Settlement Agreement: Arrangement Amiable

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The Govermant cf t h e United S t a t e s of America ("United States")

and the Goverment of the Ialamic Republic of I r a n ("Iran"),

Having considered the settlemenm:of the Case Concerning t h e

& r i a l Incident of 3 July 1988 currently pendiflg before the
International Court o f Justice ("Courtt'),and noting that the
United S t a t e s recognized the a e : r i a l i n c i d e n t of 3 July 1988 as a
t e r r i b l e human tragedy and sxprdçsed deep regret over the Loss o f
l i v e s caused bg t h e incident,

Agree as follows:

1. In full and final. settle-nt of al1 disputes, differences,

claims, counterclairns and matters dirsctly or indirectly raistd
by or capable of a r i s i n g betueen them out of or r e l a t e d t o t h e
Cese Concerning t h e Aerial Incident o f 3 J u l y 1988 currently
pendFng bofore the Court I"I.C.,3. C a s e " ) , and d l r e c t l y or
indirectly raised by or capable of arfsing out of or related to
c e r t a i n cases pending before the Iran-U.S. Clafms Tribunal
deaignsted a s "Tribunal Cases+t :.n the Settlement Agreement on
Certain Clairns Before t h e Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, the U n i t e d
S t h t e s s h a l l pay the Settlement Arnount of US $131,800,000 (One
Hundted Thirty One Million and lsiqht Hundred Thousand U.S.
Dollars) as provfded i n the General ~~réernent on t h e Settlement
of Certain I.C.3. and Tribunal Cases, nhfch shall inelude US
$61,800,000 ( S i x t y One Million and Eight Huridred Thousand U.S.
Dollars) for the heirs and legabees o f t h e 2 4 8 Iranian victims of
t h e aerial incident llsted i n Annex 1 leHeira"). Compensation to
the Heirs shall bc d i s t r i b u t e d i n accordance w l t h the terms and
conditions set f o r t h in Rnnex 2.

2 . Upon payment of the Settlemcnt Amount and issuance of t h e

Order of Discontinuance by t h e Court, Iran and i t s affiliates,
sübsidiarias, agents, agencies, instnrmentalities, predecessors,

successors and assigns shall release, quitclaim and forever

discharge t h e United S t a t e s and i t s affiliates, subsidiaries,
agents, agencies, instrumentalities, predecessora, successors and
a s s i g n s fcom and against any and al1 clafms with respect to,
arlsing out of, i n connection with or related t o the I.C.J. Case.

3 . Upon paymcnt of the Settlement Amount and issuance of the

Order of Discontinuance by the Court, Iran shall indemnify and
hold harmlesa the United States and i t s affiliates, subsidiaries,
agents, agencies, instrumentalities, predecessors, successors and
assigns agains t any clalm, ctrunterclaim, action or proceeding
that I r a n , i t s affiliates, subsidlaries, agents, agencies,
instrumentalities, predecessora, successors and a s s i g n s may
r a i s e , assert, initiate or take against the United States w i t h
respect t o , arising ut of, in connecti~nw i t h or related to the
I.C.J. Case.

4. Upon payment of the Settlement Amount and issuance of the

Order o f Discontinuance by the Court, Iran and the United S t a t e s
s h a l l waive any and a l 1 claims for c o s t s , including attorneys'
fees, arising out of or related in any nay to the prosecution or
defence of any clairn before any forun, including the Court, with
respect t o , a r f s i n q out of, in connection with or r e l a t i n g to Che
I.C.J. Case.

5. This Settlement Agreement s h a l l not in any manner prejudice

the rights o f the fnsured, t h e i r successors and a s s i g n s to pursue
their clairns against any insurance Company.

6 . T h i s S e t t l m e n t Agreement ha3 been entered into for the sole

purpose of settling the disputes a t issue in the I.C.J. Case.
This Settlement Agreement a h a l l not constitute a Legal precedent
and s h a l l n o t be used except for the purpose of giving e f f a c t t o
its term.

7 . The releases, indemifications and waivera contained i n t h i a

settlement Agreement are self-executing upon the issuance by the
Court of an order dlscontinuinc the I.C.3. Case and recording t h e
terms cf this Settlement Agreement.

0 . For the purpose of construc-Lion or interpretation of t h i s

Settlement Agreement, the entfre Agreement s h a l l be read and
construed as a whole nithout g i v i n q any speciffc effect to any
paraqraph separately.

9. The representatives of t h e United States and Iran hereby

e x p r e s s l y declare that they are duly emponered to enter into and
execute t h i a Agreement.

1 0 . This Scttlement Agreement has been written and signed in

both the English and Persian languages and each t e x t shall have
t h e ssme and equal validlty.

Il. Thia Agreement shall Lake effect upon signature by both


Date: . 2 , IIPL Date:- 3. n.gk

f Annexes rlul reproduc~dj

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