ESS Comand Line Interface

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IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server

Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide


IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server

Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 129.

Fifth Edition (May 2004)

This edition replaces SC26-7494-03.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2001, 2004. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.

Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
About this guide . . . . .
Who should use this guide . .
Conventions used in this guide
Syntax diagrams . . . .
Special characters . . . .
Related information . . . .
ESS library . . . . . .
Other IBM publications . .
Ordering IBM publications .
Non-IBM publications. . .
Web sites . . . . . . . .
How to send your comments .












Summary of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of Changes for SC26-7494-04 IBM TotalStorage
Server Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide . . . .
New Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleted Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of Changes for SC26-7494-03 IBM TotalStorage
Server Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide . . . .
New Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleted Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of Changes for SC26-7494-02 IBM TotalStorage
Server Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide . . . .
New Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Changed Information . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004




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Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI . . . . . .

Supported operating systems for the command-line interface
CLI operational limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparing for installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing the CLI using the silent mode . . . . . . . .
Removing the CLI using the silent mode . . . . . . . .
Installing the CLI using the console mode . . . . . . .
Removing the CLI using the console mode . . . . . .
Installing the CLI using Installshield . . . . . . . . .
Removing the CLI using Installshield . . . . . . . . .
Installing the CLI on OpenVMS . . . . . . . . . . .
Removing the CLI from your OpenVMS system . . . . .
Checking your license information code level . . . . . .
Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI
Overview of the esscli command . . . . . .
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General guidelines . . . . . . . . . .
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flags and parameters . . . . . . . . . .
Parameters without arguments . . . . . .
Parameters with arguments . . . . . . .
Argument names and values . . . . . . . .
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







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command .
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. . . . .
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. . . . .










Modifying the ESS using multiple clients (Specialist, Web Copy Services, CLI)


Chapter 3. Understanding Storage Management CLI messages . . . . . 79

Storage Management CLI return codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Storage Management CLI messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Chapter 4. Using Copy Services CLI commands
Overview of Copy Services CLI commands . . .
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General guidelines . . . . . . . . . . .
rsExecuteTask . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flags and parameters . . . . . . . . . .
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rsFlashCopyQuery . . . . . . . . . . . .
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flags and parameters . . . . . . . . . .
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rsList2105s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flags and parameters . . . . . . . . . .
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rsPrimeServer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flags and parameters . . . . . . . . . .
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rsQuery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flags and parameters . . . . . . . . . .
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rsQueryComplete . . . . . . . . . . . .
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flags and parameters . . . . . . . . . .
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rsTestConnection . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flags and parameters . . . . . . . . . .
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . .












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. 99
. 99
. 100
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. 109
. 109
. 109
. 111
. 111
. 112
. 112
. 112

Chapter 5. Understanding Copy Services CLI messages . . . . . . . . 113

Copy Services CLI messages for OpenVMS Alpha host systems . . . . . . 113
Copy Services CLI messages for other host systems . . . . . . . . . . 116


ESS CLI Users Guide

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the Copy Services CLI . . . .

Testing the server connection . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Verifying the ESS Copy Services server configuration . . . .
Checking the ESS Copy Services server operational status . .
Checking the communication link . . . . . . . . . . . .
Verifying the ESS volume allocation . . . . . . . . . . .
Relinking the Copy Services CLI images on an OpenVMS Alpha

. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electronic emission notices . . . . . . . .
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Industry Canada compliance statement . .


. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .




. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .







European community compliance statement . . . . . . . . . .

Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) class A
statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Korean Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) statement .
Taiwan class A compliance statement . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessibility . . . . .
Features . . . . . . .
Navigating by keyboard .
Accessing the publications


















. . . 132
. . . 133
. . . 133
. . . 133




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159



ESS CLI Users Guide





ESS addresses and required accesses. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Identifiers for ESS host adapter ports . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Profile names for host systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ESS logical volume type identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list diskgroup parameter . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list hostconnection parameter . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list log parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list pav parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list pprcpaths parameter . . . . . . . . . .
Indicators of pprcpath connection status . . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list port parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list server parameter . . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the show task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Copy Services task options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list volume parameter . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list volumeaccess parameter . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list volumespace parameter . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list featurecode parameter . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list webuseraccount parameter . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list perfstats parameter . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the create perfstats parameter. . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the create perfstats parameter. . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the show email parameter . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the show pager parameter . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the show snmp parameter . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the list problem parameter . . . . . . . . . . .
Output fields for the show problem parameter . . . . . . . . . .
Storage Management CLI return code categories . . . . . . . . .
Summary of Copy Services CLI commands . . . . . . . . . . .
Platform-based notation conventions for Copy Services CLI commands .
Default Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004











. . . . . . . . . . 110



ESS CLI Users Guide

About this guide

This guide introduces the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS)
command-line interfaces (CLIs). Specifically, it describes the ESS CLI, hereafter
referred to as the Storage Management CLI and the Copy Services CLI. This guide
begins with installation and removal instructions for the command line interface. It
then covers the Storage Management and Copy Services commands and

Who should use this guide

This guide is intended for system administrators or others who install and use the
Storage Management CLI and the Copy Services CLI.

Conventions used in this guide

This section describes the notational conventions that are used in this guide.

Syntax diagrams
A syntax diagram uses symbols to represent the elements of a command and to
specify the rules for using these elements. This section shows you how to read the
syntax diagrams that represent the Storage Management CLI and the Copy
Services CLI commands. In doing so, it defines the symbols that represent the CLI
command elements.
Main path line

Begins on the left with double arrowheads (>>) and ends on the right with
two arrowheads facing each other (><). If a diagram is longer than one line,
each line to be continued ends with a single arrowhead (>) and the next
line begins with a single arrowhead. Read the diagrams from left-to-right,
top-to-bottom, following the main path line.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004



Represents the name of a command, flag, parameter, or argument. A

keyword is not in italics. Spell a keyword exactly as it is shown in the
syntax diagram.
Required keywords





Indicate the parameters or arguments you must specify for the command.
Required keywords appear on the main path line. Mutually exclusive
required keywords are stacked vertically.
Optional keywords


Indicate the parameters or arguments you can choose to specify for the
command. Optional keywords appear below the main path line. Mutually
exclusive optional keywords are stacked vertically.
Default value

 protocol =


Appears above the main path line.

Repeatable keyword or value

  newports =


Represents a parameter or argument that you can specify more than once.
A repeatable keyword or value is represented by an arrow returning to the
left above the keyword or value.

Represents the value you need to supply for a parameter or argument,

such as a file name, user name, or password. Variables are in italics.
Space separator

ESS CLI Users Guide





Adds a blank space on the main path line to separate keywords,

parameters, arguments, or variables from each other.
Quotation mark delimiters

ess = EssId

host = Host Name

profile = ProfileName

Indicates the start and end of a parameter or argument that contains

multiple values. Enclose one or more name-value pairs in a set of double
quotation marks for a particular parameter or argument. If the value of a
parameter or name-value pair contains a blank or white space, enclose the
entire value in a set of single quotation marks.
Equal-sign operator

ess =


profile =


Separates a name from its value in a name-value pair.

Syntax fragment

Fragment name

Fragment name:
( fragment details

Breaks up syntax diagrams that are too long, too complex, or repetitious.
The fragment name is inserted in the main diagram, and the actual
fragment is shown below the main diagram.

Special characters
The following special characters are used in the CLI command examples:
(minus) or / (slash) sign
Flags are prefixed with a (minus) or / (slash) sign. Flags define
the action of a command or modify the operation of a command.
You can use multiple flags, followed by parameters, when you issue
a command.
[] square brackets
Optional values are enclosed in square brackets.
{ } braces

Required or expected values are enclosed in braces.

| vertical bar

A vertical bar signifies that you choose only one value.

For example, [ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a, b, or
nothing. Similarly, { a | b } indicates that you must choose either
a or b.

... ellipsis

An ellipsis signifies the values that can be repeated on the

command line.

About this guide


Related information
The tables in this section list and describe the following publications:
v The publications that make up the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage
Server (ESS) library
v Other IBM publications that relate to the ESS
v Non-IBM publications that relate to the ESS
See Ordering IBM publications on page xix for information about how to order
publications in the IBM TotalStorage ESS publication library. See How to send your
comments on page xxi for information about how to send comments about the

ESS library
The following customer publications make up the ESS library. Unless otherwise
noted, these publications are available in Adobe portable document format (PDF) on
a compact disc (CD) that comes with the ESS. If you need additional copies of this
CD, the order number is SK2T-8803. These publications are also available as PDF
files by clicking on the Documentation link on the following ESS Web site:
See IBM publications center on page xx for information about ordering these and
other IBM publications.



IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server: Command-Line
Interfaces Users Guide

This guide describes the commands that you can use from the ESS Copy SC26-7494
Services command-line interface (CLI) for managing your ESS
(See Note.)
configuration and Copy Services relationships. The CLI application
provides a set of commands that you can use to write customized scripts
for a host system. The scripts initiate predefined tasks in an ESS Copy
Services server application. You can use the CLI commands to indirectly
control peer-to-peer remote copy and FlashCopy configuration tasks
within an ESS Copy Services server group.

IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server: Configuration
Planner for
Open-systems Hosts

This guide provides guidelines and work sheets for planning the logical
configuration of an ESS that attaches to open-systems hosts.

(See Note.)

IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server: Configuration
Planner for S/390 and
IBM ERserver zSeries

This guide provides guidelines and work sheets for planning the logical
configuration of an ESS that attaches to either the IBM S/390 and IBM
ERserver zSeries host system.

(See Note.)

IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server: Host Systems
Attachment Guide

This guide provides guidelines for attaching the ESS to your host system SC26-7446
and for migrating to fibre-channel attachment from either a small computer (See Note.)
system interface or from the IBM SAN Data Gateway.

IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server: DFSMS
Software Support

This publication provides an overview of the ESS and highlights its unique SC26-7440
(See Note.)
capabilities. It also describes Data Facility Storage Management
Subsystems (DFSMS) software support for the ESS, including support for
large volumes.


ESS CLI Users Guide




IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server: Introduction and
Planning Guide

This guide introduces the ESS product and lists the features you can
order. It also provides guidelines for planning the installation and
configuration of the ESS.

IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server: Quick
Configuration Guide

This booklet provides flow charts for using the TotalStorage Enterprise
Storage Server Specialist (ESS Specialist). The flow charts provide a
high-level view of the tasks that the IBM service support representative
performs during initial logical configuration. You can also use the flow
charts for tasks that you might perform when you are modifying the logical


IBM TotalStorage
This publication describes the functions of the ESS and provides
Enterprise Storage
reference information, such as channel commands, sense bytes, and error
Server: S/390 Command recovery procedures for IBM S/390 and zSeries hosts.
IBM TotalStorage Safety

This publication provides translations of the danger notices and caution

notices that IBM uses in ESS publications.


IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server: SCSI Command

This publication describes the functions of the ESS. It provides reference

information, such as channel commands, sense bytes, and error recovery
procedures for UNIX, IBM Application System/400 (AS/400), and
Eserver iSeries 400 hosts.


Subsystem Device
Driver Users Guide for
the IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server and the IBM
TotalStorage SAN
Volume Controller

This publication describes how to use the IBM Subsystem Device Driver
(SDD) on open-systems hosts to enhance performance and availability on
the ESS. SDD creates redundant paths for shared logical unit numbers.
SDD permits applications to run without interruption when path errors
occur. It balances the workload across paths, and it transparently
integrates with applications.

IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server: Users Guide

This guide provides instructions for setting up and operating the ESS and
for analyzing problems.

(See Note.)

IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server: Web Interface
Users Guide

This guide provides instructions for using the two ESS Web interfaces,
ESS Specialist and ESS Copy Services.

(See Note.)

IBM TotalStorage
Common Information
Model Agent for the
Enterprise Storage
Server: Installation and
Configuration Guide

This guide introduces the common interface model (CIM) concept and
provides instructions for installing and configuring the CIM Agent. The CIM
Agent acts as an open-system standards interpreter, allowing other
CIM-compliant storage resource management applications (IBM and
non-IBM) to interoperate with each other.

IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage
Server Application
Programming Interface

This publication provides reference information for the IBM TotalStorage

Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) application programming interface (API)
and provides instructions for installing the Common Information Model
Agent, which implements the ESS API.


Note: No hardcopy book is produced for this publication. However, a PDF file is available from the following Web

About this guide


Other IBM publications

Other IBM publications contain additional information that is related to the ESS. The
following list is divided into categories to help you find publications that are related
to specific topics. Some of the publications are listed under more than one category.
See IBM publications center on page xx for information about ordering these and
other IBM publications.


Data-copy services

z/OS DFSMS Advanced

Copy Services

This publication helps you understand and use IBM Advanced Copy
Services functions. It describes three dynamic copy functions and several
point-in-time copy functions. These functions provide backup and recovery
of data if a disaster occurs to your data center. The dynamic copy functions
are peer-to-peer remote copy, extended remote copy, and coupled
extended remote copy. Collectively, these functions are known as remote
copy. FlashCopy, ShapShot, and concurrent copy are the point-in-time copy

This publication provides guidelines for using remote copy functions with
Remote Copy Guide and S/390 and zSeries hosts.


IBM Enterprise Storage


This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5465
introduces the ESS and provides an understanding of its benefits. It also
describes in detail the architecture, hardware, and functions, including the
advanced copy functions, of the ESS.

Implementing Copy
Services 0n S/390

This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5680
tells you how to install, customize, and configure Copy Services on an ESS
that is attached to an S/390 or zSeries host system. Copy Services
functions include peer-to-peer remote copy, extended remote copy,
FlashCopy, and concurrent copy. This publication describes the functions,
prerequisites, and corequisites and describes how to implement each
function into your environment.

IBM TotalStorage ESS

Implementing Copy
Services in an Open

This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5757
tells you how to install, customize, and configure ESS Copy Services on
UNIX, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Tru64,
OpenVMS, and iSeries host systems. The Copy Services functions that are
described include peer-to-peer remote copy and FlashCopy. This
publication describes the functions and shows you how to implement them
into your environment. It also shows you how to implement these functions
in a high-availability cluster multiprocessing environment.
Fibre channel

Fibre Channel
This publication provides information about the fiber-channel I/O interface.
Connection (FICON) I/O This book is also available as a PDF file from the following Web site:
Interface: Physical Layer
Subsystem Installation

This publication tells you how to attach the IBM xSeries 430 and
NUMA-Q host systems with fibre-channel adapters to the ESS.


No order

Contact your sales representative to obtain this publication.

Fibre Transport Services This publication provides information about fibre-optic and ESCON-trunking GA22-7234
(FTS): Physical and
Configuration Planning


ESS CLI Users Guide




IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Managed Hub: 3534
Service Guide

This guide explains how to convert the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Managed
Hub from a Fibre-Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) configuration to a
fabric-capable switched environment.

IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Managed Hub: 3534
Users Guide

This guide provides an overview of the product and discusses available

features and upgrades. It also tells you how to install the hub, how to
manage and monitor it using zoning, and how to manage it remotely. It also
tells you how to use the IBM 3534 SAN Fibre Channel Managed Hub
TotalStorage ESS Specialist.

IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Switch: 2109 Model S08
Installation and Service

This guide describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre
Channel Switch 2109 Model S08.


IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Switch: 2109 Model S08
Users Guide

This guide describes the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch and the IBM
TotalStorage ESS Specialist. It provides information about the commands
and how to manage the switch with Telnet and the Simple Network
Management Protocol.


IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Switch: 2109 Model S16
Installation and Service

This publication describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre
Channel Switch 2109 Model S16. It is intended for trained service
representatives and service providers.


IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Switch: 2109 Model S16
Users Guide

This guide introduces the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch 2109 Model S16 SC26-7351
and tells you how to manage and monitor the switch using zoning and how
to manage the switch remotely.

Implementing Fibre
Channel Attachment on
the ESS

This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-6113
helps you install, tailor, and configure fibre-channel attachment of
open-systems hosts to the ESS. It provides you with a broad
understanding of the procedures that are involved and describes the
prerequisites and requirements. It also shows you how to implement
fibre-channel attachment. This book also describes the steps required to
migrate to direct fibre-channel attachment from native SCSI adapters and
from fibre-channel attachment through the SAN Data Gateway.


Open-systems hosts

This publication provides a description of the physical and logical ESA/390

I/O interface and the protocols that govern information transfer over that
interface. It is intended for designers of programs and equipment
associated with the ESCON I/O interface and for service personnel who
maintain that equipment. However, anyone concerned with the functional
details of the ESCON I/O interface can find it useful.


ESS Solutions for Open

Systems Storage:
Compaq AlphaServer,
HP, and Sun

This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-6119
helps you install, tailor, and configure the ESS when you attach Compaq
AlphaServer (running Tru64 UNIX), HP, and Sun hosts. This book does not
cover Compaq AlphaServer that is running the OpenVMS operating
system. This book also focuses on the settings that are required to give
optimal performance and on the settings for device driver levels. This book
is for the experienced UNIX professional who has a broad understanding of
storage concepts.

Subsystem Installation

This publication tells you how to attach the IBM xSeries 430 and NUMA-Q
host systems with fibre-channel adapters to the ESS.

No order

Contact your sales representative to obtain this publication.

About this guide





IBM TotalStorage ESS

Implementing Copy
Services in an Open

This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5757
tells you how to install, customize, and configure ESS Copy Services on
UNIX, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 host systems. The Copy Services
functions that are described include peer-to-peer remote copy and
FlashCopy. This publication describes the functions and shows you how to
implement them into your environment. It also shows you how to
implement these functions in a high-availability cluster multiprocessing

Implementing Fibre
Channel Attachment on
the ESS

This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-6113
helps you install, tailor, and configure fibre-channel attachment of
open-systems hosts to the ESS. It gives you a broad understanding of the
procedures that are involved and describes the prerequisites and
requirements. It also shows you how to implement fibre-channel
attachment. This book also describes the steps that are required to migrate
to direct fibre-channel attachment from native SCSI adapters and from
fibre-channel attachment through the SAN Data Gateway.
S/390 and zSeries hosts

Device Support
Facilities: Users Guide
and Reference

This publication describes the IBM Device Support Facilities (ICKDSF)

product that are used with IBM direct access storage device (DASD)
subsystems. ICKDSF is a program that you can use to perform functions
that are needed for the installation, the use, and the maintenance of IBM
DASD. You can also use it to perform service functions, error detection,
and media maintenance.


z/OS Advanced Copy


This publication helps you understand and use IBM Advanced Copy
Services functions. It describes three dynamic copy functions and several
point-in-time copy functions. These functions provide backup and recovery
of data if a disaster occurs to your data center. The dynamic copy functions
are peer-to-peer remote copy, extended remote copy, and coupled
extended remote copy. Collectively, these functions are known as remote
copy. FlashCopy, SnapShot, and concurrent copy are the point-in-time copy

This publication provides guidelines for using remote copy functions with
Remote Copy Guide and S/390 and zSeries hosts.





This publication provides a description of the physical and logical ESA/390

I/O interface and the protocols that govern information transfer over that
interface. It is intended for designers of programs and equipment
associated with the ESCON I/O interface and for service personnel who
maintain that equipment. However, anyone concerned with the functional
details of the ESCON I/O interface will find it useful.

Fibre Transport Services This publication provides information about fibre-optic and ESCON-trunking GA22-7234
(FTS): Physical and
Configuration Planning
Implementing ESS Copy This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5680
Services on S/390
tells you how to install, customize, and configure Copy Services on an ESS
that is attached to an S/390 or zSeries host system. Copy Services
functions include Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy, Extended Remote Copy,
FlashCopy, and Concurrent Copy. This publication describes the functions,
prerequisites, and corequisites and describes how to implement each
function into your environment.


ESS CLI Users Guide




ES/9000, ES/3090:
IOCP User Guide
Volume A04

This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that

supports the Enterprise Systems Connection (ESCON) architecture. It
describes how to define, install, and configure the channels or channel
paths, control units, and I/O devices on the ES/9000 processors and the
IBM ES/3090 Processor Complex.


IOCP Users Guide, IBM

Eserver zSeries 800
and 900

This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that

supports the zSeries 800 and 900 servers. This publication is available in
PDF format by accessing ResourceLink at the following Web site:

IOCP Users Guide, IBM
Eserver zSeries

This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that

supports the zSeries server. This publication is available in PDF format by
accessing ResourceLink at the following Web site:

S/390: Input/Output
Configuration Program
Users Guide and

This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that

supports ESCON architecture and the ESCON multiple image facility.


IBM z/OS Hardware

Configuration Definition
Users Guide

This guide provides conceptual and procedural information to help you use
the z/OS Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) application. It also
v How to migrate existing IOCP/MVSCP definitions
v How to use HCD to dynamically activate a new configuration
v How to resolve problems in conjunction with MVS/ESA HCD


OS/390: Hardware
Configuration Definition
Users Guide

This guide provides detailed information about the input/output definition

file and about how to configure parallel access volumes. This guide
discusses how to use Hardware Configuration Definition for both OS/390
and z/OS V1R1.


OS/390 V2R10.0: MVS

System Messages
Volume 1 (ABA - ASA)

This publication lists OS/390 MVS system messages ABA to ASA.


Using IBM 3390 Direct

Access Storage in a VM

This publication provides device-specific information for the various models GG26-4575
of the 3390 and describes methods you can use to manage storage
efficiently using the VM operating system. It provides guidance on
managing system performance, availability, and space through effective
use of the direct access storage subsystem.

Using IBM 3390 Direct

Access Storage in a
VSE Environment

This publication helps you use the 3390 in a VSE environment. It includes
planning information for adding new 3390 units and instructions for
installing devices, migrating data, and performing ongoing storage
management activities.

Using IBM 3390 Direct

Access Storage in an
MVS Environment

This publication helps you use the 3390 in an MVS environment. It

includes device-specific information for the various models of the 3390 and
illustrates techniques for more efficient storage management. It also offers
guidance on managing system performance, availability, and space
utilization through effective use of the direct access storage subsystem.

z/Architecture Principles
of Operation

This publication provides a detailed definition of the z/Architecture. It is

written as a reference for use primarily by assembler language
programmers and describes each function at the level of detail needed to
prepare an assembler language program that relies on a particular
function. However, anyone concerned with the functional details of
z/Architecture will find this publication useful.



About this guide





IBM OS/390 Hardware

Configuration Definition
Users Guide

This guide explains how to use the Hardware Configuration Data

application to perform the following tasks:


v Define new hardware configurations

v View and modify existing hardware configurations
v Activate configurations
v Query supported hardware
v Maintain input/output definition files (IODFs)
v Compare two IODFs or compare an IODF with an actual configuration
v Print reports of configurations
v Create graphical reports of a configuration
v Migrate existing configuration data

IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Managed Hub: 3534
Service Guide

This guide explains how to convert the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Managed
Hub from a Fibre-Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) configuration to a
fabric-capable switched environment.


IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Managed Hub: 3534
Users Guide

This guide provides an overview of the product and discussed the features GC26-7391
and upgrades available. It also tells you how to install the hub, how to
manage and monitor it using zoning, and how to manage it remotely. It also
tells you how to use the IBM 3534 SAN Fibre Channel Managed Hub
TotalStorage ESS Specialist.

IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Switch: 2109 Model S08
Installation and Service

This guide describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre
Channel Switch 2109 Model S08.


IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Switch: 2109 Model S08
Users Guide

This guide describes the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch and the IBM
TotalStorage ESS Specialist. It provides information about the commands
and how to manage the switch with Telnet and the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).


IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Switch: 2109 Model S16
Installation and Service

This publication describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre
Channel Switch 2109 Model S16. It is intended for trained service
representatives and service providers.


IBM SAN Fibre Channel

Switch: 2109 Model S16
Users Guide

This guide introduces the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch 2109 Model S16 SC26-7351
and tells you how to manage and monitor the switch using zoning and how
to manage the switch remotely.

Implementing Fibre
Channel Attachment on
the ESS

This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-6113
helps you install, tailor, and configure fibre-channel attachment of
open-systems hosts to the ESS. It provides you with a broad
understanding of the procedures that are involved and describes the
prerequisites and requirements. It also shows you how to implement
fibre-channel attachment. This book also describes the steps required to
migrate to direct fibre-channel attachment from native SCSI adapters and
from fibre-channel attachment through the SAN Data Gateway.
Seascape family

IBM Enterprise Storage



This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5465
introduces the ESS and provides an understanding of its benefits. It also
describes in detail the architecture, hardware, and functions, including the
advanced copy functions, of the ESS.

ESS CLI Users Guide




IBM Enterprise Storage

Server Performance
Monitoring and Tuning

This guide, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,

provides guidance on the best way to configure, monitor, and manage your
ESS to ensure optimum performance.

IBM Versatile Storage

Server: Introduction and
Planning Guide

This publication introduces the IBM Versatile Storage Server and lists the GC26-7223
features you can order. It also provides planning information for both 2105
Models B09 and 100.

Implementing the IBM

Enterprise Storage
Server in Your

This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5420
can help you install, tailor, and configure the ESS in your environment.

Storage management
Device Support
Facilities: Users Guide
and Reference

This publication describes the IBM Device Support Facilities (ICKDSF)

product used with IBM direct access storage device (DASD) subsystems.
ICKDSF is a program that you can use to perform functions that are
needed for the installation, the use, and the maintenance of IBM DASD.
You can also use it to perform service functions, error detection, and media

IBM TotalStorage
Solutions Handbook

This handbook, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5250
helps you understand what makes up enterprise storage management. The
concepts include the key technologies that you must know and the IBM
subsystems, software, and solutions that are available today. It also
provides guidelines for implementing various enterprise storage
administration tasks so that you can establish your own enterprise storage
management environment.

IBM TotalStorage Expert: This guide, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
Hands-On Usage Guide helps you install, tailor, configure, and use TotalStorage ESS Expert.


IBM TotalStorage Expert

Installation Guide

This guide helps you install the IBM TotalStorage Expert (formerly the IBM
StorWatch Expert) program. The IBM TotalStorage Expert provides asset,
capacity, and performance management information for disk and tape
storage systems.


Using IBM 3390 Direct

Access Storage in a VM

This publication provides device-specific information for the various models GG26-4575
of the 3390 and describes methods that you can use to manage storage
efficiently using the VM operating system. It provides guidance for
managing system performance, availability, and space through effective
use of the direct access storage subsystem.

Using IBM 3390 Direct

Access Storage in a
VSE Environment

This publication helps you use the 3390 in a VSE environment. It includes
planning information for adding new 3390 units and instructions for
installing devices, migrating data, and performing ongoing storage
management activities.

Using IBM 3390 Direct

Access Storage in an
MVS Environment

This publication helps you use the 3390 in an MVS environment. It

includes device-specific information for the various models of the 3390 and
illustrates techniques for more efficient storage management. It also offers
guidance for managing system performance, availability, and space use
through effective use of the direct access storage subsystem.


Ordering IBM publications

This section tells you how to order copies of IBM publications and how to set up a
profile to receive notifications about new or changed publications.

About this guide


IBM publications center

The publications center is a worldwide central repository for IBM product
publications and marketing material.
The IBM publications center offers customized search functions to help you find the
publications that you need. Some publications are available for you to view or
download free of charge. You can also order publications. The publications center
displays prices in your local currency. You can access the IBM publications center
through the following Web site:

Publications notification system

The IBM publications center Web site offers you a notification system for IBM
publications. Register and you can create your own profile of publications that
interest you. The publications notification system sends you a daily e-mail that
contains information about new or revised publications that are based on your
If you want to subscribe, you can access the publications notification system from
the IBM publications center at the following Web site:

Non-IBM publications
Other related publications are not available through IBM ordering systems. To order
them, contact the sales representative at the branch office in your locality.


Quick Start Guide: An Example with Network File System This guide tells you how to configure the Veritas Cluster
Server. See also the companion document, Veritas
Cluster Server Users Guide.
Veritas Cluster Server Installation Guide

This guide tells you how to install the Veritas Cluster

Server. See also the companion document, Veritas
Cluster Server Release Notes.

Veritas Cluster Server Release Notes

These release notes tell you how to install the Veritas

Cluster Server. See also the companion document,
Veritas Cluster Server Installation Guide.

Veritas Cluster Server Users Guide

This guide tells you how to configure the Veritas Cluster

Server. See also the companion document, Quick Start
Guide: An Example with Network File System (NFS).

Veritas Volume Manager Hardware Notes

These hardware notes tell you how to implement multiple

paths dynamically.

Veritas Volume Manager Installation Guide

This guide tells you how to install VxVM.

Veritas Volume Manager Storage Administrators Guide

This guide tells you how to administer and configure the

disk volume groups.

Web sites
The following Web sites provide information about the ESS and other IBM storage


ESS CLI Users Guide

Type of Storage Information

Web Site

Concurrent Copy for S/390 and

zSeries host systems

Enterprise Storage Server (ESS)

ESS Copy Services command-line

interface (CLI)

ESS publications
Click Documentation.

FlashCopy for S/390 and zSeries

host systems

Host system models, operating

systems, and adapters that the ESS

IBM storage products

Click Interoperability matrix.

IBM version of the Java (JRE) that is

often required for IBM products
Multiple Device Manager (MDM)
Click Storage Virtualization.

NUMA-Q host systems

PPRC for S/390 and zSeries host


SAN fibre channel switches

Storage Area Network Gateway and


Subsystem Device Driver (SDD)

TotalStorage Expert

XRC for S/390 and zSeries host


How to send your comments

Your feedback is important to help us provide the highest quality information. If you
have any comments about this book or any other ESS documentation, you can
submit them in one of the following ways:
v e-mail
Submit your comments electronically to the following e-mail address:
[email protected]
Be sure to include the name and order number of the book and, if applicable, the
specific location of the text you are commenting on, such as a page number or
table number.
v Mail
Fill out the Readers Comments form (RCF) at the back of this book. Return it by
mail or give it to an IBM representative. If the RCF has been removed, you can
address your comments to:
International Business Machines Corporation
Information Development
Department 61C
About this guide


9032 South Rita Road

TUCSON AZ 85775-4401


ESS CLI Users Guide

Summary of Changes
This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes. Technical
changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to
the left of the change. This summary of changes describes new functions that have
been added to this release.

Summary of Changes for SC26-7494-04 IBM TotalStorage Enterprise

Storage Server Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide
This document contains information previously presented in IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide, SC26-7494-03.
Note: Because of publication format changes in Chapter 1, revision bars for
updated material print only at the heading level and at the last line of the
changed section. Revision bars print as straight lines in the remaining

New Information
This edition includes the following new information for the Storage Management
v New installation instructions that allow you to install the command line interface
through Installshield, the console, or in silent mode. OpenVMS is the only
operation system that can only be performed using the console.
v Updates to list server output fields in support of the ESS Model 750
v Updates to the show task output fields in support of the asynchronous PPRC
This edition includes the following new information for the Copy Services CLI:
v The new rsFlashCopyQuery command that allows you to synchronously query a
user-specified volume or group of volumes to retrieve FlashCopy data.
v Updates to the rsQuery output fields in support of the asynchronous PPRC

Deleted Information
v Previous installation instructions for the Storage Management CLI and the Copy
Services CLI.

Summary of Changes for SC26-7494-03 IBM TotalStorage Enterprise

Storage Server Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide
This document contains information previously presented in IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide, SC26-7494-02.

New Information
This edition includes the following new information for the Storage Management
v The create perfstats command that allows you to register a client to collect
performance information from your ESS

Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004


v The delete perfstats command that allows you to remove a client registration
that was created using the create perfstats command
v Addition of the following new messages for the ESS Storage Management CLI:
557, 559, 706, 707, 708

Deleted Information
Support for the ESS Storage Management CLI set perfstats command

Summary of Changes for SC26-7494-02 IBM TotalStorage Enterprise

Storage Server Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide
This document contains information previously presented in IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server Command-Line Interfaces Users Guide, SC26-7494-01.
The following sections summarize the changes to that information.

New Information
This edition includes the following new information for the Storage Management
v Space management that provides commands to create new volumes from a
volume space and allow you to query the available free space. You can also
create and delete volume spaces.
v Deleting parallel access volumes
v Adding, modifying, or deleting ESS Web user accounts including changing
passwords and access levels to the ESS
v Setting remote support on an ESS

Showing, creating, and deleting e-mails

Showing, creating, and deleting, pagers
Showing, creating, and deleting SNMP traps
Showing and deleting active problems on the ESS
Viewing feature codes active on the ESS
Support for new operating systems: Windows Server 2003, Windows NT, AIX
5.2, RedHat 7.3, SuSE Linux SLES7

This edition includes the following new information for the Copy Services CLI:
v Support for the following operating systems: Windows Server 2003 and AIX 5.2

Changed Information
Definitions for -s (primaryserver) and -b (backupserver) in the Copy Services
Commands section have changed to support the dual active servers function.


ESS CLI Users Guide

Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI

This chapter contains information to help you install and remove the command line
interface (CLI). You can install and remove the CLI in silent mode, console mode, or
by using an Installshield. There is a unique set of instructions if you are installing on
an OpenVMS system.

Supported operating systems for the command-line interface

You can install the command-line interface on these operating system levels.
Supported operating systems for the command-line interface
v AIX 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.2
v HPUX 10.20, 11.0, 11i
v Linux (Red Hat: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, RHEL 2.1, RHEL 3, SUSE LINUX 7.2, 7.3, SLES 7,
v Sun Solaris 7, 8, 9
v Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows Datacenter, and Windows 2003


OpenVMS Alpha 7.3

HP Tru64 4.0F, 4.0G, 5.1, 5.1A
IBM NumaQ 4.4.x, 4.5.x, 4.6.x
Novell Netware 4.2, 5.1, 6.0

CLI operational limitations

This topic describes the ESS CLI operational limitations.
ESS CLI operational limitations
v Fixed block and S/390 volumes in the same volume space or the same logical
subsystem cannot be mixed. This is a limitation of the ESS.
v Logical subsystems cannot be created using the ESS Storage Management CLI.
v Individual volumes cannot be deleted. This is a limitation of the ESS.
v LUNs cannot be exposed or unexposed to parallel SCSI-3 hosts using the ESS
Storage Management CLI.
v Parallel SCSI-3 attached hosts or host connections cannot be managed using the
ESS Storage Management CLI.
v Parallel SCSI-3 host adapter ports cannot be configured using the ESS Storage
Management CLI.
v A maximum of 256 volumes for each logical subsystem can be defined. This is a
limitation of the ESS.

Preparing for installation

Perform these tasks to prepare your system for the CLI installation.
Be aware of the following requirements before you begin the installation:
v You must have Java 1.1.8 or later installed on your machine unless you are
installing on Windows, AIX, or Sun.
v If you are installing on a Compaq Tru64 or NumaQ ptx system, you must use the
ksh (Korn shell) or bash (Bourne again shell) shell. Installshield does not support
Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004

the bash (.sh) shell. You must perform all Compaq Tru64 and NumaQ ptx
installations using the file that is located on the installation
compact disc.
v You must remove any existing version of the Storage Management CLI before
you can install LIC level 2.4.0 on your system. See the previous version of the
IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Command-Line Interface Users
Guide (SC26-7494-03) for removal instructions. The removal instructions that are
provided in this publication will only remove LIC level 2.4.0.
v The installation process installs the CLI in the following default directory:


HPUX /opt/ibm/ESScli
Linux /opt/ibm/ESScli
Sun Solaris
C:\Program Files\IBM\ESScli
HP Tru64
Novell Netware
1. Log on to your host system as a root user or administrator.
2. Insert the CLI product CD into the CD drive. If a window pops up for the CD
drive, close the window.
3. Mount the CD drive using the mount command according to your system. You
can mount your CD drive using the following examples:

Create a directory for the CD-ROM by entering the following command:

mkdir /cdrom -p

Create a directory for the CD-ROM by entering the following command:

crfs -v cdrfs -p ro -d cd0 -m /cdrom

where cd0 is the standard representation for the CD-ROM drive.

Mount the CD-ROM file system by entering the following command:
mount /cdrom

HPUX Mount the CD to your SD_CDROM using the path name for your
environment by typing the following commands:
ioscan -fmkC disk | more
mount /dev/ask/c?t?d? /SD_CDROM

Linux Type the following command on Red Hat systems:

mount /dev/cdrom

Type the following command on SuSE systems:

mount /dev/media

Sun Solaris
Type the following command:

ESS CLI Users Guide

mkdir /mnt
mount -F hsfs -r /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /mnt

Note: The device name /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 is the default name for Sun
Solaris. The device name may be different on your system
depending on your hardware configuration.
You do not need to mount the CD if you are using this operating
HP Tru64
Type the following command:
mount -t cdfs -o noversion /dev/rznn /mnt

where nn represents the number of CD devices.

Type the following command to mount partition #0 in read-only mode:
/etc/mount/ -r -f cdfs /dev/dsk/cd0 /mnt

If cd0 does not exist, type the following command to find the CD device
/etc/dumpconf | grep cd

Substitute cd0 with the device name that you just found, and type the
following command again:
/etc/mount/ -r -f cdfs /dev/dsk/your_device_name /mnt

where your_device_name is the name of the device that you just found.
Novell Netware
You do not need to mount the CD if you are using this operating
4. Navigate to your CD drive and proceed with either the silent, console, or
Installshield installation.

Installing the CLI using the silent mode

This topic describes how to install the CLI using the silent mode.
The CLI can be installed silently through the command-line. If you only use the
silent option, the installation uses the default options rather than allowing you to
select options. Perform the following steps to install the CLI in silent mode:
1. Type the following Java command on the command-line:
setup<platform>.<exe|bin|sh> -silent
2. You can run a silent installation and also specify which options are chosen by
using an options file located on the compact disk. The options file allows you to
specify the options that you want to use during the installation. On the
command-line, add the following flag to the installation command: -options
options.txt. The following is an example of an options file:
InstallShield Options File Template
# Wizard name: Install
# Wizard source: setup.jar
# Created on: Mon Dec 08 16:35:04 MST 2003
# Created by: InstallShield Options File Generator
Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI

# This file can be used to create an options file (i.e., response file) for the
# wizard "Install". Options files are used with "-options" on the command-line
# to modify wizard settings.
# The settings that can be specified for the wizard are listed below. To use
# this template, follow these steps:
1. Enable a setting below by removing leading ### characters from the
line (search for ### to find settings you can change).
2. Specify a value for a setting by replacing the characters <value>.
Read each settings documentation for information on how to specify its
3. Save the changes to the file.
4. To use the options file with the wizard, specify -options <file name>
as a command-line argument to the wizard, where <file name> is the name
of this options file.
# License Agreement State
# The initial state of the License Agreement panel. Legal values are:
0 - Nothing will be selected
1 - "I accept the terms of the license agreement." will be selected
2 - "I do not accept the terms of the license agreement." will be
# For example, to configure the panel to initially display "I do not accept the
# terms of the license agreement.", use
-W bean.selection=2
-W bean.selection=1
# User Input Field - Win_Novell_select
0 - Novell 4
1 - Novell 5/6
2 - Windows
-W win_user_input.Win_Novell_select="2"
# command-line Interface Install Location
# The install location of the product. Specify a valid directory into which the
# product should be installed. If the directory contains spaces, enclose it in
# double-quotes. For example, to install the product to C:\Program Files\My
# Product, use
-P installLocation="C:\Program Files\My Product"

ESS CLI Users Guide

-P installLocation="C:\temp\CLI"

If you are installing on Windows, your system will automatically restart when the
installation is complete. You can verify that the command-line interface has installed
correctly by reviewing the CLI.CFG file in the directory that you chose for
Note: In CLI.CFG file, the JAVA_INSTALL variable must be set to the location of
the Java executable, for example, JAVA_INSTALL=/usr/java/jre/bin. If the
Java executable is named jre, then JAVA_JRE must be set to JRE:
JAVA_JRE=JRE. If it is called java, then JAVA_JRE should be empty, for
example, JAVA_JRE= .
The installer will typically be able to auto-detect the correct values. If the
correct values are not detected, then you should edit the CLI.CFG file to
reflect the actual java installation location.

Removing the CLI using the silent mode

This topic describes how to remove the CLI using the silent mode.
Be aware of the following requirements before you begin the installation:
v If you are installing on a Compaq Tru64 or NumaQ ptx system, you must use the
ksh (Korn shell) or bash (Bourne again shell) shell. Installshield does not support
the bash (.sh) shell. You must perform all Compaq Tru64 and NumaQ ptx
installations using the file that is located on the installation
compact disc.


The CLI can be removed silently through the command-line. If you only use the
silent option the uninstallation program uses the default options rather than allowing
you to select options.
To install in silent mode, type the following command at that command prompt:
<install directory>/_uninst/uninstaller.<exe|sh|bin> -silent

Installing the CLI using the console mode

This topic describes how to install the CLI using the console mode.
Perform the following steps to install the CLI using the console mode:
1. Open a command prompt and locate the following files:


Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI

2. Type the following command on the command-line:

setup<platform>.<exe|bin|sh> -console
3. The Welcome screen is displayed. Press 1 (or Enter) for Next, 3 to Cancel, or
4 to Redisplay.
Initializing InstallShield Wizard...
Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for IBM command-line Interface (CLI) for
Enterprise Storage Servers (ESS)
The InstallShield Wizard installs IBM command-line Interface on your computer.
To continue, choose Next.
command-line Interface
IBM Corporation
Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

4. The License Agreement screen is displayed. You must accept the terms of the
license agreement to continue with the installation. If there is already an X next
to I accept the terms of the license agreement, press Enter to continue. If
not, press 1, then Enter and the screen should redisplay.
Read the following license agreement carefully.
Use of the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) command-line
interface (CLI) is governed by the IBM Agreement for Licensed Internal Code, a
copy of which has been provided with your ESS Machine.
(C) Copyright 2000, 2003 International Business Machines
Corporation All rights reserved.
Please choose from the following options:
[X] 1 - I accept the terms of the license agreement.
[ ] 2 - I do not accept the terms of the license agreement.
To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

5. Once you have accepted the terms of the license agreement, press Enter. The
following screen is displayed. Press Enter to continue.
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

6. The Window Users screen is displayed. This screen is only displayed if you
are installing on a Windows system or are pointing to a Novell system. If you
want Windows, press Enter. If you want one of the Novell systems, enter 1 or
2, and then press Enter. If you choose 1 or 2, the screen is updated with an X
next to the Novell system that you selected.
Select the appropriate target system for the CLI installation:
[ ] 1 - Novell 4
[ ] 2 - Novell 5/6
[X] 3 - Windows
To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

7. Once you have selected a target system, press Enter. The following screen is
displayed. Press Enter to continue.
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

ESS CLI Users Guide

8. The Installation Location screen is displayed. If you are satisfied with the given
directory shown in brackets, press Enter. If not, enter the directory where you
want to install the CLI, and press Enter.
command-line Interface Install Location
Please specify a directory or press Enter to accept the default directory.
Directory Name: [C:\Program Files\ibm\ESScli]
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

9. Once you have selected an installation location, the following screen is

displayed. Press Enter to continue.
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

10. The Installation Preview screen is displayed. Press 1 or Enter to continue.

command-line Interface will be installed in the following location:
C:\Program Files\ibm\ESScli
for a total size:
26.3 MB
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

11. The Installation Preview screen is displayed. Press 1 or Enter to continue after
the installation completes.
Installing command-line Interface. Please wait...
Creating uninstaller...

12. The Installation Completed screen is displayed. Review the readme

information. If you are satisfied with the installation, press Enter or 3 and then
The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed command-line Interface.
Choose Next to continue the wizard.
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

13. The Readme screen displays specific operating system information that you
need to know about the command-line interface. Press Enter to review the
readme information, then 1 and Enter to continue if you are installing on a
Windows system. For all other systems, press 3 and Enter to finish the
Read the following information below.
IBM(R) TotalStorage(TM) Enterprise Storage Server(TM)
Storage Management Command-Line Interface
for Windows NT(R) or Windows 2000(R) Host Systems

About this README file

Who should read this README file
Help contacts
Where to find more information
Contents of Windows CLI package
Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI


Trademarks and service marks

About this README file

Press ENTER to read the text [Type q to quit]

This README file tells you where to find user
information about the IBM Storage Management Command-Line
Interface (CLI) and lists the contents of the CLI
package for Windows NT(R) or Windows 2000(R) host

Who should read this README file

This README file is intended for system administrators
who are familiar with the Windows NT(R) or Windows 2000(R)
environment and need to use the CLI to work with the ESS.


Help contacts
1. For administrative or non-technical support:

Press ENTER to read the text [Type q to quit]

1-877-426-6006 (Please listen to voice prompts)
(You may call this number if you have questions
on hardware/software orders, hardware maintenance,
services contracts of entitlement, and invoices,
Commercial or State & Local Support Operations)
2. Business Partner Support Operations:
3. Federal Government Support Operations:
Where to find more information
See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Command-Line
Press ENTER to read the text [Type q to quit]
Interface Users Guide for detailed descriptions of the following:

o Installing the Storage Management CLI and Copy Services CLI

o Using the Storage Management CLI and Copy Services CLI commands
Understanding the Storage Management CLI and Copy Services CLI messages
o Troubleshooting the Copy Services CLI
IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Command-Line
Interface Users Guide is available to you in PDF format.
You can locate the PDF file (f2bc1i00.pdf) in the /cliReadmes
directory of the MegaCDR.


ESS CLI Users Guide


Contents of Windows CLI package

The Windows CLI package contains the following files:

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Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI

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ESS CLI Users Guide

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Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

14. If you are installing on a Windows system, the Restart screen is displayed.
Press 3 to complete the installation.
To complete the installation you must restart your computer.
[X] 1 - Yes, restart my computer.
[ ] 2 - No, I will restart my computer at a later time.
To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished:
[0] To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0] 2
[] 1 - Yes, restart my computer.
[X] 2 - No, I will restart my computer at a later time.
To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]
Press 3 to Finish or 4 to Redisplay [3]

You can verify that the command-line interface has installed correctly by reviewing
the CLI.CFG file in the directory that you chose for installation.
Note: In CLI.CFG file, the JAVA_INSTALL variable must be set to the location of
the Java executable, for example, JAVA_INSTALL=/usr/java/jre/bin. If the
Java executable is named jre, then JAVA_JRE must be set to JRE:
JAVA_JRE=JRE. If it is called java, then JAVA_JRE should be empty, for
example, JAVA_JRE= .
The installer will typically be able to auto-detect the correct values. If the
correct values are not detected, then you should edit the CLI.CFG file to
reflect the actual java installation location.
Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI



Removing the CLI using the console mode

This topic describes how to remove the CLI using the console mode.
Be aware of the following requirements before you begin the installation:
v If you are installing on a Compaq Tru64 or NumaQ ptx system, you must use the
ksh (Korn shell) or bash (Bourne again shell) shell. Installshield does not support
the bash (.sh) shell. You must perform all Compaq Tru64 and NumaQ ptx
installations using the file that is located on the installation
compact disc.
Perform the following steps to remove the CLI using the console mode:
1. Type the following command at that command prompt: <install
directory>/_uninst/uninstaller.<exe|sh|bin> -console
2. The Welcome screen displays. Press 1 and Enter to continue, or 3 to Cancel
the removal process.
Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for IBM command-line Interface (CLI) for
Enterprise Storage Servers (ESS)
The InstallShield Wizard uninstalls IBM command-line Interface on your
To continue, choose Next.
command-line Interface
IBM Corporation
Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

3. The Uninstallation Location screen is displayed. Press 1 and Enter to continue,

or 3 and Cancel to exit the removal process.
command-line Interface will be uninstalled from the following location:
C:\Program Files\ibm\ESScli
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

4. The Uninstallation progress screen is displayed while the command-line

interface is being removed.
Uninstalling command-line Interface...

5. The Uninstallation Complete screen is displayed. Press 3 to finish the removal.

The InstallShield Wizard has successfully uninstalled command-line Interface.
Choose Finish to exit the wizard.


Press 3 to Finish or 4 to Redisplay [3]

Installing the CLI using Installshield

This topic describes how to install the CLI using the Installshield program.
Perform the following steps to install the CLI using Installshield:
1. Locate the following files on your installation compact disk:
v setuplinux.bin
v setupwin32console.exe
v setup.jar
v setuphp1020.bin


ESS CLI Users Guide

v setupsolarisSparc.bin
v setupaix.bin
v setuphp11x.bin
v setupwin32.exe
2. Execute the setup file that is appropriate for your operating system.
3. The Welcome screen is displayed. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the

4. The License Agreement screen is displayed. Select I accept the terms of

this license agreement to continue. Click I do not accept the terms of
this license agreement or Cancel to exit the installation.

5. The Window Users panel is displayed. This panel only is displayed if you are
installing on a Windows system or pointing to a Novell system. Select the
appropriate target system, and then click Next to continue or Cancel to exit
Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI


the installation.

6. The Installation Location panel is displayed. If you are satisfied with the default
directory, click Next. If not, type the directory path where you want to install
the CLI and click Next. Click Cancel if you want to exit the installation.

7. The Installation Preview panel is displayed. This panel reviews where the
command-line interface will be installed and how much space it will take up on
your drive. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the installation. You can


ESS CLI Users Guide

change the installation directory by clicking Back.

8. The Installation Progress panel is displayed. This panel shows the progress of
the command-line interface installation. Click Next to continue or Cancel to
exit the installation.

Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI


9. The Installation Summary panel is displayed. This panel shows the installation
summary information. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the installation.

10. The Readme panel contains information that is specific to the operating system
that you are installing on. These instructions display an example of the
Windows operating system. Review the information, then click Finish to
complete the installation, or click Next if you are installing on a Windows

Note: If you are installing on a Windows system, another panel asks if you
want to restart your computer to complete the installation. Click Yes to


ESS CLI Users Guide

restart your system or No to restart your system at a later time.

You can verify that the command-line interface has installed correctly by reviewing
the CLI.CFG file in the directory that you chose for installation.
Note: In CLI.CFG file, the JAVA_INSTALL variable must be set to the location of
the Java executable, for example, JAVA_INSTALL=/usr/java/jre/bin. If the
Java executable is named jre, then JAVA_JRE must be set to JRE:
JAVA_JRE=JRE. If it is called java, then JAVA_JRE should be empty, for
example, JAVA_JRE= .
The installer will typically be able to auto-detect the correct values. If the
correct values are not detected, then you should edit the CLI.CFG file to
reflect the actual java installation location.

Removing the CLI using Installshield

This topic describes how to remove the CLI using the Installshield program.
Be aware of the following requirements before you begin the installation:
v If you are installing on a Compaq Tru64 or NumaQ ptx system, you must use the
ksh (Korn shell) or bash (Bourne again shell) shell. Installshield does not support
the bash (.sh) shell. You must perform all Compaq Tru64 and NumaQ ptx
installations using the file that is located on the installation
compact disc.


Perform the following steps to remove the CLI using Installshield:

1. Locate the uninstaller file in the /_uninst folder. If you selected the default
directory, you can find _uninst folder using the /opt/ibm/ESScli path. The
uninstaller file name is, with xxx depending on the operating
system. If you have a Windows system, then the file name is uninstaller.exe. If
you have a Linux, Hewlett Packard, Sun, or AIX system, then the file name is
uninstaller.bin. For all other operating systems the file name is


Note: If you have a Windows system, you must start the removal by using the
Add/Remove Programs feature.
Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI


2. Run the uninstaller file to begin the Installshield command-line interface

uninstaller. The uninstaller Welcome panel is displayed. Click Next to Continue
or Cancel to exit the uninstaller.



3. A summary panel that shows where the command-line interface will be removed
from is displayed. Click Next to Continue or Cancel to exit the uninstaller.


ESS CLI Users Guide


4. A confirmation panel that the command-line interface has been uninstalled is

displayed. Click Finish to complete the command-line interface removal.


Installing the CLI on OpenVMS

This topic describes how to install the CLI on an OpenVMS system.
Perform the following steps before you install the command-line interface:
1. Extract and check the Release Notes file from the Copy Services CLI
installation package in the root directory of the CD.
2. Install the required prerequisite patches (ECOs) on your OpenVMS Alpha 7.3
host system.
The command-line interface installation process automatically installs Java
Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.3.1-3 on your host system. To use the required
JRE, you must install the following patches:
v vms73_librtl-v0200
v vms73_update-v0100
v vms73_sys-v0300
v vms73_acrtl-v0200
You can find and download OpenVMS patches using the following search
3. Make sure that you have at least 140000 blocks of free space on the installation
CD. Half of the free space is used by the program and the other half is used for
temporary files.
The command-line interface uses the Polycenter Software Installation utility. The
installation process places all command-line interface files in the [ibm2105...]
directory, a subdirectory of the Polycenter destination directory.
You can specify this directory by using the product install command with the
/destination=devicename:[directoryname]qualifier. If you omit the device name, the
Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI


Polycenter installation utility uses your current default device. If you omit the
directory name, the Polycenter installation utility uses the [vms$common] directory
as the default destination directory.
If you do not use the /destination= devicename:[directoryname] qualifier at all, the
Polycenter installation utility installs the software in a directory that is defined by the
pcsi$destination logical name. If you do not define this logical name, the Polycenter
installation utility installs the command-line interface in the
sys$sysdevice:[vms$common.ibm2105...] directory.
Perform the following steps to install the command-line interface on your OpenVMS
1. Log on to your host system as a user with syslck, sysnam, sysprv, (or a
system UIC), tmpmbx, and cmkrnl privileges.
2. Insert the CLI product CD into the CD drive.
3. Mount the CD drive. For example, for an IDE CD device DQA0, type the
following command:
mount/noassist/override=identification/media_format=cdrom dqa0. A message
similar to the following is displayed:
mount/noassist/override=identification/media_format=cdrom dqa0:
%MOUNT-I-WRITELOCK,volume is write locked
%MOUNT-I-CDROM_ISO, : (1 of 1) , mounted on VMS1$DQA0:

a. For a SCSI CD device DKAnnn, type the following command:

mount/noassist/override=identification/media_format=cdrom dka nnn:,
where nnn represents the number that is assigned by the OpenVMS
system to your CD device.
4. Type the following command and press Enter to access the command-line
interface installation package in the root directory of the CD: directory/full
dqa0:[000000]imb-axpvms-ibm2105cli-*.pcsi. A message similar to the following
is displayed:


Directory DQA0:[000000]
File ID: (4,7,0)
Created: 16-AUG-2002 20:47:00.00
Revised: 16-AUG-2002 20:47:00.00 (1)
Expires: <None specified>
<No backup recorded>
Effective: <None specified>
Recording: 16-AUG-2002 21:22:00.00
File organization: Sequential
Shelved state:
Caching attribute: Writethrough
File attributes:
Allocation: 62560, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0,
Version limit: 0, Backups disabled
Record format:
Undefined, maximum 0 bytes, longest 0 bytes
Record attributes: None
RMS attributes:
Journaling enabled: None
File protection:
System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RWED, World:RWED
Access Cntrl List: None
Client attributes: None
Total of 1 file, 62560/62560 blocks.

5. Type the following command and press Enter to extract the command-line
interface for OpenVMS release notes: product extract release_notes
ibm2105cli /source=dqa0:[000000]- [/file= filespec]


ESS CLI Users Guide

Note: If you do not use the /file=filespec qualifier, the release notes are written
to the default.pcsi$release_notes file in your current default directory.
The release notes contain additional installation, postinstallation, and
related information about the command-line interface for an OpenVMS
Alpha host system. It might also contain last-minutes technical changes.
6. Type the following command and press Enter to invoke the command-line
interface installation process: product install ibm2105cli
/source=dqa0:[000000]- [/destination= devicename:[directoryname]]. A
message similar to the following is displayed:
The following product has been selected:
IBM AXPVMS IBM2105CLI V9.9-9F1 Layered Product
Do you want to continue? [YES]

7. Type Yes and press Enter to continue the installation process. The following
configuration options message is displayed:
Configuration phase starting ...
You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.
IBM AXPVMS IBM2105CLI V9.9-9F1: IBM command-line Interface for ESS 2105
This product uses the registered key : IBM2105
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
Copyright 2002 International Business Machines. All rights reserved.
Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]

8. Type No and press Enter to review the installation options. The following Java
license message is displayed:
Java RTE OpenVMS Alpha License Agreement
The IBM2105CLI requires the Java 1.3 Java Runtime Environments.
Installing the CLI program automatically installs the required Java. The
installed Java JRE is the intellectual property of and licensed by Compaq
Corp. You can view the license agreement on the World Wide Web at :
The full text of the agreement is also available in the README_OpenVMS.txt
file on the installation CD in the cliReadmes directory. You can also view
the full copyright statement on the World Wide Web at
Answer "Yes" to install the Java code. By installing this code, you are
certifying that you have read and accept the Compaq Java License agreement.
Answer "No" to terminate and exit the IBM2105CLI installation.
Do you want to continue? [YES]

Note: You can answer Yes if you install with the default options.
9. Type Yes and press Enter to accept the Java license agreement. The
command-line interface requires Java 1.3.1 on an OpenVMS Alpha host
system. If you answer No, the installation process automatically ends and
exits. The following library update warning message is displayed:
WARNING: The global Help and Message libraries will be updated.
The IBM2105CLI program provides local Help and Message Library files.
By default, the CLI instalation integrates the local libraries into the
global Help and Message libraries. To prevent the modification of
Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI


the global libraries, answer "No" when prompted to integrate.

Would you like the local IBM2105CLI Help and Message libraries
to be integrated into the global libraries? Local copies of the
libraries are available under
Integrate the local and global libraries? [YES]

10. Type Yes and press Enter to update the global libraries with the CLI library
contents. The following option review message is displayed:
Do you want to review the options?

11. Type Yes and press Enter to review and confirm selected options. The
following library update confirmation message is displayed:
IBM AXPVMS IBM2105CLI V9.9-9F1: IBM command-line Interface for ESS 2105
Integrate the local and global libraries? [YES]

12. Type Yes and press Enter to confirm the library update option. The following
confirmation message is displayed:
IBM AXPVMS IBM2105CLI V9.9-9F1: IBM command-line Interface for ESS 2105
Are you satisfied with these options? [YES]

13. Type Yes and press Enter to confirm and accept all selections. The following
installation message with completion status is displayed:
Execution phase starting ...
The following product will be installed to destination:


Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...40%...50%...60%...70%...100%

14. Review the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) report which is similar to
the following output and check for possible errors:
Beginning IBM 2105 CLI Installation Verification Procedure
--- Logical name verification started
--- Logical name verification passed
--- Image file verification started
--- Image file verification passed
--- Object file verification started
--- Object file verification passed
--- Java class verification started
--- Java class verification passed
--- Installed images verification started
--- Installed images verification passed
--- JRE verification started
--- JRE verification passed
--- Functionality verification started
The following test checks if rsList2105s runs correctly:
You will see a list of all IBM2105 volumes attached to this node.
If there are no such volumes, you get error %IBM2105-E-NO2105VOL.
Any other warning or error indicates a problem!
disk name
2105 serial number
------------ -----------------_$1010$DKA300 40213550
_$1010$DKA400 50513550
--- Functionality verification passed
--- Command help verification started
--- Command help verification passed


ESS CLI Users Guide

--- Message help verification started

--- Message help verification passed
IBM 2105 CLI Installation Verification Procedure Successful

15. Make sure that the installation completes. When the Polycenter installation
utility finishes the command-line interface installation process, you will see a
message similar to the following:
The following product has been installed:

Layered Product

IBM AXPVMS IBM2105CLI V9.9-9F1: IBM command-line Interface for ESS 2105
Release notes for IBM 2105 command-line Interface available

16. Unmount the CD drive and remove the CD.

The command-line interface provides program startup, login, and shutdown
procedures in the [destinationdir.ibm2105.mgr] directory. The installation process
runs the startup and login procedures immediately before invoking the IVP
procedure. But for persistent setup, you must complete the following postinstallation
tasks before using the command-line interface.
Note: You must integrate the required ibm2105$ and
ibm2105$ procedures. You can also integrate the optional
ibm2105$ procedure. See the command-line interface release
notes for information about the CLI startup, login, and shutdown procedure
Perform the following steps if you are using persistent setup for the command-line
1. Add the required ibm2105$startup.comprocedure to your system startup
You can integrate the ibm2105$ procedure by adding the following
line to the sys$manager:systartup_vms.comscript:
$ @destinationdev:[ destinationdiribm2105.mgr]ibm2105$startup
where destinationdev is the name of the device that contains the command-line
interface installation directory, and destinationdir is the name of the directory
where you just installed the command-line interface.
The ibm2105$ procedure defines the logical names that are required
for the command-line interface in your system logical name table and installs
the command-line interface images with enhanced privileges. This program is
automatically invoked during the system startup.
If you want, you can alternatively add the ibm2105$ procedure to
the SYSMAN startup database.
2. Add the required ibm2105$ procedure to your system login processes.
You can integrate the ibm2105$ procedure by adding the following line
to the sys$login:login.comscript:
$ @ibm2105$manager:ibm2105$login
Run the ibm2105$ procedure only after you have successfully run the
ibm2105$ procedure.
The ibm2105$ procedure sets up the JRE that is required by the
command-line interface and defines the CLI commands as foreign DCL
command symbols. It is intended to be invoked during the system-wide
sys$ or user-specific sys$ procedure.

Chapter 1. Installing and removing the CLI


3. Add the optional ibm2105$ procedure to your system shutdown

You can integrate the ibm2105$ procedure by adding the
following line to the sys$ script:
$ @ibm2105$manager:ibm2105$shutdown
The ibm2105$ function performs the install or remove operations
for privileged images and undefines system-wide logical names that are
associated with the removed images. It is intended to be invoked during the
system shutdown process.

Removing the CLI from your OpenVMS system

This topic describes how to remove the CLI from your OpenVMS system.
Perform the following steps to remove the CLI from your OpenVMS system:
1. Log on to your host system as a user with the following privileges: syslck,
sysnam, sysprv, (or a system UIC), tmpmbx, and cmkrnl.
2. At the command prompt ($), type the following command to start the
uninstallation process: product remove ibm2105cli. A message similar to the
following is displayed:
The following product has been selected:

Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES]

3. Type Yes and press Enter to confirm the uninstallation. The following
uninstallation confirmation message with completion status is displayed:
The following product will be removed from destination:


Portion done: 0%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%

4. When the uninstallation process ends, a message similar to the following is

The following product has been removed:

Layered Product

5. Remove the command-line interface startup, login, and shutdown functions from
your system startup, login, and shutdown processes.

Checking your license information code level

This topic describes how to obtain you CLI license information code (LIC) level.
If you would like to identify the LIC version before installing CLI, the LIC version can
be obtained from the label on the CLI installation compact disc.
1. Open the OSinfo.txt file located in your CLI installation directory.
2. Your current LIC level is the CLI version in the OSinfo.txt file. The following
text is an example of what you might see in the OSinfo.txt file:
CLI version=


ESS CLI Users Guide

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command

This chapter describes the Storage Management CLI command that you can use to
invoke, perform, and manage various ESS functions from your host system. It also
presents the full syntax, command flags, parameters, arguments, and usage
examples of the command.

Overview of the esscli command

The Storage Management CLI provides a single esscli command with multiple
flags, parameters, and arguments you can specify. This section defines the esscli
command and provides general usage guidelines.


You can use the esscli command to perform the following tasks:
v Manage one or more ESS servers by reporting about the volumes, volume
spaces, I/O ports, disk groups, and host systems connected to each server
v Perform LUN masking by associating or disassociating a volume with a
fibre-based host initiator and by providing volume access information even if the
volume is not associated with an initiator
v Manage volume space by querying space availability and creating new volumes
within a volume space
v Identify volumes with user-specified labels, if required
v List, create, and delete parallel access volumes (PAVs)
v Generate an audit log about user ID-specific configuration activities
v Define, undefine, and modify a host connection that provides the ESS server with
the information about the host type and worldwide port name.
v Manage ESS Copy Services tasks by monitoring and querying the tasks in the
Copy Services task repository
v Query and report the status of PPRC paths
v Manage remote support
v Manage Call home
v Manage Web or esscli user names and passwords
v List, create, and delete performance data entries

General guidelines
The esscli command has two types of parameters: parameters with arguments and
parameters without arguments. Parameters without arguments refer to those
parameters that follow a flag and function as an individual argument to the flag,
such as AccessFile in -a AccessFile. They do not have arguments to themselves.
See Parameters without arguments on page 34 for more information.
Parameters with arguments refer to those parameters that precede a flag. These
parameters consist of two main parts: keywords and arguments. Keywords are a
verb-noun phrase, which represents an action-category relationship, for example,
list server. The action keyword specifies the type of functions to be performed by
the command, and the category keyword specifies the type of configuration objects
to be manipulated.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004


Arguments refer to the -d flag followed with one or more name-value pairs enclosed
in a set of double quotation marks. For example, -d "ess=EssID name=LogName" is
the argument to the list log parameter, in which ess= is the name and Essid is
the value in the name-value pair.
Follow these general guidelines when you use the esscli command and associated
parameters and arguments:
v Specify at least one action-category parameter when you issue the esscli
command for purposes other than requesting help.
v Specify only one action-category parameter in a single instance of the esscli
command as the parameters of this type are mutually exclusive.
v Specify a flag prefixed with a minus (-) symbol as required for a particular
v Position the command flags and parameters in any desired order at the
command line. For example, you can enter either one of the following
esscli -a AccessFile list server -d "ess=EssId"
esscli list server -d "ess=EssId" -a AccessFile
v If a parameter or name-value argument pair allows multiple values, separate
each value with a comma (,) as in ports=A0,80,04; do not add any space
between values for the name in a pair.
v Enclose one or more name-value pairs in a set of double quotation marks for a
particular parameter or argument. If the value of a parameter or name-value pair
contains a blank or white space, enclose the entire value in a set of double
quotation marks, as in:
esscli -a "c:\data files\esscli\ess access file.dat"
or single quotation marks, as in:
create hostconnection -d "ess=2105.12345 host=Jean Luc profile=linux".
v Specify the esscli command and associated flags, parameters, and arguments in
any case of your desire. The command is not case-sensitive.

The following is the complete syntax of the esscli command. See Syntax
diagrams on page ix for syntax reading instructions.


ESS CLI Users Guide

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


set port

list port




ess= EssId



ess= EssId

lss= LssId1,...















dg= DgId






port= PortId

ess= EssId

ess= EssId

ess= EssId








ess= EssId
Fragment 1: Argument for create volumespace
ess= EssId
vs= VsId






create volumespace
delete volumespace
list diskgroup

list volumespace

list server



Fragment 1: Argument for create volumespace:



esscli syntax


ESS CLI Users Guide



delete pav

show remotesupport
set remotesupport



delete volumeaccess









ess= EssId
init= WwName
host= HostName

init= WwName
ess= EssId
volume= VolId
host= HostName

init= WwName
ess= EssId

host= HostName
ess= EssId
ess= EssId
pepwd= reset
remoteaccpwd= ServicePassword

name= TaskName


ess= EssId

pav= VolId

volume= VolId
lss= LssId
ess= EssId
name= LogName
ess= EssId
srclss= LssId

ess= EssId


lss= LssId
volume= VolId
volume= VolId
lss= LssId

ess= EssId

ess= EssId


create volumeaccess

list volumeaccess

list task
show task

list log
list pprcpaths



create pav

list pav

list featurecode

esscli syntax contd

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command




ess= EssId



voltype= FB
voltype= CKD


cap= Gb
cyls= Cyls


ess= EssId

init= WwName

host= HostName

Fragment 3: Argument for create hostconnection:



lss= LssId1,...
vs= VsId1,...

profile= ProfileName

qty= Qty




ess= EssId

lss= LssId1,...
voltype= Voltype
set volume
ess= EssId
volume= VolId
label= VolLabel
create volume
Fragment 2: Argument for create volume
list hostconnection

ess= EssId
host= HostName
init= WwName
create hostconnection
Fragment 3: Argument for create hostconnection
delete hostconnection
ess= EssId
init= WwName

host= HostName
set hostconnection
ess= EssId
init= WwName
newinit= WwName
host= HostName
newhost= HostName

list volume

Fragment 2: Argument for create volume:


esscli syntax contd


ESS CLI Users Guide


ess= EssId

pwd= PagerPassword




phone= PagerNumber

pin= Number




user= UserName

newphone= PhoneNumber
newuser= UserName
newpin= PinNumber
newpwd= Password

pin= Number

pin= PinNumber

ess= EssId

ess= EssId
Fragment 4: Argument for create pager
ess= EssId
phone= PagerNumber


 phone= PhoneNumber

set pager

show pager
create pager
delete pager

Fragment 4: Argument for create pager:


esscli syntax contd

max= Number


Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


show problem
delete problem

create perfstats
delete perfstats
list problem

ess= EssId
ess= EssId

ess= EssId

ess= EssId

create perfstats






comname= CommunityName
contact= ContactName
location= SystemLocation
max= MaxTraps
addr= IpAddr1,...

addr= IpAddr1,...


outputdir= DirectoryPath
hostname= IpAddr



ess= EssId
ess= EssId
probid= ProblemId
ess= EssId
probid= ProblemId


duration= TimeInHours

ess= EssId
Fragment 5: Argument for create perfstats
ess= EssId
hostname= hostname
port= PortID







delete snmp
list perfstats

set snmp

show snmp
create snmp

Fragment 5: Argument for create perfstats:


esscli syntax contd




ESS CLI Users Guide

delete webuseraccount

create webuseraccount
set webuseraccount

list webuseraccount

ess= EssId

accfile= AccessFile
user= NewUserName


pwd= NewUserPassword



iprange= IpRange

comments= Text

ess= EssId
cluster, sz, extsz, server
Fragment 6: Argument for create webuseraccount
ess= EssId
accfile= AccessFile
user= UserName
newuser= NewUserName
newpwd= NewUserPassword
newiprange= IpRange
newcomments= Text
ess= EssId
user= UserName

Fragment 6: Argument for create webuseraccount:


esscli syntax contd

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command




delete email
set email


show email
create email

esscli syntax contd

addr= EmailAddress
addr= EmailAddress

ess= EssId
ess= EssId

max= Number

addr= EmailAddress

ess= EssId
ess= EssId


newaddr= EmailAddress




Flags and parameters

You can specify one or more flags, parameters, and arguments when you issue the
esscli command. This section describes the flags and parameters for the esscli

Parameters without arguments

You can specify one or more of the following parameters when you use the esscli
command. See Syntax on page 26 for information about specifying these
-? Provides brief online help about the esscli command. The -? flag is optional
and is the same as the -help and -h flags. The command ignores all other flags
and parameters when the -? flag is specified.

Provides access to the most recent information.


Provides the cache copy of the data on the server.
-a AccessFile
Specifies the user name, password, and other parameters to access and use
the esscli command from your host system. If you include an access file as
part of your command instances, you do not need to specify the flags and
parameters it contains on the command line.
The access file has the following two valid formats:
Simple format
A simple text file that is supported by both the Copy Services CLI and
the Storage Management CLI. An access file in this format functions the
same way as the securityfilepath file for the Copy Services CLI
commands. It simply contains a user name and a password, separated
by two spaces, on the same line. For example, you can create a
test01.txt access file to include tester1 (the username) and -testcase1
(the password). The test01.txt file looks like the following:
tester1 testcase1

You can then specify the -a AccessFile parameter when you issue the
esscli command, for example:
esscli list task -s -b -a test01.txt
Extended format
A text file that is supported by the Storage Management CLI. An access
file in extended format contains flags and parameters in addition to the
user name and the password.
Begin the access file in this format with the word !VERSION, followed
by the version number, on the first line. Continue onto additional lines,
as many as necessary, to specify arguments and parameters other than
the action-category parameters, such as list task. Make sure that a
parameter or argument is preceded by a valid flag and place both of
them on the same line. The esscli command ignores any blank or
comment (#) lines in the access file.
The following example shows the test01.txt file in extended format:


ESS CLI Users Guide

-u tester1 -p testcase1
-d "ess=2105.12345"
-fmt "server,vol,label,cap,units,volser"

You can then specify the -a AccessFile parameter when you issue the
esscli command, for example:
esscli list volume -a test01.txt
You can further expand the access file to include a list of keys that are
defined for specific sets of flags, parameters, and arguments for
commonly-performed command operations. Begin the key list portion of
the access file with the word !KEYLIST, and follow it with a list of key
names. The following shows the test01.txt file in extended format with a
key list:
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# Command Options portion of access file (optional)
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------nohdr -nov
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# Key-list portions of access file (optional)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# Note: Lines with CS are used for TASK and PPRCPATHS command categories
Lines with CFG are used for all other command categories.



-u shrek


tester1 -p testcase1
porky -p pig -nossl
-p secret
-p broccoli -hdr
fiona -d "ess=2105.12345"

You can then specify -a AccessFile and -key KeyName when you issue
the esscli command as in
esscli list pav -a test01.txt -key gazelle -d "ess=2105.67890
-b BackupAddr
Specifies an alternate server IP address, DNS address, or host name of the
requested service. The type of alternate server address must be either the ESS
Specialist server or the Copy Services server according to what you defined
using the -s flag. The -b flag is optional.
-d name=value
Specifies the name and value as part of the argument to the action-category
parameters. The -d flag is required and its argument uses the name=value
You must specify a valid value for each of the name=value pairs in an argument.
See Argument names and values on page 43 for a detailed description of all
valid arguments and values.
-fmt format
Specifies the order of fields or columns you want to see in the output of the

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


esscli command. The -fmt flag is optional. You can specify the -fmt flag for any
of the list parameters. You can enclose the format value in the optional
double-quotation marks.
-h Provides brief online help about the esscli command. The -h flag is optional
and is the same as the -help and -? flags. The command ignores all other flags
and parameters when the -h flag is specified.
Includes all header lines in the output of the esscli command. The -nohdr flag
is optional, but it is on by default.
Provides brief online help about the esscli command. The -help flag is optional
and is the same as the -h and -? flags. The command ignores all other flags
and parameters when the -help flag is specified.
-key KeyName
Specifies the name of the key that is associated with the predefined flags and
parameters to be included in the access file. The -key flag is optional and
applicable only when the access file is in extended format. If you specify a key
name as part of your command instance, you must also include the access file
that contains the key name. In this case, you do not need to specify the flags
and parameters associated with that key entry on the command line. See
Extended format on page 34 for more information.
Omits all header lines in the output of the esscli command. The -nohdr flag is
Specifies that the esscli command is sent in plain, unencrypted text. The -nossl
flag is optional. To avoid possible security exposures, use this parameter only
within a secure local or internal network environment.
Omits the progress status information when the esscli command is being
executed. The -nov flag is optional.
-p Password
Specifies the password that is authorized to execute the esscli command. The
-p flag, along with the -u flag, is required when you do not specify the -a flag.
The -p flag, combined with the -u flag, is not required if you specify the -a flag.
Make sure to use your password for the ESS Copy Services server when you
specify the list task, show task, and list pprcpaths parameters. Use your
password for the ESS Specialist Server when you specify all other parameters.
-s ServerAddr
Specifies the server IP address, DNS address, or host name of the requested
service. The -s flag is required.
As Table 1 on page 37 shows, you must specify the Copy Services server
address when you use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the
list task, show task, and list pprcpaths parameters. Specify the ESS
Specialist server address when you use it for all other parameters.
Note: Make sure to use your user name and password for the ESS Copy
Services server when you specify the list task, show task, and list
pprcpaths parameters. Use your user name and password for the ESS
Specialist server when you specify all other parameters.


ESS CLI Users Guide

Table 1. ESS addresses and required accesses


Parameter Name

Required IP

list server

ESS Specialist server View

list volumespace

ESS Specialist server View

list diskgroup

ESS Specialist server View

list port

ESS Specialist server View

set port

ESS Specialist server Configuration


list volume

ESS Specialist server View


create/set volume

ESS Specialist server Configuration (fixed-block
only) 2.2.0.* and
3380 in 2.3.0

list pav

ESS Specialist server View


create/delete pav

ESS Specialist server Configuration


list volumeaccess

ESS Specialist server View



ESS Specialist server Configuration

list hostconnection

ESS Specialist server View



ESS Specialist server Configuration

list log

ESS Specialist server View


list task

Copy Services server Copy Services CLI

show task

Copy Services server Copy Services CLI

list pprcpaths

Copy Services server Copy Services CLI

list featurecode

ESS Specialist server View


list webuseraccount

ESS Specialist server View




ESS Specialist server Administration


show remotesupport

ESS Specialist server View


set remotesupport

ESS Specialist server Administration


show email

ESS Specialist server View




ESS Specialist server Administration


show pager

ESS Specialist server View




ESS Specialist server Administration


show snmp

ESS Specialist server View




ESS Specialist server Administration


list perfstats

ESS Specialist server View




ESS Specialist server Configuration


list/show problem

ESS Specialist server View


delete problem

ESS Specialist server Configuration


Minimum Access

Minimum LIC level

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Table 1. ESS addresses and required accesses (continued)


Parameter Name

Required IP



ESS Specialist server Configuration


* Indicates that this is the minimum required LIC level. More recent LIC levels are also
supported for these parameters.

Minimum Access

Minimum LIC level


Establishes a secure connection to the ESS Specialist server and indicates that
the esscli command is encrypted. The -ssl flag is optional, but it is on by
Displays the stack trace of an exception only if the -v optional flag is specified.
Under all other circumstances, the stack trace is not displayed unless a java
error occurs.
Turns off the debug function if it has been defined in the access file. The default
is nodebug.


-u UserName
Specifies the user name that is authorized to execute the esscli command. The
-u flag, along with the -p flag, is required when you do not specify the -a flag.
The -u flag, combined with the -p flag, is not required if you specify the -a flag.
Note: Make sure to specify your user name for the ESS Copy Services server
when you specify the list task, show task, and list pprcpaths
parameters. Specify your user name for the ESS Specialist Server for all
other parameters.
-v Displays the progress status information when the esscli command is being
executed. The entries in the output all start with trc for diagnosis and
troubleshooting purposes. The -v flag is optional.

Parameters with arguments

The following parameters are mutually exclusive. You can specify only one of them
in a single instance of the esscli command. See Syntax on page 26 for
information about specifying these parameters.
list diskgroup
Displays information about one or more disk groups. A disk group is a set of
eight logically-associated disk drives that you can configure as a RAID array or
as a set of non-RAID disks. A configured disk group produces one RAID volume
space or multiple non-RAID volume spaces.
create hostconnection
Defines an initiator and then identifies the I/O ports on the ESS it is to use. You
must define a host connection before you assign a volume to an initiator.
Specify this parameter for fibre-channel attached host connections only.
delete hostconnection
Removes an initiator after you have successfully removed all volume access
associations with it. Specify this parameter for fibre-channel attached host
connections only.


ESS CLI Users Guide

list hostconnection
Displays all host initiators that are known to an ESS and assigned to SCSI-3
and fibre-channel host connections.
set hostconnection
Modifies one or more attributes of an existing initiator. The attributes include the
worldwide name, the host name, or associated ports of an initiator. Specify this
parameter for fibre-channel attached host connections only.
list log
Returns an audit log about all the configuration operations that were performed
using the ESS Specialist in the past 10 days.
create pav
Configures one or more PAVs for a CKD base volume. The total number of
PAVs and base volumes in an LSS cannot exceed 256.
list pav
Displays information about PAVs configured for a particular logical subsystem or
logical volume in an ESS. You can configure one or more PAVs for each base
(non-PAV) volume in a LSS, but the total number of base and PAV volumes in
an LSS cannot exceed 256.
delete PAV
Removes one or more existing parallel access volumes (PAVs) for a CKD base
list pprcpaths
Displays the status of each established PPRC path between a source and one
or more target logical subsystems.
list port
Displays information about all host adapter ports installed in an ESS server. A
host adapter port enables the attachment of a host to the ESS through a SCSI,
ESCON, or fibre-channel protocol.
set port
Modifies the configuration properties of a fibre-channel-only host adapter port,
such as assigning a topology or protocol to an unconfigured port.
list server
Displays storage server information. You can specify the optional ess=EssId pair
to filter the output list and display information about a specific server.
list task
Generates a report about all defined tasks in the Copy Services task repository.
show task
Displays all available information, such as source and target volumes, about
one or all Copy Services tasks. You can specify the optional name=TaskName
name-value pair to query a particular task or leave it out to query all tasks in
the repository.
create volume
Allocates one or more logical volumes of the same size within the ESS. There
must be one or more volume spaces defined in the ESS, with sufficient
available (free) capacity to fit the volumes to be allocated. You can explicitly
indicate the location of the volumes by specifying where the volume spaces are
to be allocated, or you can implicitly indicate the location by specifying the
logical subsystems where the volumes spaces are to be allocated (in which
case, all volume spaces that are associated with the specified LSSs are eligible
for the allocation). You can further determine the location of the volumes by
Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


specifying the redundancy characteristics that are required for the volumes and
by specifying a placement algorithm for allocating multiple volumes over
multiple volume spaces.
list volume
Displays information about one or more fixed-block (FB) or count key data
(CKD) volumes within an ESS server. You specify either the voltype=VolType
name-value pair to query about volumes of a particular type, or the lss=LssId
name-value pair to query the volume associated with a particular logical
set volume
Modifies the label of an existing volume in an ESS server.
create volumeaccess
Assigns one or more volumes to an initiator. LUN IDs are automatically
assigned by the ESS. Specify multiple volume IDs for the vol=VolId
name-value pair to assign volumes to an initiator.
delete volumeaccess
Removes one or more volume access definitions. You can specify vol=all to
remove all volume accesses to an initiator or vol=VolId to remove a particular
volume access. You can specify multiple volume IDs to remove more than one
volume access at a time. If you specify a volume access ID that is not assigned
to an initiator, you will receive a warning message to that effect, but the
command will still return with a successful status code.
list volumeaccess
Displays LUN assignments for a specific FB volume, initiator, or all volumes,
including the unexposed ones that are associated with open-systems hosts.
Volume size is reported in gigabytes. Volume and LUN identifiers are reported
as hexadecimal characters (0 - 9 and A - F). You can specify this parameter to
see the assignments of up to 256 LUNs or 4096 LUNs if your host system
supports the report LUNs SCSI command.
list volumespace
Lists information about configured storage space. A volume space represents a
contiguous space from which storage volumes are allocated. For the ESS, a
volume space is a RAID array or a non-RAID (JBOD) disk. When a disk group
is configured as a RAID array, one volume space is created. When a disk group
is configured as non-RAID, up to eight volume spaces are created, one for each
disk in the group. Disk groups are configured using the ESS Specialist.
create volumespace
Creates configured storage space. A volume space represents a contiguous
space from which storage volumes are allocated. For the ESS, a volume space
is a RAID array or a non-RAID (JBOD) disk. When a disk group is configured
as a RAID array, one volume space is created. When a disk group is configured
as non-RAID, up to eight volume spaces are created, one for each disk in the
group. Disk groups are configured using the ESS Specialist.
delete volumespace
Deletes configured storage space. A volume space represents a contiguous
space from which storage volumes are allocated. For the ESS, a volume space
is a RAID array or a non-RAID (JBOD) disk. When a disk group is configured
as a RAID array, one volume space is created. When a disk group is configured
as non-RAID, up to eight volume spaces are created, one for each disk in the
group. Disk groups are configured using the ESS Specialist. Because the
command returns before the actual volume space is formatted, delete and


ESS CLI Users Guide

create operations cannot be run immediately in sequence on the same disk

group. Users can check the ESS to verify that the volume space has finished
create hostconnection
Defines an initiator and identifies the set of I/O ports on the ESS that this
initiator is allowed to use. Any volumes that are exposed to initiator WwName
are seen through this set of I/O ports. Defining a host connection is a
prerequisite for exposing volumes to an initiator.
Currently, Storage Management CLI supports only fibre-channel-attached host
connections for this command, so parallel SCSI-3 initiators cannot be created.
list featurecode
Lists the active feature codes on the ESS. The Licensed Feature Codes table
displays the licensed feature codes that you have purchased for this ESS.
Feature codes enable the use of optional software components that provide
additional or enhanced ESS functions.
list webuseraccount
Lists the user accounts that are active on the ESS. It allows you to view the
settings of the currently defined user accounts that are permitted to access the
create webuseraccount
Creates user accounts that can access the ESS. Users with administration
access can add ESS user accounts.
set webuseraccount
Modifies Web user accounts that have access to the ESS. Users with
administration access can modify existing ESS web user accounts, including
changing user names, passwords, access levels, IP ranges, and comments to
the ESS.
delete webuseraccount
Deletes Web user accounts from the ESS. Users with administration access
can delete existing ESS Web user accounts.
list perfstats
Displays the current settings of the data collector. These settings include the
name of the machine that is to receive the collected statistics, the frequency at
which statistics should be collected, the port number where the statistics should
be sent, and the status of the data collection.

create perfstats
Sets up a particular client to receive performance statistics from an ESS.
Enabling statistics collection allows you to retrieve cache and rank statistics
from the ESS. When initializing the data collector, you must provide an output
directory where the collected statistics can be stored in a file that is created by
the Storage Management CLI. The command finishes when the data collector is
notified that the entry has been deleted. This command does not stop until it is
disabled. The ESS Storage Management CLI automatically assumes that if the
host name and port information are not specified, it must automatically create
one for you. If you attempt to set up performance statistics for another machine,
performance statistics are automatically sent to the registered machine. The
create perfstats command accepts multiple receivers. Multiple hosts can
receive performance statistics at the same time.

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


delete perfstats
Notifies the host that the registration for receiving performance statistics has
been deleted. You can perform this command on the same host system, but
from a different DOS session.


show remotesupport
Displays the current settings set for the ESS remote support. These settings
indicate whether incoming and outgoing calls are enabled.
set remotesupport
Modifies or sets the remote support properties that are available in the ESS.
You can set the call home and remote access properties, as well as the service
and PE passwords.
show email
Displays all the information regarding e-mail addresses that are configured for
problem notification. This command produces the e-mail addresses and the
corresponding error notification trigger value. That value indicates the types of
problems for which the e-mail address is notified.
create email
Adds a new e-mail address to the problem notification configuration.
delete email
Removes an e-mail address from the current problem notification configuration.
set email
Modifies an existing e-mail address and its corresponding options. For example,
you can change the trigger options on an existing e-mail address or can
rename the existing e-mail address with a new address. You can also change
the global settings of e-mails, such as the maximum number of e-mails that are
sent per problem or test e-mails that are sent.
show pager
Displays a list of all pagers, along with all related information and global pager
create pager
Adds a new pager number to the problem notification configuration. The phone
field is required, as well as the pin number, if one exists. The pin is not
delete pager
Removes a pager from the current problem notification configuration.
set pager
Modifies existing pager information. The pager number and pin are required to
locate the entry to be modified. Use this set command to update the global
properties of pagers.
show snmp
Displays a list of all SNMP traps and the contact information that is currently
configured for problem notification.
create snmp
Adds trap addresses to the existing problem notification configuration.
set snmp
Modifies existing SNMP information. This does not include the trap addresses.
At least one of the name=value pairs must be specified. This does not include


ESS CLI Users Guide

delete snmp
Deletes trap addresses from the SNMP problem notification configuration.
list problem
Lists all outstanding problems that are active on the ESS. The list problem
parameter produces a table that displays the problem ID, cluster, and
description of each active problem on the ESS.
show problem
Shows the active problems on the ESS. The ESS constantly monitors the
operation of its internal components and logical resources. If it detects an
abnormal condition, the ESS creates an entry in the problem log. The show
problem parameter enables you to view the currently active problem log
delete problem
Cancels any outstanding problems that are active on the ESS. The delete
problem parameter cancels the active problem on the ESS so that the ESS
performs correctly for configuration changes or noncurrent code loads.

Argument names and values

The following are the name=value pairs for the esscli command. You can specify
one or more pairs immediately after the -d flag as arguments to the action-category

async=on | off
Indicates whether or not the asynchronous PPRC statistics are displayed. When
this flag is specified, only asynchronous PPRC statistics are displayed. This
argument automatically changes the frequency from minutes to seconds.
Defines the size of a FB volume to be allocated. Specify the size, in gigabytes
(GB), as a floating point value, with only a single digit after the decimal point,
for example, cap=27.9.
Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the create volume
parameter only.
Defines the size of a CKD volume to be allocated. Specify the size, in cylinders,
as an integer value, for example, cyls=3339.
Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the create volume
parameter only.
Identifies the ESS. The ESS ID format is machine type.serial number; that is,
the machine type number is followed with a period delimiter and then by the
machine serial number, for example, ess=2105.FA123.
Specifies the name of a host system connected to an ESS. Each of the host
names, up to 30 characters in length, must be unique. If a host name contains
spaces, make sure to enclose it in single-quotation marks, for example,
host=ess test.
Defines the worldwide port name (WWPN) for an initiator. The initiator name
must be exactly 16 hexadecimal characters (0 - 9, a - f, A - F) in length and
unique among all initiator names defined for an ESS.
Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Identifies the label for a particular logical volume. Specify the volume label, up
to eight characters in length, as part of the argument for the set volume
parameter only.
Specifies one or more ESS logical subsystem (LSS) identifiers. Each LSS ID
contains one or two hexadecimal characters. The range of its valid value is 0
<= LssId <= 15 for CKD logical subsystems or 16 <= LssId <= 31 for FB logical
Identifies the log file that records userid-specific configuration activities. Use this
name-value pair as part of the argument for the list log parameter only.
Identifies the Copy Services task to be displayed. Use this name-value pair as
the argument for the show task parameter only.
Assigns a new name to an existing host system for an ESS. Each of the host
names, up to 30 characters in length, must be unique. If a host name contains
spaces, make sure to enclose it in single-quotation marks, for example,
host=ess test.
Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the set hostconnection
parameter only.
Assigns a new WWPN to an existing initiator for an ESS. The initiator name
must be exactly 16 hexadecimal characters (0 - 9, a - f, A - F) in length and
unique among all initiator names defined for an ESS.
Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the set hostconnection
parameter only.
newport=all | PortId1,...
Defines new ports to an existing initiator. You can specify the default ports=all
to turn off port assignment filtering and allow the initiator to access an ESS
through any of the installed fibre-channel ports. You can also assign specific
ports to an initiator by specifying their identifiers. Table 2 on page 45 lists the
valid port identifiers for the host adapter ports of an ESS.
Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the set hostconnection
parameter only.
Specifies an ESS logical volume that is associated with a PAV. The VolId value
is the same as that in the volume=VolId pair.
placement=seq | spread
Specifies the algorithm for organizing volumes if multiple volumes are being
allocated and if multiple volume spaces are eligible for the allocation. If you
specify placement=seq, the allocated volumes will be sequentially placed, filling
up the first volume space before trying the next. If you specify the default
placement=spread, the allocated volumes will be randomly placed, filling up any
eligible volume spaces.
Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the create volume
parameter only.


ESS CLI Users Guide

ports=all | PortId1,...
Assigns ports to an initiator. You can specify ports=all to turn off port
assignment filtering and allow the initiator to access an ESS through any of the
installed fibre-channel ports. You can also assign specific ports to an initiator by
specifying their identifiers. Table 2 lists the valid port identifiers for the host
adapter ports in an ESS.
Table 2. Identifiers for ESS host adapter ports
Port ID (hex)




































Defines the platform (hardware) and operating system (software) of a host
system. Table 3 on page 46 lists the valid profile names.
Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the create
hostconnection parameter only.
Table 3. Profile names for host systems
Profile Name



IBM Eserver pSeries with AIX 4.2.1 or later


Data General AViiON with DG/UX 4.2 or later


IBM Numa Server with DYNIX/ptx 4.47 or later


Hewlett-Packard Server (HP-UX) 10.20 or later


SGI with Irix 6.5.9 or later


Cisco iSCSI Storage Router


IBM Eserver xSeries (x86) with Red Hat 7.2


IBM Eserver iSeries with AS/400 and pSeries with RS/6000


IBM Eserver zSeries with S/390


IBM SAN Volume Controller


x86 compatible PC with Novell Netware


IBM SAN File System (AIX MDS)


IBM SAN File System (Lnx MDS)


x86 compatible PC with Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0


Hewlett Packard Alpha with OpenVMS 6.2 or later


IBM Eserver iSeries V3R7 or later


Sun Sparc or Ultrasparc with Solaris 2.5.1 or later


Sun Sparc or Ultrasparc with Solaris 2.6, 7, 8 or later that includes

32-LUN and fibre-channel support


Hewlett Packard Alpha with Tru64 UNIX 4.0D or later



protocol=FCP | FICON
Defines the configured protocol type. You can specify protocol=FCP for FB
volumes attached to open-systems hosts or protocol=FICON for CKD volumes
attached to zSeries hosts. The default type for a fibre-channel port is FCP.
qty=max | Quantity
Specifies the number of volumes or parallel access volumes (PAVs) to create. If
you specify qty=max, you must allocate PAVs for all remaining volume
addresses in the LSS. If you specify qty=Quantity, the quantity must be an
integer value.
Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the create volume and
create pav parameters only.
redundancy=raid5 | raid10 | nonraid
Specifies the storage type of a volume space, with RAID5 as the default type.
Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the create volume
parameter only.
Specifies the LSS about which you want to display information. Each LSS ID
contains one or two hexadecimal characters. The range of its valid value is 0
<= LssId <= 15 for CKD logical subsystems or 16 <= LssId <= 31 for FB logical


ESS CLI Users Guide

Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the list pprcpaths
parameter only.
topology=P2P | FCAL | undefined
Specifies the type of fibre connection to a particular fibre-channel port. Valid
topology types are undefined, Point-to-Point (P2P), and fibre-channel arbitrated
loop (FCAL), with P2P as the default value.
Specifies the ESS logical volume type. Table 4 lists the valid ESS logical
volume types.
Table 4. ESS logical volume type identifiers
Volume Type



An AS/400-protected volume that can be mixed with other AS/400 and

FB volumes in the same volume space


An AS/400-unprotected volume that can be mixed with other AS/400

and FB volumes in the same volume space


A fixed-block volume, the default volume type, that can be mixed with
both AS/400-protected and AS/400-unprotected volumes in the same
volume space


An IBM Eserver zSeries volume, with 3390 track format in 3380 track
emulation mode, that does not tolerate mixed volume types in the same
volume space


An IBM Eserver zSeries volume, with 3390 track format, that does not
tolerate mixed volume types in the same volume space

* AS400 and AS400U are only for the command create volumes. These volume types
cannot be used with the create volumespace command.

volume=all | assigned | unassigned | VolId1,...

Identifies the ESS logical volumes. You can specify volume=all to select all
volumes for a given ESS server, volume=assigned for assigned volumes, or
volume=unassigned for unassigned volumes. You can also define
volume=VolId1,... to select one or more particular volumes by specifying their
identifiers. Valid volume identifiers contain four hexadecimal characters, with the
first two representing the ID of the logical subsystem and the last two
representing the volume address, for example, volume=16AB.
Specifies volume space identifiers. Volume space identifiers use the format of
the characters vs followed by an integer value, for example vs15. You can
specify the list volumespace parameter for the esscli command to determine
the exact volume space value for a particular ESS.
Use this name-value pair as part of the argument for the create volume
parameter only.
acclvl=admin | config | op |view
Indicates the access level of the user that is being created.
Indicates a login address filter that is applied to the user account for additional
security. This is an optional entry.
Comments=User Comments
Indicates user-created comments. This field must be enclosed in single
quotation marks to be processed. This is an optional entry when you are
creating a Web user account.
Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


acclvl=All | VolId | VolId ...

Indicates the ESS Logical Volume identifier. The VolId consists of exactly 4
hexadecimal characters. The first 2 characters represent the logical subsystem
ID, and the last 2 characters represent the volume address (for example,
Defines the new login address filter that is applied to the specified Web user
account for additional security. This is an optional entry for the set
webuseraccount function. The syntax is newiprange=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX,
where, for example, XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the IP range.
newacclvl=admin | config | op |view
Indicates the access level of the user to be modified. This is an optional entry.
Indicates new user-created comments. This field must be enclosed in single
quotation marks to be processed. This is an optional entry when you modify a
Web user account.
Defines the new password for the specified Web user account. This is an
optional entry for the set webuseraccount function.
Defines the new user name for the specified Web user account. This is an
optional entry for the set webuseraccount function.
Indicates the ID of the problem to perform the specified function on. This is an
optional entry for the show problem function, but it is a mandatory entry for the
delete problem function.
Defines the password for the specified Web user account that you are
attempting to create. This is used for the create webuseraccount function.
Defines the password for the specified pager that you are attempting to create.
This is used for the create pager command for remote support.
Indicates the user name of the Web user account that you want the specified
functions performed on. User is used for the create, set, and delete
webuseraccount functions.
Indicates the user name of the pager that you want the specified functions
performed on. User is used for the create, set, and delete pager functions.
callhome=enabled | disabled
Indicates the ability to allow the ESS outgoing calls, for example,
remoteacc=enabled | disabled
Indicates the ability to allow the ESS incoming calls, for example,
Specifies the new service password.


ESS CLI Users Guide

Allows the client to directly hide the password from the user. The user can use
this entry in place of the following parameters: svcpwd, newpwd, newuser, pin,
newpin, and pwd.
Generates and displays a new PE password.
Indicates the e-mail address that is being used for the display.
addr=IpAddr1, IpAddr2, ...
Indicates the SNMP IP address. You can enter more than one IP address for an
SNMP trap.
trigger= info | err | all | none
Indicates the level that the messages be sent to the specified e-mail address.
Allows you to create a new address of this object.
newtrigger= info | err | all | none
Allows you to create a new trigger level to the specified e-mail.
test=yes | no
Indicates that you want to test the newly created information. You can test
e-mail, pager, or SNMP traps.
Indicates the pager number of the client pager.
Indicates the specified pin number of the client pager.
Indicates the new user name of the pager number that you are specifying.
Indicates the new pager number of the client pager.
Indicates the new pin number of the pager.
Indicates the new pager password of the client pager. This is used with the
pager user name.
newtype=numeric | alphanum
Indicates the new type of pager that is associated with the pager number that
you are using.
status=enabled | disabled
Indicates the status of the specified pager.
Gives you the ability to change the number of SNMP traps that are sent per
Gives you the ability to change the number of e-mails that are sent per
Gives you the ability to change the number of pager notifications that are sent
per problem.
Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Indicates the contact information of the community that the ESS is located in.
Indicates the contact information of the ESS.
Indicates the system location of the ESS.
mibread=enabled | disabled
Indicates the ability to have read access to the ESS. You can enable or disable
read access to the Management Information Base.
traps=enabled | disabled
Indicates the ability to enable or disable generic SNMP traps.
esstraps=enabled | disabled
Indicates the ability to enable or disable SNMP traps.
Indicates the duration that performance statistics are collected. The default is 24

This section includes sample reports for each of the esscli command parameters.
These samples are for reference only; the actual reports and contents vary based
on your command specifications.
esscli list diskgroup
The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list diskgroup -d "ess=2105.FA123" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI


Width DCap(GB) RPM

----- -------- ----- -----------------------------------------------6
36.4 10000 dd0105,dd0106,dd0107,dd0108,dd0201,dd0202,dd0203,dd0204
72.8 10000 dd0101,dd0102,dd0103,dd0104,dd0205,dd0206,dd0207,dd0208
145.6 10000 dd1701,dd1702,dd1703,dd1704,dd2005,dd2006,dd2007,dd2008
18.2 7200 dd1805,dd1806,dd1807,dd1808,dd1901,dd1902,dd1903,dd1904
9.1 15000 dd1705,dd1706,dd1707,dd1708,dd2001,dd2002,dd2003,dd2004

The fields in this output are described in Table 5. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "server,dg,loc,raid,width,cap,rpm,dd, status"
Table 5. Output fields for the list diskgroup parameter








10 characters

Same as the EssID value for identifying an

ESS (in type.serial format)




Disk group identifier for identifying a disk

group within an ESS



raid5 | raid10 | Type of RAID associated with a particular

disk group

ESS CLI Users Guide

Table 5. Output fields for the list diskgroup parameter (continued)







1 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 7 Width of a configured disk group, with a

number value indicating the number of
disks, excluding parity, and with the ***
value representing an undefined width



9.1 | 18.2 |
36.4 | 72.8 |



7200 | 10000 | Minimum disk rotation speed for any disk in

the group




Identifiers for the eight disk drives

associated with a disk group




Physical location of the disk group,

consisting of adapter pair x, port (loop) y,
and disk group z (AxPyGz).
Note: If you have installed the arrays
across loops feature, the value for y will
always be X. This feature also allows up to
7 characters.



10 characters

Status of the disk group

Minimum capacity, in gigabytes, for any

disk in the group


esscli create hostconnection

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli create hostconnection -d "host=Sun1 init=3007ACF30A2399E0
profile=SOLARIS26 ess=2105.20288 ports=00,04,80" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful.

esscli list hostconnection

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list hostconnection -d "ess=2105.FA123" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Lord Farquaad




The fields in this output are described in Table 6 on page 52. You can select
specific fields and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers
in the optional -fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "host,profile,attach,init,ports"

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Table 6. Output fields for the list hostconnection parameter







16 hexadecimal

Worldwide node or port name for

identifying an initiator associated with a
particular host connection




Name of a host associated with a particular




mixed characters

Identifier for the platform (hardware) and

operating system (software) of a host




List of ESS I/O port identifiers separated

by a comma (as described in Table 2 on
page 45)




Host connection type: SCSI if it is a

parallel SCSI-3 attachment or FC if it is a
fibre-channel attachment.

esscli set hostconnection

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli set hostconnection -d "host=host1 ess=2105.20288 newhost=host2"
command to update the host name:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful.

esscli delete hostconnection

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli delete hostconnection -d "init=3007ACF30A2399E0 ess=2105.20288"
command to delete the host connection:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful.

esscli list log

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list log -d "ess=2105.FA123 name=audit" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Type Date
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 2002/08/07 19:57:20:25 Maggie 3431 Action: Defining rank. SSA: ssa01, Loop...
I 2002/08/07 20:01:11:89 Maggie 3406 DefineRank RC=0 (Successful). New rank name...
I 2002/08/07 20:01:11:92 Drew
3431 Action: Defining rank. SSA: ssa02, Loop...
I 2002/08/07 20:03:21:45 Drew
3406 DefineRank RC=0 (Successful). New rank ...

The fields in this output are described in Table 7.

Table 7. Output fields for the list log parameter








16 hexadecimal

Type of log entry

ESS CLI Users Guide

Table 7. Output fields for the list log parameter (continued)








Day during which the recorded activity





Time at which the recorded activity





Name or identifier of the authorized user

who performed the recorded activity



4 characters

Unique identifier for the recorded activity




Brief message about the recorded activity

esscli create pav

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli create pav -d "ess=2105.FA123 volume=0645 qty=2" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful.

esscli delete pav

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli delete pav -d "ess=2105.FA123 pav=06FF" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful.

esscli list pav

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list pav -d "ess=2105.FA123 volume=0102" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Lss BaseVol
----------------------------------------------01fd 01
01fe 01
01ff 01

The fields in this output are described in Table 8. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "server,pav,lss,basevol"
Table 8. Output fields for the list pav parameter






10 characters

Same as the EssID value for identifying an

ESS (in type.serial format)




PAV identifier

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Table 8. Output fields for the list pav parameter (continued)








Logical subsystem identifier




Base volume identifier

esscli list pprcpaths

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list pprcpaths -d "ess=2105.20288 srclss=16" command to display
information about a single LSS:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
SrcLss SrcPort TgtServer TgtLss Conn
2105.FA123 18
2105.FA123 18
2105.FA145 20
2105.FA145 20
2105.FA178 18
2105.FA178 18
2105.FA178 18

The fields in this output are described in Table 9. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "srclss,srcport,tgtserver,tgtlss,tgtport,conn,status,swid,swport"
Table 9. Output fields for the list pprcpaths parameter







Logical subsystem on a primary storage




2 hexadecimal

Port identifier on the primary storage server



10 characters

Same as the EssID value for identifying a

secondary storage server (in type.serial




Logical subsystem on a secondary storage




Fabric | P2P

PPRC (switch or direct) connection type



2 hexadecimal

PPRC connection status as defined in

Table 10 on page 55



2 hexadecimal

Port identifier on the secondary storage




Decimal number

Switch identifier



Decimal number

Identifier of the outgoing port on the switch

Table 10 on page 55 lists and describes the pprcpath connection status



ESS CLI Users Guide

Table 10. Indicators of pprcpath connection status



A path is established.

An initialization has failed.

A task timed-out for unknown reasons.

Resources are not available at the primary site for the logical path

Resources are not available at the secondary site for the logical path

A secondary site sequence number or logical subsystem number are


A secondary site subsystem ID (SSID) does not match.

A path is offline due to lack of light detection from a host, peer, or switch.

An establishment failed but will try again as conditions improve.


The port at the primary storage server cannot be converted to channel mode
because an inbound logical path is already established.


A configuration error has occurred.


A path connection error occurred while attempting to establish a path

between fixed-block and CKD logical subsystems.


An error occurred when the path was being established.


A fibre channel path has been established.


The secondary fibre channel path is not available.

esscli list port

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list port -d "ess=2105.FA123" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI


Type Speed Protocol Topology

----- ----- --------- -------ESCON 20MB ESCON



The fields in this output are described in Table 11. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "server,port,loc,type,speed,protocol,topology,wwn,status"
Table 11. Output fields for the list port parameter






10 characters

Same as the EssID value for identifying an

ESS (in type.serial format)



2 hexadecimal

I/O port identifier (see Table 2 on page 45

for an explanation)

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Table 11. Output fields for the list port parameter (continued)






6 characters

Physical location of an I/O port (in

BxAyPz format, where B stands for the
bay, A for the adapter, and P for the port)




Adapter type



xxMB | xxGB

Data transfer rate in megabytes per second

or gigabytes per second for the ESS




Type of configured protocol for a port



P2P | FCAL |

Type of fibre connection to a particular

fibre-channel port



16 hexadecimal

Worldwide name for a fibre-channel port (or

*** for ESCON and SCSI ports)



operational |
rebuilding | read-only
| failed

Last known status of an port

esscli set port

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli set port -d "ess=2105.FA123 port=84 topology=p2p protocol=fcp"
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful.

esscli list server

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list server command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Model Mfg WWN
Cache NVS Racks
---------- ----- --- ---------------- -------- ----- ---- ----2105.FA123 F10
075 1234567887654321 40GB 32MB

The fields in this output are described in Table 12. You can select specific fields
and determine which order you want them displayed by specifying field
identifiers in the optional -fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as
-fmt "server,model,mfg,wwn,codeec,cache,nvs,racks"
Table 12. Output fields for the list server parameter









10 characters

Same as the EssID value for identifying an

ESS (in type.serial format)



3 characters

Any of the ESS model numbers (such as

E10, E20, F10, F20, 750, 800)

ESS CLI Users Guide

Table 12. Output fields for the list server parameter (continued)






3 characters

Manufacturing code of an ESS, indicating

where it was manufactured



16 hexadecimal

Worldwide node name of an ESS




ESS microcode release level (up to eight

characters in the format



Decimal number

Amount of installed cache memory



Decimal number

Amount of installed nonvolatile storage



Decimal number

Number of installed (one or two) racks

esscli list task

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list task command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
ConsistencyCreated Successful

esscli show task

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli -s primaryserver show task -d "name=MaggiesTask" command to
display information about a base task:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
ConduitESS=2105.FA125 - ConduitLSS=11


The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli -s primary server show task -d nam=sdf command to display
information about all tasks:

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command



Tue Mar 02 10:34:44 MST 2004 IBM ESSCLI

Session Id: 222
Ess Sequence Number: 26866
LSS Number: 0x01
Session Volumes:

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli -s primary server show task -d name=async1 command to display
information about starting or resuming a task:


Tue Mar 02 10:34:44 MST 2004 IBM ESSCLI

Options=Master Donotmodify
Session Number: 101
Master ESS Sequence Number: 26866
Subordinate Count: 0
Consistency Group Interval Time: 0
Ext. Dist. Consis. Max Coord. Interval: 50
Max Consistency Group Drain Time: 240
Master SSID(s)
Subordinate ESS Sequence Number(s)
Subordinate SSID(s)

The fields in this output are described in Table 13. Additional fields might be
displayed based on specific Copy Services task types.

Table 13. Output fields for the show task









Identifier of the Copy Services task within

the Copy Services task repository




Identifier for the Copy Services task types





Copy services task options as defined in

Table 14 on page 59




10 characters

Same as the EssID value for identifying a

primary storage server (in type.serial




10 characters

Same as the EssID value for identifying a

secondary storage server (in type.serial





Logical subsystem on a primary storage






Logical subsystem on a secondary storage






Source volume identifier with the first two

characters identifying the LSS and the next
two identifying the volume


ESS CLI Users Guide

Table 13. Output fields for the show task (continued)









Target volume identifier with the first two

characters identifying the LSS and the next
two identifying the volume

Session ID

Session ID

1 - 255

Asynchronous PPRC session identifier





ESS that has the LSSs that you are adding

to the specified session

LSS Number

LSS Number


LSS that the start is issued from





Volumes that are being added to a specifed



Master ESS

Master ESS


ESS that the start command is issued from




0 - 16

Number of path associations in start



0 - 32766
Group Interval Group Interval

Time delay between consistency group

formation attempts




50 - 32766

The maximum time allowed for the master

to coordinate with the subordinates to form
a consistent data point


Group Drain

Group Drain

240 - 32766

Time allowed for the consistency group to




Master SSIDs


LSSs that are specified for the master

portion of the path association





ESSs that the subordinate SSIDs are

contained in





LSSs that are specified for the subordinate

portion of the path association

Table 14 lists and describes the available options of ESS Copy Services tasks.

Table 14. Copy Services task options

Option value




Accelerates the destage of tracks on the

source FlashCopy volume



Adds the given volume to the specified



Enables the cascading PPRC pair



Copies all tracks from the source volume to

the target volume during the PPRC-establish

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Table 14. Copy Services task options (continued)

Option value




Copies out-of-sync tracks from the source

volume to the target volume during the
PPRC-establish process


Closes a session on the LSS



Prevents copying the primary PPRC volume

if data cannot be copied to the secondary



Prevents an initial copy that is made from

the source volume from being sent to the
target volume during the PPRC-establish



Requires no data to be destaged to the

source FlashCopy volume when a source
track is modified



Does not modify the timer values for start

resume asynchronous PPRC



Allows no removal of the PPRC path if

PPRC pairs exist



Establish a PPRC Path over the Fibre

Channel Protocol



Allows FlashCopy withdraw to the target




Initiates a background copy on an existing

FlashCopy pair


Creates a FlashCopy consistency group



Forces the removal of the PPRC paths, even

if PPRC pairs exist


Freezes the FlashCopy consistency group



Allows a command to be issued to one

logical subsystem (usually local) but
executed on a different logical subsystem
(usually remote)



Copies the the modified tracks from the

source to the target



Prevents the target volume from being




Issues the PPRC command to the primary




Issues the PPRC command to the secondary



Issue the command to the master LSS



Modifies timer values for Asynchronous

resume command only



Denies a background copy for the FlashCopy




Forces no establishment of PPRC paths if

paths already exist


Opens a session on the LSS


ESS CLI Users Guide

Table 14. Copy Services task options (continued)

Option value



Establishes a persistent FlashCopy pair


Creates a PPRC consistency group


Establishes an extended distance PPRC pair


Performs a failback of the PPRC pair


Performs a failover of the PPRC pair



Allows a host to read from the secondary

volume in a PPRC pair



Removes the given volume from the

specified session



Copies the modified tracks from the target

back to the source



Allows you to establish the FlashCopy pair

even if the target volume is online to the host



Specifies a single (source or target) volume

to the task


Records changes of all the modified tracks


Issues the command to the subordinate LSS



Suspends the PPRC pair when the initial

copy of tracks is complete

esscli create volume

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli create volume -d "ess=2105.FA123 cap=10.2 lss=17 redundancy=raid5
qty=2" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Volume 1703 created
Volume 1704 created
Operation Successful.


Restriction: If you are creating 3390 volumes, the maximum number of

possible cylinders is 3339.


Note: The output of this command is dependent on the ESS microcode version
that you are running. Recent versions ( and later) indicate the
volume IDs of the volumes that were created successfully. Earlier
versions do not show this information.
esscli list volume
The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list volume -d "ess=2105.FA123" command:

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI



Units VolType LSS VS

----- ------- --- --Cyls
00 vs1
0A vs2
1A vs3
AS400 1A vs3



The fields in this output are described in Table 15. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "server,vol,cap,units,voltype,lss,vs,label, ssid"
Table 15. Output fields for the list volume parameter








10 characters

Same as the EssID value for identifying an

ESS (in type.serial format)




Logical volume identifier



Decimal number

Capacity of the specified volume space in

gigabytes or cylinders



GB | Cyls

Units applicable to the capacity field



AS400 | AS400U | FB Volume type (as defined in Table 4 on page

| 3380 | 3390




Same as the VsId value for identifying

volume spaces within an ESS server



2 hexadecimal
characters (00...1F)

Logical subsystem identifier




User-specified volume identifier




Volume serial number



up to 4 hexadecimal

Storage subsystem identifier for fixed-block

and CKD volumes

esscli set volume

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli set volume -d "ess=2105.FA123 volume=1645 label=T32455" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful

esscli create volumeaccess

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli create volumeaccess -d "ess=2105.FA123 volume=1045,1A3C,1f3b
init=3007ACF30A2399E0" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful.


ESS CLI Users Guide

Note: The output of this command is dependent on the ESS version that you
are running. Recent versions will indicate the volume IDs that were
created successfully. Earlier versions will not show
esscli list volumeaccess
The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list volumeaccess -d "init=3007ACF30A2399E1" command (with the
initiator option):
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI

Size(GB) Initiator
---- -------- ---------------- ---0000
4.0 3007ACF30A2399E1 Sun1
8.0 3007ACF30A2399E1 Sun1
16.0 3007ACF30A2399E1 Sun1

The fields in this output are described in Table 16. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "server,vol,target,lun,sz,host,init,ports"
Table 16. Output fields for the list volumeaccess parameter






10 characters

Same as the EssID value for identifying an

ESS (in type.serial format)




Logical volume identifier




Logical unit number assigned to this

volume connection (with the range of 5000
to 5FFF for Report-LUNs-capable hosts)



Decimal number

Volume capacity (in gigabytes)



16 hexadecimal

Worldwide port name for identifying an

initiator associated with a particular volume




Name of a host associated with a particular




Decimal number

SCSI target identifier associated with a

particular LUN (starting with 0 for
fibre-channel attached volumes)




List of ESS I/O port identifiers separated by

a comma (as described in Table 2 on page

esscli delete volumeaccess

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli delete volumeaccess -d "ess=2105.FA123 volume=1045
init=3007ACF30A2399E0" command to delete volume access:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful.

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


esscli list volumespace

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list volumespace -d "ess=2105.FA123" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI

Redundancy Cap(GB) Free(GB) Format BasedOn

Vols Lss Status
---------- ------- -------- ------ ----------- ---- --- ----------raid5
10 1A operational
15 16 operational
100.00 3390 dg14
80 0C rebuilding
200.00 3380 dg16
75 02 read_only
45 1F failed

The fields in this output are described in Table 17. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "server,vs,raid,cap,free,fmt,on,vols,lss,status, ssid"
Table 17. Output fields for the list volumespace parameter








10 characters

Same as the EssID value for identifying an

ESS (in type.serial format)



10 characters

Represents the ESS to which the command

will be sent. It may be on a different
machine that the pair of volumes being
established and withdrawn.




Represents the LSS to which the command

will be sent. It may be on a different
machine that the pair of volumes being
established and withdrawn.




Same as the VsId value for identifying

volume spaces within an ESS



raid5 | raid10 | Type of RAID for the specified volume





Capacity of the specified volume space in





Nonallocated capacity in gigabytes within

the specified volume space



FB | 3390 |

Track format of the specified volume space




Disk or disk group on which the specified

volume space is based




Number of logical volumes allocated for the

specified volume space



2 hexadecimal Logical subsystem associated with the

specified volume space



operational |
rebuilding |
read-only |

ESS CLI Users Guide

Last known status of the specified volume


Table 17. Output fields for the list volumespace parameter (continued)







4 hexidecimal

Identified subsystem is a user-specified

option available using the Specialist

esscli create volumespace

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli create volumespace -d "ess=2105.12345 lss= 01 dg=1" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful!

esscli delete volumespace

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli delete volumespace -d "ess=2105.12345 vs=VS1, VS1" command:
Sun Aug 11 02:23:49 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful!

esscli list featurecode

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list FeatureCode -d "ess=EssId" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Serial Number
Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC)
Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy(PPRC)

Cap Limit

Cap Used

Cap Types

The fields in this output are described in Table 18. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "code,desc,sn,cap,used,type"
Table 18. Output fields for the list featurecode parameter


Feature Code

Identifies the actual feature code number to the user


Describes the feature codes

Serial Number

Identifies the serial number of the installed feature code

Cap Limit

Identifies the maximum storage capacity, in terabytes, that is

supported by this particular feature code. Note: A terabyte is 1000
gigabytes, in other words, 1 000 000 000 000 bytes. Some feature
codes apply only to storage configured for S/390 and zSeries
servers. Other feature codes apply to all configured storage in the
ESS. The level of available capacity is indicated by S/390 or ESS,

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Table 18. Output fields for the list featurecode parameter (continued)


Cap Used

Identifies the total capacity, in terabytes, that is currently configured

in both clusters of the ESS for this particular feature code. The
feature code capacity values affect the configuration of disk groups
in the ESS. If the definition of an additional disk group causes the
total used capacity to exceed the capacity limit of any installed
feature code, the configuration of the added disk group fails.

Cap Types

Indicates the following capacity types: S/390 and ESS.

esscli list webuseraccount

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list webuseraccount -d "ess=EssId" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Username Access level IP Range

The fields in this output are described in Table 19. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "user,acclvl,iprange,comments"
Table 19. Output fields for the list webuseraccount parameter


User Name

This field contains the user ID that you must enter in the user
authentication dialog box when you access the ESS through ESS
Specialist. The log appears in your Web browser after you enter the
address of the ESS and then click ESS Specialist in the ESS
Launch page. The case-sensitive name uniquely identifies a
particular user account.

Access Level

This field displays the following four levels of access to the ESS:
View Only
Allows you to view the operational status and configuration
information of the ESS.
Allows you to modify the remote service and PE password
settings on the ESS, in addition to the permissions of the
View Only access level.
Allows you to make changes to the entire configuration
(including the remote service and PE password settings) of
the ESS, in addition to the permissions of the Operation
access level.
Allows you to administer user accounts, including defining
new user IDs, deleting old user IDs, and changing
passwords, in addition to the the permissions of the
Configuration access level.


ESS CLI Users Guide

Table 19. Output fields for the list webuseraccount parameter (continued)


IP Range

This field contains a log in address filter that is applied to the user
account for additional security. ESS CLI rejects any attempt by the
specified user to log in from a host outside of the assigned IP
address range.


This field contains an optional free-form field that can help identify
the person who is assigned the user account.

esscli create webuseraccount

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli create WebUserAccount -d "ess=1234.56789 user=gman99 pwd=password
acclvl=admin comment=I am hereiprange= " command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation successful!

esscli set webuseraccount

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli set WebUserAccount -d "ess=1234.56789 user=gman99 newuser=pman99
newcomments=I was formerly gman99" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation successful!

esscli delete webuseraccount

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli delete WebUserAccount -d "ess=1234.56789 user=pman99" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation successful!

esscli list perfstats

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list PerfStats command:
The output is:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI 2.2.0.
----------------------------------------- 443

The fields in this output are described in Table 20 on page 68. You can select
specific fields and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers
in the optional -fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "hostname, port, staus, and frequency"

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Table 20. Output fields for the list perfstats parameter



Host Name

Identifies the host name (IP address) of the host that is receiving
performance statistics


Identifies the port number of the host where the incoming data is


Identifies the host status as either enabled or disabled


Identifies the interval that data collection uses for gathering data
and sending it to the host system

esscli create perfstats

Figure 1 on page 69 shows a sample report that is similar to what you see
when you issue the esscli create PerfStats -d "ess=EssId
outputdir=c:\data\stats hostname=xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx port=32455
frequency=5" command.


Note: The frequency cannot be less than 5. If you specify a number less than
5, esscli returns an error stating that the specified value is invalid.



ESS CLI Users Guide


Disk Group Statistics: 4



Disk Group Performance Data #0:

-------------------------------Stats Avaliable
Tue Jul 29 14:25:00 MST 2003
LSS address:
Rank ID:
Number of DDMs:
Sector Size:
Rank Type:
I/O requests:
Read Count:
Write Count:
FixedBlockSec ops:
Read Count:
Write Count:
Response Time:
Read Count:
Write Count:
Disk Group Performance Data #1:
-------------------------------Stats Avaliable
Tue Jul 29 14:25:00 MST 2003
LSS address:
Rank ID:
Number of DDMs:
Sector Size:
Rank Type:
I/O requests:
Read Count:
Write Count:
FixedBlockSec ops:
Read Count:
Write Count:
Response Time:
Read Count:
Write Count:

Figure 1. Create PerfStats sample output (Part 1 of 4)

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Disk Group Performance Data #2:

-------------------------------Stats Avaliable
Tue Jul 29 14:25:00 MST 2003
LSS address:
Rank ID:
Number of DDMs:
Sector Size:
Rank Type:
I/O requests:
Read Count:
Write Count:
FixedBlockSec ops:
Read Count:
Write Count:
Response Time:
Read Count:
Write Count:
Disk Group Performance Data #3:
-------------------------------Stats Avaliable
Tue Jul 29 14:25:00 MST 2003
LSS address:
Rank ID:
Number of DDMs:
Sector Size:
Rank Type:
I/O requests:
Read Count:
Write Count:
FixedBlockSec ops:
Read Count:
Write Count:
Response Time:
Read Count:
Write Count:
Volume Statistics:

Figure 1. Create PerfStats sample output (Part 2 of 4)


ESS CLI Users Guide


Volume Performance Data #0:

Tue Jul 29 14:25:00 MST 2003
LSS address:
Volume number:
Rank name:
Rank ID:
Cache Available:
Byte Increment:
128k bytes
Time Increment:
16 milliseconds
Normal I/O:
I/O requests:
Read Count: 0
Write Count: 0
Cache hits:
Read Count: 0
Write Count: 0
Sequential I/O:
I/O requests:
Read Count: 0
Write Count: 0
Cache hits:
Read Count: 0
Write Count: 0
Disk->Cache ops:
Disk->Cache seq:
Cache->Disk ops:
DasdFastWrite ops: 0
DasdFastWrite seq: 0
DasdFastWrite del: 0
RecCacheRead Misses:0
TrackProm. Failures:0
RecMode reads:
NVS Allocations:
CC/XRC ops:
Read Count:
Write Count:
PPRC Transfers:
CSC Delayed ops:
Cache Fast Write I/O
Read Count:
Write Count:
Quick write promotes: 0
Irregular track access: 0
Irregular track access hits: 0
Read Byte Count:
Write Byte Count: 0
Read Time:
Write Time:

Figure 1. Create PerfStats sample output (Part 3 of 4)

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


PPRC Statistics: 1
PPRC Link Performance Data: #0:
-------------------------------Stats Available
Tue Jul 29 14:25:00 MST 2003
Interface ID:
Link Type:
Fibre Channel 1 Gb/s
Byte Increment:
128K bytes
Time Increment:
16 milliseconds
ECKD Requests:
Read Byte Count:
Write Byte Count:
Read Operations:
Write Operations:
Read Time:
Write Time:
PPRC Requests:
Send Byte Count:
Receive Byte Count: 28492
Send Operations:
Receive Operations: 1948
Send Time:
Receive Time:
SCSI Requests:
Read Byte Count:
Write Byte Count:
Read Operations:
Write Operations:
Read Time:
Write Time:

Figure 1. Create PerfStats sample output (Part 4 of 4)


Table 21 describes the fields in this output. You can select specific fields and
determine their display order by specifying field identifiers in the optional -fmt
"Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:

-fmt "ess, outputdir, hostname, port, frequency, duration"

Table 21. Output fields for the create perfstats parameter





Identifies the Enterprise Storage Server (ESS). The format is

type.sequence. For example: 2105.FA123



Identifies the directory where the collected statistics are stored. The
files are created automatically by the Storage Management CLI.



Identifies the host name of the client that receives the statistics that
are sent by the ESS. This is typically the IP address of the machine
that enables the data collector.



Identifies the port number from where the statistics are received.
The port number must be greater than 0.



Identifies the interval (in minutes) that the ESS sends statistics data
to the client machine.



Identifies the range of time that you want the application to receive
performance statistics from an assigned ESS.

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli -u user -p password create PerfStats -d "ess=serial hostname=name
port=1234 frequency=10 duration=1 async=on" command to view
asynchronous PPRC statistics:



ESS CLI Users Guide

Tue Apr-6-04 15:08:22

delta: name
Coord. Time
Interval Time
0 (ms)
0 (sec)

Success % Success
Max Drain Time
0 (sec),


Table 22 describes the fields in this output. You can select specific fields and
determine their display order by specifying field identifiers in the optional -fmt
"Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:


-fmt "Date, Machine, Coord Time (ms), Interval (sec), Drain (sec), Failed CGs,
Successful CGs, Percent Successful"

Table 22. Output fields for the create perfstats parameter




Date and time the statistics were created.


The ESS that the statistics describe.


Coord Time (ms)

Maximum coordination value in milliseconds that indicates the

amount of time the asynchronous PPRC will pause the primary or
host I/O to start forming consistency group. The default time is 50


Interval (sec

Consistency group interval time in seconds that indicates how long

to wait between the formation of consistency groups.


Drain (sec)

Maximum consistency group drain time in seconds that indicates

the maximum amount of time that the extended distance copy will
drain out of sync tracks to the remote location. The minimum time
is 4 minutes, or 2 times the consistency group interval time,
whichever is greater.

Failed CGs

Number of failed consistency groups.

Successful CGs

Number of successful consistency groups.

Percent Successful

Percentage of consistency groups that are successful.


Change in statistics from previous query to the current query.



Total of all of the queries for the fail, success, and percent success


esscli delete perfstats

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli delete PerfStats -d "ess=EssId
port=32455" command:
The output is:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI 2.3.0
Operation Successful!

esscli show remotesupport

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli show RemoteSupport -d "ess=EssId" command:

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI

Incoming calls are enabled.
Outgoing calls are disabled.

esscli set remotesupport

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli set RemoteSupport -d "ess=EssId pepwd=reset" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
New PE Password: fLXi342
Operation Successful!

esscli show email

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli show Email -d "ess=EssId" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Maximum emails
Email address
[email protected]

sent per problem: 1


The fields in this output are described in Table 23. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "addr, trigger"
Table 23. Output fields for the show email parameter





Identifies the e-mail addresses


Identifies the actions that trigger notification to the corresponding

e-mail address. The valid triggers are info, err, all, and none.

esscli create email

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli create Email -d "ess=EssId [email protected] trigger=err"
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful!

esscli delete email

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli delete Email -d "ess=EssId [email protected]" command:


ESS CLI Users Guide

Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI

Operation Successful!

esscli set email

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli set Email -d "ess=EssId [email protected]
[email protected] newtrigger=err" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful!

esscli show pager

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli show Pager -d "ess=EssId" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Maximum pages sent per problem: 5
UserName Phone Pin Status Type
John Doe
123-456-7890 1234567
Enabled Alphanum
Betty Boo 234-456-0987 9876543
Disabled Num

The fields in this output are described in Table 24. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "user, phone, pin, status, type"
Table 24. Output fields for the show pager parameter



Identifies the user name for the pager. This is an alphanumeric ID

and should contain no spaces.


Identifies the pager phone number


Identifies the pager pin number


Identifies the pager as enabled/disabled for problem notification


Identifies the pager type. Choices are numeric and alphanumeric.

esscli create pager

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli create Pager -d "ess=EssId user=JohnDoe phone=5551234 pin=1234
status=enabled type=numeric" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful!

esscli delete pager

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli delete Pager -d "ess=EssId phone=9871234567 pin=1234" command:

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI

Operation Successful!

esscli set pager

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli set Pager -d "ess=EssId phone=5209871334 pin=9874 newpin=1234
newphone=5201234567 newuser=JohnDoe max=3 test=yes" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful!

esscli show snmp

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli show SNMP -d "ess=EssId " command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
System Community Name: Admin
System Contact:
John Doe
System Location:
MIB Read Access: Enabled
Generic Traps:
ESS Traps:
Max traps sent per problem: 2
Trap Addresses

The fields in this output are described in Table 25. You can select specific fields
and determine their order for display by specifying field identifiers in the optional
-fmt "Format" parameter. The default format is as follows:
-fmt "addr, comname, contact, location, mibread, traps, esstraps, maxtraps"
Table 25. Output fields for the show snmp parameter


Trap Addresses

Identifies the trap addresses configured to be notified

System Community

Identifies the name of the community

System Contact

Identifies the name of the person to be contacted

System Location

Identifies the location of the machine

MIB Read Access

Identifies whether MIB read access is enabled/disabled

Generic Traps

Identifies whether Generic Traps is enabled/disabled

ESS Traps

Identifies whether ESS traps is enabled/disabled

Max Traps Sent Per


Identifies the maximum number of traps sent per problem. The

maximum traps is 5 and the lowest is 1 to be sent.

esscli create snmp

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
following command:
esscli create Snmp -d "ess=EssId,"


ESS CLI Users Guide

Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI

Operation Successful!

esscli set snmp

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli set SNMP -d "ess=EssId location=Tucson esstraps=enabled
traps=disabled max=3 test=yes" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful!

esscli delete snmp

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli delete Snmp -d "ess=EssId addr=,128..165.1" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful!

esscli list problem

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli list Problem -d "ess=1234.56789" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
ProbId Clust Description
SSA subsystem detected error

The fields in this output are described in Table 26.

Table 26. Output fields for the list problem parameter



Identifies the ID of the problem


Identifies the cluster that the problem is associated with


Identifies the string that contains a brief description of the problem

esscli show problem

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli show Problem -d "ess=2105.56789 probid=10" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Problem ID: 10
Reporting Cluster: 1
Problem Description: SSA subsystem detected error

Chapter 2. Using the Storage Management CLI command


The fields in this output are described in Table 27.

Table 27. Output fields for the show problem parameter



Identifies the ID of the problem

Reporting Cluster

Identifies cluster 1 or 2. Problem records for Cluster 1 are usually

listed before those of Cluster 2.

Problem Description

Provides a brief description of the problem

Problem Age

Identifies the date and time of the first and last occurrence of this
problem, provides an indication of how often it occurred, and if it
occurred more than once.

Problem Status

Identifies the severity of this problem. The content of this field

corresponds to the highlight color that is used for this problem

Service Status

Identifies the status of the problem resolution. After a problem has

been resolved, meaning the problem has been canceled or closed,
that problem record is no longer displayed on the panel.

User Action

Identifies the corrective action, if any, that you can perform

Probably Cause

Identifies a list of the probable causes of the problem, if known

Additional Info

Provides any additional information about the problem. This field is

displayed only if additional information about the problem exists.

esscli delete problem

The following sample report is similar to what you see when you issue the
esscli delete Problem -d "ess=2105.FA123 probId=10" command:
Sun, Sept 6 03:11:23 PST 2002 IBM ESSCLI
Operation Successful!


Modifying the ESS using multiple clients (Specialist, Web Copy

Services, CLI)


When you configure a component of the ESS, that resource will be locked so
another client (CLI or Specialist) cannot modify it at the same time. Having two
clusters allows you to use the other cluster to configure the ESS if the first cluster


1. The second cluster (and its Specialist) exists for failover purposes only. Do not
concurrently use Specialist and other clients (CLI, Expert, and so forth.) against
both clusters. Use only one cluster for all configuration activity. Switch over to
the second cluster only if the first cluster becomes unavailable.
2. Coordinate your configuration activity to avoid conflicting and overlapping
updates. For maximum efficiency and to ensure no conflicts, make sure that
only one configuration change request is in progress at a time.


Although the resource is locked while it is being modified (which prohibits any other
client from using that resource at the same time), you can configure Copy Services
using one Web browser and concurrently configure other ESS components as long
as they are not associated with the Copy Services function being modified.


ESS CLI Users Guide

Chapter 3. Understanding Storage Management CLI messages

This chapter describes the messages and codes for the Storage Management CLI.
After identifying each message, it provides a detailed explanation and suggests
actions that you can take to correct the reported situation.

Storage Management CLI return codes

Whenever you invoke the esscli command, you receive a return code about the
status of your command request. Each return code indicates a different type of
processing status or condition.
The Storage Management CLI return codes contain three numeric characters, with
the first identifying condition categories and the remaining two characters indicating
condition number. Check against Table 28 for detailed information before
interpreting an output of the esscli command.
Table 28. Storage Management CLI return code categories




Successful completion of commands or other


Parameter error

Errors caused by invalid or missing command

parameters, arguments, or flags

Communication error

Errors caused by communication, connection, or

network problems


Errors caused by server or host time-outs

Version mismatch

Errors caused by software version mismatches

on servers and hosts

User error

User-specific errors

Server exception

Errors that originated on the server

Client-side error

Errors that originated on the host system

Storage Management CLI messages

The Storage Management CLI generates and reports the following messages:

The operation completed successfully.

Explanation: The command or operation completed

Action: None

Volume {0} is already assigned.

Explanation: You attempted to assign volume ({0}) to

a host initiator. However, volume ({0}) is already
assigned to another initiator associated with the same
ESS. The CLI ignores this assignment request and
continues processing the rest of your create Volumes

specified host initiator and assign another volume in its


Volume {0} is not assigned.

Explanation: You specified volume ({0}) in the

volume=VolId pair for the create Volume or set Volume
parameter. However, volume ({0}) was not assigned to
the specified host initiator. The CLI ignores this request
and continues processing the remaining requests of the
Action: Specify the correct volume identifier and issue
the command again.

Action: Remove volume ({0}) connection to the

Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004



Action: Use a LSS in the current configuration which

allows base volumes. For more information, list the
current configured volume spaces.

The system default language is not

supported for printing CLI messages.

Explanation: You tried to print an output report or

message in your systems default language that is
currently not supported. The CLI prints all output reports
and messages in English.


Explanation: The configured host name ({0}) is not

the current host that is starting the performance data

Action: None

The specified topology type {0} is

already configured for this port.

Explanation: You tried to change the current topology

configuration of a port by specifying topology=P2P,
topology=FCAL, or topology=undefined, but the specified
type is already defined for the port.
Action: Specify a different or valid topology type and
issue the command again.

Some tasks from the server are not

displayed because the CLI version
does not match the server version.

Explanation: Some of the tasks from the server are

not displayed because the CLI version is down level.
Action: Some of the tasks from the server are not
displayed because the CLI version is down level.

Deleting PAVs failed because the

specified volume {0} does not have

The ESS will send any collected

performance data to {0}:{1}.

Action: Change the configured host name ({0}) to the

current host where you are issuing the command.




Explanation: Your performance data collection was

not completed because a configuration reset was
performed on your ESS.


Action: Wait for the configuration reset to complete

and perform a new performance data collection.

The performance data collection ended

prematurely due to a configuration
reset on the ESS.

The required command action is


Explanation: You specified a parameter that consists

of action-category keywords, but you did not specify the
required action keyword for the parameter category. See
Chapter 2, Using the Storage Management CLI
command, on page 25 for detailed information about
the esscli command syntax and usage guidelines.

Explanation: You requested to delete PAVs, but the

specified volume does not exist or is not enabled to
have any PAVs.

Action: Specify the required action keyword and issue

the command again.

Action: Use the list pav parameter to verify the

volumes with PAVs, specify a valid volume, and try the
command again.



Deleting PAVs failed because the

specified LSS {0} does not have

Explanation: You requested to delete PAVs, but the

specified LSS does not exist or is not enabled to have
any PAVs.
Action: Use the list pav parameter to verify the
logical subsystems that have PAVs, specify a valid LSS,
and try the command again.

Creating PAVs failed because the

specified LSS {0} does not have base

Explanation: The PAV is being created and the LSS

associated with the create action does not have base


ESS CLI Users Guide

The required command category is


Explanation: You specified a parameter that consists

of action-category keywords, but you did not specify the
required category keyword for the parameter action.
See Chapter 2, Using the Storage Management CLI
command, on page 25 for detailed information about
the esscli command syntax and usage guidelines.
Action: Specify the required category keyword and
issue the command again.

The required command flag {0} is


Explanation: You did not specify flag ({0}), which is

required for the specified parameter. See Chapter 2,
Using the Storage Management CLI command, on
page 25 for detailed information about the esscli
command syntax and usage guidelines.
Action: Specify the required flag and issue the
command again.


The required parameter for command

flag {0} is missing.

Explanation: You did not specify a valid parameter as

a required argument to command flag ({0}). See
Chapter 2, Using the Storage Management CLI
command, on page 25 for detailed information about
the esscli command syntax and usage guidelines.
Action: Specify the required parameter and issue the
command again.

The specified command action {0} is


Explanation: You specified an invalid action keyword

for the action-category parameter. See Chapter 2,
Using the Storage Management CLI command, on
page 25 for detailed information about the esscli
command syntax and usage guidelines.
Action: Specify the correct action keyword and issue
the command again.

The specified command category {0}

is invalid.

Explanation: You specified an invalid category

keyword for the action-category parameter. See
Chapter 2, Using the Storage Management CLI
command, on page 25 for detailed information about
the esscli command syntax and usage guidelines.
Action: Specify the correct category keyword and
issue the command again.

The specified command flag {0} is


Explanation: You specified an invalid flag for the

specified parameter. See Chapter 2, Using the Storage
Management CLI command, on page 25 for detailed
information about the esscli command syntax and
usage guidelines.
Action: Specify a valid flag and issue the command

The specified parameter {0} for

command flag {1} is invalid.

Explanation: You specified an invalid parameter for

the specified flag. See Chapter 2, Using the Storage
Management CLI command, on page 25 for detailed
information about the esscli command syntax and
usage guidelines.
Action: Specify a valid parameter for the flag and
issue the command again.


More than one command action was

specified ({0}).

Explanation: You specified more than one action

keywords in the action-category parameter. You can
specify one action keyword for each category keyword
at one time. See Chapter 2, Using the Storage
Management CLI command, on page 25 for detailed
information about the esscli command syntax and
usage guidelines.
Action: Specify one valid action keyword for the
specified parameter category and issue the command

More than one command category was

specified ({0}).

Explanation: You specified more than one category

keyword in the action-category parameter. You can
specify one category keyword for each action keyword
at one time. See Chapter 2, Using the Storage
Management CLI command, on page 25 for detailed
information about the esscli command syntax and
usage guidelines.
Action: Specify one valid category keyword for the
specified parameter action and issue the command

Command flag {0} was specified

more than once.

Explanation: You specified command flag ({0}) more

than once. You can only specify a flag once in a single
instance of the esscli command.
Action: Remove the duplicate flags and issue the
command again.

The specified command flag {0} and

parameter {1} do not match.

Explanation: You specified a flag and a parameter

that do not match. See Chapter 2, Using the Storage
Management CLI command, on page 25 for detailed
information about the esscli command syntax and
usage guidelines.
Action: Specify a flag and a parameter that are
compatible and issue the command again.

The argument name is missing at

position {0} of parameter {1}.

Explanation: You did not specify the required

argument name at position ({0}) for parameter ({1}).
Action: Specify the required argument name and
issue the command again.

Chapter 3. Understanding Storage Management CLI messages



The argument value is missing at

position {0} of parameter {1}.

Explanation: You did not specify a valid value for the

specified argument name at position ({0}) of parameter
Action: Specify a valid value for the specified
argument name and issue the command again.

The equal sign (=) is missing at

position {0} of argument name-value
pair {1}.


The specified argument value {0} for

argument name {1} is invalid.

Explanation: You specified an invalid value ({0}) for

the specified argument name ({1}). See Chapter 2,
Using the Storage Management CLI command, on
page 25 for detailed information about the esscli
command syntax and usage guidelines.
Action: Specify a valid argument value and issue the
command again.

The specified argument name {0} is

invalid for the command action.

Explanation: You did not specify the required

operator, the equal sign (=), between the specified
name-value argument pair. See Chapter 2, Using the
Storage Management CLI command, on page 25 for
detailed information about the esscli command syntax
and usage guidelines.

Explanation: You specified an invalid argument name

for the specified command action. See Chapter 2,
Using the Storage Management CLI command, on
page 25 for detailed information about the esscli
command syntax and usage guidelines.

Action: Specify the required equal sign and issue the

command again.

Action: Specify a valid argument name and issue the

command again.



Quotation marks are missing at

position {0} of parameter {1}.

Argument name {0} was specified

more than once.

Explanation: You did not include the required starting

or closing quotation marks at position ({0}) for
parameter ({1}).

Explanation: You specified argument name ({0}) more

than once. You can only specify it once in a single
instance of the esscli command.

Action: Specify the required quotation marks and

issue the command again.

Action: Delete the duplicate argument name and issue

the command again.



The required argument name-value pair

{0} is missing.

Argument names {0} and {1} are

mutually exclusive.

Explanation: You did not specify the name-value

argument pair required for the command request. See
Chapter 2, Using the Storage Management CLI
command, on page 25 for detailed information about
the esscli command syntax and usage guidelines.

Explanation: You specified argument names ({0}) and

({1}) that are mutually exclusive. See Chapter 2, Using
the Storage Management CLI command, on page 25
for detailed information about the esscli command
syntax and usage guidelines.

Action: Specify the required argument name-value

pair and issue the command again.

Action: Remove one of the mutually exclusive

argument names and issue the command again.


The specified argument name {0} is


Explanation: You specified an invalid name for the

specified argument value or name-value argument pair.
See Chapter 2, Using the Storage Management CLI
command, on page 25 for detailed information about
the esscli command syntax and usage guidelines.
Action: Specify the correct argument name and issue
the command again.


The format of the specified access file

is not supported.

Explanation: The specified access file is in simple

format, which is not supported by the esscli command.
Action: Change the access file to the extended format
or enter all command parameters directly on the
command line and issue the command again.

The specified flag {0} is not

supported within the specified access

Explanation: You specified a command flag or

parameter, such as list server, that is not allowed in
the access file. See Parameters without arguments on
page 34


ESS CLI Users Guide

page 34 for detailed information about the extended

format of the access file.
Action: Specify valid command flags, parameters, and
arguments in the access file or enter all command flags
and parameters directly on the command line.

The required quotation marks are

missing on line {0} of the specified
access file.

Explanation: You did not enclose the values for the

arguments to the -d and -fmt flags on line ({0}) in the
access file. See Parameters without arguments on
page 34 for detailed information about the esscli
command syntax and usage guidelines.
Action: Add the missing quotation marks and try the
command again.

Line {0} of the access file is not a

valid keylist entry.

Explanation: You specified an invalid entry in the key

list of the access file. See Parameters without
arguments on page 34 for detailed information about
the extended format of the access file.
Action: Correct the entry or enter all command flags
and parameters directly on the command line, and try
the command again.

The specified key {0} for type {1}

does not exist in the access file.

Explanation: You specified an valid key name ({0}) for

type ({1}). See Parameters without arguments on page
34 for detailed information about the extended format of
the access file.
Action: Specify a valid key name or enter all
command flags and parameters directly on the
command line.

the access file is in extended format. See Parameters

without arguments on page 34 for detailed information
about the extended format of the access file.
Action: Remove the key list and associated entries
and enter all flags and parameters directly on the
command line and try the command again.

An unspecified communication error


Explanation: An unspecified communication error

occurred. It might be a temporary network problem or
connection problem between your host system and the
Action: Check the connection between your host and
the server or make sure that the requested server is
operational, and issue the command again.

The specified server address is

unknown to the network.

Explanation: You specified an invalid server IP

address or server name. You must specify the Copy
Services server address for the list Task, show Task,
and list PPRCPaths parameters and the ESS Specialist
server address for all other action-category parameters.
See Table 1 on page 37 for more information.
Action: Specify a valid server IP address or server
name and issue the command again.

The specified server address was not


Explanation: You specified a valid server IP address

or server name, but the server was not available at the
time of your request because one or more of the
following problems occurred:
v The requested server is not within the specified
v The network was down.


Line {0} of the specified access file

contains a duplicate key {1} for type

Explanation: You specified a duplicate key name ({1})

for type ({2}) on line ({0}). See Parameters without
arguments on page 34 for detailed information about
the extended format of the access file.
Action: Rename the key or enter all command flags
and parameters directly on the command line, and try
the command again.

The format of the specified access file

{0} does not support the -key
command flag.

Explanation: You specified a key list in the access file

in simple format. You can only specify a key list when

v You are not properly authorized to access the server.

Action: Check to see if the specified server is in the
correct network, the network is working properly, and
you have the required access to the specified server.
Then, issue the command again.

The connection to the specified server

was not established.

Explanation: You specified a server IP address or

server name, but the connection was not successful
because one or more of the following problems
v The specified server address was invalid.
v The requested server is not within the specified
v The network was down.
Chapter 3. Understanding Storage Management CLI messages


v You are not properly authorized to access the server.

Action: Check to see if the specified server address
was correct, the server is in the correct network, the
network is working properly, and you have the required
access to the specified server. Then, issue the
command again.

The specified server is currently not

available for client requests.

Explanation: You specified a valid server IP address

or server name, but the server was not available at the
time of your request.
Action: Wait until the server is available for your
request and issue the command again.

The communication to the specified

server was not completed.

Explanation: Your command request did not

successfully complete because the connection dropped
unexpectedly. The connectivity problem might be due to
a temporary network outage or disabled server.
Action: Wait a few seconds and retry the command. If
the problem persists, contact the system administrator
to determine if the infoserver is operational. If the
infoserver is up and running, issue the command again.

The server response was not

successfully processed.

Explanation: The server response was not

successfully processed because the response was null
or corrupted.
Action: Check the network connectivity and
operational status of the infoserver and issue the
command again.

The communication to the specified

server was terminated prematurely.


Information from the server is not


Explanation: The configuration information in the

server response is down-level.
Action: Wait a few minutes for the server to refresh
the report with the latest configuration information, and
issue the command again.

The server did not respond in time.

Explanation: The connection to the server was lost

because the server did not respond within the given
time. This problem occurred because one or more of
the following problems occurred:
v The server was being configured at the time of your
command request.
v The network is busy.
v You lost connectivity to the server before receiving a
Action: Check the network connectivity and the server
operational status and issue the command again.

This version of the CLI is incompatible

with the version of the specified server

Explanation: Each version of the Storage

Management CLI is designed to be compatible with a
particular level of the licensed internal code (LIC) of the
ESS. Your command request failed because the levels
do not match between your CLI program version and
the LIC level of your ESS.
Action: Make sure that your CLI version matches your
ESS LIC level and issue the command again.

The versions of the CLI and the Copy

Services server do not match.

v An internal error occurred.

Explanation: Each version of the Storage

Management CLI is designed to be compatible with a
particular level of the licensed internal code (LIC) of the
ESS. Your command request failed because the levels
do not match between your CLI program version and
the LIC level of your ESS.

v The server was not accepting client requests at the


Action: Make sure that your CLI version matches your

ESS LIC level and issue the command again.

Explanation: The connection to the server was

unexpectedly lost because one of the following
problems occurred:

v The network was temporarily down.

Action: Check the network connectivity and the
operational status of the requested server and issue the
command again.


The requested function is not

supported by the specified server {0}.

Explanation: You requested the esscli command to

perform a specified task, but the specified server is
down level and does not support the requested function.
Action: Upgrade the LIC on the server, and try the
command again.


ESS CLI Users Guide


The specified host initiator {0} is not

defined on the server.

Explanation: You defined a host initiator that is not

associated with the specified server.
Action: Specify a valid host initiator and issue the
command again.

The specified host name {0} is not

defined on the specified server.

Explanation: You specified a host name that is not

assigned to the specified server.

Action: Specify a valid volume identifier and issue the

command again.

Explanation: You specified an invalid ESS type in the

ess=EssId pair. The EssID value must be in the
machine type.serial format.
Action: Specify a valid machine type and issue the
command again.

Action: Specify a valid host name and issue the

command again.

The specified host name {0} is SCSI

but is not supported.

Explanation: You specified a host name that uses

SCSI host connections. You must specify a host name
with fibre-channel attached connections for your
command request.
Action: Specify a host name with fibre-channel
attached connections and issue the command again.

The specified host name {0} is

already defined on the server.

Explanation: You specified a host name that is

already defined on the server. Host names for a
particular server must be unique; you cannot specify a
duplicate host name. See Chapter 2, Using the Storage
Management CLI command, on page 25 for detailed
information about the esscli command syntax and
usage guidelines.
Action: Specify a different host name and issue the
command again.

The specified ESS machine type {0}

does not match that of the server.

The specified ESS machine serial

number {0} does not match that of
the server.

Explanation: You specified an invalid ESS serial

number in the ess=EssId pair. The EssID value must be
in the machine type.serial format.
Action: Specify a valid machine serial number and
issue the command again.

The specified server address is invalid.

Explanation: You specified an invalid server IP

address or server name. You must specify the Copy
Services server address for the list Task, show Task,
and list PPRCPaths parameters and the ESS Specialist
server address for all other action-category parameters.
See Table 1 on page 37 for more information.
Action: Specify a valid server IP address or server
name and issue the command again.

Access was denied by the server.

Explanation: You were denied access to the server

for one or more of the following reasons:
v You specified an invalid user name or password.
v You specified an invalid access file name.


The specified host initiator {0} is

already defined on the server.

v You are not authorized to perform the command


Explanation: You specified a host initiator that is

already defined on the server. Host initiators for a
particular server must be unique; you cannot specify a
duplicate host initiator. See Chapter 2, Using the
Storage Management CLI command, on page 25 for
detailed information about the esscli command syntax
and usage guidelines.

Action: Specify a valid user name, password, or

access file name, or contact your system administrator
for access authorization. Then, issue the command

Action: Specify a different host initiator and issue the

command again.

Explanation: You specified a port that does not exist

on the server.


The specified volume {0} is not found

on the server.


The specified port (bay = {0} card =

{1} and port = {2}) was not found.

Action: Specify a valid port name and issue the

command again.

Explanation: You specified a volume identifier that

does not exist on the server.

Chapter 3. Understanding Storage Management CLI messages



The specified number of PAV volumes

{0} exceeded the maximum for the
base volume {1}.

Explanation: You specified more than 256 PAVs for

the specified base volume. You can define one or more
PAVs for each base (non-PAV) volume in an LSS, but
the total number of base and PAV volumes in an LSS
cannot exceed 256.
Action: Make sure that the total number of PAVs does
not exceed the maximum allowed and issue the
command again.

The specified LSS {0} is not defined

on the server.

Explanation: You specified an LSS that does not exist

on the specified server.
Action: Specify a valid LSS and issue the command

The specified volume space {0} is not

defined on the server.

Explanation: You specified a volume space that is not

defined on the specified server. You can check the
assigned volume spaces for the server by specifying the
list volumespace parameter.
Action: Specify a valid volume space and issue the
command again.

The specified volume type {0} is not

compatible with volume space {1}.

Explanation: You specified an invalid volume type for

the specified volume space. See Table 4 on page 47 for
more information about volume types.
Action: Specify a valid volume type and issue the
command again.

The request for creating PAVs failed.

Explanation: You specified the create pav parameter,

but the PAV feature is not installed or enabled on your
Action: Install or enable the feature code for PAVs
and issue the command again.

More than one CKD LSS was specified.

Explanation: You specified more than one CKD on

the specified server.
Action: Specify a valid CKD LSS and issue the
command again.


ESS CLI Users Guide


The specified redundancy {0} is not

compatible with volume space {1}.

Explanation: You specified an invalid redundancy type

for the specified volume space. You can only specify
redundancy=raid5 or redundancy=raid10 for the create
volume parameter.
Action: Specify a valid redundancy type and issue the
command again.

No volume space matches the

specified volume type {0} and
redundancy {1}.

Explanation: You specified an invalid volume space

for the specified volume type and redundancy type. You
can specify the list VolumeSpace parameter for the
esscli command to determine the exact volume space
value for a particular ESS.
Action: Specify a valid volume space and issue the
command again.

The specified volume size {0} GB is


Explanation: You specified an invalid volume size for

the volume you wanted to create. Specify the volume
size, in gigabytes (GB), as a floating point value, with
only a single digit after the decimal point, for example,
Action: Specify a valid volume size in gigabytes and
issue the command again.

The specified AS/400 volume size {0}

GB is invalid.

Explanation: You specified an invalid volume size for

the volume you wanted to create. Valid volume sizes for
AS/400 are 4.2, 8.6, 17.5, 35.1, 36.0, and 70.5
gigabytes (GB).
Action: Specify a valid volume size for the AS/400 in
gigabytes and issue the command again.

Creating volumes failed because the

requested number exceeded the
maximum of {0} volumes.

Explanation: You requested to create ({1}) volumes,

but only ({0}) were created because of insufficient
storage capacity.
Action: Allocate sufficient free storage capacity and
issue the command again.


The specified topology or protocol is

incompatible with the current state of
the port.

Explanation: You specified an invalid topology type for

the specified port. Valid topology types are undefined,
point-to-point (P2P), and fibre-channel arbitrated loop
(FC-AL), with P2P as the default value.
Action: Specify a valid topology type and issue the
command again.

The specified profile {0} is not

supported by the specified server.

Explanation: You specified a host profile that is not

supported by the specified server. See Table 3 on page
46 for a list of valid host profiles and supported servers.
Action: Specify a valid host profile and issue the
command again.

The specified PAV {0} does not exist

on the specified server.

Explanation: You specified an invalid PAV or the

specified volume PAV does not exist on the specified
Action: Verify all PAVs associated with the specified
server with the list pav parameter, specify a valid PAV,
and try the command again.

The number of PAVs for LSS {0}

exceeded the maximum {1} per

Explanation: You requested to create PAVs but the

specified number of new PAVs exceeded the maximum
number of PAVs allowed for a based volume.
Action: Specified a valid number for the new PAVs to
be created and try the command again.

The specified volume size of {0}

cylinders exceeded for {1} volumes.

volume space or specify a valid volume size and issue

the command again.

The specified volume size exceeded

the maximum of {0} cylinders of
available free space.

Explanation: You specified a volume size (cylinder)

that is larger than the maximum free space ({0}) in the
specified volume space.
Action: Allocate the remaining volume to another
volume space or specify a valid volume size and issue
the command again.

The specified LSS {0} already

contains the maximum number of
volumes {1}.

Explanation: You specified to create new volumes in

the LSS ({0}), but LSS ({0}) already contains the
maximum number of volumes ({1}).
Action: Specify another LSS and issue the command

The specified number of volume

addresses exceeded the maximum of
{0} volumes available in the specified

Explanation: You requested to allocate volume

addresses in the specified LSS, but the specified
number of volume addresses exceeded the maximum
number of volumes ({0}) for the specified LSS.
Action: Specify a valid number of volume addresses
for the specified LSS or specify another LSS, and issue
the command again.

The specified host is not compatible

with the volume type {0}.

Explanation: You specified a host name and volume

type ({0}) that are not compatible. See Table 4 on page
47 for a list of volume types and compatible hosts.

Explanation: You specified an invalid volume size.

The maximum size for 3380 volumes is 3339 cylinders
and 32760 cylinders for 3390 volumes.

Action: Specify a valid host name or volume type and

issue the command again.

Action: Specified a valid volume size and try the

command again.



Explanation: The OS/400 host attached to SCSI is not

permitted for volume sharing.

The specified volume size exceeded

the maximum of {0} GB available free

Explanation: You specified a volume size (GB) that is

larger than the maximum free space ({0}) in the
specified volume space.

Volume sharing by SCSI attached

OS/400 hosts is not permitted
(volume {0}).

Action: Review the document and then run the

command with the volumes not shared.

Action: Allocate the remaining volume to another

Chapter 3. Understanding Storage Management CLI messages



Disk group {0} is not found.

Explanation: The current disk group that you specified

is not known in the current configuration of the ESS you
are trying to access.
Action: Specify a valid host name or volume type and
issue the command again.

Invalid configuration of disk group {0}.

Explanation: You specified an invalid configuration

option that can not be performed for this in particular
disk group. It may be valid in other cases depending on
how the disk group is configured.
Action: Use the application help option (esscli -help)
to determine the proper configuration options for a
diskgroup when using it for the create or delete
volumespace command.

Disk group {1} is not available.

Explanation: The current disk group is not accessible

because it is formatting and is locked due to other
Action: Perform a list disk group to see if another disk
group known to the Storage Management CLI
application can be used to process the action. If not,
enable the disk group using ESS Specialist to configure
it according to your needs.

Potential reconfiguration failure will

occur for disk group {0}.


Explanation: This message is displayed on a

CREATE EMAIL command when the e-mail address
that you specified already exists in the list of e-mail
addresses. You cannot add duplicate e-mail addresses.
Action: Change the e-mail address to something that
is not already defined. The e-mail address is case
insensitive, which means that [email protected] and
[email protected] are the same addresses.


Cannot reconfigurate the disk group,


Explanation: The disk group cannot be reconfigurated

because you do not have access or the disk group is
doing a service operations which disable any
configuration action.
Action: Reissue the command, but wait until the disk
group reconfiguration is back online for that kind of

No configuration change is necessary

for the command.

Explanation: Based on the parameters, the create or

delete action has no configuration changes that you
need to perform.
Action: None


ESS CLI Users Guide

Email address ({0}) does not exist, so

it cannot deleted or modified.

Explanation: This message is displayed on either

EMAIL, you are trying to modify or delete information
about an e-mail address that exists in an e-mail list. For
example, if our list contains [email protected] and
[email protected], and you want to modify or delete
[email protected], then this message is displayed
because the specified e-mail is not in our list. Another
scenario is if you want to modify [email protected] to
[email protected]. The message is displayed because
[email protected] exists and changing user1 to user2
would cause a duplicate to be inserted.
Action: Change to an e-mail address that is not
already defined. The e-mail address is case insensitive,
which means that [email protected] and
[email protected] are the same addresses.

Explanation: The potential reconfiguration failure

happens in the process of reconfiguring a disk group.
Action: Reexecute the command. If that approach is
still failing, remove all access to the ESS to avoid
conflicts based on what other users may be doing.

Email address ({0}) has already been

defined, so it cannot be created.

Pager number ({0}) and pin ({1}) has

already been defined, so it cannot be

Explanation: This message is displayed on a

CREATE PAGER command when the pager number
and pin combination that is specified by the user
already exists in the list of pagers. You cannot add
duplicate pagers.
Action: Change the pager number to something that is
not already defined.

Pager number ({0}) and pin ({1}) does

not exist, so it cannot be deleted or

Explanation: This message is displayed on either SET

you are trying to modify or delete information about a
pager number that exists in an pager list. For example,
if a possible list contains:
Pager# Pin
111 (no pin for this pager;pin is not required)

If you want to modify or delete 333, this message is

displayed because the specified pager is not in the list.
Another scenario is if you want to modify or delete 222,
then the same message is displayed. This is because
you must specify pin=2, and in this case the pin was
omitted. Another possible scenario is if you want to
modify pager=222 with pin=2 (which is valid) to become
pager=111 with pin=1. The message is displayed
because pager=111 with pin=1 exists and making the
change causes duplicates to be inserted.
Action: Make sure that the pager number and pin
being specified exist. In the case of SET, the new pager
number and pin combination cannot be duplicated in the

Unable to create the file {0}. Please

make sure that sufficient space is

Explanation: This occurs during a SET PERFSTATS

command. If the file cannot be created when it is time to
output the data, this message is displayed. This most
likely happens if there is not sufficient space available
on your machine to create the new file.
Action: Make sure that there is sufficient space to
create files in that directory.

The trigger ({0}) specified is invalid.

Explanation: The trigger ID or e-mail address for

SNMP is invalid.
Action: Review the documentation on the correct way
to create a trigger ID and e-mail address.

The specified directory ({0}) does not

exist, or it does not have write

Explanation: This occurs during a SET/Create

PERFSTATS command. If the path of the directory that
you used does not exist, it is not possible to create the
Action: Ensure that the given path has the correct
permissions to create files and that the path is valid.

The user specified diskgroup, {0} has

already been configured.

Explanation: This occurs when the data collection is

turned on. The Storage Management CLI is waiting to
receive data from the ESS, and an error occurs while
either reading the ESSs request or writing the
response. A possible cause may be that the connection
was lost.
Action: Make sure that there is an active TCP/IP
connection to the ESS. If this problem happens
frequently, disable data collector, then enable again.


The specified userid to be created,

{0}, already exists on the specified

Explanation: The user ID that you are attempting to

create cannot be created. There is already a user
account with that ID and user IDs must be unique.
Action: List the user accounts on the ESS and select
a user ID that is not on that list.

The specified userid to be deleted,

{0}, does not exist on the specified

Explanation: You attempted to delete a user ID that

does not exist on the ESS.
Action: List the user accounts on the ESS and find
the entry for the user account that you are attempting to
delete. Correct any spelling errors in the user ID when
you attempt to perform the deletion.

Cannot create admin with an IP range

until an admin without an IP range

Explanation: You attempted to create an

administrative user account with an IP range but an
administrative user account (other than storwatch)
without an IP range does not exist. It is also possible
that you attempted to set an IP range to the only
existing administrative user account. These two actions
have been disallowed as a safeguard so that you
cannot create an administrative user account. This
account cannot be accessed if you accidentally specify
an IP range that you do not have access to.
Action: Create an administrative user account without
an IP range and then use that account to create the
desired administrative user account with the desired IP
range. You can use the administrative user account with
the IP range to delete the administrative user account
without an IP range, if necessary.

An admin ID cannot delete itself until

all other admin IDs have been deleted.

Explanation: You have attempted to delete your own

administrative user account while logged in with that
account on an ESS that contains other administrative
user accounts. This action has been disabled as a
safeguard so that you cannot delete your own account
and find out later that no one has access to the other
administrative user accounts. You can delete your own
administrative user account if there are no other
administrative user accounts on the ESS. The default
storwatch user ID will automatically be recreated.
Action: Log in with a different administrative user
account to delete the desired account.

Chapter 3. Understanding Storage Management CLI messages



The specified problem, {0}, does not

exist on the specified server.


Explanation: You have attempted to delete a problem

that does not exist on the ESS.

Explanation: The user has specified that the receiver

be deleted. Therefore, the storage system cannot send
performance statistics.

Action: You can list the problems on the ESS and find
the entry for the problem you are attempting to delete.
You can then use the corresponding problem ID to
specify the problem to be deleted.

Action: To delete the receiver from the storage

system, create the receiver entry using the create
perfstats command.

Cannot create the default storwatch



Explanation: You have attempted to create the default

user account. For example, the user ID is storwatch
and the password is the default password.

Action: Make sure that new address does not already


SNMP address ({0}) does not exist, so

it cannot deleted.

Explanation: This occurs when you try to delete an

SNMP address that does not exist.
Action: Verify the SNMP address and make sure it

Cannot send test traps if ESS traps are

disabled or no trap addresses are

Explanation: You have attempted to create the default

user account. For example, the user ID is storwatch
and the password is the default password.
Action: Specify either a different user ID or password.

The specified receiver to be created,

{0}:{1}, already exists on the
specified server.

Explanation: The application does a check to see if

the host you are configuring for performance statistics
are the same. In this case, the system can not
determine the IP address for the host system.
Action: Reboot the host and try the command again.


Action: Remove unnecessary receivers from the

current specified server to create a new receiver.

SNMP address ({0}) has already been

defined, so it cannot be created.

Explanation: This occurs when you try to add a new

SNMP address that already exists. Duplicate addresses
are not allowed.

ESS CLI Users Guide

The maximum number of receivers are

already configured on the specified

Explanation: The maximum number of receivers are

already configured on the specified server. Additional
receivers cannot be added at this time.

Action: You must specify either a different user ID or


The specified receiver to be deleted,

{0}:{1}, does not exist on the
specified server.




Explanation: You cannot use the topology or protocol

with the port that you have specified.


Action: Select another port to use the topology or

protocol that you have specified.




Explanation: You cannot use the LSS name-value

pair with the fixed-block volume type that you selected.


Action: Select another name-value pair to use or

select a different fixed-block volume type.

The specified topology or protocol is

incompatible with the specified port.

The lss name-value pair is

incompatible with the fixed-block
volume type.

An internal error was detected on the


Explanation: The server detected an unknown error

that might be caused by a temporary network
connectivity problem or a malfunctioning infoserver.
Action: Check your network connectivity and the
operational status of your ESS, and issue the command

The esscli application failed to register

with the CopyServices server.

Explanation: Your host system was unable to register

itself with the ESS Copy Services server.
Action: Make sure that your ESS Copy Services
server is operational and issue the command again.


Physical control unit {0} was not


Explanation: You specified a physical control unit that

does not exist within the specified Copy Services server
Action: Make sure that all clusters within the Copy
Services server domain are operational and issue the
command again.

Failed to get data from the

CopyServices server.

Explanation: Your host system did not receive any

information it requested from the ESS Copy Services
server due to a temporary network problem or
unexpected server error.
Action: Verify your network connection to the Copy
Services server, check the server operation status, and
issue the command again. If the problem persists,
contact your system administrator for assistance.

Action: Verify your network connectivity and server

operation status and issue the command again.

Explanation: Your host system was not able to

disconnect from the ESS Copy Services server. It might
have lost the network connection before the requested
disconnection method was called and run.
Action: None.

Failed to establish server connection.

Please make sure {0} is up and

Server error, failed to get path info.

Explanation: You requested path information from the

specified server, but the server did not return the
requested information. This problem might be caused by
a temporary network problem or server malfunction.
Action: Verify your network connection and server
operation status and issue the command again.


Failed while disconnecting from the

CopyServices server.

Server error, wrong connection type =

{0} for the PPRC path.

Explanation: You specified an invalid connection type

for the assigned PPRC path.

Explanation: Your host system could not establish a

connection with the server for one or more of the
following reasons:

Action: Specify a valid PPRC path and issue the

command again.

v You specified an invalid server IP address or server



v You do not have sufficient access authority to the

v The server was not operational or experienced an
unspecified error.
v Your network was temporarily busy or down.
v The physical connection between your host system
and the network was not properly established.
Action: Verify your network connectivity and server
operation status and issue the command again.

Explanation: The response from the server was not

successfully processed because of a temporary network
connectivity problem or a busy or malfunctioning
Action: Wait for a few minutes and issue the
command again. If the problem persists, contact your
system administrator for assistance.


Applet status failed to connect to the


Explanation: Your host system was not able to

connect to the ESS applet status server for one or more
of the following reasons:
v You specified an invalid server IP address or server

Server Response is not successful,

response = {0}.

Registration failed.

Explanation: Your host system attempted to

communicate with the specified server, but failed
v Your network was temporarily down or busy.
v You specified an invalid user name, password, or
access file name.
v You are not authorized to access the specified server.

v You do not have sufficient access authority to the


v The CLI version is not compatible with the ESS LIC


v The server was not operational or experienced an

unspecified error.

Action: Make sure that you have adequate access

authority, your network is properly functioning, and your
CLI version matches the ESS LIC level. Then, issue the
command again.

v Your network was temporarily busy or down.

v The physical connection between your host system
and the network was not properly established.

Chapter 3. Understanding Storage Management CLI messages



A username or password was not

specified, but the administrative user
has enabled the password protection
for host commands on the ESS
CopyServices Web configuration panel.


An internal error was detected by


Explanation: Your command request was not

processed because an unknown internal error occurred.

Action: Specify a valid user name and password and

issue the command again.

Action: Specify the -v flag to determine if the CLI is

working properly and issue the command again. If the
problem still exists, restart your host system and issue
the command again. If the problem still persists, contact
your system administrator for assistance.



Explanation: You did not specify the required user

name or password.

The performance data received from

the ESS is invalid ({0}).

Explanation: The statistics sent by the data collector

have a specific format. This error is displayed if the
Storage Management CLI receives an object that does
not conform to the required format. This may happen if
a source (other than ESS) writes data to the client
(esscli) on the specified port.

The communication sender is not


Explanation: You did not receive the configuration

information from the server because the communication
classes of the Java code were not successfully
Action: Restart the CLI to clear cache memory and
issue the command again.

Action: If the problem repeats, restart data collection.


No performance data was received

during the specified time interval.

Explanation: You have configured the frequency at

which the ESS will send data (for example, every 5
minutes). This error occurs if the Storage Management
CLI does not receive data from the ESS after that next
interval of time expires (5 minutes in this example). This
can occur if someone else changed the data collection
parameters (for example, Hostname or Port number).
This error does not allow the ESS to communicate with
the Storage Management CLI.
Action: After this error, the esscli automatically shuts
down the data receiver. Verify that the configuration has
not been changed. Change those parameters, if

The server is currently downlevel.

Please retry in 5 - 10 minutes.

Explanation: Your server is down level.

Action: Wait 5 to 10 minutes and perform the action

| 616

The server is currently obtaining

service maintenance. Retry again in 5 10 minutes.

| Explanation: This error message occurs when the

| server is performing maintenance on the ESS.
| Action: Wait at least 5 minutes and then return the
| command.


ESS CLI Users Guide

No information was returned in the

response message from the server.

Explanation: The expected response from the server

was incomplete. This problem might be caused by a
premature disconnection of your host from the server
due to temporary network problems or a malfunctioning
Action: Make sure that your network connectivity is
normal and the specified server is operational and issue
the command again.

The message text resources are

unavailable. The esscli installation may
be invalid or corrupted.

Explanation: The CLI detected a warning or error

condition, but it could not locate the message properties
file to issue an appropriate message text key.
Action: Make sure that the CLI installation path and
the Java classpath are correct and that the file is in the
your_cli_install/rsCliSeascape/ directory. Then, issue the
command again.

Text resource ID {0} is missing.

Explanation: The CLI detected a warning or error

condition, but it could not find the required text resource
ID to report the problem.
Action: Make sure that the
file is in the your_cli_install/rsCliSeascape/ directoryand
is not corrupted.


Unable to start a local monitor for

receiving the ESS performance data.
The specified data collection is

Explanation: This problem happens when their is a

problem opening a socket port for the host to listen to in
order to received data.
Action: Do not specify a port the code should be able
to do it dynamically or specify another port which can
be listened too.

An error was detected while receiving

the collected performance data

Explanation: The port that is receiving the

performance data received something other than
performance data.
Action: None. It is an interrupt error that should not
bring down your connection. If it does bring down your
connection, open another command-line shell, delete
the receiver entry, and start another entry.

Unable to determine the IP address of

the local machine. This may indicate a
problem with the network or local
operating system.

Explanation: The IP address of the local machine that

you are running the command on is not accessible.
Action: Check your network connection to determine if
the host machine is connected to a LAN. Check the
user assistance on the host for instructions on how to
set up a LAN for your host.

Chapter 3. Understanding Storage Management CLI messages



ESS CLI Users Guide

Chapter 4. Using Copy Services CLI commands

This chapter describes the Copy Services CLI commands that you can use from
your host system. It also presents the full syntax, flags, parameters, and usage
examples of each command.

Overview of Copy Services CLI commands

This section briefly introduces the Copy Services CLI commands and provides
general guidelines for using the commands.

The Copy Services CLI provides six commands for you to monitor and manage
predefined ESS Copy Services tasks. Table 29 briefly lists the commands and
describes the name variations of each command.
Table 29. Summary of Copy Services CLI commands



Details (Page)

rsExTask (See

Executes one or more ESS Copy services tasks,

as defined using the ESS Copy Services
Web-based interface, and waits for the given tasks
to complete execution


rsL2105s (See

Displays the mapping of a host disk name to a

2105 volume serial number


Creates, updates, or removes a list view of
rsPSrv (See Note) volumes associated with a particular host in the
ESS Copy Services server. You can see the same
view in the Volumes panel of the ESS Copy
Services Web-based interface.


rsQ (See Note)

Queries the status of one or more volumes


rsQComp (See

Accepts the ESS Copy Services server tasks, as

defined and saved with the ESS Copy Services
Web-based interface, and determines whether all
volumes that are defined in the given tasks have
completed the initial PPRC synchronization
FlashCopy background copying


rsTConn (See

Determines whether you can successfully connect

to the ESS Copy Services server


rsFlashCopyQuery Synchronously queries the user-specified volume or

group of volumes to retrieve FlashCopy data


Note: This command applies to a Novell Netware 4.2 host system only.

General guidelines
Follow these general guidelines when you use the Copy Services CLI commands:
v To use the commands on all but OpenVMS Alpha host system, open a Shell or
DOS command prompt and change to the directory where you have installed the
Copy Services CLI. On an OpenVMS Alpha host system, you can invoke the
commands from any directory.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004


v Issue the commands exactly the way as they are shown in the syntax diagrams.
The Copy Services CLI commands and parameters are case-sensitive on all but
the OpenVMS Alpha and Windows host systems. You can issue the commands
in lower, upper, or mixed cases on an OpenVMS Alpha or Windows host system.
v Use the name of each command appropriate to your host system as described in
Table 29 on page 95 and Table 30. The names of all the Copy Services CLI
commands for a Novell Netware 4.2 system differ slightly from those for other
supported host systems. For example, use rsExTask, instead of rsExecuteTask
on a Novell Netware 4.2 system.

Table 30. Platform-based notation conventions for Copy Services CLI commands








ParaHost systems


AIX, Tru64, Sun,

NUMA-Q, Linux,
HP-UX -a
securityfilepath -s

OpenVMS Alpha

rsExecuteTask -a
"securityfilepath" -s



Windows NT,
Windows 2000,
Windows 2000

rsExecuteTask.exe /a
securityfilepath /s



Novell 5.1, Novell


rsExecuteTask.nlm /a
securityfilepath /s


Novell 4.2

rsExTask.nlm /a
securityfilepath /s


AIX, Sun Solaris,

Hewlett Packard,
Linux, -a
securityfilepath -s


Windows NT,
Windows 2000,
Windows 2000

rsFlashCopyQuery.exe /a
securityfilepath /s






v Suffix each command with an executable file extension (for example, sh, exe, or
nlm) when using it on host systems other than OpenVMS Alpha. See Table 30 for
detailed descriptions and examples.
v Place the username, password, taskname, and hostname parameters inside
quotation marks when specified on an OpenVMS host system. These parameters
are passed to the ESS server where they are handled in a case-sensitive
manner. See Table 30 for examples.
v Prefix each command flag with a minus (-) or slash (/) symbol. See Table 30 for
more information.
v If necessary and authorized, use the Administration panel of the ESS Copy
Services Web-based interface to manage the user ID and password for a host


ESS CLI Users Guide

system that uses the Copy Services CLI. If you enable the password-protection
option on the ESS Copy Services server, you must specify one of the following
flags when issuing the Copy Services CLI commands on a host system:
Both the u flag with the username parameter and the p flag with the password
The a flag with the securityfilepath parameter. The securityfilepath file contains
both the user name and the password. Use this option for additional security.
See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server: Web Interface Users Guide for
detailed instructions about how to define and remove the CLI user name and
v When using commands other than rsList2105s, specify the s flag, the b flag, or
both based on the following scenarios:
The server that is specified by the s flag is the server that the CLI makes
connection to first. The server, specified by the b flag is an alternate server
that the CLI will makes connection to if it fails to make connection to the
server that is specified by the s flag.
In primary and backup server environment, the s flag is the primary server
and the b flag is the backup server.
In dual active server environment with both servers are active, the s flag is
serverA and the b flag is serverB
In mixed environment with a dual active server and a non-active backup
server, the s flag is the dual active server and b flag is the backup server
Specify only the s flag with a server to check the connection to this server. If
the command can establish a connection, the server starts processing it.
Otherwise, it fails.
Specify only b flag with an alternate server to check the connection to this
alternate server. If the command can establish a connection, the alternate
server starts processing it. Otherwise, it fails.
Specify both s and b flag with different servers to check connection to the
specified server with s flag. Check the alternate server that is specified with b
flag if the connection to the server that is specified with s flag fails.
If a CLI command can establish a connection to the server that is specified by
the s flag, it is sent to the server for processing. If the command fails to establish
a connection to the server that is specified by the s flag, the connection to the
alternate server that is specified by b flag is checked. If the command can
establish a connection to the alternate server specified by the b flag, it is send to
the alternate server for processing.
Do not append an executable file extension to the Copy Services CLI
commands on an OpenVMS Alpha host system. The OpenVMS Alpha system
defines the Copy Services CLI programs as foreign command symbols and,
therefore, does not append any extension.
Do not issue more than 15 CLI commands simultaneously to the ESS. If you
want to run more than 15 commands, they must be run one after another
rather than at the same time to prevent memory exceptions.



The rsExecuteTask command executes one or more ESS Copy Services tasks, as
defined and saved using the ESS Copy Services Web-based interface. The
command waits for the given tasks to complete processing, but will time out if not
completed within 15 minutes.
Chapter 4. Using Copy Services CLI commands


Note: You can use the rsQueryComplete command to determine if PPRC or

FlashCopy pairs have completed copying. Successful completion of the
rsExecuteTask command means that the volumes are in the PPRC or
FlashCopy relationship as specified in the given tasks. It does not mean that
the specified relationship is indeed established.

The following is the complete syntax of the rsExecuteTask command. See Syntax
diagrams on page ix for syntax reading instructions.












Flags and parameters

You can specify one or more of the following flags and parameters when you issue
the rsExecuteTask command:
a securityfilepath
Specifies the full path to a security file (created by the user) that contains the
user name and password that are defined at the ESS Copy Services server for
using Copy Services CLI commands on a host system. The a flag with the
securityfilepath parameter is required if the administrator for the ESS Copy
Services server has enabled password protection for CLI commands and if the
u and p flags and associated parameters are not used.
The format of the security path file is as follows:
username password
b backupserver
Specifies+ the IP address or the complete host name of an alternate the ESS
Copy Services backup server. The b flag with the backupserver parameter is
p password
Specifies the password of a user name that is authorized to execute the Copy
Services CLI commands. The p flag with the password parameter is required if
the administrator for ESS Copy Services server has enabled password
protection for CLI commands and if the a flag with the securityfilepath
parameter is not used.
s primaryserver
Specifies the IP address or the complete host name of a ESS Copy Services
server. Before you use the s flag with primaryserver parameter, you must
identify and configure an ESS Copy Services server.


ESS CLI Users Guide

Specifies the name of one or more previously saved ESS Copy Services tasks.
Separate the task names with a space when you specify more than one task.
This parameter does not require a flag.
u username
Specifies the user name that is authorized to execute the Copy Services CLI
commands. The u flag with the username parameter is required if the
administrator for the ESS Copy Services server has enabled password
protection for CLI commands and if the a flag with the securityfilepath
parameter is not used.

Displays all responses from the server. This verbose flag is optional and does
not require a parameter.

When you invoke the rsExecuteTask command on an AIX host system, output
similar to the following is displayed:
# ./ -v -u yourusername -p yourpassword -s primaryservername es_pair_12
rsExecuteTask: Got task manager reference
rsExecuteTask: *************Finding the tasks****************
rsExecuteTask: Task es_pair_12 found by task manager
rsExecuteTask: *************Scheduling the tasks****************
rsExecuteTask: Task es_pair_12 scheduled with copy services server
rsExecuteTask: *************Monitoring the tasks****************
rsExecuteTask: Waiting on server...
rsExecuteTask: Task es_pair_12 completed successfully
rsExecuteTask: Command successful

The rsFlashCopyQuery command synchronously queries the user-specified volume
or group of volumes to retrieve FlashCopy data. This data includes FlashCopy
peers, out-of-sync tracks, sequence numbers, date established, date synced, and




The following is the complete syntax of the rsFlashCopyQuery command. See

Syntax diagrams on page ix for syntax reading instructions.













Chapter 4. Using Copy Services CLI commands







Flags and parameters


You can specify one or more of the following flags and parameters when you issue
the rsFlashCopyQuery command:


a securityfilepath
Specifies the full path to the file that contains the user name and password that
are defined at the ESS Copy Services server for using Copy Services CLI
commands on a host system. The a flag with the securityfilepath parameter is
required if the administrator for the ESS Copy Services server has enabled
password protection for CLI commands and if the u and p flags and associated
parameters are not used.

The format of the security path file is as follows:

username password
f filename
Specifies the name of a file that contains vpath names, host volume names,
and volume serial numbers, all of which are to be queried. Use the f flag with
the filename parameter if the q flag with the volume parameter is not used.


The format of the filename file can be either:

sourceVolume1 targetVolume1
sourceVolume2 targetVolume2


sourceVolumeN targetVolumeN


b backupserver
Specify the IP address or the complete host name of an alternate ESS Copy
Services backup server. The b flag with the backupserver parameter is optional.


p password
Specifies the password of a user name that is authorized to execute the Copy
Services CLI commands. The p flag with the password parameter is required if
the administrator for the ESS Copy Services server has enabled password
protection for CLI commands and if the a flag with the securityfilepath
parameter is not used.


s primaryserver
Specifies the IP address or the complete host name of a ESS Copy Services
server. Before you use the s flag with primaryserver parameter, you must
identify and configure an ESS Copy Services server.


q volumename
Specifies the vpath name, host volume name, or volume serial number. Use the
q flag with the volume parameter if the f flag with the filename parameter is not


ESS CLI Users Guide


Use the m flag if you use the rsQuery command for the vpath name or host
volume name. Do not use the m flag if you use the rsQuery command for a
serial number.


u username
Specifies the user name that is authorized to execute the Copy Services CLI
commands. The u flag with the username parameter is required if the
administrator for the ESS Copy Services server has enabled password
protection for CLI commands and if the a flag with the securityfilepath
parameter is not used.


Displays all responses from the server. This verbose flag is optional and does
not require a parameter.



The following example shows the output that you see when you invoke the following


- ./ -u username -p password -s servername -q g0126866

----------------Volume Serial = g0126866
State = Source
Peer = G0226866
Out of Sync Tracks = 0
Sequence Number = 46
Date Established = Wed Feb 11 14:39:19 MST 2004
Date Synced = Wed Feb 11 14:39:47 MST 2004

The sample output contains one of the following fields and values:

Volume Serial Specifies the serial number of the volume.



Specifies one of the following states:

v Source
v Target
v None


Specifies the peer of the FlashCopy volume that is being queried.


Out of Sync Tracks

Specifies the number of tracks that have yet to be copied.


Sequence Number
Specifies the user-specified ID for the FlashCopy pair. This ID must
be greater than 1 and less than 256.


Date Established
Specifies the date when the FlashCopy was established.

Date Synced

Specifies the date when the last background copy was completed.


Specifies the attributes of the FlashCopy pair.

Chapter 4. Using Copy Services CLI commands


The rsList2105s command displays the mapping of a host disk name to a 2105
volume serial number.
If you have the IBM Subsystem Device Driver (SDD) running on a host system
other than Linux, NUMA-Q, Tru64, and OpenVMS and if you have changed the
configuration for the host, you must restart the host so that the SDD can recognize,
add, or remove the paths.
If you use the rsList2105s command on an OpenVMS Alpha host system that is a
member of an OpenVMS cluster, the output does not display information about the
following devices:
v ESS volumes to which the host system has only MSCP paths
v ESS volumes to which the host system uses only MSCP paths at this time even
though it has both MSCP and direct paths.

The following is the complete syntax of the rsList2105s command. See Syntax
diagrams on page ix for syntax reading instructions.



Flags and parameters

The rsList2105s command does not have any flags or parameters.

If SDD is installed, output similar to the following is displayed when you invoke the
rsList2105s command on an AIX host system:



If SDD is not installed, output similar to the following is displayed when you invoke
the rsList2105s command on an AIX host system:


ESS CLI Users Guide

disk name

2105 serial number


The rsPrimeServer command creates, updates, or removes a list of volumes
associated with a particular host in the ESS Copy Services server. You can see the
same list in the Volumes panel of the ESS Copy Services Web-based interface.
This command is useful when you use the ESS Copy Services Volumes panel to
perform FlashCopy, PPRC, or both functions. In a single view, it shows the names
of all hosts that are connected to the same volume.
If SDD is installed on your host system and if you have changed the configuration
for the host, such as adding or removing volumes, you must perform the following
1. Restart your host system so that SDD can recognize, add, or remove the paths.
2. Run the rsPrimeServer command to generate the current mapping for the host
If SDD is not installed on your host system and if you have changed the
configuration for the host, such as adding or removing volumes, you must run the
rsPrimeServer command to generate the current mapping for the host volumes.
If you use the rsPrimeServer command on an OpenVMS Alpha host system with
MSCP-only access to some ESS volumes, these volumes are not shown in the
host-specific list of volumes in the ESS Copy Services server.
Note: This command sometimes times out if it is not completed within 15 minutes.

The following is the complete syntax of the rsPrimeServer command. See Syntax
diagrams on page ix for syntax reading instructions.










Chapter 4. Using Copy Services CLI commands






Flags and parameters

You can specify one or more of the following flags and parameters when you issue
the rsPrimeServer command:
a securityfilepath
Specifies the full path to the file that contains the user name and password that
are defined at the ESS Copy Services server for using Copy Services CLI
commands on a host system. The a flag with the securityfilepath parameter is
required if the administrator for the ESS Copy Services server has enabled
password protection for CLI commands and if the u and p flags and associated
parameters are not used.
The format of the security path file is as follows:
username password
d hostname
Specifies the IP address or host name to be removed. The host name must
exactly match one of the listing entries on the Volumes panels of the ESS Copy
Services Web-based interface. The d flag with the host name parameter is
required when you are removing the hostname.
b backupserver
Specify the IP address or the complete host name of an alternate the ESS
Copy Services backup server. The b flag with the backupserver parameter is
p password
Specifies the password of a user name that is authorized to execute the Copy
Services CLI commands. The p flag with the password parameter is required if
the administrator for ESS Copy Services server has enabled password
protection for CLI commands and if the a flag with the securityfilepath
parameter is not used.
s primaryserver
Specifies the IP address or the complete host name of a ESS Copy Services
server. Before you use the s flag with primaryserver parameter, you must
identify and configure an ESS Copy Services server.
u username
Specifies the user name that is authorized to execute the Copy Services CLI
commands. The u flag with the username parameter is required if the
administrator for the ESS Copy Services server has enabled password
protection for CLI commands and if the a flag with the securityfilepath
parameter is not used.

Displays all responses from the server. This verbose flag is optional and does
not require a parameter.

The following example shows the output that you see when you invoke the
rsPrimeServer command to add a host name on an AIX host system:


ESS CLI Users Guide

# ./ -v -u yourusername -p yourpassword -s primaryservername

rsPrimeServer: Local host is
rsPrimeServer: Got task manager reference
rsPrimeServer: Host registered
rsPrimeServer: Configuration change requested made to primaryserver
rsPrimeServer: Command successful

The following example shows the output that you see when you invoke the
rsPrimeServer command to delete a host name on an AIX host system:
# ./ -v -u yourusername -p yourpassword -d
-s primaryservername
rsPrimeServer: host to unregister is
rsPrimeServer: Got task manager reference
rsPrimeServer: Host unregistered
rsPrimeServer: Configuration change requested made to primaryserver
rsPrimeServer: Command successful

The rsQuery command queries the status of one or more volumes.
You can invoke the rsQuery command for the vpath name, the host volume name,
or the volume serial number under various conditions.
If the SDD is installed, use the rsQuery command for the vpath name or volume
serial number. If the SDD is not installed, use the rsQuery command for the host
volume name or volume serial number.
The rsQuery command fails on an OpenVMS host system if you specify the -m flag
for a volume to which the host system has MSCP-only access. In other words, if
your OpenVMS host system only has MSCP access to a volume, specify the
volume serial number when using the rsQuery command.
Note: This command sometimes times out if it is not completed within 15 minutes.

The following is the complete syntax of the rsQuery command. See Syntax
diagrams on page ix for syntax reading instructions.












Chapter 4. Using Copy Services CLI commands






Flags and parameters

You can specify one or more of the following flags and parameters when you issue
the rsQuery command:
a securityfilepath
Specifies the full path to the file that contains the user name and password that
are defined at the ESS Copy Services server for using Copy Services CLI
commands on a host system. The a flag with the securityfilepath parameter is
required if the administrator for the ESS Copy Services server has enabled
password protection for CLI commands and if the u and p flags and associated
parameters are not used.
The format of the security path file is as follows:
username password
f filename
Specifies the name of a file that contains vpath names, host volume names, or
volume serial numbers, all of which are to be queried. Use the f flag with the
filename parameter if the q flag with the volume parameter is not used.
The format of the filename file can be either:
sourceVolume1 targetVolume1
sourceVolume2 targetVolume2
sourceVolumeN targetVolumeN
m Maps host volume names to 2105 volume serial numbers. This flag enables you
to use a host volume name as a volume flag.
This flag must be used in conjunction with the q flag. The following is an
example of how the m flag is used with the q flag:
./ -v -a security -m -q vpatha -s servername

Use the m flag if you use the rsQuery command for the vpath name or host
volume name. Do not use the m flag if you use the rsQuery command for a
serial number.
b backupserver
Specify the IP address or the complete host name of an alternate the ESS
Copy Services backup server. The b flag with the backupserver parameter is
p password
Specifies the password of a user name that is authorized to execute the Copy
Services CLI commands. The p flag with the password parameter is required if


ESS CLI Users Guide

the administrator for ESS Copy Services server has enabled password
protection for CLI commands and if the a flag with the securityfilepath
parameter is not used.
s primaryserver
Specifies the IP address or the complete host name of a ESS Copy Services
server. Before you use the s flag with primaryserver parameter, you must
identify and configure an ESS Copy Services server.
q volumename
Specifies the vpath name, host volume name, or volume serial number. Use the
q flag with the volume parameter if the f flag with the filename parameter is not
Use the m flag if you use the rsQuery command for the vpath name or host
volume name. Do not use the m flag if you use the rsQuery command for a
serial number.
u username
Specifies the user name that is authorized to execute the Copy Services CLI
commands. The u flag with the username parameter is required if the
administrator for the ESS Copy Services server has enabled password
protection for CLI commands and if the a flag with the securityfilepath
parameter is not used.

Displays all responses from the server. This verbose flag is optional and does
not require a parameter.

The following example shows the output that you see when you invoke the rsQuery
command to query a serial number on an AIX host system:

>./ -v -u yourusername -v yourpassword -q G0622532 -s primaryservername

************************Volume Information************************
Volume G0622532 found on 22532:00 as volume number 0x06
PPRC State=source, Type=synchronous, Status=copy_pending
FlashCopy_state=none, Size=1.03_GB
PPRC Peer=G7A22532
Trusted Primed for Resync=no
rsQuery: Command successful

The following example shows the output that you see when you invoke the rsQuery
command to query a serial number on an AIX host system:

rsQuery -q 30026866 -s primaryservername

************************Volume Information************************
Volume 30026866 found on 26866:13 as volume number 000
PPRC State=simplex, Status=none
PPRC Peer=None
Trusted Primed for Resync=no
Session Type: Asynchronous PPRC
Session Number: 1
Session State: Join Pending

Chapter 4. Using Copy Services CLI commands


The sample output contains the following fields and values:

PPRC State

Specifies the current state of a volume in a PPRC relationship with

one of the following values:
v Simplex
v Source
v Target
v Unknown


Specifies one of the following types of a volume PPRC

v Synchronous
v Extended distance


Specifies the current status of a volume in a PPRC relationship with

one of the following values:
v Copy_pending
v Suspended
v Fullcopy
v None
v Unknown
v Extended Distance
If the volume status is copy_pending, the rsQuery command also
reports the PPRCPending Sectors status for fixed blocks or PPRC
PendingTracks for CKD.

Specifies the number of out of sync tracks in the relationship at the
time of the last Copy Services refresh. This data may be outdated.
To obtain up-to-date track information, use the rsquerycomplete
Specifies the current state of a volume in a FlashCopy relationship
with one of the following values:
v Source
v Target
v None
v Unknown

Trusted Primed for Resync

Specifies whether the extended distance pair (B to C) in a
cascading PPRC relationship is ready to be resynchronized:

Session Type Specifies the session type as asynchronous PPRC.


Session Number
Specifies the number of the asynchronous PPRC session with a
value of 1 - 255.


Session State Specifies the current state of the asynchronous PPRC relationship
with one of the following values:
v Active

v Yes
v No


ESS CLI Users Guide

v Join Pending
v Remove Pending

First Pass


A volume remains in this state until the entire volume has been sent
at least once to the secondary for an initial full volume establish or
when all of the out-of-sync tracks that were indicated in the
suspension bit map prior to a resynch order have been sent to the
secondary. This state is specified with one of the following values:
v Yes
v No

The rsQueryComplete command accepts the ESS Copy Services server tasks as
defined and saved with the ESS Copy Services Web-based interface. It determines
whether all volumes defined in the given tasks have completed the initial PPRC
synchronization or FlashCopy background copying.
Note: When querying FlashCopy tasks, the initial establish should be done using
the Persistent FlashCopy option and the With Background Copy option.
Non-persistent pairs or pairs without the background copy option specified
should not be used.
When you use the rsQueryComplete command for grouped tasks, the output
displays the first subtask until it reaches the completion threshold; and then it
displays the next subtask until it reaches the completion threshold. This process
repeats until all the subtasks are queried.

The following is the complete syntax of the rsQueryComplete command. See
Syntax diagrams on page ix for syntax reading instructions.
















Flags and parameters

You can specify one or more of the following flags and parameters when you issue
the rsQueryComplete command:

Chapter 4. Using Copy Services CLI commands


a securityfilepath
Specifies the full path to the file that contains the user name and password that
are defined at the ESS Copy Services server for using Copy Services CLI
commands on a host system. The a flag with the securityfilepath parameter is
required if the administrator for the ESS Copy Services server has enabled
password protection for CLI commands and if the u and p flags and associated
parameters are not used.
The format of the security path file is as follows:
username password
m minutes
Specifies the number of minute and second intervals between status queries of
the PPRC synchronization and the FlashCopy background copying. The -m flag
and the minutes parameter are optional. The default is 1 minute.
The format of this parameter is as follows:
where mm stands for the number of minutes and ss for the number of seconds
before the command issues a new query.
b backupserver
Specify the IP address or the complete host name of an alternate the ESS
Copy Services backup server. The b flag with the backupserver parameter is
p password
Specifies the password of a user name that is authorized to execute the Copy
Services CLI commands. The p flag with the password parameter is required if
the administrator for ESS Copy Services server has enabled password
protection for CLI commands and if the a flag with the securityfilepath
parameter is not used.
s primaryserver
Specifies the IP address or the complete host name of a ESS Copy Services
server. Before you use the s flag with primaryserver parameter, you must
identify and configure an ESS Copy Services server.
Specifies the name of one or more previously saved ESS Copy Services tasks.
Separate the task names with a space when you specify more than one task.
This parameter does not require a flag. The supported tasks for this command
are establish FlashCopy and establish PPRC.
t threshold
Specifies the threshold percentage that defines the query completion status.
The t flag and the threshold parameter are optional. Table 31 lists the default
Table 31. Default Values
Synchronous PPRC
Extended Distance PPRC
FlashCopy with Background Copy
FlashCopy without Background Copy


ESS CLI Users Guide

Default Value

u username
Specifies the user name that is authorized to execute the Copy Services CLI
commands. The u flag with the username parameter is required if the
administrator for the ESS Copy Services server has enabled password
protection for CLI commands and if the a flag with the securityfilepath
parameter is not used.

Displays all responses from the server. This verbose flag is optional and does
not require a parameter.

The following example shows the output that you see when you invoke the
rsQueryComplete command and specify the minutes (m) parameter with a value of
0:10 and the threshold (t) parameter with a value of 80% on an AIX host system:
>./ -v -u yourusername -p yourpassword -m 0:10 -t 80
-s primaryservername es_pair_12

Got task manager reference

--------- Task Name: es_pair_12 --------Task es_pair_12 found by TaskManager
PPRC Type = Synchronous. Threshold = 80%
waiting 10 seconds...
Sampling volumes...
Percentage complete = 17
The tracks remaining to be copied = 994
waiting 10 seconds...
Sampling volumes...
Percentage complete = 32
The tracks remaining to be copied = 234
waiting 10 seconds...
Sampling volumes...
Percentage complete = 82
The tracks remaining to be copied = 0
---------------------------------------------Command successful

The sample output contains one of the following fields and values:

Specifies one of the following types of PPRC tasks:

v Synchronous
v Extended Distance

FlashCopy Options
Specifies one of the following types of FlashCopy tasks:
v Background Copy
v No Background Copy

The rsTestConnection command determines whether you can successfully
connect to the ESS Copy Services server.
Note: Use the rsTestConnection command to monitor the ESS Copy Services
server. In an automated script, you might use this command for error
notification. For example, if the rsTestConnection command fails, the
automated script can send an e-mail or other notification to the storage

Chapter 4. Using Copy Services CLI commands


The following is the complete syntax of the rsTestConnection command. See
Syntax diagrams on page ix for syntax reading instructions.






Flags and parameters

You can specify one or more of the following flags and parameters when you issue
the rsTestConnection command:
s primaryserver
Specifies the IP address or the complete host name of a ESS Copy Services
server. Before you use the s flag with the primaryserver parameter, you must
identify and configure an ESS Copy Services server.

Displays all responses from the server. This verbose flag is optional and does
not require a parameter.

The following example shows the output that you see when you invoke the
rsTestConnection command on an AIX host system:
#./ -v -s primaryservername
rsWebTest: Using yourhostname as server name
sWebTest: rsVSServer reference obtained successfully
rsWebTest: rsVSServer reference narrowed successfully
rsWebTest: HeartBeat to the server was successful.
rsWebTest: Command successful


ESS CLI Users Guide

Chapter 5. Understanding Copy Services CLI messages

This chapter describes the messages and codes for the Copy Services CLI. After
identifying each message, it provides a detailed explanation and suggests actions
that you can take to correct the reported situation.

Copy Services CLI messages for OpenVMS Alpha host systems

The following Copy Services CLI messages apply only to an OpenVMS Alpha host
system. They use the %Facility-Severity Symbol-Text code format unique to the
OpenVMS Alpha system environment. For the Copy Services CLI, the facility is the
IBM2105 server, the severity symbol for a normal status is S for success, and the
severity symbol for an error status is E for errors.
%IBM2105-S-NORMAL Task completed or
command successful
Explanation: The command or task completed

Action: Specify at least one task name to run the

command. You can use the Copy Services panels of the
ESS Copy Services Web-based interface to define and
save the tasks.

Action: None

%IBM2105-E-NOSERIAL Missing parameter disk

serial numbers

%IBM2105-E-NOUSER Username not specified or

missing parameter username

Explanation: You collected the configuration

information for the ESS logical unit numbers (LUNs)
configured on this host, but the ESS serial number for
some of the volumes was not available.

Explanation: You specified the u flag, but you did not

specify the user name parameter or you entered an
invalid user name.
Action: Specify a valid user name after the u flag, as
in /u jsmith on a Windows host system, and try the
command again.
%IBM2105-E-NOPWD Password not specified or
missing parameter for password
Explanation: You specified the u flag with the user
name parameter, but you did not specify the p flag with
the password parameter, or you entered an invalid
Action: Specify the p flag followed with a valid
password after you use the u flag with the username
%IBM2105-E-NOSRV No primary or backup server
name specified
Explanation: You did not specify the required IP
address or host name of the ESS Copy Services
primary or backup server.
Action: Specify the ESS Copy Services primary or
backup server, or both, in the format of IP address or
host name and try the command again.
%IBM2105-E-NOTASK No task names specified
Explanation: You did not specify a valid task name to
execute the command.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004

Action: Verify that the ESS LUNs are correctly

configured to your host system and try the command
%IBM2105-E-MISDISKNUM Mismatching number of
disk pairs specified
Explanation: You collected the configuration
information for the ESS LUNs that are configured on
this host, but some of the information was not available.
Action: Verify that the ESS LUNs are correctly
configured to your host system and try the command
%IBM2105-E-NOLODISK Missing parameter local
Explanation: You collected the configuration
information for the ESS LUNs that are configured on
this host, but some of the information was not available.
Action: Verify that the ESS LUNs are correctly
configured to your host system and try the command
%IBM2105-E-NODISK No disk pairs specified
Explanation: You collected the configuration
information for the ESS LUNs that are configured on
this host, but some of the information was not available.
Action: Verify that the ESS LUNs are correctly


configured to your host system and try the command


the f flag with a valid file name of the file that contains
the volumes that you want to query.

%IBM2105-E-NOPARHOSTN Missing parameter

hostname to be deleted

%IBM2105-E-CONFLPARAM Conflicting parameters

Explanation: You specified the d flag to remove a

host definition from the ESS Copy Services, but you did
not specify the valid host name.
Action: Specify the complete host name of the host
that you want to delete and try the command again.

Explanation: You specified both the q flag with the

volumename parameter and the f flag with the filename
while only one of them is allowed or required to query
the volumes.
Action: Specify either the q flag with a valid volume
name or the f flag with a valid file name and try the
command again.

%IBM2105-E-MIPARAM Missing parameters

Explanation: You did not specify the q flag with the
volume name parameter or the f flag with the filename
parameter of the file that contains the volumes you want
to query.
Action: Specify the q flag with a valid volume name or
the f flag with a valid file name of the file that contains
the volumes you want to query and try the command
%IBM2105-E-NOPARMMIN Missing parameter
minutes between samples
Explanation: You specified the m flag, but did not
specify the minutes parameter.
Action: Specify a valid minutes parameter after the m
flag and try the command again.
%IBM2105-E-NOPARTHRE Missing parameter
Explanation: You specified the t flag, but did not
specify the threshold parameter.
Action: Specify a valid threshold parameter after the t
flag and try the command again.
%IBM2105-E-NO2105VOL No 2105 volumes found
Explanation: You did not assign any IBM 2105
volumes to the host system.
Action: Configure the required IBM 2105 volumes to
your host system and try the command again. See IBM
TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server: Web Interface
Users Guide and IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage
Server: Host Systems Attachment Guide for more
%IBM2105-E-NOVOLLIST Volume list not specified
Explanation: You must specify the q flag with the
volumename parameter or the f flag with the filename
parameter of the file that contains the volumes that you
want to query.
Action: Specify the q flag with a valid volume name or


ESS CLI Users Guide

%IBM2105-E-MOREVOL More volumes per line

Explanation: The format of the $FILENAME file is
incorrect; you specified more than two volume names
per line in the $FILENAME file while only one or two
volume names are allowed per line.
Action: Specify one or two volume names per line in
the $FILENAME file and try the command again.
%IBM2105-E-FILENOTEX The volume list file
$FILENAME does not exist or the Read
access to $FILENAME not provided
Explanation: The volume list file with the filename you
specified does not exist, or you do not have permission
to read the file.
Action: Specify a valid file name for the volume list or
obtain permission to read the file and try the command
%IBM2105-E-NOVOLSPEC No volumes specified or
no volumes specified in a given file
Explanation: You did not specify the q flag with the
volumename parameter or the f flag with the filename
parameter for the file that contains the volumes that you
want to query.
Action: Specify the q flag with a valid volume name or
the f flag with a valid file name and try the command
%IBM2105-E-INVPARAM Invalid parameter
Explanation: You might make one or all of the
following errors:
v Specified a parameter that does not exist for the
given command
v Specified a flag without the required prefix symbol (or /)
v Included a space between the flag and the
proceeding symbol (- or /)
Action: Specify a valid flag, immediately prefixed with
the required symbol and followed with a valid

parameter, and try the command again.

You can obtain more information about the command
syntax and usage by issuing the command without any
%IBM2105-E-MISARG Missing argument for a
Explanation: You specified a flag but did not follow it
with a required parameter.
Action: Specify the flag with a valid parameter and try
the command again. You can obtain more information
about the command syntax and usage by issuing the
command without any arguments.
%IBM2105-E-NOPARAM No parameter specified
Explanation: You did not specify any parameter.
Action: Specify a valid parameter, and a flag if
required, and try the command again. You can obtain
more information about the command syntax and usage
by issuing the command without any arguments.

Action: Verify the volume names and try the command

%IBM2105-E-NOSUCCESS Unsuccessful
Explanation: The command did not complete
successfully. In the case of the rsExecuteTask
command, one or more invoked tasks did not complete
Action: Correct all possible problems and try the
command again.
%IBM2105-E-FILENNOTFND The volume
$FILENAME could not be found
Explanation: You specified a file that contains the
volume host names and serial numbers, but the file is
not found or does not exist.
Action: Specify a valid file name and try the command
%IBM2105-E-NOCONNECTION Failed to connect to

%IBM2105-E-NOPARAMSEC Missing parameter


Explanation: The connection to ESS Copy Services

server failed due to one or all of the following errors:

Explanation: You specified the a flag, but did not

specify the securityfilepath parameter.

v Communication problems between the host system

and the server

Action: Specify the a flag with a valid security path file

and try the command again.

v An incorrect user name or password

v Incompatibility between the versions of the Copy
Services CLI and the ESS code

Explanation: You specified the a flag, but did not

specify the securityfilepath parameter.

v A missing username or password parameter. When

the password-protection option is enabled on the
ESS Copy Services server, you must specify the user
name and password or the securityfilepath parameter
on your host system.

Action: Specify the a flag with a valid security path file

and try the command again.

Action: Correct any of the possible problems and try

the command again.

%IBM2105-E-INCSECFILE The format of the

security file $FILENAME is incorrect

%IBM2105-E-PRIMDOWN Primary server is down

and no backup server is specified

Explanation: The security file you specified does not

have the correct format. The correct format for this file
is username password where the user name and
password are on the same line but separated by one or
more spaces.

Explanation: You specified a valid primaryserver

parameter, but did not specify a valid backupserver
parameter. A communication problem occurred when
you tried to connect to the primary server. The problem
might be a temporary network problem or with the ESS
Copy Services server.

%IBM2105-E-SECFILNOTFND Missing parameter


Action: Correct the file format and try the command

%IBM2105-E-VOLNOTFND Some of the volumes
could not be found

Action: Specify a valid backupserver to connect to a

backup server or try to connect to the primary server

Explanation: You issued the rsQuery command on

volumes that could not be found on the ESS Copy
Services server.

Chapter 5. Understanding Copy Services CLI messages


%IBM2105-E-BOTHDOWN Primary and backup

servers are down

Action: Specify a valid primaryserver to connect to a

primary server or try to connect to the backup server

Explanation: You specified valid primaryserver and

backupserver parameters to connect to the servers, but
a communication problem occurred. The problem might
be a temporary network problem or with the ESS Copy
Services server.

%IBM2105-E-NOHEARTBEAT Heartbeat to the

server failed

Action: Check your network connection and verify that

the ESS Copy Services server is up and operational.
See Checking the ESS Copy Services server
operational status on page 125 and IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server: Web Interface Users Guide
for more information.
%IBM2105-E-CONERROR Failed while creating
communication to server
Explanation: A communication problem occurred
when you executed the command.
Action: Check your network connection and verify that
the ESS Copy Services server is up and operational.
See Checking the ESS Copy Services server
operational status on page 125 and IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server: Web Interface Users Guide
for more information.
%IBM2105-E- Failed while disconnecting from
Explanation: A communication problem occurred
when you tried to disconnect from the server.
Action: Check the status of the communication link
between your host system and the ESS Copy Services
server and try the command again.

Explanation: A connection to the server cannot be

established at this time. The ESS Copy Services server
might not be operational or there might be a temporary
network problem.
Action: Check your network connection and verify that
the ESS Copy Services server is up and operational.
See Checking the ESS Copy Services server
operational status on page 125 and IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server: Web Interface Users Guide
for more information.
%IBM2105-E-SYSINT A system exception occurred
Explanation: The command failed because of an
internal code or communication problem.
Action: Correct the problem and try the command
%IBM2105-E-RSECFERROR A system exception
occurred while reading the security or
volume file $FILENAME or the Read
access to $FILENAME not provided
Explanation: The command failed because of an
internal code or communication problem or you do not
have permission to read the file.
Action: Correct the error or obtain the read access
and try the command again.

%IBM2105-E-BACKDOWN Backup server is down

and no primary server is specified

%IBM2105-E-COMFAILED Command failed

Explanation: You specified a valid backupserver

parameter, but did not specify a primaryserver
parameter. A communication problem occurred when
you tried to connect to the specified backup server. The
problem might be a temporary network problem or with
the ESS Copy Services server.

Action: Correct the problem and try the command


Explanation: A communication problem occurred

when you executed the command.

Copy Services CLI messages for other host systems

The following Copy Services CLI messages apply to all but the OpenVMS host
systems. These host systems include:
v Compaq Tru64


ESS CLI Users Guide

Sun Solaris
Novell Netware
Red Hat and SuSE Linux

v Windows NT 4.0
v Windows 2000
v Windows 2000 Datacenter

Task completed or command


Explanation: The command or task completed


Action: Verify that the ESS LUNs are correctly

configured to your host system and try the command

Action: None

Username not specified or missing

parameter username

Explanation: You specified the u flag, but you did not

specify the username parameter or you entered an
invalid user name.
Action: Specify a valid user name after the u flag, as
in /u jsmith on a Windows host system, and try the
command again.

Password not specified or missing

parameter for password

Mismatching number of disk pairs


Explanation: You provided either too many targets or

too many sources.
Action: Try the command again specifying fewer
targets or sources.

Missing parameter local disks

Explanation: You collected the configuration

information for the ESS LUNs configured on this host,
but some of the information was not available.
Action: Verify that the ESS LUNs are correctly
configured to your host system and try the command

Explanation: You specified the u flag with the user

name parameter, but you did not specify the p flag with
the password parameter, or you entered an invalid

Action: Specify the p flag followed with a valid

password after you use the u flag with the user name

Action: Try the command again specifying volumes.

Explanation: You did not specify any volumes in the



No primary or backup server name


Explanation: You did not specify the required IP

address or host name of the ESS Copy Services
primary or backup server.
Action: Specify the ESS Copy Services primary or
backup server, or both, in the format of IP address or
host name and try the command again.

No disk pairs specified

Missing parameter hostname to be


Explanation: You specified the d flag to remove a

host definition from the ESS Copy Services, but you did
not specify the valid host name.
Action: Specify the complete host name of the host
you want to delete and try the command again.

Missing parameters

Explanation: You did not specify a valid task name to

execute the command.

Explanation: You did not specify the q flag with the

volumename parameter or the f flag with the filename
parameter of the file that contains the volumes you want
to query.

Action: Specify at least one task name to run the

command. You can use the Copy Services panels of the
ESS Copy Services Web-based interface to define and
save the tasks.

Action: Specify the q flag with a valid volume name or

the f flag with a valid file name of the file that contains
the volumes you want to query and try the command


No task names specified

Missing parameter disk serial numbers

Explanation: You collected the configuration

information for the ESS logical unit numbers (LUNs)
configured on this host, but the ESS serial number for
some of the volumes was not available.

Missing parameter minutes between


Explanation: You specified the m flag, but did not

specify the minutes parameter.
Action: Specify a valid minutes parameter after the m
Chapter 5. Understanding Copy Services CLI messages


flag and try the command again.


Missing parameter threshold

Explanation: You specified the t flag, but did not

specify the threshold parameter.
Action: Specify a valid threshold parameter after the t
flag and try the command again.

No 2105 volumes found

Explanation: You did not assign any IBM 2105

volumes to the host system.
Action: Configure the required IBM 2105 volumes to
your host system and try the command again. See IBM
TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server: Web Interface
Users Guide and IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage
Server: Host Systems Attachment Guide for more

Volume list not specified

Explanation: You must specify the q flag with the

volumename parameter or the f flag with the filename
parameter of the file that contains the volumes you want
to query.
Action: Specify the q flag with a valid volume name or
the f flag with a valid file name of the file that contains
the volumes you want to query.

obtain permission to read the file and try the command


No volumes specified or no volumes

specified in a given file

Explanation: You did not specify the q flag with the

volumename parameter or the f flag with the filename
parameter for the file that contains the volumes that you
want to query.
Action: Specify the q flag with a valid volume name or
the f flag with a valid file name and try the command

Invalid parameter specified

Explanation: You might make one or all of the

following errors:
v Specified a parameter that does not exist for the
given command
v Specified a flag without the required prefix symbol (or /)
v Included a space between the flag and the
proceeding symbol (- or /)
Action: Specify a valid flag, immediately prefixed with
the required symbol and followed with a valid
parameter, and try the command again.
You can obtain more information about the command
syntax and usage by issuing the command without any

Conflicting parameters

Explanation: You specified both the q flag with the

volumename parameter and the f flag with the filename
while only one of them is allowed or required to query
the volumes.


Action: Specify either the q flag with a valid volume

name or the f flag with a valid file name and try the
command again.

Action: Specify the flag with a valid parameter and try

the command again. You can obtain more information
about the command syntax and usage by issuing the
command without any arguments.


More volumes per line

Explanation: The format of the $FILENAME file is

incorrect; you specified more than two volume names
per line in the $FILENAME file while only one or two
volume names are allowed per line.

Missing argument for a parameter

Explanation: You specified a flag but did not follow it

with a required parameter.


No parameter specified

Explanation: You did not specify any parameter.

Action: Specify one or two volume names per line in

the $FILENAME file and try the command again.

Action: Specify a valid parameter, and a flag if

required, and try the command again. You can obtain
more information about the command syntax and usage
by issuing the command without any arguments.



The volume list file $FILENAME does

not exist or the Read access to
$FILENAME not provided

Explanation: The volume list file with the filename you

specified does not exist, or you do not have permission
to read the file.
Action: Specify a valid file name for the volume list or


ESS CLI Users Guide

Missing parameter securityfilepath

Explanation: You specified the a flag, but did not

specify the securitypathfile parameter.
Action: Specify the a flag with a valid security path file
and try the command again.


The security file $FILENAME could not

be found

Explanation: You specified the a flag with an invalid

name or path for the file that contains the user name
and password information.
Action: Specify a valid name for or correct path to the
security file and try the command again.

The format of the security file

$FILENAME is incorrect

Explanation: The security file you specified does not

have the correct format. The correct format for this file
is username password where the username and
password are on the same line but separated by one or
more spaces.
Action: Correct the file format and try the command

Some of the volumes could not be


Explanation: You issued the rsQuery command on

volumes that could not be found on the ESS Copy
Services server.
Action: Verify the volume names and try the command


Explanation: The command did not complete

successfully. In the case of the rsExecuteTask
command, one or more invoked tasks did not complete
Action: Correct all possible problems and try the
command again.

v Incompatibility between the versions of the Copy

Services CLI and the ESS code
v A missing username or password parameter. When
the password-protection option is enabled on the
ESS Copy Services server, you must specify the user
name and password or the securityfilepath parameter
on your host system.
Action: Correct any of the possible problems and try
the command again.

Primary server is down and no backup

server is specified

Explanation: You specified a valid primaryserver

parameter, but did not specify a valid backupserver
parameter. A communication problem occurred when
you tried to connect to the primary server. The problem
might be a temporary network problem or with the ESS
Copy Services server.
Action: Specify a valid backupserver to connect to a
backup server or try to connect to the primary server

Primary and backup servers are down

Explanation: You specified valid primaryserver and

backupserver parameters to connect to the servers, but
a communication problem occurred. The problem might
be a temporary network problem or with the ESS Copy
Services server.
Action: Check your network connection and verify that
the ESS Copy Services server is up and operational.
See Checking the ESS Copy Services server
operational status on page 125 and IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server: Web Interface Users Guide
for more information.


The volume $FILENAME could not be


Explanation: You specified a file that contains the

volume host names and serial numbers, but the file is
not found or does not exist.
Action: Specify a valid file name and try the command

Failed to connect to server

Explanation: The connection to the ESS Copy

Services server failed due to one or all of the following
v Communication problems occur between the host
system and the server
v Invalid DNS/IP address
v An incorrect user name or password

Failed while creating communication to


Explanation: A communication problem occurred

when you executed the command. The CLI command
did not finish after 15 minutes. The problem may be
because of a temporary network problem or a problem
with the ESS Copy Services server not functioning
Note: The exact format of date and time is: dow mon
dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy
v dow is the day of the week (Sun, Mon, Tue,
Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
v mon is the month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May,
Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
v dd is the day of the month (01 through 31)
displayed as two decimal digits

Chapter 5. Understanding Copy Services CLI messages


v hh is the hour of the day (00 through 23)

displayed as two decimal digits

Enterprise Storage Server: Web Interface Users Guide

for more information.

v mm is the minute within the hour (00 through

59) displayed as two decimal digits


v ss is the second within the minute (00 through

61) displayed as two decimal digits
v zzz is the time zone, and may reflect daylight
savings time as three letters
v yyyy is the year as four decimal digits
Action: Check your network connection and verify that
the ESS Copy Services server is up and operational.
See Checking the ESS Copy Services server
operational status on page 125 and IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server: Web Interface Users Guide
for more information.

Failed while disconnecting from server

Explanation: A communication problem occurred

when you tried to disconnect from the server.
Action: Check the status of the communication link
between your host system and the ESS Copy Services
server and try the command again.

Backup server is down and no primary

server is specified

Explanation: You specified a valid backupserver

parameter, but did not specify a primaryserver
parameter. A communication problem occurred when
you tried to connect to the specified backup server. The
problem might be a temporary network problem or with
the ESS Copy Services server.
Action: Specify a valid primaryserver to connect to a
primary server or try to connect to the backup server

rsWebTest: Server given server name

not found

A system exception occurred while

reading the security or volume file
$FILENAME or the Read access to
$FILENAME not provided

Explanation: The command failed because of an

internal code or communication problem or you do not
have permission to read the file.
Action: Correct the error or obtain Read access and
try the command again.

No value is specified for the INSTALL

system variable

Explanation: You did not specify a value for the

system INSTALL variable.
Action: Edit each shell script and set the INSTALL
variable to the directory where you have installed the
Copy Services CLI and try the command again.

The CLI.CFG file is not found or


Explanation: The CLI.CFG file is not found or empty,

or you do not have permission to read the file.
Action: Reinstall the Copy Services CLI to restore the
CLI.CFG file if you have deleted it or obtain Read
access and try the command again.

No value is specified for


Explanation: You did not specify a value for the

JAVA_INSTALL variable in the CLI.CFG file.
Action: Specify a valid value for the JAVA_INSTALL
variable and try the command again.

Explanation: This command checks to see if the

server you specified exists.


Action: Check for possible typing errors involving the

given server name, or replace the server name with a
server that exists.

Explanation: You did not specify a value for the

JAVA_CLASSPATH variable in the CLI.CFG file.


Heartbeat to the server failed

No value is specified for


Action: Specify a valid value for the

JAVA_CLASSPATH variable and try the command

Explanation: A connection to the server cannot be

established at this time. The ESS Copy Services server
might not be operational or there might be a temporary
network problem.


Action: Check your network connection and verify that

the ESS Copy Services server is up and operational.
See Checking the ESS Copy Services server
operational status on page 125 and IBM TotalStorage

Action: Follow the format guidelines as described in

the CLI.CFG file and try the command again.


ESS CLI Users Guide

The CLI.CFG file format is incorrect

Explanation: The CLI.CFG file uses an incorrect



Command failed

Explanation: A communication problem occurred

when you executed the command.
Action: Correct the problem and try the command

Chapter 5. Understanding Copy Services CLI messages



ESS CLI Users Guide

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the Copy Services CLI

This chapter provides instructions for you to troubleshoot the Copy Services CLI if it
does not work properly. Specifically, it helps you perform diagnostic and
problem-solving tasks in the following order:
1. Testing the server connection
2. Checking the communication link
3. Verifying the ESS volume allocation
4. Relinking the Copy Services CLI images on an OpenVMS Alpha host system

Testing the server connection

Context: The Copy Services CLI does not work if your host system is not properly
connected to the ESS Copy Services server. Before you invoke the Copy Services
CLI, issue the rsTestConnection command to verify the connection.
Note: Use the rsTestConnection command to monitor the ESS Copy Services
server. In an automated script, you might use this command for error
notification. For example, if rsTestConnection command fails, the automated
script could send an e-mail or other notification to the storage administrator.
If the rsTestConnection command can establish a working connection between
your host system and the ESS Copy Services server and if the Copy Services CLI
still does not work, proceed to Checking the communication link on page 125 to
continue the diagnosis.
If the rsTestConnection command fails, perform one or both of the following tasks
to correct the connection problem:
1. Verifying the ESS Copy Services server configuration.
2. Checking the ESS Copy Services server operational status.
When you issue the rsTestConnection command, use the appropriate file
extension for your host system environment.
Related topics:
v See rsTestConnection on page 111 for more information about the
rsTestConnection command.

Verifying the ESS Copy Services server configuration

The first diagnostic task is to ensure that the ESS Copy Services server is correctly
configured. Use the ESS Specialist Tools panel to access the ESS Copy Services
Perform the following steps after you open the ESS Specialist Web-based interface:
1. Log onto the ESS Specialist as an administrator.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004


2. From the ESS Specialist Welcome panel, click Tools to invoke the Tools panel.
3. Click Determine IPs for copyservices active servers.
4. Click Display the active CopyServices server.
The next panel displays two tables, the first of which contains the current
configuration information.
5. In the current Configuration table, verify that the servers are configured and that
the IP addresses are correct.
To correct the IP address, perform the following steps:
a. From the ESS Specialist Welcome panel, click Tools to invoke the Tools
b. Click the Define copyservices active servers link.
c. Click the Define copyservices server link.
d. Click the Define Servers button.
e. Verify or correct the IP addresses.
Note: The servers work correctly only under the following conditions:
v If server A is defined and server B is not defined. If server B is the
only server defined, you will receive an error.
v If both server A and B are defined
f. Click the Submit Configuration button.
Note: If the window displays an error message, verify the correct IP address
was entered by clicking the Back button. After you verify the IP
address, submit the change by clicking the Submit Configuration
If the problem persists, contact IBM support.
6. In the Current Configuration table, verify that the IP address of the ESS Copy
Services primary server matches the IP address that you used when you
invoked the rsTestConnection command.
Recommendation: Configure server A as your primary and highest configured
server, and server B as you backup server.
If the IP addresses match, proceed to the next diagnostic task, Checking the
ESS Copy Services server operational status on page 125.
If the IP addresses do not match, perform the following steps:
a. Use the IP address of the ESS Copy Services primary server to execute the
rsTestConnection command.
b. If the rsTestConnection command is still not successful, proceed to the
next diagnostic task, Checking the ESS Copy Services server operational
status on page 125.


ESS CLI Users Guide

Checking the ESS Copy Services server operational status

The next diagnostic task ensures that the ESS Copy Services server is running.
You can use the ESS Specialist Storage Allocation panel to access ESS Copy
Services server.
Perform the following steps to verify that the ESS Copy Services server is
1. Log onto the ESS Specialist as an administrator.
The ESS Specialist Welcome panel opens.
2. Click Copy Services from the ESS Specialist Welcome panel.
If the ESS Copy Services displays the Welcome panel, it means that the ESS
Copy Services server is up and running.
If you cannot access ESS Copy Services, it is possible that the ESS Copy
Services servers are not operational. You might need to restart ESS Copy
Attention: Restarting ESS Copy Services is a disruptive action. Use it only if
no other options are available. You must ensure that ESS Copy Services is not
in use before you restart or disable it. See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage
Server: Web Interface Users Guide for more information about the impacts of
restarting ESS Copy Services.
3. Restart ESS Copy Services.
4. Invoke the rsTestConnection command to verify your connection to the ESS
Copy Services server.
If the rsTestConnection command is successful but the Copy Services CLI still
does not work, proceed to Checking the communication link to continue your
If the rsTestConnection command is still not successful, contact your service
support representative or the IBM SSR.

Checking the communication link

The Copy Services CLI does not work properly if the communication link is not
established between your host system and the ESS Copy Services server. The
communication links are initially configured when the ESS is installed, and you can
use the ESS Specialist to display and modify the ESS communications
Perform the following steps to check the communication link:
1. Use the ESS Specialist to configure the communication link if none currently
exists between your host system and the ESS Copy Services server.
2. See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server: Web Interface Users Guide
for detailed instructions on how to configure the ESS communication links.
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the Copy Services CLI


3. Use the Communication Resources Work Sheet available in IBM TotalStorage

Enterprise Storage Server: Introduction and Planning Guide to plan the ESS
Communications configuration.

Verifying the ESS volume allocation

To use all Copy Services CLI commands and the functions related to host volumes,
you must first allocate ESS volumes to your host system. You can issue the
rsList2105s command to list the ESS volumes that are allocated to your host
system. See rsList2105s on page 102 for more information about the command.
Perform the following steps to allocate and verify ESS volumes to your host system:
1. Access the ESS Specialist.
2. From the ESS Specialist Welcome panel, click Storage Allocation.
If your host system is configured in the ESS, you will see an icon indicating the
3. Click Tabular View from the ESS Specialist Storage Allocation panel.
Sort the table using the first column (Host/SSID) as the first sort. Scroll down to
find your host system in the first column. The serial numbers of the logical
volumes assigned to your host system are displayed in the third column.
4. Use the appropriate operating system commands to configure new logical
volumes to your host system. See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server:
Web Interface Users Guide and IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server:
Host Systems Attachment Guide for more information.
5. Issue the rsList2105s command to list the ESS logical volumes that are
currently assigned to your host system.
6. Verify that in the Tabular View of the ESS Specialist, the logical volume serial
numbers configured to your host system match those in the output from the
rsList2105s command. Shut down and restart your host system if they do not


ESS CLI Users Guide

Relinking the Copy Services CLI images on an OpenVMS Alpha host

For privileged images, an OpenVMS host system performs a more restrictive
version-checking at the image-activation time. A system upgrade might cause
version mismatches between the existing privileged images and post-upgrade
system libraries.
The Copy Services CLI images are linked on your host system during the
installation process. To resolve possible version mismatches after system upgrades,
the installation process keeps all Copy Services CLI object files in the ibm2105$cli
directory and provides a procedure to relink all images.
Perform the following steps to recreate the image files:
1. Log onto your host system as a user with the syslck, sysprv (or a system UIC),
tmpmbx, and cmkrnl privileges.
2. Issue the @IBM2105$MANAGER:CLI_LINK.COM command.
3. Issue the @IBM2105$MANAGER:IBM2105$STARTUP.COM command to install new

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the Copy Services CLI



ESS CLI Users Guide

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ESS CLI Users Guide

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Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement

This equipment has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class A digital
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reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated
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Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
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EN 55022 Klasse A Geraete beduerfen folgender Hinweise:

Nach dem EMVG:
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Dieses Genehmigungsverfahren ist nach Paragraph 9 EMVG in Verbindung
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Nach der EN 55022:

"Dies ist eine Einrichtung der Klasse A. Diese Einrichtung kann im
Wohnbereich Funkstoerungen verursachen; in diesem Fall kann vom
Betreiber verlangt werden, angemessene Massnahmen durchzufuehren
und dafuer aufzukommen."

Um die Einhaltung des EMVG sicherzustellen, sind die Geraete wie in den
Handbuechern angegeben zu installieren und zu betreiben.


ESS CLI Users Guide

Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) class A


Korean Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) statement

Please note that this device has been certified for business use with regard to
electromagnetic interference. If you find this is not suitable for your use, you may
exchange it for one of residential use.

Taiwan class A compliance statement




ESS CLI Users Guide

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Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004



ESS CLI Users Guide

This glossary includes terms for the IBM
TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) and
other Seascape solution products.
This glossary includes selected terms and
definitions from:
v The American National Standard Dictionary for
Information Systems, ANSI X3.1721990,
copyright 1990 by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI), 11 West 42nd
Street, New York, New York 10036. Definitions
derived from this book have the symbol (A)
after the definition.
v The IBM Glossary of Computing Terms, which
is available online at the following Web site: Definitions
derived from this book have the symbol (GC)
after the definition.
v The Information Technology Vocabulary
developed by Subcommittee 1, Joint Technical
Committee 1, of the International Organization
for Standardization and the International
Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC1). Definitions derived from this book
have the symbol (I) after the definition.
Definitions taken from draft international
standards, committee drafts, and working
papers that the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC1 is
developing have the symbol (T) after the
definition, indicating that final agreement has
not been reached among the participating
National Bodies of SC1.
This glossary uses the following cross-reference

Refers the reader to one of two kinds of

related information:
v A term that is the expanded form of an
abbreviation or acronym. This
expanded form of the term contains the
full definition.
v A synonym or more preferred term

See also
Refers the reader to one or more related
Contrast with
Refers the reader to a term that has an
opposite or substantively different

Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004

750. A model of the Enterprise Storage Server
featuring a 2-way processor with limited physical
storage capacity. This model can be updated to the
model 800.
800. A model of the Enterprise Storage Server
featuring a standard processor or an optional Turbo
processor. The Model 800 supports RAID 5, RAID 10,
and 15000 rpm drives. Model 800 supersedes Model
2105. The machine number for the IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server (ESS). Models of the ESS
are expressed as the number 2105 followed by Model
<xxx>, such as 2105 Model 800. The 2105 Model 100
is an ESS expansion enclosure that is typically referred
to simply as the Model 100. See also IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server and Model 100.
3390. The machine number of an IBM disk storage
system. The ESS, when interfaced to IBM S/390 or
zSeries hosts, is set up to appear as one or more 3390
devices, with a choice of 3390-2, 3390-3, or 3390-9
track formats.
3990. The machine number of an IBM control unit.
7133. The machine number of an IBM disk storage
system. The Model D40 and 020 drawers of the 7133
can be installed in the 2105-100 expansion enclosure of
the ESS.
8-pack. See disk eight pack.

access. (1) To obtain the use of a computer resource.
(2) In computer security, a specific type of interaction
between a subject and an object that results in flow of
information from one to the other.
access-any mode. One of the two access modes that
can be set for the ESS during initial configuration. It
enables all fibre-channel-attached host systems with no
defined access profile to access all logical volumes on
the ESS. With a profile defined in ESS Specialist for a
particular host, that host has access only to volumes
that are assigned to the WWPN for that host. See also
pseudo host and worldwide port name.
ACK. See request for acknowledgment and
active Copy Services server. The Copy Services
server that manages the Copy Services domain. Either
the primary or the backup Copy Services server can be


the active Copy Services server. The backup Copy

Services server is available to become the active Copy
Services server if the primary Copy Services server
fails. See also Copy Services client and primary Copy
Services server. Contrast with backup Copy Services

and graphic characters. (A) Some organizations,

including IBM, have used the parity bit to expand the
basic code set.

agent. A program that automatically performs some

service without user intervention or on a regular
schedule. See also subagent.

asynchronous cascading PPRC. An optional feature

of the Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) that uses a third
ESS to allow a secondary PPRC volume to become a
primary PPRC volume or a primary PPRC volume to
become a secondary volume to another primary PPRC
volume. See also synchronous PPRC and
asynchronous PPRC.

alert. A message or log that a storage facility

generates as the result of error event collection and
analysis. An alert indicates that a service action is

assigned storage. On an ESS, the space allocated to

a volume and assigned to a port.

allegiance. In Enterprise Systems Architecture/390, a

relationship that is created between a device and one or
more channel paths during the processing of certain
conditions. See also implicit allegiance, contingent
allegiance, and reserved allegiance.

asynchronous PPRC. An optional feature of the

Enterprise Storage Server that provides a 2-site
extended distance remote copy. Data that is written by
the host to the ESS at the local site is automatically
maintained at the remote site. See also synchronous

allocated storage. In an ESS, the space that is

allocated to volumes but not yet assigned. Contrast with
assigned storage.

authorized program analysis report (APAR). A

request for correction of a defect in a current release of
an IBM-supplied program. (GC)

American National Standards Institute (ANSI). An

organization of producers, consumers, and general
interest groups that establishes the procedures by which
accredited organizations create and maintain voluntary
industry standards in the United States. (A)

availability. The degree to which a system or resource

is capable of performing its normal function. See data

Anonymous. In ESS Specialist, the label on an icon

that represents all connections that are using
fibre-channel adapters between the ESS and hosts and
that are not completely defined to the ESS. See also
anonymous host, pseudo host, and access-any mode.
anonymous host. Synonym for pseudo host. Contrast
with Anonymous and pseudo host.
ANSI. See American National Standards Institute.
APAR. See authorized program analysis report. (GC)
arbitrated loop. A fibre-channel topology that enables
the interconnection of a set of nodes. See also
point-to-point connection and switched fabric.
array. An ordered collection, or group, of physical
devices (disk drive modules) that is used to define
logical volumes or devices. In the ESS, an array is a
group of disks that the user designates to be managed
by the RAID technique. See also redundant array of
independent disks.
ASCII. (American National Standard Code for
Information Interchange) The standard code, using a
coded character set consisting of 7-bit coded characters
(8 bits including parity check), that is used for
information interchange among data processing
systems, data communication systems, and associated
equipment. The ASCII set consists of control characters


ESS CLI Users Guide

backup Copy Services server. One of two Copy
Services servers in a Copy Services domain. The other
Copy Services server is the primary Copy Services
server. The backup Copy Services server is available to
become the active Copy Services server if the primary
Copy Services server fails. A Copy Services server is
software that runs in one of the two clusters of an ESS
and manages data-copy operations for that Copy
Services server group. See also Copy Services client
and primary Copy Services server. Contrast with active
Copy Services server.
bay. In the ESS, the physical space used for installing
SCSI, ESCON, and fibre-channel host adapter cards.
The ESS has four bays, two in each cluster. See also
service boundary.
bit. (1) Either of the digits 0 or 1 when used in the
binary numeration system. (T) (2) The storage medium
required to store a single binary digit. See also byte.
block. (1) A string of data elements recorded or
transmitted as a unit. The elements may be characters,
words, or physical records. (T) (2) In the ESS, a group
of consecutive bytes used as the basic storage unit in
fixed-block architecture (FBA). All blocks on the storage
device are the same size (fixed size). See also
fixed-block architecture and data record.

byte. (1) A group of eight adjacent binary digits that

represent one EBCDIC character. (2) The storage
medium required to store eight bits. See also bit.

cache. A special-purpose buffer storage, smaller and
faster than main storage, used to hold a copy of
instructions and data obtained from main storage and
likely to be needed next by the processor. (T)
cache fast write. In the ESS, a form of the fast-write
operation in which the storage server writes the data
directly to cache, where it is available for later
cache hit. An event that occurs when a read operation
is sent to the cluster, and the requested data is found in
cache. The opposite of cache miss.
cache memory. Memory, typically volatile memory,
that a storage server uses to improve access times to
instructions or data. The cache memory is typically
smaller and faster than the primary memory or storage
medium. In addition to residing in cache memory, the
same data also resides on the storage devices in the
storage facility.
cache miss. An event that occurs when a read
operation is sent to the cluster, but the data is not found
in cache. The opposite of cache hit.
call home. A communication link established between
the ESS and a service provider. The ESS can use this
link to place a call to IBM or to another service provider
when it requires service. With access to the machine,
service personnel can perform service tasks, such as
viewing error logs and problem logs or initiating trace
and dump retrievals. See also heartbeat and remote
technical assistance information network.
cascading. (1) Connecting network controllers to each
other in a succession of levels, to concentrate many
more lines than a single level permits. (2) In
high-availability cluster multiprocessing (HACMP),
cascading pertains to a cluster configuration in which
the cluster node with the highest priority for a particular
resource acquires the resource if the primary node fails.
The cluster node relinquishes the resource to the
primary node upon reintegration of the primary node
into the cluster.
catcher. A server that service personnel use to collect
and retain status data that an ESS sends to it.
CCR. See channel command retry.
CCW. See channel command word.
CD. See compact disc.
CEC. See computer-electronic complex.

channel. In Enterprise Systems Architecture/390, the

part of a channel subsystem that manages a single I/O
interface between a channel subsystem and a set of
control units.
channel command retry (CCR). In Enterprise
Systems Architecture/390, the protocol used between a
channel and a control unit that enables the control unit
to request that the channel reissue the current
channel command word (CCW). In Enterprise
Systems Architecture/390, a data structure that specifies
an I/O operation to the channel subsystem.
channel path. In Enterprise Systems Architecture/390,
the interconnection between a channel and its
associated control units.
channel subsystem. In Enterprise Systems
Architecture/390, the part of a host computer that
manages I/O communication between the program and
any attached control units.
channel-subsystem image. In Enterprise Systems
Architecture/390, the logical functions that a system
requires to perform the function of a channel
subsystem. With ESCON multiple image facility (EMIF),
one channel subsystem image exists in the channel
subsystem for each logical partition (LPAR). Each image
appears to be an independent channel subsystem
program, but all images share a common set of
hardware facilities.
CKD. See count key data.
CLI. See command-line interface. See also Copy
Services command-line interface.
cluster. (1) In the ESS, a partition capable of
performing all ESS functions. With two clusters in the
ESS, any operational cluster can take over the
processing of a failing cluster. (2) In the AIX operating
system, a group of nodes within a complex.
cluster processor complex (CPC). In the ESS, the
unit within a cluster that provides the management
function for the ESS. It consists of cluster processors,
cluster memory, and related logic.
command-line interface (CLI). An interface provided
by an operating system that defines a set of commands
and enables a user (or a script-like language) to issue
these commands by typing text in response to the
command prompt (for example, DOS commands or
UNIX shell commands). See also Copy Services
command-line interface.
compact disc. An optically read disc, typically storing
approximately 660 MB. CD-ROM (compact disc
read-only memory) refers to the read-only format used
to distribute ESS code and documentation.



compression. (1) The process of eliminating gaps,

empty fields, redundancies, and unnecessary data to
shorten the length of records or blocks. (2) Any
encoding that reduces the number of bits used to
represent a given message or record. (GC)
computer-electronic complex (CEC). The set of
hardware facilities associated with a host computer.
concurrent copy. A facility on a storage server that
enables a program to make a backup of a data set
while the logical volume remains available for
subsequent processing. The data in the backup copy is
frozen at the point in time that the server responds to
the request.
concurrent installation of licensed internal code.
Process of installing licensed internal code on an ESS
while applications continue to run.
concurrent maintenance. Service that is performed
on a unit while it is operational.
concurrent media maintenance. Service performed
on a disk drive module (DDM) without losing access to
the data.

session. If there is only one ESS (the master ESS) in

the asynchronous PPRC session, no control path is
control unit (CU). (1) A device that coordinates and
controls the operation of one or more input/output
devices, and synchronizes the operation of such
devices with the operation of the system as a whole. (2)
In Enterprise Systems Architecture/390, a storage
server with ESCON, FICON, or OEMI interfaces. The
control unit adapts a native device interface to an I/O
interface that an ESA/390 host system supports. (3) In
the ESS, the portion of the ESS that supports the
attachment of emulated count key data devices over
ESCON, FICON, or OEMI interfaces. See also cluster.
control-unit image. In Enterprise Systems
Architecture/390, a logical subsystem that is accessed
through an ESCON or FICON I/O interface. One or
more control-unit images exist in each control unit. Each
image appears as an independent control unit, but all
control-unit images share a common set of hardware
facilities. The ESS can emulate 3990-3, TPF, 3990-6, or
2105 control units.

consistency group. A group of volumes participating

in FlashCopy relationships in a logical subsystem,
across logical subsystems, or across Model 2105
Enterprise Storage Servers that must be kept in a
consistent state to ensure data integrity.

control-unit-initiated reconfiguration (CUIR). A

software mechanism that the ESS uses to request that
an operating system of a zSeries or S/390 host verify
that one or more subsystem resources can be taken
offline for service. The ESS can use this process to
automatically vary channel paths offline and online to
facilitate bay service or concurrent code installation.
Depending on the operating system, support for this
process might be model dependent, might depend on
the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server
Subsystem Device Driver, or might not exist.

consistency group interval time. The value in

seconds that indicates the length of time between the
formation of consistency groups.

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The international

standard of time that is kept by atomic clocks around
the world.

consistent copy. A copy of a data entity (a logical

volume, for example) that contains the contents of the
entire data entity at a single instant in time.

Copy Services CLI. See Copy Services command-line


configure. In storage, to define the logical and

physical configuration of the input/output (I/O)
subsystem through the user interface that the storage
facility provides for this function.

console. A user interface to a server, for example, the

interface provided on a personal computer. See also
IBM TotalStorage ESS Master Console.
contingent allegiance. In Enterprise Systems
Architecture/390, a relationship that is created in a
control unit between a device and a channel when the
channel accepts unit-check status. The allegiance
causes the control unit to guarantee access; the control
unit does not present the busy status to the device. The
allegiance enables the channel to retrieve sense data
that is associated with the unit-check status on the
channel path associated with the allegiance.
control path. The route that is established from the
master ESS to the subordinate ESS when more than
one ESS participates in the asynchronous PPRC


ESS CLI Users Guide

Copy Services client. Software that runs on each

ESS cluster in the Copy Services server group and that
performs the following functions:
v Communicates configuration, status and connectivity
information to the Copy Services server
v Performs data-copy functions on behalf of the Copy
Services server
See also active Copy Services server, backup Copy
Services server, and primary Copy Services server.
Copy Services command-line interface (Copy
Services CLI). In the ESS, command-line interface
software provided with ESS Copy Services and used for
invoking Copy Services functions from host systems
attached to the ESS. See also command-line interface.

Copy Services domain. A collection of

user-designated ESS clusters participating in Copy
Services functions managed by a designated active
Copy Services server. See also Copy Services server,
dual-active server, and single-active server.
Copy Services server. An ESS cluster that the Copy
Services administrator designates to perform the ESS
Copy Services functions. See also active Copy Services
server, backup Copy Services server, and primary Copy
Services server.

(3380-track mode). See also count-key-data, interleave,

standard volume, and volume.
CUT. See Coordinated Universal Time.
cyclic redundancy check (CRC). A redundancy
check in which the check key is generated by a cyclic
algorithm. (T)
cylinder. A unit of storage on a CKD device with a
fixed number of tracks.

Copy Services server group. A collection of

user-designated ESS clusters participating in Copy
Services functions that a designated, active, Copy
Services server manages. A Copy Services server
group is also called a Copy Services domain. See also
active Copy Services server, backup Copy Services
server, and primary Copy Services server.

count field. The first field of a count key data (CKD)

record. This eight-byte field contains a four-byte track
address (CCHH). It defines the cylinder and head that
are associated with the track, and a one-byte record
number (R) that identifies the record on the track. It
defines a one-byte key length that specifies the length
of the records key field (0 means no key field). It
defines a two-byte data length that specifies the length
of the records data field (0 means no data field). Only
the end-of-file record has a data length of zero.

DASD fast write (DFW). A function of a storage server

in which active write data is stored in nonvolatile cache,
thus avoiding exposure to data loss.

count key data (CKD). In Enterprise Systems

Architecture/390, a data-record format employing
self-defining record formats in which each record is
represented by up to three fields: a count field
identifying the record and specifying its format, an
optional key field that can be used to identify the data
area contents, and an optional data field that typically
contains the user data. For CKD records on the ESS,
the logical volume size is defined in terms of the device
emulation mode (3390 or 3380 track format). The count
field is always 8 bytes long and contains the lengths of
the key and data fields, the key field has a length of 0
to 255 bytes, and the data field has a length of 0 to 65
535 or the maximum that will fit on the track. See also
data record.
CPC. See cluster processor complex.
CRC. See cyclic redundancy check.
CU. See control unit.
CUIR. See control-unit initiated reconfiguration.
custom volume. In the ESS, a volume in
count-key-data (CKD) format that is not a standard
volume, which means that it does not necessarily
present the same number of cylinders and capacity to
its assigned logical control unit as provided by one of
the following standard S/390 volume types: 3390-2,
3390-3, 3390-9, 3390-2 (3380-track mode), or 3390-3

DA. See device adapter. See also SSA adapter.

daisy chain. See serial connection.
DASD. See direct access storage device.

data availability. The degree to which data is

available when needed, typically measured as a
percentage of time that the system would be capable of
responding to any data request (for example, 99.999%
data compression. A technique or algorithm used to
encode data such that the encoded result can be stored
in less space than the original data. The original data
can be recovered from the encoded result through a
reverse technique or reverse algorithm. See also
Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem
(DFSMS). An operating environment that helps
automate and centralize the management of storage. To
manage storage, DFSMS provides the storage
administrator with control over data class, storage class,
management class, storage group, and automatic class
selection routine definitions.
data field. The optional third field of a count key data
(CKD) record. The count field specifies the length of the
data field. The data field contains data that the program
data record. The basic unit of S/390 and zSeries
storage on an ESS, also known as a count-key-data
(CKD) record. Data records are stored on a track. The
records are sequentially numbered starting with 0. The
first record, R0, is typically called the track descriptor
record and contains data that the operating system
normally uses to manage the track. See also
count-key-data and fixed-block architecture.
data set FlashCopy. An option of the Enterprise
Storage Server that allows a volume to participate in
multiple concurrent FlashCopy relationships at one time.



data sharing. The ability of multiple host systems to

concurrently utilize data that they store on one or more
storage devices. The storage facility enables configured
storage to be accessible to any, or all, attached host
systems. To use this capability, the host program must
be designed to support data that it is sharing.

DFSMS. See Data Facility Storage Management


DDM. See disk drive module.

disk cage. A container for disk drives. Each disk cage

supports eight disk eight packs (64 disks).

direct access storage device (DASD). (1) A mass

storage medium on which a computer stores data. (2) A
disk device.

DDM group. See disk eight pack.

dedicated storage. Storage within a storage facility
that is configured such that a single host system has
exclusive access to the storage.
demote. To remove a logical data unit from cache
memory. A storage server demotes a data unit to make
room for other logical data units in the cache or
because the logical data unit is not valid. The ESS must
destage logical data units with active write units before
they can be demoted.
destaging. Movement of data from an online or higher
priority to an offline or lower priority device. The ESS
stages incoming data into cache and then destages it to
device. In Enterprise Systems Architecture/390, a disk
device adapter (DA). A physical component of the
ESS that provides communication between the clusters
and the storage devices. The ESS has eight device
adapters that it deploys in pairs, one from each cluster.
DA pairing enables the ESS to access any disk drive
from either of two paths, providing fault tolerance and
enhanced availability.
device address. In Enterprise Systems
Architecture/390, the field of an ESCON or FICON
device-level frame that selects a specific device on a
control-unit image.
device ID. In the ESS, the unique two-digit
hexadecimal number that identifies the logical device.
device interface card. A physical subunit of a storage
cluster that provides the communication with the
attached device drive modules.
device number. In Enterprise Systems
Architecture/390, a four-hexadecimal-character identifier,
for example 13A0, that the systems administrator
associates with a device to facilitate communication
between the program and the host operator. The device
number is associated with a subchannel.
device sparing. A subsystem function that
automatically copies data from a failing device drive
module to a spare device drive module. The subsystem
maintains data access during the process.
DFS. See distributed file service.


ESS CLI Users Guide

disk drive. Standard term for a disk-based nonvolatile

storage medium. The ESS uses hard disk drives as the
primary nonvolatile storage media to store host data.
disk drive module (DDM). A field replaceable unit that
consists of a single disk drive and its associated
disk drive module group. See disk eight pack.
disk eight pack. In the ESS, a group of eight disk
drive modules (DDMs) installed as a unit in a DDM bay.
disk group. In the ESS, a collection of disk drives in
the same SSA loop set up by the ESS to be available to
be assigned as a RAID-formatted array. A disk group
can be formatted as count key data or fixed block, and
as RAID or non-RAID, or it can be left unformatted. A
disk group is a logical assemblage of eight disk drives.
Contrast with disk eight pack.
distributed file service (DFS). A service that provides
data access over IP networks.
DNS. See domain name system.
domain. (1) That part of a computer network in which
the data processing resources are under common
control. (2) In TCP/IP, the naming system used in
hierarchical networks. (3) A Copy Services server group,
in other words, the set of clusters the user designates to
be managed by a particular Copy Services server.
domain name system (DNS). In TCP/IP, the server
program that supplies name-to-address translation by
mapping domain names to internet addresses. The
address of a DNS server is the internet address of the
server that hosts the DNS software for the network.
dotted decimal notation. A convention used to
identify IP addresses. The notation consists of four 8-bit
numbers written in base 10. For example,
is an IP address that contains the octets 9, 113, 76, and
drawer. A unit that contains multiple device drive
modules and provides power, cooling, and related
interconnection logic to make the device drive modules
accessible to attached host systems.
drive. (1) A peripheral device, especially one that has
addressed storage media. See also disk drive module.
(2) The mechanism used to seek, read, and write
information on a storage medium.

duplex. (1) Regarding ESS Copy Services, the state

of a volume pair after PPRC has completed the copy
operation and the volume pair is synchronized. (2) In
general, pertaining to a communication mode in which
data can be sent and received at the same time.

A set of IBM products and services that provide a

dynamically connected environment within an

dynamic sparing. The ability of a storage server to

move data from a failing disk drive module (DDM) to a
spare DDM while maintaining storage functions.

ERDS. See error-recording data set.

E10. The predecessor of the F10 model of the ESS.
See also F10.
E20. The predecessor of the F20 model of the ESS.
See also F20.
EBCDIC. See extended binary-coded decimal
interchange code.

EPO. See emergency power off.

ERP. See error recovery procedure.

error-recording data set (ERDS). On S/390 and
zSeries hosts, a data set that records data-storage and
data-retrieval errors. A service information message
(SIM) provides the error information for the ERDS.
error recovery procedure (ERP). Procedures
designed to help isolate and, where possible, to recover
from errors in equipment. The procedures are often
used in conjunction with programs that record
information on machine malfunctions.
ESA/390. See Enterprise Systems Architecture/390.

EC. See engineering change.

ESCD. See ESCON director.
ECKD. See extended count key data.
ESCON. See Enterprise System Connection.
eight pack. See disk eight pack.
electrostatic discharge (ESD). An undesirable
discharge of static electricity that can damage
equipment and degrade electrical circuitry.
emergency power off (EPO). A means of turning off
power during an emergency, usually a switch.
EMIF. See ESCON multiple image facility.
enclosure. A unit that houses the components of a
storage subsystem, such as a control unit, disk drives,
and power source.
end of file. A coded character recorded on a data
medium to indicate the end of the medium. On a
count-key-data direct access storage device, the
subsystem indicates the end of a file by including a
record with a data length of zero.
engineering change (EC). An update to a machine,
part, or program.
Enterprise Storage Server. See IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server.
Enterprise Systems Architecture/390 (ESA/390). An
IBM architecture for mainframe computers and
peripherals. Processor systems that follow the ESA/390
architecture include the ES/9000 family. See also
Enterprise Systems Connection (ESCON). (1) An
Enterprise Systems Architecture/390 and zSeries
computer peripheral interface. The I/O interface uses
ESA/390 logical protocols over a serial interface that
configures attached units to a communication fabric. (2)

ESCON channel. An S/390 or zSeries channel that

supports ESCON protocols.
ESCON director (ESCD). An I/O interface switch that
provides for the interconnection of multiple ESCON
interfaces in a distributed-star topology.
ESCON host systems. S/390 or zSeries hosts that
attach to the ESS with an ESCON adapter. Such host
systems run on operating systems that include MVS,
VSE, TPF, or versions of VM.
ESCON multiple image facility (EMIF). In Enterprise
Systems Architecture/390, a function that enables
LPARs to share an ESCON channel path by providing
each LPAR with its own channel-subsystem image.
EsconNet. In ESS Specialist, the label on a pseudo
host icon that represents a host connection that uses
the ESCON protocol and that is not completely defined
on the ESS. See also pseudo host and access-any
ESD. See electrostatic discharge.
eserver. See IBM Eserver.
ESS. See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server.
ESS Batch Configuration tool. A program that
automatically configures an ESS. The configuration is
based on data that IBM service personnel enter into the
ESS Copy Services. In the ESS, a collection of
optional software features, with a Web-browser



interface, used for configuring, managing, and

monitoring data-copy functions.
ESS Copy Services CLI. See Copy Services
Command-Line Interface.
ESS Expert. See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage
Server Expert.
ESS Master Console. See IBM TotalStorage ESS
Master Console.

failover. In the ESS, pertaining to the process of

transferring all control to a single cluster when the other
cluster in the ESS fails. See also cluster.
fast write. A write operation at cache speed that does
not require immediate transfer of data to a disk drive.
The subsystem writes the data directly to cache, to
nonvolatile storage, or to both. The data is then
available for destaging. A fast-write operation reduces
the time an application must wait for the I/O operation to

ESSNet. See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage

Server Network.

FBA. See fixed-block architecture.

ESS Specialist. See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise

Storage Server Specialist.

FC. See feature code. Note: FC is a common

abbreviation for fibre channel in the industry, but the
ESS customer documentation library reserves FC for
feature code.

Expert. See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage

Server Expert.
extended binary-coded decimal interchange code
(EBCDIC). An IBM-developed coding scheme used to
represent various alphabetic, numeric, and special
symbols with a coded character set of 256 eight-bit
extended count key data (ECKD). An extension of
the count key data (CKD) architecture.
Extended Remote Copy (XRC). A function of a
storage server that assists a control program to
maintain a consistent copy of a logical volume on
another storage facility. All modifications of the primary
logical volume by any attached host are presented in
order to a single host. The host then makes these
modifications on the secondary logical volume.
extent. A continuous space on a disk that is occupied
by or reserved for a particular data set, data space, or
file. The unit of increment is a track. See also multiple
allegiance and parallel access volumes.

F10. A model of the ESS featuring a single-phase
power supply. It has fewer expansion capabilities than
the Model F20.
F20. A model of the ESS featuring a three-phase
power supply. It has more expansion capabilities than
the Model F10, including the ability to support a
separate expansion enclosure.
fabric. In fibre-channel technology, a routing structure,
such as a switch, receives addressed information and
routes to the appropriate destination. A fabric can
consist of more than one switch. When multiple
fibre-channel switches are interconnected, they are said
to be cascaded.
failback. Pertaining to a cluster recovery from failover
following repair. See also failover.


ESS CLI Users Guide

FC-AL. See Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop.

FCP. See fibre-channel protocol.
FCS. See fibre-channel standard.
feature code (FC). A code that identifies a particular
orderable option and that is used by service personnel
to process hardware and software orders. Individual
optional features are each identified by a unique feature
fibre channel. A data-transmission architecture based
on the ANSI fibre-channel standard, which supports
full-duplex communication. The ESS supports data
transmission over fiber-optic cable through its
fibre-channel adapters. See also fibre-channel protocol
and fibre-channel standard.
Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL). An
implementation of the fibre-channel standard that uses a
ring topology for the communication fabric. Refer to
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
X3T11/93-275. In this topology, two or more
fibre-channel end points are interconnected through a
looped interface. The ESS supports this topology.
fibre-channel connection (FICON). A fibre-channel
communications protocol designed for IBM mainframe
computers and peripherals.
fibre-channel protocol (FCP). A protocol used in
fibre-channel communications with five layers that
define how fibre-channel ports interact through their
physical links to communicate with other ports.
fibre-channel standard (FCS). An ANSI standard for
a computer peripheral interface. The I/O interface
defines a protocol for communication over a serial
interface that configures attached units to a
communication fabric. The protocol has two layers. The
IP layer defines basic interconnection protocols. The
upper layer supports one or more logical protocols (for
example, FCP for SCSI command protocols and

SBCON for ESA/390 command protocols). Refer to

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
X3.230-199x. See also fibre-channel protocol.

coordinate Withdraw FlashCopy actions only with

FlashCopy relationships that have matching sequence

fibre-channel topology. An interconnection topology

supported on fibre-channel adapters. See also
point-to-point connection, switched fabric, and arbitrated

FRU. See field replaceable unit.

FICON. See fibre-channel connection.

FiconNet. In ESS Specialist, the label on a pseudo
host icon that represents a host connection that uses
the FICON protocol and that is not completely defined
on the ESS. See also pseudo host and access-any
field replaceable unit (FRU). An assembly that is
replaced in its entirety when any one of its components
fails. In some cases, a field replaceable unit might
contain other field replaceable units. (GC)
FIFO. See first-in-first-out.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP). In TCP/IP, an
application protocol used to transfer files to and from
host computers. See also Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol.
firewall. A protection against unauthorized connection
to a computer or a data storage system. The protection
is usually in the form of software on a gateway server
that grants access to users who meet authorization

FTP. See File Transfer Protocol.

full duplex. See duplex.
fuzzy copy. A function of the PPRC Extended
Distance feature wherein modifications to the primary
logical volume are performed on the secondary logical
volume at a later time. The original order of update is
not strictly maintained. See also PPRC Extended

GB. See gigabyte.
GDPS. See Geographically Dispersed Parallel
Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (GDPS).
An S/390 multisite application- availability solution.
gigabyte (GB). A gigabyte of storage is 109 bytes. A
gigabyte of memory is 230 bytes.
group. In ESS documentation, a nickname for two
different kinds of groups, depending on the context. See
disk eight pack or Copy Services server group.

first-in-first-out (FIFO). A queuing technique in which

the next item to be retrieved is the item that has been in
the queue for the longest time. (A)

fixed-block architecture (FBA). An architecture for

logical devices that specifies the format of and access
mechanisms for the logical data units on the device.
The logical data unit is a block. All blocks on the device
are the same size (fixed size). The subsystem can
access them independently.

HACMP. See High-Availability Cluster


fixed-block device. An architecture for logical devices

that specifies the format of the logical data units on the
device. The logical data unit is a block. All blocks on the
device are the same size (fixed size); the subsystem
can access them independently. This is the required
format of the logical data units for host systems that
attach with a SCSI or fibre-channel interface. See also
fibre channel and small computer systems interface.
FlashCopy. An optional feature for the ESS that can
make an instant copy of data, that is, a point-in-time
copy of a volume.
FlashCopy sequence number. A 4-byte value passed
as input on an Establish FlashCopy command that is
associated with the established FlashCopy relationship.
Withdraw FlashCopy commands can use this number to

HA. See host adapter.

hard disk drive (HDD). (1) A storage medium within a

storage server used to maintain information that the
storage server requires. (2) A mass storage medium for
computers that is typically available as a fixed disk
(such as the disks used in system units of personal
computers or in drives that are external to a personal
computer) or a removable cartridge.
Hardware Configuration Data (HCD). An OS/390 and
z/OS application used to define the I/O configuration to
both the host operating system and the
cluster-processor complex within the channel
subsystem. The configuration program is available in
three versions: stand-alone, VM/370, and MVS.
hardware service manager (HSM). An option on an
AS/400 or iSeries host that enables the user to display
and work with system hardware resources and to debug
input-output processors (IOP), input-output adapters
(IOA), and devices.



HCD. See Hardware Configuration Data.

In the ESS, the acronym HA is shared between home

address and host adapter. See also home address.

HDA. See head and disk assembly.

HDD. See hard disk drive.
hdisk. An AIX term for storage space.
head and disk assembly (HDA). The portion of an
HDD associated with the medium and the read/write
heartbeat. A status report sent at regular intervals
from the ESS. The service provider uses this report to
monitor the health of the call home process. See also
call home, heartbeat call home record, and remote
technical assistance information network.
heartbeat call home record. Machine operating and
service information sent to a service machine. These
records might include such information as feature code
information and product logical configuration
hierarchical storage management. (1) A function in
storage management software, such as Tivoli Storage
Management or Data Facility Storage Management
Subsystem/MVS (DFSMS/MVS), that automatically
manages free space based on the policy that the
storage administrator sets. (2) In AS/400 storage
management, an automatic method to manage and
distribute data between the different storage layers,
such as disk units and tape library devices.

host name. The Internet address of a machine in the

network. In the ESS, the host name can be entered in
the host definition as the fully qualified domain name of
the attached host system, such as, or as the subname of
the fully qualified domain name, for example,
mycomputer. See also host system.
host processor. A processor that controls all or part of
a user application network. In a network, the processing
unit in which the data communication access method
resides. See also host system.
host system. A computer, either of the mainframe
(S/390 or zSeries) or of the open-systems type, that is
connected to the ESS. S/390 or zSeries hosts are
connected to the ESS through ESCON or FICON
interfaces. Open-systems hosts are connected to the
ESS by SCSI or fibre-channel interfaces.
hot plug. Pertaining to the ability to add or remove a
hardware facility or resource to a unit while power is on.
HSL. See high-speed link.
HSM. See hierarchical storage management or
Hardware Service Manager.

High-Availability Cluster Multi-Processing

(HACMP). Software that provides host clustering, so
that a failure of one host is recovered by moving jobs to
other hosts within the cluster.

IBM Eserver. The IBM brand name for a series of

server products that are optimized for e-commerce. The
products include the iSeries, pSeries, xSeries, and

high-speed link (HSL). A hardware connectivity

architecture that links system processors to system
input/output buses and other system units.

IBM product engineering (PE). The third-level of IBM

service support. Product engineering is composed of
IBM engineers who have experience in supporting a
product or who are knowledgeable about the product.

home address (HA). A nine-byte field at the beginning

of a track that contains information that identifies the
physical track and its association with a cylinder. In the
ESS, the acronym HA is shared between home address
and host adapter. See also host adapter.
hop. Interswitch connection. A hop count is the
number of connections that a particular block of data
traverses between source and destination. For example,
data traveling from one hub over a wire to another hub
traverses one hop.
host. See host system.
host adapter (HA). A physical subunit of a storage
server that provides the ability to attach to one or more
host I/O interfaces. The Enterprise Storage Server has
four HA bays, two in each cluster. Each bay supports up
to four host adapters.


ESS CLI Users Guide

IBM TotalStorage. The brand name used to identify

storage products from IBM, including the IBM
TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS). See also
IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server and IBM
TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Specialist.
IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS).
A member of the Seascape product family of storage
servers and attached storage devices (disk drive
modules). The ESS provides for high-performance,
fault-tolerant storage and management of enterprise
data, providing access through multiple concurrent
operating systems and communication protocols. High
performance is provided by multiple symmetrical
multiprocessors, integrated caching, RAID support for
the disk drive modules, and disk access through a
high-speed serial storage architecture (SSA) interface.

IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Expert

(ESS Expert). Formerly called IBM StorWatch
Enterprise Storage Server Expert, the software that
gathers performance data from the ESS and presents it
through a Web browser.

initiator. A SCSI device that communicates with and

controls one or more targets. An initiator is typically an
I/O adapter on a host computer. A SCSI initiator is
analogous to an S/390 channel. A SCSI logical unit is
analogous to an S/390 device. Contrast with target.

IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server

Specialist (ESS Specialist). Software with a
Web-browser interface for configuring the ESS.

i-node. The internal structure in an AIX operating

system that describes the individual files in the
operating system. It contains the code, type, location,
and owner of a file.

IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Network

(ESSNet). A private network providing Web browser
access to the ESS. IBM installs the ESSNet software on
an IBM workstation called the IBM TotalStorage ESS
Master Console, supplied with the first ESS delivery.
IBM TotalStorage ESS Master Console (ESS Master
Console). An IBM workstation (formerly named the
ESSNet console) that IBM installs to provide the
ESSNet facility when they install the ESS. It includes a
Web browser that provides links to the ESS user
interface, including ESS Specialist and ESS Copy
IBM Subsystem Device Driver (SDD). Software that
is designed to support the multipath configuration
environments in the ESS. SDD resides in a host system
with the native disk device driver.
ID. See identifier.
inband FlashCopy. An option of the Enterprise
Storage Server that establishes and withdraws
FlashCopy pairs at the remote site without having a
Copy Services Web interface connection to the remote

input/output (I/O). Pertaining to (a) input, output, or

both or (b) a device, process, or channel involved in
data input, data output, or both.
input/output configuration data set. A configuration
definition built by the I/O configuration program (IOCP)
and stored on disk files associated with the processor
interleave. In the ESS, to automatically create two
striped partitions across the drives in a RAID-5 array,
both of which use the count-key-data (CKD) record
Internet Protocol (IP). In the Internet suite of
protocols, a protocol without connections that routes
data through a network or interconnecting networks and
acts as an intermediary between the higher protocol
layers and the physical network. The upper layer
supports one or more logical protocols (for example, a
SCSI-command protocol and an ESA/390 command
protocol). Refer to ANSI X3.230-199x. The IP acronym
is the IP in TCP/IP. See also Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol.

incremental FlashCopy. An option of the Enterprise

Storage Server that creates a point-in-time data copy
without copying an entire volume for each point-in-time

invalidate. To remove a logical data unit from cache

memory because it cannot support continued access to
the logical data unit on the device. This removal might
be the result of a failure within the storage server or a
storage device that is associated with the device.

identifier (ID). A unique name or address that

identifies things such as programs, devices, or systems.

I/O. See input/output.

IML. See initial microcode load.

I/O adapter (IOA). In the ESS, an input-output adapter

on the PCI bus.

implicit allegiance. In Enterprise Systems

Architecture/390, a relationship that a control unit
creates between a device and a channel path when the
device accepts a read or write operation. The control
unit guarantees access to the channel program over the
set of channel paths that it associates with the

IOCDS. See input/output configuration data set.

initial microcode load (IML). The action of loading

microcode for a computer into that computers storage.

I/O device. An addressable read and write unit, such

as a disk drive device, magnetic tape device, or printer.

initial program load (IPL). The action of loading

software into a computer, typically an operating system
that controls the computer.

I/O interface. An interface that enables a host to

perform read and write operations with its associated
peripheral devices.

IOCP. See I/O Configuration Program.

I/O Configuration Program (IOCP). A program that
defines to a system all the available I/O devices and
channel paths.

I/O Priority Queueing. A facility in the Workload

Manager of OS/390 that enables the system


administrator to set priorities for queueing I/Os from

different system images. See also multiple allegiance
and parallel access volume.
I/O processor (IOP). Controls input-output adapters
and other devices.

least recently used (LRU). (1) The algorithm used to

identify and make available the cache space that
contains the least-recently used data. (2) A policy for a
caching algorithm that chooses to remove from cache
the item that has the longest elapsed time since its last

I/O sequential response time. The time an I/O

request is queued in processor memory waiting for
previous I/Os to the same volume to complete.

LED. See light-emitting diode.

IOSQ. See I/O sequential response time.

licensed internal code (LIC). Microcode that IBM

does not sell as part of a machine, but licenses to the
customer. LIC is implemented in a part of storage that is
not addressable by user programs. Some IBM products
use it to implement functions as an alternate to
hard-wired circuitry.

IP. See Internet Protocol.

IPL. See initial program load.
iSeries. An IBM Eserver product that emphasizes
integration. It is the successor to the AS/400 family of

LIFO. See last-in first-out.

light-emitting diode (LED). A semiconductor chip that
gives off visible or infrared light when activated.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM). A software
implementation of a central processing unit (CPU) that
runs compiled Java code (applets and applications).
JVM. See Java Virtual Machine.

KB. See kilobyte.
key field. The second (optional) field of a count key
data record. The key length is specified in the count
field. The key length determines the field length. The
program writes the data in the key field and use the key
field to identify or locate a given record. The subsystem
does not use the key field.
kilobyte (KB). (1) For processor storage, real, and
virtual storage, and channel volume, 210 or 1024 bytes.
(2) For disk storage capacity and communications
volume, 1000 bytes.
Korn shell. Interactive command interpreter and a
command programming language.
KPOH. See thousands of power-on hours.

LAN. See local area network.
last-in first-out (LIFO). A queuing technique in which
the next item to be retrieved is the item most recently
placed in the queue. (A)
LBA. See logical block address.
LCU. See logical control unit.


LIC. See licensed internal code.

ESS CLI Users Guide

link address. On an ESCON or FICON interface, the

portion of a source or destination address in a frame
that ESCON or FICON uses to route a frame through
an ESCON or FICON director. ESCON or FICON
associates the link address with a specific switch port
that is on the ESCON or FICON director. Equivalently, it
associates the link address with the channel subsystem
or control unit link-level functions that are attached to
the switch port.
link-level facility. The ESCON or FICON hardware
and logical functions of a control unit or channel
subsystem that allow communication over an ESCON or
FICON write interface and an ESCON or FICON read
local area network (LAN). A computer network
located on a users premises within a limited geographic
local e-mail. An e-mail configuration option for storage
servers that are connected to a host-system network
that does not have a domain name system (DNS)
logical address. On an ESCON or FICON interface,
the portion of a source or destination address in a frame
used to select a specific channel-subsystem or
control-unit image.
logical block address (LBA). The address assigned
by the ESS to a sector of a disk.
logical control unit (LCU). See control-unit image.
logical data unit. A unit of storage that is accessible
on a given device.
logical device. The facilities of a storage server (such
as the ESS) associated with the processing of I/O
operations directed to a single host-accessible emulated

I/O device. The associated storage is referred to as a

logical volume. The logical device is mapped to one or
more host-addressable units, such as a device on an
S/390 I/O interface or a logical unit on a SCSI I/O
interface, such that the host initiating I/O operations to
the I/O-addressable unit interacts with the storage on
the associated logical device.
logical partition (LPAR). In Enterprise Systems
Architecture/390, a set of functions that create the
programming environment in which more than one
logical partition (LPAR) is established on a processor.
An LPAR is conceptually similar to a virtual machine
environment except that the LPAR is a function of the
processor. Also, the LPAR does not depend on an
operating system to create the virtual machine
logical path. (1) The relationship between a channel
image and a control-unit image that designates the
physical path to be used for device-level
communications between these images. The logical
path is established as part of the channel and
control-unit initialization procedures by the exchange of
link-level frames. (2) In the ESS with the Peer-to-Peer
Remote Copy (PPRC) feature, the relationship between
a source logical subsystem (LSS) and a target LSS that
is created over a physical path through the
interconnection fabric used for PPRC functions. An LSS
is a primary control unit, which performs the functions of
a channel image.
logical subsystem (LSS). In the ESS, a topological
construct that consists of a group of up to 256 logical
devices. An ESS can have up to 16 CKD-formatted
logical subsystems (4096 CKD logical devices) and also
up to 16 fixed-block logical subsystems (4096
fixed-block logical devices). The logical subsystem
facilitates configuration of the ESS and might have other
implications relative to the operation of certain functions.
There is a one-to-one mapping between a CKD logical
subsystem and an S/390 control-unit image.
For S/390 or zSeries hosts, a logical subsystem
represents a logical control unit (LCU). Each control-unit
image is associated with only one logical subsystem.
See also control-unit image.
logical unit. In open systems, a logical disk drive.
logical unit number (LUN). In the SCSI protocol, a
unique number used on a SCSI bus to enable it to
differentiate between a maximum of eight separate
devices, each of which is a logical unit.
logical volume. The storage medium associated with
a logical disk drive. A logical volume typically resides on
one or more storage devices. The ESS administrator
defines this unit of storage. The logical volume, when
residing on a RAID-formatted array, is spread over the
drives in the array.

logical volume manager (LVM). A set of system

commands, library routines, and other tools that allow
the user to establish and control logical volume storage.
The LVM maps data between the logical view of storage
space and the physical disk drive module.
longitudinal redundancy check (LRC). (1) A method
of error checking during data transfer that involves
checking parity on a row of binary digits that are
members of a set that forms a matrix. Longitudinal
redundancy check is also called a longitudinal parity
check. (2) In the ESS, a mechanism that the ESS uses
for locating errors. The LRC checks the data as it
progresses from the host, through the ESS controller,
into the device adapter, and to the array.
longwave laser adapter. A connector used between a
host and the ESS to support longwave fibre-channel
loop. The physical connection between a pair of
device adapters in the ESS. See also device adapter.
LPAR. See logical partition.
LRC. See longitudinal redundancy check.
LRU. See least recently used.
LSS. See logical subsystem.
LUN. See logical unit number.
LVM. See logical volume manager.

machine level control (MLC). A database that
contains the EC level and configuration of products in
the field.
machine reported product data (MRPD). Product
data gathered by a machine and sent to a destination
such as an IBM support server or RETAIN. These
records might include such information as feature code
information and product logical configuration
mainframe. A computer, usually in a computer center,
with extensive capabilities and resources to which other
computers may be connected so that they can share
facilities. (T)
maintenance analysis procedure (MAP). A hardware
maintenance document that gives an IBM service
representative a step-by-step procedure for tracing a
symptom to the cause of a failure.
Management Information Base (MIB). (1) A collection
of objects that can be accessed by means of a network
management protocol. (GC) (2) In the ESS, the MIB
record conforms to the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) standard defined by the International Organization


for Standardization (ISO) for the exchange of

information. See also simple network management

Micro Channel architecture (MCA). The rules that

define how subsystems and adapters use the Micro
Channel bus in a computer. The architecture defines the
services that each subsystem can or must provide.

MAP. See maintenance analysis procedure.

Master Console. See IBM TotalStorage ESS Master
master ESS. The ESS that controls the creation of
consistency groups in the asynchronous PPRC session.
The master ESS sends commands to subordinate
ESSs. An ESS can be a master for only one
asynchronous PPRC session. Contrast with subordinate

Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE). Web browser

software manufactured by Microsoft.
migration. In the ESS, the replacement of a system or
subsystem with a different type of system or subsystem,
such as replacing a SCSI host adapter with a
fibre-channel host adapter. When used in the context of
data migration regarding the ESS, the transfer of data
from one storage facility to another, such as from a
3390 to the ESS.

maximum consistency group drain time. The value

in seconds that indicates the maximum time that writes
from the local site are delayed to the remote site while
the current consistency group is being formed at the
remote site. When this time is exceeded, the current
attempt to form a consistency group is ended and
another attempt is started. If this time is exceeded five
times, this maximum time is ignored on the next attempt
to form a consistency group. The default value is the
larger of four minutes or two times the consistency
group interval time if this value is set to zero.

MIH. See missing-interrupt handler.

maximum coordination time. The value in

milliseconds that indicates the maximum time that is
allowed for host I/O to be delayed during the
coordination of the primary volumes of an asynchronous
PPRC session. The default is 50 milliseconds if this
value is set to zero.

missing-interrupt handler (MIH). An MVS and

MVS/XA facility that tracks I/O interrupts. MIH informs
the operator and creates a record whenever an
expected interrupt fails to occur before a specified
elapsed time is exceeded.

MB. See megabyte.

MCA. See Micro Channel architecture.
MDM. See Multiple Device Manager.
mean time between failures (MTBF). (1) A projection
of the time that an individual unit remains functional.
The time is based on averaging the performance, or
projected performance, of a population of statistically
independent units. The units operate under a set of
conditions or assumptions. (2) For a stated period in the
life of a functional unit, the mean value of the lengths of
time between consecutive failures under stated
conditions. (I) (A)
medium. For a storage facility, the disk surface on
which data is stored.
megabyte (MB). (1) For processor storage, real and
virtual storage, and channel volume, 220 or 1 048 576
bytes. (2) For disk storage capacity and
communications volume, 1 000 000 bytes.
MES. See miscellaneous equipment specification.
MIB. See management information base.


ESS CLI Users Guide

mirrored pair. Two units that contain the same data.

The system refers to them as one entity.
mirroring. In host systems, the process of writing the
same data to two disk units within the same auxiliary
storage pool at the same time.
miscellaneous equipment specification (MES). IBM
field-installed change to a machine.

MLC. See machine level control.

mobile solutions terminal (MoST). The mobile
terminal used by service personnel.
mode conditioning patch cable. A cable that
converts a single-mode signal from a longwave adapter
into a light signal that is appropriate for multimode fibre.
Another mode conditioning patch cable is required at
the terminating end of the multimode fibre to convert the
signal back to a single-mode signal for a longwave
Model 100. A 2105 Model 100, often simply referred to
as a Mod 100, is an expansion enclosure for the ESS.
See also 2105.
MoST. See mobile solutions terminal.
MRPD. See machine reported product data.
MSA. See multiport serial adapter.
MSIE. See Microsoft Internet Explorer.
MTBF. See mean time between failures.
multiple allegiance. An ESS hardware function that is
independent of software support. This function enables
multiple system images to concurrently access the

same logical volume on the ESS as long as the system

images are accessing different extents. See also extent
and parallel access volumes.
Multiple Device Manager (MDM). A component of the
IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center that allows
administrators to configure, manage, and monitor the
performance of SAN storage devices from a single
multiple relationship FlashCopy. An option of the
Enterprise Storage Server that creates backup copies
from one source to multiple targets by simultaneously
establishing multiple FlashCopy relationships.
multiple virtual storage (MVS). Implies MVS/390,
MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, and the MVS element of the
OS/390 operating system.
multiplex. The action of transmitting simultaneously.
multiport serial adapter (MSA). An adapter on the
ESS Master Console that has multiple ports to which
ESSs can be attached.
multiprocessor. A computer that includes two or more
processors that have common access to a main
storage. For the ESS, the multiprocessors operate in

octet. In Internet Protocol addressing, one of the four
parts of a 32-bit integer presented in dotted decimal
notation. See also dotted decimal notation.
OEMI. See original equipment manufacturers
open system. A system whose characteristics comply
with standards made available throughout the industry
and that therefore can be connected to other systems
complying with the same standards. Applied to the ESS,
such systems are those hosts that connect to the ESS
through SCSI or FCP protocols. See also small
computer system interface and fibre-channel protocol.
organizationally unique identifier (OUI). An
IEEE-standards number that identifies an organization
with a 24-bit globally unique assigned number
referenced by various standards. OUI is used in the
family of 802 LAN standards, such as Ethernet and
Token Ring.
original equipment manufacturers information
(OEMI). A reference to an IBM guideline for a
computer peripheral interface. The interface uses
ESA/390 logical protocols over an I/O interface that
configures attached units in a multidrop bus topology.

MVS. See multiple virtual storage.

name server. A server that stores names of the
participating ESS clusters.
Netfinity. IBM Intel-processor-based server;
predecessor to the IBM xSeries server.

OS/390. The IBM operating system that includes and

integrates functions that many IBM software products
(including the MVS operating system) previously
provided for the IBM S/390 family of enterprise servers.
OS/400. The IBM operating system that runs the IBM
AS/400 and iSeries Eserver families of servers.
OUI. See organizationally unique identifier.

Netscape Navigator. Web browser software

manufactured by Netscape.

network manager. A program or group of programs

that is used to monitor, manage, and diagnose the
problems of a network. (GC)

panel. The formatted display of information that

appears on a display screen.

node. The unit that is connected in a fibre-channel

network. An ESS is a node in a fibre-channel network.
non-RAID. A disk drive set up independently of other
disk drives and not set up as part of a disk eight pack to
store data using the redundant array of disks (RAID)
data-striping methodology.
nonremovable medium. A recording medium that
cannot be added to or removed from a storage device.
nonvolatile storage (NVS). In the ESS, memory that
stores active write data to avoid data loss in the event
of a power loss.

parallel access volume (PAV). An advanced function

of the ESS that enables OS/390 and z/OS systems to
issue concurrent I/O requests against a count key data
logical volume by associating multiple devices of a
single control-unit image with a single logical device. Up
to eight device addresses can be assigned to a PAV.
The PAV function enables two or more concurrent write
operations to the same logical volume, as long as the
write operations are not to the same extents. See also
extent, I/O Priority Queueing, and multiple allegiance.
parity. A data checking scheme used in a computer
system to ensure the integrity of the data. The RAID
implementation uses parity to re-create data if a disk
drive fails.

NVS. See nonvolatile storage.



path group. In ESA/390 architecture, a set of channel

paths that are defined to a control unit as being
associated with a single logical partition (LPAR). The
channel paths are in a group state and are online to the
host. See also logical partition.

power-on self test (POST). A diagnostic test that

servers or computers run when they are turned on.
PPRC. See Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy.

path group identifier. In ESA/390 architecture, the

identifier that uniquely identifies a given logical partition
(LPAR). The path group identifier is used in
communication between the LPAR program and a
device. The identifier associates the path group with
one or more channel paths, thereby defining these
paths to the control unit as being associated with the
same LPAR. See also logical partition.

PPRC Extended Distance. An optional feature for the

ESS that maintains a fuzzy copy of a logical volume on
the same ESS or on another ESS. In other words, all
modifications that any attached host performs on the
primary logical volume are also performed on the
secondary logical volume at a later point in time. The
original order of update is not strictly maintained. See
also Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC) and
synchronous PPRC.

PAV. See parallel access volume.

PPRC-XD. See PPRC Extended Distance.

PCI. See peripheral component interconnect.

predictable write. A write operation that can cache

without knowledge of the existing format on the
medium. All write operations on FBA DASD devices are
predictable. On CKD DASD devices, a write operation is
predictable if it does a format write operation for the first
data record on the track.

PDU. See protocol data unit.

PE. See IBM product engineering.
Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC). A function of a
storage server that constantly updates a secondary
copy of a logical volume to match changes made to a
primary logical volume. The primary and secondary
volumes can be on the same storage server or on
separate storage servers. See also synchronous PPRC
and PPRC Extended Distance.
peripheral component interconnect (PCI). An
architecture for a system bus and associated protocols
that supports attachments of adapter cards to a system
physical path. A single path through the I/O
interconnection fabric that attaches two units. For Copy
Services, this is the path from a host adapter on one
ESS (through cabling and switches) to a host adapter
on another ESS.
pinned data. Data that is held in cache until either an
error condition is corrected and it can be moved to disk
storage or until the data is discarded by a host
command. Pinned data conditions can only occur on an
ESS Model 800 during fast-write or dual-copy functions.
point-to-point connection. A fibre-channel topology
that enables the direct interconnection of ports. See
also arbitrated loop and switched fabric.
port. In the ESS, a physical connection on a host
adapter to the cable that connects the ESS to hosts,
switches, or another ESS. The ESS uses SCSI and
ESCON host adapters that have two ports per adapter,
and fibre-channel host adapters that have one port. See
also ESCON, fibre channel, host adapter, and small
computer system interface.
POST. See power-on self test.


ESS CLI Users Guide

primary control unit. The ESS to which a PPRC

primary device is physically attached.
primary Copy Services server. One of two Copy
Services servers in a Copy Services server group. The
primary Copy Services server is the active Copy
Services server until it fails; it is then replaced by the
backup Copy Services server. A Copy Services server is
software that runs in one of the two clusters of an ESS
and performs data-copy operations within that group.
See active Copy Services server and backup Copy
Services server.
primary device. One of the devices in a dual-copy or
remote-copy volume pair. All channel commands to the
logical volume are directed to the primary device. The
data on the primary device is duplicated on the
secondary device. See also secondary device.
product engineering. See IBM product engineering.
program. On a computer, a generic term for software
that controls the operation of the computer. Typically,
the program is a logical assemblage of software
modules that perform multiple related tasks.
program-controlled interruption. An interruption that
occurs when an I/O channel fetches a channel
command word with the program-controlled interruption
flag on.
program temporary fix (PTF). A temporary solution
to, or bypass of, a problem diagnosed by IBM as the
result of a defect in a current unaltered release of a
licensed program. (GC)
promote. To add a logical data unit to cache memory.

protected volume. In AS/400, a disk storage device

that is protected from data loss by RAID techniques. An
AS/400 host does not mirror a volume configured as a
protected volume, while it does mirror all volumes
configured as unprotected volumes. The ESS, however,
can be configured to indicate that an AS/400 volume is
protected or unprotected and give it RAID protection in
either case.

reserves spare disk drives when it assigns arrays to a

device adapter pair (DA pair). See also device adapter,
RAID 5, and redundant array of independent disks.

protocol data unit (PDU). A unit of data specified in

the protocol of a given layer and consisting of protocol
control information for the layer and, possibly, user data
for the layer.

rank. See array.

pSeries. The product name of an IBM Eserver

product that emphasizes performance. It is the
successor to the RS/6000 family of servers.
pseudo host. A host connection that is not explicitly
defined to the ESS and that has access to at least one
volume that is configured on the ESS. The FiconNet
pseudo host icon represents the FICON protocol. The
EsconNet pseudo host icon represents the ESCON
protocol. The pseudo host icon labelled Anonymous
represents hosts connected through the FCP protocol.
Anonymous host is a commonly used synonym for
pseudo host. The ESS adds a pseudo host icon only
when the ESS is set to access-any mode. See also
access-any mode.
PTF. See program temporary fix.
PV Links. Short for Physical Volume Links, an
alternate pathing solution from Hewlett-Packard that
provides for multiple paths to a volume, as well as static
load balancing.

R0. See track-descriptor record.
rack. See enclosure.
RAID. See redundant array of independent disks.
RAID is also commonly expanded to redundant array of
inexpensive disks. See also array.
RAID 5. A type of RAID that optimizes cost-effective
performance while emphasizing use of available
capacity through data striping. RAID 5 provides fault
tolerance for up to two failed disk drives by distributing
parity across all the drives in the array plus one parity
disk drive. The ESS automatically reserves spare disk
drives when it assigns arrays to a device adapter pair
(DA pair). See also device adapter, RAID 10, and
redundant array of independent disks.
RAID 10. A type of RAID that optimizes high
performance while maintaining fault tolerance for up to
two failed disk drives by by striping volume data across
several disk drives and mirroring the first set of disk
drives on an identical set. The ESS automatically

random access. A mode of accessing data on a

medium in a manner that requires the storage device to
access nonconsecutive storage locations on the

redundant array of independent disks (RAID). A

methodology of grouping disk drives for managing disk
storage to insulate data from a failing disk drive.
remote technical assistance information network
(RETAIN). The initial service tracking system for IBM
service support, which captures heartbeat and
call-home records. See also support catcher and
support catcher telephone number.
REQ/ACK. See request for acknowledgment and
request for acknowledgment and acknowledgment
(REQ/ACK). A cycle of communication between two
data transport devices for the purpose of verifying the
connection, which starts with a request for
acknowledgment from one of the devices and ends with
an acknowledgment from the second device. The REQ
and ACK signals help to provide uniform timing to
support synchronous data transfer between an initiator
and a target. The objective of a synchronous data
transfer method is to minimize the effect of device and
cable delays.
reserved allegiance. In Enterprise Systems
Architecture/390, a relationship that is created in a
control unit between a device and a channel path when
the device completes a Sense Reserve command. The
allegiance causes the control unit to guarantee access
(busy status is not presented) to the device. Access is
over the set of channel paths that are associated with
the allegiance; access is for one or more channel
programs until the allegiance ends.
RETAIN. See remote technical assistance information

S/390. IBM enterprise servers based on Enterprise
Systems Architecture/390 (ESA/390). S/390 is the
currently accepted shortened form of the original name
S/390 storage. (1) Storage arrays and logical volumes
that are defined in the ESS as connected to S/390
servers. This term is synonymous with count-key-data
storage. (2) In ESS documentation, when noted, the
term can refer to both S/390 and zSeries storage. See
also zSeries storage.


SAID. See system adapter identification number.

SAM. See sequential access method.
SAN. See storage area network.
SBCON. See Single-Byte Command Code Sets
screen. The physical surface of a display device upon
which information is shown to users.
SCSI. See small computer system interface.

sequential access. A mode of accessing data on a

medium in a manner that requires the storage device to
access consecutive storage locations on the medium.
sequential access method (SAM). An access method
for storing, deleting, or retrieving data in a continuous
sequence based on the logical order of the records in
the file.
serial connection. A method of device interconnection
for determining interrupt priority by connecting the
interrupt sources serially.

SCSI device. A disk drive connected to a host through

an I/O interface using the SCSI protocol. A SCSI device
is either an initiator or a target. See also initiator and
small computer system interface.

serial storage architecture (SSA). An IBM standard

for a computer peripheral interface. The interface uses a
SCSI logical protocol over a serial interface that
configures attached targets and initiators in a ring
topology. See also SSA adapter.

SCSI-FCP. Synonym for fibre-channel protocol, a

protocol used to transport data between an
open-systems host and a fibre-channel adapter on an
ESS. See also fibre-channel protocol and small
computer system interface.

server. (1) A host that provides certain services to

other hosts that are referred to as clients. (2) A
functional unit that provides services to one or more
clients over a network. (GC)

SCSI host systems. Host systems that are attached

to the ESS with a SCSI interface. Such host systems
run on UNIX, OS/400, Windows NT, Windows 2000, or
Novell NetWare operating systems.

service boundary. A category that identifies a group

of components that are unavailable for use when one of
the components of the group is being serviced. Service
boundaries are provided on the ESS, for example, in
each host bay and in each cluster.

SCSI ID. A unique identifier assigned to a SCSI device

that is used in protocols on the SCSI interface to
identify or select the device. The number of data bits on
the SCSI bus determines the number of available SCSI
IDs. A wide interface has 16 bits, with 16 possible IDs.
SDD. See IBM Subsystem Device Driver.
Seascape architecture. A storage system architecture
that IBM developed for open-systems servers and S/390
and zSeries host systems. It provides storage solutions
that integrate software, storage management, and
technology for disk, tape, and optical storage.
secondary control unit. The ESS to which a PPRC
secondary device is physically attached.
secondary device. One of the devices in a dual-copy
or remote-copy volume pair that contains a duplicate of
the data on the primary device. Unlike the primary
device, the secondary device might only accept a
limited subset of data. See also primary device.
self-timed interface (STI). An interface that has one
or more conductors that transmit information serially
between two interconnected units without requiring any
clock signals to recover the data. The interface performs
clock recovery independently on each serial data stream
and uses information in the data stream to determine
character boundaries and inter-conductor


ESS CLI Users Guide

service information message (SIM). A message sent

by a storage server to service personnel through an
S/390 operating system.
service personnel. A generalization referring to
individuals or companies authorized to service the ESS.
The terms service provider, service representative, and
IBM service support representative (SSR) refer to types
of service personnel. See also service support
service processor. A dedicated processing unit used
to service a storage facility.
service support representative (SSR). Individuals or
a company authorized to service the ESS. This term
also refers to a service provider, a service
representative, or an IBM service support representative
(SSR). An IBM SSR installs the ESS.
session. A collection of volumes within a logical
subsystem that are managed together during the
creation of consistent copies of data. All volumes in a
session must transfer their data successfully to the
remote site before the increment can be called
shared storage. In an ESS, storage that is configured
so that multiple hosts can concurrently access the
storage. The storage has a uniform appearance to all
hosts. The host programs that access the storage must
have a common model for the information on a storage

device. The programs must be designed to handle the

effects of concurrent access.
shortwave laser adapter. A connector used between
host and ESS to support shortwave fibre-channel

spatial reuse. A feature of serial storage architecture

that enables a device adapter loop to support many
simultaneous read/write operations. See also serial
storage architecture.
Specialist. See IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage
Server Specialist.

SIM. See service information message.

SSA. See serial storage architecture.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). In
the Internet suite of protocols, a network management
protocol that is used to monitor routers and attached
networks. SNMP is an application layer protocol.
Information on devices managed is defined and stored
in the applications Management Information Base
(MIB). (GC) See also management information base.
simplex volume. A volume that is not part of a
FlashCopy, XRC, or PPRC volume pair.

SSA adapter. A physical adapter based on serial

storage architecture. SSA adapters connect disk drive
modules to ESS clusters. See also serial storage
SSID. See subsystem identifier.
SSR. See service support representative.

Single-Byte Command Code Sets Connection

(SBCON). The ANSI standard for the ESCON or
FICON I/O interface.

stacked status. In Enterprise Systems

Architecture/390, the condition when the control unit is
in a holding status for the channel, and the last time the
control unit attempted to present the status, the channel
responded with the stack-status control.

small computer system interface (SCSI). A standard

hardware interface that enables a variety of peripheral
devices to communicate with one another. (GC)

stage operation. The operation of reading data from

the physical disk drive into the cache.

smart relay host. A mail relay or mail gateway that

has the capability to correct e-mail addressing

staging. To move data from an offline or low-priority

device back to an online or higher priority device,
usually on demand of the system or on request of the

SMIT. See System Management Interface Tool.

SMP. See symmetrical multiprocessor.
SNMP. See Simple Network Management Protocol.
SNMP agent. A server process that resides on a
network node and is responsible for communicating with
managers regarding that node. The node is represented
as a managed object, which has various fields or
variables that are defined in the appropriate MIB.
SNMP manager. A managing system that runs a
managing application or suite of applications. These
applications depend on Management Information Base
(MIB) objects for information that resides on the
managed system. Managers generate requests for this
MIB information, and an SNMP agent on the managed
system responds to these requests. A request can
either be the retrieval or modification of MIB information.
software transparency. Criteria applied to a
processing environment that states that changes do not
require modifications to the host software in order to
continue to provide an existing function.
spare. A disk drive on the ESS that can replace a
failed disk drive. A spare can be predesignated to allow
automatic dynamic sparing. Any data preexisting on a
disk drive that is invoked as a spare is destroyed by the
dynamic sparing copy process.

standard volume. In the ESS, a volume that emulates

one of several S/390 volume types, including 3390-2,
3390-3, 3390-9, 3390-2 (3380-track mode), or 3390-3
(3380-track mode), by presenting the same number of
cylinders and capacity to the host as provided by the
native S/390 volume type of the same name.
STI. See self-timed interface.
storage area network. A network that connects a
companys heterogeneous storage resources.
storage complex. Multiple storage facilities.
storage device. A physical unit that provides a
mechanism to store data on a given medium such that it
can be subsequently retrieved. See also disk drive
storage facility. (1) A physical unit that consists of a
storage server integrated with one or more storage
devices to provide storage capability to a host computer.
(2) A storage server and its attached storage devices.
storage server. A physical unit that manages attached
storage devices and provides an interface between
them and a host computer by providing the function of
one or more logical subsystems. The storage server can
provide functions that the storage device does not
provide. The storage server has one or more clusters.



striping. A technique that distributes data in bit, byte,

multibyte, record, or block increments across multiple
disk drives.
subagent. An extension to an SNMP agent that
permits a user to dynamically add, or in some cases
replace, additional management variables in the local
MIB, thereby providing a means of extending the range
of information that network managers can access. See
also agent.
subchannel. A logical function of a channel subsystem
associated with the management of a single device.
subordinate ESS. The ESS that receives commands
from the master ESS and is specified when an
asynchronous PPRC session is started. The
subordinate ESS forms consistency groups and
performs other asynchronous PPRC processing. A
subordinate ESS can only be controlled by one ESS
master. Contrast with master ESS.
Subsystem Device Driver. See IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Storage Server Subsystem Device Driver.

system adapter identification number (SAID). In the

ESS, the unique identification number automatically
assigned to each ESS host adapter for use by ESS
Copy Services.
System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). An
interface tool of the AIX operating system for installing,
maintaining, configuring, and diagnosing tasks.
System Modification Program. A program used to
install software and software changes on MVS systems.

TAP. See Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol.
target. A SCSI device that acts as a subordinate to an
initiator and consists of a set of one or more logical
units, each with an assigned logical unit number (LUN).
The logical units on the target are typically I/O devices.
A SCSI target is analogous to an S/390 control unit. A
SCSI initiator is analogous to an S/390 channel. A SCSI
logical unit is analogous to an S/390 device. See also
small computer system interface.

subsystem identifier (SSID). A number that uniquely

identifies a logical subsystem within a computer

TB. See terabyte.

support catcher telephone number. The telephone

number that connects the support catcher server to the
ESS to receive a trace or dump package. See also
support catcher and remote technical assistance
information network.

Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP). An industry

standard protocol for the input of paging requests.

switched fabric. A fibre-channel topology in which

ports are interconnected through a switch. Fabric
switches can also be interconnected to support
numerous ports on a single network. See also arbitrated
loop and point-to-point connection.
symmetrical multiprocessor (SMP). An
implementation of a multiprocessor computer consisting
of several identical processors configured in a way that
any subset of the set of processors is capable of
continuing the operation of the computer. The ESS
contains four processors set up in SMP mode.
synchronous PPRC. A function of a storage server
that maintains a consistent copy of a logical volume on
the same storage server or on another storage server.
All modifications that any attached host performs on the
primary logical volume are also performed on the
secondary logical volume. See also Peer-to-Peer
Remote Copy and PPRC Extended Distance.
synchronous write. A write operation whose
completion is indicated after the data has been stored
on a storage device.
System/390. See S/390.


ESS CLI Users Guide

TCP/IP. See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet


terabyte (TB). (1) Nominally, 1 000 000 000 000

bytes, which is accurate when speaking of bandwidth
and disk storage capacity. (2) For ESS cache memory,
processor storage, real and virtual storage, a terabyte
refers to 240 or 1 099 511 627 776 bytes.
terminal emulator. In the ESS, a function of the ESS
Master Console that allows it to emulate a terminal.
thousands of power-on hours (KPOH). A unit of time
used to measure the mean time between failures
time sharing option (TSO). An operating system
option that provides interactive time sharing from remote
TotalStorage. See IBM TotalStorage.
TPF. See transaction processing facility.
track. A unit of storage on a CKD device that can be
formatted to contain a number of data records. See also
home address, track-descriptor record, and data record.
track-descriptor record (R0). A special record on a
track that follows the home address. The control
program uses it to maintain certain information about
the track. The record has a count field with a key length

of zero, a data length of 8, and a record number of 0.

This record is sometimes referred to as R0.

by definition. The data in an unprotected volume can be

mirrored. Also referred to as an unprotected device.

transaction processing facility (TPF). A

high-availability, high-performance IBM operating
system, designed to support real-time,
transaction-driven applications. The specialized
architecture of TPF is intended to optimize system
efficiency, reliability, and responsiveness for data
communication and database processing. TPF provides
real-time inquiry and updates to a large, centralized
database, where message length is relatively short in
both directions, and response time is generally less than
three seconds. Formerly known as the Airline Control
Program/Transaction Processing Facility (ACP/TPF).

upper-layer protocol. The layer of the Internet

Protocol (IP) that supports one or more logical protocols
(for example, a SCSI-command protocol and an
ESA/390 command protocol). Refer to ANSI

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). A

communications protocol used in the Internet and in any
network that follows the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) standards for internetwork protocol. TCP
provides a reliable host-to-host protocol between hosts
in packet-switched communications networks and in
interconnected systems of such networks. It uses the
Internet Protocol (IP) as the underlying protocol.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

(TCP/IP). (1) A combination of data-transmission
protocols that provide end-to-end connections between
applications over interconnected networks of different
types. (2) A suite of transport and application protocols
that run over the Internet Protocol. (GC) See also
Internet Protocol and Transmission Control Protocol.

vital product data (VPD). Information that uniquely

defines the system, hardware, software, and microcode
elements of a processing system.

transparency. See software transparency.

volume. In Enterprise Systems Architecture/390, the

information recorded on a single unit of recording
medium. Indirectly, it can refer to the unit of recording
medium itself. On a nonremovable-medium storage
device, the term can also indirectly refer to the storage
device associated with the volume. When multiple
volumes are stored on a single storage medium
transparently to the program, the volumes can be
referred to as logical volumes.

TSO. See time sharing option.

turbo processor. In the ESS, a faster multiprocessor
that has six processors with common access to the
main storage.

UTC. See Coordinated Universal Time.

utility device. The ESA/390 term for the device used
with the Extended Remote Copy facility to access
information that describes the modifications performed
on the primary copy.

virtual machine facility. A virtual data processing

machine that appears to the user to be for the exclusive
use of that user, but whose functions are accomplished
by sharing the resources of a shared data processing
system. An alternate name for the VM/370 IBM
operating system.

VM. The root name of several IBM operating systems,

such as VM/XA, VM/ESA, VM/CMS, and z/VM. See
also virtual machine facility.

UFS. UNIX filing system.

volume label. In the ESS, a unique identifier that a

user assigns to a logical volume.

Ultra-SCSI. An enhanced small computer system


VPD. See vital product data.

unconfigure. To delete the configuration.

unit address. In Enterprise Systems Architecture/390,
the address associated with a device on a given control
unit. On ESCON or FICON interfaces, the unit address
is the same as the device address. On OEMI interfaces,
the unit address specifies a control unit and device pair
on the interface.
unprotected volume. An AS/400 term that indicates
that the AS/400 host recognizes the volume as an
unprotected device, even though the storage resides on
a RAID-formatted array and is, therefore, fault tolerant

VSE/ESA. IBM operating system, the letters of which

represent virtual storage extended/enterprise systems

Web Copy Services. See ESS Copy Services.
worldwide node name (WWNN). A unique 64-bit
identifier for a host that contains a fibre-channel port.
See also worldwide port name.
worldwide port name (WWPN). A unique 64-bit
identifier associated with a fibre-channel adapter port. It


is assigned in an implementation- and

protocol-independent manner.
write hit. A write operation in which the requested
data is in the cache.
write penalty. The performance impact of a classical
RAID-5 write operation.
WWPN. See worldwide port name.

XD. See PPRC Extended Distance.
XRC. See Extended Remote Copy.
xSeries. The product name of an IBM Eserver
product that emphasizes industry-standard server
scalability and self-managing server technologies. It is
the successor to the Netfinity family of servers.

z/Architecture. An IBM architecture for mainframe
computers and peripherals. The IBM Eserver zSeries
family of servers uses the z/Architecture architecture. It
is the successor to the S/390 and 9672 family of
servers. See also Enterprise Systems Architecture/390.
z/OS. An operating system for the IBM Eserver
product line that supports 64-bit real storage.
zSeries. (1) An IBM Eserver family of servers that
emphasizes near-zero downtime. (2) IBM enterprise
servers based on z/Architecture.
zSeries storage. Storage arrays and logical volumes
that are defined in the ESS as connected to zSeries
servers. See also S/390 storage.


ESS CLI Users Guide

extended format 34
simple format 34
accessibility 135
arguments, Storage Management CLI
accfile=Accessfile 48
acclvl=admin | config | op | view 47
addr=EmailAddress 49
addr=IpAddr1, IpAddr2, ... 49
async=on | off 43
callhome=enabled|disabled 48
cap=Gigabytes 43
Comment=User Comments 47
comname=CommunityName 49
contact=Contactname 50
cyls=Cylinders 43
duration=TimeInHrs 50
ess=EssId 43
esstraps=enabled|disabled 50
host=HostName 43
init=WwName 43
iprange=filterIPAddress 47
label=VolLabel 43
location=SystemLocation 50
lss=LssId1,... 44
max=MaxEmails 49
max=MaxPager 49
max=MaxTraps 49
mibread=enabled|disabled 50
name=LogName 44
name=TaskName 44
newacclvl=NewAccessLevel 48
newaddr=EmailAddress 49
newcomments=NewUserComments 48
newhost=HostName 44
newinit=WwName 44
newiprange=IpRange 48
newphone=Phonenum 49
newpin=PinNum 49
newport=all | PortId1,... 44
newpwd=NewUserPwd 48
newpwd=PagerPwd 49
newtrigger=info|err|all|none 49
newtype=numeric|alphanum 49
newuser=NewUsrName 48
newuser=Username 49
pav=all | VolId | VolId ... 47
pav=VolId 44
pepwd=reset 49
phone=PhoneNum 49
pin=PinNum 49
placement=seq | spread 44
ports=all | PortId1,... 44
prodid=ProblemID 48
profile=ProfileName 45
protocol=FCP | FICON 46
Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004

arguments, Storage Management CLI (continued)

pwd=NewUserPwd 48
pwd=pagerPwd 48
qty=Quantity 46
redundancy=raid5 | raid10 | nonraid 46
remoteacc=enabled|disabled 48
srclss=LssId 46
status=enabled|disabled 49
svcpwd=ServicePwd 48
test=yes|no 49
topology=undefined | P2P | FCAL 47
traps=enabled|disabled 50
trigger=info|err|all|none 49
user=Username 48
voltype=VolType 47
volume=all | unassigned | assigned | VolId1,... 47
vs=VsId1,... 47

Canadian compliance statement 132
class A compliance statement, Taiwan 133
CLI (command-line interface)
Copy Services CLI
command 95
messages 113
Storage Management CLI
command 25
messages 79
return codes 79
CLI operating limitations 1
command-line interface (CLI)
Copy Services CLI
command 95
messages 113, 116
Storage Management CLI
command 25
messages 79
return codes 79
commands, Copy Services CLI
description 95
guidelines 95
examples 99
flags 98
parameters 98
syntax 98
examples 101
flags 100
parameters 100
syntax 99
examples 102
flags 102
parameters 102
syntax 102


commands, Copy Services CLI (continued)

examples 104
flags 104
parameters 104
syntax 103
examples 107
flags 106
parameters 106
syntax 105
examples 111
flags 109
parameters 109
syntax 109
examples 112
flags 112
parameters 112
syntax 112
commands, Storage Management CLI
arguments 43
description 25
examples 50
flags 34
guidelines 25
parameters 34
syntax 26
communications statement 131
compliance statement
Canadian 132
European community 132
German 132
Industry Canada 132
Japanese 133
Korean 133
radio frequency energy 131
Taiwan class A 133
console mode
removing 12
Copy Services CLI
command descriptions 95
descriptions of commands 95
a 98, 100, 104, 106, 109
b 98, 100, 104, 106, 110
d 104
f 100, 106
m 106, 110
p 98, 100, 104, 106, 110
q 100, 107
s 98, 100, 104, 107, 110, 112
t 110
u 99, 101, 104, 107, 111
v 99, 101, 104, 107, 111, 112
guidelines 95
Compaq Tru64 host system 116
HP-UX host system 116


ESS CLI Users Guide

Copy Services CLI (continued)

messages (continued)
IBM AIX host system 116
IBM NUMA-Q host system 116
Novell Netware host system 116
OpenVMS Alpha host system 113
Red Hat Linux host system 116
Sun Solaris host system 116
SuSE Linux host system 116
Windows 2000 Datacenter system 116
Windows 2000 host system 116
Windows NT 4.0 host system 116
backupserver 98, 100, 104, 106, 110
filename 100, 106
hostname 104
minutes 110
password 98, 100, 104, 106, 110
primaryserver 98, 100, 104, 107, 110, 112
securityfilepath 98, 100, 104, 106, 109
tasknames 98, 110
threshold 110
username 99, 101, 104, 107, 111
volumename 100, 107
syntax 98, 99, 103, 105, 109, 112
troubleshooting 123
checking communication link 125
checking server status 125
OpenVMS Alpha host system 127
testing server connection 123
verifying server configuration 123
verifying volume allocation 126
create email 42
create hostconnection 38, 41
create pager 42
create pav 39
create perfstats 41
create snmp 42
create volumeaccess 40
create volumespace 40
create webuseraccount 41

delete email 42
delete hostconnection 38
delete pager 42
delete PAV 39
delete perfstats 41
delete problem 43
delete snmp 42
delete volume 39
delete volumeaccess 40
delete volumespace 40
delete webuseraccount 41
disability 135

electronic emission notices 131
European Community Compliance statement 132

extended format 34

FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
statement 131
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
statement 131
Copy Services CLI
a 98, 100, 104, 106, 109
b 98, 100, 104, 106, 110
d 104
f 100, 106
m 106, 110
p 98, 100, 104, 106, 110
q 100, 107
s 98, 100, 104, 107, 110, 112
t 110
u 99, 101, 104, 107, 111
v 99, 101, 104, 107, 111, 112
Storage Management CLI
-? 34
-a 34
-b 35
-d 35
-fmt 35
-h 36
-hdr 36
-help 36
-key 36
-nohdr 36
-norefresh 34
-nossl 36
-nov 36
-p 36
-refresh 34
-s 36
-u 38
-v 38

German compliance statement 132

Industry Canada compliance statement 132
console mode 5
installing 5
Installshield mode 12
Open VMS 19
preparing 1
silent mode 3
Installshield mode
installing 12
removing 17

Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference
(VCCI) Class A statement 133

Korean Ministry of Information and Communication
(MIC) statement 133

legal notices 129
LIC level 24
license information code level 24
list diskgroup 38
list featurecode 41
list hostconnection 38
list log 39
list pav 39
list perfstats 41
list port 39
list pprcpaths 39
list problem 43
list server 39
list task 39
list volume 40
list volumeaccess 40
list volumespace 40
list webuseraccount 41

Copy Services CLI
Compaq Tru64 host system 116
HP-UX host system 116
IBM AIX host system 116
IBM NUMA-Q host system 116
Novell Netware host system 116
OpenVMS Alpha host system 113
Red Hat Linux host system 116
Sun Solaris host system 116
SuSE Linux host system 116
Windows 2000 Datacenter system 116
Windows 2000 host system 116
Windows NT 4.0 host system 116
Storage Management CLI
client-side error 92
communication error 83
parameter error 80
return codes 79
server exception 90
timeout error 84
user error 85
version mismatch 84

Canadian 132


notices (continued)
electronic emission 131
European community 132
FCC statement 131
German 132
Japanese 133
Korean 133
legal 129
statement 129
Taiwan 133

Open VMS
installing 19
removing 24
OpenVMS Alpha host system, messages 113
operating systems
supported 1

Copy Services CLI
backupserver 98, 100, 104, 106, 110
filename 100, 106
hostname 104
minutes 110
password 98, 100, 104, 106, 110
primaryserver 98, 100, 104, 107, 110, 112
securityfilepath 98, 100, 104, 106, 109
tasknames 98, 100, 104, 107, 110
threshold 110
username 99, 101, 104, 107, 111
volumename 100, 107
Storage Management CLI
AccessFile 34
BackupAddr 35
create email 42
create hostconnection 38, 41
create pager 42
create pav 39
create perfstats 41
create snmp 42
create volume 39
create volumeaccess 40
create volumespace 40
create webuseraccount 41
delete email 42
delete hostconnection 38
delete pager 42
delete PAV 39
delete perfstats 41
delete problem 43
delete snmp 42
delete volumeaccess 40
delete volumespace 40
delete webuseraccount 41
format 35
KeyName 36
list diskgroup 38


ESS CLI Users Guide

parameters (continued)
Storage Management CLI (continued)
list featurecode 41
list hostconnection 38
list log 39
list pav 39
list perfstats 41
list port 39
list pprcpaths 39
list problem 43
list server 39
list task 39
list volume 40
list volumeaccess 40
list volumespace 40
list webuseraccount 41
name=value 35
Password 36
ServerAddr 36
set email 42
set hostconnection 39
set pager 42
set port 39
set remotesupport 42
set snmp 42
set volume 40
set webuseraccount 41
show email 42
show pager 42
show problem 43
show remotesupport 42
show snmp 42
show task 39
UserName 38
installation 1

radio frequency energy compliance statement 131
console mode 12
Installshield mode 17
Open VMS 24
silent mode 5
return codes, Storage Management CLI
client-side error 92
communication error 83
messages 79
parameter error 80
server exception 90
timeout error 84
user error 85
version mismatch 84
rsExecuteTask 97
rsFlashCopyQuery 99
rsList2105s 102
rsPrimeServer 103
rsQuery 105
rsQueryComplete 109
rsTestConnection 111

set email 42
set hostconnection 39
set pager 42
set port 39
set remotesupport 42
set snmp 42
set volume 40
set webuseraccount 41
show email 42
show pager 42
show problem 43
show remotesupport 42
show snmp 42
show task 39
silent mode
installing 3
removing 5
simple format 34
statement of compliance
Canada 132
European 132
Federal Communications Commission 131
Japan 133
Korean Ministry of Information and Communication
(MIC) 133
Taiwan 133
Storage Management CLI
accfile=Accessfile 48
acclvl=admin | config | op | view 47
addr=EmailAddress 49
addr=IpAddr1, IpAddr2, ... 49
async=on | off 43
callhome=enabled|disabled 48
cap=Gigabytes 43
Comment=User Comments 47
comname=CommunityName 49
contact=Contactname 50
cyls=Cylinders 43
duration=TimeInHrs 50
ess=EssId 43
esstraps=enabled|disabled 50
host=HostName 43
init=WwName 43
iprange=filterIPAddress 47
label=VolLabel 43
location=SystemLocation 50
lss=LssId1,... 44
max=MaxEmails 49
max=MaxPager 49
max=MaxTraps 49
mibread=enabled|disabled 50
name=LogName 44
name=TaskName 44
newacclvl=NewAccessLevel 48
newaddr=EmailAddress 49
newcomments=NewUserComments 48
newhost=HostName 44
newinit=WwName 44
newiprange=IpRange 48

Storage Management CLI (continued)

arguments (continued)
newphone=Phonenum 49
newpin=PinNum 49
newport=all | PortId1,... 44
newpwd=NewUserPwd 48
newpwd=PagerPwd 49
newtrigger=info|err|all|none 49
newtype=numeric|alphanum 49
newuser=NewUsrName 48
newuser=Username 49
pav=all | VolId | VolId ... 47
pav=VolId 44
pepwd=reset 49
phone=PhoneNum 49
pin=PinNum 49
placement=seq | spread 44
ports=all | PortId1,... 44
prodid=ProblemID 48
profile=ProfileName 45
protocol=FCP | FICON 46
pwd=NewUserPwd 48
pwd=pagerPwd 48
qty=Quantity 46
redundancy=raid5 | raid10 | nonraid 46
remoteacc=enabled|disabled 48
srclss=LssId 46
status=enabled|disabled 49
svcpwd=ServicePwd 48
test=yes|no 49
topology=undefined | P2P | FCAL 47
traps=enabled|disabled 50
trigger=info|err|all|none 49
user=Username 48
voltype=VolType 47
volume=all | unassigned | assigned |
VolId1,... 47
vs=VsId1,... 47
command 25
description 25
-? 34
-a 34
-b 35
-d 35
-debug 38
-fmt 35
-h 36
-hdr 36
-help 36
-key 36
-nodebug 38
-nohdr 36
-norefresh 34
-nossl 36
-nov 36
-p 36
-refresh 34
-s 36
-ssl 38
-u 38


Storage Management CLI (continued)

flags (continued)
-v 38
guidelines 25
messages 79
AccessFile 34
BackupAddr 35
create email 42
create hostconnection 38, 41
create pager 42
create pav 39
create perfstats 41
create snmp 42
create volume 39
create volumeaccess 40
create volumespace 40
create webuseraccount 41
delete email 42
delete hostconnection 38
delete pager 42
delete PAV 39
delete perfstats 41
delete problem 43
delete snmp 42
delete volumeaccess 40
delete volumespace 40
delete webuseraccount 41
format 35
KeyName 36
list diskgroup 38
list featurecode 41
list hostconnection 38
list log 39
list pav 39
list perfstats 41
list port 39
list pprcpaths 39
list problem 43
list server 39
list task 39
list volume 40
list volumeaccess 40
list volumespace 40
list webuseraccount 41
name=value 35
Password 36
ServerAddr 36
set email 42
set hostconnection 39
set pager 42
set port 39
set remotesupport 42
set snmp 42
set volume 40
set webuseraccount 41
show email 42
show pager 42
show problem 43
show remotesupport 42
show snmp 42


ESS CLI Users Guide

Storage Management CLI (continued)

parameters (continued)
show task 39
UserName 38
return codes 79
syntax 26

Taiwan class A compliance statement 133
trademarks 130
Copy Services CLI 123
checking communication link 125
checking server status 125
OpenVMS Alpha host system 127
testing server connection 123
verifying server configuration 123
verifying volume allocation 126

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