01 - Venugopal - Individual Assignment
01 - Venugopal - Individual Assignment
01 - Venugopal - Individual Assignment
(1977 words)
Mercedes and not BMW because he/she yearns for both a comfortable yet
attractive ride.
Fragmentation also happens at the self-level whereby individuals display
conflicting behaviors (Firat,
Dholakia, Venkatesh, 1994). Gone are the days whereby buyers looking for a
sporty ride will
purchase coupes/convertibles while buyers seeking space and comfort will go for
sedans/hatchbacks. Instead, drivers demand the practicality of a sedan while
yearning for a sleek coupe design hence driving German car manufacturers to
launch new variants such as a four-door coupe. The growing variation of car body
types is a definite example of the rising impact of individuals stemming from
about her social life and interest in fashion and local topics. Due to the
popularity of her blog and character, Wendy received countless of sponsorship
deals from companies, such as MotherCare and Laurier, even before the birth of
her first child. With the use of these products selected by her, readers of her
blogs are indirectly being exposed with brand marketing of such products which
they subconsciously
customers can relate their identity to. More importantly, this connection needs to
start from the first point of contact and extend to beyond after purchase. An
example of a company which has done very well in this aspect is Apple which
has risen to become one of the most prominent organization in the last decade.
The simple and uniform concept of apple stores draw customers from around the
world with their launch of each generation of IPhones. People talked about their
in-store experiences on social media
While flagship stores receive extensive media coverage. The use of Apple
products has been associated with the identity of counterculture and
hipsters which users draw affiliation with. While other companies provide
repair warranties, Apple up the notch by providing one-for-one exchange under
their warranty program (Isaacson, 2011). In a way, the late Steve Jobs was
instrumental in creating an identity which consumers around the world linked
with Apple products.
In conclusion, the rise of the information and technological era has gave
birth to a pool of well-informed customers who are not willing to stay at the
receiving end of marketing programs. Instead, they choose to adopt a more
active role while seeking their unique identities and special experiences. Goods
and services have become their tools for achieving their sense of importance. As
we progress into this new phase, marketing management has to adopt different
strategies through collaboration and empowerment. This is to ensure that they
keep up to date to the ever changing demand from consumers.
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