CCNA Exploration: Opportunity Packet Tracer

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Data Sheet

CCNA Exploration
We live in an increasingly connected world, creating a global
economy and a growing need for technical skills. Cisco
Networking Academy delivers information technology skills to over
500,000 students a year in more than 165 countries worldwide.
Networking Academy students have the opportunity to participate
in a powerful and consistent learning experience that is supported
by high quality, online curricula and assessments, instructor training, hands-on labs, and classroom interaction. This experience
ensures the same level of qualifications and skills regardless of
where in the world a student is located.
Networking Academy students will become the architects of
the networked economy; enabling everyday experiences on
the global human network. With the ever-increasing demand for
their skills, Networking Academy students have the chance to
dream about business-critical positions never before imagined,
in industries ranging from medicine and finance to entertainment
and aerospace. Networking Academy opens doors to rewarding
careers and opportunities for economic advancement and local
community development. Students only need to be Mind Wide
Open to the possibilities.

The Cisco CCNA Exploration curriculum provides a comprehensive overview of networking; from fundamentals to advanced
applications and services. It is based on a top-down approach to
networking that is popular in many colleges and universities. This
course emphasizes theoretical concepts and practical application,
while providing opportunities for students to gain the skills and

hands-on experience needed to

design, install, operate, and maintain

Packet Tracer
The curriculum
encourages students
to explore networking
concepts with tools
such as Packet Tracer,
a powerful network
simulation program
developed by Cisco
that a
llows students
to experiment with
network behavior and
ask what if questions.

CCNA Exploration offers in-depth

theory, challenging labs, and a
detailed overview of protocol operations. It is designed for students with
advanced problem-solving and
analytical skills, such as degree
candidates in engineering, math, or
science, or for working professionals who would like to advance their
careers or gain certification. CCNA
Exploration helps students prepare
for successful IT careers in smallto-medium businesses, as well as
enterprise and service provider environments.

CCNA Exploration can be integrated into technology curricula

or continuing education programs at postsecondary institutions
such as technical schools, colleges, and universities.

CCNA Exploration courses include embedded e-doing, which
enables students to complete interactive activities that stimulate
learning and improve knowledge retention. E-doing involves rich
multimedia, including Flash-based activities, videos, and interactive quizzes, that address a variety of learning styles, increase
comprehension, and provide a rich learning experience.
All CCNA Exploration courses include complex and challenging
hands-on labs to help students develop critical thinking, problem
solving, and collaboration skills, as well as practical knowledge.

Course Description
The CCNA Exploration curriculum is composed of four courses:
Network Fundamentals
Routing Protocols and Concepts
LAN Switching and Wireless
Accessing the WAN
Network Fundamentals is the first course and it has no prerequisites. It is a prerequisite for the other three courses. Routing
Protocols and Concepts is the preferred second course in
the sequence.

Data Sheet

Skills and Competencies

Here are some examples of the skills students will be able to perform after completing
each course:

CCNA Exploration integrates related

engineering concepts and provides students with the skills needed to succeed in
networking-related degree programs. The
curriculum allows students to learn skills in
a comprehensive, theoretical, and practical
way that is reflective of common educational practices at the college level. It
offers flexibility in curriculum delivery and
permits shortened course delivery time.
CCNA Exploration also provides an intro
duction to advanced technologies such as
voice, video, wireless, and security.

Industry Standard Certification

The CCNA Exploration curriculum prepares students for the Cisco CCNA
network associate certification exam.
CCNA is the industry standard, foun
dational certification for networking
careers. S
tudents need to complete all
four courses of CCNA Exploration to fully
prepare for the CCNA exam.

Network Fundamentals

Routing Protocols and Concepts

Use network protocol models to explain the

layers of communications in data networks

Configure and verify router interfaces

Design, calculate, and apply subnet masks and


Demonstrate comprehensive RIPv1

configuration skills

Build a simple Ethernet network using routers

and switches

Design and implement a classless IP

addressing scheme for a network

Employ basic cabling and network designs to

connect devices

Use advanced configuration commands with

routers implementing EIGRP

Use Cisco CLI commands to perform basic

router and switch configuration and verification

Apply the basic RIPv2 configuration

commands and evaluate RIPv2 classless
routing updates

Analyze the operations and feature of the

transport and network layer protocols
and services

Identify the characteristics of distance vector

routing protocols

LAN Switching and Wireless

Accessing the WAN

Troubleshoot common network problems at

Layers 1, 2, 3, and 7 using a layered model

Describe the impact of applications (Voice

Over IP and Video Over IP) on a network

Interpret network diagrams

Configure, verify, and troubleshoot DHCP and

DNS operation on a router

Perform and verify initial switch configuration

tasks including remote access management

Verify, monitor, and troubleshoot ACLs in a

network environment

Configure, verify, and troubleshoot VLANs,

interVLAN routing, VTP, trunking on Cisco
switches, and RSTP operation

Configure and verify a basic WAN serial

connection, a PPP connection between Cisco
routers, and Frame Relay

Manage IOS configuration files

Configure and verify a PPP connection

between Cisco routers, and Frame Relay
on Cisco routers

Identify the basic parameters to configure

a wireless network and common
implementation issues

Troubleshoot WAN implementation issues

For more information

Cisco Networking Academy Program

Locate a Networking Academy

Course Catalog


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