Explanation Why We Need Loi For Commingling
Explanation Why We Need Loi For Commingling
Explanation Why We Need Loi For Commingling
We also request you to substitute the original bills oflading for the cargo(es) referred to
in ([a, b, cor d]) and (...[a, b, c or d]) above with new bills of ladingfor cargo(es)
referred to in ([a, b, c or d]) and(...[a, b, c or d]). The new bills of lading are to be
issuedin the same form and content as the substituted bills, exceptas follows:
(i) [insert details of changes, e.g., to issue date, shipper,consignee, etc.]
(ii) they will contain in description of the cargo the followingstatement: ...m/t of
blended/commingled onboard from ...m/t of...loaded aton andm/tof loaded at
(iii) they will contain the following exclusion of carriersliability: the carrier shall not be
liable for anyloss or damage to the cargo whatsoever and howsoever arisingfrom the
blending/commingling, whether or not arising fromnegligence on the part of the carrier,
their servants oragents
In consideration of your complying with our above request,we hereby agree as follows:
1. To indemnify you, your servants and agents and to holdall of you harmless in respect
of any liability, loss, damageor expense of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising,
includingbut not limited to any liability in connection with changeof quantity, quality or
pumpability and/or any damage tothe vessel including tanks, pumps and lines, and
which youmay sustain by reason of blending/commingling cargo(es)on board and/or by
issuing bills of lading in accordancewith our request.
2. To accept full responsibility and risk for the successor otherwise of the
blending/commingling operation and theconsequences of any failure of whatsoever
nature and howsoeverarising from the operation, whether or not arising fromyour, your
servants or your agents negligence.
3. To pay you on demand the amount of any loss, damage orexpense of whatsoever
nature and howsoever arising whichyou, your servants or agents may incur or be faced
withincurring by reason of blending/commingling cargo(es) onboard and/or by issuing
bills of lading in accordance withour request.
4. To treat all time used during or arising from blending/comminglingcargo(es) on board
and/or by issuing bills of lading astime on hire/laytime or time on demurrage [delete as
5. To provide to your satisfaction, and as a pre-requisiteto the commencement of any
blending/commingling operation,the following:
(a)A letter of indemnity in these terms, with authorised signatures.
(b) Surrender of all of the original bills of lading forthe cargo(es) referred to in ([a, b, c
or d]) and([a, b, c or d]) together with written confirmationfrom the holders/transferees
of those bills of lading thatthey have lawful title to the cargo(es) and are authorisedin
their own right and by the owners of the cargo(es) to:
(i) Authorise the blending/commingling operation and substitutionof those original bills of
lading as requested herein.
(ii) Accept substitution of those bills of lading by newbills of lading in the terms stated
above, such substitutiontaking effect at the time of issue of the new bills of lading.
6. In the event of any proceedings being commenced againstyou or any of your servants
or agents in connection withblending/commingling cargo(es) on board and/or issuing
billsof lading in accordance with our request, to provide youor them on demand with
sufficient funds to defend the same.
7. If, in connection with blending/commingling cargo(es)on board and/or issuing bills of
lading in accordance withour requests, the ship or any other ship or property inthe same
or associated ownership, management or controlshould be arrested or detained or
should the arrest or detentionthereof be threatened, or should there be any
interferencein the use or trading of the vessel (whether by virtue ofa caveat being
entered on the ships registry or otherwise),to provide on demand such bail or other
security as maybe required to prevent such arrest or detention or to securethe release of
such ship or property or to remove such interferenceand to indemnify you in respect of
any liability, loss,damage or expense caused by such arrest or detention orthreatened
arrest or detention or such interference, whetheror not such arrest or detention or
threatened arrest ordetention or interference may be justified.
8. The liability of each and every person under this indemnityshall be joint and several
and shall not be conditionalupon your proceeding first against any person, whether ornot
such person is party to or liable under this indemnity.
9. This indemnity shall be governed by and construed inaccordance with English law
and each and every person liableunder this indemnity shall at your request submit to
Suggested reply for the charterer if they ask why we need LOI:
Dear Sir,
Pls be advised that the starting point is that the charterer or shipper has no right to
require commingling or blending, unless this has already been agreed in the
charterparty. On the contrary, the law specifically requires the carrier to segregate
parcels loaded at different times, even if they are of the same grade. As one will
appreciate, shipboard commingling or blending is clearly outside the normal scope
of the carriers obligations under the Hague/Hague-Visby Rules and as such it will
most likely affect the P&I cover for any liability which may arise as a consequence.
A carrier who, for commercial reasons, wishes to comply with a request from a
charterer to commingle or blend on board, should require a suitable LOI offering
best possible security in terms of any liability that may be incurred and also in
respect of costs and expenses incurred including loss of time. After all, additional
costs or liabilities due to blending should be for the charterers account.
Further, it is extremely important that the charterers orders regarding blending of
cargo are in writing, including the name of the charterers authorised signatory. The
orders must be clear, so it can be shown later exactly what the charterer required.
Last and perhaps most important, owners should always seek confirmation in
writing from charterers/shippers that the receivers/consignees, who are buying the
cargo, know about and agree to the proposed blending.