Pest Analysis On Textile Industry

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Political (Legal) Aspects:
An Industry will not be able to gain success, good reputation and trust if it
will not consider legal and political sector as part of their strategy. Political and
legal sectors include the needs of the company to follow the given policies and
regulations of the government in order to be considered as legal and authorized
business company. In this manner, industry should be able to consider political and
legal aspects so as to show that they value the policies and regulations of the
government in any of the business operations.
- Tax policy

- Employment laws
- Political stability
- Environmental regulations
- Trade and tariff restrictions

Economic Aspects:
It is important that apparel must also give enough attention to its economic
stability. The economic goal of a certain industry is like an axis in which other
objectives or goals are revolving. The economic factor involves the context in
which an industry belongs, i.e. the configuration of the competition in which a
company operates the active demand of the products, general economic condition
of the nation or region, conditions in relation with other industries, and the
situation of the resource markets.
- Economic stability
- Economic growth
- Interest rates
- Inflation rates
- Exchange rates

Socio-cultural Sector:
Society and culture is an important factor that must be given emphasis by
any business, specifically those who are operating in the global arena. It is

important that the company must operate in compliance with the social systems in
order to gain good reputation and effective public image. On the other hand,
cultural aspects is equally essential, in order to understand the various needs of
different individuals that belongs to different cultures.
- Population growth rate
- Age distribution
- Career attitudes
- Consumer behavior
- Religion and culture itself

Technological Aspects
The complexities of achieving business success through increased efficiency,
effectiveness and competitiveness, combined with innovative applications of
modern technology, has heightened the awareness of both technology and business
managers towards more strategically oriented approaches for planning and
management of any industry. Hence, it is important that industry must be able to
give consideration to the technological aspects.
- Distribution and communication channels
- Technology incentives
- Automation
- Rate of technological change

- Environmental and ecological aspect

- Barriers to entry
- Production level
- Outsourcing decisions

Political stability.
Govt. should apply sustainable policies for the beneficial of the Industry.
Government Initiatives:
Government has taken the following initiatives to uplift the Textile Segment:
1. The Government has announced the release of a subsidy of US$ 533.87
million for the textile industry under the Technology Up-gradation Fund scheme
2. The government extends 10% capital subsidy and 5% interest subsidy on
installation of machineries and for processing machinery under the TUFS.
3. A 41-member Working Group has also been announced to be set up with a
National Fiber Policy, to ensure self-sufficiency in fiber consumption and export
requirements in India.

Economic situation:
The economic condition of world can also affect the industry as increasing
inflation rate make the cost of production high and thus reduce the profit margin of
the industry.

Social situation:
The change in the lifestyle of the people affects the growing demand of the
apparels. The change in the lifestyle and needs in different demographics also
affect the demand of the customers.

Technological factor:
Technological advancement in all the sectors of the country has changed the entire
socio-economic environment. Especially in the textile sector there is a lot of
technological development.

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