Writing Week 2

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Line graph 1:

The given graph illustrates the amount of fish and different kinds of meat consumed
by the people of a Europe country over 25 years from 1979 to 2004. Overall, the
consumption of chicken increased while the consumption of lamb, beef and fish
have decreased.
Line graph 2:
The given graph demonstrates the amount of energy consumed by the American
from over 50 years from 1980 and give experience of that consumption to 2030.
Overall, petrol and oil consumption in the USA is the highest among the energy
sources while the uses of coal will increase in the coming years.
Line graph 3:
The given line graph presents the proportion of unemployed people in the US and
Japan over a period from March 1993 to March 1993. Overall, the USA had higher
unemployment rates than Japan did in the 1993. However, the percentage of
unemployment in USA fell while the figure for Japan rose gradually over a period of
6 years.
Line graph 4:
The given line graph illustrates information about the number of foreign students
from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia studied in Australia over a 15
year period. Overall, the amount of residences from four countries have rising
trends in this period.
Line graph 5:
The given line paragraph describes the amount of users of two new music websites
in the period of 15 days. Overall, both music websites have a significant increase in
the quantity of visits while more people used Music Choice than Pop parade.
Line graph 6:
The given line graph illustrates the statistics on the radio and TV audience in UK
throughout the day from October to December in 1992. Overall, the amount of radio
listeners is higher than the quantity of TV viewers in the morning, whereas people
prefer watch TV programs to listen to the radio in the evening.
Line graph 7:
The given line graph demonstrates the viewing data of Chanel One News at
different times of day over a period of 12 months from January to December.
Line graph 8 :
The first illustrates results on the world population from 1800 to 2100( with
projection) while the second graph represents the statistics of world urban
population over a period of 35 years between 2015 to 2040.
Line graph 9:
the first given graph presents the amount of electricity used in England meanwhile
a pie chart illustates what the electricity is used for in an average English home.
Overall, the electricity need in winter is much higher than that in the summer.
Line graph 10:
The given graph presents data on unemployment rates of young adults in England
over a period of 21 years from 1993 to 2012. Overall, there is a fall in the

unemployment rates of young people between 1997 and 2002 and the propotion of
unemployed young mature in London is higher than that of Rest of the England.

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