MORAGA ROTARY Newsletter - August 2, 2016

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Debbie Koo Friend of Debbie

Pierce McKee a member of Orinda

AUGUST 2nd, 2016

Evening Meeting
6 PM at Soda Center, SMC
Program: Gary Wegener,
Motorcycling Across Russia
Greeter/Invocator Dave Kruegel

All-Access Playground Project.
President Kevin called up District
Governor Elect, Gary Villhauer. Gary
attended our meeting today to present the
club with a check for $13,767 from the
District 5160 Foundation Funds as a
donation towards our All-Access
Playground Project.


*Aug.16 Edy Schwartz: CA Independent Film Festival
*Aug. 23 Jack Citrin Four Ps of the Presidential
Election In Wild 2016.
*Aug. 30 Joe Hester U.S. Coast Guard Narcotics
*Sept 6 Chris Lardge Enigma Codebreaking Part 2
*Regular Noon Meeting

** Second Tuesday Evening

President Kevin opened the meeting and

the invocation was offered by Angelo
Costanza. Guests at our meeting
Audrey V. Jones-Taylor with the
Oakland Parks and Recreation
Department who is running for the
Purnima Kalta Manager of the
Moraga Wells Fargo office and
colleague of Vickie Devlin.
Gary Vilhauer District 5160
Karen Moe Humphreys Olympic
Gold Medal Winner and our speaker

Gary Vilhauer at Our Meeting Today

Kevin stated that the plans for the location

of the project are firming up and, with the
receipt of this district grant funding, our
fundraising will soon commence with the
lofty goal of raising $250,000.
The OMPA event is this weekend.
Checkout your shift times and see you at
the snack shack!!


Ron Mucovich offered a Happy $20 for
the birth of his first grandaughter, Leah
Mucovich and celebrating his recent
successful move to Rossmoor. Ron
thanked Peg and Rich Render and Roger
and Jan Gregory for their help with the

Know Our Fellow Rotarians

David Kruegel
President Kevin Reneau selected club
member, David Kruegel to share his story
this week.

Roger Gregory offered a High $5 in

memory of Richard McClelland,DDS, who
died last Thursday at the age of 89.
Richard was the brother-in-law of Evie
Michon. Dr McClelland was a veteran and
Past President of the Rotary Club of
Princeton, NJ. He was the one who
educated Evie about Rotary.
Barbara Bruner spun the wheel
celebrating the acquisition of a very
complicated new car.
Vickie Devlin was happy about her recent
vacation that included playing a lot of golf.
Frank May offererd Two Happy Bucks for
the donation of 12 pounds of coffee to our
OMPA project by Starbucks Coffee.
Peter Metzger also spun the wheel for his
recent vacation to Spain. Italy and
Rev. Michele Robbins was happy about a
recent hike that she took as part of an
earth day celebration.

My Weekly Reminder
Can You imagine that in this
beautiful community of Moraga
there are only 30 people who
should or want to be Rotarians?
C. Dochterman

David Kruegel and Kevin Reneau in Deep Discussion

David Kruegels career was in academia

as a sociologist. Dave stated that he tried
mathematics but that just wasnt for him.
He has lived in Moraga for 25 years, has
twin boys and enjoys four grandchildren,
Dave has been interested in public affairs
and has supported both winning and
losing candidates over the years, He
joined Rotary 9 years ago after being
asked by Gary Irwin. He likes our
speakers and, recently, has attended two
Rotary International conventions in Brazil
and South Korea.
Thank you, Dave, for sharing your story.

Olympian, Karen Moe Humphreys was
introduced to the group by Kevin Reneau.
Karen is the youngest of four children. She
was born in the Philippines and moved to
Orinda in 1957 where she began swimming
by joining the Orinda Country Club. She
almost dropped out of swimming later in
high school but early competitive
successes kept her in the sport.

her successful 25-year coaching career at

UC Berkeley.
Karens competitive successes at Nationals
meets culminated with her winning a Gold
Medal at the 1972 Olympics in Munich.
She also competed successfully in the
1976 Olympics held in Montreal, Quebec,

Karen Moes Gold Medal from the Munich Olympics

Karen Moe-Humphreys With Kevin Reneau

Karen believes that mindful practice and

liking what you are doing are important to
develop the competitive drive needed to
swim at the Olympic level. In her own
case, the need for parental approval and to
exercise her back also contributed to
success in swimming.
Karen was not recruited for college
swimming despite this success in high
school. Women athletics were not as large
a part of college programs as they are now.
She was able to take advantage of Title 9
scholarships later in her college career at
UCLA. Karen found that her early interest
in research physiology was supplanted by
a love of coaching. This has resulted in

Karen showed a video of her 200 Meter

Butterfly Race in which she won the gold
medal. She also passed around the medal
for the audience to examine.
Thank you, Karen, for visiting our club
today and sharing your adventure.
The lucky raffle ticket was held by
Barbara Bruner. Evie Michon, filling in
for Barbara, was unable to draw the
winning ball so Barbara receives only


Aug 5-7 OMPA swim meet food booth
Aug 27 -- District Installation at 6-Flags, Vallejo
Sept 7 - Introduction to Moraga Rotary
Sep 21 Chamber of Commerce mixer (sponsor)
Nov 19 Rotary Day at Golden Gate Fields
Feb 15 Rotary InterClub meeting
Mar 24-26, 2017 District Conference in Berkeley
June 10 -14, 2017 Rotary International Convention,
Atlanta, GA

I was looking over the signup sheets for

this weekends OMPA swim meet this
It is incredible to me the
willingness of members, spouses and
friends of Moraga Rotary to come together
to put on a community event.
Our small Rotary Club really is greater than
the sum of its parts. Thanks to everyone
for helping out this weekend!!
Greeter/Invocator schedule:
8/09= Dave Kruegel
8/16= Roger Gregory
8/23= John Erickson
8/30=Gary Irwin
9/06= Doug Damaschino



part 2

Chris Lardge; Enigma codebreaking,

Andy Dolich: Sports marketing

9/20 Jeanette Fritzky: Health and medication


Thoughts From the Editor

8/9 Gary Wegener;

Russia with Rotary

Capt. Joe Hester; Coast Guard antinarcotics operations



Prof. Jack Citrin; Presidential Election
in 2016


Ron Coccimiglio; Cal football, student
athlete development
District Governor Fred Collingnons
official visit


President... Kevin Reneau
President-elect ............Dianne Wilson
Past President..Roger Gregory
Secretary...........Roger Gregory
Treasurer.......... Lad Lynch
Community Service Chair......Barbara Bruner
Youth Service...........................................Rich Render
International Service Chair..Tony Schoemehl
Public Relations ...Gary Irwin
Membership...........Frank May
Director at Large...John Erickson
Director at Large...Marv Ellenberg
Director at Large.. Cliff Dochterman
Director at Large ..Linda May
Director at Large.Mike McCluer
Director at LargeDebbie Roessler
President, Rotary International John Germ
District Governor.Fred Collignon
August Newsletter Editor Frank May

Edy Schwartz: CA Independent Film


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