2 Types of Media Culture in Animal Cell: Natural and Artificial Media
2 Types of Media Culture in Animal Cell: Natural and Artificial Media
2 Types of Media Culture in Animal Cell: Natural and Artificial Media
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Some of the major types of culture media in animal cell are as follows: 1. Natural Media 2.
Artificial Media.
The nutrient media used for culture of animal cells and tissues must be able to support their
survival as well as growth, i.e., must provide nutritional, hormonal and stromal factors. The
various types of media used for tissue culture may be grouped into two broad categories:
(1) natural media and (2) artificial media.
The choice of medium depends mainly on the type of cells to be cultured (normal,
immortalized or transformed), and the objective of culture (growth, survival, differentiation,
production of desired proteins). Nontransformed or normal cells (finite life span) and primary
cultures from healthy tissues require defined quantities of proteins, growth factors and
hormones even in the best media developed so far.
But immortalized cells (spontaneously or transfection with viral sequences) produce most of
these factors, but may still need some of the growth factors present in the serum. In
1. Natural Media:
These media consist solely of naturally occurring biological fluids and are of the
following three types:
(1) Cagula or clots,
(2) Biological fluids and
(3) Tissue extracts.
The most commonly used clots are plasma clots, which have been in use for a long time.
Plasma is now commercially available either in liquid or lyophilized state. It may also be
prepared in the laboratory, usually from the blood of male fowl, but blood clotting must be
avoided during the preparation.
Biological Fluids:
Of the various biological fluids used as culture medium (e.g., amniotic fluid, ascitic and
pleural fluid, aqueous humour from eye, insect haemolymph, serum, etc.), serum is the
most widely used. Serum is the liquid exuded from coagulating blood.
Serum may be obtained from adult human blood, placental cord blood, horse blood or calf
blood (foetal calf serum, newborn calf serum, and calf serum); of these, calf serum and
foetal calf serum are the most commonly used. Human serum is sometimes used for human
cell lines; this serum, however, must be free from virus. Different preparations of serum
differ in their properties; they have to be tested for sterility and toxicity before use.
Tissue Extracts:
Chick embryo extract is the most commonly used tissue extract, but bovine embryo extract
is also used. Other tissue extracts that have been used are spleen, liver, bone marrow,
leucocytes, etc. extracts. Tissue extracts can often be substituted by a mixture of amino
acids and certain other organic compounds. The natural biological fluids are generally used
for organ culture. For cell cultures, artificial media with or without serum are used.
2. Artificial Media:
Different artificial media have been devised to serve one of the following purposes: (1)
immediate survival (a balanced salt solution, Table 5.1, with specified pH and osmotic
pressure is adequate), (2) prolonged survival (a balanced salt solution supplemented with
serum, or with suitable formulation of organic compounds), (3) indefinite growth, and (4)
specialized functions.
The various artificial media developed for cell cultures may be grouped into the following
four classes: (i) serum containing media, (ii) serum-free media, (iii) chemically defined
media, and (iv) protein-free media.
1. It provides the basic nutrients for cells; the nutrients are present both in the solution as
well as are bound to the proteins.
2. It provides several hormones, e.g., insulin, which is essential for growth of nearly all cells
in culture, cortisone, testosterone, prostaglandin, etc.
3. It contains several growth factors, e.g., platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),
transforming growth factor (i (TGF-p), epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor,
endothelial growth factor, etc.; these are present in concentrations of g/1.
Both hormones and growth factors are involved in growth promotion and specialized cell
function. A given hormone or growth factor may stimulate growth of one cell type, may have
no effect on another and may even be inhibitory to some others. For example, PDGF
induces proliferation in fibroblasts, but induces differentiation of some types of epithelia.
Further, proliferation of a single cell type may be induced by more than one growth factor,
e.g., fibroblasts respond to PDGF, epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor and
4. A major role of serum is to supply proteins, e.g., fibronectin, which promote attachment of
cells to the substrate. It also provides spreading factors that help the cells to spread out
before they can begin to divide. Although cells to produce these factors, but trypsinized cells
are usually unable to attach to the substrate.
5. It provides several binding proteins, e.g., albumin, transferrins, which carry other
molecules into the cell. For example, albumin carries into cells lipids, vitamins, hormones,
etc. Transferrin usually carries Fe in a nonbasic form, but binding of transferrin to its
receptor in cell membrane is believed to be mitogenic.
6. It increases the viscosity of medium and, thereby, protects cells from mechanical
damages, e.g., shear forces during agitation of suspension cultures.
7. Protease inhibitors present in the serum protect cells, especially trypsinised cells, from
8. The serum also provides several minerals, e.g., Na +, K+, Fe2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, etc.
9. It also acts as a buffer.
However, there are several disadvantages of using serum in the culture medium;
these are summarised below:
1. Serum may inhibit growth of some cell types, e.g., epidermal keratinocytes.
2. Serum may contain some cytotoxic or potentially cytotoxic constituents. For example,
foetal calf serum contains the enzyme polyamine oxidase, which converts polyamines like
spermidine and spermine (secreted by fast growing cells) into cytotoxic
3. There is a large variation in serum quality from one batch to another; this requires costly
and time consuming testing every time a new batch of serum has to be used.
4. Some growth factors may be inadequate for specific cell types and may need
5. It interferes with downstream processing when cell cultures are used for production of
6. The supply of serum is always lower than its demand.
Serum-Free Media:
In view of the disadvantages due to serum, extensive investigations have been made to
develop serum-free formulations of culture media. These efforts were mainly based on the
following three approaches: (1) analytical approach based on the analysis of serum
constituents, (2) synthetic approach to supplement basal media by various combinations of
growth factors, and (3) limiting factor approach consisting of lowering the serum level in the
medium till growth stops and then supplementing the medium with vitamins, amino acids,
hormones, etc. till growth resumes.
These approaches have resulted in several elaborate media formulations in which serum in
sought to be replaced by a mixture of amino acids, vitamins, several other organic
compounds, etc.; hormones, growth factors and other proteins are supplemented when
required (Table 5.2). However, addition of 5-20% of serum even in these media is essential
for optimum growth.
The various advantages of serum-free media may be summarised as under:
1. Improved reproducibility of results from different laboratories and over time since
variation due to batch change of serum is avoided.
2. Easier downstream processing of products from cultured cells.
3. Toxic effects of serum are avoided.
4. Biassays are free from interference due to serum proteins.
5. There is no danger of degradation of sensitive proteins by serum proteases.
6. They permit selective culture of differentiated and producing cell types from the
heterogeneous cultures.
These media contain contamination-free ultrapure inorganic and organic constituents, and
may contain pure protein additives, like insulin, epidermal growth factor, etc. that have been
produced in bacteria or yeast by genetic engineering.
Protein-free Media:
In contrast, protein-free media do not contain any protein; they only contain non-protein
constituents necessary for culture of the cells. The formulations listed in Table 5.2 are
protein-free; where required, protein supplementation is provided.
Several assays have been developed for the determination of the best medium for a given
cell type, i.e., (1) long-term (over several days) cell multiplication assay in form of clonal
growth assay, cell growth curve analysis, etc., and (2) short-term (for several hours) [ 3H]thymidine assay. It is desirable to use the long-term assays. But often the [ 3H]-thymidine
methods are used for screening; these results should be compared with at least growth
curve analysis or, preferably, clonal growth assay. Some cell types, however, are difficult to
culture; in such cases, use of a feeder layer is quite successful.
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