Achi Solka
Achi Solka
Achi Solka
Achi Slka
Achi Slka
composed by
translated, transliterated and edited by
design and typesetting by
D R I K U N G R AT N A ( 1 5 0 9 - 1 5 5 7 )
K H E N P O K . T A M P H E L & D O R L O B K N C H O K Y E D O R
bstan srung a phyi'i r g yun gsol phrin las myur mg yogs zhes bya ba bzhugs so
Homage to the Guru and Vajrayogin!
For yogns who wish to perform daily supplications to Achi Nanamza Wangchuk Chkyi Drolma, the special protector of the teachings of Gyalwa Drikungpa, the procedure is given
in ten stages:
1. Beseeching to arise, 2. Offering invitation, 3. Beseeching to take seat, 4. Paying homage, 5. Blending samaya, 6. Offering of medicine, 7. Making offerings, 8. Praising,
9. Requesting activities, and 10. Requesting actions by reminding with words of oath.
Achi Slka
o vajra amta kudali hana hana h pha and purify them with o svabhv uddh sarva dharm svabhva
uddho ha/
tong-p ngang-l rang yi-dam du sel-w/ tuk-k sa-bn l ram-yam-kham sum tr-t/ ram-l me-jung ch-dz ma dak-p ng-po sek/ yam-l
lung-jung bak-chak ngen-pa tam-ch tor/ kham-l chu-jung nyin-dzin gyi dri-ma jang/ lar-yang tram tr-t/ tram ratna tre-lokya bhrum/ zhep/ chi-nang sang-w ch-dz jik-ten gyi kham tam-ch gang-war gyur/ om ah hung (x3)
From emptiness, I appear vividly as a yidam-deity. From the seed-syllable in the heart, the three syllables ra ya kha emanate. Fire from the rasyllable burns off the impurities of the offering substances. Wind from the ya-syllable scatters all the unwholesome propensities. Water from the
kha-syllable cleanses the stains of dualistic fixation. Then, as "ra ratna trailokya bhr is said, from the ra-syllable emanates the outer, inner
and secret offering substances, completely filling all the worlds. o h. Repeat thrice.
zak-pa me-p d-yn ka-sung khor-ch gye-pa kye n-pa ch-trin sam-gyi mi khyap-par gyur/
Uncontaminated, inconceivable clouds of offerings, delightful to the senses and pleasing to the guardians and retinue arise. Thus imagine.
o vajra argha h/ likewise: pdya/ pupe/ dhpe/ loke/ gandhe/ naivedye/ abda/
o rupa vajr h/ likewise: abda/ gandhe/ rsa/ spara/
mah bodhicitta sarvapaca amta h hr ta/ mah rakta jvala maal h hr ta/ mahbalita h hr ta/
Thus bless and play the instruments.
dn-gyi nam-khar dur-tr kyi zhel-y khang chen-po rap-tu bar-zhing ji-p long-du/ rang-rang gi ten zhn-pa'i dang che-p teng-gi -su/ machik pel-den ying-chuk ch-kyi drl ma khor-dang che-pa/ shar-du drak-j le-kyi khan-dro khor-dang che-pa/
Achi Slka
In the sky in front is a charnel ground in a deeply magnificent blazing realm with an exceedingly large celestial mansion. Each on their own seat-mount:
In the center is the sole mother, Chkyi Drlma, glorious Queen of Space, together with her retinue. In the eastern quarter is wrathful-acting Karma
kin with her retinue,
lhor y-sh kyi khan-dro tsuk-na nor-bu khor-dang che-pa/ nup-tu dam-tsik gi khan-dro yi-zhin nor-bu khor-dang che-pa/ jang-du le-dz
wang-gi khan-dro khor-dang che-pa/ rang-rang gi tsl-dang tn-p trl-pa khor bum-d dang che-pa/ tam-ch kyang ku-dok dang zhn-pa ma
nge-pa du-mar den zhing/ chak-tsen na-tsok pa dzin-pa/ tso-khor tam-ch kyi ne-sum yi-g sum-gyi tsen-pa/ rang-gi tuk-k -zer gyi ka-sung
pel-den lha-mo khor-dang ch-p tuk-dam gyi gy-kl t chen-drang par gyur/
to the south is pre-eminent jewel Wisdom kin with her retinue, to the west is wish-fulfilling jewel Samaya kin with her retinue, to the north is executor of enlightened-activities Power kin with her retinue, each of them surrounded by emanations of a hundred thousand kins, appearing in the
same demeanor as the principals. They have many different body-colors and mounts and wield different implements. The three places of the principal
deities and retinue are all marked with the three syllables. From my heart center, light-rays radiate, arousing the heart-commitments of the guardians of
the teachings - the Glorious Goddess and retinue - inviting them. Thus imagine.
1. Beseeching to arise: ky gung-ngn ying-kyi kyil-khor n/ ying-kyi khan-dro ku-zheng shik/ nam-kha ting-gi khang-zang n/ ch-kyi drl-ma ku-
zheng shik/ shar-chok ying-kyi go-ch l/ l-kyi khan-dro ku-zheng shik/ lho-chok ying-kyi go-ch l/ ye-sh khan-dro ku-zheng shik/ nup-chok
ying-kyi go-ch l/ dam-tsik khan-dro ku-zheng shik/ jang-chok ying-kyi go-ch l/ wang-gi khan-dro ku-zheng shik/ ku-sung tuk-kyi le-khen
ma/ le-j ma-sum ku-zheng shik/ yn-ten trin-l ter-gyi dz/ nying-gl pu-dri ku-zheng shik/ chok-zhi tsam-gy teng-ok n/ trl-p ma-tsok
ku-zheng shik/
Achi Slka
ky Arise, O kin of the Expanse from the maala of blue expanse; arise O Chkyi Drlma from the great palace of Namkha Ting; by opening
the door in the eastern expanse, arise O Karma kin; by opening the door in the southern expanse, arise O Wisdom kin; by opening the door in
the western expanse, arise O Samaya kin; by opening the door in the northern expanse, arise O Power kin; arise O Three Servant Goddesses,
activity-executors of body, speech and mind; arise O Heart-trembler Razor, treasury of qualities and enlightened-activities; in the four cardinal and
intermediate directions, arise O hosts of miraculously emanated goddesses.
2. Offering invitation: hri/
rang-zhin ye-n lhn-gyi drup-pa yi/ ma-ky sel-dzok sang-w kyil-khor dir/ chen-dren shek-su sl-w ten-sung ni/ ysh le-la trl-p da-ki ma/ ka-dang dam-la n-p sung-ma chok/ ch-kyi ying-l gyu-mar ku-trl pa/ ye-sh jik-ten tsl-dzin trl-khor ch/
tuk-dam gy-kl ne-dir shek-su sl/ nam-kha ting-zang yu- bar-w long/ khy-par mu-l ting-drak ter-drom n/ che-zh ch-mo a-chi na-nam
za/ dra-gek duk-pa dl-chir shek-su sl/
hr Guardians of the doctrine who are invited to this secret maala which is perfect, radiant, natural, primordially and spontaneously present, please
approach. Miraculously emanated kin-goddesses of the activities of wisdom, supreme guardians who abide by the command and samaya, illusorily manifested body-emanations from the dharmadhtu, emanations with your retinues in both wisdom and worldly forms: Your heart-commitments
aroused, please come here to this sacred place. From the luminous space of turquoise light in Namkha Tingzang and in particular from the Azure Crag
at Terdrom, great elder sister Achi Nanamza, please come in order to tame noxious enemies and obstructers.
ye-sh ying-l gyu-m kur-ten pa/ le-dang ye-sh dam-tsik wang-gi lha/ rang-rang rik-tn gyel-w ten-sung chir/ zhi-gy wang-drak khor-dang
che-pa nam/ nel-jor dung-w nga-ro druk-tar drok/ b-dz ch-pen yap-mo ling-s ling/ ch-tor dam-dz d-tsi gya-tso kyil/ dam-tsang ne-dir
dam-tsik sa-ma dzah/ dzah hum bam hoh a-la-la hoh e-hyi hi bha-ga wan a-kar-sha-ya sa-ma dzah/
Achi Slka
In order to protect the doctrine of the conquerors, manifesting in body-emanations from the ultimate sphere of wisdom are the deities Karma, Wisdom,
Samaya and Power each together with your own kind - your retinues that pacify, increase, magnetize and destroy. The sincere cries of yogns calling
forth like the roar of dragons, fervently waving ritual-ribbons, gracefully beckoning, holding offering-balita and samaya substances, an ocean of
elixir. In accordance with your samaya, come here to this place of unsullied samayas samja ja h ba ho alala ho e hyi hi bhagavn karaya
3. Beseeching to be seated:
hri/ dra-gek ru-tra drel-wa ne-chok dir/ t-khar rin-chen bar-w zhel-y su/ pe-ma nyi-da bam-chen den-teng du/ ten-pa
sung-chir nyi-m ten-par zhuk/
hr Here at this supreme place where enemies, obstructers and rudrs are liberated, in an incomparable palace of skulls and blazing jewels, on the seat
composed of a large corpse, lotus, sun and moon, sit non-dually and firmly for the sake of safeguarding the doctrine.
n-j duk-pa zhi-w kyil-khor du/ za-j le-kyi khan-dro zhuk-su sl/ tse-pel ye-sh gye-p kyil-khor du/ pel-den ye-sh khan-dro zhuk-su sl/
In the maala of pacifying noxious harm-bringers, you devourer Karma kin, please be seated. In the maala of increasing longevity, well-being
and wisdom, you glorious Wisdom kin, please be seated.
kham-sum wang-du d-p kyil-khor du/ wang-j dam-tsik khan-dro zhuk-su sl/ duk-p dra-gek drel-w kyil-khor du/ l-dz wang-gi khandro zhuk-su sl/
In the maala of over-powering the three realms, you ruler Samaya kin, please be seated. In the maala of liberating noxious enemies and
Achi Slka
yn-ten lhn-gyi drup-p kyil-khor du/ tse-pel gye-j lha-mo zhuk-su sl/ trin-l drak-po -yi kyil-khor du/ ten-sung khan-dro khor-ch zhuk-su sl/
In the maala of spontaneously accomplished qualities, you goddess who increases longevity and well-being, please be seated. In the maala of
where activities are wrathful, you the kin-guardian of the doctrine and retinue, please be seated.
dharmatr jnaloka kin saprivra samaya stva
4. Paying homage: o
5. Blending samaya: hri/ ying-chuk khan-dro zu-dang pang/ d di-n ni zung-n su/ ji-si jang-chup nying-p bar/ dak-kyang dam-l mi-da t/ tak-
tu khy-nyi drup-ching ch/ khy-kyang dam-l ma da-war/ tak-tu dak-gi dong-drok dz/ gel-t dam-l de-gyur na/ dam-tsik nyen-p che-pa
yi/ dor-j nyel-wa chen-por tung/ de-w dam-l ma da-war/ dor-j d-tsi chok-la rl/sa-ma-ya ma-ha pan-tsa amrita na rakken/
hr Queen of the Expanse kin be the eyewitness! From this time onwards, until reaching the heart of enlightenment, I shall not transgress the samayas. Propitiating and venerating you at all times, you also do not transgress your samaya but instead be my companion at all times. If the samayas
are transgressed, as a severe consequence one falls into the vast vajra-hell. Hence, do not transgress the samayas but enjoy the supreme vajra-elixir:
samaya mah paca amta na rakken
6. Offering medicine:
o r dharmatr saprivra paca amta khhi/ o karma kin saprivra paca amta khhi/ o jna kin
Achi Slka
saprivra paca amta khhi/ o samaya kin saprivra paca amta khhi/ o vaa kin saprivra paca amta khhi/ o
jnaloka kin saprivra paca amta khhi/ Thus offer the elixir.
7. Making offerings: hri/ ying-chuk lha-mo khor-dang ch-pa la/ nal-jor dak-gi ch-p dam-dz ni/ tsang-zhing yi-ong dak-p n-chok dir/ rin-chen
hr These samaya substances, which I the yogn, offer to the goddess Queen of the Expanse and retinue: Here in this pure place, clean and pleasant, I
spread out a blanket of blazing precious gems;
lha-dz yl-wa la-dr pen-duk sham/ rin-chen nor-na chen-zik jor-p trik/ ro-chok ch-den zhel-z na-tsok dang/ tung-dang dak-zhip je-drak
nge-zang sha-chen sek-p trin-tar tip/ nang-sel zhn-gyi mar-m -du bar/ dri-zang ch-den chap-kyi je-drak tam/ sha-nga d-tsi den-p zhel-z tsok/
Gather up like clouds, fragrant smoke of roasted great-flesh; light up brightly shining lamps of refined butter; fill up water with various fragrance and
nutrients; and amass foods consisting of the five flesh and elixirs.
Achi Slka
zhen-yang chen-du dze-shing nyen-wang chok/ tsim-p ying-dang rl-mo na-tsok dang/ jar-w dri-dang jak-su tar-b ro/ ku-la rek-jam jangsem dn-gyi ch/ chi-m ye-sh d-tsi lha-yi ch/ zhen-yang chen-du dze-shing nyen-wang chok/
Furthermore, sights pleasing to the eyes, myriad songs and music satisfying to the ears, prepared perfumes, and flavors enjoyable to the tongue, touch
smooth to the body, the ultimate offering of bodhicitta, deathless elixir of wisdom, the divine substance,
gyu-kyen jar-w rakta bu-treng trik/ rap-dz pel-gyi tor-ma ji-ching ch/ duk-chen drel-w sha-trak r-kyi ch/
Bubble-gathering rakta from the joining of causes and conditions, exquisitely beautiful and glorious balita, magnificent and enormous, flesh, blood,
and bones of the liberated evil-doers.
b-p dam-dz yap-dar ngn-po dang/ zhuk-p dam-dz kor-dz nor-dang ch/ chi-yi ten-dz dri-ngn shel-gong luk/ ta-chok ngn-po drongchen gya-bong ch/ nang-gi ten-dz trung-trung gyel-tsen dang/ sang-ten ser-yu dru-na leu-gen dar/ ku-zuk ba-chak sok-khor ku-yi ten/ dzapdang t-yang nyen-treng sung-gi ten/ dri-m ngl-kar me-long tuk-kyi ten/ zang-druk men-na dar-zap yn-ten ten/ rl-mo sil-nyen dra-drok
trin-l ten/ tak-gyn ba-ling tor-m tuk-dang kang/
Blue pennant as the samaya substance for beckoning, wealth treasure-chest as the samaya substance for dwelling. Blue female yak, sheep, blue excellent steed, large wild yak and big donkey as outer support substances, crane and victory banner as inner support substances, gold, turquoise, various
grains, and red cloth as secret supports, body supports of portrait, bamboo whip and life-force cakra, speech supports of recitations, songs of praise,
and ml, mind support of unblemished silver mirror, quality supports of the six good medicines and fine silk, activity support of the sound of cymbals
playing. With these sacrificial balita, I shall satisfy your heart-desires daily.
Achi Slka
nel-jor dak-chak khor-dang che-pa yi/ dam-tsik nyam-chak tam-ch sor-sl la/ yi-mn chok-dang tn-mong ng-drup nam/
ma-l nyur-du tsl-b trin-l dz/
Please enjoy them in order to restore all the samayas impaired and broken by us yogns and retinue. Execute your activities of quickly bestowing upon
us without exception, the supreme and ordinary attainments we desire.
8. Praising: ka-ma
lon-dap gye-p ge-sar / kha-w dok-tsung pel-den ying-chuk zhel/ ga-zhe dang-drel tsen-p min-lek ma/
nga-dak drek-p dra-jom pa-mor d/
In the center of a fully bloomed kamal, is the snow color face of glorious Queen of the Expanse, the unjeering lovely eye-browed lady, adorned with
the marks and characteristics I bow to you, the brave conqueror of the haughty and arrogant foes.
cha-cho ma-rung ma-w duk-chen tsok/ cha-luk nam-pa du-m chol-trl gyi/ ja-sok ro-la se-den du-wa'am/ nya-mo chak-ky guk-tsung de-la d/
I bow down to you who with your manifold magical displays, summon the mass of wicked gossipers, like taste-cravers flocking to tea and so forth,
or fish being caught by hooks.
ta-tha ga-t ten-pa sung-w chir/ ta-d m-p je-drak na-tsok su/ da-dung trl-p nang-nyen mi-z p/ na-ri jik-ten dl-war dze-la t/
For the sake of protecting the doctrine of the tathgatas, manifesting yet more emanations, in accord with the diversity of interests I praise you,
woman tamer of the worlds.
Achi Slka
pa-sang ta-bur zhi-w -zer gyi/ pa-rl n-j duk-sem pam-dz ching/ ba-p ying-l trl-p tsok tr-t/ ma-l sem-chen de-war g-la t/
With pacifying rays like that of Venus, defeating others harmful evil thoughts, by emitting a mass of emanations from the space of your pores praise
to you who place sentient beings without exception in the state of bliss.
tsa-ri ta sog ne-sum zhing-kyong zhing/ tsa-ngam mi-z nam-gyur drak-po yi/ dza-lang nye-j lok-ta ru-tr de/ wa-ky la-ni seng-g ji-zhin du/
You protect the land of the three sacred sites such as Critra, and with your powerful expression of unrelenting rage, turn wild and harmful rudra hordes
into being like foxes in the presence of lions.
zha-l ng-tsam dri-p ku-la ni/ za-ma chik-tsam ch-ching t-p t/ a-chak d-p ng-drup jin-no zh/ ya-tsen chok-gyur ka-sung gyel-mor
Even if it was offering a mere morsel of food or praise to your image drawn simply on the face of a wall, it is said you will grant us the attainments we
wish for homage to you most marvelous queen of the guardians of the teachings.
ra-wa tar-m si-p drong-khyer n/ la-la tsam-l drl-war ma-tong na/ sha-tak duk-ngel gyi-nar sem-chen kn/ sa-chok de-chen ne-su drangdu sl/
From the town of samsara with inescapable boundaries, not more than a few seem to attain freedom. Hence, I supplicate you to deliver all migrators
Achi Slka
hr At the center of the constellations of many classes of kins, with your visage shining like the full moon, you are the great guardian of the doctrine
of the perfect conquerors with discernment, I praise you through this garland of pleasing words.
kn-da da-treng gye-p ge-sar / ma-rung sem-den drel-w uk-drel teng/ wang-p zhu-tar tra-b -treng long/ sel-tong chu-nang da-dra lha-m ku/
In the center of a blooming kunda flower, standing on the corpse of a liberated being, within the expanse of a garland of light like a beautiful rainbow,
you are in the form of a goddess, luminous-empty, like the moon reflected in water.
na-tsok dar-dang rin-chen gyen-treng chang/ na-tsok lek-ny tang-dzin me-long y/ na-tsok ng-drup kn-tsl yi-zhin yn/ na-tsok trl-p
dro-dl ch-kyi drl/
Achi Slka
Wearing assorted silken garments and garlands of jewel ornaments, with a mirror that distinguishes the plethora of rights and wrongs in the right hand,
and a wish-fulfilling jewel that grants a variety of accomplishments in the left, you are Chkyi Drlma who tames migrators through myriad emanations.
ten-pa sung-chir tsa-ri-tra sok kyi/ ne-kn nyl-w sha-za khan-dro tsok/ jik-ten ma-m tsok-la wang-gyur w/ ten-dra rap-jom ten-sung chen-mor d/
In order to safeguard the doctrine at Critra and so forth, you rule over hosts of flesh-eating kins and worldly mtks who rove about all places.
Homage to you, great guardian of the doctrine who totally destroys enemies of the doctrine,
de-tar wang-p drang-den di-t p/ bud-dh ten-pa rin-chen gye-pa dang/ na-gar dzu-na nyi-pa dri-gung p/ ch-dang rik-gy lop-bang pelyen drak/ yar-tso yar-ngo da-tar pel-gy shok/
Thus, by the power of this praise, may the precious doctrine of the buddhas flourish; may the Dharma, lineage, disciples, glory and fame of the
Drikungpa, the second Nagrjuna, swell like summer lakes and the waxing moon! Thus praise.
Achi Slka
ting-gi zhel-zang ma-dang ni/ mi-yo lo-zang ma-dang ch/ ch-pen drin-zang ma-dang ni/ te-kar dro-zang ma-dang ch/ tso-khor tam-ch tsennyi tn/ ku-la dar-kar rel-gu sl/ so-s chak-tsen chak-na nam/ ten-ma chu-nyi khy-kyi khor/
Tinggi Zhelzangma, Miyo Lozangma, and Chpen Drinzangma together with Tekar Drozangma. The chief and retinue all have similar attributes, bodies clad in dresses of white silk, and hands holding different implements, encircled by the twelve Tenmas as attendants.
dzu-trl chen-po nga-w na/ dak-gi ne-dir chen-dren gyi/ ch-tor zhe-la ng-drup tsl/ chi-m tse-yi ng-drup tsl/bang-dz nor-gyi ng-drup
tsl/ nang-sel tra-yi ng-drup tsl/
Because you possess great miraculous powers, I have invited you here to this place. Accept this offering balita and bestow the siddhis: Bestow the
siddhi of longevity and deathlessness, bestow the siddhi of the treasury of wealth, bestow the siddhi of clairvoyance,
kang-zhi chuk-kyi ng-drup tsl/ ma-yang ze-kyi ng-drup tsl/ che-tsen tu-yi ng-drup tsl/ j-tsn chen-p chen-nga ru/ khe-lang zhin-du
dam-la du/ gyen-p tor-ma di-zh la/ chl-w trin-l drup-par dz/
bestow the siddhi of four-legged animals, bestow the siddhi of nutritious food, and bestow the siddhi of great power. Just as you pledged in front of the
great Exalted One, assemble where those who possess the samayas are. Enjoy this ornamented balita and accomplish the activities requested.
This was composed by (Milarepa) Zhepa Dorj.
9. Requesting the execution of activities: namo guru deva kinye! If any yogn wishes to perform a rite of supplication to invoke the Lady, protectress of the doctrine, gather the
substances for balita-offerings, prepare them and sit on a comfortable cushion. Then take refuge and generate bodhicitta.
Achi Slka
o vajra amta kudali hana hana h pha and purify them with o svabhv uddh sarva dharm svabhva
uddho ha/
tong-p ngang-l a-l t-p n-yang shing-gya che-wa nam-kyi nang-du/ rang-rang gi ming yik dang-po tik-l gyen-pa l-jung w ch-yn/
zhap-sil/ me-tok/ duk-p/ nang-sel/ dri-chap/ zhel-z/ rl-mo la sok-pa ch-p yo-j pn-sum tsok-pa dang shing tok-pa me-pa nam-kha dang
nyam-par gyur/
From emptiness arise vast and spacious kaplas from a-syllables. They are filled with excellent offering substances such as drinking water, washing
water, flowers, incense, lamps, perfumed water, food, music and so forth. They manifest from their name-syllables with a bindu mark, immaculate and
unlimited, equal to the infinity of space. Thus imagine
o vajra argha h/ likewise pdya/ pupe/ dhpe/ loke/ gandhe/ naivedye/ abda/ Thus repeat and bless.
tong-p ngang-l yam-l lung ram-l m kyil-khor gyi teng-du kam-l mi-g gyi-bu sum-la ne-p ah-l t-pa chi kar-la nang mar-ba yang-shing
gya che-w nang-du sha-nga dang d-tsi ng rang-zhin gyi d-tsi dang tor-ma d-yn long-ch sam-gyi mi-khyap-par gyur/
From emptiness arise maalas of wind from a ya-syllable, and fire from a ra-syllable. Above that, from a tripod of three
skulls, arises fire from a kha-syllable. Sitting on top of the stove is a vast and spacious kapla, white on the outside and red inside, arisen from an
Cleanse and purify, then:
Achi Slka
a-syllable. It is filled with incredible objects of enjoyment, such as elixirs, balita, and the desirable sense-objects that contain the essence of the five
flesh and five elixirs. Thus imagine.
Then with the turning-lotus mudr say:
rang-gi nying-g sa-bn l -zer tr-p dn-gyi nam-khar la-ma yi-dam khan-dro dam-chen sung-m tsok-dang che-pa chen-drang/
From the seed-syllable in my heart, light-rays emanate, inviting gurus, yidam-deities, kins, oath-bound protectors and guardians to the sky in front.
vajra samja/ o guru deva kin saprivra pad kamalaye stva/ Thus offer the seats. tong-sum kn-dang nyam-pa yi/ pe-ma dap-gy gesar ch/ de-zhing yang-pa bl-lak na/ chi de-war ni zhuk-su sl/
I offer lotuses with eight petals and anthers, each as big as a trichiliocosm, comfortable and spacious please be seated comfortably.
o guru deva kin saprivra argha/ abda/pratccha svh/ Then mah amta khhi/ Thus offer elixir. The actual offerings are pots of fresh food and
drinks placed between the balita. Have them arranged first and then play the instruments. After that:
hoh rang-zhin ch-kyi ying del-wa chen-p zhing-kham lhn-gyi drup-p po-drang k-pa chok-gi gyen-gyi tre-p ne-dir/ khor-wa dang nyangen le-d pa kn-gyi chi pel dam-par gyur-pa/ pel chok-gi dang-p sang-gy kn-tu ming-gyur w de-wa chen-p ku chen/ ch-ku dor-j
chang chen-po la/ long-ch dzok-p k cha-luk dzin-p tn-pa gyel-wa rik-nga yap-yum gyi kur nang-wa nam-dang/ tuk-j chen-p rang-tsel
gak-pa me-p khor sem-pa dang sem-ma/ pa-wo dang khan-dro/ zhi-wa dang tro-w cha-luk dzin-p tsa-wa gy-par che-p la-ma yi-dam
kyil-khor gyi lha-tsok/ gyel-w ten-pa sung-w zhel-gyi zhe-p ch-kyong sung-ma khor zhing-gi dl-ny dang ch-pa tam-ch rang-zhin ne-p
ying-l tuk-j ye-sh kyi kur zheng-t min-drl chok-gi ng-drup tsl-war dze-pa khyap-dak dor-j chang chen-po/
Achi Slka
ho Here in this place, which is the natural expanse of phenomena, an infinitely expansive realm, a palace that is spontaneously present and excellently
established, are the conquerors of the five families fathers and mothers, who are the dharmakya Vajradhara appearing in the form of sabhogakya
the universal and sublime glories of the entirety of samsara and nirvana, the glorious and supreme primordial buddhas who embody the absolutely
unchanging great bliss. Together with the retinues of male and female bodhisattvas, the dynamic energies of great compassion; vras and kins; the
root and lineage gurus and the assembly of peaceful and wrathful deities of the yidam-maalas; the Dharma-protectors and guardians who have taken
oath to guard the conquerors' doctrine, together with their retinues as numerous as the dust motes on earth, all of them emerging as personifications of
compassion and wisdom from the expanse of their natural abodes and granting the siddhis of ripening and liberation, the great Lord Vajradhara,
dor-j nel-jor ma/ ye-sh kyi khan-dro ma na-nam za/ wang-chuk ch-kyi drl-ma/ a-m tsl-trim gya-tso/ yung-drung gya-tso/ nam-kha
wang-chuk/ pe-ka wang-gyel/ s-nam pel/ ka-tung dru-zhi/ khen-po dar-ma/ kn-chok rin-chen/ tsn-pa bar/ yap nel-jor pa dor-j/ kyop-pa
jik-ten sum-gyi gn-po/ wn s-nam drak-pa/ chung dor-j drak-pa/ tok kha-wa rin-chen seng-g/ chen-nga tsam-ch pa/sang-gy chu-nyi pa/
trl-ku dor-j gyel-po/ kn-khyen ch-kyi gyel po/ she-nyen dn-drup gyel-po/ dak-po wang/ ch-gyel rin-chen pel zang-po/ rin-chen ch-kyi
gyel-tsen pel zang-po/ nyam-m rin-chen ch-kyi gyel-po/
Vajrayogin, Wisdom-kin Nanamza, Lady Chkyi Drlma, Am Tsltrim Gyatso, Yungdrung Gyatso, Namkha Wangchuk, Peka Wangyel, Snam
Pel, Katung Druzhi, Khenpo Darma, Knchok Rinchen, Tsnpa Bar, Father Neljorpa Dorj, Protector Jikten Sumgyi Gnpo, Wn Snam Drakpa,
Chung Dorj Drakpa, Tokhawa Rinchen Seng, Chenga Tsamchepa, Sangy Chunyipa Tlku Dorj Gyelpo, All-knowing Chkyi Gyelpo, Omniscient
Dndrup Gyelpo, Dakpo Wang, Dharma-king Rinchen Pel Zangpo, Rinchen Chkyi Gyeltsen Pelzangpo, Unequalled Rinchen Chkyi Gyelpo,
gyel-w wang-po kn-g tsen-chen/ rin-chen pn-tsok ch-kyi gyel-po/ tsung-m ch-gyel pn-tsok/ tra-shi pn-tsok drak-pa gyel-tsen pel zang-po/ jetsn kn-chok ratna/ khyap-dak rig-dzin ch-kyi drak-pa/ kn-chok trin-l nam-gyel/ kn-chok trin-l zang-po/ ku-zhi wang-chuk dhar-ma ra-dza/
Achi Slka
rik-gy khyap-dak kn-chok ten-dzin dro-dl/ pel-den gar-chen pa/ je-tsn ch-kyi nyi-ma/ khyap-dak khor-l gn-po/ ten-dzin pe-m gyeltsen/ ka-drin nyam-m ch-kyi gyel-tsen/ tri-chen lo-dr gyel-tsen/ rin-chen ten-p dze-gyen/ je-tsn tuk-j nyi-ma/ or-gyen n-den dor-j/
ten-dzin ch-kyi lo-dr/ dren-chok zhi-w lo-dr/ ten-dzin ch-kyi jung-n la-sok t/
Supreme Conqueror Knga Tsenchen, Rinchen Pntsok Chkyi Gyelpo, Peerless Chgyel Pntsok, Tashi Pntsok Drakpa Gyeltsen Pelzangpo, Exalted
Knchok Ratna, All-pervading Vidydhara Chkyi Drakpa, Knchok Trinl Namgyel, Knchok Trinl Zangpo, Lord of the Four-kyas Dharmarja,
All-pervading Seal of the Families Knchok Tendzin Drodl, Glorious Garchenpa, Exalted Chkyi Nyima, All-pervading Lord Protector of the World
Tenzin Pem Gyeltsen, Incomparably-kind Chkyi Gyeltsen, Great Throne-holder Lodr Gyeltsen, Rinchen Tenp Dzegyen, Exalted Tukj Nyima,
Orgyen Nden Dorj, Tenzin Chkyi Lodr, Supreme Guide Zhiw Lodr, Tenzin Chkyi Jungn, and so forth,
tsa-wa gy-par che-p pel-den la-ma dam-pa nam-dang/ gye-wa s dang lop-mar che-pa ma-l shing-l pa me-p tsok dang che-pa nam-dang
chok tn-mong gi ng-drup tsl-war dze-p yi-dam gy-d zhi-dang zung-du drel-w kyil-khor gyi lha-tsok nam-dang/ khye-par du d-sum gyi
gyel-wa tam-ch kye-par dze-p yum-chen mo dor-j nel-jor ma rik-zhi khan-dr tsok dang che-pa nam-la/ zak-m ye-sh kyi ch dang denp ch-tor dam-dz d-tsi gya-tso chen-po di bl-lo/sl-lo/ ch-do/ dak-dang ta-y p sem-chen tam-ch tsok-nyi yong-su dzok-shing drip-nyi
bak-chak dang che-pa jang-zhing dak-n/ nyur-du nam-pa tam-ch khyen-pa sang-gy kyi gom-pang rin-po-ch top-par jin-gyi lap-tu sl/
the glorious root and lineage gurus, and the assemblies of buddhas and bodhisattvas without exception, the yidam-deities associated with the four sets of tantras
who provide the supreme and ordinary siddhis along with the assemblies of maala deities, and in particular the great mother Vajrayogin who gives birth to the
conquerors of the three times, together with the kins of the four families, I make offerings, supplicate, and venerate with this great ocean of elixir, consisting of
balita offerings and samaya substances imbued with the essence of wisdom. Please grant your blessings so that I and all of the limitless sentient beings can fully
accomplish the two accumulations, purify the two obscurations including the habitual patterns, and quickly attain the precious state of omniscient buddhahood.
Achi Slka
hri/ ying-chuk pel-den ch-kyi drl-ma/ ku-dok kar-mar dang-dang den-pa/ zhi-dang chung-z tro-w nyam-chen/ zhel-chik chak-nyi -zer tro-wa/
u-la dung-t rin-chen gyen-pa/ dar-n ch-pen rap-tu pur-wa/ u-tra rel-p tor-tsuk ching-shing/ ku-la lha-dz na-za lup-pa/ chak-y ser-gyi da-ru
trol-w/ ma-mo khan-dro wang-du d-ching/ yn-p t-trak zhel-du sl-w/ n-j zuk-pung nam-sh trok-pa/ zhap-nyi drak-shl chen-p tap-kyi/
duk-p dra-gek dl-du lok-pa/ chip-su chang-sh dro-ngn chip-p/ gyok-p bang-gi tong-sum kor-wa/ dar-den ser-ga yu-tur dang-ni/ rin-chen dum gyen-ch tre-pa/ gn-d chok-gi re-wa kong-wa/ zhi-w nyam-dang gye-p jin-chak/ wang-d tsel-dang drak-p tu-den/ gyel-w ten-sung ma-mo
che-mo/ khor-dang che-pa la/
hr Glorious Queen of the Expanse, Dharmatr, whose body is whitish red and radiant, with a serene radiance mixed with an expression of slight wrath, one
face and two arms, radiating rays of light. Your head is adorned with a head ornament with a precious conch, a crown with strips of five-colored silk fluttering
fervently. The hair on your head is bound up into a topknot, your body clad in a dress of divine silks. By playing a golden damaru with the right hand, you
bring the mtks and kins under control; by drinking blood from the kapla in the left hand, you deprive the consciousness of harm-doers of their bodyaggregates.
sl-lo/bl-lo/ ch-do/ gye-p zhel-tn/ drup-p tak-chung/ trin-l ngn-du gyi/ ka-dang ten-pa sung/ khor-dang gang-zak kyong/ pel-dang drakpa drup/ dang-war je-p dra-s/ n-par je-p gek-tl/ bar-du ch-p kyen-dok/chi sam-p dn tam-chen yi-zhin du drup-p trin-l ma-l pa
drup-par dz-du sl/
...I supplicate, make offerings, and venerate you. Please show your delighted face, reveal the signs of accomplishment, make visible your activities,
safeguard the commands and teachings, take care of the followers and individuals, accomplish glories and fame, slay the hateful foes, tame the harmful
obstructers, remove the hindering conditions, and execute the entirety of your activities that fulfill whatever we desire.
hri/ ye-sh khan-dro tsuk-na nor-bu/ ku-dok kar-ser dang-dang den-pa/ zhel-chik chak-nyi ye-na rin-chen/ gn-d sam-pa yi-zhin kong-wa/
yn-na t-pa rin-chen dzin-p/ drup-pa po-la ng-drup tsl-wa/ dar-jang na-za ku-la sl-zhing/ rin-po ch dang r-p gyen-chang/ chip-su
Achi Slka
drong-chen kham-gying la-chip/ drup-la ng-drup nyur-war tsl-b/ ye-sh drl-ma khor-dang che-pa la/ sl-lo.
hr Wisdom Dkin, the pre-eminent jewel, body with a complexion of a light-yellow glow, one face, two arms, with a jewel in your right hand, which
fulfills whatever is needed and desired. Providing siddhis to practitioners from a precious kapla held in your left hand, clad in the garments of green
silk and adorned with ornaments of jewels and bones. Riding a big brownish wild yak of elegance, the swift provider of siddhis to practitioners, to you
Janatr and retinue, I supplicatecontinue with the rest of the prayer on page 37.
hri/ dam-tsik khan-dro yi-zhin nor-bu/ ku-dok mar-kya dri-m dang den/ zhel-chik chak-nyi y-na neu kyel/ mi-z nor-gyi char-pa bep shing/
yn-pa t-pa rin-chen gang dzin/ tn-mong ng-drup yi-zhin tsl-wa/ leu-gen dar-gyi na-za lup shing/ rin-chen r-p gyen-gyi tre-pa/ nyurgyok shuk-den ta-mar la chip/ gyok-p bang-ni lok-gi zhak tsung/ dam-tsik drl-ma khor-dang che-pa la/ sl-lo
hr Samaya Dkin, the wish-fulfilling jewel, body with a complexion of light-red and perfect glow, one face and two arms, with a mongoose pouch in
the right, that makes rains of inexhaustible riches. Providing common siddhis according to ones wishes from a kapla filled with precious jewels held in
your left hand, dressed in garments made of violet silk, bedecked with ornaments of precious jewels and bones. Riding a swift and powerful red horse,
running as swift as the flashing noose of lightning, to you Samayatr and retinue, I supplicatecontinue with the rest of the prayer on page 37.
hri/ wang-gi khan-dro kham-sum zi-trok/ ku-dok mar-mo ji-r dok-tsung/ chak-y zang-dri bar-wa dzin-ching/ dra-gek ma-l sok-tsa ch-pa/
yn-pa chak-kyu nn-po dzin-pa/ mik-j la-sok nam-sh guk-p/ lha-dz na-za ku-la sl-zhing/ t-pa kam-ln rin-chen gyi-gyen/ kha-ding lachip nyur-w shuk-chang/ drup-p r-kong bar-ch kn-sel/ wang-gi lha-mo khor-dang che-pa la/ sl-lo
hr Power Dkin who outstrips the three realms majesty, body with a complexion of red like the color of coral, a blazing copper knife held in the right
Achi Slka
hand severs the root lifeline of enemies and obstructers without exception. A sharp iron hook held in the left summons the life essence and consciousness
of objects of attention; body clad in garments of divine silk and bedecked with ornaments of fresh and dry skulls and precious jewels. Riding a garua
possessing the power of swiftness, fulfilling the wishes of practitioners and dispelling all obstacles, to you Power Goddess and retinue, I supplicate
continue with the rest of the prayer on page 37.
hri/ sha-za le-kyi khan-dro chen-mo/ ku-dok ting-nak tro-tum ngam-pa/ zhel-chik chak-nyi rel-dri char-zhing/ dra-gek sok-tsa mar-po tse-ch/
yn-p t-pa nying-ch dzin-p/ khor-wa trak-gi gya-tso rl-wa/ lang-chen zhing-gi yang-zhi la-sok/ dur-tr che-kyi rap-tu gyen-pa/ chip-su
bong-bu mar-ga chip-t/ tong-sum ma-l ke-chik kor-wa/ sha-za le-kyi khan-dro chen-mo khor-dang che-pa la/ sl-lo
hr Karma Dkin, the great flesh-eater, body with a complexion of dark blue, furious and splendid; one face and two arms, holding a sword that sev-
ers the red lifeline of enemies and obstructers from the root. Enjoying the ocean of blood of samsara from a kapla with a heart inside, held in your left
hand, fully adorned with charnel ground ornaments, such as a whole elephant hide and others. Riding a steed of a bloody red donkey, circumambulating
the entire trichiliocosm in one instant, to you Karma Dkin, the great flesh-eater and retinue, I supplicate continue with the rest of the prayer on page 37.
hri/ zhen-yang trl-p chak-nyen chen-mo/ zho-dang la-chi pu-rang ne-n/ drup-p b-ts ke-chik gyuk-ching/ nel-jor kn-gyi lek-ny tangdzin/ dam-tsik je-ch ka-yi sung-ma/ s-j za-j trok-j mar-mo/ mar-dang jang-mo leu-gen dok-chen/ chak-kyu ne'u-kyel chak-na dzinching/ mi-pak yang-zhi g-su/ gyn-pa drak-p le-la tok-m/ tsel-den dam-den ngak-p drak-tu/ b-ts ha-ha hi-hi ge-mo/
hr Other great emanated retinues from the regions of Zho, Lapchi and Purang, rush in in an instant when practitioners beckon, to oversee the good and
bad of all yogns. Protectresses of the commands, keeping an eye on the samayas, Red Slayer, Devourer, and Snatcher, in red, green, and violet colors,
Achi Slka
with iron hooks and mongoose pouches held in your hands. Wearing full human skins as garments, with invincible skill in the wrathful deeds, when
mantra-holders with samaya call vigorously, you roar with laughing voices of ha ha hi hi.
le-kyi lung-mar chip-su chip-n/ k-chik nyi-la trin-l drup-chir/ dren-gyi tsl-du ka-nyen sung-d/ dra-la be-ts ngam-p tap-kyi/ sok-tsa marpo be-kyi ch-ching/ la-ts nam-sh hap-kyi tap-t/ sha-trak drn-mo zhel-du sl-zhing/ nying-trak dang-ma hup-kyi dep-pa/ je-shl mingyang tel-war lok-p/ trin-l tro-mo mar-mo khor-ch/ khan-dro sok-dak shen-pa bum-ch/ khan-dro sok-gi pu-dri khor-ch/
sha-za mar-nak tong-dang che-pa la/ sl-lo
Riding red karmic-wind as a steed to perform the activities immediately, obeying the commands like servants and fulfilling the requests, and furious
when charging at the enemies, chopping off their red life-veins completely, grabbing their life-force and consciousness greedily. Chewing their warm
flesh and with their blood in the mouth, drinking their vital heart-blood in gulps, annihilating even the traces of their names. Wrathful Red Lady of
Activities and retinue, Life Owner Dkin and the hundred thousand butchers, Razor of Life Dkin and retinue, and the thousands of red and black
flesh-eaters, I supplicatecontinue with the rest of the prayer on page 37 and thus offer.
Next is offering balita and requesting activities. To do this, sprinkle inner offerings on the balita to free it from defects for the invocation, and bless with the Akaro mantra:
o akro mukha sarva dharmn dyanut panna tvt o h pha svh/ Repeat thrice.
pel ye-sh kyi ying-n zheng-t trl-p khan-dr kur nang-wa nel-jor ma nyi-shu tsa-gy khor-dang che-pa nam-la bl lo/ dak-chak pn-lop
yn-ch khor-dang che-p chi-nang gi gel-kyen bar-ch tam-ch nye-war zhi-wa dang/ trin-l nam-pa zhi ng-drup ma-l pa d lak tu druppar dze-du sl/
Achi Slka
I offer this to the twenty-eight yogins and their retinues, who have arisen from the glorious expanse of wisdom as emanated kins. Please ensure that
all the outer and inner events of adverse obstacles against us, master and disciples, patrons and recipient, are thoroughly pacified, and the entire siddhis
related to the four activities are easily accomplished without exception.
Thus request the activities, and thereafter, while playing the instruments, say the following: bhyoh/ shar-n shek-p nel-jor dn/ nel-jor dn-gyi tso-mo ni/ kar-mo
dung-gi tor-tsuk chen/ druk-ni ch-kyi ying-na zhuk/ chik-ni tap-kyi ku-ru sel/ de-tar yok-khor je-wa yang/ dir shek gyen-pai tor-ma zh/
khy-kyi zhi-w le-dz chik/
bhyo! There are seven yogins moving about in the east! Chief among these seven yogins is the White Goddess with a conch-shell topknot. Six of them
dwell in the expanse of phenomena. As skilful means, one of them appears in physical form. Likewise are the billions of servants and retinue. May you
please come here to enjoy this balita with adornments, and perform your pacifying activities.
bhyoh/ lho-n shek-p nel-jor dn/ nel-jor dn-gyi tso-mo ni/ ser-mo ser-gyi tor-tsuk chen/ druk-ni ch-kyi ying-na zhuk/ chik-ni tap-kyi ku-ru
sel/ de-tar yok-khor je-wa yang/ dir-shek gyen-pai tor-ma zh/ khy-kyi gye-p le-dz chik/
bhyo! There are seven yogins moving about in the south! Chief among these seven yogins is the Yellow Goddess with a gold topknot. Six of them
dwell in the expanse of phenomena. As skilful means, one of them appears in physical form. Likewise are the billions of servants and retinue. May you
please come here to enjoy this balita with adornments, and perform your increasing activities.
bhyoh/ nup-n shek-p nel-jor dn/ nel-jor dn-gyi tso-mo ni/ mar-mo ji-r tor-tsuk chen/ druk-ni ch-kyi ying-na zhuk/ chik-ni tap-kyi ku-ru
Achi Slka
sel/ de-tar yok-khor je-wa yang/ dir-shek gyen-pai tor-ma zh/ khy-kyi wang-gi le-dz chik/
bhyo! There are seven yogins moving about in the west! Chief among these seven yogins is the Red Goddess with a coral topknot. Six of them dwell
in the expanse of phenomena. As skilful means, one of them appears in physical form. Likewise are the billions of servants and retinue. May you please
come here to enjoy this balita with adornments, and perform your magnetizing activities.
bhyoh/ jang-n shek-p nel-jor dn/ nel-jor dn-gyi tso-mo ni/ jang-mo yu-yi tor-tsuk chen/ druk-ni ch-kyi ying-na zhuk/ chik-ni tap-kyi kuru sel/ de-tar yok-khor je-wa yang/ dir-shek gyen-pai tor-ma zh/ khy-kyi drak-poi le-dz chik/ chl-w trin-l drup-par dz/
bhyo! There are seven yogins moving about in the north! Chief among these seven yogins is the Green Goddess with a turquoise topknot. Six of them
dwell in the expanse of phenomena. As skilful means, one of them appears in physical form. Likewise are the billions of servants and retinue. May you
please come here to enjoy this balita with adornments, and perform your wrathful activities. Thus offer the balita at a clean place.
10. Exhortation to remember the essential heart-samaya: bhyo/ ngo-ts or-gyen dur-tr zhel-y su/ rik-nga ye-sh khan-dr chen-ngar ru/ dor-j khan-dr
bhyoh! In a past life at the charnel grounds of Oiya, in the presence of the wisdom-kins of the five families, you appeared as a re-emanation of
Vajrakin and promised to protect the doctrine of the buddhas.
ji-tar zhel-zh dam-l ma da-war/ sha-trak gyen-gyi tor-ma di-zh la/ nel-jor dak-chak yn-ch khor-ch kyi/ gel-kyen sl-la tn-kyen trin-l drup/
Achi Slka
Do not in any way stray away from your promise, accept this balita adorned with flesh and blood. For us yogns, patrons and recipient and retinue,
may adverse conditions be removed and favorable conditions and activities be attained.
de-ok ter-drom drak-p ne-chen du/ rik-dzin lop-pn pe-m chen-ngar ru/ le-kyi ma-m tsl-du ku-trl n/ sang-ngak ten-pa sung-war ma-ch dam/
Later, in the wrathful great sacred place of Terdrom, in the presence of the vdydhara master Padma, you emanated in the form of a karma-mtk and
promised to protect the secret-mantra doctrine.
ji-tar zhel-zh dam-l ma da-war/ sha-trak gyen-gyi tor-ma di-zh la/ nel-jor dak-chak yn-ch khor-ch kyi/ gel-kyen sl-la tn-kyen trin-l drup/
Do not in any way stray away from your promise, accept this balita adorned with flesh and blood. For us yogns, patrons and recipient and retinue,
may adverse conditions be removed and favorable conditions and activities be attained.
de-j trl-ku ng-su ten-p ts/ rik-s zhi-la ten-pa te-pa na/ a-chi ch-kyi drl-mar tsen-sl n/ ma-ong gy-dzin kyong-war ma-ch dam/
After that, you clearly manifested as a nirmakya and firmly entrusted the doctrine to your four sons. Known as Achi Chkyi Drolma, you promised
to in the future protect unceasingly the hereditary succession.
ji-tar zhel-zh dam-l ma da-war/ sha-trak gyen-gyi tor-ma di-zh la/ nel-jor dak-chak yn-ch khor-ch kyi/ gel-kyen sl-la tn-kyen trin-l
Do not in any way stray away from your promise, accept this balita adorned with flesh and blood. For us yogns, patrons and recipient and retinue,
Achi Slka
may adverse conditions be removed and favorable conditions and activities be attained.
de-j dri-gung pel-gyi nak-tr du/ kyop-pa jik-ten sum-gn chen-ngar ni/ ma-mo khan-dro rik-ng kur-ten n/ la-m ten-pa sung-war ma-ch
Then, in Pelgyi Naktr at Drikung, in the presence of Kyobpa Jigten Sumgn, you came in the form of a mtk-kin of the five families, and promised to protect the unsurpassed doctrine.
ji-tar zhel-zh dam-l ma da-war/ sha-trak gyen-gyi tor-ma di-zh la/ nel-jor dak-chak yn-ch khor-ch kyi/ gel-kyen sl-la tn-kyen trin-l drup/
Do not in any way stray away from your promise, accept this balita adorned with flesh and blood. For us yogns, patrons and recipient and retinue,
may adverse conditions be removed and favorable conditions and activities be attained.
da-ta drup-p rik-dzin dak-chak gi/ ka-sung dam-chen du-w ne-chok dir/ tse-di sang-gy ku-sum drup-p ts/ chl-w trin-l drup-par mach dam/
Presently, where we attain the vdydhara state, in this sacred place where protectors, guardians and oath-bound ones gather, in order to attain the buddhas' three kyas in this lifetime, accomplish without fail the entrusted activities. Do not in any way stray away from your promise, accept this balita
adorned with flesh and blood. For us yogns, patrons and recipient and retinue, may adverse conditions be removed and favorable conditions and activities be attained.
Offer the two water offerings and others, including music. Also offer the elixir.
Achi Slka
o guru deva kin saprivra argha/ abda/pratccha svh/ Then mah amta khhi/ Thus offer elixir.
Praise: hri/
zhin-zang ying-chuk pel-den ch-kyi drl/ ku-dok kar-mar gyur-m gying-bak chen/ khor-w lok-ta kem-j -nga ma/
d-chen ga-ter rap-gy pel-mo t/
hr Beautiful Queen of the Expanse, glorious Chkyi Drolma, your unwavering body white with a tinge of red radiating light that incinerates the mistaken views of samsara; glorious lady who bestows great bliss and joy.
zhel-chik chak-nyi zhi-j dzum-p ku/ chak-y da-ru nyen-pa kn-khyap drok/ yn-pa t-nang yi-zhin nor-bu dzin/ drup-pa po-la ng-drup
kn-tsl ching/
In a pacifying form, with a single face and two arms, right hand holding a damaru with sounds that fill the universe, and left hand holding a kapla with
a wish-fulfilling jewel. You are the one who grants practitioners all attainments.
za-ok na-ng nam-za ku-la sl/ rin-po-ch gyen dar-gyi ch-pen pur/ chip-su trin-sep chu-ta ngn-po chip/ yu-tur ngn-po ser-sap ser-p gyen/
dar-chen lo-nen mu-men yop-chen trl/ za-ok dar-den ser-g ga-teng du/ ying-chuk pel-den lha-mo zhe-p tsl/
Wearing a dress of five-colored silks and adorned with a precious jewel topknot and silken ribbon tassels, riding amidst the clouds on a blue water-horse
with turquoise reins and yellow golden bridle, great silken straps and lapis lazuli stirrups, seated on a silk cushioned golden saddle, you, the laughing
glorious goddess, Queen of the Expanse.
Achi Slka
nying-j chen-p po-ny cho-trl tn/ lha-min n-jin khan-dr tsok-kyi kor/ trin-l zhi-den tr-m ngang-tsl chen/ pn-sum tsok-n pel-gyi
dri-gung du/ long-ch pel-chir ka-sung kn-dz ma/ ten-pa sung-chir tor-ma di-zh la/ tuk-dam gy-kl chl-w trin-l dz/
From your great compassion appears the display of your retinue, the hosts of demi-gods, yakas and kins. All endowed with the four activities and
natures free from elaborations. In that perfect place of the glorious Drikung, you are the protectress who increases its glory. In order to protect the doctrine, please accept this balita,do not forget your heart-samaya, fulfill the entrusted activities.
This supplication was composed by Kyobpa.
Confess the errors and pray for forgiveness. Conclude with dedication and aspiration prayers followed by words of auspiciousness. The two sections of this Petition to Achi (Achi
Slka) was composed by the Drikung vagabond Ratna at Trolung Estate in response to the request of several aspirants. May this also contribute to the precious teachings.
The Tibetan text in this publication was provided by Khenpo Tenzin Nyima (USA) who suggested to Dorlob Knchok Yedor (Dr. Hun Lye) of Urban Dharma North
Carolina (USA) that this practice be translated into English for the benefit of Drigung followers at Urban Dharma. Khenpo Knchok Tamphel (India) then translated
this text in collaboration with Dorlob. Corrections and clarifications were further offered by Khenpo Chpel (USA), Lama Knchok Sonam (USA) and Lopn Wangdu (Dr. Michael Essex, USA). The translation and publication of this first English translation of Achi Slka was financially supported by Mr. Jason Gan (Malaysia)
and Urban Dharma. May this translation - with all its shortcomings and unintentional errors - inspire other translators to further improve on it for the benefit of the
Lineage and all mother sentient beings.
May this be virtuous!
This publication can be reproduced without any written consent from Urban Dharma NC as long as it is reproduced intact and for non-commercial use
only. May all mother sentient beings benefit from the publication of this translation of the Achi Slka.
Urban Dharma NC. First edition, May 2013.
The Tibetan text in this publication was provided by Khenpo Tenzin Nyima (USA) who suggested to Dorlob Knchok Yedor (Dr. Hun Lye) of Urban Dharma North
Carolina (USA) that this practice be translated into English for the benefit of Drigung followers at Urban Dharma. Khenpo Knchok Tamphel (India) then translated
this text in collaboration with Dorlob. Corrections and clarifications were further offered by Khenpo Chpel (USA), Lama Knchok Sonam (USA) and Lopn Wangdu (Dr. Michael Essex, USA). The translation and publication of this first English translation of Achi Slka was financially supported by Mr. Jason Gan (Malaysia)
and Urban Dharma. May this translation - with all its shortcomings and unintentional errors - inspire other translators to further improve on it for the benefit of the
Lineage and all mother sentient beings.
May this be virtuous!