Koala Recovery Plan
Koala Recovery Plan
Koala Recovery Plan
(Phascolarctos cinereus)
November 2008
Executive summary ................................................................................................................ vii
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
Distribution ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Distribution in Australia........................................................................................... 14
Description ...................................................................................................................... 18
5.1 Taxonomy and identification ................................................................................... 18
5.2 Genetics.................................................................................................................... 18
Habitat .......................................................................................................................... 23
7.1 Species and size of trees present .............................................................................. 23
7.2 Structural diversity of the vegetation ....................................................................... 23
7.3 Soil nutrients ............................................................................................................ 23
7.4 Climate and rainfall.................................................................................................. 24
7.5 Size and disturbance history of the habitat patch..................................................... 24
Management issues......................................................................................................... 37
9.1 Historical threats to koalas ....................................................................................... 37
9.2 Current threats to koalas........................................................................................... 38
9.2.1 Habitat loss and fragmentation..................................................................... 38
9.2.2 Habitat degradation ...................................................................................... 38
9.2.3 Road kills...................................................................................................... 39
9.2.4 Dog attacks................................................................................................... 40
9.2.5 Fire ............................................................................................................... 40
9.2.6 Logging ........................................................................................................ 41
9.2.7 Disease ......................................................................................................... 42
9.2.8 Severe weather conditions............................................................................ 43
9.2.9 Swimming pools........................................................................................... 43
9.2.10 Overbrowsing............................................................................................... 43
9.3 Social and economic consequences and cultural issues ........................................... 44
9.4 Translocation............................................................................................................ 45
9.4.1 Genetics........................................................................................................ 46
9.4.2 Social structure............................................................................................. 46
9.4.3 Habitat and climate....................................................................................... 46
9.4.4 History.......................................................................................................... 47
9.4.5 Disease ......................................................................................................... 47
9.4.6 Habitat and threats........................................................................................ 47
9.4.7 Population viability analysis ........................................................................ 47
9.5 Species ability to recover ......................................................................................... 47
Recovery actions............................................................................................................. 50
Implementation............................................................................................................... 63
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................ 66
References ....................................................................................................................... 68
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Biological scores used for evaluation of the status of the koala in New .......
South Wales .................................................................................................... 95
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
DECC estate and state forests in which koalas have been recorded ....... 103
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
Table 1
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Executive summary
This document constitutes the formal New South Wales State Recovery Plan for the koala
(Phascolarctos cinereus) and considers the conservation requirements of the species across its
known range in NSW. It identifies actions to be taken to ensure the long-term viability of the
koala in nature and the parties who are responsible for undertaking these actions.
The koala is listed as a vulnerable species under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation
Act 1995. It is not listed under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999. Koalas were formerly widespread in NSW. Remaining populations
are concentrated on the central, mid-north and north coasts, and west of the divide in the
northern part of the state. Small and isolated populations also occur on the south and far south
coasts, and on the tablelands of the Great Dividing Range.
This recovery plan establishes a landscape-scale conservation framework using existing
legislative mechanisms for koala conservation and management. The plan provides a
framework for localised koala recovery efforts throughout NSW. The recovery actions are
aimed at updating and facilitating the implementation of existing legislation to improve
outcomes for conservation of koalas and their habitat; identifying areas of koala habitat and
prioritising on-ground management actions; identifying research actions; and increasing
awareness in the community, as well as within local, state and Commonwealth government
bodies regarding the management and conservation of koalas.
It is intended that this recovery plan will be implemented over a five year period. Actions will
be undertaken by the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change and a range of
recommended implementation partners. Several actions and initiatives are already underway.
Actions from this plan are also included in the NSW Priorities Action Statement, which
provides a comprehensive and overarching strategy for recovery of all threatened species in
NSW, and provides information to assist a range of regional organisations such as catchment
management authorities and local governments to implement koala conservation actions on
lands for which they have responsibility.
Director General
1 Introduction
The koala is an Australian icon and is recognised around the world. However, the koala has
suffered a dramatic decline in numbers and distribution since the arrival of Europeans.
Although not currently considered threatened on a national basis, the conservation status of
koalas varies throughout Australia. Having faced extinction in South Australia and Victoria in
the early 1900s, protective legislation and active intervention has seen koalas returned to
much of their former range as well as some areas where they were not previously recorded.
Surveys in New South Wales indicate that since 1949, populations of koalas have been lost
from many localities, particularly on the southern and western edges of their distribution
(Reed et al. 1990). Most populations in NSW now survive in fragmented and isolated habitat
(Reed et al. 1990) and many of the areas in which koalas are most abundant are subject to
intense and ongoing pressures, in particular clearing for agriculture and urban expansion.
Two actions in this plan already completed are the comprehensive survey of the koalas
current distribution in NSW and analysis of the survey results. This Koala Recovery Plan
outlines the current status of koalas in NSW, identifies the threats currently acting on the
species, details current efforts to conserve koalas and outlines the actions which are required
to aid the recovery of the species. The loss and degradation of habitat is the most significant
threat facing NSW koala populations. With the exception of those in the central west of the
state, the largest koala populations are in coastal areas north of Newcastle where habitat is
under increasing threat from urban development.
This plan encourages the use of established legislative mechanisms to conserve koala habitat
and provides advice for those implementing these mechanisms. It also identifies initiatives to
improve understanding of koala distribution, population numbers and habitat requirements in
NSW. The plan provides a framework for localised koala recovery efforts throughout the state
and aims to involve all stakeholders in the recovery process. The attainment of the objectives
of this recovery plan is subject to available funding. This plan has been substantially modified
from the draft recovery plan released in 2003, to take account of changes in natural resource
and biodiversity management arising from legislative reform and ongoing research.
Recovery plans
The NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC Act) provides that the Director
General of the Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) may prepare a
recovery plan for all species, populations and ecological communities listed as critically
endangered, endangered or vulnerable on the Schedules of the Act (other than species
presumed extinct). Part 4 of the TSC Act specifies matters to be included in a recovery plan
and the process for preparing recovery plans. This recovery plan satisfies these provisions. In
addition the TSC Act provides that the Director General must prepare a Priorities Action
Statement (PAS), which specifies the conservation strategies, and actions where known, to
recover all threatened species in New South Wales. Actions contained within this recovery
plan are summarised by the PAS, and this information is available from the NSW threatened
species website www.threatenedspecies.environment.nsw.gov.au.
Critical habitat
The TSC Act makes provision for the identification and declaration of critical habitat for
endangered species, populations and ecological communities, and critically endangered
species and ecological communities. Critical habitat is defined in the TSC Act as the whole
or any part or parts of the area or areas of land comprising the habitat of an endangered
species, population or ecological community or critically endangered species or ecological
community that is critical to the survival of the species, population or ecological community.
Once declared, it becomes an offence to damage critical habitat (unless the action is
specifically exempted by the TSC Act) and a species impact statement is mandatory for any
development, activity or action proposed within critical habitat, unless the impact is deemed
trivial or negligible by the Director General of DECC.
The koala is a vulnerable species under the TSC Act and as such its habitat cannot be listed as
critical habitat. Some populations of koalas have however been listed as endangered on the
TSC Act (currently Pittwater LGA and Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens) and these are eligible for
critical habitat listing if the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment is satisfied that
such declaration is warranted. The Recovery Plan for the Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens
Endangered Population includes an action to identify potential areas of critical habitat which
may then be recommended to the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment for
declaration, following consultation with the NSW Scientific Committee and the community.
As at November 2008, 33 key threatening processes are listed under the TSC Act. Of these,
Anthropogenic Climate Change, Clearing of Native Vegetation, Forest Eucalypt Dieback
associated with over-abundant psyllids and bell miners, High Frequency Fire Resulting in the
Disruption of Life Cycle Processes in Plants and Animals and Loss of Vegetation Structure
and Composition and Predation by the European Red Fox Vulpes vulpes are relevant to the
koala. In addition to these listed key threatening processes, a range of other processes are
recognised as threatening the survival of the koala in NSW (see Section 9 below).
Following amendments to Section 5A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act
1979 (EP&A Act) and Section 94 of the TSC Act, which came into effect on 1 November
2005, any actions which lead to the operation or intensification of impacts of a listed key
threatening process now require explicit consideration, in terms of whether they are likely to
have a significant impact on koala populations.
Recovery actions
Recovery actions are provided in Section 11 below. Section 69(1) of the TSC Act requires
that a public authority implement actions for which it is responsible and must not make
decisions that are inconsistent with the provisions in a recovery plan. The relevant public
authorities identified as responsible for the implementation of recovery actions in this
recovery plan are DECC and the Department of Planning (DoP). Actions identified within this
recovery plan are not binding on private landholders. However, it is anticipated that the
information provided in this recovery plan regarding the identification and management of
koala habitat will be incorporated into land management practices by other agencies, public
authorities and private landholders. Catchment management authorities (CMAs) have an
important role to play in working with private land managers to protect koalas and their
Where consent or approval is not required under Part 4 or Part 5 of the EP&A Act (see
below), the TSC Act requires consideration of the impact of a proposed action on threatened
species, populations and ecological communities and their habitat. Where a proposed action is
likely to result in the harming of koalas or damage to their habitat, there may be a need for a
licence under Section 91 of the TSC Act. If the impact is likely to be significant, a species
impact statement is required. There is a range of exemptions to this licensing requirement
including carrying out routine agricultural management activities; actions which are carried
out in accordance with a consent or approval under the EP&A Act; actions carried out in
accordance with a property vegetation plan approved by a CMA; and some actions granted an
approval by the Director General of DECC or for emergency actions authorised under the
Rural Fires Act 1997 or State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989.
The NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) provides for the
creation of environment planning instruments (EPIs) including state environmental planning
policies (SEPPs), regional environmental plans (REPs) and local environmental plans (LEPs).
Threatened species such as the koala must be considered when preparing draft EPIs. SEPP 44
(Koala Habitat Protection) was created to improve the protection of koala habitat (discussed
below). Areas of important koala habitat can also be protected under appropriate
environmental protection zoning in LEPs prepared under Part 3 of the EP&A Act.
Part of the legislative reform which has occurred since the Draft Koala Recovery Plan was
prepared in 2003 is a requirement for all local governments to prepare a comprehensive LEP
over the next five years. It is important that this opportunity is taken to identify areas of
conservation importance for koalas. Where it can be demonstrated that an EPI, such as an
LEP, maintains or improves biodiversity values, the Minister for Climate Change and the
Environment may grant the EPI biodiversity certification. This certification would remove the
need for actions carried out in accordance with the EPI to be subjected to the threatened
species assessment of significance. EPIs can be granted biodiversity certification for all or
part of a local government area and for some or all threatened species within that area.
Assessment of significance
Under the EP&A Act, it is the responsibility of the consent or determining authority to form a
view as to whether a proposed development or activity is likely to significantly affect koalas
or their habitat. This is achieved by undertaking an Assessment of Significance under
Section 5A of the EP&A Act. If the impact is deemed likely to be significant, a species impact
statement must be prepared. The concurrence of the Director General of DECC (or
consultation with the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment) must occur before
consent or approval is granted where a significant impact is deemed likely. Consent and
determining authorities are advised that it would be appropriate to give consideration to
relevant recovery plans when exercising a decision-making function under Parts 4 and 5 of
the EP&A Act. Therefore, consent and determining authorities should take into account the
recovery actions outlined in this plan when considering any activity which may affect koalas
or their habitat.
Since the Draft Koala Recovery Plan was prepared and exhibited the Assessment of
Significance factors have been modified. From 1 May 2006, all actions or developments must
be assessed under these modified factors and any assessment guidelines approved by the
Minister for Climate Change and the Environment and the Minister for Planning (guidelines
have been prepared and approved).
Guidelines for the assessment of impacts on koalas are to be prepared as an action of this
recovery plan (Action 1.23), and Action 1.21 requires DECC to provide advice to consent and
determining authorities to assist them in making determinations regarding koalas.
State Environmental Planning Policy 44 (SEPP 44) operates within the legislative framework
of the EP&A Act. The aim of SEPP 44 is to encourage the proper conservation and
management of areas of natural vegetation that provide habitat for koalas to ensure a
permanent free-living population over their present range and reverse the current trend of
koala population decline:
(a) by requiring the preparation of plans of management before development consent can be
granted in relation to areas of core koala habitat; and
(b) by encouraging the identification of areas of core koala habitat; and
(c) by encouraging the inclusion of areas of core koala habitat in environment protection
zones (Department of Planning 1995a).
SEPP 44 contains Schedule 1 Local Government Areas and Schedule 2 Koala Food Tree
Species. Circular B35 (Department of Planning 1995b) accompanies SEPP 44 and guides its
SEPP 44 encourages a coordinated and strategic approach to koala habitat management within
local government areas (LGAs) through the preparation of Comprehensive Koala Plans of
Management (CKPoM). CKPoMs can be prepared for the whole of the LGA or any part of
the LGA where important koala populations and/or koala habitat are under threat. In
CKPoMs, koala habitat is identified by community and field-based surveys and ranked in
terms of its quality (for example, primary, secondary and tertiary habitat).
SEPP 44 encourages the conservation of areas of important koala habitat through appropriate
land-use planning and management, including zonings and the use of incentives-based
voluntary conservation. CKPoMs also identify measures to address local threats to koalas and
make provision for koala habitat restoration and rehabilitation. In addition to this LGA-wide
approach, SEPP 44 requires that individual development applications (DAs) in Schedule 1
LGAs consider the presence of potential and core koala habitat where the area in question
is greater than one hectare. Potential koala habitat is defined as areas of native vegetation
where the trees of the types listed in Schedule 2 constitute at least 15% of the total number of
trees in the upper or lower strata of the tree component (Department of Planning 1995a).
Where potential habitat is identified, the area must be investigated for core koala habitat,
defined as an area of land with a resident breeding population of koalas, evidenced by
attributes such as breeding females and recent sightings and historical records of a population
(Department of Planning 1995a).
Where core koala habitat is found to occur, SEPP 44 requires that a site-specific Individual
Koala Plan of Management accompany any DA. Where a CKPoM has been prepared,
individual DAs need not include an Individual Koala Plan of Management, provided the DA
is consistent with the provisions of the CKPoM. Circular B35 (Department of Planning
1995b) provides details on the investigation and identification of potential and core koala
habitat and the preparation of Individual Koala Plans of Management.
The preparation of CKPoMs has a number of advantages over the preparation of individual
site-based plans of management. LGA-wide surveys, and the identification and ranking of
koala habitat, facilitates a coordinated and strategic approach to the protection, management
and restoration of koala habitat for the entire LGA. In addition, the CKPoM approach
facilitates the cooperation of government and non-government agencies (such as local
councils, DECC, DoP, conservation and industry groups), as well as involving the
community. The preparation of CKPoMs also reduces the resources required of councils,
DoP, DECC and proponents of development in preparing and assessing individual site-based
plans of management, particularly in LGAs which are undergoing urban expansion.
Additional benefits of this approach are detailed in Lunney et al. (2000a). Part-LGA CKPoMs
may be effective to target management and planning controls to those parts of the LGA which
are of particular importance to koalas and where the threats to koala habitat are greatest.
During the local government rezoning process, SEPP 44 requires that where potential koala
habitat is identified, investigations be undertaken to identify core koala habitat. If the area to
be rezoned supports core koala habitat, the Director General of DoP may require the
preparation of a local environmental study, particularly if the rezoning will allow a more
intensive land use. Circular B35 provides details on the inclusion of core koala habitat in
LEPs and the use of development control plans to protect such habitat.
As more information is gathered, it is clear that the definitions of koala habitat in SEPP 44 (as
promulgated in 1995) are not able to identify all habitat of importance to koalas. Currently,
the list of koala food trees in Schedule 2 which are used to identify potential koala habitat
comprises only 10 species. Given the considerably greater variety of food tree species used by
koalas across the state, the current Schedule 2 does not list all of the koala food trees which
are important for the survival of koalas throughout NSW. Consequently, habitat of importance
to koalas will not always be identified and adequate protection and management of koala
habitat does not always occur.
Action 1.7 of the Draft Koala Recovery Plan proposed that the NSW DoP recommend to the
Minister for Planning an update to Schedule 2 of SEPP 44 to reflect koala food tree
preferences across the state. Consideration of submissions on the Draft Koala Recovery Plan,
in combination with the governments reforms to the EP&A Act, the TSC Act, and native
vegetation and catchment management regulations, mean that these changes need to be reevaluated.
It is proposed that regional tree species lists (Appendix 2) be aligned to regions managed by
CMAs (see Action 1.14). It is further proposed that consideration could be given to
recognising other plans as meeting the intent of CKPoMs and standing in their stead. Such
plans may include regional recovery plans developed within the boundaries of a CMA or
biodiversity conservation plans which may be developed by DECC and other stakeholders.
They may also include LEPs, where the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment
has granted them biodiversity certification in respect of koalas. Such plans could then form
the regional conservation strategy for koalas, and actions consistent with them would
therefore gain certainty of approval for koala management issues.
In considering recommending an amendment to SEPP 44, DoP will consider the possibility of
allowing local studies to modify regional tree lists, with the approval of the Minister for
Planning. This was the original intent of SEPP 44, in that CKPoMs would involve local
studies which identified the most important trees within the plan area. However the slow pace
of CKPoM preparation (only two have been completed as at November 2008), coupled with
the lengthy consultation processes in developing a plan, means that it can take many years
before improved knowledge on koala habitat requirements at a local level can be translated
into the SEPP koala assessment, and resulting habitat conservation. Consideration could
therefore be given to amending SEPP 44 so that when local, scientifically objective
information shows that food trees differ from the regional list, the Minister for Planning has
the ability to agree to a revised list within an LGA, without a full CKPoM being prepared.
Consideration on amending SEPP 44 should include the definition of koala habitat, so that a
single definition is agreed and adopted for all planning purposes within NSW (see Action
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act) establishes some of the statutory
responsibilities of DECC, including the preparation and implementation of plans of
management for lands managed by DECC. Plans of management outline future management
plans, including for features of natural and cultural heritage, visitor use and operations for the
relevant area. The conservation of wildlife is an objective of all plans of management, which
give priority to the protection of threatened species and their habitat. They identify threatened
species which inhabit the relevant area, including koalas, and consider these species in the
development of management practices.
Since the Draft Koala Recovery Plan was prepared there have been major changes to
vegetation regulations in NSW. The previous Native Vegetation Conservation Act 1997 has
been replaced by the Native Vegetation Act 2003 No. 103. This operates in concert with the
Natural Resources Commission Act 2003 No. 102, which sets up the statewide framework and
administration of natural resources and native vegetation management, and the Catchment
Management Authorities Act 2003 No. 104, which establishes 13 CMAs across NSW to make
regulatory decisions about when to approve removal of native vegetation within the context of
the governments decision to end broadscale land clearing and only allow limited approval of
clearing under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NV Act) in situations where environmental
values are improved or maintained.
Detailed rules of operation of the NV Act are specified in the Native Vegetation Regulation
2005 (NVR). The primary mechanism for approval of native vegetation removal under the
NV Act and NVR is through preparation of a property vegetation plan, which is a negotiated
agreement on the removal of certain areas/types of native vegetation in return for agreement
to conserve other areas. Agreed conservation areas are binding in perpetuity. There are certain
circumstances where the NV Act does not operate, which principally relate to residential and
town areas, but also include a range of other special exemptions such as routine agricultural
management activities. Specific EPIs can also exclude the operation of the NV Act, though
there may also be limited circumstances where dual consents apply under the NV Act and
EP&A Act, such as in rural residential areas. Persons considering land clearing who are
unclear what regulations apply, should in rural areas contact the local CMA in the first
instance, in urban areas the relevant local government, and in rural residential areas it may be
necessary to contact both authorities.
Also under the NV Act the NSW government introduced four regional Private Native
Forestry Codes of Practice (on 1 August 2007). These codes provide a regulative framework
for the operation of all private native forestry operations on private lands and set requirements
for both silvicultural best practice management and protection of the environment, including
biodiversity, soils and water.
The Listed Species Ecological Prescriptions requirements in the Private Native Forestry
Codes of Practice provide for additional site level protection of key habitat resources for a
number of threatened species including the koala. This includes protection of additional
primary and secondary koala feed trees where private native forestry occurs in areas of known
koala habitat (i.e. records or evidence of koalas). Refer to the DECC website for further
information at www.environment.nsw.gov.au/pnf/index.htm.
Under the Rural Fires Act 1997 (RF Act), Bush Fire Management Committees (BFMCs) are
responsible for the preparation of bush fire risk management plans which outline strategies for
the reduction of bush fire hazard. These plans may also identify areas where hazard reduction
activities are prohibited or restricted on the basis of their likely impact on flora, fauna, cultural
heritage or other assets. BFMCs are also required to prepare plans of operations which outline
procedures for suppression of wildfire.
The Rural Fires and Environmental Assessment Legislation Amendment Act 2002 amends the
RF Act and several environmental assessment-related Acts. This Act provides for a Bush Fire
Environmental Assessment Code that will allow for a streamlined assessment process for the
majority of hazard reduction works. For most threatened species (including koalas), adverse
impacts resulting from hazard reduction are managed through general amelioration
prescriptions. However, species-specific ameliorative measures have been developed for a
selected list of threatened species that are particularly susceptible to hazard reduction.
BFMCs are required to act consistently with the provisions of recovery plans for threatened
species. However, the TSC Act specifically states that actions taken under the RF Act during
an emergency situation which are reasonably necessary in order to avoid a threat to life or
property need not be consistent with provisions in recovery plans.
The Companion Animals Act 1998 requires that local councils identify management strategies
for companion animals through strategic companion animals management plans. For example,
councils can designate certain public lands as off-leash exercise areas and can identify other
areas where dogs and cats are prohibited, including wildlife protection areas. The Act also
enables council officers to manage stray and aggressive dogs and cats through enforcement.
The Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998 (F&NPE Act) provides for timber harvesting
and associated activities to be undertaken in State Forest in accordance with an Integrated
Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA). IFOA packages have been approved for Eden, Upper
and Lower North East regions and in the South Coast and Tumut sub-regions of the Southern
Region. The IFOAs include a threatened species licence that sets out the minimum measures
to protect threatened species and their habitat (including koalas) in timber production
Other Acts
Other legislation of potential relevance to this recovery plan includes the Local Government
Act 1993, Crown Lands Act 1989 and Forestry Act 1916.
Status in Australia
The legal status of the koala varies across Australia from secure to vulnerable, with different
states affording the species different levels of significance and protection (Table 1).
The koala is not listed under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) because, although some local koala populations are under
threat, the species is not considered likely to become endangered within the next 25 years,
is relatively abundant and widespread nationally and is not likely to be threatened with
extinction in the foreseeable future. A review in December 2001 determined that no
additional information had come to light to warrant further consideration of the national status
of the koala (N. Montgomery, Environment Australia, pers. comm.1). In 2006 the
Commonwealth Threatened Species Scientific Committee reviewed the koalas national
conservation status in relation to the EPBC Act criteria and acknowledged that
notwithstanding the large amount of information available on the koala, there are still
information gaps regarding the species conservation status. The Committee agreed,
however, that it was in a position to make an informed recommendation that the species was
ineligible for listing under the EPBC Act.
In New South Wales the koala was first listed as vulnerable on the Endangered Fauna
(Interim Protection) Act 1991 in light of population and distribution severely reduced; poor
recovery potential; threatening processes severe; ecological specialist (NPWS 1995). The
biological scores used in the evaluation of the status of the koala in NSW are given in Lunney
et al. (2000b) and are included in Appendix 4. The vulnerable status of the koala was carried
over to the TSC Act, which aims to conserve threatened species, populations and ecological
communities of animals and plants. As with all native animals, the koala is also a protected
species in NSW under the NPW Act.
Table 1: Legal status of the koala throughout its range in Australia
Status of koala
Not listed
Schedule 2 vulnerable
Protected wildlife
Not listed
South Australia
Schedule 9 rare
Please note that personal communication citations reflect the organisation the person was associated with at the time of
communication, and do not necessarily reflect their current association with a particular organisation.
In South Australia, the listing of the koala as rare on the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972
prevents the possession of the species without a permit issued by the Minister. Similarly in
Victoria, the koala is listed on the Wildlife Act 1975 which controls the possession of, trade in
and research into native fauna through licensing and permits. The koala is not listed on the
Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 which, like the TSC Act, provides schedules
of threatened species, communities and potentially threatening processes and has the
conservation of Victorias native flora and fauna as its main objective.
The koala is listed as common wildlife in the Queensland Nature Conservation (Wildlife)
Regulation 1994, meaning that it is common or abundant and is likely to survive in the
wild. The koala is a protected species in Queensland and cannot be taken, used or kept
without a permit. In addition, the regulation acknowledges the cultural significance of the
koala and requires that government agencies consider the management measures necessary to
conserve existing koala populations. In 2006 the Queensland Government prepared the
Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Plan 2006 and Management Program 20062016
in accordance with section 112 of the Nature Conservation Act 1992. The main purpose of the
Koala Conservation Plan is to:
prevent the decline of koala habitats, including by providing for the rehabilitation of
cleared or otherwise disturbed koala habitats
promote future land use and development that is compatible with the survival of koala
populations in the wild.
The koala is listed as of least concern on the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
(IUCN 2008).
The US Fish and Wildlife Service listed the koala as threatened on the US Endangered
Species Act in May 2000. In their ruling, the US Fish and Wildlife Service stated that the
eucalyptus forest and woodland ecosystems on which this arboreal mammal depends have
been greatly reduced [and] the limited koala habitat continues to deteriorate. The listing
requires that US Federal agencies consider the impact of their actions on the koala and
prohibits commercial activity or trade in koalas by the USA, except under a threatened species
permit. The listing of the koala on the US Endangered Species Act does not influence the
legislative responsibilities of the Australian federal or state governments with respect to koala
management and conservation. However, it does demonstrate the international interest in the
In NSW, the koala is listed as a vulnerable species on Schedule 2 of the TSC Act. A
vulnerable species is one which is likely to become endangered unless the circumstances and
factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate. A survey of
koalas in 198687 found that the koala had disappeared from 5075% of its historic range in
NSW (Reed et al. 1990).
There have been no studies to estimate the size of the NSW koala population. Decisions about
its status and decline have been based on the changes in its distribution. This attribute of all
populations of NSW vertebrates was the most important characteristic in the determination of
the status of all vertebrate species when a review was undertaken in 1992 (Lunney et al.
2000b). There is a case for making estimates of population size, particularly in view of the
need to monitor changes to assess increasing impacts or the effectiveness of recovery actions.
Making such estimates is difficult however, because it is labour intensive.
The koala population estimates that do exist for NSW are best described as reasonable
guesses and each can be justified. The real issue, however, is whether the populations are
increasing, decreasing or stable. The estimates are not rigorous enough to provide a basis for
assessing changes in numbers. The numbers principally show there is some room to move in
planning, and the lesson to be drawn is that planning and conservation measures undertaken
now will be cost-effective compared with trying to rescue populations of koalas that become
endangered, given that local populations do go extinct.
A recent well-studied example is a population on the Iluka peninsula which had become
extinct by 1999 (Lunney et al. 2002). Even some large local populations have been judged to
be at risk. For example, the large population at the Tomago sand beds at Port Stephens was
estimated to be 800 individuals in 1993, but a population viability analysis estimates that the
population will decline to 20 koalas by 2050 if there are no management changes (Lunney et
al. 2007).
While there is considerable disagreement about the total number of koalas in NSW, estimated
between 1,000 and 10,000 animals (ANZECC 1998), this argument has only demonstrated the
lack of sound knowledge upon which to base the estimates. Part of the reason for running
such arguments is to illustrate that koala populations are suffering and are in need of attention.
While the value of estimating population size for NSW is acknowledged, it is not the first step
in the conservation of the states koalas because of the cost involved. An easier way to
approach the population issue is through assessing changes in distribution, not numbers,
which is given a much higher priority in this recovery plan. Nevertheless, there is great
benefit in local population estimates and demographic profiles (e.g. male/female and age),
particularly in relation to increasing threats and the recovery of koala populations once these
threats have been abated.
One study estimated that at least 15,000 animals existed in the Pilliga forests in the mid 1990s
and the authors suggested that previous estimates did not adequately account for this
population (Kavanagh and Barrott 2001). This estimate of 15,000 is itself subject to debate
because of recording and mapping matters. Nonetheless this discussion draws attention to the
difficulty of estimating populations of cryptic fauna (such as koalas obscured by foliage and
tall trees). There is also the issue that a few high-density populations provide a poor basis for
a state estimate, given the patchy distribution and low density of the koala throughout its
range in NSW.
The wide distribution of koalas throughout much of eastern and central NSW makes reliable
estimates of numbers difficult to obtain (see discussion in Phillips 2000a). The real point is to
establish population estimates in a reliable and repeatable fashion at both the broad scale for a
state estimate, and for local populations, so changes through time can be compared. This has
yet to be achieved and it is noted that the only forest-dwelling mammal in NSW for which
there is reliable time series data at a state level is the grey-headed flying-fox.
The main findings from DECCs 2006 statewide community-based survey on the distribution
of the koala are that the centres of population identified in the last major survey in 1986
remain the same. These are concentrated on the north coast of NSW and in the Namoi CMA.
There are many small populations scattered throughout the state, some of which are proving
difficult to manage (e.g. the Eden population). The continuation of the major population
centres for koalas is encouraging, but the detailed local studies which have examined
Koala populations on the NSW North Coast are scattered, of medium density and
predominantly occupy secondary (class A) habitat. Bongil Bongil National Park, 25 km south
of Coffs Harbour (which now includes a substantial area of the former Pine Creek State
Forest), represents a significant coastal koala population estimated to be a minimum of
350450 animals (Smith and Andrews 1997). Some localised areas of primary habitat remain
which support high-density populations. Habitat fragmentation is generally moderate to high
and re-colonisation of some areas of primary habitat has been prevented by the creation of
barriers to movement, including clearing, roads and urban development. Threats, in particular
increasing urbanisation and associated factors such as roads and dogs, are extreme. The
population at Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens is listed as an endangered population on Schedule 1,
Part 2 of the TSC Act and a recovery plan for this population has been prepared (NPWS
2003) and is presently under review.
Most primary koala habitat on the Central Coast and in the Sydney Basin has been cleared.
The remaining peri-urban populations are small, highly fragmented and disjunct, occupying
areas of secondary (class B) habitat. Most populations are within or on the edge of urban areas
and threats are very high. Each is a suitable candidate for sustained study, particularly the
largest population in the Campbelltown LGA and the DECC Illawarra area. The population in
the Pittwater LGA is listed as an endangered population on Schedule 1, Part 2 of the TSC Act.
Surveys to establish the current status of this population are proposed as part of this recovery
plan (see Action 1.2).
South Coast
Most primary koala habitat on the NSW South Coast has been cleared. The remaining
populations are small, highly fragmented and disjunct, occupying areas of secondary (class B)
habitat (Phillips 2000b; Allen 2002). In recognition of the small numbers of koalas present,
the Far South Coast Koala Management Framework (Eco Logical Australia 2006) has been
developed. Probably the most important immediate action is to improve our understanding of
existing populations and reduce the impacts on them.
Northern Tablelands
The status of koalas on the Northern Tablelands is not currently known. Surveys are proposed
as part of this recovery plan (see Action 1.2).
The status of koalas on the Central and Southern Tablelands is not currently known. Recent
preliminary investigations in the south-eastern and central-eastern parts of this area have
confirmed the presence of a number of koala populations (J. Callaghan, pers. comm.). Further
community and field surveys in the eastern portion of this area found low density, but
apparently robust koala populations in an area of relatively secure secondary habitat (Allen
The conservation status of koalas on the western slopes and plains is variable. In the Pilliga
forests in the central west of NSW, large areas of forest and woodland remain which in the
mid 1990s were reported as supporting a large koala population (Kavanagh and Barrott 2001).
Around Gunnedah, the population was reported as increasing (Smith 1992). In other areas,
clearing and degradation of koala habitat is continuing and/or threats associated with urban
and semi-urban development are increasing. Habitat fragmentation is extreme in many parts
of this area. Continued research in this area is warranted because the population of koalas is
increasing, in contrast to elsewhere in the state.
The status of koalas in the Far West and South West of NSW is poorly known. There are
scattered populations in forests along the Murray and Darling river systems.
4 Distribution
Distribution in Australia
The koala occurs in eastern Australia, from north-eastern Queensland to south-eastern South
Australia and to the west of the Great Dividing Range. Historically, koalas had a largely
continuous distribution throughout much of coastal and inland Queensland and New South
Wales, throughout the majority of Victoria and in the south-eastern portion of South
Australia. However, as a result of habitat loss, drought, hunting and disease, koala numbers
rapidly declined and by the 1930s koalas were present in less than 50% of their previous
distribution (Houlden et al. 1995). Small remnant populations remained in Queensland and
NSW, few animals remained in Victoria and in South Australia koalas were considered
extinct (Phillips 1990; ANZECC 1998; Melzer et al. 2000).
Since the 1930s, due in part to protective legislation and cessation of hunting, koalas have
returned to many parts of their former distribution; in NSW and Queensland from a natural
recovery and in Victoria and South Australia as part of active re-introduction programs. In the
latter two states the species now occurs in areas where it was not recorded historically. The
species now has a fragmented distribution throughout eastern Australia, from north-eastern
Queensland to the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia (Martin and Handasyde 1999), extending
onto the Tablelands and west of the Great Dividing Range.
Surveys in NSW indicate that since 1949 populations of koalas have been lost from many
localities, particularly on the southern and western edges of their distribution (Reed et al.
1990). Most populations in NSW now survive in fragmented and isolated habitat (Lunney et
al. 2002) and many of the areas in which koalas are most abundant are subject to intense
development pressures such as agriculture and urban expansion. Koalas continue to be absent
in some areas of suitable koala habitat, demonstrating the difficulty of species recovery when
faced with high levels of fragmentation and the ongoing pressure from a number of threats.
Conversely, koala numbers in the Pilliga and Gunnedah areas appear to have been increasing
over the last 30 years, with long-term residents reporting more frequent koala sightings
(Smith 1992; van Kempen 1997, cited in Kavanagh and Barrott 2001). Figure 1 indicates
current and historical koala records in NSW based on records from the DECC Atlas of NSW
Wildlife. Figure 2 is a map of koala distribution in NSW based on results from the 2006
community-based survey. Further detail is provided in Appendix 5. The analysis of koala
distribution below is based on Koala Management Areas described by Phillips (2000b) and
shown in Figure 3 (overleaf).
Appendix 6 lists all DECC estate and state forests in NSW which support koalas.
Figure 2: Koala distribution in NSW from the DECC community-based survey of 2006
(Lunney et al. in prep.)
The distribution represents the probability of a koala being present in a 10-km square within NSW, calculated
using the number of survey returns reporting koalas in relation to other wildlife species, and modified by the
respondents gender and the number of years they were present in the area.
On the NSW North Coast important koala population centres are at Port Stephens, Port
Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Ballina, Lismore and Tweed (Reed et al. 1990). In addition to
these population centres, numerous small koala populations occur along the coast but many
are separated as a result of urban and rural development, roads and other forms of
In the Sydney Basin, a population exists in the Wedderburn/Campbelltown area (Ward and
Close 2004) and a small population at Pittwater has been listed as endangered on the TSC
Act. It is unlikely that this latter population still exists or that any remaining individuals are
breeding. On the Central Coast, koalas are known to occur within Brisbane Water National
Park and around Gosford and Woy Woy (OBrien 1995). In the north-eastern Blue
Mountains, koalas occur in Wollemi National Park (N. Stone, National Parks and Wildlife
Service (NPWS), pers. comm.) and in the Colo River area, in and around Yengo National
Park (Curtin et al. 2002). Koalas are also present in the Canyonleigh area, approximately
25 km west of Moss Vale (C. Allen, Australian Koala Foundation, pers. comm., unpublished
data). Scattered records also occur in the Hunter Valley.
Two individual koalas were recorded in the lower Blue Mountains at Glenbrook in 1998 and
1999, but radio-tracking studies of one individual failed to locate evidence of any other
animals (D. Wotherspoon, Blue Mountains Wilderness Trust, pers. comm.). A detailed
community and field-based survey in 2000 failed to locate any direct evidence of koalas in the
lower Blue Mountains, despite the presence of some areas of potential habitat (Close et al.
2000). The results obtained are not consistent with other surveys of low-density koala
populations nearby and suggest that the two animals were dispersing from populations in the
northern Blue Mountains (Close et al. 2000).
There is likely to be a population of koalas centred around the catchment of Little Cattai
Creek (west of the Old Northern Road), and potentially a population along the lower sections
of Cattai Creek (perhaps into OHaras Creek). There has been a population of koalas along
South Creek and adjoining bushland, north of the Great Western Highway, at least up until
relatively recently, and surviving remnants of this population may still be present. There are
certainly pockets of good habitat left, although this population would certainly also face
ongoing challenges if it exists (J. Sanders, DECC, pers. comm.).
South Coast
Prior to 1905 koalas were abundant on the South Coast of NSW (Lunney and Leary 1988),
but now occur in sparse and possibly disjunct populations (Reed et al. 1990; Reed and
Lunney 1990). Recent koala records are primarily clustered around the southern fringes of the
Bega Valley and in the coastal forests near Bermagui (Lunney et al. 1997). There is no recent
evidence of breeding koalas on the far south coast except in the Bermagui area (Allen 2002).
Recent surveys have located a koala population in the north of this Koala Management Area
(KMA), in the Shoalhaven Gorge area, within Morton National Park and surrounds (Allen
Northern Tablelands
There are scattered records throughout the Northern Tablelands, but the distribution of koalas
in this area is poorly understood.
A koala population occurs to the east and north-east of Cooma on the Monaro Tablelands
(Allen 1999a). There are scattered records throughout the Central and Southern Tablelands,
including populations in Bathurst, in parts of the Goulburn LGA, in Bungonia State
Recreation Area (Allen 2002) and in the Mundoonen Nature Reserve (Allen 1999b), but the
distribution of koalas in these areas is poorly understood.
Large populations of koalas occur on the western slopes and plains, in particular the Pilliga
region (Kavanagh and Barrott 2001) and in Gunnedah (Smith 1992) and Walgett LGAs
(J. Callaghan, Australian Koala Foundation, pers. comm.). In the south of this KMA, a
population of koalas occurs along the Murrumbidgee River at Narrandera.
An individual koala was recorded north of Wilcannia in 1994 (Ellis et al. 1997). Figure 2
shows the probability of koalas being present in this area is low.
5 Description
The koala Phascolarctos cinereus is the sole member of the family Phascolarctidae. It is an
arboreal marsupial with large furry ears and a vestigial tail. The fur colour of the koala varies
from pale grey in the northern parts of its range to grey-brown in the south (Martin and
Handasyde 1995). The koala also varies in size across its range, from an average of
approximately 6.5 kg in Queensland to 12 kg in Victoria. Male koalas can weigh up to 50%
more than females (Martin and Handasyde 1990a). Detailed accounts of the koala can be
found in Cronin (1987), Lee and Martin (1988), Phillips (1990) and Martin and Handasyde
On the basis of geographic variations in morphology, specifically fur length and colour, body
size and muzzle width, three subspecies of the koala are listed in Clayton et al. (2006):
Phascolarctos cinereus cinereus in NSW, P. c. adustus in Queensland and P. c. victor in
Victoria (Houlden et al. 1999a). However, there is no genetic basis for recognising subspecies
(Houlden et al. 1999a; Sherwin et al. 2000).
The term Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) was coined by Ryder (1986) and further
defined by Moritz (1994) to identify a set of populations which have been historically isolated
from other such sets of populations and consequently are genetically differentiated (Moritz
1994; Houlden et al. 1999a). Analysis of over 200 animals from 16 populations throughout
Australia suggests that koalas consist of many highly differentiated populations rather than
three highly differentiated subspecies (Houlden et al. 1999a). This indicates little recent gene
flow between populations (Sherwin et al. 2000), except those in Victoria and South Australia,
which have experienced high levels of migration due to active management (Houlden et al.
1999a). On the basis of this relatively low level of genetic differentiation between the
proposed subspecies, Houlden et al. (1999a) suggested that koalas do not comprise three
separate ESUs, but a single ESU where historical exchange of genetic material occurred,
albeit limited. This supports the view that physical variations reflect environmental
differences as opposed to separate subspecies.
The recent limited gene flow between populations is expected to be exacerbated by the
fragmentation of habitat (Sections 9.2.1 and 9.2.2). This is likely to lead to further genetic
differentiation between populations and potentially the loss of genetic variability resulting in
inbreeding depression. These effects are of particular concern for small populations where
fragmentation and other threats associated with habitat modification prevent successful
dispersal and recruitment.
Due to population bottlenecks and active translocations, koalas in Victoria and South
Australia have very low genetic diversity (Houlden et al. 1996), as detailed in Section 9.4. In
NSW, genetic diversity is high and of the populations studied, those with the greatest genetic
diversity recorded to date are at Nowendoc, west of Port Macquarie (Houlden et al. 1996) and
in the Pilliga forests (Houlden et al. 1999b). However, small and relatively isolated
populations, such as at Hawks Nest, are likely to show less genetic diversity and are at the
greatest risk of inbreeding depression.
Populations or meta-populations which fall below approximately 50 reproductive animals are
likely to rapidly start losing a significant proportion of genetic diversity, particularly if
numbers show high fluctuations due to events such as bush fires, car injuries and dog attacks.
A substantial number of coastal populations have numbers falling into this category and may
need active management to maintain genetic variability. Any such programs need to be
carefully managed however, to avoid social dislocations when new animals are introduced
into existing population home ranges and swamping of existing population genetic variation
with introduced genomes. External peer review should be a feature of any such programs.
Social organisation
Koalas live in breeding aggregations, generally comprising a dominant male, a small number
of mature females, as well as juveniles of various ages (Phillips 1997). The home range of
koalas varies depending on the quality of the habitat and the number of available food trees.
In the Pilliga State Forest of central-western New South Wales, the average home range is
1015 ha (R. Kavanagh, State Forests NSW, pers. comm.). Similarly, other studies in northeastern NSW (Phillips 1994; Callaghan and Phillips 1998) have established home ranges for
individual koalas of 1315 ha. Studies in Port Stephens have established home ranges of 0.2
500 ha, with an average of 8090 ha (D. Lunney, NPWS, pers. comm.). Home ranges in
Gavan in south-eastern Queensland were found in one study to vary from <115 ha (Pieters
1993). Another study in south-eastern Queensland found home ranges of 592 ha (White
1999). The home range of the dominant male generally overlaps extensively with the home
ranges of several females (Martin and Handasyde 1995; Phillips 1997). Adult koalas generally
exhibit long-term fidelity to their individual home range areas (Mitchell 1990).
Although they reach sexual maturity at approximately two years, juvenile males are generally
excluded from mating by the dominant male (Martin and Handasyde 1990a; Martin and
Handasyde 1995). Females reach sexual maturity at two years (Martin and Handasyde 1990a).
The breeding season for the koala peaks between September and February and animals are
most active during this period. While female koalas can theoretically breed every year, this
generally does not occur due to the metabolic pressures of lactation and the low nutrient status
of their preferred food resources.
The gestation period for the koala is 35 days. Following birth, the young remains in the pouch
for approximately six months and on leaving the pouch remains dependent on its mother and
is carried on her back. Young reach independence at about 12 months, although they can
remain in the mothers home range for a further 23 years (Mitchell and Martin 1990). After
this period, young animals of both sexes disperse to establish their own home range areas
(Ramsay 1999). Dispersal distances generally range from 111 km (Gall 1980; Mitchell and
Martin 1990), although movements in excess of 20 km have been recorded in Port Stephens
(D. Lunney, DECC, pers. comm.) and also some in excess of 50 km (Steve Phillips
unpublished data). While some koalas in Victoria have been recorded to survive for up to
18 years in the wild (Martin and Handasyde 1990a), the average lifespan is much shorter
(Lunney et al. 2004).
Feeding requirements
The diet of the koala, primarily comprising eucalypt leaves, is low in nutrients and energy and
high in indigestible components such as lignin and cellulose, and toxic compounds such as
essential oils and tannins (Cork et al. 1990; Cork and Sanson 1990). Koalas are able to cope
with this diet because they have a lower metabolic rate than most other mammals, low
nutrient requirements and a complex digestive tract (Cork et al. 1990). The digestive tract has
a highly developed caecum and proximal colon which selectively retain the nutritional parts
of the diet and excrete the indigestible parts (Cork and Sanson 1990).
Koalas show a preference for young leaves which contain less tannin, phenolics and fibre and
more moisture and nitrogen (Cork et al. 1990; Cork and Sanson 1990; Pahl and Hume 1990).
However, koalas may also eat older leaves significantly more than younger leaves, as
observed for Eucalyptus globulus (B. Moore, Australian National University, pers. comm.).
The field of koala nutrition remains an active area of research, and relevant to koala tree
selection (Moore et al. 2004; Moore and Foley 2005). Koalas also save energy by remaining
relatively inactive, resting for much of the day and generally becoming most active in the first
few hours following sunset (Mitchell 1990).
Throughout NSW, koalas have been observed to use 66 eucalypt and seven non-eucalypt
species (Phillips 2000b). However, in any one area, koalas feed almost exclusively on a small
number of preferred species which vary widely on a regional, local and possibly seasonal
basis (Hindell and Lee 1990). To date there has been little agreement on the relative
importance of the majority of tree species used by koalas (Phillips 2000b). The confusion is
compounded by the fact that koalas may use trees other than food trees, including noneucalypts, for either incidental browsing or for other purposes, for example daytime resting or
for shelter in unfavourable weather (for example white cypress pine, Smith 1992).
This relative food tree importance is significantly confounded on a tree species basis by recent
studies of a group of plant chemicals known as formyl phloroglucinol compounds (FPCs).
These studies have shown that FPCs are found naturally in the leaves of many species
belonging to the subgenus Symphomyrtus, which are primary food trees for koalas. FPCs have
not been found in the leaves of secondary/stringybark food trees (B. Moore and W. Foley,
Australian National University, pers. comm.). This means that the vast majority of koala food
trees are species containing FPCs.
The role of FPCs as the primary determinant of the feeding choices made by marsupials was
first demonstrated by Pass et al. (1998). Lawler et al. (1998; 2000) subsequently
demonstrated that FPCs influence koala feeding behaviour and that levels of FPCs vary
widely, and profoundly influence possum feeding behaviour. For many primary koala food
trees it has been shown that FPCs show wide variation between individual trees, and that the
amount captive koalas are willing to eat diminishes as the concentration of these chemicals
It is likely that FPC concentrations are an important determinant of whether a koala will feed
on a particular tree, whereas levels of other dietary components such as other phenolic
compounds, dietary fibre and nutrient levels have not been shown to be important. Further,
there is no clear relationship between soil fertility, age of tree or leaves, or other external
environmental factors and FPC concentration, making it difficult to predict suitable feed trees
based on tree species, tree age or location information. This means assessment of tree
suitability in relation to FPC levels needs to become an important part of determining food
tree suitability, either by direct measurement of chemicals, or based on observations of koala
feeding behaviour.
In an attempt to resolve the uncertainty surrounding important food trees and to distinguish
those species which are of fundamental importance to the long-term survival of free-ranging
koala populations (Phillips 2000b), the Koala Recovery Team initiated a project to identify
regionally-based tree species of fundamental importance to koala survival. The method of
identifying primary and secondary food tree species refutes the long held assumption that
occupancy of a given tree species equates to its importance as a food tree (Phillips 2000b),
by recognising that day-time records of tree species use does not necessarily indicate which
trees koalas are feeding on.
Appendix 2 provides lists of koala food trees categorised as primary, secondary and
supplementary for Phillips(2000b) Koala Management Areas (KMAs). Primary food trees
exhibit a level of use that is significantly higher than that of other Eucalyptus species and
independent of tree density. The use by koalas of secondary and/or supplementary food trees
is generally less than that of primary food trees (except where primary food trees are absent)
and appears to be dependent on both the density and/or size of the trees (see Phillips and
Callaghan 2000). Significantly higher levels of use of other (non-food) tree species has been
observed when they occur in close proximity to a preferred food tree species (Lunney et al.
1998; Phillips et al. 2000). However this understanding of food tree importance now needs to
be investigated and the role of FPCs in influencing food tree selection recognised. Further,
since koala habitat occurs in forests where fire is a recognised threat, recent research has
shown that koalas also occupy recently burnt trees with new regrowth (Matthews et al. 2007).
7 Habitat
The koala inhabits a range of eucalypt forest and woodland communities, including coastal
forests, the woodlands of the tablelands and western slopes, and the riparian communities of
the western plains (Phillips 2000b). Koalas also utilise isolated paddock trees (White 1999).
The quality of forest and woodland communities as habitat for koalas is influenced by a range
of factors (Reed et al. 1990), such as:
soil nutrients
Arguably the most important factor influencing koala occurrence is the suite of tree species
available. In any one area, koalas rely primarily on regionally specific primary and/or
secondary food tree species. If primary food tree species are not present or occur in low
density, koalas will rely on secondary food tree species, but the carrying capacity of the
habitat (i.e. number of animals per hectare) is inevitably lower. Adequate floristic diversity is
also important. Although primary and secondary food trees provide the bulk of a koalas diet,
leaves from other species, including non-eucalypts, may provide a seasonal or supplementary
dietary resource (Smith 1992).
The quality of habitat is also influenced by the presence of suitable shelter trees, particularly
in harsh climates. Examples of important shelter trees are cypress pine (Smith 1992;
Kavanagh and Barrott 2001; J. Callaghan, Australian Koala Foundation, pers. comm.) and
brush box (Phillips 2000b).
Smith and Andrews (1997) found that koala activity was greater in structurally diverse forest
with the majority of trees 5080 cm diameter at breast height (dbh). White (1999) found that
koalas preferentially utilise trees between 25.580 cm dbh, with under-utilisation of trees less
than 25.5 cm dbh. Lunney et al. (2000a) found that the koalas in the Coffs Harbour area
favoured trees of 5060 cm dbh and greater than 120 cm dbh. Some groundcover vegetation
and other features such as hollow logs, are also useful to provide shelter while on the ground
and refuge in extreme weather conditions, particularly in western KMAs (R. Kavanagh, State
Forests NSW, pers. comm.).
Soil nutrients
In general, vegetation on more fertile soils provides the most suitable habitat for koalas due to
the greater availability of nutrients within leaves (Cork et al. 1990), though this is not always
true (B. Moore and W. Foley, Australian National University, pers. comm.). This can be best
demonstrated by the varying degree of use of two primary food tree species, Eucalyptus
tereticornis and E. viminalis, according to substrate. Both species are used as primary food
trees when on nutrient rich soils but not when on nutrient deficient soils (Phillips 2000b).
Because steeper land tends to support lower quality soils, topography may indicate the
suitability of habitat for koalas, as demonstrated in the Coffs Harbour area where koalas were
found to utilise gullies more often than ridges (Lunney et al. 2000a). The issue of leaf
chemistry and its relationship to soil nutrient status is a rapidly moving scientific field. New
findings need to be incorporated into local and state plans.
Koalas rely primarily on the moisture within their food to meet their water requirements.
Where soil moisture is low, koalas would be expected to depend on areas with relatively high
rainfall. Conversely, where rainfall is low, such as in western New South Wales, koalas
primarily occur in areas of higher soil moisture in the vicinity of waterways, which also tend
to have a higher nutrient content. Koalas have been demonstrated to change their foraging
patterns seasonally, for example Ellis et al. (1995) observed that in summer, koalas selected
trees with a higher leaf moisture content. Koalas are better able to survive extreme drought
conditions in areas where soil moisture is higher, as demonstrated by Gordon et al. (1998).
Small, fragmented or highly disturbed habitats are less likely to be able to support koalas in
the long term due to edge effects, limited resource availability and increased predation.
Although koalas do utilise scattered trees in largely cleared environments, travelling across
open ground leaves them more vulnerable to threats such as predation (Section 9.2.1).
Vegetated links are important to support continued koala movement; where dispersal and
recruitment are impeded by barriers such as large areas of open ground and roads, populations
would be expected to decline.
Research on habitat selection on a landscape scale and its application to planning has been a
productive field recently, and is most relevant to conserving koalas in fragmented landscapes
(e.g. Rhodes et al. 2005, 2006 and McAlpine et al. 2006a, b).
Differing terminology has been used to categorise koala habitat. Two alternative definitions
were devised by the Koala Recovery Team (in Appendix 3) based on the regional lists of
primary and secondary food tree species in Appendix 2 (Phillips 2000b; Callaghan
unpublished). These habitat definitions are provided to guide the accurate identification and
adequate protection of koala habitat, although they may not be appropriate in all
Areas which support koala habitat but do not currently support koalas are important for the
future recovery of the species by providing habitat into which recovering populations can
disperse. Furthermore, native vegetation which does not necessarily support koala food trees
but which forms a buffer between primary or secondary habitat and urban and/or rural
development (to reduce edge effects), a corridor or link between areas of primary or
secondary habitat (see Scotts and Drielsma 2003), or a refuge from fire, should be categorised
as tertiary koala habitat. Such habitat may not provide important foraging resources and
therefore may not necessarily support resident koala populations, but may still provide
resources important to the survival of koala populations.
The National Koala Conservation Strategy (NKCS) was developed through the Australian
and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) and involved the
governments of New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, the ACT and the
Commonwealth. The NKCS aims to conserve koalas by retaining viable populations in the
wild throughout their range (ANZECC 1998) by providing a framework to guide the
conservation of koalas in Australia. The NKCS discusses the current issues and management
strategies throughout the koalas range and lists six objectives with a series of broad actions to
achieve them. The objectives of the NKCS have been adopted as the specific objectives of
this recovery plan (Section 10). As at November 2008, DECC is represented on the
Commonwealths working group to review the NKCS.
The NSW Koala Recovery Team was established in September 1998 to guide the preparation
of the Draft Koala Recovery Plan. Representatives of the following groups and organisations
were on the Recovery Team:
Taronga Zoo
Lgov NSW (now part of the Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW)
Environment Australia (now the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the
a landholder
Department of Land and Water Conservation (now part of the Department of Lands or the
Department of Environment and Climate Change)
an independent researcher
The role of the Recovery Team was invaluable in preparing the initial draft plan, although
changes to natural resource and biodiversity management have meant the team has not met
since 2002.
The focus of koala recovery planning has now shifted to working with CMAs and local
government to implement biodiversity conservation plans. Accordingly, changes have been
made to this plan to best utilise regional resources which are focused through CMAs. It has
become more appropriate to identify Koala Management Areas (KMAs) based on regional
CMA boundaries, rather than on a separate koala management layer. This does not invalidate
the previous work on identifying regional food trees based on KMAs, but instead means that
some relatively minor modification is required to match feed tree lists generated under the
previous draft plan to those which apply to CMA-derived regions covering broadly similar
areas to previous KMAs.
The Recovery Team identified the need to define units of management for koalas in NSW.
Based on genetic considerations, the local population was previously considered to be the
most appropriate management unit (Houlden et al. 1999a). A local population is one where
the exchange of genetic material with other populations is prevented due to a physical barrier
(natural or human-made) to dispersal, although current levels of fragmentation such as urban
and agricultural areas, barriers to movement such as roads, and threats such as dog attacks
mean that the dispersal distance between populations may be small. Hence, defining local
populations is problematic given the detailed investigations required to identify the
boundaries of populations where no genetic exchange is occurring. Furthermore, regionallybased management is essential given that local populations are impacted by factors outside the
defined boundary of the population (Lunney et al. 2002).
Several possibilities for defining regionally-based management areas have been considered.
The following KMAs are proposed based on KMAs identified in the draft recovery plan (see
Appendix 5) and the boundaries of CMAs which have been put in place since this time.
KMA 1 Northern Rivers CMA
KMA 2 Hunter-Central Rivers CMA
KMA 3 Hawkesbury-Nepean and Sydney Metro CMAs
KMA 4 Southern Rivers CMA
KMA5 Border Rivers-Gwydir, Namoi and Central West CMAs
KMA 6 Lachlan, Murrumbidgee and Murray CMAs
KMA 7 Western and Lower Murray Darling CMAs
The KMAs are based on landscape characteristics, particularly the geographic distribution of
primary or secondary food tree species, along with administrative boundaries for natural
resource management. Using this method, a total of seven KMAs have been identified.
Within each KMA, habitat characteristics and threats are relatively consistent, although some
local variation does occur. KMAs allow generalisations to be made regarding important
habitat which can guide regionally-based planning and management, for example by local
councils and CMAs. Furthermore, as koala status varies across NSW (Section 3.3), KMAs
provide an opportunity to monitor status and recovery on a regional basis.
SEPP 44 (Section 2.2.3) commenced in 1995 and to date, two Comprehensive Koala Plans of
Management (CKPoMs) have been approved: Coffs Harbour (Lunney et al. 1999) and Port
Stephens (Port Stephens Council 2001). Draft CKPoMs have been prepared for Greater Taree
LGA (Callaghan et al. 2002a) and Campbelltown LGA (Callaghan et al. 2002b). A number of
other LGAs have worked towards developing a CKPoM, including Hastings, Wyong,
Lismore, Tweed and Maclean (Maclean is now part of Clarence Valley Council). In some
instances, part-LGA CKPoMs are being prepared for those parts of the LGA which are most
important for koalas and where threats to koala habitat are greatest. However, with many
other biodiversity planning mechanisms now underway and with a generally wider focus on
regional biodiversity plans for all biodiversity within a region, the focus on preparing specific
CKPoMs has reduced, as the work required to identify and map habitat may often be done
more strategically to cover a wider group of species, sometimes with similar and sometimes
with competing conservation needs. As such, while CKPoMs remain an important tool for
some situations, in many cases a broader biodiversity planning framework is needed, and its
outcomes need to be recognised both for koala conservation and for other biodiversity
conservation. On this basis consideration could be given to other plans which identify koala
conservation and meet the aims and objectives of SEPP 44 being considered as CKPoMs.
Such consideration would occur in consultation with the Minister for Climate Change and the
Priority LGAs for the future preparation of CKPoMs (or other equivalent plans) are Great
Lakes, Tweed, Kempsey, Maclean (now part of Clarence Valley Council), Ballina, Byron,
Campbelltown and Gunnedah. These LGAs have important koala populations surviving in
fragmented or isolated habitats and are subject to threats, specifically areas of high population
growth and urban development.
Another issue of importance for both koala plans of management (or equivalent) and
individual SEPP 44 assessments is the local variation in food tree species. As discussed
previously there is wide variation between sites in both the species of trees used as food trees
and in the palatability of individual trees within one species, based on levels of FPCs and
possibly other characteristics. Therefore the need to use best available local data is paramount
in any assessment. The allocation of regional tree species based on KMAs, rather than a single
statewide list of species in the current SEPP 44, represents a step forward. There is a need to
further modify this list however, based on best local knowledge. Ideally this will be in the
form of habitat mapping identifying local feed trees at a fine scale and showing the variation
in suitability between individual trees within a species, although in many cases it will be
based on more general, local studies showing that koalas in an area are principally dependant
on a specific list of food tree species.
A large number of submissions to the draft recovery plans exhibition were of this nature,
saying that while they did not object to the food tree species list, the local feed trees that were
important were often much more specific. They might include some species on the regional
list but not others and often included some tree species not on the list. Using such specific
information will often remove the need to consider many species which are not locally
relevant, while at the same time requiring consideration of other trees which are locally
important but not important enough regionally to warrant listing on a regional list.
The ability to vary the regional list for an LGA or part area, based on local scientific studies,
could be advantageous. Consideration could therefore be given to amending SEPP 44 to
enable the Minister for Planning to consider such variations.
Population viability analysis (PVA) models populations using known population parameters
and threats in order to measure extinction probability and the relative importance of different
factors in affecting the viability of the population. PVA is useful to focus management
measures on those factors likely to have the greatest impact on the long-term survival of
Lunney et al. (2002) used PVA to investigate the likely causes of the decline of the koala
population at Iluka, on the north coast of NSW, and to evaluate the options for the recovery
and management of similar small populations. Several scenarios, with various levels of
mortality, fertility and immigration, were modelled to identify the factors which may be
critical to the survival of the population. They concluded, for the Iluka population, that current
assumed levels of mortality and fertility were unable to support the population; that
substantial improvements in mortality and fertility alone are unlikely to prevent the
population declining towards extinction; and that immigration was considerably more
important in maintaining an ongoing koala population than had previously been understood.
The research demonstrated the necessity of a meta-population structure to provide inflow of
animals to help maintain local populations in times of adverse impacts. Consequently, local
management actions such as reducing road deaths, managing habitat and fire, and dog control,
must be accompanied by knowledge of the larger geographical population. A subsequent
study in Port Stephens has demonstrated that the population on the Tomago sand beds will
continue to show long-term decline unless action is taken to control dogs, as well as fire
(Lunney et al. 2007).
Mapping and modelling of koala habitat continues to be conducted in various parts of NSW
using various methods and at different scales. The Australian Koala Foundations Koala
Habitat Atlas (KHA) project was commenced in the early 1990s and involves systematically
mapping all remaining koala habitat within LGA-wide or regional study areas in parts of the
koalas remaining geographic range. The KHA involves mathematical and computer
modelling using digital data layers such as vegetation, soils and drainage, in conjunction with
the outcomes of the field research and data analyses to produce Geographical Information
System maps that delineate and rate koala habitat. The field surveys also provide an indication
of the distribution and likely status of koala populations within each study area.
To date, the KHA has provided the scientific field survey component for one approved
CKPoM, for Port Stephens LGA, and two draft LGA-wide CKPoMs: Campbelltown LGA
and Greater Taree LGA. KHAs have also been completed for the coastal section of the Tweed
LGA and the State Forests of the Pilliga Scrub. A KHA is in preparation for the Richmond
River LGA and a first draft KHA has been produced for the Walgett LGA. Field work has
commenced for the Central and Southern Tablelands.
The former NPWS prepared fauna habitat quality models in 1998 for the Upper and Lower
North-East Comprehensive Regional Assessment Region. During this process, an expert
model of koala habitat was prepared. Because of limitations in the various base data layers
however, this model is considered to be conservative in predicting actual koala habitat. This
model has been utilised as part of other fauna models for the Key Habitats and Corridors for
Forest Fauna of North-east NSW project (Scotts and Drielsma 2003) which involves
predictive modelling of fauna species distribution on the NSW north coast. This is a multispecies approach aimed at establishing a landscape conservation framework by identifying
key areas of habitat and connecting corridors across the landscape to direct conservation and
Koala habitat and distribution has been mapped in a number of other locations through a
combination of field and community surveys. Examples of community surveys and habitat
mapping are those conducted in Iluka (Lunney et al. 2002) and Coffs Harbour (Lunney et al.
2000a) in 1990, in Gunnedah in 1991 (Smith 1992), Eden and Port Stephens in 1992 (Lunney
et al. 1997, 1998), Yengo National Park and surrounds in 1995 (Curtin et al. 2002), the Lower
Blue Mountains in 2000 (Close et al. 2000) and ongoing work in Campbelltown by the
University of Western Sydney.
Research for planning and conservation on a landscape scale has recently been a productive
field, and is most relevant to conserving koalas in fragmented landscapes (e.g. Rhodes et al.
2005, 2006 and McAlpine et al. 2006a, b). It is research that has combined the work of the
AKF, the University of Queensland and DECC.
Under the TSC Act, DECC may prepare recovery plans for threatened species, populations
and ecological communities. A recovery plan for the endangered population of koalas at
Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens has been approved (NPWS 2003) and is presently under review.
While this endangered population recovery plan has been guided by, and is consistent with the
statewide recovery plan, it outlines specific recovery actions relevant to this particular
endangered population. Although not listed on the TSC Act as an endangered population,
DECC considers that koalas in the southern portion of the Southern Rivers KMA4 are at
sufficient risk to warrant specific and immediate management actions, and it contracted the
preparation of the Far South Coast Koala Management Framework (Eco Logical 2006). A
recovery plan for the endangered population of koalas in the Pittwater LGA has not been
prepared. Action 1.8 of this recovery plan includes an assessment of the continued existence
and current status of this population. This statewide recovery plan will provide the framework
for further regionally-specific recovery plans, where it is appropriate that they be prepared.
The Threat Abatement Plan (TAP) for Predation by the Red Fox Vulpes vulpes has been
prepared (NPWS 2001a) and is being implemented across NSW. The TAP determines priority
species for fox control through a model which ranks prey species according to the likely level
of impact of foxes. The model identifies the koala as a low priority species for fox control
under the TAP, primarily due to its arboreal habit. Furthermore, a study of predator scats on
the north-western slopes of NSW found that no fox scats contained koala remains (Paull and
Date 1999). However, the increasing fragmentation of habitat as a result of clearing means
koalas must spend more time on the ground where they are vulnerable to predation (White
1999). Dispersing juveniles are particularly at risk as their body mass is more likely to be
within the most vulnerable weight range for fox predation.
Forests NSW
Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (IFOAs) have been prepared under the F&NPE Act
for the Upper and Lower North East, Southern and Eden regions, with one currently being
prepared for the Western Region which includes areas of the Pilliga. The IFOAs regulate the
carrying out of certain forestry operations in these regions. The IFOAs include terms of
licence under the TSC Act, which comprise a number of general and species-specific
prescriptions aimed at reducing negative impacts on threatened species and their habitat.
The IFOAs also include survey guidelines and methods for the identification of koala habitat.
The prescriptions for the conservation of koalas and koala habitat before and during logging
operations are included as conditions of the terms of licence in the Eden, Upper North East
and Lower North East regions and in the South Coast and Tumut sub-regions of the Southern
Adherence to the general and koala-specific prescriptions of the terms of licence is an integral
part of the management of koalas in state forests in NSW. This recovery plan recommends
further research to ensure that these prescriptions are effective in conserving koalas and koala
habitat. This plan also recommends that these prescriptions be used as a basis for the
development of prescriptions in other areas. As required by the F&NPE Act, the prescriptions
within the IFOAs are currently being reviewed for all regions. In addition to the review, it is
important that the prescriptions are updated as necessary to incorporate future research
Copies of the IFOAs can be found on the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) website
www.forest.nsw.gov.au/ifoa or by contacting DPI directly.
In accordance with the koala-specific prescription under the IFOA for the Upper North East
Region, State Forests of NSW prepared a Management Plan for Pine Creek State Forest
(SFNSW 2000). This former state forest has now been conserved within Bongil Bongil
National Park. It supports approximately 400 koalas and is recognised as containing some of
the most important koala habitat and one of the most significant koala populations on the
NSW north coast (Smith 2004). The management plan for this national park will continue the
work previously underway through the Pine Creek Koala Management Plan.
Recent experimental research by Forests NSW has investigated the response of koalas to
selective logging of white cypress pine in Pilliga State Forest. In 199798 Kavanagh et al.
(2007) radio-tracked 30 koalas before, during and immediately after logging. This study
observed that the radio-tracked animals continued to inhabit the same home range despite the
logging activities (Kavanagh et al. 2007). While white cypress pine is an important shelter
resource, this species is not a primary or secondary food tree. Kavanagh and Barrott (2001)
concluded that the impact on koalas of logging of eucalypts is not known, but noted the
persistence of koalas in Pilliga State Forest, despite a history of logging activities.
Many plans of management for DECC estate include prescriptions specifically aimed at
protecting koalas and koala habitat. Tucki Tucki Nature Reserve, in north-eastern NSW, was
set aside specifically to protect koalas, and the plan of management includes specific koala
prescriptions. For example, weed control programs have been conducted to remove lantana
from koala habitat. The Hunter Region has a policy to ensure that koala food trees are not
destroyed during weed spraying operations and that koala habitat is not dissected by walking
tracks. Although actions in plans of management are not always specifically for the protection
of koalas, standard operations such as weed and feral animal control do benefit koalas. Koalas
are also considered during impact assessment procedures for on-park works, including
bushfire hazard reduction activities, weed control and track construction.
Fire management plans for DECC estate also contain prescriptions aimed at conserving koalas
and koala habitat. These plans generally identify that high-intensity hazard reduction burns
and wildfires that result in crown scorch or crown fires should be avoided. The fire
management plan for Gibraltar Range, Nymboida and Washpool national parks specifies the
avoidance of tree felling during mop-up in known koala habitat. Similarly, Sydney North
Region has a policy to exclude fires, where possible, from communities which support
threatened flora or fauna which may be threatened by fire, and cite koalas as a specific
example. This recovery plan encourages the inclusion of specific koala protection and
management measures for all national parks which support koalas (Action 1.22).
A large volume of research has been and is being conducted on koalas. Research has covered
a wide range of topics including genetics, disease, koala distribution, the impact of threats,
tree species and habitat preferences, demographics and population viability analysis, social
dynamics and translocation. The Koala Summit: Managing Koalas in New South Wales
(Lunney et al. 1990), Biology of the Koala (Lee et al. 1990a), and Conservation Biology
volume 14 (2000) provide details and results of research programs.
This extensive research forms the basis of our knowledge about koalas and a major part of the
platform on which this recovery plan has been built. The NSW Koala Research Committee
(KRC), established by the then NPWS and State Forests NSW, had a role in reviewing koala
research proposals and developing standards for koala research (KRC 2000). The KRC was
disbanded in 2000. DECC will encourage groups to undertake research on any aspect of koala
biology and ecology and to communicate with DECC when research is being undertaken and
when research results are published (Actions 3.1 and 3.2).
Similarly, surveys for koalas have been conducted in many areas of NSW (including those
discussed in Section 8.6). A range of guidelines for the survey of koalas and koala habitat
have been prepared: the Star Assessment Technique is recommended by the former DIPNR
(DLWC 1999); Jurskis et al. (1994) describe the Asterix Survey Method; Phillips and
Callaghan (submitted) detail the Spot Assessment Technique; and the Sweep-search method
as described in Allen (1999a, b and 2002) and KRC (2000) provides protocols for radiotracking surveys. Reed et al. (1990), Lunney et al. (1997, 1998, 2000) and the current
research by Lunney et al. (in prep.) also employ community-based surveys, and Knott et al.
(1998) have demonstrated the value of ecological history. This recovery plan identifies
priority areas for koala surveys to undertake population estimates of koalas and to search for
trends and causes of changes in koala distribution (Actions 1.3 and 1.7).
Considerable work has been and is being done to understand how koalas interact with roads
and to develop ameliorative measures to prevent or reduce koala death on roads (see below).
A range of initiatives have been developed to reduce deaths on existing roads, including
floppy top koala exclusion fencing (developed by Casper Pieters and the Roads and Traffic
Authority in the early 1990s), other types of exclusion fencing, signage, imposition of speed
limits, lighting and education programs for road users. New roads and road upgrades are also
being designed and built to include underpasses and overpasses along with the above
ameliorative options. Death and injury of koalas on roads is highly seasonal with the peak
activity being closely associated with the breeding season from mid-August through to
January/February. Records of road kills usually peak through the early part of the breeding
season starting as early as August and taper off in mid to late summer, with road kills outside
this period less common.
and overbrowsing. However, since the road itself acts as a sink an exclusion fence which
prevents animals from being killed may be preferable, particularly in known koala blackspot
areas where repeated koala deaths or injuries have occurred.
In NSW, the RTA has installed koala exclusion fencing in association with the under- and
overpasses along Pacific Highway Upgrades. Such fencing is costly but has been shown to be
effective in reducing koala deaths on roads. For example, at Lindsays Cutting south of Coffs
Harbour, the RTA installed an underpass and floppy-top fencing which has reduced koala
road kills from an average of 1012 individuals each breeding season to virtually zero.
Fencing must be adequately maintained to control vines and encroaching vegetation and to
repair any damage which reduces its effectiveness. Road access points for landowners are a
problem in maintaining an effective fence barrier as access gates are often left open or
removed. While fencing appears to be an effective measure for keeping koalas off roads, the
question remains as to whether it continues to be effective when such gaps appear in the fence
(D. Lunney, DECC, pers. comm.). The potential for cumulative impacts of fences along roads
should also be considered, including their potential impact on the movement of other
terrestrial fauna species.
8.11.3 Signposting
Signs to alert drivers to the likelihood of koalas crossing roads are widely used in NSW. Signs
are of limited value however in speed zones of 80 km/hour and above. Transportable signs
placed beside the road when a koala is present have also been used on smaller local roads.
The benefit of these transportable signs is that drivers will be encouraged to slow down when
and where it is most likely that a koala may cross the road. Signs that depict a walking koala
indicate to drivers the potential presence of koalas on the road.
Signs indicating the number of koalas killed or injured at a particular site have also been used,
although the figures presented in these signs can be misleading. Decreasing numbers of koalas
killed at a particular spot may indicate that drivers are becoming more cautious or, alternately,
that the number of koalas surviving in that area is declining. Nevertheless, warnings to drivers
of the possibility of koalas on the road are necessary and encouraged, though their
effectiveness is limited unless associated with other mitigation measures.
Community education
Substantial material has been produced to raise awareness in the community about the threats
to koalas and actions that can be taken to reduce those threats. In 2006 DECC conducted a
statewide community-based survey, and the former NPWS (now part of DECC) and others
have conducted a number of community surveys. Examples include: Yengo National Park
(Curtin et al. 2002), Coffs Harbour (Lunney et al. 1999), Port Stephens (Lunney et al. 1998),
Iluka (Lunney et al. 2002), Lower Blue Mountains (Close et al. 2000), Tantawangalo Forest
(Allen 1992), Shoalhaven Gorge Region (Allen 2002), and annual community surveys
conducted in Narrandera. There are numerous web pages dedicated to the koala and a range of
publications and projects developed by the former NPWS (now part of DECC), Australian
Koala Foundation (AKF), wildlife rehabilitation groups and others:
The Bearcare project in Gunnedah Shire from 199091 involved a community survey,
visits to schools, an extensive media campaign and public meetings and was successful in
getting the community to support local koala management (Smith 1992).
The former NPWS, in association with Hastings, Tweed, Lismore and Coffs Harbour
councils produced LGA-specific brochures entitled Koala Under Threat.
Educational brochures have been produced as part of the preparation of recovery plans for
the Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens endangered population and the far south coast koala
The AKF raises awareness of the koala, both in Australia and internationally. The AKF
produces regular newsletters, conducts annual conferences and promotes the koala
through initiatives such as the annual Save the Koala Day held on the last Friday of July.
DECC has produced a series of Natural Resources Management Advisory Notes including
Note 9 Koala Habitat on
A numbers of initiatives have been undertaken or are underway to restore koala habitat. For
example, Natural Heritage Trust funds are assisting a range of koala habitat projects
throughout NSW, including the Port Stephens Koala Habitat Restoration Project and the
planting of 4000 koala habitat trees in Sawtell for the Toormina Koala Habitat Project (J.
Turbill, NPWS, pers. comm.). As part of the Bearcare project in Gunnedah, the local Rotary
Club and Gunnedah Colliery conducted a large tree-planting campaign in the LGA (Smith
1992). As part of the recovery program for koalas in the NSW south coast KMA, the former
NPWS (now DECC) initiated a koala habitat restoration project in the Bega and Bermagui
areas. Guidelines for koala habitat restoration have been included within the Port Stephens
CKPoM (Port Stephens Council 2001) and the draft CKPoMs for Greater Taree and
Campbelltown (see Callaghan et al. 2002a, b).
The former NPWS and now DECC have been active in the replanting and restoration of
habitat for koalas within national parks and nature reserves, including the planting of koala
food trees in Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve, Kwiambal National Park, Wilson Nature
Reserve and Tucki Tucki Nature Reserve.
Off-park conservation
A range of initiatives are available for conservation outside the reserve system, including
Voluntary Conservation Agreements (VCAs), Wildlife Refuges, Land for Wildlife, revolving
funds, and CMA incentive programs.
A VCA is a joint agreement between a landholder and the Minister for Climate Change and
the Environment aimed at permanently protecting the natural or cultural features present on a
property. Although VCAs are entered into voluntarily, they are attached to the title of the land
and therefore exist in perpetuity regardless of change in ownership of the land. Many VCAs
are on sites which support koalas or potential koala habitat (S. Hampton, NPWS, pers.
comm.) and a VCA has been established at Wedderburn for the primary purpose of
conserving koalas.
Revolving funds encourage permanent protection of potential koala habitat. Land is purchased
by a revolving fund for on-selling to a willing landholder and protected with an in-perpetuity
Wildlife Refuges and Land for Wildlife are not binding agreements. A Wildlife Refuge is an
agreement between a landholder and the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment
which is not attached to the title of the land and can be revoked by either party at any time. A
property owner can declare all or a part of their property as a refuge to be managed for
conservation and although less binding than a VCA, it still enables plans of management to be
adopted. A number of established Wildlife Refuges provide protection for koalas and koala
habitat. Land for Wildlife is a national program implemented by local government or
community groups. It involves the voluntary registration of properties and aims to encourage
and assist landholders to manage their land for wildlife. This scheme is not legally binding.
The creation of CMAs with incentive funding for vegetation retention and its conservation
and management on private land provides an important opportunity to improve koala
conservation on private land, with concurrent gains in biodiversity benefits for a range of
other species with similar habitat requirements.
CMAs and landholders in their regions whose interests they represent should be encouraged
to target incentives towards koala conservation as part of an integrated strategy prepared
within a KMA.
Wildlife rehabilitation groups rescue and rehabilitate injured, orphaned and diseased koalas
and then release them back into the wild. Individuals invest substantial time, energy and
resources into caring for koalas. These groups also play an important role in community
education and awareness-raising. They hold detailed records of the animals brought in for
care, their injuries and their fate, which can be used to identify patterns on a local scale and to
contribute to ongoing monitoring programs. Guidelines have been formally adopted for the
care of koalas (Lunney and Matthews 1997).
9 Management issues
The historical threats to koalas have been discussed in detail in Knott et al. (1998), Lunney
and Leary (1988), Phillips (1990), Reed and Lunney (1990) and Melzer et al. (2000). At the
time of the arrival of Europeans, koala numbers appeared to be low, as evidenced by
infrequent sightings (Melzer et al. 2000). This has been attributed to hunting by Aborigines
and predation by dingoes. The apparent increase in koala numbers following European arrival
is attributed to the reduction of these threats as the numbers of Aborigines and dingoes
declined (Lunney and Leary 1988; Lee et al. 1990b; Phillips 1990; Reed and Lunney 1990).
However, the role of Aborigines in keeping koala numbers low has been disputed (Phillips
1997) and other explanations for the apparent increase in numbers include the expansion of
European settlement into areas where koalas were more abundant and hence more easily
observed and the alteration of fire regimes creating more suitable habitat for koalas (Lunney
and Leary 1988; Melzer et al. 2000).
In the late 1800s and early 1900s koala numbers declined dramatically as the result of a
combination of hunting for pelts, increased bushfire, epidemic disease, severe drought and
clearing of habitat (Reed and Lunney 1990; Melzer et al. 2000). In 1902 alone, 600,000 koala
skins were purchased in New South Wales (Reed and Lunney 1990) and Phillips (1990)
estimated that the total number of koalas killed for their pelts was several million. However,
large numbers of koalas also died from epidemic disease in the 1890s and 1900s. The
epidemic is likely to have been the result of extensive clearing of habitat and a severe drought
from 1895 to 1903, both of which left koalas under stress and vulnerable to disease. In many
areas, because of habitat loss and fragmentation, koala numbers have not recovered from the
large losses at the beginning of the last century (Hume 1990).
The research conducted to date on koala management has revealed critical elements of koala
population biology, and the effects of earlier koala management actions on todays koala
populations are known. For example, at the end of the nineteenth century there were two
koala skinning factories in the Bega district koalas in the region today are rare. The loss of
population was caused by the loss of koala habitat on the flat, fertile soils of the district, but
the data from koala fur records indicates that the farmed region is capable of sustaining a high
koala population. This is encouragement for a replanting and restoration program such as on
the fertile soils along the Bega River.
In Victoria, the historical records show koala populations had dropped to low levels by the
end of World War II and koala translocation had been a means of restoring koala numbers.
However, some of the translocated populations have since become overabundant, causing
many of the current dilemmas in managing that states koalas, as outlined in Victorias Koala
Management Plan of 2004.
In Queensland the koala fur trade in the early twentieth century was huge, demonstrating that
koala populations were once widespread and common. The records from the commercial trade
have allowed interpretation of changes in the distribution and numbers of koalas across the
state over the last century (Gordon and Hrdina 2005).
Local studies (e.g. at the shire scale) have also demonstrated that koala populations were
historically more abundant in the rich agricultural areas, whereas todays populations are
greatest in the poorer agricultural habitats. This has been demonstrated at Port Stephens in
NSW and Noosa in Queensland. These studies have provided crucial guidance as to what
constitutes primary, secondary and tertiary koala habitat; what the impact of development has
been; and what options exist for restoration of habitat and local populations.
The threats to koalas are listed in order of their general importance throughout NSW, although
these vary at the local level. Loss, fragmentation and degradation of habitat are the most
important threats to koalas throughout their range.
Historically, the loss and fragmentation of habitat was a significant factor in the decline of
koalas and this remains the most serious threat facing koalas today. During the 198687
survey of the distribution of koalas in NSW (Reed et al. 1990), most koala records were from
private or leasehold lands where they are particularly vulnerable to habitat loss and
fragmentation. The 2006 community-based survey confirmed that the centres of populations
identified in the 198687 survey remain the same, and that the bulk of the koala population
resides on private or leasehold lands (Lunney et al. in prep.; see Section 3.3).
The loss and fragmentation of habitat as a result of clearing for agriculture, inappropriate
forestry activities, urban development, roads and other infrastructure has been particularly
evident on the more fertile soils in valleys; the areas which provide the most valuable habitat
for koalas. The result of this past and ongoing loss of areas of high quality habitat is that
koalas now mainly occur in areas of lower quality habitat that supports a lower density of
animals (Section 7).
As a result of clearing, much of the remaining habitat now occurs in isolated fragments. Due
to fragmentation, koalas must travel through cleared areas where they are vulnerable to death
on roads (Section 9.2.3) and predation by dogs (Section 9.2.4). Where fragmentation reduces
or prevents successful dispersal and recruitment between populations, the number of animals
in a population may decrease over time due to threats such as predation, stress-related disease
and death on roads. This potentially creates a genetic bottleneck resulting in inbreeding
depression and leaves the population vulnerable to extinction from chance events, such as
wildfire or extreme weather conditions.
Another important consequence of fragmentation is that successful colonisation or recolonisation of suitable habitat is reduced. In NSW, koalas are absent from many areas of
suitable habitat, suggesting that the barriers to movement such as roads, urban development
and associated threats, are preventing animals from extending their range or expanding back
into their former range. Furthermore, the disruption of home-ranging patterns as a result of
habitat fragmentation and degradation, the loss of home-range trees and creation of barriers to
movement may result in the disintegration of social structure, potentially contributing to the
decline of the population (Phillips 2000a).
Habitat degradation
The degradation of remnant habitat as a result of weed invasion, tree dieback and changes in
species composition is a threat to koalas. The invasion of weed species into habitat can reduce
its suitability for them. For example, in Pilliga State Forest the long spines of tiger pear
(Opuntia aurantiaca), a small introduced cactus, were found to have lodged in the paws of
koalas, causing infection and occasionally death (R. Kavanagh, State Forests NSW, pers.
comm.). In other areas of NSW, dense thickets of lantana, blackberry and morning glory
reduce the ability of koalas to move freely between trees. The alteration of tree species
composition, potentially resulting in a lower proportion of preferred tree species (e.g. as a
result of selective logging of tallowwood trees) also degrades the quality of koala habitat.
The experience of the Department of Primary Industries (V. Jurskis, DPI, pers. comm.) has
been that selective logging of blackbutt trees has increased the proportion of preferred food
trees, such as tallowwood in areas like Pine Creek (Florence 1996).
In addition to clearing (Section 9.2.1), death of trees from dieback is reducing the availability
of habitat for koalas, particularly in agricultural areas. The causes of dieback are many and
include (Pahl et al. 1990; Jurskis 2005; Turner et al. 2008):
reduced water availability through diversion of water away from native vegetation, soil
compaction and drought
frequent fire and grazing by stock and introduced herbivores which reduce regeneration
and destroy regrowth
pasture improvement
Road kills
Roads are a significant cause of koala death and injury throughout their distribution. For
example, of all koalas recovered by the Native Animal Trust Fund (NATF) in the Lower
Hunter area between 1994 and 1997, a high proportion (159 animals or 38% of the total) were
injured or killed as a result of collisions with cars (from records submitted to the former
NPWS). Similarly, Starr (1990) reported that 45% of koalas taken into care in the Port
Macquarie area had been hit by cars. Smith (1992) also reported that road injury is a
substantial cause of koala deaths in Gunnedah. In addition to direct impacts (i.e. koala death
on roads), the construction of roads through koala habitat can also disrupt breeding and social
interactions and isolates populations, reducing dispersal and immigration opportunities.
As more major roads have been constructed through koala habitat this threat has increased.
This is of concern at any location where a resident koala population and/or regularly used
koala movement path is bisected by a traffic corridor, but particularly where speeds exceed
60 km/hour, where traffic volume is high and where visibility of road edges is low due to
vegetation or lack of lighting. Koala death on roads is also more common during the breeding
season (usually peaking mid-August through to mid-summer) and appears to affect young
koalas, presumably animals dispersing from their natal range (Moon 1998). Mitigation
measures to reduce this impact are discussed in Section 8.11.
Dog attacks
Attacks by wild and domestic dogs are a significant cause of koala death and injury. For
example, records submitted to the former NPWS by the NATF indicate that between 1994
and 1997, 55 koalas were rescued in the Lower Hunter area following dog attacks. Smith
(1992) reported that domestic dogs are the second most frequent cause of koala death in
Gunnedah after cars. However, a study of predator scats in the Pilliga forests (Paull and Date
1999) found that only one scat out of 125 contained koala, suggesting a low rate of predation
by dogs and foxes in this area. Dog attacks are a threat in all KMAs, but particularly in and
around urban and rural-residential areas.
Records held by wildlife rehabilitation groups indicate that both male and female koalas are
impacted by dog predation and that koalas are more vulnerable to dog attack when weakened
by health problems, such as chlamydiosis (Wilkes and Snowden 1998). Furthermore, attacks
by dogs are expected to be more common during the breeding season when koalas are more
active and moving through cleared areas.
High-intensity wildfires pose a threat to koalas, particularly where refuge habitat is not
available. High-intensity fires burn the canopy and can cause the death or injury of koalas and
a reduction in the availability of foraging habitat (Lunney et al. 2004). In addition, fastmoving fires fanned by strong winds reduce the ability of koalas to escape to refuge areas.
Refuge habitat potentially enables koalas to escape fires and also provides alternative habitat
until the burnt areas have regenerated. The extent of fragmentation, the proximity of source
populations, the intensity and extent of the fire, and the degree of other threats will determine
how quickly koalas repopulate habitat following fire (see Lunney et al. 2004 for further
discussion). The level of impact of dogs on local koala populations has been found to alter
following fire (Lunney et al. in press).
High-frequency fire, even at low intensity, can reduce the quality and availability of habitat
for koalas. In particular, high-frequency fire can reduce the regeneration of preferred food
trees and change the floristics by promoting fire-tolerant species.
Jurskis (2005) has maintained that high-frequency fire, even at low intensity, can reduce the
quality of habitat for koalas. In particular, high-frequency fire can maintain the health of
eucalypt trees and prevent chronic decline which would otherwise improve their nutrient
status and palatability to koalas.
Data from the 1994 bushfires in Port Stephens is being used by DECC to assess the impact of
wildfire on koalas and the success of rescue and rehabilitation. Following these fires,
46 koalas were found dead and 53 koalas were rescued and rehabilitated by the NATF. After
release, the koalas were radio-tracked and found to be successfully surviving in the
regenerating habitat within 6 months of the fires (Lunney et al. 2004). Evidence from other
areas indicates that koalas can survive fires, for example the 2001 fires in Campbelltown
(R. Close, University of Western Sydney, pers. comm.), and continue to survive in previously
burnt habitat, for example in Yengo National Park (Curtin et al. 2002).
There is a general belief that koalas can survive in a satisfactory manner with low-intensity
hazard reduction burns, but are adversely impacted by high-frequency fire. There is now some
evidence however, in part anecdotal, that this may be a considerable simplification of impacts.
First, in regard to high-intensity fires in summer, there is evidence that koalas in the
Wedderburn Gorge area had very high survival rates from an extremely high-intensity
summer fire (R. Close, University of Western Sydney, pers. comm.). It is postulated that on
very hot days koalas leave the trees during the day to take shelter in areas such as the gorge,
rocky outcrops, or possibly wombat burrows and other sheltered areas. As a result, when a
high-intensity fire burnt through this environment later in the day, very few koalas were in
micro-environments affected by the fire.
Conversely, hazard reduction fires frequently occur on mild, low-wind winter days, when
koalas typically remain in trees. Even though the intent is for low-intensity fires, in areas of
thicker vegetation, which often are where koala trees are located, fire flame height and
potential scorch heights can be substantial, making koalas vulnerable to burn injuries.
Controlled burns also affect individual koalas when they come into contact with burnt lower
parts of trees. They are an important issue for the management of localised populations such
as in Port Stephens and Iluka where fire has been shown to adversely affect the local
population. In the case of Iluka, it contributed to the extinction of the population (Lunney et
al. 2002).
When preparing local fire management plans it is important that the fire planner is aware of
where local koala populations exist, especially on the coast. It must also be recognised that if
a controlled or prescribed burn is to proceed through a local population it is likely to have an
impact on individual koalas in that location. However, the habitat of koalas recovers quickly
and koalas reoccupy burnt habitat within months the issue is one of management of koalas
not of habitat (D. Lunney, DECC, pers. comm.).
While it would not be wise to make generalisations based on the above observations, it is
clear that fire management for koalas is complex and requires ongoing investigation.
For many years there has been debate regarding the threat posed to koalas from logging
regimes, particularly in south-eastern NSW (Cork et al. 2000). This lack of resolution is
primarily the result of a lack of rigorous and objective research and differing interpretations of
the data which have been collected (Cork 1995; Briggs 1999). On reviewing available data
regarding koala use of the south-east forests, Briggs (1999) concluded that the extent to
which koalas use forests with different logging histories is unclear. Smith and Andrews
(1997) concluded that logging which reduces the structural and floristic diversity and limits
the availability of preferred food trees would reduce the quality of koala habitat, and that
logging may predispose koalas to disease. This study is expanded in Smith (2004). Kavanagh
and Barrott (2001) concluded that the effects of logging of eucalypts in the Pilliga forests are
not known. Further investigations are required into the significance of impacts on koalas
resulting from logging.
Private native forestry may pose a threat to koalas in some parts of NSW, particularly on the
north coast. The selective logging of primary koala food trees, in particular tallowwood (M.
Smith, NPWS, pers. comm.), grey gum and forest red gum, removes important foraging
resources for koalas and reduces the value of native vegetation as koala habitat.
Following changes to the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NV Act) on 1 August 2007, harvesting
of timber for the purposes of private native forestry (PNF) now requires approval through a
private native forestry property vegetation plan (PNF PVP). This has been introduced to
ensure that environmental outcomes are improved or maintained as required by the NV Act.
A PNF PVP is a voluntary but legally binding agreement between a landholder and DECC.
A PNF PVP comprises a map of the property identifying that part of the property subject to
the PVP, and a declaration that the forests identified in the PVP will be managed in
accordance with the relevant PNF code of practice.
Four regionally-tailored PNF codes of practice have been introduced as part of these
regulations. The codes set minimum operating standards for harvesting in PNF and establish a
regulatory framework for the sustainable management of private forests by ensuring that
operations improve or maintain environmental outcomes. A specific prescription is included
in the Listed Species Ecological Prescriptions attached to the regulation which requires that
additional primary and secondary koala feed trees be protected in harvest areas where koala
records or signs of koalas (i.e. scats) are present.
Approval to conduct forestry operations under a PNF PVP can be granted for up to 15 years.
For further information visit www.environment.nsw.gov.au/pnf/index.htm.
Prior to 1 August 2007, PNF was undertaken as an exemption under SEPP 46 except for
operations on State Protected Lands. As a result, PNF mostly did not require consent and
activities went largely unregulated.
The operation, monitoring and reporting of PNF through the amendments to the NV Act and
the introduction of the PNF codes of practice now lies with DECC. The codes of practice are
to remain in place pending the development and gazettal of a Private Native Forest
Management Act. Monitoring of the effectiveness of the PNF codes of practice and
specifically the prescriptions to protect koalas and their habitat, needs to be undertaken and
outcomes incorporated into the development of the new Act.
Koala populations in NSW carry the pathogens Chlamydia spp. However, clinical signs of
this infection (commonly conjunctivitis and urogenital tract infections), chlamydiosis, are
expressed when animals are exposed to environmental stresses such as loss of habitat,
harassment by predators, nutritional stress or overcrowding (Canfield 1990a, b; Hume 1990;
Reed and Lunney 1990; Phillips 1997; Melzer et al. 2000; Phillips 2000a). Chlamydiosis
weakens koalas, making them more vulnerable to death from other causes, in particular dog
attack and severe weather conditions.
The overabundant koala populations on Kangaroo and French Islands are Chlamydia-free.
Reduced fertility as a result of chlamydiosis is thought to naturally regulate populations to
prevent them from exceeding the carrying capacity of their habitat, thus preventing
overbrowsing (Phillips 1997; Phillips 2000a). However, some of the more harmful strains of
Chlamydia are not natural infections of koalas, but recently derived from cows and sheep
(Jackson et al. 1997; Sherwin et al. 2000). The view that Chlamydia can be used to regulate
koala populations that are overbrowsing their food trees has been challenged in some quarters
because of the likelihood that several chlamydial strains are derived from other species
(Jackson et al. 1997; Sherwin et al. 2000) rather than the disease being a natural one to which
koalas are adapted.
Chlamydial disease should still be considered a threat to koala populations in spite of the
popular belief that the long-term survival of koalas is not threatened by Chlamydia (Gordon et
al. 1990; Martin and Handasyde 1990a, b; White and Kunst 1990; Phillips 2000a). Local
extinctions are possible where loss of fertility due to chlamydiosis and reduced recruitment
due to habitat fragmentation cause populations to decline.
The degree of impact of natural disasters such as drought, heatwave or flood on koala
populations is influenced by the quality and quantity of available habitat. These severe
climatic events are expected to increase in both occurrence and intensity as a result of climate
change impacts. For example, in south-western Queensland, a heatwave and drought in
197980 resulted in the death of 63% of the koala population in the area (Gordon et al. 1990).
The animals which survived were those living in good quality habitat along permanent
watercourses. In the sub-optimal habitat away from permanent water, the trees lost their
leaves and the koalas were left with no food or shelter (Gordon et al. 1990).
Studies in other areas have demonstrated that during drought conditions, koalas move from
drier areas to the vegetation along creeklines and rivers where soil moisture is higher (Reed
and Lunney 1990). These examples illustrate the value of refuge areas when conditions
become unfavourable. The widespread clearing which occurred with European settlement was
primarily in the more fertile areas along watercourses; areas which would have provided
refuge habitat. The loss of large areas of this vegetation has reduced the ability of koalas to
survive extreme weather conditions.
Other than drought and fire, harsh conditions such as storms and snow falls have killed koalas
(Reed and Lunney 1990). Such events are infrequent however, and their impact on koala
populations is relatively small. These impacts may potentially increase as a result of climate
Swimming pools
Although koalas are able to swim, if they fall into a swimming pool they are usually unable to
get out due to the slippery nature of wet, tiled surfaces and they can drown. Swimming pools
are not considered to be a major threat to koalas, but appropriate management, such as the
installation of a thick, sturdy rope (50 mm diameter or greater) attached to a poolside fixture
and left draped in the pool at all times, can prevent animals drowning.
9.2.10 Overbrowsing
Overbrowsing by koalas causing defoliation of food trees and consequent starvation is of
concern in parts of Victoria and South Australia. In the absence of disease and predators,
koala populations can increase rapidly, independent of density, and on islands (such as on
Kangaroo and French islands) or where habitat fragmentation has reduced opportunities for
dispersal, overbrowsing can occur (Lee et al. 1990b; Mitchell and Martin 1990). Conversely,
data from St Bees Island in Queensland indicates that overbrowsing is not a concern,
suggesting that the fecundity and survival rates of this island population are responsive to
resource availability and the carrying capacity of the habitat (F. Carrick, University of
Queensland, pers. comm.).
Management of overbrowsing in Victoria and South Australia has primarily involved
translocation of animals from overabundant populations (Lee et al. 1990b). Using this
method, koalas have been re-established throughout their former range in Victoria and South
Australia and have been introduced into areas where there are no previous records, such as
Kangaroo Island and the Eyre Peninsula. Trials of alternative methods are now being
undertaken in Victoria, including sterilisation of males and implanted contraceptives in
females (P. Menkhorst, Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment, pers.
comm.). Culling of animals has been rejected as a potential management option by the
National Koala Conservation Strategy (ANZECC 1998; see Sections 8.1 and 10).
Overbrowsing has not been recorded as a problem in NSW, although there is some potential
for this to occur, particularly given the current levels of habitat fragmentation. However,
because of the high incidence of Chlamydia in NSW koalas, the likelihood of unchecked
population growth leading to overbrowsing is reduced (Phillips 1997). Given that
overbrowsing is not considered likely to become an issue in NSW in the foreseeable future,
this recovery plan does not outline specific management practices relating to this issue. It
remains as a working issue for DECC.
The statewide Koala Recovery Plan is broad in focus and does not detail specific actions at
specific locations. As a result, the recovery plan does not raise particular negative social,
cultural or economic consequences. Nevertheless, Hamilton et al. (2000) demonstrated the
economic advantages of implementing a SEPP 44 shire-wide plan for Coffs Harbour LGA.
This recovery plan focuses on existing legislative and policy mechanisms and does not
impose any additional legislative requirements. However, it does provide some specific
advice regarding the implementation of these mechanisms to better protect koala habitat.
Conflicts could potentially arise in the future between development proposals or other
proposed activities and the conservation of koala habitat. In such cases, the economic and
social consequences of protection of the habitat will be assessed as part of the normal
environmental planning and assessment process.
The positive social, cultural and economic effects of implementing this recovery plan are
considered to be substantial. In many areas where koalas are present, local communities often
feel a particular affinity for koalas and see their long-term survival as important. Furthermore,
koalas may have particular significance for indigenous communities. Many people also take
an active role in the management of koalas, for example koala carers. The loss of koalas
would, in many cases, negatively impact on a local communitys identity. The
implementation of this recovery plan and associated local programs will have positive social
benefits by giving local communities the tools to enhance their local environment and protect
koalas. The communitys involvement via the public exhibition process also provided a forum
for discussion and resolution of any negative social impacts.
Efforts to conserve species and ecosystems are based partly on the benefits that biodiversity
can provide for human life. These include direct economic benefits and/or aesthetic,
emotional and spiritual pleasures derived from ensuring the survival of certain species or
ecosystems. Humans also profit from nature indirectly, our survival depending on an array of
ecosystems, and it is in our interests to preserve them (Ehrlich and Ehrlich 1981; Leitzell
1986; Norton 1986). Ideally, modern conservation measures serve the interests, not just of
people, but of individual animals, species and ecosystems (or biodiversity). This approach
promotes an ethic of care for non-human nature in general on the basis of moral rights
inherent to them, because of the intrinsic values in nature, or in order to reduce the suffering
of individual animals (Leitzell 1986; Norton 1986).
Koalas have a wide public appeal and are often used as symbols for biodiversity. Therefore,
the loss of koalas in the wild would have a significant detrimental impact on the perception of
biodiversity and the involvement of the community in environmental causes. Conversely, the
recovery of koalas would have a significant social benefit by raising awareness about
biodiversity generally. In 1996 a survey of foreign tourists by The Australia Institute Ltd.
found that the majority of respondents wanted to see koalas while in Australia (Hundloe and
Hamilton 1997). Based on 1996 figures, the survey estimated that the total amount
contributed to the Australian economy as a result of koalas was $1.1 billion per annum
(Hundloe and Hamilton 1997). Therefore, the economic consequences of failure to recover
koalas in NSW are considerable.
The recovery of the koala through the implementation of this recovery plan and supporting
local recovery and management plans will have wide-reaching biodiversity benefits. Much of
this recovery plan is aimed at arresting and reversing the loss and degradation of koala habitat
through clearing controls, replanting and restoration programs, fire management, and weed
control. Habitat loss which impacts on the koala also impacts biodiversity generally. The
protection, replanting and rehabilitation of koala habitat will have considerable benefits for a
range of native species, including threatened species, which rely on the same habitat. Other
actions in this recovery plan which have broader biodiversity benefits include raising
awareness about the impacts of dogs and roads on native fauna. While education will target
the koala, other animals will also benefit from greater control of dogs and raised awareness of
fauna on roads, in particular other terrestrial mammals.
The koala is the only member of the family Phascolarctidae and is a unique Australian
marsupial, both taxonomically and physiologically. The koala has been of particular interest
to researchers for many years and studies on this species are continuing, both in Australia and
overseas. Consequently, the koala has high scientific and taxonomic value.
The deliberate movement (by authorised staff) of a koala from one location to another will be
authorised by DECC only if that koala is in immediate danger. If the koala in question can be
relocated after the danger, such as a bushfire, has passed, that must be the action taken. The
objective is to conserve koalas in their existing locations and to prevent artificial movement of
koalas to locations that are incapable of sustaining long-term populations. For example, if a
property is planted with koala food trees, even if it is a large area, that alone is not a reason
for relocating koalas or establishing isolated populations. NSW needs to avoid the problems
that have arisen in Victoria and South Australia from translocations that have resulted in
overabundant local populations. This occurs when the new location, while it is good koala
habitat, is isolated such that dispersal of koalas is not possible. This problem in Victoria and
South Australia is a major issue which is currently costing millions of dollars to manage and
NSW has the option of avoiding this predicament.
Translocation is defined as the movement of living organisms from one area with free release
in another (NPWS 2001b). Proposed translocations of koalas must be consistent with the
Policy for the Translocation of Threatened Fauna in NSW (NPWS 2001b) and proposals will
be assessed by DECC. Translocation of koalas is complex and would only be considered as a
recovery strategy by DECC when it has clear advantages over other conservation options,
primarily in situ conservation. Translocation should not be viewed as an acceptable alternative
to conservation of habitat and populations in situ. A fact sheet regarding koala translocation
was prepared by NPWS and is provided in Appendix 7.
Translocation of koalas may be appropriate to:
remove animals from a high threat location or situation where the in situ mitigation of
threats is not possible
Many issues need to be considered in order to maximise the likelihood of success of the
As a result of severe bottlenecks (periods of very low population numbers) and the long-term
program of active translocations, most Victorian and South Australian koalas are descendents
of translocated stock. Consequently most of these koalas have extremely low genetic diversity
(Houlden et al. 1996) and some are showing characteristics which result from inbreeding
depression, such as albinism, sperm abnormalities and absence of reproductive features
(Houlden et al. 1999b). The resulting problems may include reductions in fertility,
survivorship, disease resistance, growth rates and adaptability to environmental changes
(Houlden et al. 1999b; Sherwin et al. 2000). In contrast, animals in NSW have high genetic
diversity. Translocation of animals from Victoria or South Australia to NSW would result in a
mixing of the gene pools. The result would be a reduction in the genetic integrity of NSW
koalas and this could be detrimental to their recovery in this state. Sherwin et al. (2000)
recommend that translocations should avoid protocols that reduce [genetic] variation within
or among populations. There may be some opportunity for translocation of animals within
NSW, taking into consideration the issues below.
Social structure
The need to recognise and accommodate social structure is an important factor in the
management of koala populations. If koalas were translocated into an area already supporting
koalas, the social structure of the extant population may be disrupted. Such destabilisation of
social structure can cause population decline. Social dissolution associated with a
translocation program has been identified as a contributing factor in the decline of a
population in northern NSW (Phillips 2000a). Similarly, the social structure and robustness of
the source population from which koalas are removed for translocation could be affected.
The suitability and quantity of available koala habitat is an important consideration. Koalas
have specific habitat requirements and if familiar food tree species are not available,
translocated animals may be placed under nutritional stress. Furthermore, within stable
breeding aggregations, animals may rely on known habitat trees for social interactions and
feeding, the loss of which may cause social destabilisation and nutritional stress (Phillips
Physical and physiological characteristics may also affect the success of translocations. The
larger, well-furred koalas in South Australia and Victoria may not adjust to the local climatic
conditions in NSW. In addition, animals at the extremities of the koalas range may have
adapted to the unique environmental conditions there (Sherwin et al. 2000). For example,
Pilliga koalas may be better adapted to cope with heat, low humidity and low rainfall, and
may not cope well with conditions elsewhere in NSW.
The historical presence and fate of koalas within any currently unoccupied areas should be
investigated prior to their consideration for potential translocation programs.
As discussed above, koalas in NSW carry the pathogens Chlamydia spp. However, many
koala populations in Victoria and South Australia, including those on Kangaroo Island and
French Island, do not carry Chlamydia (Lee et al. 1990b) and have little or no resistance to
infection. Studies of translocations in Victoria (Martin and Handasyde 1990b; Lee et al.
1990b) concluded that the success of translocations of Chlamydia-free animals into areas
where Chlamydia is present, and vice versa, is likely to be low because the health, fecundity
and longevity of translocated animals declines as they become infected. Furthermore, there
are different strains of Chlamydia (Sherwin et al. 2000) and introduction of a new strain is
likely to have adverse impacts on animals without previous exposure.
The size and degree of fragmentation of the habitat proposed for translocation is also an
important consideration, as is the presence of threats. The host environment must be adequate
to sustain a population, enabling the population to expand and disperse. In addition, threats
must be absent or adequately mitigated before a translocation can be considered.
Lunney et al. (2002) concluded that immigration was considerably more important in
maintaining a viable koala population than had previously been understood. For small and
isolated populations in NSW, translocations of koalas to imitate natural recruitment and
dispersal may be necessary to prevent local extinctions. Population viability analysis (PVA
Section 8.5) may be useful to guide translocation.
The ability of the koala to recover will depend on a combination of the long-term availability
of suitable habitat, and a reduction of threats that lead to sub-viable or lost populations over
broad areas. Koala recovery will require the retention and/or restoration of habitat, the control
and reversal of fragmentation, and the mitigation of other threats. Evidence from the Pilliga
(Kavanagh and Barrott 2001) and Gunnedah (Smith 1992) suggests that a timeframe of
2040 years may be required before obvious recovery can be detected. Local extinctions may
occur within this timeframe.
Recovery objectives
Plan objective
The overall objective of this recovery plan is to reverse the decline of the koala in New South
Wales, to ensure adequate protection, management and restoration of koala habitat, and to
maintain healthy breeding populations of koalas throughout their current range.
improvement of the extent and quality of habitat and protection of priority habitats and
an increase in the general health of animals in the wild (e.g. less overt signs of Chlamydia
infection or other illness)
an expansion in distribution and the presence of koalas in all areas of primary koala
These criteria can be determined by regular surveys of the presence and health of koalas at
established monitoring points and by encouraging reports of community records of koalas.
Furthermore, the legal protection of areas of important koala habitat through rezoning or
voluntary conservation agreements will ensure that these areas are available for koalas in the
long term.
A decrease in numbers of koalas brought into care can indicate that threats to koalas are being
mitigated. However, this is not a suitable performance criterion in all KMAs as it could also
indicate that koala numbers in an area are decreasing. In the south coast KMA koalas are
rarely brought into care, so an increase there may reflect an increase in koalas in that KMA.
Because of these complications, this criterion will only be used where considered appropriate.
As noted above in Section 9.5, it may be 2040 years before an increase in koala numbers and
distribution as a result of recovery efforts can be detected.
Specific objectives
In order to achieve the broader objectives of both the National Koala Conservation Strategy
(ANZECC 1998) and this recovery plan, the specific objectives of the National Koala
Conservation Strategy (NKCS) have been incorporated into this recovery plan as specific
objectives. A number of recovery actions have been developed for each of the specific
objectives, each with a performance criterion or criteria, and in most cases these actions
address the broad actions of the NKCS.
Objective 1: To conserve koalas in their existing habitat.
Objective 2: To rehabilitate and restore koala habitat and populations.
Objective 3: To develop a better understanding of the conservation biology of koalas.
Objective 4: To ensure that the community has access to factual information about the
distribution, conservation and management of koalas at a national, state and
local scale.
Objective 5: To manage captive, sick or injured koalas and orphaned wild koalas to ensure
consistent and high standards of care.
Objective 6: To manage overbrowsing to prevent both koala starvation and ecosystem
damage in discrete patches of habitat.
Objective 7: To coordinate, promote the implementation, and monitor the effectiveness of
the NSW Koala Recovery Plan across NSW.
Recovery actions
SEPP 44, under the EP&A Act, and the NKCS (ANZECC 1998 currently under review) are
two statutory documents that serve as primary guides to conserving koalas and koala habitat
in New South Wales. Implementing their strategic and specific objectives is a requirement
across the state and is relevant to all levels of government as well as other groups such as
researchers and wildlife rehabilitation groups. The actions required are those identified in both
documents as they relate to various organisations and individual groups.
Action 1.1
Implement the objectives of SEPP 44 and the National Koala Conservation Strategy for the
conservation of koalas and koala habitat in NSW.
Performance criterion 1.1
Koala-related conservation activities are recorded in the State of the Environment report for
Local Government, especially the production, implementation and evaluation of shire-wide
plans (CKPoMs). The number of reports, publications and actions that specifically target or
include koalas in their conservation actions are increased.
Action 1.4
Analyse community-based survey data on koala distribution in NSW in relation to features
such as habitat, tenures, catchment management authority and bioregional boundaries, and
compare 2006 survey results with those of the 1986 survey.
Action 1.5
Disseminate the results of the community-based survey on koala distribution in NSW,
including in a standard scientific publication.
Performance criteria 1.21.5
Koala distribution data entered into an appropriate database and data analyses undertaken.
Results published and disseminated. Koala population studies continued.
Action 1.6
Define the factors that determine koala habitat including soils, elevation, climate and tree
species (food and shelter).
It is worth noting that tree species alone do not define koala habitat it is a combination of
attributes revealed on both a local and landscape scale. Following the identification of these
attributes, validation projects are required.
Performance criterion 1.6
DECC undertakes examples of such projects, including publication of results in the scientific
Action 1.7
Undertake local and/or regional surveys in selected koala populations with particular
emphasis on repeating earlier surveys to search for trends and causes of changes in koala
distribution. (Previous surveys: Iluka, Coffs Harbour, Campbelltown, Pilliga, Bellingen, Port
Stephens, Eden and Gunnedah.)
Performance criterion 1.7
Analyses completed of current koala distribution with previous distribution in the eight
nominated areas (Iluka, Coffs Harbour, Campbelltown, Pilliga, Bellingen, Port Stephens,
Eden and Gunnedah).
Action 1.8
DECC will identify important koala populations in NSW for active management, monitoring
and conservation.
For example, Coffs Harbour and Bellingen koala populations have been identified as two of
approximately 12 important populations within NSW (D. Lunney, DECC, pers. comm.).
Twelve to 14 populations have been identified in preliminary examination of data from the
community survey as being important koala populations.
Performance criterion 1.8
Important koala populations in NSW identified, and appropriate management and monitoring
strategies developed for each population, in association with local councils, CMAs and other
authorities, as additional information is gathered.
Action 1.9
DECC will approach key stakeholders to negotiate conservation outcomes for important koala
populations in NSW.
Performance criterion 1.9
Relevant stakeholders identified and contacted to initiate conservation actions seeking the
protection and management of key koala habitat areas in NSW, as they are identified.
Specific objective 1b: Assess the impact of habitat loss and fragmentation
on koala populations
Action 1.10
Conduct research on the relative impacts of different levels of habitat loss and fragmentation
on koala populations and the ability of koalas to move between patches, relating to both daily
movements and long-term dispersal.
Performance criterion 1.10
Research on a landscape approach to koala conservation conducted and the results of the
research published.
Action 1.11
DECC, in partnership with planning research groups, will prepare a generic approach to
planning guidelines as an application of the research done on the impacts of habitat loss,
fragmentation and the impediments to koala movement between fragments.
Performance criterion 1.11
Planning guidelines prepared and made available for publication and dissemination.
Specific objective 1c: Integrate koala habitat conservation into local and
state government planning processes
Action 1.12
The NSW Government will participate in the preparation of a revised National Koala
Conservation Strategy to replace the 1998 ANZECC Strategy.
Performance criterion 1.12
DECC participates in formal negotiations initiated by the Australian Government Department
of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts to engage in preparing a national strategy
and stating the NSW position on koala conservation. Draft revised National Koala
Conservation Strategy made available for public comment.
Action 1.13
DECC will work with councils to assist in the preparation of Comprehensive Koala Plans of
Management under SEPP 44.
Performance criterion 1.13
Number of Koala Recovery Plans completed.
Action 1.14
DECC will encourage the revision and/or production of a regional list of koala food and
shelter trees for catchment management authorities, local government areas and other
local/regional koala plans that deal with specific issues and/or locations.
Performance criterion 1.14
Regional lists of koala food and shelter trees developed and disseminated, as appropriate.
Action 1.15
Consideration will be given to having a single definition of koala habitat, instead of core and
potential habitat and to expanding the list of koala food trees.
Performance criterion 1.15
Tree species list amended for SEPP 44 and the definition of koala habitat determined and
Action 1.16
DECC will revise the local government area list on the basis of the 2006 map of koala
distribution (from the community survey) and consider whether to recommend its
incorporation into SEPP 44.
Performance criterion 1.16
A formal list of LGAs with koalas prepared and incorporated into a revised SEPP 44.
Action 1.17
Consideration will be given to amending Schedule 2 (Feed Tree Species) to SEPP 44 to
include additional food tree species of koalas.
Performance criterion 1.17
Schedule 2 to SEPP 44 amended.
Action 1.18
Consideration will be given to amending SEPP 44 to:
allow for other koala plans to be developed by councils on a regional or local government
allow for Schedule 2 (Feed Tree Species) to SEPP 44 to include additional koala food
tree species.
Action 1.25
DECC will approach the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) to align its policy and practice
with the NSW Koala Recovery Plan; exchange information and work on producing plans,
given that koalas move across roads/highways; and ensure the RTA has an active program of
implementing engineering solutions and other public measures to reduce the adverse impacts
of vehicles on koalas.
Performance criterion 1.25
DECC initiated discussions with the RTA on the basis of this recovery plan. An agreed policy
produced for exchanging information between DECC and the RTA, working across
boundaries and contributing to a plan that covers a landscape cross-tenure.
landscape/regional scale habitat connectivity, population trends and dispersal at a metapopulation level
Action 4.4
DECC will provide information in relation to the management of dogs and their threat to
Performance criteria 4.3 and 4.4
Information for drivers regarding the threat posed to koalas by vehicles prepared and made
available. Records from wildlife rehabilitation groups (in terms of the number of koalas killed
or injured on roads or by dogs), statistics from local councils (in terms of enforcement),
general community feedback, along with data from the monitoring program (Action 7.2) and
habitat and population surveys (Actions 1.2, 1.3, 1.5 and 1.7), provide an indication of
whether the behaviour of the community is changing.
Action 4.7
Undertake studies of the history of koala management as part of an adaptive management
Without supporting historical studies, local population management using only existing
information from current populations is most likely to lead to misplaced effort on protecting
weak populations in marginal habitat rather than endeavouring to plan and restore koalas on
the best koala lands.
Performance criterion 4.7
DECC has encouraged scholars, be they in government, universities or private groups, to
undertake and publish koala studies.
DECC recognises such studies can be long-term and may be part of broader histories such as
wildlife management practices, fur trade, reviews of rates of land-clearing and changes in
legislation. Being such a large, valuable and iconic species, koala records can be easily
distinguished and thus provide a boost for those involved with the growing discipline of
ecological history.
The development of this protocol will include negotiations with wildlife rehabilitation groups.
The records will include identification of the reason the koala was brought into care, its
location (in a format that is consistent with standard Geographical Information System
mapping), and the gender of the koala. Veterinary aspects of rescues/rehabilitations (e.g.
cause of illness, rehabilitation success rate, euthanasia records) also provide vital information
on the health of existing local populations. Renewal of carer licences will depend on provision
of required information. The value of care records and wildlife rehabilitation groups is
recognised and DECC will maintain an active working relationship with these groups and
supply collated information regularly so the groups also gain a sense of their contribution to
koala management in NSW and where improvements in koala care and conservation might be
Performance criterion 5.3
Annual return records from wildlife rehabilitation groups submitted, and all records conform
with DECC protocol.
The responsibility for the implementation of recovery actions outlined in this recovery plan is
specified in Appendix 1. These actions are to be implemented during the five years of
operation of this recovery plan and many actions have commenced prior to finalisation of this
A number of the actions will be undertaken as part of the core duties of the government
agencies responsible for the actions, or they may be funded from recurrent resources, and are
considered to be funded in-kind. The remainder have been specified as cash funds with future
funding priorities identified (see Appendix 1). The total cost of implementing the plan is
$1,230,000 over five years, with additional funds required to continue research on the biology
and ecology of the koala, its threats and how best to ameliorate them.
Preparation details
The draft recovery plan was prepared by Amelia Hurren (NSW National Parks & Wildlife
Service) supported by the Koala Recovery Team. This final approved plan was revised by
Graham Wilson, Shaan Gresser and finalised by Kylie McClelland of the Biodiversity
Conservation Unit after consideration of public submissions, and in consultation with the
NSW Scientific Committee and other technical and scientific experts both within and external
to DECC.
The actions in this recovery plan have been approved by the relevant Directors General of
those agencies responsible for taking the lead in implementing them: Director General of
Department of Environment and Climate Change; Director General of NSW Department of
This approved recovery plan has now been approved by the Minister for Climate Change and
the Environment.
The Draft Koala Recovery Plan was exhibited from 21 March 2003 to 12 May 2003 (extended
to 30 May 2003) with comments accepted beyond the public exhibition date to October 2003.
Thirty-four submissions were received. Having considered these submissions (and
recognising that some submissions expressed opposing views or were inconsistent with
government policy), DECC amended this recovery plan, where feasible, to incorporate
submission proposals.
Review date
This recovery plan will be reviewed five years from the date of its approval by the Minister
for Climate Change and the Environment.
The assistance and advice of the Koala Recovery Team was invaluable throughout the
preparation of this recovery plan. In particular, John Callaghan, Steven Cork, Dan Lunney,
Alison Matthews, Nicki Mazur and Steven Phillips all prepared sections of this plan. The
efforts of Angela Brady, Peter Christie, Alison Cochrane, Rob Humphries, Stuart Little, Rod
Pietsch, Martin Puddey, Julie Ravallion, Liza Schaeper, Martin Smith and John Turbill in
fine-tuning the draft plan and grappling with complex questions are greatly appreciated.
Other members of the Recovery Team contributed greatly to the development of this plan and
thanks go to Sheila Donaldson, Rod Kavanagh, Francesca Andreoni, Bronwyn Houlden,
Dorothy Mullins, Ian Geers, Alison Colyer and Kirsty McIntyre. In addition, the advice and
work of Graham Wilson, Shaan Gresser, Joanne Edney, Mathew Crowther, Jessica Bryant,
Ian Shannon, Philip Gleeson and Jack Baker was invaluable.
Thanks also to Dan Lunney, Rod Pietsch, Deb Ashworth, George Barrott-Brown, Chris Allen,
Todd Soderquist, Rob Close, Jim Shields, Graham Wilson and Kylie McClelland for their
participation in a workshop to assist in the finalisation of the recovery plan. The additional
advice, expertise and work of Dan Lunney are greatly appreciated. Many other people
provided advice, comments and support and all these contributions are gratefully
14 Acronyms
Development application
EP&A Act
NV Act
RF Act
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Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Reed, P.C., Lunney, D. and Walker, P. 1990. A 19861987 survey of the koala
Phascolarctos cinereus (Goldfuss) in New South Wales and an ecological interpretation
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Sanson, G.D. (eds). Surrey Beatty & Sons, Sydney.
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Rhodes, J.R., Wiegand, T., McAlpine, C.A., Callaghan, J., Lunney, D., Bowen, M. and
Possingham, H. 2006. Modelling species distributions to improve conservation in
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Action description
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
20,000 20,000
cost ($)
Action description
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
cost ($)
Action description
Year 2
Year 3
See 1.18
Year 5
Year 4
cost ($)
Action description
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
cost ($)
10,000 10,000
Action description
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
cost ($)
Action description
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
cost ($)
Proponents of
Action description
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
cost ($)
Action description
Year 2
Year 4
Year 5
Year 3
cost ($)
rehabilitation groups
Action description
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
cost ($)
10,000 10,000
Land managers
Tallowwood E. microcorys
Yertchuk E. consideniana
Bundy E. goniocalyx
Woollybutt E. longifolia
E. notabilis
Stringybarks/supplementary species:
Blue-leaved stringybark E. agglomerate
E. oblonga
E. ralla
E. tenella
E. prominula
E. bensonii
E. imitans
E. blaxlandii
Woollybutt E. longifolia
Yertchuk E. consideniana
Stringybarks/supplementary species:
White stringybark E. globoidea
E. baxteri
Candlebark E. rubida
Eurabbie E. bicostata
Bundy E. goniocalyx
E. interstans
E. retinens
E. volcanica
Stringybarks/supplementary species:
Silver-topped stringybark E. laevopinea
E. subtilior
E. conjuncta
E. stannicola
E. williamsiana
Eurabbie E. bicostata
Bundy E. goniocalyx
Stringybarks/supplementary species:
Red stringybark E. macrorhyncha
Coolabah E. coolabah
E. vicina
E. volcanica
E. macrorhyncha
Coolabah E. coolabah
Stringybarks/supplementary species:
Red stringybark E. macrorhyncha
Option 1
From Phillips (2000b)
Primary habitat
Areas of forest and/or woodland wherein primary food tree species comprise the dominant
(i.e. 50%) overstorey tree species. Capable of supporting high density koala populations
( 0.75 koala/ha).
Secondary habitat (class A)
Primary food tree species present, usually (but not always) growing in association with one or
more secondary food tree species. Capable of supporting medium density koala populations
( 0.10 koala/ha but < 0.75 koala/ha).
Secondary habitat (class B)
Primary food tree species absent, habitat comprised of secondary and supplementary food tree
species only. Capable of supporting viable, low density populations (< 0.10 koala/ha).
Option 2
From Callaghan (unpublished)
Primary habitat
Areas of forest or woodland where primary koala food tree species comprise at least 50% of
the overstorey trees. Capable of supporting high-density koala populations.
Secondary habitat (class A)
Areas of forest or woodland where primary koala food tree species comprise less than 50%
but at least 30% of the overstorey trees; or
Areas of forest or woodland where primary koala food tree species comprise less than 30% of
the overstorey trees, but together with secondary food tree species comprise at least 50% of
the overstorey trees; or
Areas of forest or woodland where secondary food tree species alone comprise at least 50% of
the overstorey trees (primary koala food tree species absent).
Capable of supporting high to medium-density koala populations.
Secondary habitat (class B)
Areas of forest or woodland where primary koala food tree species comprise less than 30% of
the overstorey trees; or
Areas of forest or woodland where primary koala food tree species together with secondary
food tree species comprise at least 30% (but less than 50%) of the overstorey trees; or
Areas of forest or woodland where secondary food tree species alone comprise at least 30%
(but less than 50%) of the overstorey trees (primary koala food tree species absent).
Capable of supporting medium to low-density koala populations.
Secondary habitat (class C) areas of forest or woodland where koala habitat is comprised of
secondary and supplementary food tree species (primary koala food tree species absent),
where secondary food tree species comprise less than 30% of the overstorey trees. Capable of
supporting low-density koala populations.
Tertiary habitat
Areas of forest or woodland where primary and secondary koala food tree species are absent,
but which have important supplementary koala habitat values such as habitat buffers and
habitat linking areas. Such areas are considered to be necessary components of habitat for the
overall conservation of koala populations.
Not capable of supporting koala populations in the absence of primary or secondary habitat.
Bindarri State
Conservation Area
Bullala State
Conservation Area
Bungawalbin National
Bungawalbin Nature
Bungawalbin State
Conservation Area
Bobbiwaa State
Conservation Area
Cascade State
Conservation Area
Booroolong Nature
Bermaguee Nature
Berowra Valley Regional
Berrico Nature Reserve
Bowraville Nature
Brisbane Water National
Broadwater National Park
Biddon State
Conservation Area
Billinudgel Nature
Bungonia State
Conservation Area
Cascade National Park
Cunnawarra National
Curracabundi National
Gumbaynggirr National
Dangelong Nature
Gumbaynggirr State
Conservation Area
Koukandowie Nature
Kumbatine State
Conservation Area
Ku-ring-gai Chase
National Park
Kwiambal State
Conservation Area
Kybeyan State
Conservation Area
Juugawaarri Nature
Ghin-Doo-Ee National
Kanangra-Boyd National
Gir-um-bit State
Conservation Area
Khappinghat Nature
Goonengerry National
Killarney State
Conservation Area
Goonoo State
Conservation Area
Manobalai Nature
Richmond Range
National Park
Muogamarra Nature
Medowie State
Conservation Area
Narrandera Nature
Sugarloaf State
Conservation Area
Talawahl State
Conservation Area
National Park
Mount Jerusalem
National Park
Tilligerry State
Conservation Area
Timallallie State
Conservation Area
Woomargama National
Yarragin State
Conservation Area
Watchimbark Nature
Wollumbin State
Conservation Area
Yuraygir State
Conservation Area
Cherry Tree
Bald Knob
Clouds Creek
Barrington Tops
Glen Allen
Coomore Creek
Bom Bom
Boundary Creek
Devils Pulpit
Kangaroo River
Bril Bril
Broken Bago
Buckra Bendinni
Doyles River
Bulls Ground
East Boyd
Edinburgh Castle
Little Newry
Lower Bucca
Maria River
Masseys Creek
Mia 1
Terrible Billy
Middle Brother
Old Station
Thumb Creek
Orara East
Orara West
Tuckers Nob
Mount Belmore
Mount Boss
Pilliga East
Mount Lindesay
Pilliga West
Upsalls Creek
Mount Marsh
Pine Creek
Mount Pikapene
Queens Lake
Myall River
Wang Wauk
Richmond Range
Royal Camp
Way Way
Nana Creek
Wedding Bells
Sheas Nob
Native Dog
South Brooman
South Toonumbar
Stewarts Brook
North Branch
Styx River
Nulla-Five Day
No amendment necessary
No amendment necessary