2016 Jack's Generic Triathlon Participant's Guide

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4 Welcome Letter
6 Event Schedule
6 Wave Starts
6 Transition Info & Bike Check In
7 Equipment Check
8 How to Wear Timing Chip
9 Calendar of Events
10 General Advice
11 Directions & Spectator Info
11 Parking Map
14 Course Maps
Weather Contingency Plan
15 Aid Station Info

In the event of foul weather, the start time of

this event may be delayed by up to 1 hour.
Should the weather conditions be unsafe
for the swim, this event will be changed
to a bike-run with distances of a 11.2 mile
bike and a 3.1 mile run. The duathlon
will use a time trial start based upon the
swim wave order. If the weather makes it
too dangerous for cycling, the event will
become a 5 Km run for all participants.

Welcome to Jacks Generic Tri

Welcome to the 2016 Jacks Generic

This is the 14th Annual JGT but just
because weve been around the block,
doesnt mean we dont know how to
party! This years finish line festival will be
stocked with food, drinks, and awesome
Its our fourth year at beautiful Lake
Pflugerville and were happy to be
back with sprint, intermediate, relay,
and aquabike events. Back by popular
demand, is the time trial swim start. Less
congestion on the swim and the bike =
faster times for everyone!
Returning this year, in addition to age
group awards and finisher medals for
all who cross the line, if youre fastest in
transition, the swim portion, bike portion
or run portion, youll get a great gift card to
an awesome local business. We will also
have a crowd giveaway so make sure and
stay for the awards ceremony!
We hope you enjoy this 4th event of the
Texas Tri Series.
As always High Five Events would like
to remind you that youre more than a
number, youre a barcode!

For more info, please visit:


Jacks Generic Tri Staff

Announcer: Logan Delaware
Athlete Services: Joey Trimyer
Bike Course: Emily Stevens & Lance Pyburn
Bike Mechanic: Revolution Bike Repair
Communications Manager: William Dyson
Director of Marketing: Stacy Keese
Director of Operations: Dan Carroll
Director of Sales: Jack Murray
Head of Transition: Mike Thompson
Race Manager: John Chung
Run Course: Danny Spoonts
Security: Danny Hinkle
Site and Supply Manager: Ray Porter
Site and Supply: Seth Markovich
Sponsorship & Marketing: Tina Thomas
Staff Wellness: Cindy Keese & Kathy Murray
Swim Course: Nick Siedel
Timing: Raul Najera, Meghan Najera
Volunteer Coordinator: Jonathan Cruz

Get Social With Us!

Share your Jacks Generic Tri experience
with us on Twitter, Facebook, and
Instagram! Dont forget to use hashtag


4 | Jacks Generic Tri




Louise Hays Park - Sept 24th & 25th

In the heart of the Texas Hill Country,
Kerrville is a true triathlon destination.
Don't miss the 2 Day Health and Fitness
Expo, the prerace pasta dinner, the Happy
Hour Meet & Greet and the awesome nish
line party! If you have any little athletes, bring
them along for the free kids fun run.
Great fun for the whole family with free
kids run. Come Enjoy a small town
atmosphere with big time fun!

Debra Zapata Sprint Distance: 500m Swim,

14.5 mile Bike, 3.1 mile Run

Quarter Distance: 1000m Swim, 29 mile

Bike, 6.4 mile Run

Half Distance: 1.2 mile Swim, 56 mile
Bike, 13.1 mile Run
Aquabike: Quarter and Half Distance
(minus the run)
Relays: Sprint and Half Distance
Kids Fun Run: 800 meters

Learn more and register at KerrvilleTri.com

Save $10 when you use
code: JGT2016

Learn more and registeer by visiting:


Sunday, Aug 7th

5:30 AM: Parking Area Open (gates will be locked until then)
5:30 AM: Transition Area Open (mechanics on duty for minor needs)
5:30-7 AM: Out of Town Packet Pickup
5:30-7:AM: Body Marking & Chip Pickup
6:45 AM: Warm Up
7:00 AM: Transition area closes
7:10 AM: Pre-race meeting begins at swim start
7:30 AM: Jacks Generic Tri Start
9:00 AM: Finish Line Party Begins
10:30 AM: Awards Ceremony (tentative)

Bike Check In

Bike Check In will only occur on the morning of the event. To enter the transition area
each athlete must have (1) their race number affixed to their bike and helmet; (2) their
athlete wristband on their wrist; (3) and they must be body marked. Body Marking will
take place at the swim entrance side near transition.

Bike Check Out

Bike Check Out occurs after the final cyclist has racked his/her bike and started the
run. We expect this to be around 10:00 AM. This rule is implemented to ensure safety
and prevent theft. Enjoy the party with drinks, food, samples, massage, friends and
fun while you wait.

Wave Starts Please wear the swim cap provided in your participant bag.
Open wave
Female All
Male 39 under
Male 40 above
Relay & Aquabike

Male 39 under
Male 40 above
Female 40 above
Female 39 under
Time Trial Swim Start

Jacks Generic Tri utilizes a time trial swim start. The time trial start consists of starting
2 people at a time at approximately 4 second intervals between each team. Age
groups will line up within their wave on a first come basis. The time for each person
will start when they cross the swim start timing mat at the water's edge.
This format has two main safety advantages: 1.) Less congested swim start.
2.) Decreases the likelihood of large groups of cyclists on the road.

Transition Area Information

Transition racks will be ordered by swim wave. Participants may rack anywhere on the
racks assigned to their wave. Bikes will not be allowed out of Transition until the final
cyclist has completed the bike course. Participants will be allowed back into Transition
after they finish, but bikes may not be removed from the racks. Please be courteous
to your fellow participants while in transition during the race. Only participants and
transition volunteers are allowed in the transition area. No spectators or pets will be
allowed in transition.
6 | Jacks Generic Tri

Participant Bag Items These items should be given to you at packet pickup.
front of helmet.

Attach Bike
to over top tube

Bib Number

Wear this on the front of

your running shirt.

Next Level Poly Blend T

x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x

Sports Bag

Latex Swim Cap

Wear the cap provided; it

corresponds to your swim
wave and serves as part of
the event safety plan.

Timing Strap
The strap is the chip! Simply
wrap around ankle, secure
and go! Do not cut!!

Safety Pins

x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x

(not included in bag)

May be used to secure
your race number onto
your shirt. They can
be picked up at packet


Gets you into transition

& is used to get food &
beer at the after party.
Yellow is for those over
21. Red is for under 21.

Get Live Athlete Updates

You can receive updates from athletes as they cross points on the course and have those updates sent to Facebook, Twitter or mobile phones.

How Does It Work?

Search for Athletes for whom you would like to receive updates.
Select how you would like to receive those updates. Find the link at JacksGenericTri.com


1. Helmets: Only helmets approved by the US
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
may be used in USAT sanctioned events. Helmets must be worn at all times while on your
bike. This means before, during, and after the

2. Transition Area: All equipment must be placed

in the properly designated and individually assigned bike corral. The wheel of the bicycle must
be down on the side of the assigned space.
All participants must return their bicycles to an
upright position in their designated bicycle corral. No person shall interfere with another participants equipment or impede the progress of
another participant. All bar ends must be solidly
plugged. No participant shall bring ANY glass
containers into the transition area.
3. Drafting: Keep at least three bike lengths
of clear space between you and the cyclist in
front. If you move into the zone, you must pass
within 15 seconds. Position--keep to the right
hand side of the lane of travel unless passing.
Blocking--riding on the left side of the lane without passing anyone and interfering with other

cyclists attempting to pass. Overtaken--once

passed, you must immediately exit the draft zone
from the rear, before attempting to pass again.
4. Headphones: Headphones, headsets, walkmans, iPods, mp3 players, or personal audio
devices, etc. are not to be carried or worn at
any time during the race. Penalty: Variable time

5. Abandonment: All personal equipment and

belongings taken out onto the course must stay
on the athlete the entire time. No garbage, clothing, etc. shall be thrown on the course.
6. Race numbers: All athletes are required to
wear race numbers at all times during the bike
and run. Numbers must face the front and be
clearly visible at all times. Numbers may not
be cut or folded or altered in any way. DO NOT
transfer your number to any other athlete or take
a number from an athlete that is not competing.
For a complete list of USAT rules and penalties,
please refer to the most up to date version at:
7 | Jacks Generic Tri


Bib & Bike Numbers The large number included in your participant bag is worn after the
swim and can be used with a race belt or pinned onto the front of your shirt. The hard plastic
tag is for the bike and can be attached to the back of the seat or to the frame. The small sticker
goes on the front of the helmet.
Place Helmet Number on

Thank You to Our Awesome Sponsors!

Official Partners

Want your time?

Simply Wrap, Attach and GO!

The new MultiSports Tag consists of a foam strap with

a Tyvek layer that has your number printed on it.
1. Secure the strap firmly but not too tight around the
ankle. Most people prefer to wear it around the left
ankle for comfort on the bike.
2. An adhesive strip at the end
of the strap makes application
3. The disposable tag can be
thrown away after the finish
4. Do not cut or alter the strap!
8 | Jacks Generic Tri

If you are looking for an exciting way to end your summer,

then look no further than TriRock Austin. Swim in Lady Bird
Lake, bike on Congress Ave, with views of the state capitol, and
run through Austins most beloved parks. TriRock Austin has an
Olympic distance event and a Sprint distance that is ideal for
beginners. Live music at the Finish line with great food and beer
to make for a fun after-party!


Kerrville Tri Festival Sept 24-25th

In the heart of the Texas Hill Country, Kerrville is a true
triathlon destination. At the Kerrville Triathlon Festival,
presented by H-E-B, participants get the choice of sprint,
intermediate and half distance triathlons plus relays and
aquabike. Dont miss the Health and Fitness Expo, the
pre-race pasta dinner, the Happy Hour Meet & Greet and
the awesome finish line party and free kids fun. Come to
Kerrville on the last weekend in September and enjoy a
small town atmosphere with big time fun.

Marathon Relays September 20th

Run as much as you choose; teams range from two to six
people and run a total of six laps. Each lap is 4.37 miles,
adding up 26.2 milesa full marathon! Each runner is in
the center of the action before and after their leg, which
makes for a fantastic team tailgate experience. And after
the relay enjoy music, food and drink at the Finish Line

3M Half Marathon, January 22, 2017

Downhill to Downtown. Runners have been PRing at

this Austin favorite for years. Starting in north Austin
and finishing in front of the Texas State Capitol, runners
will enjoy a 306 net elevation drop. One of the largest
stand-alone half marathons in Texas takes you through
the University of Texas campus. Come run Downhill to
Downtown, push yourself to PR, and enjoy a fantastic
finish line festival!

Austin Marathon Feb 22, 2017

The Austin Marathon presented by NXP will celebrate

its 26th year running in Austin. With a downtown finish
and proximity to many top hotels and restaurants, the
Austin Marathon and Half Marathon is the perfect running
weekend destination. Come run the roads of The Live
Music Capital of the World where theres live music on
9 | Jacks Generic Tri


TriRock Austin - Sept 5th


Here is a logical progression that you may want to go

through the night before and morning of Jacks Generic Tri:
1) Arrive Early and get ready to have
a lot of fun! Plan to be in transition
1hr before race start. Mental stress
can make your first tri morning seem
hectic. Take a minute to take it all in
and realize that you are winning just by
showing up!

1) Remember to make sure that your

bike and running shoes are open
with loose laces for easy on/off. Put
your sunglasses in your helmet so
you dont accidentally try and leave
transition without either. Make sure
and have a water bottle on your bike.

2) Set up a mock transition area the

night before at home. Put everything
out as you plan to race morning.
Practice putting on your shoes and
helmet, and then switching to running
shoes and running hat.

2) As you leave transition count

how many bike racks away from the
entrance you are. When it is all filled
with bikes it can sometimes be like
finding a needle in a haystack. Take
your goggles and your swim cap with
you if you are going to walk around.

3) Attach all the numbers to proper

equipment including bike, helmet,
and race belt. Proper placement can
be seen on page 7 of this guide. The
number must be worn for the entirety
of the event.
4) Leave your house in the morning
wearing what you are going to race
in, INCLUDING your timing chip on
your ankle. Didnt have a timing chip
in your packet or realized you left it at
home- dont worry you can pick up a
replacement one on race morning.
5) Make sure that all your numbers are
matching: timing chip, bike, helmet,
race belt, and body marking. Your
USAT race age goes on the back of
your right calf and is based on the year
you were born- so anyone born in 1975
is 40.
6) After body marking, head straight
into transition and claim a nice spot
since you are there extra early. Be
kind to your other athletes and keep
your transition area small and directly
underneath where your bike is.
7) There should be enough room
for at least 6 bikes per rack. You can
rack your bike by either hooking the
seat over the railing or by hooking the
handlebars over the railing.
Now that you know where and how
your bike is going to be - set up your
area. It is nice to have a small towel
to put down. Since you practiced the
night before this should be a piece of
10 | Jacks Generic Tri

3) Use the bathroom early if you can. The

lines will get longer nearer to the start.
4) Visit swim course and make
sure understand how to get from
swim exit to transition. Do a warm
up run. Get an idea of a landmark
that lets you know you are near the
finish line. This will be a great boost
and make you more comfortable
when you are in the home stretch.
5) After the swim you will enter transition
at one end and leave at the other. This
process is reversed for the second
transition when you return from the
bike. That is, the bike starts and finishes
at the same side and the run goes
out next to where the swim came in.
6) Get to the swim start early!! There
will be an announcement of when the
water is open for warm-up swim. If
this is your first open water race take
an extra moment to get comfortable
with not being able to see the bottom;
dont worry no one else can either.
7) Talk to others with the same swim
cap color to find someone who swims
around the same pace - try and start next
to them. Great way to make new friends!
8) What should you do if you have
a moment of panic in the water? Try
switching the style of swimming. If
you feel that you cannot continue the
race there are lifeguards in kayaks
that can pull you from the water.
Check USAT rules for more info.

Directions & Parking

The event starts and finishes at Lake Pflugerville, TX.

Please be aware that roads may be in the process of closing or already closed early in the morning of the event. All
spectators should plan to arrive before 7:00 AM or they will
have a difficult time reaching the parking areas.


Spectators are welcome to roam the site and cheer on their

friends and family members. There are very few places that
spectators will not be allowed. Please do not challenge volunteers or jump fences. The volunteers are there to help
ensure the safety of the athletes. Spectators are not allowed
into the transition area. Spectators are welcome to help
themselves to water and from any of the coolers. Some of
our partners will also be giving away free samples. Official
race food and drink is for the athletes and volunteers only.


It is a goal for each event that we leave the

venue in a better condition than when we arrived. High Five Events has put in place the
following programs to keep the venues we
use clean:
Bottled water has been replaced with reusable bike bottles and easy water filling stations.

Recycling receptacles are located next to

each trash receptacle.
A waste crew is on duty for the full duration
of the event to ensure the maximum amount
of recycling.
The entire course is cleaned of trash after the
event, even if the trash was there before.
Registration for participants and volunteers
is 100% online.
Post event food and beverage options reduce
waste and maximize recycling.

Ben Phillips - Real Estate Advisor

Proud Sponsor of the 2016 Texas Tri Series

Have a system that you can use at all triathlons. It is recommended that you
start with the equipment that you will use first and work through to the equipment
that you will use last.
1. Goggles: Make sure you have used
them recently and that the eye seals
have not perished and leak water.
Check that the strap and nose piece
arent brittle and are securely attached.
Make sure the lenses arent scratched. If
your goggles have any of these issues,
consider replacing them and bringing
them as back-ups to your new ones.
2. Wetsuit: Check for potential tears
and frayed seams. Look for holes and
cuts; these can be patched and glued to
prevent water entering the suit. Bicycle
Worlds can help you decide if the suit can
be repaired. Wetsuits arent required,
so dont worry if you dont have one.
3. Bike: Make sure that the bike frame
has no cracks, the wheels are not bent,
and that all components are in working
condition including brakes and shifters.
If you do not know how to check for
these things, dont worry - just call ahead
to your local bike store and ask them
to safety check it. This can also be a
great opportunity to learn how to check
12 | Jacks Generic Tri

the bike yourself. On race morning,

make sure tires are inflated properly.
4. Helmet: The plastic shell needs to be
firmly affixed to the foam and the strap
should not be frayed. There should be
no cracks or dents as these will likely
not pass inspection when checking into
transition. It should fit snugly around your
head. The general rule for the chin strap
is within two fingers spaces from the chin.
5. Cycling Shoes & Pedals: Make
sure that the cleat is firmly attached to
the bottom of the shoe. Replace cleat
if it is worn down and may inhibit safe
clipping in. Check and make sure pedals are firmly attached to the crank.
6: Running Shoes: Look to see that
they are not worn out of alignment or
that the midsole is crushed. Cut down
or replace any long or frayed shoe laces. If using elastic laces make sure that
have not lost elasticity and that any
plastic is still in good working condition.

13 | Jacks Generic Tri

14 | Jacks Generic Tri

Aid stations will be stocked with water, Gatorade, and Clif Shots. There
will be an aid station at the entrance to
the Transition Area that may be used
before the swim, and before and after
the bike.
There will not be any aid stations on
the bike course. There will be at least
2 aid stations on the run course. It is
against USA Triathlon rules to discard
trash at any point on the course besides an aid station.

15 | Jacks Generic Tri

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