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The document provides information about various ServiceNow concepts like implementation stages, data policies, update sets, and more. Key aspects include configuration, requirements gathering, and ensuring instances are on the same version before moving update sets.

The main stages of the StartNow implementation process are Plan, Discover, Prepare, Deploy and Operate. The Prepare stage involves core configuration setup as well as requirements gathering.

The primary methodology used to prepare for one product in SN process is Agile.

Yellow Correct Answers

**Blue Answer doubtful

1) What is correct order of StartNow Implementation stages?

a) Plan,Discover,Prepare,Deploy and Opreate
b) Discover,Plan,Prepare,Deploy and Opreate
c) Plan,Prepare,Discover,Deploy and Opreate
d) Plan,Prepare,Discover,Opreate and Deploy

2) Which one of following components execution order is defined by system not by

a) Business Rule
b) Client Script
c) Script Actions
d) UI Policies
3) Which of the following statement is true for an inbound email action stop
a) event = "stop_processing"
b) = "stop_processing"
c) event.state = "stop_processing"
4) Which of the following protocol is used for create,update and delete incident thru
b) POP3
(For incoming email POP3 is used and for outgoing emails SMTP is used)
5) Which of the following table is used for view History on incident, problem and
change requests?
a) sys_history

b) sys_dictionay
c) sys_audit
d) sys_history_line
(If you right click on header of any record in servicenow, you can see History
optionthese information is stored in sys_history_line table)
6) Which of the following statement is TRUE for a field on an audited table?
a) add no_audit = true to attribute for exclude from auditing
b) Make a table auditable by adding no_audit attribute to field
c) add no_audit = false to attribute for exclude from auditing
7) Which of the following statement is TRUE about sys_dictonary?
a) sys_dictionary is a field and used for make field mandatory
b) sys_dictionary is a table where all the details about the tables and fields
their dictionary attributes, default values are stored
c) There is nothing like sys_dictionary in the ServiceNow
8) What is TRUE about Update set?
a) All data and Process task/ticket chnages captured
b) Any process request/ticket changes and all configuration changes captured
c) Workflow cannot be captured
d) Homepage can be captured
9) Which one is NOT recommended as a part of best practices?
a) Be aware of what will and will not be captured in an update set
b) Move update sets to Prod instance during business hours
c) Ensure that both instances are on the same version before moving fisrt
time update set
d) Ensure that all out-of-box records have matching sys_ids

10) Which one is recommended as a part of best practices?

a) Do not enable the homepage render cache
b) Decrease the homepage refresh time
c) Reduce the number of gagues adds into the Homepage

11) Which one of the following is part of StartNow prepare stage?

a) Core configuration set up like LADP, SSO, Users, Groups and Reruirement
b) Core configuration set up like LADP, SSO, Users, Groups and Sprint/Scrum
c) Kick off meeting
d) Schedule admin training and release backlog
12) Implementing ServiceNow for large and global client with various sprint teams
and for this which one is true?
a) ServiceNow product module contain one Product with multiple Sprints,
Releases, Stories
b) ServiceNow Product module contains Multiple products and its own
sprints,releases and stories
c) A product with no releases
d) A product with its sprint, stories but no releases
13) Which one of the following statement is TRUE?
a) A sprint can contains multiple releases
b) A Story can contains multiple sprints
c) A release cannot contains multple products
d) A product can contains multiple releases
14) What is sys_id?
a) A Unique 32 bit value with GUID data type for a table
b) A Unique 16 bit value with GUID date type for a table
c) A Unique 32 bit value with GUID data type for a record
d) A Unique 16 bit value with GUID date type for a record
15) Which one of the following gs method is correct?
a) log(String message, String source)
b) addInformationMessage(Object)
c) logMessage(String message, String source)
d) getUserNameAndLocation()

16) Which method is used for to check if the object is null or contains an empty
a) nil()
b) empty()
c) null()
d) false()
17) Previous and current are global variables for all the business rules, likely which
one of the following is global variable?
a) jslog
b) g_form
c) g_scratchpad
d) g_user
18) Which method is used to get variable values of Service catalog form a client
a) g_form.getValue()
** b) g_form.getControl()
c) g_form.gel()
d) current.variable_pool.<variable_name>
19) Which one of the following is the proper syntax for accessing the values of
variables from the record producer script field?
A. g_form.getReference('variable_name')
B. g_form.getVariable('variable_name')
C. producer.variable_name
D. current.variable_name
20) Which one is best way to get server/database value from client script?
a) Asynchronos GlideAjax Call
b) Using GlideRecord
c) Using g_form.getReference
20) Which one of the following is the best way to show fields in the form or in the
a) Business Rules

b) Client Script
c) UI Policies
d) Views
21) The perceived performance of your ServiceNow instance is made up of?
a) Application Server response, Network latency and throughput,Browser
rendering and parsing
b) Databse Server response, Network latency and throughput, Browser
rendering and parsing
c) Only Network latency, throughput and Browser rendering and parsing
22) Which one following set is mosetly used for applicarion/database servers in
a) weblogic/MySQL
b) tomcat/MySQL
c) tomcat/Oracle
23) Have a SLA of 2 days with schedule of 9-5 weekdays (excluding holidays).And
SLA starts at Thursday noon and when is expected expire?
a) Following Monday noon
b) Following Friday noon
c) Following Tuesday noon
d) Following Thursday noon
(sla of 2 days means duration is 48 hours, if it start at thursday noon means
it will be expired by next week friday noon)
24) Which one of the component is executed when Insert,Update,Delete or Query
for a record?
1) Business Rules
2) Client Scripts
3) UI Actions
4) Script Includes
25) Client Transaction Time plugin is used for?
a) log a message
b) Add more information about transaction times

c) delete client transactions

26) LDAP is used for ?

a) Data population and Authentication
b) Data deletion and transaction
c) Store a password in ServiceNow
27) If LDAP is used rather than LDAPS which of the following task need to be
a) Enable basic authentication
b) Select the SSL checkbox and mention the default port in the Server url
c) Select the Listener field
** d) Mention the alternate port number in Server URL field along with server
ip address

28) Which is the best practice of Importing the data using Transform map?
a) Make a colleace on non-indexed fied
b) Select the Run Business Rule field
** c) Avoid scripts wherever possible
29) Which component is used during Web service Integrations?
a) UI Scripts
b) Import Sets
c) Scheduled Jobs
d) Transform Maps
30) What is the protocol used to make a readable Structured codes?
d) FTP

31) Which of the following statement is true when ServiceNow consumes the
customer's web service?
a) Define a SOAP message in ServiceNow
b) Define a Inbound web service in ServiceNow
c) Define Scheduled job in ServiceNow
d) Define Import sets
32) Which of the following statement is true about ServiceNow LDAP?
a) ServiceNow LDAP has only read access to customers AD
b) ServiceNow LDAP can make changes to customers AD
c) ServiceNow LDAP used for authenticate user and stores password in user
d) ServiceNow LDAP used for authenticate user and stores password in a
33) How is Release Burn Down chart calculated?
a) total release points minus story points with ready for testing state
b) shows the ideal progress of a sprint from start to finish compared with the
actual daily progress
c) total release points minus story points with completed state
34) How to check ServiceNow instance memory?
a) Raise a HI ticket
c) Cannot check memory
d) ServiceNow support team can check
35) How to flush out the servicenow instance chache?
36) How many times server call made in the following code?
function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading) {

var callerLabel = gel('label.incident.caller_id');

var callerField = gel('sys_display.incident.caller_id');
//If the 'caller_id' field contains a valid reference
//Get the caller object so we can access fields
var caller = g_form.getReference('caller_id', popCallerInfo);
function popCallerInfo(caller)
if(loc && !isLoading && newValue != oldValue){
g_form.setValue('location', caller.location);
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
37) Which of the following component can affects the form loading performance?
a) Before Business Rule
b) Client Script
c) Update Sets
d) Script Includes
38) Which of the following component is used to make best way of Server call from
a client script?
a) Script Includes
b) Business Rule
c) Glide Record Query
d) getReference() call

39) Which of the following statement is the best practice to create a new Firewall
table in the ServiceNow instance?
a) Create a Firewall table that extends task table

b) Create a Firewall table that extends cmdb_ci table

c) Firewall deatils are sensitive,so can not shown
d) Create a Firewall table without extens any table
40) Which of the following component is used to make a Elivated Privillage?
a) admin role
b) sys_admin role
c) security_admin role
d) itil role
41) What is the component used for secure your data during web service
a) Business Rules
b) Access Controls
c) IP Address Access Controls
d) Import sets
42) Which is true for secure a table?
a) table.--None-b) table.*
c) table.field_name
d) field.*
43) In a ServiceNow instance, there is a table called Problem task and that extends
Task table.Task table has a field called "Short Description" and admin creates a new
filed Called "Short Description" in Problem task table. Which statement is true?
a) Problem task table overrides Short Description field
b) Problem task table form can show two Short Description fields by
personalizing form
c) Task table deletes Short Description field
d) Problem task table does not allow creating Short Description field
44) Which of the following table/component shows details about staging data during
imports and integrations?
a) Import Sets
b) Transform maps

c) Update Sets
45) Which one of the following statements is true?
a) Task table can be extended and it can extends any other table
b) Task table cannot extended
c) Task table can be extended and it cannot extends any other table
46) What happens if a row level rule and a field level rule are in conflict?
a) Row and field level either rules met, and then operation is allowed
b) Row and field level neither rules met, and then operation is allowed
c) Both rules must be before and operation is allowed
47) In a ServiceNow instance there is table called abc and that extends task table.
There is a ACL in parent (task) level and There are TWO ACLS in child (Abc) table
level for A field. Which one is true?
a) Either rule met, then access granted
b) Neither rule met then access granted
c) All rule met then access granted
d) Field cannot be accessed
48) Log() used in business rule. When Business rule gets executed where are the
logs captured

All Context
System Logs
Event Logs
Transactions Logs

49) Who would act as the escalation point when there are certain issues in the
a) Engagement Manager
b) Project Manager
50) User is able read the record in Restaurant Table but not able to write the field
Name. Two ACLs in place to the role restaurant_user
Table.* read ACL
Table.Name write ACL
Which of the below statements is true
a) The testing is incorrect. The user should be able to write in the field Name
with the above two ACLs

b) A new write ACL is to be created with Write Access to Table.Name to the role
c) A new update ACL is to be created with Write Access to Table.Name to the
d) A new write ACL is to be created with table.* to the role
51) What is the write method to migrate confirmation between two ServiceNow
a) Update Set
b) Import Set
c) Business Rule
52) Which one is used in Client Script
a) log()
b) g_form.getValue()
c) current.Update()

53) What should not be done in a before Business rule

a) gr.query()
b) current.setAbortAction()
c) current.update()
54) What plug-in is used to capture transaction times
a) Client Transaction Time

55) Which protocol is used to make LDAP secure



56) How is the directories defined to capture information from AD

a) OU Definition
b) RDN Definition
c) DN Definition

57) When is VPN Supported by Service Now

a) When communication initiated from Customer Instance to Customer Network
b) When Communication initiated from customer network to customer instance

c) When communication is initiated to and from Customer Network and

Customer Instance

58) What feature is used when we need to select multiple fields as a unique filed
a) Coalesce
b) Import

59) A Consuming web service is to be created. What is required to be defined in

b) A Outbound SOAP Message
c) A Inbound WSDL

60) An outbound SOAP message is defined. Which function can invoke the SOAP
a) UI Policy
b) Business Rule
c) UI Properties

61) How to get a VPN connections established

a) Raise a Hi Request

62) Where do you find the details when an upgrade is made?

a) System Diagnostics >Upgrade History
b) System Log>Udpdate Set

63) In a client script when should the call back option be used in getreference
a) to create an alert
b) To create an asynchronous call
c) Always

64) How do we apply the default security permissions for all the base tables
a) High Security Plug-in

65) When the default action is set to Deny. A new application module and tables
were created. No new ACL's were written. Which of the statement is true.
a) The Users should be able to see all the application, modules and tables and
read, write and update the records
b) The users will not be able to see any of the new application, module and
tables created and will not be able to read write and update
c) The users will not be able to see any of the new application, module and
table created but will be able to read write and update if given access to the


Calculate release burn down

A Total release minus total story points in state ready for testing
B Total sprint minus total story points in state ready
C Total release minus total story points completed
D Total sprints minus total story points completed

While implementing STARTNOW , when there are multiple scrum
tasks are defined which one is chosen as the SN process(SN StartNow)
A One SN product that has stories, sprints and releases
B Multiple SN product that has its own stories, sprints and releases
C One SN product that has sprints and releases
D Multiple SN product that has prints and releases
In servicenow, which facilitates the separation of BOTH data and
A Domain separation
B Company separation
C Business rule
D Server scripts

The purpose of client transaction timing module

a. Gives some slight change in UI performance


Provides granular visibility of client transaction

c. Enables a better performance for a client transactions from Servicenow


How to invoke a SOAP message from behind customers firewall ?

a. UI action
b. Customized WSDL
c. MID server

When a performance issue happens at the time creating a new record,
where a business rule runs for a before database activity what should be
avoided ?
a. Current.setAbortAction()
b. Gr.query()
c. Gs.event.queue()
d. Current.update()
When servicenow tries to communication via HTTPS and a WSLDs,
which component supports this functionality
a. Odbc driver
b. Rss feed
c. Web service
When creating an incident, if the customer wants to ignore the unused
incident numbers which automatically gets created
a. Create a business rule to check the last number in the incident table
and generate the new number upon creation of new record
b. Create a business rule that defines a new number as per our definition
and it populates to user defined number field
c. Enable a assign number to task upon creation system property
d. Its not possible in servicenow
Which protocol is used for outbound messages for email transaction in
a. Snmp

b. Smtp
c. Pop3
d. Inmp


How to debug security rules

a. Enable debug Access control
b. Enable SQL
c. Enable debug security
d. Right click, personalize click security rules

The security Manager is enabled and its property is set to DENY
access. A new custom application, modules and fields are created. A itil role
is associated to the application and module and no access controls are
defined for that table. The user with the admin role logs in. Which one is
true ?
a. The user cannot view the application and module and doesnt have
access to read, write, create delete the records
b. The user can only view the application and module and doesnt have
access to read write create delete the records
c. The user has access to application and module and he has only read
option to the records
d. The user can access the application and module and he has the access
to create write delete read the records

How to make a field not to be audited on an audited table ?

a. add no_audit = false
b. add no_audit = true
c. Make a table auditable by adding no_audit attribute to field

When is the right situation to define the getReference with call back

a. When trying to implement a business rule

b. When trying to populate the values
c. getReference has to be accompanied by a call back function
d. getReference cant be accompanied by a call back function
When Language Plugin is activated which of the following is autotranslated ?
a. Additional Comments value
b. Custom Field labels
**c. Incident field labels
d. Short description value

Business rule is written on which layer

**a. Scripting layer
b. Database layer
c. Protocol layer
d. UI


Which protocol is used for SSO ?



Maximum Performance latency and throughput ping time

a. 1000ms
b. 500ms
c. 250ms
d. 750ms


Consolidates security settings to one streamlined interface ?

a. Elevated Privilege
b. Contextual security
c. Access control
d. Domain separation

Which is a server side script ?

a. UI script
b. UI policy
c. Business Rule
d. Client Scripts

ServiceNow provides customers with a dedicated
database,application and data isolation using which one of the
following models?
a. Single-tenant
b. Multi-tenant
c. Hybrid Cloud
d. Domain Separation
Within the ServiceNow application,a technical consultant has
created and tested a new Outbound SOAP Message.In order for the
consultant to invoke the new SOAP message within the ServiceNow
application,which of the following can be created?
a. UI Policy
b. Business Rule
c. UI Property
d. Import
Which one of the following is a valid reason for a customer to
obtain a VPN connection for their ServiceNow implementation?
a. Encrypt End user access to ServiceNow
b. Encrypt a SOAP message to ServiceNow
c. Encrypt communication between a MID Server and a customer
ServiceNow instance
d. Encrypt the communication path between a customer
ServiceNow instance and their enterprise mail server
Which one of the following would improve the performance of
loading forms within ServiceNow?
a. Reduce the number of related lists configured for a form
b. Increase the number of client scripts for a table
c. Reduce the number of read only fields defined for a form

d. Reduce the number of mandatory fields defined for a form

Which one of the following is the proper syntax for accessing the
values of variables from the record producer script field?
a. g_form.getReference('variable_name')
b. g_form.getVariable('variable_name')
c. producer.variable_name
d. current.variable_name

UI policy cannot be applied to

a. UI list editing
b. Read-only on form
c. Mandatory on forms
(* Data Policies are used for Data Consistency throughout the instance
* Data policies used to set mandatory and read-only states for fields
* Data policies applies on - target records of web services
- import sets
- client-side UI policies )

To consume a web service or mail server outside customer servicenow
instance ,what has to be set-up in customer ServiceNow instance.
a. Inbound mail action
b. Outbound SOAP message
c. Raise HI ticket
If VPN is established with Client and ServiceNow Instance what gets
a. In flow to ServiceNow
b. Outflow to ServiceNow
c. In and Out flow to ServiceNow
Creating a new default value to a Short Description field of Problem
table which is extended from Task table
a. Change default value of Task table
b. Write a dictionary override on Short description field on Problem table
c. Remove default value from Short description field on Task table

Where to check serviceNow upgrade log?

System Update sets
System Upgrade History
System logs
Transaction logs
How do you change the login page of the customer ?
Ans : System UI > Welcome Page Content

Where do you check the performance logs ?

a. System logs > Transcations
b. System logs > All


How to debug security rules / ACLs?

Ans : Debug Security Rules

How to Login-in without entering a Single Sign-on page but directly into
the instance.
b. Refresh Login page
How to check the statistics of the instance.
What is the primary methodology used to prepare for one product in
SN process
**a. Agile
b.Water fall

What type of Business rule can a client script acquire value from?

a. Before
b. After
c. Async
d. Display

Access Control Core concepts.

a. Create,Read,write,Delete
b. Create,Read,Update,Delete

Who is the focal point for all deployment activities?
Project manager
Engagement manager
Technical consultant

How to make field unique.
Personalize the form add unique checkbox field

How data remains constant across service now platform
Ui policy
Data policy
Access control list

For the update set movement what criteria should be ensured?
Both instances should be of same ex, aspen
Both instances should not be of same
Is Vpn supported if mid sever is used in customer network
Depends on flow of traffic

What is the ideal ramp up speed
2 user (8-15seconds)
4 user (9-12 seconds)

The primary deployment methodology



Which is the business rule that can be used globally

How to populate instance with data

112) g_form.getReference is used for

1. Synchronous server call
2. Asynchronous server call
3. Get the mouse pointer back

113) Tab is used to switch between fields .What is the similar function in service
now to switch between fields while creating fields.
a. add tab in Personalize form layout
b. ** tab checked
c. give order for the fields

114) What is most important in business rule

a. Wrap script in a function
b. Not wrap script in a function
115) How MID server contact instance?
b.ECC Queue

116) Dot walking functionality when is it used

a. When multiple fields are there on the form and if you want to get the values from
each field
b.Get values from reference fields
c.Get values from reference fields which is connected to different tables

117) How instance get data from outside Directory


118) What is used to protect record based on its context and table location.

Ans: Contexual Security

119) Which allows the best way to fetch data from the server
a. Data base layer
b. ** Scripting Layer

120) Which scenario VPN is used

a. Connect end user to instance
b. LDAP using port number 389 PORT
c. LDAPS using 636 PORT.

121) How to increase homepage performance

a. Switch off refresh time
b. Reduce refresh time
c. Increase refresh time

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