
scientific language. This is a very representational
approach to learning as students are explaining
their understanding on film, drawing, and
annotating their work.

How this assessment contributes to

The first brainstorm helps us teachers to
determine a students previous
knowledge so that we can build on from
The Mix It worksheet will then show
teachers what scientific language
students know in regards to materials
and their properties, and will show their
understanding of how materials change
when mixed, or if they change when
This is important as knowledge and
misconceptions will be identified so that
further lessons are created which
respond to these and inform future
teaching and learning. It will guide the
future of this Chemical Science Unit.
Students are required to verbalise their
understanding of what happened to the
materials when we mixed them. From a
series of probing questions we are able
to gain data of students understandings
and current knowledge in order to
differentiate learning and cater for the
range of learners in future lessons.
Leading questions were:
Why do we mix things?

EES440 Unit Planner

Were your predictions accurate?

What did you notice?
What do you think we made?
How did we make a new material from all
the different materials?

(Assessment of)
usually in the
Elaborate and
Evaluate lesson

Students are assessed in the Explain lesson on their

ability to make observations of material properties.
Students are to use their senses to place objects on
a scale in accordance to their specific property Ie.
solid to liquid . Anecdotal notes will be taken on
student verbal descriptions of properties and
Students are then assessed on their understanding
of combining objects and mixing them.

The observations will give us instant

feedback of students understanding of
properties and will allow us to modify
teaching when devising the anchor chart.
In order to ensure students understand
the concepts.

Assessment will also be taken be taken by

observing students in the elaborate stage.

Constant observation of students will

provide us with feedback of their
understanding in relation to key
concepts. Anecdotal notes and reflective
discussions will be had.
This piece of assessment will allow us to
determine where our students sit on the
curriculum, and whether our concepts
have been met. It can be used as
evidence of student learning and
understanding, and their growth when
compared to their diagnostic assessment

In the Evaluate lesson we we will have students

complete a checklist that goes through their
artwork that was created out of recycled paper
and paint that we have created in the previous two
lessons. They will have to explain how the product
was made through mixing, blending, etc, their
understanding of its properties, and will also
discuss why materials are mixed and combined.
Students will work in pairs to record each other, and
will use the checklist to self-regulate this

EES440 Unit Planner

assessment task.

EES440 Unit Planner

Table 4. Unit Overview (Structure from Primary Connections unit overview)

Science outcomes
Literacy and/or
Lesson Summary
maths outcomes
Objects are made of
Students brainstorm what they
Lesson 1
materials that have
Collect, check and
know about materials and
classify data
mixing, and then spend time
outside exploring materials in
their playground and the
Everyday materials can
different properties they have.
be physically changed
This is then discussed as a
or combined with other
group, with ideas shared.
materials in a variety of
ways for particular
Following this, with guidance
from a teacher, students
explore what happens when
Participate in guided
mixing different materials (eg.
oil and water) and made
including making
predictions, before
observations using the
writing/drawing their
senses, to explore and
answer questions

Lesson 2

Objects are made of

materials that have
Everyday materials can

Understand the use
of vocabulary about
familiar and new
topics and

To being students are asked to

predict what they think will
occur when materials (water,
oil, salt, flour and food dye) are
mixed together. This is done by

The whole class
brainstorm is
assessed to
determine students
pre-knowledge of
materials and
mixing and their
The Mix It
worksheet will
state students
predictions and
observation. It will
show the students
ability to use
relevant scientific
language and
terminology, and
their ability to
accurately predict
what will happen
when materials are
mixed together.
Students are
assessed on their
ability to predict
what will happen
when materials are

EES440 Unit Planner

be physically changed
or combined with other
materials in a variety of
ways for particular
Use informal
measurements in the
collection and recording
of observations

experiment with and

begin to make
conscious choices of
vocabulary to suit
audience and
purpose (VCELA237)
Collect, check and
classify data

having the teacher interview

students through ICT.
Students then make the
playdough and are encouraged
to notice changes in properties
when the materials combine or
mix. They are drawing and
annotating each step in their
workbooks, and discussing if
these are similar to their
predictions. From this students
are gathering an understanding
that we combine and mix
substances to form another
material in order to benefit us.

combined to make
playdough, their
discussions when
talking about why
materials are
and the
shown when the
materials are
mixed together.

At the end of the lesson

students are recorded
explaining why they think the
properties changed, why we
mix materials, and whether
their predictions were
Lesson 3

Objects are made of

materials that have
Everyday materials can
be physically changed
or combined with other
materials in a variety of

Create displays of
data using lists,
table and picture
graphs and
interpret them
Collect, check and

Students begin to develop a

more in-depth understanding of
the terminology of properties,
and will also explore the
reasons why we mix/combine
materials, and how we do this.
Firstly, students observe
different materials and their

Students are
assessed on their
understanding of
properties and
their ability to
make observations
of products when
they place them on
a scaled line. Ie.

EES440 Unit Planner

ways for particular


classify data
Explore the
characteristics and
properties of
materials and
components that
are used to create
designed solutions
Explore needs or
opportunities for
designing, and the
technologies needed
to realise designed

Lesson 4

Objects are made of

materials that have
Everyday materials can
be physically changed
or combined with other
materials in a variety of
ways for particular

Explore the
characteristics and
properties of
materials and
components that
are used to create
designed solutions

properties, and then with a

partner place 6-8 objects on a
scale (eg. placing a sponge on a
scale from flexible to rigid). The
groups will have a different
scale to work with, so will share
their results with their peers at
the conclusion of this. Students
will discuss the terminology and
create an anchor chart.
Students will then review their
understanding of combining
and mixing materials. The
teacher will explicitly teach
combine vs. mix. The group
will discuss the ways we can
combine and mix materials, and
why this is needed. A big
brainstorm will be completed as
a group, with ideas written
Firstly students will reflect on
where else they have seen
recycled materials being
transformed into something
new, and why this is important.
Students will then use recycled
newspaper to make paper, and
reflect on this process and the
way the materials properties

solid to liquid .
Anecdotal notes
will be taken on
student verbal
Students are then
assessed on their
understanding of
combining objects
and mixing them.
Where do we

Students are
assessed on their
ability to
brainstorm reasons
why recycling
materials is
important, and
where they have
seen this
(anecdotal notes).

EES440 Unit Planner


Lesson 5

Objects are made of

materials that have
Everyday materials can
be physically changed
or combined with other
materials in a variety of
ways for particular

Explore needs or
opportunities for
designing, and the
technologies needed
to realise designed

Explore the
characteristics and
properties of
materials and
components that
are used to create
designed solutions
Visualise, generate,
and communicate
design ideas through
describing, drawing

They can then write a poem

about this process and the
changing properties (either
rhyming or acrostic)
Students will be informed that
in the next lesson they will be
making our own paints to
create an artwork that is
utilising this newly made paper.
Students make a variety of
different paints. These are then
used to make a student's own
artwork, utilising the paper
used the week before. They can
also use other materials they
have found outside such as dirt
and leaves.
Students can also create a
dance that shows a product
being recycled into something
new, or showing the paintmaking process.
It will explore the ability to
repurpose materials to create
something new, and the
benefits of this, while also
involving the mixing and
combining of materials.

Students will also

be observed
reflecting on the
process, and the
terminology used
to describe the
changing stages.
Their poem will
also be informally
Students may be
assessed on a
dance they create
to show the paintmaking process, or
a dance showing a
product being
recycled and made
into something

EES440 Unit Planner

Lesson 6

Objects are made of

materials that have
Everyday materials can
be physically changed
or combined with other
materials in a variety of
ways for particular

Explore the
characteristics and
properties of
materials and
components that
are used to create
designed solutions
Use personal
preferences to
evaluate the success
of design ideas,
processes and
solutions including
their care for



In this lesson students will be

required to use their previous
understandings, and artwork to
explain what they have learnt
during the unit.
Students will be given a
checklist that they have to
check off, as they work in
partners to record their
understandings. Some of this
will include Why did you
choose these materials to
create your artwork? Why do
we combine and mix
materials? Explain the
properties of your artwork.
Students will then write a
reflection that includes what
new concepts they learnt, what
they would want to learn
further, and their favourite part
of the unit.

assessment will be
taken of students
ability to explain
their understanding
of materials,
properties, mixing
and combining
when designing
and making their
Students will be
filmed and will
have a checklist so
that they are able
to self-regulate this
process, before
writing a reflection.
This will be a
teacher and self

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