Twins Paradox - Geometry Review
Twins Paradox - Geometry Review
Twins Paradox - Geometry Review
The twin paradox is the best known thought experiment of special relativity, whose resolution provides interesting insights on the structure of spacetime and on the
applicability of the Lorentz transformations. In its seminal paper on special relativity, Einstein [1] pointed out
the problem of clocks synchronization between two inertial frames with relative velocity v. Later on, Langevin
[2] picturesquely formulated the problem by taking the
example of twins aging differently according to their respective worldlines. The keypoint for understanding the
paradox is the asymmetry between the spacetime trajectories of the sedentary twin and of the traveller twin.
The subject has been widely studied for pedagogical purpose [3,4], the role of acceleration was examined in details
[58] and a full general relativistic treatment was given
Although counter-intuitive, the twin paradox is clearly
not a logical contradiction, it merely illustrates the elasticity of time in relativistic mechanics. The experiment
was actually performed in 1971 with twin atomic clocks
initially synchronized, one of them being kept at rest on
Earth and the other one being embarked on a commercial flight: the time shifts perfectly agreed with the fully
relativistic calculations [10]
An interesting revisited paradox was formulated
[11,12] in the framework of a closed space (due to curvature or to topology). In such a case, the twins can
meet again without none of them being accelerated, yet
they aged differently. Both an algebraic and a geometric
solution were given [13].
Our present goal is to extend such explanations by
adding a topological characterization of reference frames,
which allows us to solve the twin paradox whatever the
global shape of space may be. We first briefly recall, in
II, the classical twin paradox and its standard resolu-
K0 moving relatively to K with velocity v to another inertial frame K00 moving with velocity v with respect
to K. Hence the situation is not symmetrical about the
twins: a kink (infinite acceleration) in the middle of the
path of twin 2 explains the difference, and there is no
contradiction in the fact that the sedentary twin 1 will
definitely be older than the traveller twin 2.
The same result holds in the framework of general relativity, dealing with a more realistic situation including
accelerations, gravitational fields and curved spacetime
(so that the kink is smoothed out): in order to achieve
its journey, the traveller 2 necessarily experiences a finite
and variable acceleration; thus her reference frame is not
equivalent to that of 1.
Such explanations, as rephrased by Bondi [14], are
equivalent to say that there is only one way of getting
from the first meeting point to the second without acceleration.
However, acceleration is not the only and essential
point of the twin paradox, as shown by the example of
nonaccelerated twins in a closed space, in which there
are several ways to go from the first meeting point to
the second one without accelerating [1113]. The key
explanation of the twin paradox is now some kind
of asymmetry between the spacetime paths joining two
events. We investigate below the nature of such an asymmetry when space topology is not trivial (i.e. simply
x y (g
| x = gy) .
FD and
Closed Orientable
u [0, 1[,
v [0, 1[,
c d
F (0, v) = F (1, v) = x0 .
c d
FIG. 1. The four multiconnected topologies of the two dimensional Euclidean plane. They are constructed from a parallelogram or an infinite band (fundamental domain FD), by
identification of edges according to the allowable holonomies.
We indicate as well their compactness and orientability properties (from [14]).
1 2 {0}.
However, among these two homotopic loops, only one corresponds to an inertial observer going from O to P : that
of twin 1, which is thus older than twin 2, as expected in
the standard paradox.
Now, the twins 3 and 4 respectively go once around the
hole and around the handle of the torus. From a topological point of view, their paths can be characterized by
a socalled winding index. In a cylinder, the winding index is just an integer which counts the number of times a
loop rolls around the surface. In the case of a 2torus, the
winding index is a couple (m, n) of integers where m and
n respectively count the numbers of times the loop goes
around the hole and the handle. In our example, twins 1
and 2 have the same winding index (0,0), whereas twins
3 and 4 have winding indexes respectively equal to (1, 0)
and (0, 1). The winding index is a topological invariant
for each traveller: neither change of coordinates or reference frame (which ought to be continuous) can change
its value.
To summarize, we have the two situations:
spatial section
g .
x0 = (x vt)
g 6 Id , p,
g L(p) 6= L g(p).
O 2
In the framework of general relativity, general solutions of Einsteins field equations are curved spacetimes
admitting no particular symmetry. However, all the exact known solutions admit symmetry groups (although
less rich than the Poincare group). For instance, the
usual big bang cosmological models described by