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Review article



Department of Internal and Agricultural Medicine and Institute of Pharmacology,
Jagiellonian University School of Medicine, Cracow, Poland
Prolactin (PRL) is a hormone mainly secreted by the anterior pituitary. Recent studies have shown that it may also be
produced by many extrapituitary cells. The PRL gene expression is controlled by two independent promoter regions,
which may be differentially regulated in the pituitary and extrapituitary organs. Proteolytic modifications of PRL
generate variants of the hormone. A 16 kDa PRL fragment, acting through a specific receptor, has both an antiangiogenic
activity as well as an inhibitory effect on tumor growth. Stimulation of the PRL receptor involves many signal
transduction pathways, for example JAK2/STAT, MAPK, c-src and Fyn kinase cascade, and these pathways may vary
in different tissues. PRL synthesis and secretion is mainly regulated by the inhibitory influence of dopamine but other
hormones are also involved in these mechanisms. The essential biological action of PRL is the stimulation of
lactogenesis and galactopoesis. Apart from its classical functions, PRL affects other aspects of human body function
including osmoregulation, metabolism and regulation of the immune and the central nervous system.
Hyperprolactinemia is a common syndrome affecting both men and women. It is manifested by the presence of
galactorrhoea and through the symptoms of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Following on from the fact that PRL has
so many pleiotropic tissue specific effects it is not surprising to learn that hyperprolactinaemia is a systemic condition
which may predispose to numerous cardiovascular and immune-mediated reactions. The exact effects of PRL on both
immune and cardiovascular systems are being currently unraveled and may lead to the introduction of novel therapeutic
approaches in the future.
K e y w o r d s : prolactin, immune system, endothelium function, metabolic effects, hormonal influence, central nervous system

Prolactin (PRL) is a 23 kDa hormone composed of 199
amino acids forming a single polypeptide chain with three
intramolecular disulfide bonds. It is produced by the anterior
pituitary gland and has been primarily identified as a major
stimulating factor for lactation in the postpartum period (1).
However, apart from its classical functions this hormone affects
other aspects of human homeostasis, including osmoregulation,
metabolism and regulation of both the immune and the nervous
systems. In the present review we will focus on these important
"pleiotropic" effects of prolactin and the mechanisms of its
actions. The potential clinical importance of prolactin will be
also discussed.
PRL is mainly secreted by the lactotrophs, cells that
constitute 20-50% of the anterior pituitary cells. There are also
many extrapituitary sources of PRL, including lymphocytes,

skin fibroblasts, the brain, the breast, the decidua, and prostate
and adipose tissue cells (2-6).
The prolactin gene in humans is located on chromosome 6
and is composed of 5 exons and 5 introns. The transcription of
this gene is regulated by two independent promoter regions. In
the pituitary gland transcription starts from the promoter of the 1b
exon. The second promoter, that of the 1a non-coding exon (also
named the "0" exon), is active in the extrapituitary organs (3, 7),
and thus is very important for the pleiotropic actions of PRL. The
extrapituitary transcript of the PRL gene is 150 nucleotides
longer than that of the pituitary PRL mRNA, due to the presence
of the non-coding exon 1a (8). Products of PRL mRNA
translation (proPRL) are found to be of the same length in both
the pituitary and in other tissues as the initiation site of translation
is localized within the exon 1b transcript. The two promoters
have different regulatory elements. The promoter of the 1b exon
is mainly controlled by the Pit-1 transcription factor (1, 9). Acting
together with Pit-1, some other transcription factors such as the
complex of the estradiol-estrogen receptor or the nuclear factorB (NF-B) may activate PRL gene transcription in the 1b exon
promoter (10, 11). The upstream extrapituitary promoter of the 1a
exon has not been extensively characterized and defined so far.

Some data indicate the role of cAMP and protein kinase A in the
activation of this promoter. (12).
While transcriptional regulation of PRL expression is
important, a large part of the differential effects of PRL variants
result also from either posttranslational modifications or from the
alternative splicing of mRNA. The presence of PRL variants may
be responsible for some of the pleiotropic actions of this hormone.
There are several mechanisms regulating the generation of these
molecules. Cathepsin D-like protease processing of the PRL
results in the formation of a 16 kDa fragment. This 16 kDa variant
has a much lower affinity to the classical PRL receptor than the
native form of PRL. However, this short form of PRL is
responsible for numerous effects in endothelial cells, which have
a specific receptor for this variant. These effects include inhibition
of proliferation and migration of the endothelial cells (13-15) as
well as an anti-angiogenic influence, or an inhibition of tumor
growth (13, 16, 17). Other forms of post-translational processing
include proteolytic cleavage by kallikrein, which results in a 22
kDa PRL fragment. However, no specific actions of this protein
have been identified so far (9, 18).
The PRL polypeptides also undergo glycosylation,
phosphorylation, or deamidation that reduce their biological
activity. PRL can form dimers, polymers, and aggregates as well.
These three forms, however, demonstrate lower biological
activity and are likely to participate in the storage, modification,
and release of PRL (9, 19).
The diversity of PRL actions is made possible not only
through the posttranslational modification of the molecule but
also due to the diversity of the PRL receptors. The classical
prolactin receptor (PRLR) is a member of the class 1 cytokine
receptor superfamily, and is expressed in various tissues
including mammary gland, gonads, liver, kidney, adrenal gland,
brain, heart, lung, pituitary gland, uterus, skeletal muscle, skin
and the immune system cells. The human PRLR gene is located
in chromosome 5 and contains 11 exons. These include the 5
alternative first exons E11 to E15. Each of them has its own
tissue-specific promoter. Exons 4-11 are coding exons, whereas
exon 2 is a non-coding one. Sequences from exon 11 onwards

are present solely in the short PRLR forms. Translation starts

within exon 3.
Several isoforms of PRLR have been described, that result
from alternative splicing and from proteolytic cleavage. The
most common isoforms of PRLR are: the full length activating
receptor - long form (LF), intermediate (IF) and short (SF),
including the soluble isoform of PRLR known as the PRLR
binding protein, which results from the proteolytic cleavage of
the membrane-bound PRLR. These PRLR isoforms have a
different cytoplasmic domain and show certain functional
differences (9, 20).
PRLR consists of a single transmembrane domain, a ligandbinding extracellular domain and a cytoplasmic domain required
for signal transduction (Fig. 1). Within the cytoplasmic part of
PRLR there is a proline rich BOX-1 domain - the JAK-2 kinase
docking site.
Signal transduction consists of the binding of the ligand- the
PRL to the receptor, forming a ligand-receptor complex and
subsequent receptor dimerisation (Fig. 2). The JAK-2 tyrosine
kinase, constitutively associated with the PRLR cytoplasmic
domain, is autophosphorylated. This results in JAK-2 activation
and in the phosphorylation of the tyrosine residues located in the
intracellular domain of the long and the intermediate PRLR
isoform. These isoforms, activated by the tyrosine residues
phosphorylation, bind to the STAT protein. STAT proteins
(STAT1, STAT3 and mainly STAT5) are a major transducer in
cytokine receptor signaling. They undergo phosphorylation and
can form homodimers (two phosphorylated proteins) or
heterodimers (a phosphorylated protein binds to an
unphosphorylated one). The STAT dimers translocate to the
nucleus, where they regulate the expression of numerous
different genes (i.e. -casein, -lactoglobulin , whey acidic
protein, interferon-regulatory factor-1 and others) by binding to
the gamma-interferon-activated sequences. PRLR can involve
other signal transduction pathways as well. Phosphorylated
tyrosines can serve as docking sites for adaptor proteins
(Shc/Grb2/SOS) that bind the receptor to the mitogen activated
protein kinase (MAPK) cascade. Activation of c-src and Fyn
kinase cascade is also possible (9, 20, 21). The three PRLR
isoforms are able to activate JAK-2 but the short isoform does
not undergo phosphorylation (22).
Cell proliferation is stimulated by the activation of the long
PRLR isoform and, to a lesser degree, by the activation of the

Fig. 1. Prolactin receptor.


Fig. 2. Signal transduction pathways of the prolactin

receptor activation.
intermediate isoform, whereas the activation of the short isoform
suppresses the effects of long- and intermediate- isoform
activation. It has been shown that SF-PRLR forms inactive
complexes with other PRLR isoforms , producing heterodimers
unable to stimulate JAK-2 autophosphorylation (23).The SFPRLR functions as a dominant negative isoform, inhibiting the
activation of milk protein gene transcription by the receptor
complex through heterodimerisation (24, 25).
Major control of PRL synthesis and secretion is based on the
inhibitory effect of dopamine, produced in the arcuate and
paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus. Dopamine is
conveyed along the axons to the median eminence nerve endings,
where it is released to the capillaries of the portal vessel system.
This process enables the dopamine to reach the anterior pituitary
lobe in order to inhibit PRL release by binding to the D2 receptor
of the pituitary lactotroph cells (adenylyl cyclase-linked dopamine
receptor). PRL secretion is pulsatile and is paced by a circadian
rhythm. The lowest levels are observed in the morning about 2-3
hours after waking up and the highest - during sleep (26-28). PRL
serum concentration is higher in women than in men. The level of
the hormone increases during ovulation. (29, 30).
There are numerous substances regulating the secretion of
PRL, both stimulating and inhibiting ones. Some mediators act
upon the lactotrophs directly but others influence the PRL
secretion via the dopamine neurons of the hypothalamus.
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), ghrelin, vasoactive
intestinal polypeptide (VIP), angiotensin II, estradiol,
endogenous opioids, but also serotonin, vasopressin,
neurotensin, bombesin, substance P, oxytocin, neuropeptide Y,
galanin and calcitonin can all stimulate PRL secretion (31-37).
On the other hand, dopamine as well as noradrenaline, gammaaminobutyric acid, serotonin, histamine, somatostatin, granin,
cholecystokinine, orexin-A, cortistatin and nitrogen oxide exert
inhibitory effects (38-43).
For there to be a increase of the PRL level during lactation,
sleep, stress, and after estrogen administration requires the
presence of a releasing factor for this hormone. The nature of

this factor, however has not been conclusively identified. PRL

concentration increases rapidly within one hour after the
consumption of a meal in healthy individuals and in pregnant
women but not in patients suffering from a PRL-releasing
pituitary tumor (prolactinoma). The mechanism of this
phenomenon is yet unknown.
During pregnancy, increasing estrogen secretion stimulates
the growth and proliferation of the lactotrophs; as a result, PRL
secretion increases. In pregnant women the pituitary gland
doubles in size, and intensively secreted PRL prepares the
mammary gland for the postpartum lactation. At the same time,
the high estrogens concentration inhibits the lactotropic effect of
PRL in the mammary gland. This results in the initiation of
lactation after delivery when estrogens fall to nonpregnant levels.
In the lactation period, each nipple stimulation by the suckling
infant causes a substantial, short-term increase of PRL secretion
which is based on a neuro-humoral axis. The control of sucklinginduced prolactin secretion is not fully clear. In response to
suckling stimulation opioid neurons of the hypothalamus are
activated (44). The released opioids decrease the dopamine
secretion in the hypothalamus and it relieves the lactotroph cells
from dopaminergic inhibition (45). Prolactin releasing factors are
also involved in the mechanism of the suckling-reflex:
vasopressin, oxytocin and TRH are proposed (46-48).
Lactotrophic effects
During pregnancy PRL together with estradiol,
progesterone, placental lactogen, insulin and cortisol exerts a
mammotropic effect manifested by mammary gland growth and
development (49-51). In addition, PRL initiates postpartum milk
synthesis (a lactogenic effect) and maintains its secretion - a
galactopoietic effect (51).
Metabolic effects and influence to action of other hormones
While the lactotrophic role of PRL is unquestionably the
most important, numerous other actions were observed.

PRL influences the gonads either directly or indirectly. Its
direct action results in a decreased sensitivity of the luteinizing
hormone (LH) and of the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
receptors in the gonads (20, 52). The indirect effect is exerted by
a reduction of gonadoliberine (GnRH) secretion, more specifically
by its pulsatile secretion inhibition caused by opiate system
stimulation. Consequently, suppressed LH and FSH secretion
inhibits ovulation (53-58). In the cases of hyperprolactinemia a
hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism is observed.
Apart from the effects on other hormones of pituitarygonadal axis, numerous other various biological functions of
PRL have been identified in many aspects of physiological and
metabolic processes.
In mammals, it stimulates phospholipid synthesis in the
alveolar cells of the fetal lung (59) and also stimulates
lipoprotein lipase activity in hepatocytes (60). It increases bile
secretion as well (61). The direct action of PRL on the pancreas
results in augmented insulin secretion (62). PRL is also reported
to have a direct effect on adrenal steroidogenesis. It increases
androgens, dihydroepiandorsterone (DHEA), and also cortisol
and aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex cells (1, 20).
Osmoregulatory effects
In mammals PRL is involved in osmoregulation. It reduces
renal Na+ and K+ excretion and stimulates Na+-K+ adenosine
triphosphatase activity in the outer medulla of the rat kidney (63,
64). Newer investigations show that PRL has an inhibitory effect
on Na+-K+-ATPase of rat proximal tubular cells via interaction
with renal dopaminergic system (65, 66). Furthermore, PRL
increases sodium and chloride ion excretion with sweat and
increases water and salt absorption in all segments of the
intestine. Ultimately, it causes a reduction of water transport in
the human amniotic membrane (1, 20).
Influence of prolactin on the immunological system
As discussed above, apart from being produced in the
anterior pituitary, PRL is produced by lymphocytes and some
other immune cells (67, 68). Prolactin receptors (PRL-R) are
situated on the immune cells: T-lymphocytes, B-cells and
macrophages (68). Moreover structurally PRL-R is related to the
cytokine/hematopoetin family which includes the growth
hormone (GH), the granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating
factor (GM-CSF), the erythropoietin, and the interleukin (IL)-2,
IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-9, IL-13 and IL-15 receptors (68).
The autocrine and the paracrine actions of PRL locally
synthesized by lymphocytes seem to have functional significance
(68). In vitro investigations of human mononuclear cell cultures
have shown that PRL alone is unable to induce proliferation of
lymphocytes. However PRL acts as a co-stimulating factor for T
lymphocytes, activated by an unspecific mitogen (concanavalin
A) or by antigen presentations (68). The addition of neutralizing
antibodies against PRL to the peripheral mononuclear cell
cultures significantly decreases the activation and proliferation of
T-lymphocytes (68). It indicates that PRL is secreted locally by
activated and proliferating T-cells and that it affects the
proliferation on the basis of a positive reciprocal circuit (68).
Targets for PRL actions in lymphocytes have been recently
identified. Stimulation of PRL receptors in T-lymphocytes induces
expression of the transcription factor T-bet through the
phosphorylation of JAK-2 and STAT5 (but no STAT1). That effect
was induced by a low concentration of PRL in the T-cells culture.
T-bet is a key transcription factor for the production of Th1 type
cytokines such as interferon. Therefore through its effect on TH1lymphocytes PRL may promote T helper actions and stimulate
participation of T-cells in inflammatory reactions (69).

Interestingly while low concentrations of PRL caused stimulation

of T-bet, use of high concentrations of prolactin and exposure of T
cells caused inhibition of the phosphorylation of STAT5 and
decrease of the T-bet transcription by induction of suppressors of
cytokine signaling (SOCS) 1 and 3. This may indicate that high
concentrations of PRL inhibit proinflammatory activation of T
helper lymphocytes (69).
In many cases of autoimmune diseases (for example multiple
sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis) the severity of the disease is
alleviated or even remitted during pregnancy (70, 71). This fact
could be in part attributed to the fact that there is a very elevated
serum level of PRL in pregnancy but we must remember about
changes of multiple other hormones (in particular estrogens). In
the first three months after delivery when the serum level of PRL
is elevated but significantly lower than in pregnancy the disease
commonly relapses (72). In line with this it is often characteristic
for the initiation of autoimmune diseases to occur in the early
periods after pregnancy has ended (70, 71).
Autoimmune diseases are associated with moderate
hyperprolactinemia. It occurs in 45% of subjects with rheumatoid
arthritis; 20-30% of those with systemic lupus erythematosus; 59%
of patients with scleroderma and 46% of those with Sjgren
syndrome (74). However when there was an attempt made to lower
the PRL levels in these patients with bromocriptine, this couse of
action did not seem to affect the course of those diseases (74). This
might question the key importance of PRL in the immune mediated
diseases. At the same time, however, it may indicate that PRL plays
a role in the initiation of the autoimmune reactions, rather than at
later stages of fully developed clinical syndromes.
In parallel to the above observations, autoantibodies (natissDNA; anti-dsDNA, antihistons, anti-Sm, anti-RNP and others)
are more often present in hyperprolactinemic patients than in
healthy controls (75). In Buskila et al. study as many as 75.7 %
examined women with hyperprolacinemia presented various
autoantibodies in serum (75).
Therefore the effect of PRL action on the immunological
system requires further studies and analysis. The final result of
PRL influence depends on the local production by
immunocompetent cells and the local concentration of PRL and
other hormonal factors and cytokines. To summarize generally
the effects of PRL depend on concentration and are
immunostimulatory at modest levels and may be inhibitory at
high levels achieved during pregnancy.
Effects of prolactin on central nervous system regeneration
The influence of PRL on central nervous system (CNS)
repair has been recently discussed, especially in the context of
multiple sclerosis. Studies in mice with chemically-damaged
myelin have shown that injections of PRL caused enhanced
remyelination (76). PRL and the growth hormone (GH) promote
neuronal stem cells (NSCs) migration via the process of PRL
receptors activation, (whereby the GH is able to activate both its
own receptor and PRLR). Both hormones also stimulate
proliferation of NSCs (77). When applied to differentiating
NSCs , PRL and GH induce neuronal progenitor proliferation,
but only prolactin has proliferative effects on glial progenitors
(77). Prolactin also influences other steps of neurogenesis. It
promotes proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells, which
bestows an enhanced capacity to generate oligodendrocytes and
induce myelination in CNS (76, 78). These observations are
another hope for patients with demyelinative diseases.
Prolactin and cardiovascular system
PRL with other humoral factors may play a role in the
pathogenesis of primary and pregnancy-induced hypertension

(79-85). This may be related to the vasoconstrictive actions of
PRL. In animals (guinea pigs), intravenous infusion of PRL
caused coronary, mesenteric, renal and iliac artery constriction
(86). Another study showed that PRL directly stimulated
vasoconstriction in an isolated rat aorta although this was not
related to the modifications of the basal levels of nitric oxide
(NO) (87). Clinical studies support these observations. PRL
blood levels are higher in patients with essential hypertension
(79, 80). The antihypertensive effect of bromocriptine suggests
that the dopaminergic system and PRL are both involved in the
mechanisms of blood pressure elevation and hypertension (79,
80). One of the studies found that high-serum PRL levels are
associated with pregnancy-induced hypertension and
preeclampsia (88), but other studies have failed to demonstrate
such an association (89, 90). On the other hand, urinary PRL
exertion is markedly elevated in preeclampsia and that parameter
is a reliable biomarker for preeclampsia and its severity (91).
PRL and its cleaved 16 kDa derivate play a role in the
pathogenesis of peripartum cardiomyopathy (92). 16 kDa PRL is
an antiangiogenetic and proapoptopic factor (13, 14, 93).
Hilfiker-Kleiner et al. used female mice which were developing
peripartum cardiomyopathy, showed elevated cardiac cathepsin
D expression and activity, both of which are associated with an
enhanced generation of 16kDa PRL. This variant of cleaved
prolactin may be responsible for cardiac capillary network
impairment and for the development of cardiomyopathy (92).
Treatment with an inhibitor of PRL secretion (bromocriptine,
cabergoline) causes recovery in patients with peripartum
cardiomyopathy (94, 95).
Moreover, Horrobin et al. demonstrated the influence of
PRL on heart rhythm. Studies using isolated rat hearts with
coronary circulations perfused by PRL solution revealed that
perfusion with a moderate concentration of PRL (50 ng/ml)
caused cardiac rhythm acceleration, but the perfusion of a high
concentration of PRL (200 ng/ml) caused heart rate to slow
down. Both doses of PRL caused disturbances in the cardiac
rhythm (96). There were however no clinical observations to
confirm of the presence of any arrhythmic tendencies in
hyperprolactinemic patients.
Some data also showed that PRL may play a role in
accelerated arteriosclerosis in early menopause, by affecting
blood pressure and arterial stiffness. In early menopausal women
the PRL level correlated with the arterial blood pressure, and
also with the central aortic systolic and diastolic blood pressures
and with the pulse wave velocity, a maker of aortic stiffness (97).
The results from Reuwer et al.'s research on the subject
demonstrates an association between hsCRP level and the serum
concentration of PRL in patients with acute myocardial
infarction. It suggests that prolactin is involved in the systemic
inflammatory response in these patients (98).
The presence of an elevated PRL serum level is a common
hormonal change in patients with chronic heart failure (99).
The PRL serum level is suggested to be one of the prognostic
factors in cases of chronic heart failure. Parissis et al. showed that
PRL levels were significantly correlated with the New York Heart
Association (NYHA) class and also with a reduction of left
ventricular ejection fraction and with plasma B-type natriuretic
peptide level (100). Higher prolatcin levels also predicted the
occurrence of cardiovascular events. Patients with baseline PRL
levels over 4.5 ng/ml had a significantly lower event-free survival
rate (100). In another study of patients with chronic kidney
disease, increased risk of cardiovascular events was reported.
This included risk increase of 27% in the group of nondialyzed
patients and by 15% in the group of hemodialyzed patients for
each 10 ng/ml incrementation of the PRL level (101).
Other studies, however, do not confirm the relationship
between the left ventricular impaired ejection fraction and the

PRL plasma level (99, 102, 103). Moreover in Landberg et al.

study of 462 elderly patients with chronic heart failure show no
correlation between the degree of PRL plasma concentration and
cardiovascular mortality or any clinical and biochemical
markers of the heart failure (102).
Physiological hyperprolactinaemia is essential for the survival
of human species, being the main causal factor of milk production
during pregnancy and lactation. Physiological functions that
influence hyperprolactinemia include nipple and uterine cervix
stimulation, the duration of both fetal and neonatal period, and
also the sleep, stress, exercise and food consumption (1).
There are two types of hyperprolactinaemias, with relation to
the etiopathogenesis: the organic or functional hyperprolactinemia.
Organic hyperprolactinaemia is mainly due to pituitary gland
tumors such as prolactinoma, growth hormone/PRL-secreting
adenoma and adrenocorticotropic hormone/PRL-secreting
adenoma. Another cause for organic hyperprolactinemia is the
damage to the dopaminergic neurons of the hypothalamus and the
pituitary stalk caused by diseases of the hypothalamus and the
pituitary such as granulomatous diseases (particularly
sarcoidosis), craniopharyngioma and other tumours, empty sella
syndrome, vascular malformations including aneurysms,
lymphocytic adenohypophysitis, pituitary metastases and
nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas compressing the pituitary
stalk (104-106).
Pathological functional hyperprolactinemia occurs in such
endocrinopathies as primary hypothyroidism and primary
adrenocortical insufficiency. Functional hyperprolactinemia also
occurs in hepatic cirrhosis, renal failure, lung cancer and renal
cell carcinoma. (104-108).
Pharmacological hyperprolactinemia can be induced by
drugs such as phenothiazines, butyrophenones, thioxantines,
metoclopramide, sulpiride, risperidone, methyldopa, reserpine,
estrogens, antiandrogens, opiates, antihistaminic (cimetidine),
monoamine oxidase inhibitors and verapamil (54, 109, 110). It
should be noted, that hyperprolactinemia can also occurs
idiopathically, without any discernible reason. In such cases it
is referred to as an idiopathic functional hyperprolactinemia
(111, 112).
The clinical manifestations of hyperprolactinemia are
variable and differ between women and men. In women clinical
signs of hyperprolactinemia are primarily related to reproduction
and include: anovulatory cycles (caused by inhibition of LH and
FSH pulsatile secretion), oligo- and amenorrhoea, infertility
(due to hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism), galactorrhoea,
dyspareunia, premenstrual syndrome, hirsutism (dependent on
increased adrenocortical androgens releasing ), tendency to
anxiety and depression. Osteoporosis or osteopenia occurs due
to an indirect decrease in estrogens secretion and, as a
consequence of hypogonadisim, progressive atherosclerosis also
appears (104-106).
On the other hand, in men the symptoms of hyperprolactinemia
are subtle and therefore are often only diagnosed at advanced stage.
They include loss of libido, impotence, infertility (due to
hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism-dependent on a reduction of
LH and FSH pulsatile secretion), gynaecomastia (due to
hypogonadism and the mammotropic effect of PRL), galactorrhoea
(related to the lactotropic effect of PRL), atherosclerosis,
osteoporosis/osteopenia and a tendency to anxiety and depression
which are commonly-noted consequences of hypogonadism (104,
105, 107).
macroadenoma additional symptoms may aid in differential
diagnosis: hypopituitarism, headaches induced by elevated

intracranial pressure, optic chiasm compression with visual field
defects and compression of intracavernous segments of the
oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV), ophthalmic (V1), maxillary
(V2), abducens (VI) nerves with consequent diplopia and sella
enlargement (107).
Diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia
The diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia is based on repeated
findings (at least twice) of an elevation of PRL serum
concentration (above 20 ng/ml in women and 15 ng/ml in men).
Blood samples should be collected in the morning from the
patient in a fasting state, who should be in a comfortable setting
after a good night's sleep at least 2-3 hours after waking up
(samples drawn earlier may show sleep-induced peak levels).
The metoclopramide test is helpful in distinguishing between
organic and functional hyperprolactinemia. Metoclopramide
blocks D2 receptors in lactorphic cells of the anterior part of the
pituitary gland. Its action abolishes the inhibitory effect of
dopamine on the lactothrophs.
In order to perform the test, 10 mg of metoclopramide
should be administered orally and PRL level should be measured
after 0, 60, and 120 minutes. A 60- or 120-minute concentration
of the PRL level up to 6 times higher than the baseline is
considered normal. A PRL level that exceeds 6 times the baseline
value suggests functional hyperprolactinemia. If there is no
elevation or only a slight elevation of the primarily high PRL
concentration, to be observed, a diagnosis of prolactinoma
should be made and confirmed by tan MRI imaging of the
pituitary gland. In cases of damaged dopaminergic neurons of
the hypothalamus and the pituitary stalk, there is no response in
the metoclopramide test; however, after the administration of
exogenous TRH intravenously, the PRL level rises substantially.
Pregnancy and endocrinopathies leading to functional
hyperprolactinemia have to be excluded. If the patient's medical
history includes drug use, an unhealthy lifestyle and the
occurrence of kidney and liver diseases, these should be taken
into consideration (105-113).
In patients with clinical symptoms of hyperprolactinemia
and "normal" serum prolactin levels, the high-dose hook effect
needs to be considered. In that case large quantities of antigen
(PRL) in the immunoassay system impair antigen-antibody
binding, resulting in a low antigen (PRL) determination. The
correct estimate of serum prolactin is obtained after a dilution of
the serum sample (114, 115).
In other cases prolactin may bind to IgG and may form
immune complexes called macroprolactin (there are also
described forms containing IgA and IgM molecules or heavily
glycosated forms of macroprolactin). It is detected by the same
laboratory assays as prolactin, leading to a falsely elevated
prolactin concentration result. Macroprolactin is biologically
inactive. Presence of macroprolactin may lead to misdiagnosis
of hyperprolactinemia in some patients with symptoms of
menstrual problems or infertility. Polyethylene glycol
precipitation is the method of removing macroprolactin from a
suspicious sample (116-118).
A syndrome of hypoprolacinemia has not been exactly
characterized yet. Recent data have shown that
hypoprolactinemia may be associated with sexual dysfunction
such as premature ejaculation, changes in seminal quality
(oligozoospermia, asthenospermia), anxiety symptoms and the
metabolic syndrome (73, 119). Hypoprolactinemia accompanied
by lymphopenia and lymphoid depletion is observed in patients
with severe sepsis (120).

Potential clinical importance for the pleiotropic actions

of prolactin
Pleiotropic actions of PRL may be used in future in the
treatment of selected autoimmunological or cardiovascular
disorders. Novel drugs modulating PRL secretion and/or acting
on its receptor and the signal transduction pathways in
lymphocytes may be utilized. Moreover selected treatments
directed on the use of modulation of PRL levels has already been
introduced in cardiovascular practice. Decreasing of the PRL
level using dopaminergic agonists (bromocriptine, cabergoline)
is a new important method of therapy in cases of severe
peripartum cardiomyopathy. This application has been
documented in a few recent publications (94, 95) On the other
hand, hyperprolactinemia stimulates both production of myelin
and also the regeneration of the central nervous system (76-78).
This effect may turn out to be critical for novel therapies of
patients with degenerative diseases of the nervous system. The
antiangiogenetic action of 16 kDa PRL and its application in the
treatment of neoplasmatic tumors is being investigated now (16).
The universal acceptance of a method of treatment which uses
dopaminergic agonists in prevention of atherosclerosis in
hyperprolacinemic patients is being widely discussed (97). In
order to achieve this we need to further understand the exact
molecular mechanisms and clinical importance of pleiotropic
actions of prolactin, which seems to be holding a lot of promise
for future medicine.
Conflict of interests: None declared.
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R e c e i v e d : December 13, 2010
A c c e p t e d : September 18, 2012
Author's address: Dr Adam Ignacak, Department of Internal
and Agricultural Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical
College, J. Dietl Hospital, 1 Skarbowa Street, 31-121 Cracow,
E-mail: [email protected]

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