Role of Human Resource Management
Role of Human Resource Management
Role of Human Resource Management
Submitted By:
Enrolment No.
1. Introduction ...5
2. Review of literature...9
3. Objective of the Study.....13
4. Research Methodology.....14
5. Bibliography ..16
6. Questionnaire......18
The past three decades have been marked by rapid growth of the software
industry. The necessity to find better ways to produce software products of high
quality and within budget has lead to considerable research efforts investigating
new means for improving an organizations ability to plan, forecast, manage,
implement, and control its activities in projects where people and their
capabilities have a major impact on project performance and its quality. Thus,
the research community has provided organizations with a considerable variety
of software process models, project management techniques and tools.
Company Profile
Link Building
Web Designing
Web Development
If you need a strategic partner to drive your online marketing initiative into the
theoretical foundation, a relatively recent study made the situation even worse.
Pinto and Prescott (1988) concluded that the Personnel factor (independent
variable) was the only factor in their research that was marginal for project
success (dependent variable). This paper takes a critical look at this research and
attempts to respond to their controversial findings. The main objective is to
improve the thinking aspects and to highlight the validity of the measures used.
People are the backbone and most valuable resource for successfully executing
any project. To survive and grow in the 21st century, project management
practitioners must learn and use appropriate interpersonal skills that inspire all
those involved in a project. This book offers practical guidelines that can be
used to develop and implement the practices of communication, motivation,
negotiation, conflict resolution, conflict and stress management and leadership.
Human resource Skills for the Project manager is Volume Two of the Human
Aspects of Project Management Series[16].
A model for developing and implementing human resource management
strategies incorporating both an external fit (human resource management fits
the developmental stage of the organization) and an internal fit (the components
of human resource management complement and support each other) is
proposed. Human resource management is seen as having five developmental
stages and six strategic components. These are combined to form the Human
Resource Strategic Matrix. The implications of these ideas for research and
practice are discussed.
According to Andrew Longman, HR executives can take the lead in helping
their organizations excel in increasingly important project work. Among other
issues, they need to ensure employees understand the strategic relevance of the
specific projects and need to create performance systems and cultures that
reward involvement on project teams.
One key change that has largely eluded the attention of management gurus is the
shift in how work gets done. The modern enterprise has become project driven
and this change presents significant new challenges and opportunities,
especially for HR professionals.
Project work comes with a package of idiosyncrasies. No two projects are
exactly alike. Project teams rarely rotate intact from one project to the next.
Talent is added and subtracted as needed or as it is available. Similar needs are
often met with dissimilar solutions.And projects tend to be "green field"
activities, without benefit from previous "lessons learned." Excelling at
managing projects and people requires a broadly embedded understanding of
how effective project work happens and of the new behaviors needed for
success. It is a challenge for which HR professionals are uniquely suited.
The current chapter deals with the research methodology adopted in the present
study indicates the selection of sample respondents, collection of data, choice of
statistical tools for analysis of data, in addition to pointing out limitation of the
Methodology adopted
The research is aimed at studying the Role of HR in project management at
WildNet Technologies, NOIDA.
Research design:
The design for this study is descriptive. Since the study will conducted to find
the attitude of employees towards role of HR in project management. This is a
company as we discussed profile of company, which dealing in software
Development,website Development and Seo There is no branch of company
outside NOIDA till date; so there is a limitation for research.
Sampling plan:
Sampling is an effective step in collection of primary data that influences the
quality and correctness of the result. The scope of the present study is limited to
one city i.e. Ahmedabad city.
Sample size:
The sample size is so selected to give the true picture of the problem. 40 middle
level and high level management employees of the company will be randomly
Sampling techniques:
Convenience sampling shall be used to conduct this study. Under this technique
sample of respondents will be chosen to the convenience of the respondents.
Sources of primary data and secondary data:
In this study, sample survey will be conducted both primary as well as
secondary data were used. The primary data is collected by structured
questionnaires, Interview and Observation method. Brief information is
collected regarding different attributes to be considered and questionnaire
contained both open ended, close ended and ranking questions. The secondary
data is obtained from magazines, journals, and internet and from various books.
Here I would like to use two types of Questioners, one for Employees and
another one for Clients.
1. Basili, V.R. and Turner, A.J., Iterative Enhancement: a Practical
Technique for Software Development, IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, SE-1, (4),(1975) 390-396
2. Boehm, B.W., A Spiral Model of Software Development and
Enhancement, IEEE Computer, No. 21, (1988) 61-72
3. Conway, R.W., Maxwell, W.L., and Miller, L.W.: Theory of Scheduling,
Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, (1967)
4. Curtis, B., Hefley, W. and Miller, S., People Capability Maturity Model
(CMU/SEI- 95-MM-02), Pittsburgh, A: Software Engineering Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University, 1995.
5. Dowson, M., Software Process Themes and Issues, Proceedings of the
2nd International Conference of the Software Process: Continuous
Software Process Improvement, Berlin, Germany, (1993) 54-62
6. Kellner, M.I. and Hansen, G.A., Software Process Modeling: A Case
Study, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, Vol. 2, (1989) 175-188
7. Meredith, J.R. and Mantel, JR, S.J., Project Management: A Managerial
Approach, John Wiley&Sons, Inc., (1995)
8. Royce, W.W., Managing the Development of Large Software Systems:
Concepts and Techniques, Proceedings of the 11th International
Conference on Software Engineering, Pittsburgh, (1989) 328-338
9. Sachs, P., Transforming Work: Collaboration, Learning and Design,
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 38, No. 9, (1995) 36-44
10. Sommerville, I. and Rodden, T., Human, social and organizational
influences on the software processes. In A. Fuggetta and A. Wolf (ed.),
Software Process, Vol. 4 of Trends in Software., J. Wiley, Chapter 4,
(1996) 89-109
11. White, P., Process Modelling and Process Support, IOPENER, Vol. 1,
No. 3, (1992)7-8
12. Factors influencing project success: the impact of human resource
management Adnane Belout and Clothilde Gauvreau School of Industrial
Relations, University of Montreal, CP 6128, succursale Centre-Ville,
Montral, QC, Canada H3C 3J7.
RELATIONS David E. Guest.
14. Effects of human resource management on project effectiveness and
success: Toward a new conceptual framework Adnane Belout University
of Montreal, School of Industrial Relations, Montreal, Canada
15. The human aspects of project management: human resource skills for the
project manager, volume two Author: Vijay Verma
I am a student doing MBA. I am underlying a project named To check the Emotional
Intelligence among youth. So by filling this questionnaire please help me in completing
my research project.
NAME (optional): ------------------------------------------------------GENDER:
4. Team Development
7. Which of the following is not an input into organizational planning?
1. Recruitment practices
2. Project interfaces
3. Staffing requirements
4. Constraints
13. A tool which links the project roles and responsibilities to the project
scope definition is called:
1. Scope Definition Matrix
2. Responsibility Assignment Matrix
3. Roles Assignment Matrix
4. Project Scope and Roles Matrix
14. Formal reporting and reviews violate the basic principles of project
management because they