AreviewofHopfieldNNforsolvingMPP PDF
AreviewofHopfieldNNforsolvingMPP PDF
AreviewofHopfieldNNforsolvingMPP PDF
Invited Review
Department of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan, ROC
Graduate Institute of Management Sciences, Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taipei 25137, Taiwan, ROC
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 1 October 2007
Accepted 4 November 2008
Available online xxxx
Hopeld neural networks
Energy function
Mathematical programming
penalty function
Lagrange multiplier
Primal and dual functions
a b s t r a c t
The Hopeld neural network (HNN) is one major neural network (NN) for solving optimization or mathematical programming (MP) problems. The major advantage of HNN is in its structure can be realized on
an electronic circuit, possibly on a VLSI (very large-scale integration) circuit, for an on-line solver with a
parallel-distributed process. The structure of HNN utilizes three common methods, penalty functions,
Lagrange multipliers, and primal and dual methods to construct an energy function. When the function
reaches a steady state, an approximate solution of the problem is obtained. Under the classes of these
methods, we further organize HNNs by three types of MP problems: linear, non-linear, and mixed-integer. The essentials of each method are also discussed in details. Some remarks for utilizing HNN and difculties are then addressed for the benet of successive investigations. Finally, conclusions are drawn
and directions for future study are provided.
2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In the past two decades, articial neural networks or neural networks (NNs) have been widely developed in solving mathematical
programming (MP) or optimization problems. Among various NNs,
a couple of networks have been utilized for optimization (Looi,
1992; Kumar, 2005), such as Hopeld neural netwoksHNNs) (Hopeld, 1982), self-organizing feature maps (Kohonen, 1982), and
Boltzmann machines (Ackley et al., 1985). As HNNs and general
NN structure have been developed for almost all classes of optimization problems, it is worth reviewing their inside techniques, benets and drawbacks, and future perspectives so that the
presentation will enrich the theories and applications of HNNs in
the future.
Research studies on neurons and their networks for information
processing have drawn much attention by scholars in the elds of
physics, electronics, and electricity. They have tried to formulate
the problems mimicking the behavior of biological NNs to abstract
principles of computation employed by the brain. Hopeld and
Tank made a momentous contribution for neural computation by
solving a traveling salesman problem (TSP) and a linear programming (LP) problem (Hopeld, 1982, 1984; Hopeld and Tank,
1985; and Tank and Hopeld, 1986). Although Shirazi and Yih
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 3 574 2653; fax: +886 3 572 2204.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (U.-P. Wen), [email protected]
(H.-S. Shih).
Tel.: +886 2 8631 3221; fax: +886 2 8631 3214.
0377-2217/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
primal and dual method for solving linear and quadric programming problems. Nonetheless, the studies on NN on optimization
have appeared in diversied journals. Interested readers can refer
to Computers and Operations Research (No.34, Vol. 19, 1992), Neurocomputing (No. 13, Vol. 8, 1995), and European Journal of Operational Research (No. 2, Vol. 93, 1996). Some complete
bibliography of this literature can be taken from books and papers
(Klimasauskas, 1989; Looi, 1992; Sharda, 1994; Widrow et al.,
1994; Wilson and Sharda, 1992).
Because there is no systematic review among plenty of articles
on HNNs for optimization up until now, we intend to classify the
essences of these HNNs for optimization as a guideline of future
studies. Their special structures such as penalty function methods,
Lagrange multiplier function methods, and primal and dual methods are also illustrated. In particular, energy functions of the networks characterize the behavior of the networks and support the
directions to search out solutions for real-time optimization. The
functions are the key to bridging the HNNs and the constraints
optimization problems. On account of this signicant importance,
we review the literature based on three technical categories: penalty functions, Lagrange functions, and primal and dual functions.
The contents are organized in the following. Section 2 discusses
general functions and basic aspects of HNNs. The penalty function
methods, Lagrange multiplier methods, and primal and dual functions are overviewed in Sections 35, respectively. The uses of
HNNs for LP, NLP, and mixed-integer linear programming (MILP)
are presented by each method. In Section 6, remarks are made
for illustrating the possible difculties when utilizing HNNs, and nally, conclusions and directions for future studies are given.
2. General function and basic aspects for HNNs
Neural networks have been characterized in various ways
according to many relevant features (Basheer and Hajmeer, 2000;
Sima and Orponen, 2001). In general, NNs have two kinds of structures (Zurada, 1992). Both have to be congured such that the
application of a set of inputs produces (either direct or via a relaxation process) the desired set of outputs, and various methods exist
to set out the strengths of the connections. One way is to place the
weights explicitly, using a priori knowledge. The other way is to
train the neural network by feeding it teaching patterns and letting
it change its weights according to some learning rule. HNNs belong
to non-training model. In particular, HNNs are considered as feedback (or recurrent) without learning from a pattern set (Zurada,
1992). The HNNs consist of a set of neurons and a corresponding
set of unit delays, forming a multiple loop feedback system. Each
feedback loops is equal to a neuron. Basically, the output of each
neuron is feedback, via a unit delay element, to each of the other
neurons in the system.
HNNs are not affected by additional inputs, and each neuron is
fully connected with the remaining neurons by weights and always
updates the connection weights. The associative memory or content-addressable memory is a memory organization that accesses
memory by its contents and it always searches for the closest
matching from all stored prototypes (Du and Swamy, 2006). This
is analogous to the storage of information in an associative memory as biological neurons (Kohonen, 1982). In other words, the process of association and information retrieval is simulated by the
dynamical behavior of a highly interconnected system of non-linear circuit elements with collective computational abilities (Hopeld, 1982).
Due to the above characteristics, HNNs are easily realized for
their capability of parallel computation as a result of being a fully
connected property. The networks use electric circuits to simulate
the actions of biological neurons, and the basic model can be
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
(u1 )
(u2 )
(un )
- j
x1 (k)
x2 (k)
( )
wi 1
wi 2
yj (k+1)
vj (k+1)
xn (k)
yj (k)
Z -1
n X
xi wij xj
xi Ii
2 i1 j1
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
n X
n Z xi
xi wij xj
xi I i
g 1
i xi dx;
2 i1 j1
min f x c T x;
s:t: Ax P b g j x P bj ; j 1; 2; . . . ; m
and x P 0;
where x; c 2 R
; A2R
max gy b y;
, and b 2 R
s:t: A y 6 c fi y 6 ci ; i 1; 2; . . . ; n
and y P 0;
ETH x f x
g j x2
x2i =2sRii ;
and g g
1 ; g 2 ; . . . ; g m is a penalty vector when gj(x) < bj. Here,
the penalty parameter s must be sufciently large to lead the last
term to be neglected. However, this assumption might make their
model unreliable for solving the LP problem (Kennedy and Chua,
To improve Tank and Hopelds NN, Kennedy and Chua (1988)
proposed a kind of NN structure with an inexact penalty function,
where the energy function is
EKC x f x
s X
g x2 :
2 j1 j
ERV x; a f x a
minf0; g j x bj g;
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
min f x;
hi x 0 for i 1; 2; . . . ; l;
g j x 6 0 for j 1; 2; . . . ; m;
which is simpler and more intuitive for solving convex NLP problems. They used a constraint set instead of penalty parameters to
overcome the difculty of selection. Their work is valuable for
tackling NLP problems.
x 2 X;
f x; v ;
hi x; v 0;
i 1; 2; . . . ; q;
g j x; v 6 0;
j 1; 2; . . . ; p;
ml 6 xl 6 M l ;
v k 2 f0; 1g;
l 1; 2; . . . ; n;
k 1; 2; . . . ; r;
where f, g1, . . . , gp, h1, . . . , hq are functions dened on Enr, x is a vector of n components x1, . . . , xn which satisfy boundaries between ml
and Ml, and v is the 01 integer vector of components, v1, . . . , vr.
Since, the problem with integer variables is difcult to solve
by an approximate technique, its development is rather slow.
Watta and Hassoun (1996) used a coupled gradient network approach for solving a MILP problem. Their energy function
EWH(x, v) is constructed by summing the objective function
f(x, v) and the penalty function P(x, v) to the constraints. The dynamic update is carried out by the steepest gradient descent
with a xed increment.
We can in general separate the constraints into inequality equations, equality equations, and bounded variables constraints as
P(x, v) = G(x, v) + H(x, v) + V(v). The rst penalty term of the rightP
hand side is Gx; v pj1 #g j x; v , where #(n) = n2 for all n > 0,
and #(n) = 0 for all n 6 0. If the solution is unsatisfactory with the
inequality constraints, then the penalty will be effective. The secP
ond term Hx; v qi1 hi x; v enforces the equality constraint.
The last term Vv k1 v k 1 v k is to keep the 01 variables
feasible. Note that the larger value of penalty functions is 0.5 and
falls to zero as it saturates at vi = 0 or vi = 1. They thus recommend
an energy function as
EWH x; v A f x; v B
#g j x; v C
hi x; v
v k 1 v k :
Table 1
Penalty function methods for optimization problems.
Proposed method
Activation function
Learning rate
Initial state
Sigmoid function
LP and
LP and
LP and
Sigmoid function
C is a positive
diagonal matrix
C is a positive
diagonal matrix
0 < li < 1
Rodrguez-Vzquez et al.
(1988, 1990)
Maa and Shanblatt (1992)
Watta and Hassoun
Aourid and Kaminska
Chong et al. (1999)
Silva et al. (2005)
Effati and Baymain (2005)
xi(k + 1) = max{xi(k), 0}
Sigmoid function
Feasible variables
Sigmoid function
A, B, C, D > 0
Sigmoid function
Sigmoid function
Sigmoid function
Feasible variables
Feasible variables
Feasible variables
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
method for solving LP problems through HNNs. Their energy functions by Lagrange and augment Lagrange multipliers are listed as
EL x; k f x
kg j x
EaL x; k; K f x
kg j x
Kjg j xj2 ;
2 j1
ES x; k cT x kT Ax b kT k Ax bT Ax b:
Table 2
Lagrange multiplier related methods for optimization problems.
Proposed method
Activation function
Learning rate
Initial state
LP and
qt 1qa0 t or
Sigmoid function
A hard-limit function for discrete
variables, and a sigmoid function
for continuous variables
bj > 0 and ri is a scaling
factor known as the slope in
the continuous neuron i
q(t) = q0 expat q0
is large, and a is a positive for
Lagrange multiplier vector; l > 0
for variables
0 < lc, lk < 1
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
faL x; k; K f x
k maxf0; g j xg
maxf0; g j xg2 ;
where k and K are the vectors of Lagrange multipliers and the penalty parameters with 2 Rm1 , respectively. A compact form can be
expressed as (Ham and Kostanic, 2001):
faL x; k; K f x
Sj kg j x K=2g j x2 ;
ron cij and Idij for discrete neuron dij, respectively. The matrix T
is given a standard interconnection among all neurons, continuous
and discrete. Here, Tdij?ckm is the connection from the discrete neuron dij to the continuous neuron ckm. However, a new form of
interconnection, matrix W, between neuron pairs is introduced.
For example, Wij?km is the connection from neuron pair cij and
dij to neuron pair ckm and dkm. Their energy function of the augmented HNN is then proposed as
1 XX
T ckm!cij V cij V ckm
2 i;j k;m
1 XX
T dkm!dij V dij V dkm
2 i;j k;m
Icij V cij
1 XX
Idij V dij
W km!ij V dij V cij V dkm V ckm :
2 i;j k;m
It is proven that Eq. (12) should be (local) minimized for both the
continuous variables output Vcij and the discrete variables output
Vdij. Since the activation function of the discrete neuron is a hardlimit function, it will easily drop in a local optimum. If the discrete
variables are selected to be zero, then the binary variables are not
modied for later iterations. Moreover, the continuous activation
function takes advantage of a general sigmoid function tanh (output = (einput einput)/(einput + einput)), whose output is between 1 and
1. Thus, the continuous variables do not stably converge to the
real variables which are greater than 1 or less than 1.
Dillon and OMalley (2002) proposed another augmented HNN to
solve MINLP problems. Their structure requires many variables and
parameters, and it will adds much computational burden. Hence, the
proposed network may be inappropriate for applications.
4.4. Summary
After surveying the above developments, we nd that the
parameter setting for Lagrange multipliers and penalties as well
as the learning rates have major inuences on the convergence
and stability of HNNs. Lagrange multiplier and augmented Lagrange multiplier methods require more variables and parameters
than do the penalty function methods. This increases the computational complexity and is difcult to control, but its structure can
provide a precise solution. Furthermore, we also collect the characteristics of this category of approach for NNs in terms of problem
type, activation function, penalty, learning rate, and initial state
as shown in Table 2, so as to understand in what way the key parts
are involved.
f x; v
hi x; v 0;
xl P 0;
i 1; 2; . . . ; q;
l 1; 2; . . . ; n;
v k 2 f0; 1g;
k 1; 2; . . . ; r;
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
eters. They suggested that the equilibrium point is the same as the
exact solution when simultaneously solving the primal problem
and its dual problem. Hence, they dened an energy function for
solving LP problems as Exw(x, y):
EXW x; y
1 T
c x b y2 xT x jxj yT y jyj kAT x
1 T
bk2 A y cA y c jA y cj:
n X
cij xij ;
8j 1; 2; . . . ; n;
xij 1;
if i 1
< 1;
xli 0;
if i1 & in
1; if i n;
max yn y1 ;
max zn ;
Dual SPP2
8i; j 1; 2; . . . ; n:
zj zi 6 cij ; ij;
Ew98 t; xt
n1 X
cij expt=sxij t;
i1 j2;ji
v j;
s:t: ui v j 6 cij
8i; j 1; 2; . . . n:
Here, cij and xij are the respective cost and decision variables, associated with assigning entity i to position j. Here, xij = 1 if entity i is
assigned to position j, and ui and vi are dened as the dual decision
variables. The energy function of the primal assignment problem is
Ew97 t; xt
Dual SPP1
8i; j 1; 2; . . . ; n:
yj yi 6 cij ; ij;
ij; i; j 1; 2; . . . ; n:
cij xij
i1 j1;ji
8i 1; 2; . . . ; n;
xij 1;
x <X
2 : i1
xij t 1
a exp
n X
t X
xij t 1
cij xij t;
n X
Ew98d t; zt
#2 9
n X
where x, a, and s are positive constants, and a exp(t/s) is a temperature parameter whose role is to balance the effect of cost minimization and constraint satisfaction (Wang, 1993). On the other
hand, the form of the dual AP energy function is formulated as
Ew97d t; ut; v t
b expt=s
ui t v i t;
where b > 0, g() is a non-negative and non-decreasing activation function given by w(s) = 0, if s 6 0 and w(s) > 0, if s > 0.
f q x
1 T
x Ax ax;
s:t: Dx b and x P 0;
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
f q y b y xT Ax;
s:t: DT y Ax a 6 0;
Dx b;
DT y Ax a 6 0;
xDT y Ax a 0:
V Xi V Xj B=2
V Xi n
dXY V Xi V Y;i1 V Y;i1 :
V Xi V Yi
Here, A, B, C, and D are positive. The four terms in Eq. (18) are
dened as: (i) term 1 is zero if and only if each city row X
contains no more than one 1, i.e., the rest of the entries being
zero; (ii) term 2 is zero if and only if each position in tour
column contains no more than one 1, i.e., the rest of the entries being zero; (iii) term 3 is zero if and only if there are
n entries of one in the entire matrix; and (iv) term 4 describes
lower values corresponding to shorter tours. The rst three
terms describe the feasibility requirements and result in a valid
tour by zero (Hopeld and Tank, 1985). The last term represents the objective function of TSP. In addition, the four parameters A, B, C, and D must be chosen by trial and error for a
particular problem. Various results illustrate different strategies
for the actual implementation of HNNs, such as a sigmoid function with the value in the range (0, 1). Eq. (18) can be used to
derive the following expression for the strength of connection
between pairs of neurons Xi and Yj. Since the time for the system to converge is an arbitrary unit, the value of the time constant of the ampliers in the system, s, can be set to 1.0, and
gain u0 is a scalar factor.
Although HNN is the most popular model of NNs for optimization, it suffers from some drawbacks: (i) the minimal solution does
not guarantee global optimization; (ii) the articial variables A, B, C
and D are not easily implemented; and (iii) the energy function
may pose many unnecessary local solutions which are difcult to
avoid (Takahashi, 1998). Until now, many researchers have tried
to improve the drawbacks of HNNs, and we briey show offer
attention so that future studies could follow.
Wilson and Pawley (1988) rst focused on the effectiveness of
computation for the HNN dealing with TSPs. They examined the
original model of Hopeld and Tank (1985) through six aspects.
First, the parameters, i.e., penalty parameters, city sizes, and gain
u0, are rather sensitive to the operating points, as changing by as
little as 10% of their original values can prevent the system from
converging. Second, the input current is at best in randomization.
Third, the distance setting (for the cities) must not be the same
to make reorganization easily. Fourth, the xed city positions in
a tour can reduce computational complexity, and the quality of
the paths obtained is improved signicantly. Fifth the algorithm
of Durbin and Willshaw (1987) provides global information on
its initialization. Their idea introduces a bias into the initial values
to reect the cities located on opposite sides of the unit square that
are likely to be on opposite sides of a tour. Finally, the weights of an
inter-neural connection must be within a range of values, instead
of the same value initially, in order to avoid degeneracy in the
hardware implementation. After the modications, the HNNs can
reliably solve small-size TSPs (Wilson and Pawley, 1988).
According to our survey, continuous HNNs have four deciencies that need to be improved for solving large-size problems
(Takahashi, 1998). In the following four sections, we examine
these issues and try to provide some directions for future
6.1. Parameter setting and the initial state
How to set the parameters and choose an initial state are the
two challenges in utilizing HNNs for beginners. We rst list these
two parts in our remarks.
6.1.1. How to set parameters
HNN could lead to an infeasible solution nally if the parameters are inadequately set for computation. In fact, its energy function often causes infeasible solutions in solving TSPs (Kennedy and
Chua, 1988). The investigation on the inter-relationship among the
parameters shows that TSPs do not have a scaling property and
only a small range of parameter combinations result in the stable
solution (Kennedy and Chua, 1988). In addition, HNNs commonly
take advantages of gradient and Lagrange multiplier methods for
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
Table 3
Primal and dual methods for optimization problems.
Proposed method
Problem type
Activation function
Initial state
LP and NLP
Assignment problem
(network ows)
Any initial
Wang (1997)
Wang (1998)
LP and NLP
g, g1, g2 > 0
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
(Sexton et al., 1998, 1999). This direction can help HNNs to solve
large-scale problems in the future.
6.4. Computational efciency
A noteworthy feature of the HNNs is their ability for massive
parallel computation (da Silva et al., 2006; Hopeld and Tank,
1985; Li, 1996; Lin et al., 2000; Pavlik, 1992; Wang, 1993). However, their complex structure for parallel computation may lead
to difculties in neuron updating (Looi, 1992; Smith, 1999). Therefore, how to design an effective parallel process is an important issue in the future.
Along with the trend of simulation procedure for solving problems on digital computers, Mida-Casermeiro et al. (2001) proposed a new concept for updating units in a discrete HNN for
solving TSPs. Two neuron updating rules, the one-path updating
rule and the two-path updating rule, which are similar to two-optimal and three-optimal tour improvement heuristics are respectively supplied (Croes, 1958). The computational results with city
numbers from 51 to 532 are demonstrated, and a direction to improve the computational efciency is also discussed. Munehisa
et al. (2001) presented another HNN structure for updating the
weights for a number of neurons. Four test problems from the
TSP library are examined by the proposed and show a rather good
performance (Reinelt, 1991). However, larger problems take up
signicant computational time by soft computing.
Hardware computing, on the other hand, is much faster than
soft computing and is the noteworthy advantage of HNNs. It needs
more elements to be implemented in the hardware for large-sized
problems. Moreover, the development of VLSI circuits has improved so tremendously that implementation will not be a problem later if the material problem can be overcome.
The HNN structure causes a logistic difculty (solutions
with several local minima) in computing (Gee and Prager,
1995). For this topic, Takahashi (1999) provided two structures
of the specic problems which are related to the formulation.
One is how to map a real world problem onto a discrete
HNN problem (Takahashi, 1999), and the other is how to organize a mathematical formulation to a continuous HNN problem
(Takahashi, 1999). The rst problem gives hope for future
applications of HNNs if the transformation can be interpreted
adequately. Although many researchers have been successful
in illustrating their HNNs to solve real problems such as
assignment problems, scheduling problems, shortest path problems, TSPs, and vehicle routing problems (Arajo et al., 2001;
Nygard et al., 1990; Gee and Prager, 1995; Smith et al.,
1996; Wang, 1996), more and more applications are expected
in the future. The second problem is difcult to be conquered
since it still lacks a general network, guaranteeing an optimal
solution for a general MP problem. Our review collects and
organizes a series of methods for solving the special cases of
MP problems. Some connections among these cases and discussed drawbacks might be helpful for blossoming more general cases in the future.
We have posted four issues in dealing with the use of HNNs for
optimization. These contents are practical when utilizing the networks, but we only discuss how to formulate the problems and
then solve the problems through mathematical software on a digital computer. In this paper we have not implemented HNNs by
hardware. This might be another story for later research.
7. Conclusions and future works
After reviewing the HNNs for optimization in the area of operations research, we can see that the networks solve various MP
problems. After respectively classifying the techniques of NNs,
Please cite this article in press as: Wen, U.-P. et al., A review of Hopeld neural networks for solving mathematical ..., European Journal of
Operational Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.11.002
U.-P. Wen et al. / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2008) xxxxxx
(1) Stable equilibrium:If the Lyapunov function V is locally positive denite and the time derivative of the Lyapunov func_
tion is locally negative semi-denite, where Vx
6 0;
8x 2 S for some neighborhood space S, then the equilibrium
is proven to be stable.
(2) Locally asymptotically stable equilibrium:If the Lyapunov
function V is locally positive denite and the time derivative
of the Lyapunov function is locally negative denite, where
6 0; 8x 2 S n f0g for some neighborhood space S, then
the equilibrium is proven to be locally asymptotically stable.
(3) Globally asymptotically stable equilibrium:If the Lyapunov
function V is globally positive denite and the time derivative of the Lyapunov function is globally negative denite,
where Vx
6 0 8x 2 Rn n f0g, then the equilibrium is proven
to be globally asymptotically stable.
In many problems of the HNN, the energy function can be considered as a Lyapunov function. However, the existence of a Lyapunov function is sufcient but not necessary for stability. The
Lyapunov function V(x) provides the mathematical basis for
the global stability analysis of the non-linear dynamical system.
The global stability analysis is much more powerful in its conclusion than local stability analysis that is, every globally stable
system is also locally stable, but not vice versa.
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