Reconciliation Checklist

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Reconciliation Checklist

 ogon to internet banking and download Bank Statement
 eceipt all funds received on your Bank Statement to the appropriate files
in Gateway
 dd any Adjustments for Unallocated funds received in your Bank
Statement, add these in the Adjustment Tab of your Advanced
Reconciliation, or receipt them as a miscellaneous receipt account and
Unallocated Funds Creditor
 un the Reconciliation Wizard
 nter Todays date as the Reconciliation Date
 nter the Closing Balance on your statement, ensure that all funds that
are included within this balance are accounted for in Gateway
 resent any Cheques that have been debited from your Bank Statement
 resent any Banking that has been credited to your bank statement,
if Un-presented Deposits are turned on, present the deposited receipts
ensuring they are correct along the way
 resent any EFT payments that been debited from your account,
or any adjustments that have been resolved
If you are in balance, choose Finish and print of all 4 reports and file in
your Reconciliations Folder
If you are out of balance, move onto the Out of Balance Checklist

Out of Balance Checklist

 heck that the date you are reconciliation as of is set as Todays date
 heck that the closing balance you are using is the correct balance
 heck that all cheques, deposits or adjustments have been presented off
if required or presented off in error (if presented off in error, un-present
to cheque, deposit or adjustment in the Advanced Reconciliation)
 heck that adjustments have been entered correctly.
 emember, negative adjustments mean that there is more in your bank
and not enough in Gateway, positive adjustments mean there is more in
Gateway and not enough in the bank. For example, unallocated funds that
cant be receipted into Gateway is a negative adjustments. Or a payment
that has been debited from your bank account but hasnt been debited
from Gateway is a positive adjustment.
If the above items are correct and you are still out of balance, there may
be a transaction that has been entered incorrectly or not entered at all.
If you are still out of balance, cross check all of your transactions from your
cashbook and bank statement.
 irst print your Cashbook from Gateway. Go to Reports and select
Cashbook. Choose to print either daily or monthly depending on how long
you have been out of balance
 econdly, print your Bank Statement. This can be done through internet
 ay out both reports, and begin to tick off each transaction from your
Cashbook to match your Bank Statement.
 emember, Gateway is a mirror of your Bank Statement. If there is
something that doesnt match (even in the smallest amount) this will cause
you to be out of balance.
 nce you find the error, correct this in Gateway then run your
Reconciliation Wizard again.

Reconciliation Checklist
How to Edit Adjustments
 elect Advanced Reconciliation from the Reconciliation Wizard

 hoose the Adjustment tab
 ighlight the Adjustment you wish to correct, then choose File and Open
 dit the Adjustment as required, then choose OK

Reconciliation Checklist
How to Un-presented a Presented Adjustment
 elect Advanced Reconciliation from the Reconciliation Wizard

 hoose cheque, deposit or adjustment tab
 hoose the Show Presented Items icon

Reconciliation Checklist
If you see an entry that has been presented that hasnt been debited from
your bank statement yet or been corrected, you can un-present this by
highlighting the incorrect entry, then selecting the Un-present Item icon
When prompted, choose Yes to un-present the item.

Reconciliation Checklist
How to Print Your Cashbook
 elect the Reports dropdown list, then choose Cashbook

 hoose the period you wish to print under Type, then choose OK

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