A Casebook of
Edited by
o r 08039 8139 2Charles Antaki is a Lecturer in
Psychology at the University of Lancaster. Among other
publications he has edited The Psychology of Ordinary Explanation of
Social Behaviour and Mental Mirrors (with A. Lewis).
GinaAgostinelli Charles Antaki Michael Billig Michael].
Cody Stephen W. Draper MaryM. Gergen RomHarre John
H. Harvey John Heritage IvanLeudar Margaret L.
McLaughlin Ian Parker Jonathan Potter Peter Suedfeld
Philip E. Tetlock DawnC.Tumquist James F. Voss Margaret
Analysing Everyday
A Casebook of Methods
SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd C236 Defence Colony New Delhi 110
List of Contributors
8 Charles Antaki
13 Deconstructing accounts
Ian Parker
List of Contributors
10 Charles Antaki
12 Charles Antaki
This book is about how social scientists - broadly defined - deal with
ordinary explanations - again, broadly defined. The contributions
14 Charles Antaki
After the two introductory essays, each chapter follows the same
structure. Firstly, the authors describe their general area of work
(ethnomethodology, say, or attribution theory), then talk a little about
their particular corner of the field. The middle of the chapter is then
devoted to a close look at a specific set of data which the authors use to
illustrate what they say. Finally, the chapter is rounded off by a candid
assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the method
16 Charles Antaki
Naturally, the chapters are much more than mere recipes. I hope that
the uniform structure will help the reader to compare not only the
methods on offer, but also the intellectual traditions from which they
Charles Antaki
Explanations, communication and
social cognition
Charles Antaki
18 Charles Antaki
sense of their catch. The differences among researchers are not just in
what they think about explanations, but also in what they think about
people and how they ought to be studied.
The features that make something count as an explanation are far from
simple or uniform, as Draper shows in chapter 2. There is certainly no
mechanical way of searching through a transcript of talk and spotting
everything that could count as an explanation. On the other hand, our
intuitions about what does or does not have the general feel of an
explanation are reasonably sharp.
We can make a start by looking at explanations in the
public domain, where the conventions of explanation exchange are
familiar enough. The following examples will help us see what
attractions the study of explanations might have for social
scientists:The initial success of the out of town centre appears a
paradox in a region with the highest unemployment in mainland
Britain. Mr Hall ... explains: We havent got 18% unemployment,
weve got 82% in work. (The Guardian, London, 26 August 1985)
20 Charles Antaki
(2) Other people, including several other women, were kicked and
knocked about. One old man who was standing inside a doorway was
told to shut the door and keep out of it and when he protested that this
was not the law he was told by the police We are the Law. (Jobs
not Jail, Bulletin of the South Yorkshire Defence Campaign,
February 1985).
In the first example, the speaker neatly inverts the emphasis of the
unemployment figures to give the situation a new and more
encouraging aspect. In the second, the speaker has sufficient legitimate
power to warrant his explanation of his behaviour as being self-
22 Charles Antaki
24 Charles Antaki
A speaker (or in this case, a leader writer) has used the definitional
opportunities of the explanatory form to prejudice the reader into
accepting a certain form of explanation. Once you have described an
event as bloody and barbaric then you have made it easy for your
audience to accept that the explanation is the bloodiness and barbarism
of your chosen target.
26 Charles Antaki
28 Charles Antaki
Suppose you were counselling a client who had just lost his job.
After a time, you were fairly confident that you had an accurate picture
30 Charles Antaki
of his private, internal account of himself: that it was his fault, that he
was no good at his work, and that he was generally incompetent. You
might well predict that he would be at some risk of depression. You
would be in agreement with theorists in the cognitive tradition in
psychotherapy, who make just this kind of claim - that the explanations
people have affect their liability to suffer emotional and mental
disturbance (see, for example, Becks 1967 rational-emotive therapy
and Abramson, Seligman and Teasdales 1978 helplessness theory).
The emphasis here is on the effect on people of the account or
explanation that they hold in their minds.
called social cognition, and the jewel in its crown is attribution theory.
This is a loose federation of principles which revolve around the notion
that people seek explanations of the world around them, and that they
arrive at these explanations by a process of quasi-rational information
Traditions of research
The discussion so far has been based on observations on the one hand
about the definitional properties of explanations, and on the other
about their mental effects. The two features suggest that there are two
traditions of work on explanations. In one, the emphasis is on
explanations as they appear in communication. In
32 Charles Antaki
Table 1.1 Features of research on social explanation in two traditions
34 Charles Antaki
36 Charles Antaki
38 Charles Antaki
event at hand. It is a commonplace of certain kinds of social analysis anthropological, ethnological, ethnomethodological, and so on - that
explanations are things which reveal categories. To force the
attributional example into this kind of mould, you could say that
Monica laughed at the policeman separates out, for the enquiring
observer, categories of gender, power and resistance. A less contrived
example would be something like Its only a game, which serves as
an explanation on many levels - it makes enigmatic behaviour
intelligible and makes apparently improper behaviour legitimate, for
example - without any implication of causation in the attributional
sense. To a complete stranger to rugby football, Its part of the game
distinguishes a ruck from merely violent behaviour. The explanation is
parading a category in front of not only the enquirer but also the
inquisitive social scientist who wants to know how this culture
categorizes the world.
Questions addressed
Within the other tradition, there exists nothing like the umbrella of
40 Charles Antaki
42 Charles Antaki
44 Charles Antaki
For all its faults, the advantage of the social cognition tradition is
46 Charles Antaki
48 Charles Antaki
The source of data for the experimentalist is less wide because she
or he has to bear in mind questions of control and sampling which are
less critical for the interpretative researcher. This has tended to mean,
until recently, that experimentalists limited themselves to the responses
made by the isolated subject in the laboratory. This is changing slowly,
and a few attribution studies are appearing which use written, or even
verbatim, ordinary language explanations. Nevertheless, the bulk of the
data in attribution theory studies, as in other areas of social cognition,
comes from the response sheet.
50 Charles Antaki
52 Charles Antaki
54 Charles Antaki
Stephen W. Draper
2 Surface cues and markers (for example, words like because) have
no simple correlation with either the presence or type of
explanation (which makes it hard to do any mechanical analysis).
60 Stephen W. Draper
Explanations may contain any kind of
61 Stephen W. Draper
Explanations may contain any kind of
62 Stephen W. Draper
Explanations may contain any kind of
63 Stephen W. Draper
Explanations may contain any kind of
64 Stephen W. Draper
Explanations may contain any kind of
65 Stephen W. Draper
Explanations may contain any kind of
also about grounds for belief or about the reason for saying something
at a given point in a conversation - that is, about the conversation
The inquirer does not know whats wanted
70 Stephen W. Draper
72 Stephen W. Draper
How did the milk get spilt? (who or what caused the spill)
Just as the question word (and in fact the whole sentence) does not
determine which kind of answer is wanted, so conversely in many
situations question words can be interchanged without changing the
meaning. For instance, walking into the kitchen and asking Why is the
milk spilt? and How did the milk get spilt? amount to the same thing.
This is not genuine linguistic paraphrase because there are situations
where the questions would mean different things; but in many cases
they amount to the same thing. Thus question types can clearly not be
based on question words. Likewise explanations do not usually make
explicit the relationship of the answer to the question: because is
similarly ambiguous, as we shall see in a moment.
Analysis of questions about causation
74 Stephen W. Draper
that because does not specify which of these is being focused on even
in a given physical situation: this depends on which aspects the
discussants are attending to. Thirdly, if taken in isolation, the question
is naturally interpreted as an open-ended explanation request, in which
the inquirer wants to be told which antecedent to focus on - is implicitly
asking which has an unexpected value (is the glass unusually tough, is
the gravity unusually weak, is the floor unusually soft, and so on).
However in some contexts, there may be an implicit relevance relation
to constrain this, independent of the inquirers knowledge. If a
restaurant manager asks a waiter why a table is dirty, she is probably
not asking which customer did it and how, but why the waiter hasnt
cleaned it up. A parent asking the same question, however, probably is
asking who made the mess.
76 Stephen W. Draper
none at all.
The previous section showed how because can precede any of the
multiple causal antecedents of an event without distinction. The next
section shows how because can occur not only in explanations that
express cause but also in those that give reasons for belief (Mansell
must be going to win because thats what all the commentators say) or
for a speech act (Whats the time, cos Ive got to dash?). Conversely,
because and related connectives like so can be missing from
utterances that are clearly (causal) explanations, for example Why is
he limping? He tripped while staring at a passing girl, or Why is he
off work? He swerved to avoid a child and skidded into a tree.
Causation is often implied by connectives like and and while.
78 Stephen W. Draper
80 Stephen W. Draper
In artificial intelligence, this idea has been explored under the name
of truth maintenance or reason maintenance (Doyle, 1978;
McDermott and Doyle, 1980). Although we do not retain the source or
authority for everything we believe, it is a widespread and important
kind of knowledge. In some cases an explanation may consist entirely
of the citation of an authority: Thats what the doctor said, or It was
on the news. This is a general phenomenon, which reflects the socially
distributed nature of much knowledge, including scientific knowledge.
Putnam (1975) has pointed out that concepts such as gold or water
have meanings that are ultimately grounded in the specialist knowledge
of a few, to whom the rest of us could appeal in principle. Gold for
instance is defined by its chemical properties, and that is what we all
mean by gold, even though most of us dont know what they are.
Knowing what authority to appeal to for more information is itself an
important kind of information stored in the mind, and sometimes
conveyed in explanations.
82 Stephen W. Draper
reasons for belief: data (as in the above example), warrants and
backings. A backing is a reason for accepting a warrant: it may be a
recursive justification (treating the original warrant as a claim to be
justified), or it may be an appeal to authority or some other reason for
belief. To continue the example: Very few Swedes are Roman
Catholic, as you can see from any almanac.From now on I shall use
warrant in an extended (and more usual) sense to refer to any support
for a claim - any reason for belief. Broadly speaking there are three
kinds of warrant: those connected with the consistency of a claim with
other accepted beliefs (this is the domain of logic in its broadest sense,
and was Toulmins main focus); those that introduce new facts about
the world as support; and those that state the grounds for accepting a
claim as a fact without reference to consistency, such as authority or
personal experience. In artificial intelligence, truth maintenance is
mostly concerned with the detection of inconsistencies within a belief
system, and methods of resolving these by comparing the origins of the
claims (for example a default rule) for reliability. Arguments between
people in addition involve determining what beliefs are held in
common, and perhaps trying to introduce new facts that may have a
bearing on the subject. The type of a warrant is not usually explicitly
marked; for example, A because B might be said when B was
Newton said or I saw it myself or it is a corollary of the law of
conservation of energy or C caused it.
84 Stephen W. Draper
86 Stephen W. Draper
88 Stephen W. Draper
You can believe he is good because Open Door is a good job, but
hes moved onwards and upwards, so hes even better. This is a
different inference path, which presupposes that his reassignment is
a promotion, but doesnt require any knowledge of his subsequent
jobs or their value. It presumes that Open Door was evidence of
his worth in one of the above ways.
90 Stephen W. Draper
92 Stephen W. Draper
We have explored two kinds of reason, but there are in fact three: cause
(that is, another fact about the world that is a reason for the occurrence
to be explained); warrant (a reason for believing a claim); and
justification for a speech act (a reason for making a particular
utterance). An example of the third is:
When are you leaving? Because I need a lift.
Here the reason given is an explanation for the speech act - in this case
asking a question. Although it is possible to argue that the need for a lift
caused the question, or that the explanation was given in order that the
speaker not appear to be given to irrational utterances, the real issue is
that without the explanation the hearer will probably not know how to
respond to the question, because most responses depend on the hearer
being able to recognize the speakers intention (Grice, 1957).
The issue is not to give more detail about the world, or to give
reasons for believing some assertion about the world, but to explain
what is being done (or attempted) here and now in the conversation. In
the example, without the explanation the hearer might answer When
are you leaving? by I dont know, or object to the abrupt change of
topic, or even take it as an insulting hint that he should leave; whereas
with the explanation he can understand the question as an indirect
request for a lift, show (if he wishes) a willingness to negotiate the time
of departure, and so on. Thus the explanations function is to help make
the conversation successfully cooperative.
A problematic example
94 Stephen W. Draper
96 Stephen W. Draper
also because the type (at least with concepts like long) may not be
distinct in the interlocutors minds.
Conversational goals
98 Stephen W. Draper
There are (at least) three issues about the goals directly and
indirectly associated with explanations. Firstly, explainers may or may
not believe the content of their own explanations to be true: for
instance, when scientists discuss the relative merits of alternative
theories, or when someone reports an explanation asserted by a
thirdparty. Secondly,evenwhentheexplainerbelievestheexplanation, the
inquirer may or may not accept this (the explainers) valuation of it,
that is, be convinced. (This is the gap between illocutionary act and
perlocutionary effect in the terms of Austin, 1962). Thirdly, the enquirer
may or may not be concerned to learn more about the world (that is,
intend to accept the explainers valuation); the inquirer may just want
to learn about the contents of the explainers mind, for example when a
teacher asks a pupil. Thus explaining is an illocutionary not a
perlocutionary act, and a request for explanation does not in general
imply a request for a perlocutionary effect.
This means that when you observe an action, you cannot reliably
infer why it was done - the goal of the agent. Nevertheless such
inference is both widespread and necessary in daily life. As scientific
observers we must do it too, but we should be aware of the likelihood
of error.
is relevant, although causes will be mixed with reasons for belief (for
example, authority or other evidence) and reasons for speech acts (why
did the door slam? Because were trying to hold an exam). As the
Open Door example illustrated, which causal belief was implied by an
utterance may only emerge from a full explication of the rationale
behind a given interpretation. Thus while there seems to be a rich
potential for exposing beliefs about how peoples attributes and actions
affect each other, these are not made explicit in ordinary speech.
Although difficult, it seems conceivable that a technique might be
developed to draw extended explanations from people (perhaps by
asking them to explain and justify spontaneous explanations that they
have given) which would expose a chunk of their causal belief
Similarly, if you are interested in the accounts people offer of themselves, then the above analysis offers various starting points. Firstly,
since any explanation is a disclosure of ideas in the explainers mind,
then any explanation might serve as, and be intentionally offered as, a
reason for seeing the explainer as rational, that is as holding views
which are coherent even if the inquirer (or even the explainer as well)
does not believe them. (Only the context can determine whether a given
explanation is being offered with this as its aim.)
action was in fact the correct one to take. This is parallel to the
distinction between scientists discussing possible viable explanations of
a phenomenon, or expounding one they are committed to.
(for example Antaki and Brewin, 1982; Harvey and Galvin, 1984),
their decision making (for example Jones and McGillis, 1976) and
their adjustment to illness (for example Janis and Rodin, 1979; Taylor,
Lichtman and Wood, 1984). Further, the act of confiding, which often
involves causal explanations, has been linked to physical health
(Pennebaker, 1985). The confiding process allows an individual to
reorganize and assimilate a traumatic experience, apparently reducing
stress on physiological systems and improving health. Such a view is
compatible with the presumed merit of attributional activity.
Attributions may serve many other functions, including enhancement
of ones perception of control, preservation of self-esteem, presentation
of a particular picture of the self, and emotional release (Forsyth, 1980;
Harvey and Weary, 1984).
The quest of our work has been to study these attributional processes
With some exceptions (for example Elig and Frieze, 1979; Miller,
Smith and Uleman, 1981), research has established that individuals
make unsolicited causal or explanatory statements and that these can
be identified in oral or written free responses. Common-sense
psychology (Heider, 1958) certainly suggests that attributions occur
For example, Lau and Russell (1980) scored 107 newspaper articles
on sporting events for outcome, expectancy of outcome, and causal
ascriptions of outcome. Lau (1984) used this same procedure, but
followed particular teams over time. Unlike the former study, events
sampled were not independent. Schoeneman and Rubanowitz (1983)
also tapped newspapers as archival data sources, identifying
attributions from advice columns. The potential for sampling bias is
perhaps the greatest drawback in using newspapers as a data source.
Oral archival sources are less commonly used. Nisbett, Harvey and
Wilson (1979; cited in Weiner, 1985) randomly selected and
surreptitiously recorded conversations. Sentences with causal content
(expressing or requesting) accounted for 15 per cent of all statements.
Similarly, Antaki and Naji (1987) found a high frequency of the word
because in unobtrusively recorded conversations. They further
categorized the different types of events explained by the because
Naturally occurring events
hold for relationship dissolutions may or may not contain a high degree
of accuracy, and may often express views divergent from those of their
Finally, the amount of time which has passed since the natural event
should be weighed. Memory has been considered to be a possible
mediator of the relationship between attribution and some dependent
variable (for example Fiske, Kenny and Taylor, 1982; Harvey et al.,
1980). Further, a dispositional shift in causal attributions has been
identified. Subjects explained an action in which they had just engaged
in terms of situational demands, but several weeks later explained the
identical behaviour in terms of their own dispositional characteristics
(Moore et al., 1979). Thus, restricting the event of all subjects to a
particular period or merely recording and analysing the impact of time
passage may be necessary.
As is true with all forms of data, conceptual and empirical issues are
not separable. They are there whenever one decides what to count as
data, interprets them, draws theoretical or practical inferences from
them and frames the next research question in terms of a particular
method (see Oyamai, 1985 for an enlightening discussion of this view).
Consistent with the foregoing point, the procedures for analysing and
interpreting free response attributional accounts data should be guided
by theory. None the less, it is likely that the following steps will be
pursued in transforming oral or written free response attribution raw
data protocols - like those above - into quantifiable and statistically
analysable data.
Defining dimensions. In addition to criteria for recognizing attributions, criteria for identifying theoretically meaningful characteristics of
A final point is that approaches which are quite different from that
outlined above may be pursued. Firstly, our approach essentially was
designed to quantify all theoretically meaningful dimensions of the
data so that inferential statistical tests might be applied. However, it
might be as tenable to develop a descriptive analysis only.
Theoretical background
Hunt and Schroder, 1961; Schroder, Driver and Streufert, 1967). The
theory focused on two cognitive structural variables, differentiation
and integration. Differentiation refers to the number of dimensions of
a problem that are taken into account in evaluating or interpreting
events. For instance, a politician might analyse policy options in an
undifferentiated way by placing options into one or two value-laden
categories, for example the good socialist policies that promote
redistribution of wealth and the bad capitalist policies that preserve
or exacerbate inequality. A highly differentiated approach would
recognize that different policies can have many, often contradictory,
effects that cannot be readily classified on a single evaluative
dimension of judgement - for example, effects on the gross national
product, the governmental deficit, interest rates, inflation,
unemployment, the balance of trade, and a host of other economic and
political variables. Integration refers to the development of complex
connections among differentiated characteristics; differentiation is
thus a prerequisite for integration. The complexity of integration
depends on whether the decision maker perceives the differentiated
characteristics as operating in isolation (low integration), in first-order
or simple interactions (the effects of A on B depend on levels of C:
moderate integration) or in multiple, contingent patterns (high
Coders are instructed to assign the lowest possible score (1 on a sevenpoint scale) to conceptually undifferentiated responses - that is,
responses that could have been generated by a single, fixed rule.
Coders can rely on a number of specific indicators or guidelines to
determine whether a score of 1 is warranted. Firstly, does the statement
place events into value-laden (good-bad) categories with a high degree
of certainty? For example, This summit meeting is the latest sign of
the spinelessness of Reagans foreign policy. Reagan acted in a
cowardly and contemptible way in the Daniloff affair; there is every
reason to suppose he will continue to do so on arms control and other
issues vital to the security of the free world. Secondly, does the
statement imply that absolute solutions to policy problems can be
found? For example, We should close down our embassy in Moscow
and give top priority to setting upan impenetrable space shield against
Soviet ICBMs. Thirdly, does the statement deny the existence of value
trade-offs? For example, There is no good technological, political or
economic argument for not pushing full speed ahead with the original
Reagan Strategic Defense Initiative plan. This is indeed a case where
all the pluses are on one side and all the minuses are on the other.
Fourthly, does the statement provide a unicausal account of events?
For example, Soviet agriculture is a disaster because of the destruction
of individual incentives to work in a totalitarian socialist system.
Finally, it should be noted that more than one perspective can be
voiced; the crucial criterion then is that only one is accepted as
For scores of 3, the coder must decide that the response indicates
both awareness and tolerance of two different interpretations or
perspectives on an issue. Statements that would receive scores of 3
typically have three features. Firstly, they recognize that reasonable
people view the same problem in different ways. For example, The
Soviet build-up of ICBMs in the 1970s looked very threatening to
many American observers. The Soviets, however, may have seen
themselves simply as catching up to a still strategically dominant
United States. Secondly, they distinguish two or more causes for
events but fail to recognize interaction between (among) causes. For
example, Gorbachev hopes to increase Soviet productivity by
cracking down on laziness and corruption on the one hand and offering
To assign a score of 5, the coder must decide not only that the
response indicates awareness of alternative interpretations or
perspectives on an issue, but also that the response clearly indicates the
use of integrative rules for understanding the underlying sources of
these different ways of looking at the world or for understanding the
conditions under which one or another way of looking at the world is
more appropriate. Integration could take the form of mutual influence,
synthesis, and negotiation or compromise. Three typical specific
indications that a score of 5 should be assigned are as follows. Firstly,
there are explicit attempts to explain why reasonable persons view an
issue in different ways. For example, Soviet and American nuclear
from Oliver Cromwell to Fidel Castro, the researchers found that there
was indeed a difference as predicted. Successful leaders (those who
remained in power until natural death or an unforced retirement)
showed a mean change from 1.67 before the victory of the revolution
to 3.65 afterwards; unsuccessful ones (those who were deposed,
executed, imprisoned or otherwise driven from office) changed from
2.37 to 2.22. Individual scores showed that low levels of complexity
before victory were just as important as high levels after it. The authors
hypothesized that integratively complex revolutionaries tend to be
perceived by their colleagues as insufficiently devoted to the cause.
After all, a rebel who professes to see some good in the government
against which he is fighting may have his fervour doubted.
The following examples illustrate the fairly high levels of integrative complexity at which two successful revolutionaries - Cromwell
Thus, the question is not yet answered. On the one hand, stressrelated decreases in complexity have been found among individuals
who have no particular reason to adjust their rhetoric, since they have
no direct role in either attacking or defending a particular policy; on
the other, the rapidity and strategic nature of the change cast some
doubt on explanations involving major shifts in cognitive style. Of
course, there are no data showing the time requirements for such shifts
analyses on, for example, the documents produced before and after the
success of several revolutions between the seventeenth and twentieth
centuries, as was done in the study by Suedfeld and Rank (1976). Nor,
if one wants to eliminate the possibility that a particular score or
analyst is inaccurate, is it very difficult to select another random
sample from the same data base and have it scored by one or more
other trained raters.
Given the nature of sample selection, one also need not worry
unduly if the archives are not entirely complete. Whereas in content
analysis one or a few documents may be crucial, and their
unavailability may distort the data and conclusions, this is not likely to
happen in the case of integrative complexity scoring. When gaps exist,
the remaining material stands on its own; when the gap may be only
part of the document (although in terms of content a crucial part), the
Another problem is that one does not always know the actual author
of particular materials. This is especially true with documents
produced by anonymous writers, even when there are strong historical
guesses as to the real source; and for material possibly or definitely
produced by speech writers and other assistants. Some studies have
In some cases, written material has not survived to make complexity scoring possible. Recall, for example, Suedfeld and Ranks
(1976) data showing that revolutionary leaders who evidenced low
levels of complexity during the revolution and then attained significantly higher levels when they were in governmental office tended to
remain powerful longer than those who failed to make such a shift. It
would be interesting to know whether the former group had showed
high or low levels of complexity prior to being involved in a
revolution; however, for most of them no correspondence or other
writings are available from the pre-revolutionary period. Similar cases
arise with illiterate leaders, non-literate societies or subgroups, and
individuals whose materials were produced in a relatively little-known
language and have not been translated.
Where do we go from here?
The integrative complexity coding system is a cost-effective and wellvalidated methodological tool for testing psychological hypotheses in a
remarkable range of contexts: domestic and international politics,
literature, science and business. The price of this empirical
productivity has, however, been a degree of conceptual confusion.
Theoretical background
boiled down was a sensible and productive one; and secondly, that not
too much of the flavour of ordinary explanation was destroyed in the
organizing their own beliefs, one asks what they might want to use to
cement crude belief statements together (why is the toe bone connected
to the foot bone?). In some discourses, the justification for claiming
that A caused B will be a mechanical one; in another discourse, it will
be a motivational one; and so on. But whatever our respondents say,
they will want - if they want to abide by canons of rationality - to say
something about why they think the two beliefs are linked.
I shall give two illustrations of what one can do with the idea that a
persons explanation has a reasonably elaborate causal skeleton which
is fleshed out with justification. One example is from a study in which
respondents talked, and I constructed their explanatory structure from
the transcripts of taped speech; the other is from a study where the
respondents wrote down the structure themselves.
Example 1: conversational structures
If we set all that out diagramatically, it would look like Figure 5.1.
You can see that the reduction to the skeleton of causal structure does
some violence to the subtlety of JGs expression, and others would
treat it quite differently: see especially the contributions by Heritage
(chapter 9), Wetherell and Potter (chapter 12), Parker
British unemployment
Prime Minister
the Exchequer
President's intention
to save money
(chapter 13) and Billig (chapter 14). But let us keep to it for now and
come back to subtleties in a moment.
As you can see from the transcript, JG is doing much more than
neutrally reporting the bare skeleton of the diagram. Other chapters in
this volume - see especially Parker (chapter 13), Heritage (chapter 9)
and Leudar and Antaki (chapter 10) - make much more of the
obviously interactive nature of what is going on, and some things look
obvious on a first pass. JG occasionally depreciates his competence to
answer the question (Ive never really followed this through to the
bitter end, so I cant claim to understand it; I would like to know
much more about economics, but... I wonder if I ever will; I dont
honestly know). He is nevertheless cooperative and articulate in
Such aspects of the data paint a more vivid picture of JGs image of
the world. We can capture some of that vividness, I think, by making
space in our diagram for the justificatory links, or warrants, that he
makes between his causal claims. The idea of warrants is described by
Draper in chapter 2, and more thoroughly laid out by Voss in chapter 6.
The idea we need to note here is that we are taking it that JG is giving
reasons or justifications for the causal claims that he is making.
It is clear that JGs warrants of his causal beliefs are at the mercy, in
this interaction at least, of worries about his competence to give them.
Once the students had been recruited, they were left to complete the
task in their own time and at their own pace. Each person was given an
envelope containing the instructions. First you had to write down, on
one card per cause, as many causes as you wanted to explain the
occupation. Then you had to take those cards and arrange them so that
they showed which causes caused which other causes, and how they all
related to the causing of the occupation itself. This meant shuffling the
cards about on a table or something of the sort. Then the respondent
drew the pattern he or she had made on to a blank sheet of paper, with
an arrow between every cause-effect pair (notice that the instructions
did not mention paths, steps, branching or anything else; the
respondent was entirely free to write as many cards as she or he
wanted, to put them in any causal order, to branch them in any way,
and so on). All this, of course, was merely breaking down the task of
drawing out a causal structure in the respondents own words.
To get at his or her justifications for causal beliefs, the next thing the
student had to do was to write down, on a separate card, the
justification for each link in the causal structure. The instruction for
this was simply to say: Why you think there was that causal
What the respondent gave me, then, was a sheet of paper on which
was drawn his or her own causal structure, some cards describing the
causes and some cards describing their justifications. I could then
reconstitute the diagram and the cards into a full-blown causal
structure. The general form of the structure was a chronological narrative. The start of the event was located at the visit of an allegedly
racist Home Office minister, which was known as the Waddington
affair after the violence of the police protection tactics. The next phase
was the universitys action in disciplining four students who had been
involved in the demonstration, and the last phase was the students
'Extreme left-wing
The occupation
of University
Justification for this
'Extreme left-wing
(eg RCP) especially
using expulsions as
an excuse to gain
all the types of question of the students that we asked of the SDP
members in the previous study: for example, whether people who were
for or against the occupation gave different structures (they didnt,
although they put different causes at different points in similar
structures); and so on.
What does one do with these justifications once one has them
written down clearly by the respondent in this fashion? Clearly one has
to do some kind of paraphrasing to get the sense of what was meant. In
this case, what the student seems to mean is that she feels justified in
claiming that left-wing attitudes caused the occupation by the fact that,
as she saw it, the ostensible expulsion issue was merely an excuse for
the activist policies of an extreme minority.
One thing I would like not to do is to make any strong claim that
this way of working reveals peoples cognitive representation of a
causal sequence. This is the point of view expressed by Kelley (1983)
and by Bowerman (1981), who want to claim that people store
representations of causal sequences in something that looks, at first
blush, rather like the tree structures in Figure 5.1. That view is a
regression to thinking of peoples explanations in a social vacuum.
Here the point is that the structure is thought up for a specific purpose
and is addressed to a specific person. I would have no particular
commitment to expecting to see the very same structure again, and I
would fully expect the same person to draw up quite a different
structure, with different causes differently justified, when they were
doing it for someone else, or less formally, and so on. That is not to say
that what they say to me is meaningless; far from it. There is nothing
meaningless in saying that these students (for example) expressed
themselves to a lecturer in a certain way (and that they varied in how
they expressed themselves according to, say, whether they were for or
against the occupation). The point is to acknowledge, and make part of
the story, that this was how they addressed themselves to one particular
person at one particular time, and that they might well address
themselves differently to each other, to the police, and so on.
Theoretical background
Analysing protocols of solutions to ill-structured
The question of how to analyse protocols obtained in the solving of illstructured problems does not have a simple answer. In our work on
this issue (Voss et al., 1983; Voss, Tyler and Yengo, 1983) we spent
considerable time trying to capture the contents and structure of the
protocol, approaching the question via use of a number of different
methods. The expert protocols are relatively lengthy and, having been
The final two components of the Toulmin model are the qualifier
and the counter-argument. Qualifying involves asserting that the
datum-claim relationship holds only under a particular set of
conditions. Expressions typically used in such a case are under such
conditions, given that or in these circumstances. The counterargument refers to a content which raises a counter-position to the
datum-claim relationship, and it is often signalled by but or
however. In the present example a counter-argument would be that
with a decrease in nuclear arms there would be an increased need for
conventional forces.
thereof as well as the analysis of the protocol, so that the reader may
follow the logic (or the lack thereof) of the protocol analysis. If it is not
feasible to print such an account, then an address should be provided to
which the reader can write in order to obtain copies of the original
protocols and the analyses thereof. This is important because what we
do not need in the field of protocol analysis is an increasing
multiplicity of protocol analyses by which the reader must accept on
faith what was done. Such a state of affairs will destroy the scientific
credibility of the entire endeavour.
Reasoning structure
operators (R structure)
RARG State argument RSAS State
assertion RFAC State fact RPSC
Present specific case RREA State
reason ROUT State outcome RCOM
Compare and/or contrast RELA
Elaborate and/or clarify RCON State
conclusion RQUA State qualifier
(RREA) Have developed programme where support from people comes from demand
(RQUA) But still haven't been able to satisfy force
(RARG) Large agricultural working class which compares low in wages, security,
insurance, welfare benefits, and living conditions
(RELA) Can call them collective farmers or state farmers, it is the working class
(RCOM) It's like a lower class compared with the urban working class
(RREA) Because it is where a lot of foodstuffs come from (RPSC) Use as incentive for farmers to work harderGEVA
In another case
Central America
agreed to attend a
graduate seminar,
at which time he
was given two
asked to provide a
protocol to each
of them in the
presence of the
class. He received
one problem and
second problem
and provided a
solution. One of
essentially asked
him to suggest a
new US policy
Salvador if he
were a US State
official. (This was
before the US
with Nicaragua.)
He began with the
basically without
the verbalization
phase. When he
had finished, I
asked him why he
did not discuss
the causes of the
related matters.
He immediately
first of all, from
could infer that
the current policy
was not working
problem asked for
pointed out that
he had
10% arable
Blackland in Ukraine
1 There is high inter-rater reliability with respect to both segmentation and operator classification.
Mary M. Gergen
In this chapter, I would like to present the idea of accounts as stories not random sequences of action and reaction, but coherent unfolding
narratives of human conduct. The idea of looking for narrative
structures has a long history in literary theory, of course, and even in
the social sciences it can be traced back to the early 1920s (and
specifically to the seminal ideas of the Russian folklorist, Vladimir
Propp). Nevertheless social psychology has been somewhat immune to
this way of thinking, and we can start by having a look at why this
might be so.
Theoretical background
the study ofdeveloped
social explanation
in social psychology
was based
that of
out of
a common-sense
As toonthe
of dominant
getting along
with others.
later pressed
with the
and what
been a rather
to everyday
fitted the laboratory
brief time
an experiment.
were developed
to the
and Nisbett,
1977;a and
see chapter
3 inon
this field
Criticisms of the experimental paradigm and the associated array of mechanistic theories have
been widely voiced in recent years. One particularly relevant line of criticism has challenged the
ahistorical and decontextualized nature of traditional inquiry (Gergen, 1982). Such inquiry remains
generally blind to temporal transformation in phenomena, and it is removed from concerns with the
sociocultural contexts of the people under study. A number of efforts to surmount these problems
are contained in the book Historical Social Psychology (Gergen and Gergen, 1984). This contains a
variety of efforts by European and American scholars to analyse cross-time or diachronic social
processes. This attempt to develop a contextually embedded form of analysis has led in a variety of
directions, one of the most important of which is inquiry into everyday explanations of human
The focus of this chapter is on the analysis of narrative explanation. For many scholars
narratives are seen as providing a sense of coherence and directionality in ones life (cf. Cohler,
1979; Kohli, 1981). As the psychologists de Waele and Harre (1979) have indicated, life events are
made intelligible by locating them in a sequence or unfolding process. If events are not tied to a
larger story they lose significance. So, for example, if someone mentions that it snowed 10 inches
on 14 February, this remains an inconsequential fact until connected to a story about ones efforts to
travel that day to meet a loved one and the end of the relationship precipitated by the failed tryst.
Narratives are often shaped so that culturally valued activities and endpoints are highlighted for self
and others. Events that are encapsulated in stories are presumed to have some significance in the
lives of the characters and those who tell and hear the story. For example, Rosaldo (1986) has
suggested that the anthropologist may gain an understanding of which activities have great
importance to the people by listening to the stories that are told and retold among themselves.
Joseph Campbell (1956) has suggested that the most basic myth for humankind, or monomyth as
he calls it, is the story of the hero who overcomes obstacles to reach some transcendent goal. A
similar claim for a universal plot was made by Lord Raglan (1956). While these myths are framed
out *One might well question to what extent the requirements of what defines a well-made story or a universal plot are not
influences by androcentric forces in society. For example, metaphorically speaking, the ideal Western narrative follows the
dramatic form of the prototypical male performance during intercourse - linear motion, with increasing intensity, directed to an
endpoint, with a climax and fade-out. One might envision a prototypical narrative form based on female sexuality that might be
less goal directed and more episodic and have less emphasis on a climax and more on the foreplay, that is, the process of the
of a peculiarly male perspective (the lone male hero leaves home), the basic story is a well-known
framework frequently employed by people to lend meaning to their lives.1
The concern with narrative account of human action is shared by scholars throughout the social
sciences and humanities. The social significance of myths, legends and tribal stories has been a
focal consideration for folklorists (Propp, 1968; Young, 1987), anthropologists (Campbell, 1956;
Rosaldo, 1986), political theorists (Tololyan, in press), psychiatric investigators (Spence, 1982),
developmental psychologists (Bettelheim, 1976) and philosophers (MacIntyre, 1981). Of particular
relevance, a number of investigators have discussed the ways in which narratives define reality for
groups of people. Narratives are seen as critical to the ways in which people understand themselves
and their lives, past and present, and how their futures might be (Sarbin, 1986; White, 1980).
Tololyan (in press), for example, has analysed the lives of Armenian terrorists; he argues that their
plans and activities are the result of being imbued in a cultural tradition where the stories, songs
and religious litanies create heroes of young martyrs who die fighting for the honour of the
Armenian people. Tololyan believes that the cultures narratives are primary factors in promoting
present day terrorist activity among the Armenians.
Our own line of inquiry has extended this concern with the importance of narratives in peoples
constructions of their lives (Gergen and Gergen, 1983). From our perspective, traditions of story
telling, dramatic performance, literature and the like have generated a range of culturally shared
forms of emplotment, or narrative forms. When the individual attempts to understand him/herself,
these culturally embedded forms furnish a repertoire of sense making devices. It is through
embedding ones actions within one or more of these forms that ones actions take on meaning;
they belong to a person with a certain past, heading in a certain direction, and with a future that will
represent an extension of this past (Gergen and Gergen, in press). Yet, as we have also proposed,
narrative constructions are not the mere product of cultural history. The particular form that they
acquire for any person is an outgrowth of the social relationships in which one is currently
embedded (Gergen, in press). Ones narratives typically include the positioning of others in
relationship to self. Without their particular functioning within the narrative, ones own position or
identity is threatened. Likewise, others self-narratives contain constructions of other individuals
embedded in their mutual social surrounds. Thus, the narrative constructions within a community
of interlocutors may be viewed as a communal achievement. Finally, these narrative constructions
appear to have a variety of functions over and above rendering the individuals actions sensible
both to him/herself and others. For example, narratives may reinforce or alter others selfperceptions. Being a worthy friend, for instance, must be supported in the narratives of ones
friends. Other functions of the narrative will be treated later.
Individuals will typically possess a variety of narrative potentials, which may variously be
deployed as occasions permit or invite. Narrative presentations may thus be used to signal a future
set of actions, to indicate positive potentials, to invite others nurturance, to generate a sense of
drama, and so on. In each case, these social functions are prepared by the accumulated lore of
cultural history.
Theoretical analysis of narrative lines
A certain number of our analyses have been concerned with the way in which narratives structure
individual lives. However, to carry out such an analysis a preliminary elucidation of the major
narrative forms available within the culture is required. A narrative that is nonsensical to its
listeners is a failure. In order to be intelligible a narrative must conform to certain rules of what
constitutes a reasonable story within the culture. As our analyses have shown, basic to a good story
in Western culture is the establishment of a valued endpoint or goal toward which the action in the
story is directed. For example, stories about winning the lottery, being promoted or getting married
might all be seen as having positively valued endpoints, while those about breaking an arm, losing
a bet or separating from a friend may all be seen as having negatively valued endpoints. A coherent
narrative line is achieved by selecting and ordering events around this endpoint. Events not
influencing the course of action related to the endpoint are usually not included in the well-made
Events within the narrative abide by culturally prescribed notions of order. Often they are
arranged chronologically. If events are randomly described, the narrative may not be seen as
credible (Lippman, 1986). Events in the story are also described evaluatively with respect to the
goal or endpoint. Events that lead toward the achievement of a valued endpoint are positively
evaluated, and those that lead away from it are negatively evaluated. Other subtle rules of what
constitutes a realistic narrative have been elaborated but are unnecessary to our present purposes.
Yet these various ingredients only tell us what is required for an account to possess a storied
sense. Still required is a framework for describing how these various components are organized to
yield the range of plots which we today consider sensible or intelligible. For example, if someone
were to describe her life story as one in which each positive event was followed by a negative
event, and vice versa, the narrative would be viewed with suspicion by contemporary listeners.
Such a story would seem unreasonable by current social standards, as would a story in which one
wonderful success followed unceasingly upon the preceding one, or one catastrophe followed upon
another without end. How then, are we to characterize the major narrative forms derived from our
cultural heritage?
Some help in answering this question is furnished by traditional accounts of emplotment. The
early Greeks formulated the basic difference between the tragedy and the comedy. Tragedy
involved the sudden demise of a noble person through the elaboration of some tragic flaw that this
person possessed. Oedipus and Antigone were both tragic characters in the Greek sense. Comedy
was often about less socially elevated persons. After confrontation by the characters with various
mishaps, the plot was resolved with a happy ending. Aristophanes play, Lysistrata, is exemplary.
While the terms tragedy and comedy remain vital today, the concepts have also undergone shifts
in meaning. Today we tend to think of tragedy as involving a sad ending, regardless of how it has
occurred, and comedy as being humorous, usually with a happy ending. The social class origins of
the characters is also less relevant in contemporary drama but not entirely erased, as tragic
characters are generally more respectable than comic ones.
Northrup Frye (1957) has provided a more elaborate theoretical summary of narrative forms. He
describes four basic forms of narrative related to the cyclical changes of the seasons. Spring is
represented by the comedy. Here we find a challenge or threat which is overcome to yield social
harmony and a happy ending, as in the Greek formulation. Summer is the season of the romance,
defined as a series of episodes within which a major protagonist is faced with numerous challenges
and threats. These obstacles are overcome, and the protagonist emerges victorious. The autumn
dramatic form is the tragedy. The happy days of summer are overturned, as the approach of winter
and the death of living things is forewarned. The tragic form is similar to the ancient Greek one.
Winter is the season of satire. Beyond hope, these narratives are the representations of unrealized
expectations and dreams.
From the present perspective, the traditional typologies of narrative form seem unsystematic.
While they do pinpoint traditions of importance, the types have either little relationship with each
other or, in the case of Frye, the relationship through seasonal variations seems more poetic than
analytic. In the earlier analysis, narrative construction was said to require the establishment of an
endpoint or a goal, with events selected so as to make the goal more or less probable. In this
context it is possible to view each event in a narrative as moving through a two-dimensional
evaluative space. For example, as one succeeds in approaching the valued goal over time, the story
becomes more positive; as one goes through a series of negatively valued steps toward a negative
endpoint, the story moves in a negative direction. All narrative plots may be converted from a story
form to a linear form with respect to their evaluative shifts over time. These linear forms are called
story lines. Examples of these are shown in a later section.
By conceptualizing narratives in this way, one can begin to see variations in narrative form, from
the rudimentary to the more complex. On the simple level, consider the stability narrative. This
narrative is characterized by an unchanging story line with respect to the evaluative dimension. As
depicted in figure 7.1, the stability narrative (A, in the figure) might be, for example, the story of a
highly successful business trip where everything was perfect from start to finish. The reverse
narrative, in which nothing went right, would be represented by a negative stability narrative N2).
The stability narratives may be contrasted with two other simple narratives. Within these, the
narrative may be structured in such a way that things get continuously better or worse over time.
When the events become increasingly positive over time, the narrative may be called a progressive
narrative. When they are increasingly negative over time, it may be called a regressive narrative
(see figure 7.2). The individual who describes a rise from mailroom clerk to president of the
corporation, with no detours or set-backs, would be telling a progressive narrative. Conversely, the
once wealthy heiress
Time ------------------
who describes a steady procession of events leading to the gutter is constructing a regressive
These three prototypes - stability, progressive and regressive - exhaust the basic vocabulary of
possible narrative projections over time. They are the rudimentary forms from which more complex
variations are constructed. The classic forms described above, such as the Greek tragedy and
comedy, are derived from these three simple forms. The tragedy is the story of the rapid downfall
of one who holds a high place in society. A positively evaluated stability narrative is followed by a
rapidly descending regressive narrative. The comedy begins with a regressive narrative followed by
a progressive one. That is, life events become problematic and then, through a succession of events,
happiness is finally achieved. When a progressive narrative is followed by a positive stability
narrative, the well-known fairytale ending of happily-ever-after is obtained. The romance, usually
the tale of a heroic character who overcomes obstacles, may be diagrammed as a series of
regressive and progressive story lines. The satire, we may note, involves a particular style of
depiction emphasizing ridicule or parody and is not, in fact, another type of narrative form. Figure
7.3 illustrates the narrative forms of tragedy, comedy, happily-ever-after and romance.
We may also use these graphic representations to speak to issues of dramatic tension. The way in
which many people characterize their lives is flat and unexciting; others can create a sense of
drama in their lives, even when events in themselves may seem to be of little intrinsic interest. The
dramatic tension that shapes these experiences of life may be attributed to the type of story line
Figure 7.3 (a) tragedy, (b) comedy, (c) happily-ever-after and (d) romantic saga
drama is first injected into a story line by increasing the incline of the slope in either the upward or
downward direction. The steeper the incline of the story line, the more sharply events change in
their evaluation. This shift is, in part, responsible for increased dramatic impact. Thus, within
Western culture, the stability narratives would be the least dramatic and perhaps most boring of
narrative forms. The tragedy is highly compelling because of the radical shift as the regressive
narrative unfolds.
A second contribution to dramatic impact can be traced to the direction of the story line. In
particular, alterations in the direction of the slope line are important ingredients of dramatic tension.
In this sense the comedy has dramatic power because the downward trend of the regressive
narrative is, at a critical point, abruptly shifted to a progressive narrative. This point also creates a
break in the emotional tension generated by the previous downward slope of the line. During the
final progressive phase emotional satisfaction can be achieved, while in the tragedy this process
must be delayed until the narrative is ended. Thus the comedy is most immediately satisfying and
the happily-ever-after form is most soothing - an apt form for a bedtime story.
By asking questions about these various aspects of a narrative, the researcher may develop
several ways to extend psychological inquiry. This chapter will describe one effort to explore self narratives that may be fruitful for others as well.
Most of the research exploring self-concept and self-disclosure in social, personality and clinical
psychology rests on the assumption that, under the proper circumstances, self-narratives are stable
and true. People are presumed to have the capacity to reveal valid biographies to others. From the
social constructionist perspective, this basic assumption is questionable. A recent critique of
traditional personality psychology also supports this social constructionist perspective (Potter and
Wetherell, 1987). Rather, people are not capable of revealing their true selves or their actual life
stories because such things do not exist. People are only able to construe their lives within the
confines of linguistic and social conventions. These constructions will depend on their particular
situation at the moment. The social constructionist position challenges established wisdom from a
theoretical perspective. Thus, the data one gathers when collecting self-narratives are viewed not as
kernels of truth about a persons life, but as temporary constructions of what seems most
appropriate from the perspective of the narrator at that time. (This is not to say that the same
narrative may never again be repeated, but merely that it need not be considered foundational.)
What is constrained for the narrator is the form that a narrative must take. As
illustrated in the introduction to this chapter, narratives are composed of a limited
vocabulary of forms. Story tellers may individuate their narratives by being more or
less dramatic about various events, but even these shifts in evaluative dimensions and
alterations in story line are regulated by social conventions. In the study to be reported
here, college students were asked to create narrative expositions of their lives. We were
interested in finding out whether there were any trends in how this group of people in
late adolescence would tell the story of their lives, and also to see how consistent they
were in their descriptions of their overall lives, and of various subelements of their
lives. The study was also designed to experiment with a story line methodology, which
will be illustrated below
of mind to think over their pasts, and to recall the high and low points
of this time. It was preparatory to section II of the survey, in which
subjects drew a story line to describe their feelings of generalized
well-being from birth to age 20+, followed by a brief description of
the highest and lowest points. An example of this appears in figure 7.4.
The protocols designed with the story line method proved to be very
useful in summarizing the feelings of the sample over time. Previous
research using free-form responses to open-ended questions had
proved difficult to transform into narrative forms because of the
subjective nature of the data, and the complexity of trying to graph fhe
narratives on to a two-dimensional space (Gergen, 1980). In this study
the respondents had accomplished this task for the researchers.
Interpreting the data
There are several possibilities for analysing these data. Given that the number of
respondents was small, the major attempt was to assess what types of narrative form
seemed most common to
II. Trajectory of the past. Below you will find a grid on which you can begin with the earliest period you can remember and
draw a continuous line to the present. This line would indicate, for each period, how you now remember your feelings
of generalized well-being. The more positive the feelings the more upward the displacement of the 'life-line'; the more
negative the feelings the more downward the displacement.
Figure 7.4 Trajectory of the past (protocol section II), and descriptions of high
people in the study. It was also possible to explore multiplicities of narrative forms. In addition,
attention was given to questions of how well the protocol was designed for the study and where
there were problems in its construction.
Many possible hypotheses were feasible when contemplating the narrative form of these story
lines. One might expect that these young adults would portray themselves as part of a happily-everafter story, having reached a happy plateau from which they will live out their lives. Or one might
conjecture that the participants would characterize themselves as living out a romantic saga,
overcoming one obstacle after another. Perhaps, more pessimistically, these students might see
themselves as actors in a tragic drama, on the edge of a chasm, heading into a nuclear calamity. To
explore this question an attempt was made to derive the average self-narrative from the story lines
of their past lives. To do this, each point at
Age (years)
Figure 7.6 Composite self-narrative for the sample: generalized well-being, birth to 20+
five-year intervals on the story line labelled generalized feeling of well-being for their lives since
birth was converted to a numerical value for each respondent. The displacement of each story line
from the neutral midpoint was computed at each five-year interval. The resultant story line was the
composite representation of all the story lines for the sample of 29 respondents. In figure 7.6 this
story line is reproduced. As is evident, the general narrative form disclosed by this analysis was
none of those mentioned above. Rather, for the first 20 years, the most common story line
approximates the comedy form of narrative. The basic story as revealed through this assessment is
that life was quite good as a child, but problems occurred during adolescence, which were resolved
during the college years. The overall form averaged out to represent the typical myth of Americans
that childhood is idyllic, adolescence is a time of turmoil, and college days are halcyon.
In this light it is interesting to take account of the highest and lowest points related to each of the
narrative forms. As these accounts revealed, these events were highly diverse. High points included
falling in love, travelling abroad, and finding Christ. Low points included parents divorcing,
moving, and death of a pet. The interesting point here is that while these young adults tended to
agree that adolescence was a miserable period, the content of the misery varied greatly. This
suggests that the participants seemed to be more influenced by the narrative form that prescribes
how life must have been for a young adult than by any specific set of events. Their facts served to
justify the preselected narrative form.
While the average students narrative fitted the comedy prototype, only nine of the 29
participants fully adopted the popular form. Fourteen of the respondents story lines deviated from
the composite in that they had additional hills and valleys in their narratives. The remaining six
students used simpler progressive or regressive narratives, with story lines either rising or falling
steadily from early childhood. In the protocol reproduced in figure 7.4, you will note that the period
from birth to early teen years is described as a low stability narrative followed by a progressive
narrative. As the data indicate, at least two-thirds of the respondents had some variation on the
comedy form. Because there are many versions of the narrative form appropriate to Western
culture, one may hypothesize that young adults have within their narrative repertoire many versions
of their childhoods, which they may be able to produce if the circumstances are appropriate. This
research and similar studies with young adults have indicated that projections of generalized wellbeing into the future show a much more consistent happily-ever-after prototype after age 25, with a
regressive downturn at lifes end.
As was mentioned above, the narrative form which a person uses for telling a story is selected
for specific occasions or functions. Multiple narrative forms characterize an individuals story
telling repertoire. We might conjecture, for example, that a narrative that is shaped as a romance,
with the narrator overcoming obstacles to achieve a goal, is an attempt to present the narrator as a
hero who lives in a world of treachery or danger. The listeners are expected to be enthralled and
admiring of such a protagonist. The tragedy may be designed to elicit sympathy, and the comedy a
companionate spirit of solidarity and harmony.
Different stimuli may bring to the fore different narrative forms. This was discovered in looking
over the story lines for the sample protocol for relations with mother, father and school work (not
shown here). Here we found many divergent slopes in the story lines. The miserable childhood
which is depicted in the feelings of generalized well-being in the past is not found in the story
lines related to mother or school work. The narrative line for mother seems to be a form of comedy
quite unrelated in its temporal pattern to the story line for generalized well-being, except in the
resolution phase after age 15. Life with mother was fairly positive until the teenage years, and then
after a strong negative period became even better than ever. This form echoes the most popular
narrative form used by the sample group. The school work narrative line shows two positive
stability narratives, separated by a dramatic reversal around age 10. This is a different pattern from
the other three story lines.
Only in the relations with father story line is there a parallel with the generalized well-being
line. Yet, when the respondent described his or her most unhappy times in the first section of the
questionnaire, father is not mentioned at all. Later when describing the lowest points on the
generalized well-being story line, the respondent mentions several factors, including being shy and
without friends, in addition to not having a live-in father (figure 7.4). The respondent also
implicates his or her father in the description of low points, as he or she writes I blamed father for
my being overweight. In this section of the protocol, the story of childhood seems strongly focused
on father. The father is made responsible for much childhood misery, including the respondents
weight. The point to be emphasized here, however, is that this rendition of childhood is simply one
version among many possible. At another time and in another place the construction might be
reorganized into some other form.
Within the studies in which I have been involved, the major thrust of the analyses has been to
look at the narrative forms that seem preferred by the group, and to look at the diversity of forms
used. It is clear from this sample that a model form was utilized, and that diversity could be found
not only between group members, but also within each protocol.
It would seem that many other uses might be made of this story line methodology, depending on
the purposes of the researcher. For example, in the case of a clinician looking for means of helping
a client, the protocol might prove a useful starting point for assessing areas of life in which the
person has described himself or herself as unhappy. In addition certain relationships might appear
to be more problematic than others. In the protocol shown in figure 7.4 and 7.5 the narrative points
to problems with father more than mother. The act of construing the narrative might also be looked
upon as a therapeutic exercise. As Donald Spence (1982) has suggested, the central mission of the
therapist and the patient is to construct a narrative of the patients life story. The story line might be
one form of endeavour for the illustrating of this agreement.
Another analysis of the individual protocol might take account of the number of reversals in the
slope of the story lines and the steepness of the slopes. Respondents who deviated greatly from the
average profile (figure 7.6) might be expected to perceive their lives as more dramatic and intense
than the average person. In looking at the protocol presented herein (figures 7.4 and 7.5), it seems
clear that the respondent views his or her past life as changing rather dramatically in generalized
well-being around age 13, for example, and as becoming very stable in the 20s, with only a slight
Further research with different groups of respondents of various ages, backgrounds and interests
should reveal some differences in overall self-narratives. One can envision research in which
various subgroups of youth, for example, might reveal group differences in expectations
concerning life satisfactions. For example, if a group of adolescents consistently perceives that
well-being peaks at 18, and is downhill thereafter, the notion of delayed gratification might be very
repugnant to them.
Within various social groups the cultural clocks - that is, the times at which people are
expected to do certain things such as marry and have children - should help formulate certain
parameters for how self-narratives are shaped (Neugarten and Hagstad, 1976). Research among
pre-menopausal women indicated, for example, that they had begun to formulate expectations of
how their lives would be after menopause, and what they would expect to look like, feel and do for
the next 20 years (Gergen, in press). These attitudes are based to a great degree on what the popular
culture portrays about the older woman. With an elderly population the narrative form also seems
to be influenced by the cultures beliefs about the aged. The tendency to accept a declining level of
involvement and activity seemed to echo the notion of disengagement from society that often is
expected of elderly people (Gergen, 1980; Gergen and Gergen, 1983).
The last portion of the protocol explored two other narrative dimensions: the feelings of
generalized well-being for the day, and feelings of generalized well-being for the future life of the
individual. Of course, story lines could also be created for other periods or for other aspects as well.
The feelings of daily well-being could easily be analysed as to the type of narrative form it
portrayed. The analysis could be useful in giving one a sense of the emotional context in which the
other narratives were being constructed. The daily story line also gives a baseline for how dramatic
the person may be as a story teller. A very changeable line for one day might indicate instability in
other narrative lines. The story line that projects into the distant future can be analysed in terms of
preferred cultural forms, of individual variation and of mental health and well-being. One protocol
contained a story line that ended abruptly at 30, with the word dead scrawled next to it. When
asked about this story line later, the narrator said that he had had a premonition when he was
younger that he would die in a car crash at that time, and so he was planning his life around this
belief. Of course we cannot be certain from this story line or his explanation just what
interpretation to give to this persons expectations for the future. People have multiple narrative
forms about what happens in adulthood, and they are capable of drawing more than one story line,
depending on the situation. For example, college students rarely include marital discord or divorce
in their future life story lines, but if they were to create two or three different versions of their
future story lines, some would be likely to include these rather normal but unpleasant episodes.
Within traditional paradigms of psychology, the study of personality and the self stands in stark
contrast to the narrative approach. Within what I will call the psychometric approach to personality,
the assumption is made that people have fairly stable and predictable personalities and behavioural
patterns. It is also assumed that through quantitative methods the dimensions of the personality and
the self-concept can be obtained. The research is usually focused within a narrow time span, and
results in data that are ahistorical and decontextualized numerical representations of the subjects.
The resultant scores are then often correlated with other variables to predict behavioural tendencies.
This psychometric approach relies on a natural science model of psychology, in which the basic
goals of the science are the creation of universal laws and the prediction and control of people.
In contrast, the social constructionist approach assumes that peoples self-narratives are social
products. They are not seen as enduring, stable fixtures of a pre-existing nature, but as temporary
constructions that are shaped by such important factors as literary conventions, social norms, the
context of the narration and self-determined social goals. Self-narratives are not viewed in the same
light as a traditional psychologist might view a personality profile. Narratives are not seen as
representations of the real self underlying the story. The narrativist gives up the certainty of the
psychometrician by taking this perspective. While this seems to be a disadvantage, the failure of the
psychometrics approach to find generalizable laws regarding the prediction of behaviour from
personality traits makes the loss less significant. At base, the change from a natural science
foundation to a human sciences approach is a matter of intellectual preference and conviction. But
once inside the latter paradigm, the use of a narratives methodology becomes more appropriate for
the study of lives.
There are potentially many ways in which to explore the narratives of lives. One of the most
common approaches is to ask people to give written or oral biographies of their lives, or parts of
them. A derivation of this approach is to ask for narratives that cover certain topics or periods. For
example, in a study of the social explanations of the elderly (Gergen and Gergen, in press)
respondents were asked to state why they were more or less involved in some activity than they
used to be. In terms of analysis, written or oral narratives have as advantages being rich in detail,
individualized, flexible, revealing of personal judgements of importance, targeted to sensitive areas
that might be avoided otherwise, and potentially complex in structure. As disadvantages,
biographies can vary greatly in their elaboration. The level of motivation, of comprehension and of
verbal skills in the respondent makes a great deal of difference in how the biographies are formed.
In oral biographies, especially, respondents can lose their train of thought. It is also somewhat
problematic for the analyst to know how to assess the biography. It is difficult, for example, to
know whether an unhappy childhood story is seen by the respondent as unhappier than an unhappy
period in adolescence. The researcher must make many judgements concerning the relationships
among various episodes in a biographic protocol. The biography form does not easily produce such
This chapter has emphasized the use of the graphic story line to reveal the evaluative dimension
of ones life and relationships with others. A cardinal advantage of this approach is that subjective
appraisals of life events can be converted to dimensions that are quantifiable. Thus, as was
demonstrated with the lives of this college sample, narratives can be compared and combined.
While not designed to be a precise mathematical instrument, story lines can also reveal perceived
peaks and valleys in peoples lives, and their relative impact on the narrator. For example, one can
tell at a glance whether parents divorcing is now viewed as more or less painful than a bad love
affair. Story lines are also useful for conducting dialogues with narrators about their lives. For
therapists and counsellors, for example, the interpretation of the story lines by their authors would
be potentially a very useful guide. The inclusion of questions within the protocol that ask for
specific events that marked the high and low points helps to draw attention to certain critical events
in the persons life, as they are now perceived.
The story line is also relatively quick and easy to fill out, and may be perceived by the
respondent as an interesting and creative mode of self-expression. It is not as dependent on
excellent verbal skills as biographies are. Also, it is not as threatening to the participant as filling
out a questionnaire that asks about intimate details of ones sexual life, for example. Narrators have
a sense of control over how they will be perceived by others. Of course, some psychologists may
As for limitations, the story line may encourage too much glossing over of events and the details
of life. A year could be filled with extreme highs and lows, and these might be averaged out to look
like a mediocre year. Some years may also be much more important than others to the narrator. The
advantages of the story line in terms of administration and utilization may be also at the base of the
disadvantages of brevity and compression. The story line may also be limited because some
respondents might find the task unusual and hard to understand. Also narrators might create story
lines without reflection.
Theoretical background
Snyder and his colleagues have also been interested in the utility
and efficacy of accounts, particularly excuses. Their attention has been
on the process of making excuses; Snyder and Higgins (1986) define
this process as one of shifting causal attributions for negative personal
outcomes from sources that are relatively more central to the persons
sense of self to sources that are relatively less central (p. 2). Snyder
and Higgins focus primarily on the role of excuses in the maintenance
of self-esteem. After an extensive survey of the relevant literature, their
assessment of the evidence is that the availability of excuses (from
whatever source, including ones own resources) can significantly
reduce the effects of negative outcomes on self-esteem. For example,
being able to claim that a task was too difficult or that ones friends
would also perform poorly could serve to restore self-esteem, or
prevent losses resulting from an intellectual failure. Snyder and
Higgins (1986: 9) maintain that it is the so-called EVS pattern of
excuse-making, that is, attributing negative outcomes to external
(extra-individual), unstable (variable) and specific factors rather than
internal, stable and global ones (the ISG pattern), which is facilitative.
The EVS pattern has been found to be associated with improved
outcomes in psychotherapy, better long-term health, and superior
athletic performance. Similarly, Tedeschi and Norman (1985) proposed
that accounts can be viewed as defensive mechanisms which are used
by the individual to maintain an appropriate public image.
All observer summaries were read by three coders, each of whom had
read Coleman (1976), Cody and McLaughlin (1985) and Scott and
Lyman (1968). Preliminary examination of the observers summaries
of the defendants courtroom statements by two coders (who
conducted the first reading of the essays) indicated that for the most
part the observation categories emerging in previous investigations
(concession, excuse, justification and refusal) were appropriate for the
classification of accounts in traffic court, with one significant
exception. The refusal category obtained in the earlier studies
(McLaughlin, Cody and OHair, 1983; McLaughlin, Cody and
Rosenstein, 1983) was manifested in three very distinct forms in the
defendants courtroom statements. We have called these categories
challenges (n = 21), denies offence (n = 53) and logical proofs (n = 48;
following from Coleman, 1976).
In another example:
Defendant: The light may have been yellow, but it was not red when I
made the turn. ... The officers view was obstructed by other cars.
Excuses, as was the case in our earlier studies, were the most popular
form of account (n = 134). Defendants attributed their offences to
(among other factors) accident, misinformation, lack of knowledge,
lack of ability, illness and the behaviour of others:
Defendant: There was a car to the left of me, and the pedestrian was on
the west side; the car on my left was ahead of me, therefore
obstructing my view.
Defendant: The car was parked in the no-parking zone because [it] had
a flat tyre.
Defendant: I was driving a new Mercedes that was shipped from
Europe. It doesnt show you speed in m.p.h., it shows it in
kilometres [per hour].
Defendant: I didnt see the sign because it was dull and I didnt have
my glasses on.
One of the two coders who had conducted the preliminary reading of
the 375 essays, as well as the first author, coded the essays into the
respective six categories while blind to the assignments made by the
other coder. The agreement was highest for concessions (98 per cent)
and lowest for justifications (83 per cent), and averaged 89 per cent.
The two coders met and reached mutual agreement for the essays on
which they had initially disagreed.
Interestingly, there were no significant univariate linear relationships between defendant characteristics and the imposition of a
partial penalty. Twenty-three per cent of the sample received no
penalty, 24% partial penalty and 52% received full penalty (guilty
as charged). The fact that there were no significant correlations with
the partial penalty category reflected the catch-all nature of the
category: poor defendants unable to pay a fine were assigned
community service; defendants (even those with excessive speeding
charges) were granted traffic court (as an alternative to payment) if
they had clean driving records for over a year and had not been to
traffic court in the last three years; and some judges routinely reduced
the fine on excessive parking tickets (one defendant had over $2000 in
unpaid parking tickets) and some speeding tickets. For the rest of the
analyses, we compare no penalty (23 per cent) defendants with
penalized ones (76 per cent). However, the correlations indicate that
full penalties were associated with the severity of the offence, the
vagueness of the defendants account, and a plea of guilty/no contest.
Escaping penalty altogether was positively associated with lesser
severity of the offence, concreteness of the account, defendants
extroversion and the use of logical proofs, and negatively associated
with anger and concession of guilt.
likely to escape penalty and those using concession are not, and that
defendants using challenge or denying the offence are likely to be
perceived as confident and unapologetic.
has developed
over the past 15 years
as a subdiscipline
wider intellectual
than explanatory
or experimental. Practitioners have
in the
how common-sense reasoning and social action
of detailed have
suggests, Garfinkel
his collaborators
of the depends
social world.a multiplicity
He proposedofthat
of a cognitively
for granted)
methods of
methods, heonargued,
are both socially
and socially shared and they are ceaselessly used during every waking moment to recognize
ordinary social objects and events.
Garfinkel concluded that shared methods of reasoning generate continuously updated implicit
understandings of what is happening in social contexts - a running index, as it were, of what is
happening in a social event. It is through the creation of this running index that social activity is
rendered intelligible or, as Garfinkel puts it, account-able. To make sense, the overt descriptions
and explanations (or accounts) which actors provide for their actions must articulate with these
already established implicit understandings.
Conversation analysis (henceforth CA) has developed primarily as an approach to investigating the
normative structures of reasoning which are involved in understanding and producing courses of
intelligible interaction. The objective is to describe the procedures by which speakers produce their
own behaviour and understand and deal with the behaviour of others. The central resource for
analysis is interaction itself. Interaction forms such a resource because during its course the parties,
whether intentionally or not, implicitly display their understanding and analysis of what is
happening as it happens. These implicit displays are embedded in the participants own actions. CA
represents the development of an analytic technology that capitalizes on this fact. Its central focus
is on the analysis of sequences of interaction and of turns within sequences. Thus CA is centrally
A central assumption of interactional sequencing is that, unless otherwise signalled, each turn is
addressed to the matters raised by the turn preceding it. The most powerful expression of this
assumption arises in the form of adjacency pairs (Schegloff, 1968; Schegloff and Sacks, 1973), in
which the production of a first conversational action or first pair part (for example, a greeting, a
question, an invitation, a request, an offer and so on) both projects and requires the production of a
second (for example, a return greeting, an answer and so on). This projection and requirement is
normative in character. Thus a questioner, for example, whose question has not been answered will
usually have the right to repeat it or to request that the intended respondent answers it, to sanction
the non-respondent, or to draw sanctionable inferences from the respondents lack of response. It is
in terms of adjacency pair rules, which relate a first to a second action, that speakers can influence
or even constrain the conduct of their coparticipants.
Given that this response takes the form of an apology, it would be clear to A (and to analysts) that
B had understood As question as a complaint directed at Bs conduct in the past. The relationship
between actions in sequence thus provides an interpretative resource both for participants and for
those who are concerned with the scientific analysis of interaction, because each action in a
sequence inherently displays its producers interpretation of the prior actions in the sequence.
CA is primarily concerned with analysis of the organization of mundane social action. Researchers
have proceeded by collecting materials from ordinary conversational interaction which is as
uncontaminated as possible by social scientific intervention. These materials are invariably
collected using audiotape or videotape. Audiotape is particularly suitable for the telephone medium
where, because there is no visual channel available to the participants, there is no need for
researchers to have access to a video recording. In collecting data from face-to-face interaction,
video recording is by far the most appropriate means.
In place of these methods, CA has adopted the naturalists strategy of building up large
collections of data from as many natural sites as possible. Like a good collection of naturalists
specimens, these growing data bases contain many variations of particular types of interactional
events whose features can be systematically compared. Analysts constantly seek for new variants
and may focus their searches on particular settings in the expectation of finding them.
To achieve this end, deviant case analysis is commonly used. This means taking cases where
the established pattern is departed from and showing the ways in which the participants, through
their actions, orient to these departures. If both dimensions of the analysis can be adequately
accomplished, then the empirical task of showing that a particular normative organization is
operative in interaction (that is, underlying both the production of and reasoning about a particular
social action or sequence of actions) will have been achieved. Beyond this point, there is the
theoretical task of specifying the role which the organization that has been discovered plays in the
communicative and social matrix of interaction.
We begin by delimiting the domain of interest. Our focus will be on the use of explanations or
accounts that are provided in the immediate context of the activities they account for. We thus
ignore narrative explanations of events that are external to the conversation in which the account
occurs, and explanations which are external to the particular sequence of conversational interaction
in which the account occurs. Those kinds of explanations would have to be treated in different
Establishing a pattern
In this case the invitation, which projects an acceptance, gets a simple unvarnished acceptance. No
account is provided for the acceptance. In effect, the acceptance is treated as projected or provided
for by the invitation. By contrast in (3), which is taken from the same conversation, a subsequent
and more specific invitation is rejected in an elaborated fashion.
(3) (SBL:10:14)
It can be readily observed that in (3) the rejection of the invitation is accounted for
with an explanation (arrow 3). Moreover, the account is the final component of a turn
that also includes an appreciation of the invitation (arrow 1) and a mitigated or
cushioned rejection component (arrow 2). All three features are highly characteristic
of rejections of invitations and related actions and have been extensively documented
elsewhere (Davidson, 1984; Wootton, 1981). These same features can be readily
illustrated in relation to other domains of action, for example in responses that reject
mean * can we do any shopping for her or something like tha:t?
do to help
And a similar, though less elaborate, pattern is observable in the context of responses to
(5) (Trio:2:II:l)
M: What happened at (.) wo:rk. At Bullocks this evening. =
Here the question relevances the production of an answer which, in this case, is not forthcoming.
In its place, the intended answerer provides an account (ignorance) for the absent answer. A more
complex version is to be found in the following:
(6) (W:PC:1:MJ(1):18) (Concerning how boat-trains work)
Here then are a range of instances in which a second speakers failure to accomplish a
projected, or looked for, action is accompanied by an explanation or account of some kind.
Deviant case analysis
(7) (Frankel:TC:l:l:4)
G: 1 - Noi?
G: 2 Whyno:t.=
(8) (US:simplified)
Heres Ms ironic remark (That was simple) and slight laugh (arrow 2)
audibly sanctions Vs brusquely unaccounted for rejection. V meets it
with a further reassertion of his decision (arrow 3), another sotto voce
repetition of Yeh (arrow 4) and, subsequently, the initiation of an
explanation (arrow 5) that ultimately trails away into nothing. Here,
subsequent to the rejection, the conduct of both parties evidences their
orientation to the absent explanation.
Well lis:ten, (.) tiz you tidyu phone yer vicar ye:t,
(.3) "
B: 1 * No I aint.
B: 2
Mwzgonna wait ntil you found out about....
briefly deal with the content of accounts, the internal organization of the
components of the turn containing the account, and the temporal
placement of such turns.
Content. In many of the cases shown in this chapter (for example (2),
(3), (5) and (6)), second speakers account for their failure to carry out
the proposed or required conversational action by reference to their
inability to do it (cf. Drew, 1984). Patently, the speakers could have
accounted for their actions in other ways. They could have asserted an
unwillingness to carry out the proposed action, or denied either the right
of the first speaker to propose it or their own obligation to respond. It is
significant, however, that the latter accounts would all, in one way or
another, have threatened the face of their co-interactants. By contrast,
the accounts which invoke inability (and in case (4) a lack of need for
the help offered) all have a no-fault quality (Heritage, 1984). None of
them implicates a lack of willingness to respond in the proposed way, or
challenges the others rights in the situation. All of the responses avoid
any threat to the other speaker, and they also avoid any threat to the
Temporal placement of account turns. A further dimension of otherattentiveness that is built into the structure of rejections also centres on
temporal ordering. In (3) and (4) the rejection is delayed by being
placed after a variety of other turn components: an appreciation
component, standard pre-rejection objects like uh and well, and, in
(4), by a delay of 0.7 seconds before the turn is initiated. These delay
features, which are systematically present in rejections, have been
shown to create opportunities for first speakers to revise their prior
actions so as to make them more acceptable (Davidson, 1984;
Pomerantz, 1984; Wootton, 1981). Where such revision is successful
and second speakers find that they can then go on to carry out the
proposed action, they have enabled first speakers to save face by
being accepted after all, and they have also enabled second speakers to
avoid threatening the others face by a rejecting action. The building of
delay features into the design of rejecting actions is thus also
intrinsically other-attentive.
rlet-I:ha(v) -i
Notice here that Es last utterance (arrow 2) works to save the face of
both speakers. It anticipates and invites a rejection account from N
rather than just leaving it to her to produce it on her own behalf. And
the kind of account that it invites (that is, one based on ability) is, as
we have seen, least face threatening for E herself.
1 - (0.4)
G: 2
*-Are you workin nights et allr anything?
I do: I work, hhh a number o:f nights Gene......
Here the inviting party G anticipates that there will be a difficulty with
the invitation simply from the delay (arrow 1) in the response from his
co-interactant. In this instance, as in (11), the inviter proposes a
difficulty about the invitees ability to accept and his action again
serves to save face all round.
The social logic underlying these judgements is socially institutionalized along with these institutionalized features of the rejections
themselves. Both are embodied in a web of moral accountability whose
binding character rests on its seamlessness. Within this web of
accountability, the pressures are consistently towards otherattentiveness and towards the maintenance of face, of social
relationships and of social solidarity. The personal sensibilities of face
are intelligible through this logic, and in turn these sensibilities
motivate its maintenance as an institutional form.
Accounts and. the structure of social action
should be answered.
Data collection
The concern for naturally occurring data has resulted in data collection
techniques which, like the naturalists specimen hunting expeditions,
have so far been largely unfocused. These techniques are geared to the
specific tasks of conversation analysis and, as such, have important
justifications. First and foremost, CA is at present a fundamentally
descriptive exercise which is concerned with the natural history of
social interaction. Its aim is to describe the structural organization of
social interaction and its associated reasoning in as many social
settings (and as many languages) as possible. The focus is on
fundamental structures and the ways in which they both create and
influence choices among courses of action. It is important to recognize
that this task has only been seriously addressed in the past few years
and that we have no reason to suppose that it will be completed in a
short period. It is also important to recognize that an understanding of
Theoretical background
The focus here is on the work of G.H. Mead and, in particular, on his
notion of completion. This is developed and used in analysing how
Activities are social in that the acts begun within the organism require
their completion in the action of others (Mead, 1973: 446, our italics).
(We shall refer to the completion of one persons act by another person
as other-completion; and the completion of ones own act as selfcompletion.) Mead, working in a tradition which had still not lost faith
in grand theories, intended his notion of completion to cover the whole
ground of human behaviour. It seems to us that Mead was basically
right to postulate completion, even if he left it general and unspecified.
Most intentional behaviours are not just aimed to evoke social
responses, but require them in order to become themselves social
actions. For something to qualify as a purchase, for example, the
money tendered by the purchaser has to be accepted by the
shopkeeper. The act may have begun with my wanting a chocolate bar,
but it would fail to be a purchase until the shopkeeper took my money.
The behaviour is not constituted into a purchase by the customers
intent only. For something to count as a reception at court, there has to
be a monarch to receive ones homage and graciously to return ones
bow. The participants have to agree on the situation and have to show
evidence of that agreement in their ready completion of actions
initiated by others. The homage is defined both by the intent of the
supplicant and by the features of the objective context including the
actions of others.
Although faith has been lost in the tradition of grand theories such
as Meads, echoes of the notion of completion are still to be found
here and there in social science thinking on communication. It is at
least implied in such concepts as intersubjectivity, joint action, mutual
knowledge, framing and so on. One can see a clear (but
unacknowledged) Meadian heritage in modern pragmatics.
Conversational analysis in particular (e.g. Sacks, Schegloff and
Jefferson, 1974; Schenkein, 1985; Atkinson and Heritage, 1984)
seems to us a framework which makes use of the idea of external
completion. This is obvious from the fact that its starting position
about the analysis of conversation is premised on taking exchanges,
rather than individual utterances, as units of communication:
Utterances are in the first instance contextually understood by
reference to their placement and participation in a sequence of actions.
For conversation analysts, therefore, it is sequence and turns within
sequences, rather than isolated sentences or utterances, that have
become primary units of analysis (Atkinson and Heritage, 1984:5).
Even this, Levinson (1983: 304-5) points out, is a first approximation,
and examples of much more complex units of conversational
organization can be found: our discussion and examples, however,
focus on two-move exchanges.
The point is that in the conversational analytic framework, individual utterances achieve their significance as moves in exchanges. In
this, conversational analysis is radically opposed to speech act theory
(Searle, 1969; Searle, Kiefer and Bierwish, 1980) in which the
illocutionary force of speech acts is defined by their form and the
propositional attitudes of their authors. The controversy is made clear
in an argument put forward by Levinson (1979). He points out that a
promise (one of the classical illocutionary acts) is not a promise
unless it has been taken up by the addressee. If I promise to pay you
back for the meal you just bought, does what I said still stand as a
promise if you tell me not to be silly, it was nothing? Well, without the
uptake, I certainly would not enter into the commitment that is the
point of promising.
Empirical example
In each dialogue there were two participants. One was always our
confederate, who was working from the same knowledge base - in this
case, unemployment and its causes. We gave the confederate no
instruction about unemployment, and the knowledge base was simply
his own beliefs and theories about it. His goal in conversation was
given as informing the other participants (one at a time!) of his views
on unemployment. The other participants were naive to the purposes
of the study. They were asked to try and find out the confederates
explanation of unemployment. In some dyads, respondents were of the
same knowledge status as the confederate; in the others they were
junior to the confederate, who was introduced as an expert on
Our data indicate that not all other-completions reflect and are
determined by the exchange structure. Another level at which
addressees complete messages is that of content, and the cohesion of
Hi, Im John.(2)
P: To some extent.
K: Im starving.
L: I have a pound left.
K: Thanks.
L: Right.
Cases (4) and (5), on the other hand, are examples of cognitive
P: I would have to ask them whether they mean that it [new
industrial revolution] is purely a technological change.
CA:(i) If you educate people in a certain, say, vocational way,
then you produce a certain kind of skill and a certain resource
to be used by the economy. If you dont, if you have a liberal
education, for example, you have a certain range of other
skills for the economy.
BF: (ii) So do you then believe that the education system is at
fault, that it should be changed, and if it were changed, there
would be less unemployment?
CA:(iii) I dont believe anything so direct, no. I think its just one
aspect of demographic variables, which are themselves an
aspect of economic trends, which are themselves an aspect of
These are different from the completions in (1), (2) and (3), and it is
Mead was obviously sensitive to the problem of individual/environment dualism and offered a solution, some aspects of which are
relevant here. He claimed that individuals act as their own audiences,
completing internally their own utterances:
In the human organism the pattern of the whole social act is in some
sense initiated in the individual as the pattern of his act. The
mechanism of this is the effect, which the gesture of the organism has
upon itself, that is analogous to the effect which it has upon the
other. ... When this gesture, as is the case in the vocal gesture, tends to
arise in the individual who makes it the response or responses which
it calls out in the other or others, there may appear in his organism
the initiatory stages of the act of the other or others. (Mead, 1973: 446,
447, our italics)
So according to Mead, not only the addressee but also the author
completes her (individual) acts.
on the face of it, rather bizarre; and if the parts we italicized are
misread appropriately, does away altogether with an individuals need
to communicate. And of course it would do so if the internal selfcompletion was exactly the same as the prospective external othercompletion: but it is not. The internal self-completion is not simple;
often, and probably as Mead intended it, it establishes only the type of
a response, not a specific response. The question is, to what extent is
internal self-completion like other-completion?
by another person:
P: What did you think of Jills daughter?
(i) She is quite interesting, isnt she? (ii) Whats her name?
(iii) Isobel. (iv) Right.
In this example, (i) presupposes that the identity of the person referred
to by she is established. Let us assume that the internal completion of
(i) queries this presupposition and the speaker I discovers that he
cannot specify the identity of she by naming her, although her name
is on the tip of his tongue. Question (ii) is supposed to resolve the
tension by finding the name from the other participant P, but the fact of
putting the question seems to make the name available and I provides
It seems to us that an analogue of the postulated process of intrasubjective completion operates observably in dialogues and was
manifested in the conversations between the participants in our study.
The analysis of extended turns can be complemented by analysis of
dialogues, and both contribute towards a classification of kinds of
tensions which produce dynamics and of their resolutions. In the next
section we give some relevant examples.
Completion and dynamics in conversations
A: (i) So how do you think one should go about reducing
B: (ii) Well, its ... perhaps by reducing the working hours and
A: (iii) So they would be getting less money.
One of the most important webs within the fabric that makes up a
social order is the network of accounts. Accountability may be
differently conceived in different societies and rights and duties to
explain oneself may be differently distributed, but the giving and
receivingofexplanationsisprobablyubiquitous.Rightsandobligations to
perform accounting acts are non-uniformly distributed among the
various ranks and categories of societies, and are in continuous
historical flux: witness the changing rights of women and children in
our own society within the last century. There are the experts, the
credible and untrustworthy, the penitent and the brazen, and so on. The
variety of contributions to this book is in part occasioned by the
variety of ways in which position in a grid of roles and status locations
appears in and influences the procedures of accounting.
This news story nicely illustrates the power that grammar has both to
express and to offend social status. The womans explanations,
whatever they were, were not at fault. We are not told whether or not
she actually had a vendors licence. The unacceptability of her account
turned on a choice of pronoun.
Harada (quoted
personal pronouns
European personal
essentially correct,
Three technical notions are needed to bring out the nature of the
Japanese systems of person reference and address: deixis, register and
cline. In an excellent discussion of these matters, Bachnik (1982)
draws attention to the fact that, concerning deixis, we may perhaps
safely assume that the deictic anchor point [indexical locus] is Ego in
Not all nouns can be iterated in this way. For instance neko-neko (=
cat-cat) is never used. The second device is the attachment of a suffix
from among -ra, -tachi, -domo or -gata. These can be added, with
minor exceptions, only to words denoting human beings or creatures
personified as such. It will come as no surprise to learn that choice
amongst these suffixes is motivated by considerations of status. The
suffix -domo is pejorative, for instance in the Marxist expression
shihonka-domo for capitalists. Sensei-gata is honorific, meaning
respected teachers. The other two suffixes are neutral, perhaps a little
casual or rude. For words of Chinese origin, pluralizing is done by
prefixing sho-. For instance, sho-zan means mountains; however,
again it is not simple plural, since it has the sense of every or a
considerable number of mountains. Professor Kimura has remarked
that the first and third devices are resorted to with growing frequency
to render the simple plurals in European texts. All three devices are
used to pluralize pronouns. The deictic term ware is no longer used in
the first-person singular and is currently used as a very vulgar and
pejorative second-person pronoun. The plurals ware-ware and ware-ra
are in use in literary contexts to express manliness, hard style speech.
Watashi-tachi is reasonably polite and commonly used, with watashira slightly more polite and watashi-domo at the humble pole. The last
is used in formal expressions of humility and by shopkeepers when
addressing customers. Boku-ra and boku-tachi sound like student
words, as Kimura puts it, though they are in common use even among
the elderly. They can also be used in contemporary J apanese speech to
refer to a we-group which includes women. It is not clear to me
whether these devices can be used to include the addressee. Some
difficulty must surely arise in using the humble watashi-domo when
the group referred to includes the addressee. Perhaps the growing
popularity of boku-tachi resolves the obvious difficulties.
Taking all this grammatical material together, the message is clear. The
intuitions of how the social basis of accounting is created that we
deploy as English speakers are a poor guide for a more general social
Many social psychologies - even new ones - have a rather oldfashioned view of language. They assume that language acts as a
neutral, transparent medium between the social actor and the world, so
that normally discourse can be taken at face value as a simple
description of a mental state or an event. Peoples utterances might
occasionally be distorted by the desire for social desirability but these
Clearly, we are not suggesting that disparate and contradictory perspectives on discourse such as speech act theory and post-structuralism
can simply be blended together to form a new analytic perspective.
These are separate traditions with their own disputes and difficulties.
But they indicate some issues traditional social psychologists neglect
when they continue to take participants talk as simple referential
statements indicating a more or less trouble-free path to actions,
attitudes and events. And from this basis we can begin to think about
the form a discourse approach to social psychology might take.
Discourse analysis
labelled with the functions neatly displayed on show, so that one kind
of form is always an accusation, or always marks out a rationalization,
or always suggests consequences which we could describe as
ideological in their effect.
Moving on from these points we come to our final analytic tool: the
interpretative repertoire. We suggested earlier that discourse is
variable in the sense that any one speaker will construct events and
persons in different ways according to function. This is not to imply
that there is no regularity at all in discourse - simply that regularity
The extracts below have been grouped under two categories: A and
B. The first extract under A is an anecdote about the speakers bible
class where an incident is described and the point drawn that children
internalize racist attitudes from their parents. In the second extract
under A the same speaker gives her view on racist jokes,
commensurate with her point of view about racist remarks in general.
Finally, under A, this speaker indicates the aspects of Maori culture she
admires. Overall this speaker can be heard to feel strongly about
racism and positive about Maori culture. If so inclined, we might
characterize her as a liberal non-prejudiced person.
Extract A
(1) I do this bible class at the moment, not highly religious, I just
The three extracts under B present a different picture. The speaker here
seems more willing to attribute negative characteristics to groups and
unwilling to accommodate Maori culture. In the first extract, it is
suggested that Australians are handling their intergroup relations in an
unfortunate way - letting other groups get on top of them because of
their inherent laziness. The second extract puts forward the view that
because white British settlers conquered the Maoris who, in their turn,
had conquered the Maorioris, Europeans have licence to define their
own terms in New Zealand. And, then, the speaker suggests in the third
extract that Maoris must accommodate to European society, although it
is recognized that being the indigenous group they cant be repatriated
in any sense unlike other Polynesian groups who are immigrants to
New Zealand.
Extract B
(4) The Greeks live in one part of Sydney, all the such and such, and
theyre all growing up and speaking their own language and doing
everything, theyre going to have all these groups, and the
Australians are basically a lazy people, and that other cultures are
getting on top of them, theres going to be big problems there one
(5) The ridiculous thing is that, if you really want to be nasty about it,
and go back, um, the Europeans really did take over New Zealand
shore, and I mean that Maoris killed off the Maorioris beforehand,
I mean it wasnt exactly their land to start with, I mean its a bit
ridiculous. I think we bend over backwards a bit too much.
(6) And this is the part that I think is wrong with (.) a bit wrong with
the Maoris as well there, the problems they have, theyre not
willing, I mean its a European society here and theyve got to
learn to mix and get in and work, otherwise its, I mean you cant
tell them to go back to where they came from.
In fact, both A and B extracts come from an interview with the same
speaker, whom we will call Benton. The pattern one finds in these
extracts was common in our interviews in the sense that, as we have
argued, people construct different versions depending on the functional
context. Over an entire interview it is exceedingly difficult to
summarize their views. Indeed, from the perspective of attitude theory,
how would one describe Bentons underlying attitude? Is this a
prejudiced person? A tolerant person? A person likely to be in favour
of multiculturalism and/or anti-racism, and against attributing negative
qualities to people on the grounds of race or nationality? Or is this a
person who supports the maintenance of white cultural hegemony?
What function in the broader sense might this deficit notion achieve
for those who use it? Firstly, it seems to make sense of another
commonplace understanding that Maoris have a deprived social
position and are discontented, through using the idea of rootlessness
and loss of identity. In this lay sociology, people without roots - those
who have lost their identity in some way - do not perform well and
are likely to agitate. Secondly, in using the notion of cultural deficit
speakers can effectively place Maori problems elsewhere, removed
from their own responsibilities and actions. In this way speakers can
convey that they themselves are in no way to blame for these
(13) I think its important that we recognize that we are in fact all New
Zealanders and we should be tending to become more one rather
than separately developing. Were tending to... pull that part of
our culture to almost a sense of importance that I dont think it
really has. We are one people, despite history. (Barr)
On the face of it this seems a highly positive and caring approach, and
indeed in psychological terms it is probably well intentioned.
However, the implications of applying it in this context (as over half
the respondents did) are not so positive. European culture is the
dominant culture in New Zealand; it thus sets the normative
framework for what it means to be one people together. Put another
way, for these people New Zealanders are often depicted as basically
white Europeans and the divisions between people or barriers objected
to are those created by the legitimate claims of the Maori people. The
upshot of this form of talk is that Maoris should stop encouraging rifts
and conflict and accommodate to dominant European values; however,
this consequence is hidden behind the innocuous moral formula of
carried out in relation to particular empirical tasks and with data rather
than in abstract. Undoubtedly discourse analysis will revise its
operating base as its application grows.
Finally, we would argue that the results of
analysis of this type are both interesting and
potentially useful because they focus on both the
specific linguistic content and the organization of
lay explanations. When dealing with racist
explanations, this means that we come to
understand the various interpretative repertoires
through which racist explanations are
constructed and warranted, and can start to
understand the techniques through which these
explanations can be undermined and
transformed.Deconstructing accounts
Ian Parker
3 techniques developed in literary
In this chapter I want to show how
Theoretical background
Language, the proponents of the new paradigm argued, was the key to
understanding social life. Psychology mistakenly viewed itself as a
natural science, and, on top of that, it had a mistaken view of how the
natural sciences obtained knowledge of their objects. Instead,
psychology (and especially social psychology) should recognize that
the pre-eminent role of language, of meaning, in social action
necessitates a turn to the human sciences, and that a more adequate
(realist) model of inquiry could be adopted. There are, of course, two
lines of attack here. The first stresses the difference between natural
science and human science and tries to shift psychology from one to
the other. The second stresses the value of methods actually employed
in the natural sciences and tries to bring psychology up to date. There
is a creative tension between the two positions advanced in the new
paradigm. At the risk of caricaturing them and glossing over their
The debate between the two sides of the new paradigm echoes longstanding and unresolved conflicts in social psychology between
agency and structure (Harre, 1983a; Shotter, 1980). What both
tendencies in the new paradigm have neglected, however, is the way
interpretation, conflict and resistance in social life cry out for an
While the arguments over the nature of the paradigm shift which
fuelled the crisis inside social psychology were burning, intense
debates were also raging in the other human sciences. These debates,
which filtered through into some of the formulations of our own new
paradigm critics, revolved around the value of structuralism and poststructuralism as ways of understanding language. In literary theory,
where the conflict between the different positions was most intense,
the transition from structuralism to poststructuralism also saw the
investigator) and the use of that language by individuals (the day-today occasions when the words are transmitted). The first is studied and
the second studiously ignored by a structuralist.
The obvious escape route from the relativism into which these
debates seem to be dragging us has already, of course, been closed off.
We cannot ask the authors what they really meant. But what of the
authors of social texts such as speeches, conversations and
explanations? Here, the development of deconstruction in literary
theory is particularly useful. It places into question the status of
intention in the production of language.
For our text we have an item of script in which the social actors
contest the nature of the distinction between reality and fiction, and the
power of theory over everyday life. We will see one character attempt
to construct a metanarrative and implicitly reflect and recast the other
within it. We will also address the issue of implicit explanation.
The nature of text
The idea Of text which lies at the heart of deconstruction, and which
emerges from the wreckage of structuralist and hermeneutic styles of
new paradigm social psychology, has a number of useful and exciting
qualities. Any text - be it a speech, a monologue or a treatise - consists
of a number of warring themes. The conflicts between the poles of any
conceptual oppositions that we might uncover need not necessarily be
identified with conflicts between persons. In fact we would expect that
where a number of characters congregate to debate differences, each
person would slip from one position to the next, exploiting ambiguities
and loopholes in the others argument. However, the stuff of everyday
explanation is in the interchange of opinion. Most of the talk that
people engage-in is in the presence of others. We will, then, examine a
text which is wrought through dialogue. Here, the different positions
adopted will be easier to define and explore.
A notion we may draw from the new paradigm is that the utterances
The Archers, which has been running on Radio 4 since 1950, has
developed a minor cult following in the past few years. Radio 4 is the
serious channel of the BBC. From being a fairly traditional serial,
The Archers has roused controversy with the introduction of social
issues. Letters to Radio 4 news programmes and The Guardian (a
liberal middle-class newspaper) discuss the fate of characters and the
corruption of the series by the unpleasant practices and vices which
feed the storylines of the American soaps. Books about the characters,
faked local newspapers and maps of Ambridge (the fictitious village in
middle England where the action is set) are starting to appear.
between the transcript and the original. However, the script-writer may
have spoken the original text into a dictaphone with quite different
intonation, and a complicated notation for emphases and pauses would
not solve the problem; it would merely displace it.
Pat Archer has picked up Clarrie Grundy, and she is giving her a lift
to do her shopping. The scene opens with the noise of the car.
Pat: Er, look, I can drop you in the middle of the town but the trouble
is Im going almost straight home. How long do you think youll
Clarrie: Oh not to worry Pat thanks. Im dead lucky to get a lift one
way. I can take the bus back easy.
Pat: What, with all your shopping?
Clarrie: Well, Dad said to start walking and hed see if he could come
and pick me up. Oh poor Dad. He was in a terrible state last night.
His friend Dixies dead.
Pat: This is his friend in Canada?
Clarrie: Yeah thats right. He aint seen him in over thirty years.
Pat: Oh well, maybe he can go to Holland for his holiday instead.
Clarrie: Oh he were getting so excited about going to Canada too. Oh
its such a shame.
Pat: Ah, is the supermarket alright for you?
Clarrie: Oh yeah, lovely thanks.
Pat: My friend Jilly lives behind the supermarket, and Im just
dropping by to pick up the scripts for the panto.
Clarrie: What panto?
Pat: The Ambridge Christmas panto. Its instead of a review this year.
Clarrie: Ooh thats nice! Which one is it?
Pat: Cinderella.
Clarrie: Oh! my favourite!
Pat: The scripts written by some friends of mine. The writers group
call it a work in progress.
Clarrie: Do they?
Pat: Thats not to say it isnt finished. Theres a beginning, a middle,
and an end. Well, er, a sort of end anyway.
Clarrie: I thought Cinderella always had the same ending. She lives
happily ever after with Prince Charming dont she?
The second point is to do with the relative status of the practical and
the expressive orders. (It would be possible to deconstruct the
opposition. We could argue that ostensibly expressive activities are
Step one. Here there are two characters upon whom the conceptual
polarities can be mapped. You might like to think of the opposing
poles as being the dominant points in a definition of the situation in
which the antonyms are suppressed and to which Clarrie submits. I can
identify three oppositions: metanarrative/narrative, recasting/casting
and reflection/subjectivity. Each pair raises issues about what social
actors may understand about the relationship between what they take
to be practical concerns and what they imagine to be the expressive
gloss through which they represent those practices to others.
Whilst the fruits of a deconstruction are always ready for the next
interpreter to get his teeth into, we are limited by the boundaries of the
text. The sequences of signs which are offered to the reader are still
there to be manipulated and pulled apart.
I avoided confronting the issue of where the theory leads, and the
power of theory in general, by choosing a text in which the speakers
were no more than constructions. We may learn lessons about social
relationships from such texts, but the pity is that a deconstruction
would not necessarily lead to a progressive type of action research if it
was applied to real explanations given by real people. I recommend
that readers wishing to adopt deconstruction as a method take as their
texts other fictions: discussions extracted from the pages of novels, or
the products of role-play studies, or social psychology textbooks.
This chapter will not outline the whys and wherefores of a particular
Theoretical background
are a number
of waysmean
in which
traditional scholarship
can involves
be distinguished
by methodology.
A methodology
as thetocollection
of data
their analysis.
that any two researchers who approach the same problem should arrive at
identical results,
as long as neither infringes the methodological rules. Thereby, it is hoped that individual bias is
excluded from the research process. In this way, methodology attempts to standardize the practice
of the social sciences and to eliminate quirkiness. To the modern methodologist, traditional
scholarship seems a haphazard and biased affair. The traditional scholar does not seem obsessed
with laying bare the methodological procedures, which can be followed by anyone with sufficient
The major theme of this chapter is that the traditional skills of scholarship have much to offer
the study of ideology. It is certainly not the case that students of ideology have adhered to a
particular methodology. In fact, they have not even adhered to a simple definition of ideology itself:
different theorists offer contrasting definitions (Abercrombie, 1980; Billig, 1982; Larrain, 1979;
1983). According to McLellan (1986:1), Ideology is the most elusive concept in the whole of
social science. Despite all the disputes about definition, there is agreement that an ideology refers
The last point can be illustrated by considering the issue of explanation. It is quite clear that
people are prepared to offer explanations for major social events. For instance, attribution theorists
have shown that people will explain phenomena such as unemployment or poverty in terms of
personal or situational attributions, either blaming the victims themselves for their own condition or
attributing the blame to society (Feagin, 1972; Feather, 1974; Furnham, 1982, 1983; Furnham and
Lewis, 1986; Lewis et al., 1987). To probe the ideological significance of these attributions one
needs to go further than documenting their existence. One needs to discover how the explanation of
one sort of social event fits into a wider pattern of explaining social events. To do this, one needs to
look at the way that different ideologies might be characterized by different styles, and traditions,
It is possible to study ideology by attempting to situate ordinary discourse within its wider
ideological context. The pattern of an individuals thinking should therefore be interpreted in terms
of broader historical and social patterns. For example, the chapters written by Adorno in The
Authoritarian Personality (Adorno et al., 1950) show a great awareness of the way that bigoted
respondents could be linked to the intellectual and ideological history of racial bigotry. Similarly,
Billig et al. (forthcoming) trace the heritage of Voltaire and the Enlightenment in the comments of
young racist respondents (see also Billig, 1988). A further social psychological analysis of ideology
is provided by Billig (1986), who links the thinking of young members of the Conservative Party
with the ideology of international finance capital and the assumptions of everyday life in capitalist
society. Such studies attempt to uncover the social psychological dynamics of some of the central
ideological themes in contemporary society. However, the topic of ideology can be approached
from an opposing direction, by examining those ideologies which remain just beyond the
mainstream of everyday thinking.
In one sense, it might be thought that the conspiracy mentality represents a style in which
ideologies can be expressed rather than an ideology itself. For example, the style could be found on
the left wing of politics. Left-wingers might articulate their socialist ideology in such a way as to
suggest that the hidden hand of capitalist plotters is seen in every failure of the masses to turn in
In his study of British contemporary fascism, Billig (1978) showed that quantitative
methodologies are insufficient for investigating the ideological heritage of conspiracy theory. He
showed that a content analysis of UK National Front propaganda only revealed the surface
characteristics of that groups ideology. To probe further the deeper meanings and traditions of the
ideology it was necessary to explore the wider traditions of conspiracy theory. It was necessary to
show how National Front ideologists had absorbed notions from an unbroken ideological tradition,
which includes overtly Nazi theorists, non-Nazi groups such as the John Birch Society and
The tradition of conspiracy theory is in the main to be found on the periphery of political life,
although, as the history of the Nazis revealed, there can be no guarantee that it must remain
marginal. At present one would not expect conspiracy theory to have a central place in conservative
thinking at least as an explanation of world governmental behaviour. The political successes of
contemporary conservatism should ensure that there are few failures and dispossessions which need
to be explained away in terms of an overpowering conspiracy. However, there have often been
links and overlaps between conservative and conspiracy thinking (see Griffiths, 1983; Webber,
1986). In investigating the political terrain where the racist right of conservatism shades into fascist
extremism, one should look to see whether conservatives are adopting the ideological style and
The political discourse to be analysed in this chapter is taken from reports of the speeches of a
single politician, J. Enoch Powell. Before proceeding to an ideological analysis of Powells
discourse we need to know something of the life of this most singular of contemporary British
After the war Powell decided upon a career in politics. He entered Parliament in 1950 as the
Conservative member for Wolverhampton South East, in his native West Midlands. His intellectual
capacities, as well as his talents for composing and delivering speeches, marked Powell out for high
office. He became Minister of Health in Harold Macmillans cabinet, yet he resigned when
Macmillan was replaced as Prime Minister by Sir Alec Douglas-Home. He did not remain on the
backbenches long, and became a senior member of Edward Heaths shadow cabinet. Ideologically
Powell and Heath represented different wings of conservatism. Whilst Heath was the pragmatist,
who believed in state intervention in the economy, Powell was elaborating his own political
However, it was not differences of economic policy which caused the decisive rupture between
Heath and Powell. On 20 April 1968 Powell delivered a speech which was to have significant
effects on the course of race relations in Britain and was to change dramatically his own political
career. Powell spoke about his fears for the future of a Britain, which contained a sizeable New
Commonwealth or non-white population. It was not so much the anti-immigrant themes which
made the speech notorious, as the choice of language. Powell, the intellectual Greek scholar,
repeated stories of negroes pushing excreta through letter-boxes, of wide-grinning piccaninnies
harassing old white ladies, and so on. The speech foretold of racial conflict, as Powell said that he
was filled with foreboding. The insults of the gutter were mixed with the learning of the high
table: Like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood (text in Powell,
1969: 213ff.; for analyses see Foot, 1969; Barker, 1981).
Had Powell bided his time and awaited a change of leadership, he might have eventually
resumed his ministerial career. Certainly his laissez-faire economics would have been no handicap
Powell did not remain outside the House of Commons for long. The October 1974 General
Election saw him take a step remarkable for a senior English politician: he was standing as an
Ulster Unionist candidate for a Northern Ireland constituency. Powell was returned as the member
for South Down, strongly committed to the policy of integrating Ulster totally with the rest of the
United Kingdom. He retained his Northern Irish seat until the 1987 General Election but as a
Unionist MP he had no reasonable hopes of entering government again. Despite his contacts with
The question under consideration is whether the views of this unorthodox Conservative, Enoch
Powell, can in any way be located within the conspiracy tradition of ideology. A sound
methodological procedure for attempting to produce an answer would be to opt for a quantitative
content analysis (for an excellent discussion of the relations between quantitative and qualitative
research see Bryman, 1984). The speeches of Enoch Powell could be systematically sampled perhaps every fifth or tenth of his published orations could be selected. Word counts could be
made, with or without computer assistance. Perhaps the word conspiracy could be chosen for
special attention. The analysis might then show how many times, per 10 000 other words, Enoch
All this might be quite interesting, but, as Beardsworth (1980) has shown in an important
critique, the techniques of such content analysis are essentially limited. This sort of methodology
can count words, but it cannot interpret them. Under some circumstances mere counting can lead to
misleading conclusions. For example, someone who is continually scoffing at the ideas of
conspiracy theories might have just as high a usage of the word conspiracy as the most obsessed
believer. Furthermore, the question about Powell is not whether he talks about conspiracies, but
whether any such talk should be located within the conspiracy ideological tradition. As will be
shown, mere talk about conspiracy, even belief in a conspiracy, is not of itself sufficient evidence
for such a location. Over and above statistical identification, such beliefs need to be interpreted by
the ideological analyst. Interpretation cannot be achieved by handing over the whole business of
scholarship to a programme of computation.
The text is a newspaper report of one of Powells speeches, and therefore is one that is available
to experts and laypeople alike. However, once an ideological question is raised, the analyst must go
beyond the specific text. In fact the analyst has to go beyond this specific speech, or the report of
the speech, and to look directly at other reports and in particular at other speeches. As the search for
ideological significance proceeds, more information is required, and the analyst must widen the
investigation to include conspiracy material from non-Conservative sources. Inone way the original
text is a starting point for a search, rather than being the object of a methodological examination in
itself. In another way, the text is not the starting point: the analyst will already have built up a
On 19 January 1986 the British Sunday papers carried stories that Enoch Powell had suggested
that the United States was responsible for the murder of a senior Conservative politician seven
years earlier. The Observer carried the story on its front page with the headline: US had Neave
killed - Powell. The text summarized the main themes of Powells speech:
Mr Enoch Powell yesterday accused the United States, the Foreign Office and British military
intelligence of a conspiracy to create a united Ireland inside the NATO alliance in an extraordinary
speech to the Federation of Conservative Students in Birmingham.
Mr Powell, the Unionist MP for South Down, suggested that Washington had 20 years ago
secured from Britain an undertaking to organise the transfer of Northern Ireland out of the United
Kingdom into an all-Ireland state.
He said the first step in the conspiracy was to eliminate the stumbling block of the Northern
One need not translate the newspaper report into a computer input to realize that the
word conspiracy appears three times. It is not merely a matter of the word being
repeated; Powell was obviously telling a dire story of devious conspiracy and murder.
If the tale of hidden conspiracy was being told to a Conservative audience, does this
imply that Powell was engaged in something more general? Was he undermining a
whole series of conventional explanations, in order to spread a wider tale of
conspiracy? The single report cannot answer this question. Instead, one must turn to
other speeches and other reports and, in so doing, examine various possible
Nor are all these new themes, for past texts and speeches show Powells
opposition to a United Ireland. He had previously accused Mrs Thatcher
of treachery over the issue (The Times, 8 July 1985), and similarly he
had claimed that the British andAmerican governments aided terrorists
in Northern Ireland (The Times, 12 August 1985). The claim that there
existed an American plot to establish a United Ireland was an old theme
(The Times, 27 September 1980; The Times, 7 December 1981). Nor
were the American conspiracies confined to Ireland. For example,
Powell had spoken about the EEC suffering the admission of Spain and
Portugal in conformity with American strategic interests (The Times, 19
October 1985). In all these speeches it is possible to detect, in greater or
lesser form, the themes of conspiracy and treachery, as powerful
manipulators dupe smaller nations into abandoning their national
earlier texts also contain the theme of conspiracy. His speeches against
non-white immigrations were not confined to innuendoes about
grinning piccaninnies and dire warnings about the future: dark
conspiratorial deeds were afoot to fool and then destroy the (white)
nation. He claimed that the government and public were being
deliberately misled about the numbers of non-whites living in Britain
(for example The Times, 16 February 1971). There was an enemy
within, which was more sinister than the Nazis or the communists (The
Times, 15 June 1973). So dreadful was the conspiracy to conceal the
facts of non-white residency in Britain that One begins to wonder if the
Foreign Office was the only Department of State into which enemies of
this country were infiltrated (11 June 1973; quoted in Schoen, 1977:
Northern Ireland, but over the years it has been a constant theme in
Powells political rhetoric. When he opposed British entry into the
Common Market, he did not see himself as merely opposing a political
decision, but he was standing against conspiratorial forces. He declared
that there was a conspiracy to force the public into
world in various forms the same formula for rending societies apart is
being prepared and applied by ignorance or design and there are those
who are determined to see to it that Britain shall no longer be able to
escape (quoted in Berkeley, 1977: 88).
this way, knowledge of the subject area can lead to insights which fall
outside the range of methodological expertise.
judgements about the patternings of ideology are potentially controversial. Scholars, with different complexions to their expertise, will
argue matters, putting different interpretations on each others evidence.
This is particularly true when one is asserting what are the essential
features of an ideological patterning. It cannot be expected that the
foregoing analysis is the last word on the subject of Enoch Powell and
the shape of his ideology. At best it raises further questions, even as it
suggests possibilities for answers.
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conversational interaction,
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Index 611
0conversational structures, 64-8; causal, 657; justifications, 67-8 counter-arguments, 77
courtroom observation, 4, 118-23
covariance analysis (Kelley), 7, 14 culture
fostering, 178-80
Danish language, 158 data (Toulmin), 21,
76 Davis, K., 61 de Waele, J.P., 95 decoding
skills, 14 deconstructing accounts, 184-98
deconstruction, definition, 186-9 deixis,
160-1, 163-4 descriptions, explanatory, 17
deviant case analysis, 131, 133-5 Dewey, J.,
150 differentiation, 43 disclaimer, 176-7
discourse analysis, 9, 168-83; definition,
dispositional shift, 36 disruptive stress
hypothesis, 52 Draper, Stephen W., 15-31,
145 Drew, P., 170 Driver, M.J., 45
dynamics, in explanation seeking, 145-55
effects, and intentions, 27-8 English
language, 156,157, 159-60 enthymeme, 76
Ericsson, K.A., 74 ethnography of speaking,
160 ethnomethodology, 9, 10, 127-44
events, naturally occurring, unstructured
attributions in, 35-6
excuses, 4,30-1,113-15,120-1; definition,
explanation: OED definition, 17; privately
held, 4-5; in public domain, 1-4; social
function of 28: types of, 6-8 explanations,
everyday, analysis of, 15-31, 196; as
wholes, 60
failure events, accounting and, 113-26
false starts, 151
Fanshel, D., 116-17
fascism, 203, 213-14
Fox, George, 159
French, Norman, 159
Frye, Northrop, 98
Garfinkel, H., 127-8
George, A.L. 214 Gergen,
Mary M., 94-112 Gilbert,
N 172 Gillman, A., 157-9
grammar, determination of thought thesis,
167; see also pronouns, role of Grice, HP.,
Harre, Rom, 9, 73, 95, 156-67 Harvey, John
H., 32-42 Heider, Fritz, 61, 94 Heritage,
John, 127-44 hermeneutic circle of
meaning, 185 Higgins, R.L., 115
612 Index
Miller, W.L., 205 mitigation, 144,116-17
Mulkay, M 172 myths, 95-6
Naji, S. 22, 35
narrative forms, 97-102; progressive, 99100; regressive, 99-100; stability, 99
narrative structures, in social explanation,
Newell, A., 74, 77 Norman, D 115,145
normative aspects of conversation analysis,
128, 129
Norwegian language, 163
observation, 123-4 open souls doctrine, 73
openness, 147-8
operators, of problem-solving and reasoning
structures, 83
oral explanations: identifying attributions in
32-42; in traffic court, 113-26; see also
verbal behaviour Oxford English
Dictionary, 17
Paragraph Completion Test, 43-5
paraphrases, 17-18
Index 613
C., 32-42 turns, extended, 151 TV soaps,
US presidential candidates, changes in
rhetorical style, 52-4 utterances, 28-9,146-7
variation, 171,174-7
verbal behaviour, integrative complexity
coding, 43-59; see also oral explanations
Vollmer, Fred, 163 Voss, James F., 74-93
Vygotsky, L.S., 152
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