Effect of The Parafunctional Occlusal Loading and Crown Height On Stress Distribution
Effect of The Parafunctional Occlusal Loading and Crown Height On Stress Distribution
Effect of The Parafunctional Occlusal Loading and Crown Height On Stress Distribution
E f f e c t o f t h e Pa r a f u n c t i o n a l
Occlusal Loading and Crown
Height on Stress Distribution
Leonardo Bueno Torcato, Eduardo Piza Pellizzer, Fellippo Ramos Verri, Rosse
Mary Falcn-Antenucci, Victor Eduardo de Souza Batista, Leonardo Ferreira
de Toledo Piza Lopes.
The aim of this study was to assess, by the three-dimensional finite element method,
the influence of crown-to-implant ratio and parafunctional occlusal loading on stress
distribution in single external hexagon implant-supported prosthesis. Computer-aided
design software was used to confection three models. Each model was composed of a
block bone and an external hexagon implant (5x10.0 mm) with screw-retained implant
prostheses, varying the height crown: 10, 12.5 and 15 mm. Finite element analysis
software was used to generate the finite element mesh and to establish the loading and
boundary conditions. Normal (200 N axial and 100 N oblique load) and parafunctional
forces (1,000 N axial and 500 N oblique load) were applied. The results were visualized
by von Mises and maximum principal stress. In comparison with the normal occlusal
force, the parafunctional occlusal force induced an increase in stress concentration and
magnitude on implant (platform and first threads) and screw (neck). The cortical bone
showed the highest tensile stress under parafunctional force (oblique load). The stress
concentration increased as the crown height increased. It was concluded that: increasing
the C/I increased stress concentration in both implant components and cortical bone;
parafunctional loading increased between 4-5 times the value of stresses in bone tissue
compared with functional loading; the type of loading variation factor is more influential
than the crown-to-implant factor.
Model Design
The external hexagon implant and UCLA abutment
geometries were used as reference to create the 3D
design. These images were simplified by SolidWorks 2010
(SolidWorks Corp, Waltham, MA, USA) and Rhinoceros 4.0
softwares (NURBS modeling for Windows; Robert McNeel
& Associates, Seattle, WA, USA).
A screw-retained single crown was simulated using a 20
cusp inclination. The crown framework was fabricated from
nickel-chromium alloy and feldspathic porcelain was used
as veneering material like porcelain-fused-to-metal dental
crown. The crown design was obtained from an artificial
mandibular molar tooth (Odontofix Indstria e Comrcio
de Material Odontolgico Ltda., Ribeiro Preto, SP, Brazil),
and digitized using a 3D scanner (MDX-20; Roland DG, So
Paulo SP, Brazil). The images were exported to Rhinoceros
4.0 CAD software for modeling and occlusal surface details
Trabecular bone
Cortical bone
Ni-Cr alloy
Anusavice and
Hojjatie (22)
regions around the screw (2.5 to 3 MPa), for the three models.
However, models B and C exhibited higher stress areas
with the same magnitude (1-3 MPa). Under parafunctional
loading, model A (Fig. 1A) showed stresses in the region of
threads at screw level, while models B and C (Figs. 1B and 1C)
showed a similar pattern of stress distribution. The highest
stresses were between 6.667 and 11.33 MPa.
Under functional oblique loading, all models presented
stress areas located in the hexagon region and implant
platform on the same side of load application and in
the first threads of the contralateral side, and model C
showed the greatest stress areas, between 50-63.33 MPa.
Under parafunctional loading, a high intensity stress
concentration was found in the same areas, but in a greater
area (Figs 1D, 1E and 1F). Model C (Fig. 1E) presented the
Figure 1. von Mises stress of implant under axial load and functional occlusal force - Height crown:(A) 10 mm, (B) 12.5 mm, (C) 15 mm.
von Mises stress of implant under oblique load and parafunctional occlusal force - Height crown: (D) 10 mm, (E) 12.5 mm, (F) 15 mm..
The stress distribution on the retaining screw was
similar among the three models, both under functional
and parafunctional axial loading. The highest stress was
located in a small area at the level of screw thread (Figs.
2A, 2B and 2C).
Cortical Bone
The pattern of stress distribution was similar among the
three models, both under functional and parafunctional
axial loading (Figs 3A, 3B and 3C), but with different
magnitudes and concentrations. Models A showed the
highest tensile stress (0.167 to 1 MPa and 0.833 to 10
MPa, respectively), while models B and C presented the
most extensive compression stress areas.
Under oblique loading, it must be emphasized that
the progressive increase in crown height (Figs 3D, 3E and
3F), induced not only an increase in tensile stress areas
(25 to 50 MPa), but also in areas of compression stress on
the contralateral side, although on a larger scale under
parafunctional load.
Trabecular Bone
In a frontal view, tensile stresses were observed on the
Figure 3. Maximum principal stress of cortical bone under axial load and parafunctional occlusal force - Height crown:(A) 10 mm, (B)
12.5 mm, (C) 15 mm. Maximum principal stress of cortical bone under oblique load and parafunctional occlusal force - Height crown:
(D) 10 mm, (E) 12.5 mm, (F) 15 mm.
Figure 4. Maximum principal stress of trabecular bone under oblique load and parafunctional occlusal force. Height crown:(A) 10 mm,
(B) 12.5 mm, (C) 15 mm.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, atravs do mtodo dos elementos
finitos tridimensionais, a influncia do carregamento oclusal parafuncional
e da altura da coroa na distribuio das tenses em prteses unitrias
implantossuportadas de hexgono externo. Foram confeccionados trs
modelos com o auxlio de programas de desenho assistido. Cada modelo
foi composto por um bloco sseo da regio molar mandibular, por um
implante de tipo hexgono externo (5x10,0 mm) e por coroa com diferentes
alturas: 10, 12,5 e 15 mm. Os modelos foram exportados para o programa
de elementos finitos NEiNastran 9.0, para gerao das malhas e estabelecer
as condies de contorno. Aplicou-se uma carga funcional (200 N axial
e 100 N oblqua), bem como uma carga parafuncional (1.000 N axial e
500 N oblqua). Os resultados foram visualizados por meio de mapas de
Tenso de von Mises e mapas de Tenso Mxima Principal. O carregamento
parafuncional induziu um aumento da rea de distribuio e da magnitude
das tenses no implante (plataforma e primeiras roscas) e parafuso
This work was supported by The So Paulo State Research Foundation
(FAPESP - grant #2011/03624-0).