Karate and Oriental Arts 65 Magazine

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Clt'i Kung

The Art of Mastering

the Ifnseen Life Force






l, t:


by Lily Siou,

Ph" D.


PAUL H. CROMPTON Ltd., 638 Fulham Road, London S.W.6.
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This book is equal in clarity and exposition of the art of Wing Chun Kung Fu fundamentals to
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& Oriental


NEW STYLES are in! What makes a new style?

Master Funakoshi brought a style to Japan. His students
eventually modified what they had learned from him and
gave what they practised new names. Shotokan,

Wado-ryu, Kyokushinkai and the rest are household

karate words. Later we had Shukokai. and Yoshinao
Nanbu Sensei created a style called Sankukai. Doshin So
gave out a synthesised system which he called Shorinji
Kempo. Prof. Sacharnoski produced a controversial
system of Jujitsu called Juko-ryu, with the astonishing
powers of resistance to blows. Lajos Jakab taught a style
which was given the name of Mongolian Kung Fu.
Hakkoryu Jujitsu flourished in post-war Japan and
U.S.A. The list could be longer. Nothing in these styles
was absolutely new. All have borrowed. Hapkido openly
says that it is a synthesis of many arts, and a very efficient

66Karate & Oriental

Arts" magazine is published by Paul

H. Crompton Ltd., 638 Fulham Road, [.ondon, S.W.6.
Tel: 01 -736-2551 @ Copyri ght lgT6. Reproduction in
any way forbidden without express permission of the

6(Karate & Oriental Artstt is obtainable from most

newsagents. along with its companion magagine 6'Inside
Kung-fu" price 60p. per copy.

Articles. news. photographs, drawings, etc. may be sent
to the Publishers and should be accompanied by a
stamped self addressed envelope. The Publishers cannot
be responsible for the safety of contributions.

The acid test of a new style is not whether it falls in with a
long tradition
how can it, it is new
but whether it is
effective, whether it makes you fit, whether it is satisfying
to the student. These are the technical aspects of the
question. We have featured Jon Alexander in KOA
magazine and received a lot of criticism for doing so. Mr.
Alexander makes no secret of the fact that he drew up
the syllabus he teaches himself, graded hinrself and does
grade his students himself. It is up to the Martial Arts
Commission to judge his ability and qualifications, and
to the students to decide whether they want to learn from
him. Martial arts are no longer a mystery as in the early
days. There are many, many clubs and students can
judge for themselves by going round them.


Advertising rates can be obtained from the Publishers, in
black and white. colour combination or full colour.
Acceptance of advertisements is at the discretion of the

Views expressed in "KOA" magazine are those of the
writers. or speakers who were reported, and not
necessarily of the Publishers.

Printed by: Elsworth Bros. Ltd., Bowman Lane, Leeds.
Distributed by: Independent Magazines, Blackfriars
Bridge. Bridge House, London.
Subscriptions: f,3.00 per year from the Publishers
Paul H. Crompton Ltd.
Back copies available 40p.

John Smith, a former pupil of Tatsuo Suzuki, Hanshi, and
later pupil of Dominique Valera, has been working on a
synthetic style which we hope to inform readers about in
our next issue. We understand that it may also include

Wing Chun, Contact Karate and Wado techniques.

will be a new style, and only time will tell if it



worthwhile..... The move generally is away from tradition

as such and towards a collective syllabus which in the
opinion of its deviser is effective and cohesive.

Please notify us of any changes of your subscription

address. and enclose a stamped. self-addressed envelope

with any enquiry. Thank-you.

On page 12 of issue No. 64, in the article on

Shukokai Karate, Mr. T. M. Murthwaite writes that
you can see fighting outside discos, pubs and football
grounds that is the same as the now popular contact
karate. That statement was to my mind stupid, as the

judo, karate and aikido. In the more advanced stages

of atemi the combinations are, as you put it, "special
to the art of Atemi-jutsu." The term "Atemi-jutsu" is
not a new term and means: "atemi"
striking the
vital points of the body, "jutsu"
art of, or science
of. It is mentioned as far back as- the 17th century, and

competitors in contact competitions have a great deal

"jutsu" long before that.


of respect for one another and for other martial artists.

Does Mr. M. freely admit or does he forget that the
competitors put in as much training as any other
martial artist, and before and in between their
contests, train in other styles of martial arts. People
who fight outside pubs are usually drunk and to watch
them fight ir like watching two people punching out at
each other in the dark.

Their reflexes are slowed down by the alcohol, so they

just slug out hopelessly, trying to make contact. A
contact tournament usually has quite a high standard
of both speed and accuracy. If Mr. M. looked back far
enough he would see that karate or gung-fu were
designed for combat in battles
not as an art form. I
- and have nothing
am a free practising martial artist
against any styles, so if Mr. M. has, why can't he keepit to himself. With all respect to all martial artists.

Atemi-jutsu in its present form is a jiu-jutsu form, one

of the oldest Japanese fighting styles. Many fighting
arts originated from it and atemi-jutsu comes under
the category of "Goshin", modern styles. Reference to
this can be found in the B.J.J.B.C. constitution.

It is recognised by the authorities in Britain


Europe and the World Ju-jitsu Federation. The booklet

which you mention however may be limited in its
information and we are of course always willing to
listen to any constructive advice.
Colin Whitaker, Sec. N.B.R., J.J.M.A.C.


M. Snape, Lancaster, Lancs.



In connection with the snippets you have done on

the ;'Water Margin" epic, I would like to point out

In reply to your criticism of Atemi-Jutsu in K.O.A.

No. 64 I would like to point out a few facts. The
booklet we issue for the information of beginners is
very basic in its contents and is meant to show
students how eventually the combination of karate,
judo and aikido type techniques can be put together to
form a comprehensive self defence system. It is also
meant as a basic introduction for practitioners of
karate, judo, etc. to show similarities of these arts to
atemi-jutsu. Atemi is mentioned in the terminology of

that even today quotations and references to it appear

in the Peking Review. Chariman Mao wrote: "The
merit of the book "Water Margin" lies precisely in the
portrayal of capitulation. It serves as teaching material
by negative example to help all people recognise
capitulationists." In criticising the book he wrote:
"Water Margin opposes the corrupt officials only and
not the emperor." For Mao the book was not just a
martial epic but a thermometer of political life of the

N. Nigel, Iondon.






sente nashi)

The sentence which heads this page is inscribed on the

monument to Gichin Funakoshi in theZnn monastery of
Enkakuji in Kamakura. It begins the book "The Essehce
of Okinawan Karate-do" by Shoshin Nagamine.
published by Tuttle. This work, which has been awaited
with eagerness by karate-ka the world over, lives up to
our expectations. The tough, cloth binding bears the
symbol of a trst with "Shorin-Ryu" over it, while beneath
are a pair of crossed Sai, flanked by the cfraracters for
"Shorin-Ryu", the Japanese pronunciation of "Shaolin"
(Sil-lum). The book has27B pages of high quality paper,
writing and photography. Following the motto "Karate
ni sente nashi", author and karate master Nagamine
says, ......"the Okinawans....raised the instinct of selfpreservation to its highest form; the art of Karate-do."

as they come. Like Shikichi Miyagi,

Nagamine was involved in the second world war and after
he found strength to begin life again through Karate-do,
encouraging others to do likewise.



"te" (hands) is a unique art of Okinawa,

and was taught in the island before "To-te". or Chinese
style karate. "T{'flourished in Okinawa in the 15th
century, whilst the first recorded date of To-te in
Okinawa is 1761. Ninety years before, an Okinawan
'scholar, Teijunosuku (Nago Oyakata) wrote a poem and
ref'erred to Te; he said:
He explains that

The author at 19 (1925)



"no matter how you may excel in the art of te.

and in your scholastic endeavours,
nothing is more important than your behaviour
and your humanity as observed in daily life."
Nagan-rine continues by explaining more about Te by
distinguishing between Shuri-te and Naha-te. His own
style is in the Shuri-te tradition of Matsubayashi style of
Shorin-ryu. This section of the book leads to modern
times and the development of tournament karate.

Nagamine, as a man of the old school seems to deplore

at 3l (1e37)

at 46 ( 1952)

tournament karate and its.effects, which he maintains

led to the shameful incident of a Japanese karate-ka
being killed in a "shigoki" (savagetraining) incident in
July I ()70. He says of this kind of thing:


is a complete negation of the pursuit of the genuine

spirit of


From Siclaress to Health.

Like other martial arts men of repute, Nagamine began
life as a sickly child (Tohei Sensei for example). At 19 he
began in earnest to study karate under Taro Shimabuku,
after a few years' training under Chojin Kuba had
considerably improved his health. Gradually all disease
disappeared and he became captain of his high school
class. Six photographs of him at the ages of 19,22,31,
46,54 and 65 appear in the book. He is still as tough and

s4 (1960)

at 65 (1971)


by" Ken Horton

the exactness of body positioning.

Height of stance
compared with Shotokan for
- high. The Zenkutsu
instance the stances are
type is quite
high, and gives no hint of the "stretch" which is
characteristic of that popular Japanese variation cf
Funakoshi's style.

3. Concentration from the photographs one is aware

- and calmness.
of intense concentration

He tells of his own experiences including those with

Ankikichi Arakaki, who was also a skilled dancer and a
literary man and acrobat, besides having a lethal Karate

kick, Chotoku Kyan and Choki Motobu are also featured

in this section.
Nagamine's Philosophy.
Part three of the book reveals that Miyamoto Musashi,
famous Japanese swordsman and painter, was one of
Nagamine's "heroes". He quotes a saying of his:


" Pay your respects to the Gods and Buddhas, but never
rely on them."

In this he echoes the reputed last words of the Buddha

himself. He lists other ethical and moral aspects of
Karate-do training. What comes through from these is
an over-riding sense of Nagamine's concern with a kind
of purity: purity of thought, purity of wish and purity of

I(ata of Matsubayashi Ryr.

Nagamine's pook is mainly devoted to Kata or Form. and
to a limited extent its application in Yakusoku Kumite.
After dealing with stances and isolated techniques he

When he moves on to Kumite, Nagamine. approaches it

in the same way as Kata. He says too:
confronting an opponent, we must try to forget
the difference between "dan" and "kyu" (grades) in each
other and believe that nobody can be stronger than us as
long as we concentrate our senses and minds in finding a
way to defeat the opponent...."
Later on in the same parl he says:
(pre-arranges sparring) ...we
should not assunte any discontinuation of the opponent's
movement since he would, in an actual situation. likely
continue his movements...."

"ln Yakusoku Kumite

Here he makes very clearly two important points which

could escape a Karate student who emphasises the

tournament side of Karate

On a subsequent page he lists seven essential conditions
fbr training in kumite which could help to give some
meaning to such training for other karate-ka who have
not heard them.
The book ends with a glance at weapons and an index.

moves on to:

Fukyugata I
Fukyugata 2
Pinan I
Naihanchi 1
- Rohai, Wanshu, Passai, Gojushiho,
Chinto and Kusanku.
This humble reviewer cannot attempt to assess the
endless photographs of Nagamine himself performing
Kata, but some points do come out very strikingly.






The author practisin gzazen.



l. Differences in the foot movements of Shuri-te and Naha-te.



This kata was adapted and developed by Okinawan

karatemen after it was brought into Okinawa in 176l by a
Chinese karateman named Kusanku. Kusanku, often pronounced kosokun in mainlandJapan, is the most magnificent
and advanced kata of all Matsubayashi-ryu karate. Most of
the advanced techniques of offense and defense appear in
the Kusanku, the longest and most difficult kata, requiring
painstaking practice of more than a decade for mastery.
It was the favorite kata of Kyan, who learned it from
karateman Yara.

230 cHAPTER v

Opening Sequence 0f







Nagamine's Kusanku Kata


9-r 0


(second view)




l5 (second view)

l5 (first view)

232 cHAPTER v



Address on p.45.





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Toward the end of the second world war, after

the capture of Iwo Jima island, the U.S. army
invaded Okinawa, the last remaining fortress
before Japan itself. .An incredibly fierce battle

raged, with many casualties among the

invading Marines and defending Japanese
forces, who consisted of many native
Okinawan soldiers as well as Japanese from
the mainlands. A honeycomb of caves and
pillboxes harboured soldiers and refugee
civilians as the Marines relentlessly bored

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their way through.

Author John Toland, famous for his research

into the details of his book subjects, visited
Okinawa after the war for material for his
mammoth book, "The Rising Sun". He came




across the following.



The Marines had been trying for a week to

occupy a labyrinthine cave, using smoke
bombs. Inside this series of caves were about
three hundred soldiers and eight hundred
civilia.ns. Among these people was karate
mastet Shikichi Miyagi, a Petty Officer with
the Japanese forces who had escaped from


Oroku. He was looking for Betty,

Hawaiian wife and found her unconscious.
Suffocating from the smoke he swam through

t:'f ;"*5 f'S

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flood waters, dragging his wife behind him

and holding on to her dress with his teeth.
Whenever he tried to touch bottom he.


ffir',,: t

encountered mud, and had to slog on through

the blackness of the caves. Then. he saw a
light ahead. His wife by now had come round
but he still had to carry her. At last they
heard American voices and his wife called out
in English. The Marines called back that they
had come to help.

Together the Miyagis pulled themselves out

with ropes hanging down from the parapet, a
dozen rifles trained in their direction. They
were given Army rations and then noticed
that men were bringing petrol to the mouth of
the caves. The idea was to pour it into the
cave's flooded channels and set it alight.
either burning the inmates or forcing them to
surrender. Miyagi volunteered to make a last
attempt to save the civilians at least, and put
on a set of U.S. Marine clothes. fatigues.
Then he returned to the caves and fought his
way past the Japanese guards. Eventually he

the Okinawan civilians. and

persuaded all the eight hundred of them to
surrender, assuring them that they would not
be harmed.



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KOA: When the technical committee


first set up,

how many groups or stylists did you see?


J: About sixty. Out of these, 40 agreed to demonstrate.

Some of the Sifu refused to demonstrate themselves
though and we had to judge their students.

KOA: Out of these 40, how many did the committee



Motto oJ Seff DeJbnce and Kung Fu teucher


Lajos Jakab has been a colourful and controversial figure

for many years. His personal and unique approach to self
defence has won him critics and admirers. friends and
enemies. KOA interviewed him after he had spent some
time on the British Kung Fu Technical Committee.

admit at flrrst?
J: We let in about 10, on technical merit. The committee
at that time consisted of Bob Weatherall, Ernest Slade,
M. Haig and myself. We would make our decision on
whether a group should be admitted then we passed our
findings on to the executive. In my opinion this is wrong;
a technical committee, once established, should pass its
findings on as a decision, not something to be discussed.

KOA: What were the technical committee looking for?

J: We divided groups into three. The hard, tough ones, I
suppose some people would call them "external". The
softer styles, and the styles that trained mainly in forms.
We looked for quality, how they would make out in real
life, fitness, and in the form-biased styles we looked for a
high standard of performance. Later on some of the ones
we rejected came in because the overall idea of the Kung"
Fu Council was to unify Kung Fu. So, we had to bend
with the wind.

Robert Harris deflecting a kick from Clyde Adamson.

Robert Harris, in white shorts, and Clyde Adamson.

KOAI Who impressed you most?

J: There was a group from Tegatani style but they had to
be rejected because they were really Karate. But they
were good. Then there was a Welsh contingent, I have
forgotten their names at the moment, and a Chinese
group under a Mr. Hand.

You might be feeling in your pockets for some change

and someone gives you a punch or a kick. What form is
there with hands in the pockets?

KOA: Some will say that a Kung Fu man should not be

taken unawares.
J: You must be kidding. What if you are fastening yqur
belt or tying a shoe-lace? You have to be realistic and this

I(OA: How do you see the problems of teaching Kung

is what I have always tried to be.

Fu, after a lot of years of experience?

J: An important point is that it is no use if a teacher is
good but he can't pass on what he knows to his pupils.
Second, for my own choice a style must be practical,
effective. It is wrong to teach a style which just looks
good, or makes you healthy but is no good in a practical
situation. I have been misunderstood over this when I used
to criticise other styles. If anyone does gymnastics well I
admire him. But gymnastics is not a method of practical
self defence. So, some of the Chinese I have met do good
forms, and the forms contain some good defence
movements; but I have found that the teachers, some of
them, won't break the form up and admit that this is
necessary. That is why I have disagreed with people and
why I criticise them. You may find yourself in a situation
where your form techniques simply don't work. What
then? You need an answer to every situation.

KOA: Don't you think you are too hard on people?

J: No. I speak my mind, it's no use being two-faced.
KOA: Turning to your own clubs. How many have you
got now?

J: Three. One in Crystal Palace, one in Hayes and one in

High Wycombe. I like to keep the organisation small so
that a good standard can be maintained. You can't teach
hundreds ofstudents and keep a good level ofexecution
of techniques. Out of the three clubs there have only been
three Black Belt awards this year. The grading for it lasts
for a week
the entrant is graded in something different

each night.

I know that in some clubs they say, "I have a Black Belt
and now I can really begin to study." My Black Belts are
supposed to have become expert in what they have been
taught. When a beginner comes to the class I

demonstrate everything I speak about, myself. Later on

when he reaches say brown belt standard I do not
demonstrate everything. If I did I would not have time to
go about the class and keep an eye on what wds being

throat or side-kicks to the throat. Contestants can wear

shin-guards, box and gloves. If a man is knocked out he
is not allowed to take part again for at least a month. If a
contestant wears plimsolls he can kick with the toes, but
if he has bare feet he must not kick the groin, eye region,
testicles or rectum with the big toe. We allow throws, but
a thrown man may not be attacked when he is down but
he may attack from the floor. If it is a draw then the
referee judges the bout on the cleanness of technique and
the stamina of the two men.


KOA: How are your kick-fighting sections of the clubs?

J: The students I have now who do kick-fighting are the
best I have ever had. Under our rules we challenge
anyone tg a contest in a ring. Remember that I don't
allow anyone to take part in a ring contest, in my clubs,
until he has had two years of general and kick-fighting
training. Outsiders who may challenge us have to abide
by our stipulations. Amongst ourselves we go easy on
punches and kicks to the head. Our rules are similar to
contact karate but not exactly the same. For instance, we
must have a doctor present at the ringside, not a nurse.
Twenty-four hours before the contest each man must be
examined by a doctor and he must bring a signed
medical certificate to say he is fit enough.

KOA: I hear you have given a lot of exhibitions, were

they successful?
J: Very much so. We were invited to give an exhibition on
stage when a Bruce Lee film was being shown in
Beckenham, Kent. The manager wrote back afterwards,
and I quote:
"...many of the audience commented at the end of the
show that the demonstration was superior to the film we
were showing."

KOA: What other rules do you have, which aim at

We are going on BBC TV in February and giving an


reducing the dangers to competitors?

J: There are no back-elbow blows to the temple, or back
of the head or spine; no kidney punches or chops to the

are giving another show as part of the Wandsworth

Jubilee Celebrations.

Ian Adamson sending Mustafa Hussein against the ropes.



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Lightweight, beginners suit. f1O-00 all sizes

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32, St. Oswald's Place, Kennington Lane
London, s. e. 11 Tel: (01)- 582-2488
Now re-opened for Karate, Nunchaku ,
Sai, anJ*Rokushaku Bo teaching. Showers,
plenty of parking space, fuIl member of
British Karate Kyokushinkai.

n t] n fl


rt E n

t] tr n tr n D ! n tr n tr tr


Chief instructor: J. Sullivan, 1, Park Farm,
Monks Orchard Road, Beckenhaffi, Kent.
Tel: 777 -3267

CENTRES in Leicester, Rugby, Nottingham

Liverpool, Warrington, and Yorkshire.
For details write to:
H. Benfield, L4, Rothbury Road,
Liverpool, L4, Merseyside .

is taking a course in the style taught to
him by Bruce Lee at the Crewe Arms
Hotel, Crewe, on April 9, 10, 16 and 17th,
from 8 . 0. to 6, 0. each day . Total 40 hrs
total cost L27 U.S. dollars. For details,
write to James Demile, P.O.BOX 63,
Cloverdale, California, 95425, U. S . A.

and Derby.

D.R. Frearson, 28, Linden Farm Drive,

Countesthorpe, Leicester . Tel:053 3-77 4260
Member of British Kung Fu Union.

Training in : Karate, Judo, Nunchaku, Sai
and Weapons Bojitsu.
Phone or write for information:
89, Lansdowne Way, London, s . w. 8 .
622-0529. Pre-dial 01 from outside London.
- o- o -o- o-o- o-o - o -o - o -o -o - o- o-o -o-o-o -o -o



The Secretary, 331 Upland Road,
East Dulwich, London, S .E .22.
Telephone: 01 -693-9885. Instruction
in Nunchaku, Bo, Sai, Iaido (Omori
Ryu), Jodo (Shindo Muso Ryu).
Chief Instructor: Michael Finn).


Zen-Shin-Ryu Clubs throughout South East
London and Kent,
Ring Shihan Jon Alexander on 01-852 -4LL4.

Advertise here f.or flZ. 50 or f,12.50 a year.








An inter-style "show" of Karate versus Kung-fu, Wing

Chun versus Karate, "Thai" boxing style v. other Kung
Fu styles was the theme of another evening from
[.ondon's martial arts Chinese sifu and students. at
Seymour Hall. Among the demonstrations was the
spectacular sight of a block of ice being broken across
the knee. The events gave spectators some idea of the
differences in style methods and though no conclusions
can be drawn, of course, as to which was "better" it was
encouraging to see some enthusiasts were not too worried
about giving it a try in public.






Over the years there have been many speculations about

which is best, "Judo or Boxing", "Katate or Kung Fu",

"Thai Boxing or Kung Fu", and some people are fed up
with the whole question, pointing out that the rules are
different, and so on. But it is of interest to some, and
especially it stimulates argument and helps students to
think about their own style and its strong points and
weaknesses. Secondly, it causes more interest in the

martial arts, beyond the mere problem of self-defence,

and from this point of view can only do good. The validity
of this particular show may be questioned by some
readers, but KOA magazine staff believe that
controversial issues and exhibitions, within reasonable
bounds, should be made open for all to see and discuss.


From across the Hamalayan Mountains
comes the highly secretive arts of the

Lama Priest known today as HOP GAR

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contrasts sharply with the attitude of the Chinese to the

Margin when China was occupied bythe Mongols; any
story or play dealing with revolt and rebels was top of the
popular choice. Even more so was this when the Mongol
rule began to crumble and revolt broke out on all sides.
Compiler Shih himselfturned the historical ending into a
drawn out tragedy in which one by one the heroes were
executed as they surrendered to the Emperor. The later

The epic story "Water Margin" (All Men Are Brothers)

shown last autumn on B.B.C. 2 is based on actual events
which took place at the beginning of the 12th Century.
This was towards the end of the Northern Sung period. A
certain band of "rebels" led by Sung Chiangfound an
ideal hiding place in the marshes and streams of an area

flooded by the Yellow River, in Shantung. To support this

fact there is the evidence found on a tombstone of a
General Che K'e-ts'un, found in 1939, on which was
written an order from the Emperor that an attack was to
be made on "the bandit Sung Chiang." History relates
that Sung Chiang was a captive but was granted freedom
in return for helping to capture another rebel, Fang La.
But, opinions vary on this second point, and as no more is
heatd of Sung Chiang after this it is assumed by some that
he was put to death on Imperial orders.

Liang-shan. The character of each hero is shown clearly

and developed through the story, and no effort is spared to
point out the weaknesses as well as strengths in their
attempt to follow their own chivalric code: "Practise the
W ay on behalf of Heaven. "
Although otherversions ofthe Margin were produced the
later Chin version proved the most popular. It was
translated into English in the firsthalfofthis centurybut
is not in print at this time.
(See: 56The Chinese Knight Erranttt, byJames J. Y. Liul
Dictionary of Oriental Literatures VoI. I' edited by
Jaroslav Prusek).

For some reason, the story of Sung Chiang and the outlaws
captured the inhgination ofthe Chinese people, and one
story grew into dozens oftales of chivalry, and revolution.

, The stories were told at first only orally, and no attempt

was made to write them down for several decades.
Professional storytellers took up the themes and the
Water Margin (Shui-hu chuan) was saved from oblivion'


Although scholars regard the Margin as a peak of Chinese
popular literature, other stories have also captured the
imagination. During the Sung dynasty, which falls
roughly in the cehtre of the Middle Ages of Europe,
Knights and Chivalry were "one ofthe main subjects of
storytelling." The word for a knight was "hsia" and has
been translated as "men who roamed the countryside
using force to right wrongs." "Men" could also mean
"women", as in the story of the "Maiden of Yueh," which
dates from thefirst century A.D.:

The "Anecdotes of the Hsuan-ho Period" date from about
a hundred years after the events ofthe story and the
sources of this book are partly based on the rough notes
made by professional storytellers as a guide or aid to
memory. Plays were written aboutthe heroes, theatre of
all kinds being very popular among the Chinese people.
It was a writer called Shih Nai-an, in the 14th century who
wrote the first Shui-hu chuan which becamethe basis for
future editions of the folk tale; for by now this was what it
had become. Onlythe barest historical facts remained. As
the stories grew, so did the number of heroes. They
numbered 108. As for the stories, in 1614 the entire book
consisted of 120 chapters!

"A certain King sent for his ministers and asked him
about the art of war. The minister said that he knew of a
maiden in Yueh who was famous in the art of
swordsmanship. Summoned by the King the maiden was
travelling alongthe road when she met an old man, who
questioned her about swordsmanship. She made no secret
of her ability and when the old man threw a handful of
twigs at her she caught them all before they touched the
ground; whereupon the old man leaped up into atree and


With the fall of the Ming dynasty inl644the Ch'ing or
Manchu took power, and a critic ofthe time who disliked
rebels of any kind, Chin Sheng't'an, expurgated all
references to Sung Chiang.
This shows that the "bending" of history and legend to
suit the political climate is no modern invention. It

became an ape.
at court and being questioned bythe King
she said that she had lived a secluded life, away from the

"On arriving

world of men, and had "just suddenly got" the art of

swordsmanship, without ateacher. The King asked herto
teach his soldiers her art, which she did."

Traditional teachers of Kung Fu (say "Wu-Shu" to be
correct), may probably smile in recognition ofthe tale of
the Old Man at the Inn. This tells of a young man who
considered himself skilled in archery. When he was about
to leave an inn one night, an old workman advised him not
to travel for fear of bandits. The young man was confident
in his archery skill and carried on regardless. After several
miles oftravelling through the darkness he sensed that he
was 6eing followed. He warned the follower to leave him
and on still feeling that he was pursued he loosed a few of
his arrows at the figure which he could now see, or so he
imagined. Having used up all his arrows he became
frightened and fled. It seemed to him that he saw flashes
of lightning in the air, and bolts ofthunder hemmed him

in. Taking refuge near abigtree he suddenlybecame

aware that chips of wood were piling up round him. They
rose as high as his knees. He was terrified and cried out for
mercy, bowing low to the ground. Then the "storm"
stopped. His baggage and possessions were gone.
Returning to the inn he saw the old man and felt
intuitively that he had something to do with what had
happened. He bowed and asked for an explanation from

this extraordinary being.

Laughing, the old man told the "archer" not to rely on

archery but on swordsmanship. trading him to the back
of the inn he pointed to the young man's baggage, and even
more surprisingly a wooden staff in which were embedded
all the arrows which the "archer" had fired duringthe
night. When the young traveller begged the old man to
teach him the master shook his head. Instead he "revealed
slightlythe art of swordsmanship'

In fact the young man asked to "serve" the swordmaster.

but this was synonymous with "apprentice-ship" and so an
application to be taught. To "reveal slightly" is a traditional
Wu-shu practise and has probably avery ancient ancestry
in arts other than martial.

In my opinion there is a great deal to be learned and

enjoyed in these stories, and hope that readers of KOA
magazine will be stimulated to read more of them. Many
"secrets" and pearls of practical wisdom can be found in
popular legend and story. Whatever art you are studying
can benefit from a knowledge of the tales read and told by
the people who created them.

"Begging mercy from the Storm-sword."



Wry of Jeet


James Demile starts this month a course in Wing

(see No. 64). Our cover shows him in
Chun Do
the shadow of the late Bruce Lee, whose student and
sparring partner he was. Demile has developed a wide
range of training equipment to improve the speed and

training time of students of martial arts. Demile, to

quote from "Who's Who in the Martial Arts", has
'ihi, o*n system of wing cliun do gung fu" and is
very active in Hawaii at the Martial Arts Academy
there. He started it in 1974. Contrasting with the
famous JKD master, Demile enters his students for
tournament competition, including full-contact, and
Reggie Padilla, one of his students, won the first place

in a San Francisco International

event in 1975. James has also offered
prize money of 800 and 1500 U.S.
dollars to winners of competition in
Hawaii. Going back more than ten
years we find him taking part along

with Bruce Lee in educational Kung

Fu demonstrations in Seattle. and
performing again with Lee in the Spring
Chinese festival in Vancouver.
Among schools recommended by
Demile are: Dana Goddson Karate,
and,Bob Shifley, Tang Soo Do, in
Honolulu, Hawaii. Apart from
teaching Crewe and Bradford the


former JKD student hopes to be able

to confront any martial arts men
who say that they knew or trained
with Bruce Lee. He can put the type of
question which only a person who

really had met Lee could ask.

:t ..,:i ,.u


:lr-i.rl lri

'i:.:::l iil


r ntN+




My of Wlng



In his late 30's, Demile also claims

to use hypnotism to induce a quicker

learning in his students of the

techniques taugtrt in his classes. He
says that it (hypnosis) can help to
reduce tension, "the enemy of all
athletes." With a master's degree in
psychology and a private "clinical

in Honolulu,
Demile has obviously had time to
study the matter.
hypnosis" practise


From the clear explanation we read on to:

"Bruce developed his own unique style because he
found that all ofhis earlier training had been designed
for small-framed individuals Iike himself.
When he tried to apply this training agaitrst the larger
and stronger American stylist, he found his technique
not nearly as efficient as he would have liked, so he
modified the principles to work against any size or



"Wing Chun Do", reads the Ieaflet
issued by Demile, "is in reality the
original Jeet Kune Do, but since
Bruce never gsed the name "Jeet
Kune Do" until the late 1960's, Mr.
Demile prefers to use the term "Wing
Chun Do" since the roots of the
system originated in the classical
Wing Chun."






'The ernbtern of ;eet-Kune-Do is red and gold, similar in form to Tai Chi Diagram, *ith two curved arrows
around it. The first rank is a blank circle signifying original freedom, The second rank is green and white in
form of the ; eet-Kune,Do ernblem. The third is purple and white, the fourth is grey and white, the fifth is
red and white, the sixth is gold and white, the seventh is red and gold iust like the emblern, and the highest
eighth rank is again a blank circle, the returrn bt tt * beginning state.

Th* *mb}*:m,:*f

Th*:,Stdr fa'n,k


Tkx,I.lt rrnk




Tfte 3nd:t*nk

Th*:sth rrnk

, - e.:{}thili#



', ighe*t',,$*u"i**ft

As a young man Demile figured in Lee's book

"Chinese Gung Fu
the philosophical art of
- obtainable!), minus
self-defense", (now not
his beard.
In contrast to the technical approach of Demile, and

a form is to be done in a certain way this will limit

his freedom of movement, and limit his ability to
deal with a situ,ation rather than increase that
ability. On the more hwnorous side we meet in the
Hong Kong publication such wonderful translations

the books published based on Lee's own notes, etc.

the Hong Kong Based Bruce ke Fan Club have
issued a booklet on JKD which emphasises the
spectacular, movie-image of Lee and it is to them that
we owe the "JKD RANKINGS" shown on the opposite
page (26). At this stage we have not had an opportunity
to ask Mr. Demile about these rankings and whether


"Doubtlessly, a man who has real Kung Fu needs

no puff."
(Readers in Yorkshire will recognise that the word
"puff' stands for "breath" up there; other readers
will think their own thoughts....)

or are genuine or not. This booklet,

though of little use for JKD students, will soon be
availablg from KOA, due to demand, price about
f 1.00.
they are used

The reporter of the interview comments that he was

not watching the kind of demonstration of martial
arts that Lee gave in his films, to stun the public, but

the type that interested him personally. Amongst the

latter was his famous short distance punch, using
the waist to generate power, flowing through elbow
and wrist

According to the Hong Kong publishers, a little
known interview with tre in 1965 revealed that he

said that the waist was of paramount importance in

kicking and punching. If not, he said, then "the
attacking power of your punch and kick will be
reduced." He also made one of his now famous
statements to the effect that if a student is told that

Among the more absurd statements in the HK

publication though is that ke matured the Tai Chi,
and that he made a thorough study of Pa-kua. From
a classical and traditional point of view, and from a
practical point this is just not possible.

Below: James Demile's weapons room.


, ,h*




iflffi aw











you grant that accounts of Lee's

in some cases, or
over-enthusiastic, he did lead a hectic kind
of life and his training was very much
geared to fitness, muscularity, and speed.
For a man in his early thirties to have
lif-e are exaggerated


*dBgF..:: ,



3 **...6

studied thoroughly Tai Chi, Pa-Kua, Wing

Chun, and other classical styles to the extent
claimed by H"K is beyond belief.

\\'e hope that Mr. Demile and his student

Jan Wright will be able to help in clearing
up for students in Britain this year some
of the doubts and questions which still
surround the man of mystery and his style
of comba .
Above: sparring with padded staffs and armour.

Below: James Demile instructing




'Wounded Pride and how it was healed' is the histon

of an episode in the career of Tokugawa Iemitsu. It
relates how the Shogun's pride was wounded in the
f-encing ring by Abe Tada-aki. Bungo-no-Kanri. and
how. after several unsuccessful attempts to remove the
f'eeling of aversion with which the latter was regarded
by his master. the latent generosity and chivalry of
Iemitsu's nature was called forth by an act of daring
that no one but Tada-aki and his brave retainer could

Fine Books Oriental are proud to reprint 'Japan in

Days of Yore'. a classic work in the field of Japanese
studies. For nrany years it has been a book sought
after, but rarely found by collectors and connoisseurs
of Japanese art, history and culture. as well as students

of Budo. the Martial Arts.

It is almost one hundred years since Walter Dening's
text {ras been in print. a text which is both informative
and engaging. We are given a picture of Japan in the

be induced to perform. this act being the crossing of

the river Sunrida on horseback during tlre great flood


Tokugawa period, 1600-1867, which vividly brings it

to lif-e. In addition and by no means least. it contains
many charnring prints depicting scenes in the Ukiyoe.
wood-block print. style.


'The Lif'e of Miyamoto Musashi' contains a full
account of the adventures of one of the most famotts
f-encers of medieval times and tells of most of the noted


fencing styles practised in Japan in the days of Ieyastr.

Hidetada. and lemitsu. 'The Life of Miyamoto
Musashi'. in addition to being a history of fencing, is
one of the nrost remarkable vendetta stories that has
been handed down to us. The life records how, after

'Japan in Days of Yore' contains the lit'e story of

Miyanroto Musashi. In being a great swordmaster,
warrior. artist and a follower of Zen, Musashi was
living proof that a master of one of the Zen related

Japan in
Davs of


Walter Dening
Published at f,8.00.

over twenty years search,

arts could be a master of other arts. His book. the

GORIN NO SHO. is a text much studied today by
Japarrese business men fbr its philosophy of directtress

during which, time after

time, the hero was within
an inch of losing his life,
the slayer of his father was discovered and how, after a
desperate fight, he killed his foe, comforted the spirit
of his deceased parent and vindicated the honour of

in the pursuit of one's aim.

his clan.



Tlre object of the work is to portray the lit.e and

llranners of old Japan.

'The Triunrph of Virtue over Vice' is a tale u,hich

alnrost exclusively concerns the lower orders. It tells
hou' Echigo Derrkichi struggled against poverty and
ntisfbrtune. how he becanre the object of the nrost
nralicious persecution and how. by the assistance
rendered hinr by one of the noblest of wives. lre liverl to
retrieve the lost tbrtunes of his house and to occupy
tlre post of nrayor in his native tou'n.

'Hunran Nature in a Variety of Aspects' records how
the son of a peasant spent his life on behalf of others
His encounter with robbers and the eyents that led to
his appearance before O-oka Echizen-no-Kanri. the
Governor of Edo. are full of interest.

blr David Shaw
Aikido is the study of how to obtain the maximum effict with
the expenditure of , small amount of effirt. Any technique that

Gozo Shioda.

The concept of Ki power is perhaps what the
beginner finds hardest to understand about Aikido.
It is possible to perform the motions of an Aikido
counter without giving any thought to Ki, but the
Japanese masters state that the full potential of this
unique martial art cannot be realised if that factor is
absent. Aikido involves mental as well as physical

Ki power is a basic feature of Aikido, which is a
unique Japanese system of self-defence created by
Morihei Uyeshiba in 1925.
Japanese the word Ki has many different
meanings, some of which have nothing to do with
Aikido, A big difficulty is that there is no English
wor-{ which means exactly the same as Ki.



In his 'Complete Book of Aikido and Holds and

Lccks' Bruce Tegner makes it clear that he favours

In connection with Aikido there are, broadly

speaking, three areas of activity in which Ki is held
to be not merely operative but all-important. The
most mystical, nebulous concept of Ki is the claim
that it pervades the entire universe like some kind of
invisible Life Force which provides spiritual uplift to
whatever extent people are able to 'tune in' to it.

Ki is regarded

as an essential factor


the separation of Aikido practice from its Japanese

cultural setting and also that he is sceptical about
the importance the Founder attached to Ki:
"Master Uyeshiba held that the essence of Aikido
was Ki; that Ki was a form of spirit power which
was captured by the individual from the total spirit
power existing in the universe. Through the practise
of Aikido, a person might (in some mysterious
fashion not explained), develop the capacity for
allowing the flow of Ki through his body. Ki would
make him invulnerable. Ki would give him
unopposable strength. Ki would change'his life.
Master Llyeshiba also believed that the practise of
Aikido would, automatically, give spiritual uplift and
that. through the practice of Aikido. the world would
be united in love."


physical act of throwing, the aikidoist being expected

to "Pour forth his Ki" as he performs the moves.
Perhaps the easiest way to visualise Ki is to think of
it as energy, but that is an over-simplification
because the long-term aim is to be able to extend
(project) Ki in a desired direction even when one is
completely stationary. The student is told to regard
Ki not merely as something which flows through his
arms but as a force which can be projected from

That paragraph is a fair summing-up of one aspect

of the theory of Ki (the mystical and least important
aspect of it). but Tegner is at fault for not giving
any hint about the application of Ki to physical acts
and mental processes. He should have explained that
it can be thought of as energy on the one hand and
will-power on the other. An even more serious
omission is that he fails to explain that aikidoists are
instructed to give as much thought to the Ki which
is being used against them as to their own Ki.

Koichi Tohei is a great authority on an exponent of

Ki power, tnd in his big manual 'This is AIKIDO'

he explains that a photograph shows him in a stance

in which his arm is physically relaxed while "he is

thinking that his strength is flowing through his

arms and out of his fingertips to a distance of a
thousand miles."

In AIKIDO: The Co-ordination of Mind and Body

for Self-defence he explains that an expert "... can
pour fbrth his Ki through his unbendable

It is when

we think about the last omission that we

firstly the real importance of the theory, and
secondly the fact that Tegner is obviously unaware of
that importance.

amrs and with the mental picture of moving a

mountain a thousand miles away" advance upon his



Although students are urged to make efforts to

His book. which omits to mention that Aikido means

$ ay of Harmony. gives a lamentably inadequate
impression of what Ki is all about, and reveals that
he has utterly failed to understand the real value of

increase and direct their Ki, it is also stated that

everybody has Ki and uses it regardless of whether
they have ever heard the word or understand

anything about

it. They are told that Ki


the theory.

necessarily involved in all deliberate human activity

to such a degree that a man cannot make up his

If I thought that Ki amounted to nothing more than

Tegner suggests in that paragraph I would be the
tlrst to condemn it as a load of rubbish, but in fact
the real value of the theory of Ki has nothing to do
with what Tegner is talking about. He has
completely missed the most important point.

mind to do anything without invoking Ki.

That brings us to another large field of activity,
namely mental processes. Ki has to do with
awareness, concentration, will-power and motivation.
One Aikido textbook states "Ki has neither weight
nor shape. It has its flow and nothing else."

I have explained that the theory of Ki




the whole universe, (2) physical power within each

individual. in which connection the simplest way to
visualise Ki is as a form of energy, and (3) mental

A book on the Japanese martial arts gives six

descriptions of Ki: vitality, breath, spirit, aura,
nervous energy, and the "electricity' that flows back
and forth along the wires of our nerves."


Regarding all three spheres of activity it does not

matter in the least if there is really no such' thing as
Ki power. The entire theory could be nothing but a
figment of the imagination, but that would not make
the slightest difference to its value.

The Founder of Aikido taught that Ki is within

everybody and is involved in all our actions. It has
to do not only with movement but also with
motivation. [t links the mental with the'physical. The
theory is that before an aggressor actually attacks he
projects his Ki towards his victim, and that if we
can take control of that power and lead it.we will be
able to throw him very easily. Observe how Tohei
explains it:

The big question we must ask about the theory of

Ki is not "Is it true?" Truth is not the issue


The big question is "What is the purpose of this


Never mind whether the theory is correct

it used for?


'Never oppose your opponent against the direction of

his Ki. but try to lead it. This is the principle of
absolute harmony: not to let your Ki clash with that
of another. Therefore, both the one who applies the
technique and the one on whom it is applied should
practice with pleasure, try to help each other to
develop stronger Ki for mutual advancement'.


A very important part of the theory of Ki power is

that the aikidoist should develop a keen
understanding not only of his own Ki but also be so
expert at assessing his opponent's Ki that he can go
into action immediately his attacker makes contact.
or even sooner. \\'hen we tbrget about whether there
is an actual tlow of Ki within and from an attacker's
body. and look instead at what Aikido teachers say
should be done about that alleged flow of hostile
power. we perceive that it is not the accuracy of the
theory but its role which makes it so valuable to the
\\ ay of Harmony.
In this connection it would be highly appropriate to
ret'er to the story of the oak and the reed which.
once upon a time (but not now), was the anecdote
u'hich was used as the standard way of explaining
what Judo was all about. Nobody ever asked whether
that story was true. Nobody ever demanded
documentary e?idence as to the time and place of
the storm
nobody took the attitude that the
be rejected as worthless and silly
just because there was no proof that the events
described in it actually happened.

The point about all talk of Ki power is that there

should be no clash between the attacker and the
defendei. The student is urged to think about Ki so
that he can harmonise with his attacker.
There seems to be developing something of a voguq
tbr linking a sort of Ki with Karate, in which
connection the word is often spelt the Chinese way :
Chi. But Karate fighters are interested in Ki only in
order to gain additional power so as to be able to
tight harder against the strength of their opponents.
Judo and Karate competitors step onto mats all
tensed-up to strain as hard as possible to resist the
strength which is used against them. There is no
harmony in what they do, but harmony was the
whole point of Master Uyeshiba's teaching about Ki.
Judo and Karate men cannot be expected to be
interested in going through the performances whereby

Aikido instructors claim that Ki can be increased.

Training in Ki is too subtle and far too much
bordering on the mystical to appeal to Judo and
Karate fighters
they will be much more at home
sticking to their- weight-training, road work. et cetera.
They can measure the increase in the size of their
biceps, but the increase in Ki cannot be measured in

I doubt that anybody ever regarded the story

as a true account of a real incident which actually

happened. Did anybody ever really believe that there
was an actual storm which tore up an actual oak
tree. whereupon a man who was watching exclaimed
"Hey. Iook how that big. strong tree is uprooted by
the wind. while those thin reeds. which bend without
resistance betbre the gale. are completely undamaged
I think I'll invent a martial art based upon that


An increase in Ki is not the main object of Aikido

training, for aikidoka are more concerned with the
flow of Ki than its quantity. Remember that Ki has
flow but nothing else. The aikidoist blends his moves
to harmonise with what his attacker does, which is
why Aikido techniques are so smooth and graceful.
Those adjectives cannot be used to describe Judo or
Karate contests. No way.


1'he point about the oak and reed anecdote is that it

\r'as an excellent way of explaining the basic
ptinciple involved. It was valuable because it put
across the t'undamental idea in simple terms. and its
value as an illustration had nothing to do with
whether it was true.

The t-urther you progress into Aikido, the more you

The situation is precisely the same regarding the

theory of Ki. What we must consider. in order to
evaltrate that tbundation stone of the Way of
Harnrony. is what Aikido instructors are trying to
nrake us do by telling us about it.
We should consider the implications and conclusions
which inevitably tbllow when we believe and act on
the theory of Ki
it is the purpose and effect of
- makes it valuable.
such teaching which

will become involved with self-discipline and

selt--control. You will have to adjust to new ideas and
attitudes. In Aikido the mind is expected to rule the
body, not vice-versa.
In Judo contests the winner is the gorilla who can
push or pull hardest. In Karate fights the force
against force clash is even more pronounced, for
what is a better example of the clash of opposing
tbrces than a punch or kick?


and integrity of Aikido, for they proclaim that it is

soft style, technique-based system of self-defence,
therefbre they are incompatible with attempts to

The whole point of lashing out with a blow or kick

is to create an impact. The more violent the impact
when the f,rst or foot hits the target the more
etl-ective it is and the better the karateka is pleased.
Everybody knows that hitting a man when he is
moving away is not anything like as effective as
punching him when he is coming forward. The value
of a punch lies in the way it clashes against its


it into an aggressive sport.

Accordingly any manual which fails to shed light on

the real significance and value of Ki is seriously
deficient in essential information.
Kisshomaru Uyeshiba, the present Head Master of
Aikido, describes his tather's creation thus: "Aikido
is the \\'ay of Chivalrous (or Martial) Spiritual


The theory of Ki is to Aikido what the anecdote

about the oak and the reed used to be to Judo, and
it is very significant that an explanatory leaflet
currently circulated by the Aikikai of Great Britain
ref'ers to that story thus:
'The movements used follow the principle of


It is a fact of life that harmony is not possible in


There can be harmony in a street punch-up, because

the thug and the aikidoist have different objectives.
The fbrmer attacks to cause injury, and is prepared
to meet resistance and to tight against it. whereas
the aikidoist is concerned only with defending
himself and does that by giving way to force. The
attitudes. aims and methods of the two men are
different. The non-resisting aikidoist will harmonize
his actions with those of his attacker and will apply
locks which oblige the aggressor to co-operate with
the Aikido routine, consequently there will be a lot
of harmony involved.

non-resistance: turning away when pushed, entering

(moving forward) when pulled; and all the techniques
consist of these two elements of motion. In such a
way the reed or the willow-tree is able to withstand

the force of a gale.'

The debasement of Aikido will necessarily involve the
dropping of the theory of Ki, just as the debasement
of Judo has involved eliminating all inconvenient talk
about giving way to strength. Ki, harmony and
non-resistance are essential to the purity. authenticity

But in a contest between two martial artists both

fighters have the same objective, a fact which
precludes any meaningful kind of harmony. They are
struggling to score the point, and are both using the
same methods and should be obeying the same'rules,
therefore the idea of harmony between them is a

In a contest between two Karate fighters or Judo

wrestlers both aggressors are striving to win, and
because they have the same objective there is no
possibility of introducing the harmony which an
Aikido exponent can introduce into a street fight.
When two martial artists fight each other, in an
effort to gain points from a referee, there is a basic
disharmony between them which nothing can negate.
They remain competitors regardless of what
techniques they might use, and competition (which is
the opposite of harmony) is alien to genuine Aikido,
therefore it is not possible to have contests in
authentic Aikido.
The whole point of contests is to throw two men into
competition with each other, and people who would
take part in contests have either never understood
what Master Uyeshiba was talking about when he
spoke of harmony, or they have rejected the
Founder's entire philosophy.
There is another fact which testifies to the true
nature of Aikido and which precludes contests.
Aikido is purely a system of self-defence, therefore
there are no attacking moves in it. Everything
aikidoists do ig a response to attack. During practice
on the mat only one man uses Aikido techniques
while his partner plays the role of the attacking



If you want to practise the most locks with the

maximum safety while enjoying the freedon to whirl
vigorously about the mat more in the manner of
dancing than fighting, Aikido is your natural choice.
Addresses of Aikido clubs, and information regarding
weekend courses of tuition in authentic Aikido
throughout the country, can be obtained from the
General Secretary, Aikikai of Great Britain, f.ower
Philbeach Hall, 5l Philbeach Gardens. Earls Court,
london SW5 gEB.
Note: Photographs show author in action as Tori.






thug. How can there be contests between two men if

neither will attack?
The absence of contests makes it impossible to have
titles in Aikido, so if you see anybody billed as a
national or any other kind of Aikido Champion you
can be sure that he is not a follower of Master
Uyeshiba, and that such titles have not beqn
awarded by any teacher associated with the World
Headquarters of Aikido in Tokyo.
Because there are no Championships in genuine
Aikido, and because all the drama of battles for
titles is missing from the Way of Harmony, it is the
violent martial arts which naturally attract the
attention of the media. But what Aikido lacks in
publicity it makes up for with the beauty of its
techniques and the advantage of being probably the
safest of all martial arts from the point of view of
avoiding injury on the mat. It is remarkable that
Aikido routines which put joints at considerable risk
and could so easily break limbs can be performed so
gracefully and be practised by exponents for so long


.r* "-



Use order form on page 45.



Sifu K. M. Ho, a student of Li Sai Keong, is currently
teaching Pak Mei (White Eyebrow) Kung Fu in Holland.
He is the only Pak Mei Sifu at present teaching in
Amsterdam. Li Sai Keong was an elder student, some say
the best student, of Chong Li Tsang. The former was a
student of Praying Mantis and of Li Chia Kune before
turning to Pak Mei. He went to teach in Surinam, near
Panama, and was very successful there. K. M. Ho was
one of his students and learned very quickly. He is now a
popular teacher. Li Sai Keong's first son is a doctor, his
second son Li Man Tat teaches in Hong Kong in Pak
Mei, and his third son Li Man Hing teaches in
Paramaribo. Surinam. Li Sai Keong himself passed away
in December 1974 in Hong Kong. Li Ket Pui is an
instructor ig England.



The long awaited time for so many Shotokan Karate
International students, and for others not in the SKI, has
arrived. In March this year Hirokazu Kanazawa Sensei
will arrive in England to teach all over the country. The
biography of Kanazawa is known to all karateka, and his
name always arouses comment and articles in all the
karate media.
In recent visits he has been showing Tai Chi to all his
black belt students and advises that as we get older it
would be an excellent way of keeping our bodies supple,
soft, young and athletic. As the exercises involved in Tai
Chi are soft, rhythmical, with correct breathing, the
whole person can greatly benefit. Mr. Kanazawa will be
living at26 Poynter Road, Enfield. with Mr. and Mrs. M.
Randall, who with so many others have worked to secure
a work permit for him. Bookings from any club wishing
to provide a course under Kanazawa Sensei can be made,
phone: 886-3620 between 6 and 8 p.*. No callers please.
Information from Chris Adameau.

The British Team Captain in the World Championship,
Billy Higgins, visited London in February. Third Dan
Billy is now with K.U.G.B. and is concentrating on
passing on Shotokan technique and kata to his students.
He has several clubs around Wigan and Manchester.
Billy is not politically-minded and believes in passing on
to his students whatever he thinks will help them,
wherever it comes from. Interested students should
phone: Wigan 58489.

Was given a boost by Mr. Lee Kwang Bae,

a 6th Dan who

also specialises in Nunchaku. He was involved in training

with the American 8th army in Korea and the National
Korean training institute for nunchaku. The word he
gave to the nunchaku was "ho-sin-bong". Mr. l,ee is
shown in the photographs, courtesy Martin Teller.


A meeting of the newly formed Martial Arts Commission
coincided with the resignation of Bryn Williams. former
Sec. of the B.K.C.C., and the taking of office of Dave
Mitchell, new Secretary of the M.A.C. The Chairman of
M.A.C. is retired Chief Constable Sir Derrick Capper,

l-ee Kwang Bae demolishes an apple held in a student's mouth, using "Ho-Sin-Bong"



Q.P.M. Honorary Treasurer is Alan Francis O.B.E. the

former Chairman of the B.K.C.C. The objects of the new
Commission are to exercise control over martial arts,
discourage abuse, safeguard the public, issue licences
and certificates, liaise with govt. depts., local authorities
and Sports Councils, arbitrate in non-technical areas of
dispute, and produce a recognisable symbol for easy
identification of proficient clubs. This symbol we
reproduce below. It reminds KOA staffof "Jaws", except
that if you stand in the right place
between the jaws,

KOA magazine cannot confirm the truth or otherwise of

this announcement. Some eminent sifu made it. Readers
and students of Wing Chun will have to decide for

Toru Takamizawa, 6th Dan, B.K.A., John Smith,4th
Dan, Danny Connor, 3rd Dan will conduct a course in
Cornwall at a holiday resort from 1lth June to 18th June.
Weapons, Wing Chun, Karate, Contact and other sides
of martial arts will be taught. Hayle Towans, a beautiful
spot in the West Country is full of all mod cons to add to

you will be safe. Renegades take- note!



the enjoyment of the course. Training cost will be f 10.00

and accommodation can be provided for those who don't
want to rough it. Write with a stamped addressed
envelope to: J. Smith, 128, Alexandra Road, Mutley,
As a celebration of the Sth anniversary of the formation
of the Bujinkai Karate Club, John Smith is also
organising a course, tournament and grading, aided by
the popular, skilful, handsome and true-grit personality
who loves champagne
Ticky Donovan! ! ! Write to the

same address above for details. Date: 2nd/3rd April.


Bodies under the surveillance of the M.A.C. are:

British Aikido Association, British Jiujitsu
Association, English Karate Board, Scottish Karate
Board, Welsh Karate Board, British Kendo
Association, British Association of Korean Martial
Arts, British Kung-Fu Council.
KOA magazine wish the M.A.C. every success, especially
.newcomer Dave Mitchell.

- who do Shotokan and who have
Thames Karate Clubs
welcomed to their circle some first class Wado clubs
claim a system of administration and finance second to

'none. Affiliated to F.E.K.O., recognised by the E.K.B.

they offer free membership for individuals and clubs.

Each club is also responsible for its own standards,
etiquette and control. The Thames committee consists of
Black Belt karate-ka who get together twice a year to
discuss Karate, not politics. Mr. K. Enoeda is largely
responsible for the high standard of Karate in the
Shotokan section, having had dealings with most of the
Yudansha. His methods of teaching have indirectly or
directly produced students of a high standard, and
through the efforts of the English Dan grades, Thames
students have reached the E.K.B. junior squad. Thames
are eagerly awaiting an opportunity to try for the over-21
they have not had the chance in the past.


- of the Wing Chun
- controversy! An
More in the saga
anonymous reader sent us a translation of an
announcement made in a Chinese, Hong Kong
magazine. The translation reads as follows:
"On the 14th October in Hong Kong, Leung Ting
tried to claim himself to be the only top man in Ving
Tsun after Yip Man (The Grandmaster). That same
night all the Ving Tsun top men and instructors held a
meeting to discuss the matter. On the 17th October the
Ving Tsun Martial Arts Assoc., headed by Wing Shun
leung (Chairman) and the Yip Man Martial Arts Assoc.,
led by Yip Jung (eldest son of Yip Man), together with
the Ving Tsun Sport Club with Leung Shan, the oldest
and first student of Yip Man, made the following joint

The Wado-ryu section will be fighting and training

alongside the Shotokan section for all future events.
Team training is held each week, no extra charge. It is
open to anyone with potential. Mr. Enoeda of course
holds pride of place in referring to the instructors and
this place he undoubtedly holds.
Details: phone R. Fuller, Swanley 64071.



'Leung Ting can in no way be top man of Ving Tsun,

nor is he a student of Yip Man... This time he has gone
too far... [,eung Ting is actually a student of Leung
Shan... Then he continued to learn from a fellow student.
...Neither his Kung Fu technique nor his personal
conduct and behaviour even qualify him to be an



Readers will be pleased to hear that we intend very soon

to publish information on this top Karate man. Mr.
Nanbu has led a rather shadowy existence as far as KOA
is concerned but the p.r.o. Sidney Wise promises to
remedy this and bring the Sensei into the light.


' .. -l-a

-t ,--

Z.aa'Z:en Karate
Time sequence. instruction and pertbrmance speed.

The five basic KIHON-KATA are capable of

performance on a mass basis. all students can become
involved. irrespective of ability, in the group


On first command do 1-2-3

On second command do 4-5-6-7-8
On third command do 9-10-11-12
On fburth command return to Yoi.
Average total performance time as detailed but to all
five directions - 60 seconds, eventually attaining. on
proficiency,45 seconds, photos 14 and 15 areto
illustrate Actual Movement and Do Not constitute a
change of direction.

performance of Kihon-Kata. the most obvious and

ultimately important aspect is the strict
command/action response of the student, a difficult
thing to master, no matter how simple or basic the


This Kihon kata is performed Shi-Ho (Multi direction)
in a left/right front/back/front pattern. Particular


From Yoi-Dachi (Ready Stance)

Punch with left fist to right side Chudan Mawashi
Uchi (Curve Punch), at same time do Migi
Chudan-Kote Uke (Wrist Block)

attention should be placed on correct vision. Zanshin

and Kaia.


(Part D

Jon Alexander


Step left into Hidari Zanshin Kamea (Side Def'ence

Posture). at same time raise arms strongly to Hidari
Morote Heiwan Yoko Uke. (Left Double Forearm

Block) KIAI.


Cross step behind left tbot, at sanle time do

Hiclari Kote Uke, (Left Wrist Block) and Migi Chuclan

Tettsui Uchi, (Right Side Fist Strike).


Do Tsuru-Dachi.
Do Hidari Chudan Yoko Geri, (Left Side Kick). at
same time do Hidari Chudan Tettsui Uchi. (Left Side
Fist Strike) KIAI.
7. Return to Tsuru-Dachi. (Crane Stance).
Shuto-Uke. (Hand Block).
tJ. Step left into Hidari Yoko Zanshin Kamae. (Left
Det'ence Posture). sweeping into Hidari Shuto Uchi.
(Left Side Hand Strike) ZANSHIN.


Extend left hand and kick Migi Mawashi Kakato

Geri. (Right Roundhouse Kick) using hand as Kime

10. Continue round strongly, striking

Empi Uchi. (Right Elbow Strike) KIAI.



Extend right hand down to Migi Gedan Barai.

(Right l.ower Block), raise left arm up to Jodan

T,enwan Uke. (tft Upper Forearm Block) KIAI.
12. Step back and behind left foot, through Migi
Chudan Juji Uke, (Right Cross Block)
13. Swivel strongly into Yoko Zanshin Kantea. (Side
Det'ence Posture). striking Hidari Chudan Tettsui Uchi.
(Left Side Fist Strike) ZANSHIN-KIAI.
Return to Yoi-Dachi.


and for beginners this is essential. warm-ups also have

the effect of preparing you mentally for what is to



How do martial arts compare in their effects and in
their'stress factors'?


It is fair to say that the competitive, combative arts
produce the highest degree of tension and stress. Most
people know today that the body prepares itself for
combat or competition even if no such event is
imminent. Just the knowledge that it is going to take
place sooner or later is enough and the tension builds
up. No one I have ever heard of can do anything about
this. Time and experience can reduce it but not
eradicate it as it is a 'natural' physiological response.

by DonaldBell

Arts which emphasise'form' (set, kata) and an
all-round frtness, at the expense of combat and
competition, produce much less stress. Anxiety about
performance can creep in, but there is qot the same
element of uncertainty in performing a kata
you think you will forget it...

Training in hot conditions leading to an unusual loss

of sweat can bring on bouts of an unexpected
dizziness, faintness, and stomach upsets. The essential
elements sodium and potassium are expelled from the
body in the sweat and the imbalance is generally


referred to as 'heatstroke.'


The use of what in judo is called 'randori' or

free-practice in a right way, that is as a way of
experiment and exploration of technique rather than
'winning', is a half-way house between the form
approach and the competition proper. If randori is
performed in the right spirit then it is anxiety free,
stress free, because you do not mind being 'beaten',
nor does your partner
you are training much as a
musician trains in the -elementary techniques of his art,
and your partner is there, and so are you, just to make
it possible. The piano rnakes it possible for the
musician to train, and the partner makes it possibtre
for you, and him, to train. As long as this is borne in
mind then stress can disappear. Unfortunately, such
a common-sense approach to randori, and its equivalent
in the other arts, is uncommon.

.Speaking from a health point of view and not a karate,

'tough' point of view it is best to take precautions.
Fluid such as water or a soft drink should be drunk
before and during training in such conditions. If you
feel really bad then you should lie down in a cool spot,
and if the symptoms persist, call a doctor.

The feet come in for a good deal of stretching and

twisting in martial arts, quite apart from the kicking...

A trouble spot can be the point where the heel and
'Achilles'tendon are located. Inflammation can occur
here and in the arch of the foot. Persistent trouble can
be alleviated by wearing an elasticated pad under the
point concerned, raising it.



H. B. Un, in his book "Pak Mei" suggests a sensible

approach to Kung fu training when he advises students
to practise only for a short while and then rest; then
practise then rest. In my opinion, this is the way to
acquire skill. People who acquire real skill in an art
are the ones who not only train hard but who also
think. Repetition without thought is for mules and.
donkeys; and even they sometimes sit down and refuse
to budge...
Try it.

It is essential when taking part in strenuous sports

such as martial arts to remember the warming up
exercises. Your instructor may not be in the habit or
giving these, but if not you should do them, getting
into the class a little early in order to do so. Neck,
s\oulder, back, wrists, hips, knees and ankles all need
some stretching and turning before you start. This is
particularly necessary for people who do sedentary
work during the day. Such preliminary workouts
prepare the heart for much more vigorous exercise too,

ffiAmilflA[ Amil$
Pear shaped punch
Item 69
ball with bladder. 914.00

Items not shown include heavy

duty, free standing Makiwara

Speed ball. 911.00

ltem 68
Item 70 - Heavy hide punch

935.00 while stocks last. Hand

held canvas punch and jab pads
99.00, and training makiwara
pads held on the hand, f8.00
each. Boxing headguards,
all-round forehead and jaw
protection f,11.00 as is used in
pro-training. Contest boxing



7l Floor to ceiling
- 920.00


Lightweight bail floor

ltem 73

- 911.00
to ceiling.
Ball swivel, not
ltem 79
including- ball. 968.00
Canvas type punch
Item 80


Item 81

All leather punch




gloves & punch bag mitts. Kung

fu shoes 94.50 pair, straw zori,

karate and judo suits from

98.00. badges, books and many
magazines: Black Belt, Contact
Karate, etc., etc.

The above and other training

aids available from KOA mag.
for our lists.
Delivery between 2 to 4 weeks.


iron geta for leg muscle

98.00 * 80p.
three section nunchaku
- or octagonal. 96.00
plain octagonal nunchaku
- cords or chain 93.50

tonfa S7.50

- Hand held wooden and

leatherette maki boards 98.95

Round nunchaku with

- black or plain f,4.47

Knobbly nunchaks. 96.00
H - Round black nunchakus
- chains. fi4.47


$parring utith

IN A RECENT POLL taken among readers of KOA

who actually train in Karate, Ticky Donovan was rated
as the outstanding Karate champ. in Britain, with Billy
Higgins next and O'Neil third. Donovan was praised
mainly for the fact that he has succeeded in building
up his own fighting methods from a number'of
sources, and has done this independently of Japanese
instruction for a long time.



STILL MORE INTERESTING to readers, according

to our information, would be a contest under Kontact
rules, between Wing Chun men and Karate/Kontact
men. Some readers were interested in seeing the Lajos
Jakab team against recognised Kontact men. Do we


hear any response?


FROM AUSTRALIA comes a report that something""
similar to Kontact Karate is being staged in Sydney in
March this year. The contestants will wear headguards
and regular boxing gloves with some type of long,
elasticated foot guard, developed by martial arts
students in that country. A further difference will be
that the referee will be able to stop a bout if, in his
opinion, or the opinion of the doctor present, who will
be from the Australian boxing organisation staff list,
he has had enough. This is along the lines of the rules
of the Amateur Boxing Association in Britain;

JOE LEWIS, above, and not Joe Louis, is currently

running various sparring seminars in the U.S.A. In
Britain we call them courses at the present but we
should graduate to the seminar level pretty soon. By
the way, what's the difference? The resourceful
Canadian Jujitsu Association pulled just such a
seminar off in February, with a visit from Joe kwis
himself. Lewis has an impressive record, and has titles
such as Heavy Weight Karate Champion, U.S. Heavy
Kick Box Champion, and dates his successes from
1966 when he won his first tournament
the National
Karate Championship. He has also won-every major
title in his sport. Add to this the fact that he defended
his title in Kick Box 10 times and he knocked out each
challenger in the first and sometimes second round,
and well, maybe you do have a seminar...

POLAND is unfortunately a country which has very

little Karate but to judge from our correspondence,

one which would welcome with open arms any Karate
courses or seminars. If anyone on the Sports Council
has influence in the international sports field perhaps a

visit from some of our top karate men could be

arranged. Who said "Dave Mitchell"?

CONTACT KARATE is a newish magazine from the
U.S.A. a bit like BLACK BELT magazine, loaded with
contact tournaments and information. But without the
'magic' of traditional martial arts it falls short of the
other magazines in the field. Price in Britain is 35p.

U.S. correspondents to K.O.A. inform us that Bob

Wall of "Enter the Dragon" fame is still going strong
in all aspects of martial arts. It was Wall you
remember who visited Europe some years back and
was quoted as saying, about Valera,
"...he has a bad martial arts attitude."
We never heard any repercussions from that but
Valera did explode in the '75 World event so maybe he
was talking about that. Anyway, Valera's European
students would not agree and we hear from France
that his courses and his seminars (?) are the most
popular in that country.

other martial arts course, why not advertise in the
"Karate and Oriental Arts" magazine, the one you've
got in your hand, for as little as f,2.50!
We are always being asked about clubs and the
courses. Help us and help yourself too.

U. Wellington won the W.K.B.C. Open event' with V'
Charles second. M. Balko came 2nd in the
Inter-regional S.W. v. N.W. event. On the Sth March
the N.W. Regionals will be held' and ori the 13th
March the N. Regionals. For the N.W. event phone:
061-973-9474, and the N. event phone: 0429-65035'
The first U.K.K.W. Clubs championship w'ill be held
at the Concord Sports Centre Sheffield. on 16th April'
Just to bring readers up to date who may not have
heard, the British Karate Control Commission is now no
more. It has been re-named, as far as England is
concerned, as the English Karate Board' Mr' P'
Rousseau is the Acting Chairman and Mr' L' Palmer
(B.K.A.) is the Acting Secretary. U.K.K.W sources say,
"The financial implications of the E.K.B' are not fully
known at present."


f.r tr

BUDOKWAI is a name to stir the hearts of all Judo

men, but especially those over the age of 21... KO4
magazine recently took a hand in the selling of thei'
back issues of the old Budokwai magazine which went
out of existence some years ago. KOA editor, Paul
Crompton, edited the last issue, which is no reflection
on him, but a reflection only on the times we live in'

Mr. A. M. Rees, Chief Constable, Stafford'

Several numbers of
back issues are still
available and

lry Es




interested readers
should send 20p. to
the KOA shop for a
feast of nostalgia and








Issues available at the

moment: No.'s 56, 59,
65, 78,80,81 and 84.

Contents include such items as, "Defence in Judo" by

Gleeson, "Young Champions in Japan" by T' P'
lrggett. "Ffactising for Osotogari" by Leggett'
"second World Judo Championships" by R' Bowen'
and "Ten Years of Dan Gradings", a real pearl. by

In the Jubilee Year of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

many organisations are issuing requests for help for
charitable work. The Chairman of the Queen Elizabeth
Jubilee Appeal, 1977, is Mr. A. M. Rees. C.B.E.,
Q.P.M., D.L., M.A.. acting in the Sporting Sector' In a
letter to the editor of K.O.A. he sends his thanks to all
who are co-operating in the appeal with particular
reference to those in the martial arts field. He goes on
to say that the martial arts students of Britain are
taking part in a public festival, possibly at the Ct-ystal
Palace, and appeals to all clubs to take collections for
the Jubilee year fund at their clubs and at displays
which they may hold. One un-named member of a

Malcoln-r Lister. You can look down the gradings and

see your favourites climbing'.....

Other items are "Katame-no-Kata" by T. P' Leggett'

"On Teaching Judo to Boys" by Phillip Davis. News of
the opening of the Senta Yamada club in London
(Aikido). "Isometric Contraction Training for Judo" by
G. Popplewell, "Weight Training" from Don Draeger'
and many more interesting not to say memory-stirring

karate organisation has already personally donated

f500. All contributions should be sent to the Martial
Arts Commission, 4/16 Deptford Bridge, London,


S.E.8 4J.S.
Cough up your


tele. Wade into


2Op.- or more - and switch off

the past with Budokwai.




(D0UBtE END SIr"-t




llhe Ye[[ow- ]:
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New, enlarged edition with Nunchaku Kata 03.95p.

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For LISTS & LEAFLET send 10p. please.


Subscription S2.40 per




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Send to: Karate & Oriental Arts, 638, Fulham Road, London, s.w.6.
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Please also gtve address of club and newsagent.




Aikido: Introduction to Tomiki style

by M.I. Clapton, S3.25p.
Praying Mantis Kung Fu, H. B. Un 93.00
Shotokan Karate Free Fighting Techniques
by Enoed a and Mack. e5.00
Competition Karate by Valera, 01.(X)
Bassai Dai Kata by John L. Anderson 01.(X)
Hokusai Sketchbooks, Michener, 912.00
Black Belt Karate by Jordan Roth,916.55
Karate-do Kyohan by Gichin Funakoshi 99.95
Traditional Aikido by Saito in 5volumes,
each volume 9E.10p.
Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Chinese

Secrets of Chinese Karate by Parker, f.2.95

Wing Chun Kung Fu, Clausnitzer/Wong f2.35

Haraigoshi, favourite Judo Throw, fI.00
Seoinage, favourite Judo Throw, 91.00
Taiki-ken, the essence of Kung Fu S4.90
Tong tong Double End Stick, Mantis style of
Kung fu using staff, f,1.25
Karate Defence and Attack by Enoeda and
Chisholm , f,2.50

Our price for this book to KOA

customers only S1.50p.

Japan Film Image, S1.50 reduced from the original

price of f,2.95
Psychology of Yoga, an excellent exposition of the basic
ideas. 92.50 (reduced from f4.00)

Fighting Spirit qf Japan, Harrison: Kiai, 7*n,lapanese

karate and judo masters, etc. f,4.50
Magnificent Samurai, Abelard, a novel of the samurai
' life.91.00
Pakua Chinese Boxing, R. W. Smith, 5,6.70
Karate & Oriental Arts Annuals in one volume,
with Shukokai, KanazawaKata, Tai Chi. 92.00
Basic Karate Katas vol.2 showing Pinan 1 to 5 of
Wadoryu karate. f,2.25.
Pak Mei (White Eyebrow) Kung fu, Un. 03.00.
Secrets of Shaolin Temple Boxing, f,3.25
Karate Training Methods, Crompton, 94.00
Kung fu theory and practice, Crompton, f.Z.1S
Zen Meditation Therapy, 91.95
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United Kingdom

A member of the British Karate Control Commission

The expanding United Kingdom Karate-do Wado Kai was started on
1 January 1968 and today has many affiliated clubs with a large student
membership in the United Kingdom. lt is the only authentic Wado-Ryu
organisation in the Country which is recognised by the British Karate

Control Commission.

UKKW members practice the Wado-Ryu (Way of Peace) style of Karate

founded and developed by Hironori Ohtsuka who studied under Karate
Master Gichin Funakoshi.
Hanchi Tatsuo Suzuki, Sth Dan, who is the Chief lnstructor of the UKKW
lives in London, but travels throughout Europe, instructing and examining
students. He is the Chief lnstructor for Wado-Ryu in Europe.
The aims and ideals of the UKKW include the fostering and
development of Wado-Ryu Karate on a National basis;the use of high-grade
Wado-Ryu instructors from Japan; the promotion of area championships and
National championships; the development and training of a strong Karate team
to represent Britain and England in authorised lnternationalWado-Ryu



The recognised UKKW professional Japanese Karate instructors

in Britain are:Tatsuo Suzuki 8th Dan Hanshi
K. Kobayashi 4th Dan

S. Suzuki


Sth Da-n
Sth Dan
Sth Dan

Y. Shinohara

4th Dan
3rd Dan
3rd Dan

UKKW The UKKW Executive Committee has the following elected officers
Executive amongst its members:
Committee " Chairman:
Major John K. Green Ret'd 3rd Dan (Hon)
GeneralSecretary: J. Balko
3rd Dan
David Patten

Enquiries about membership of clubs or of the Federation may be directed

The Chairman, UKKW, 10 Brackley, Weybridge, Surrey.
or The General Secretary, UKKW, 11 Brunel Street, Burnley, Lancs.





KARATE & Oriental Arts Magazine

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