COMMISSION ON AUDIT CIRCULAR NO. 92-385 October 1, 1992 Subject
COMMISSION ON AUDIT CIRCULAR NO. 92-385 October 1, 1992 Subject
COMMISSION ON AUDIT CIRCULAR NO. 92-385 October 1, 1992 Subject
NOW, THEREFORE, to achieve integrated effect, this Circular restates with amendments
all existing rules and regulations pertaining to the audit of intelligence and/or confidential
All transactions chargeable against the intelligence and/or confidential funds of all
departments, bureaus and offices of the National government, government-owned
or controlled corporations, including their subsidiaries, self-governing boards or
commissions, and the local government units within Metro Manila shall be
submitted for audit in a sealed (taped) envelope direct to the Chairman,
Commission on Audit (COA) or his duly authorized representative.
For those outside the Manila area, they shall be submitted to the Regional
Directors who are authorized to audit transactions involving the intelligence and/or
confidential funds of all agencies whether national, local or corporate within the
region when such funds are allotted to the regional offices concerned.
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All documents required for submission under this Circular shall be accompanied
by transmittal letters to be signed by the head of the agency or office which shall
enumerate therein the type or nature of the document being submitted.
Every June 30 and December 31 of each year, all COA Regional Directors
concerned shall submit a report to the Chairman, COA or his authorized
representative, summarizing the disbursements of intelligence and confidential
funds by all agencies or offices of government (whether local, national or
corporate) indicating the nature of confidential expenses incurred, the period
covered, amounts and other pertinent data.
All COA Regional Directors and Auditors concerned shall strictly adhere to the
procedures prescribed therein.
All cash advances from the Fund shall be subject to pre-audit by the auditors
concerned and unless otherwise herein provided shall be governed by the rules
and regulations prescribed under COA Circular No. 86-257 dated March 31, 1986.
All cash advances shall be liquidated within one (1) month from the date the cash
advance is received by the accountable officer concerned.
If the liquidation vouchers and supporting papers are in order, the COA
Chairman or authorized representative or Regional Director, as the case may
be, shall issue a credit advice addressed to Head of the Agency, attention the
Chief Accountant, through the Auditor of the government agency/office
concerned, on the basis of which credits to the cash advance account of the
accountable officer concerned shall be recorded in the books of accounts of the
All liquidated vouchers and supporting papers shall be retained by the COA
Chairman or Regional Director for safekeeping in his confidential file. However,
duplicate copies of all these records and documents must be retained and filed by
the accountable officer of the agency concerned.
The agencies' Chief Accountants and Auditors shall verify periodically the books
of accounts to the end that the quarterly allotments, funding war rants and the
fund releases, for the above-mentioned purposes are not exceeded.
Any and all issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby amended or revoke accordingly.