Engineering Management and Economics Final Semester Project
Engineering Management and Economics Final Semester Project
Engineering Management and Economics Final Semester Project
1. Problem statement
2. Introduction
3. Ecological footprints
4. How is an ecological footprint calculated
5. What to do!
6. Lets start with water
7. Next main thing, forests
8. Saving fuel
9. Go green
Problem statement:
What is the impact of the measure of ecological footprints on Earths
ecosystem and what can we do to reduce its negative impact?
Our question has two parts involved in it:
The first part asks about the impact of the ecological footprints on
Earths ecosystem, while the second part deals in the solution to the
question asked, which means the ways to reduce this negative impact?
Human beings have evolved from living in caves to living in lavish
houses, from travelling on foot to travelling by air, from eating raw
meat to having processed foods which wont spoil for months at a time.
The human race has greatly improved its living standards, but we also
know that everything comes at a cost. Human activities tend to put the
ecological system at risk. This is because we forget that the resources
that we are utilizing from earth are not forever sustainable. We are
using those resources as if they would remain forever, but that is not
the case.
The other side of the coin is always disturbing. While we live in our
homes, having continuous electricity, using cool and refreshing breeze
from the air-conditioners, watching television and baking in the ovens,
we are not reminding ourselves that these luxuries come at a cost. We
are using up the energy that earth is providing without thinking of the
repercussions, be it be coal, fossil fuels or other minerals, we are
harvesting the very planet we live on for more and more blindly, while
on the other hand those precious resources are being greatly depleted.
So, it becomes really important that we see what our wasting these
precious resources is doing to our environment and ecosystem. The
best way yet, to calculate this is through ecological footprints!
So, what exactly are ecological footprints?
There are some ways to calculate this, the most common being the
calculation of the wilderness and the sea required to satisfy the human
population. This can be calculated at every scale, for individuals, any
activity, colony, city, region, country, and continent or for the whole of
the planet. Those areas which have a denser population have become
the pinpoints for lessening the impact of the footprints.
Since 1970, earth has been in ecological overshoot, which means that
we are consuming more than what can be replenished in that given
time. The current time that earth takes to regenerate what we
consume in a year is 1.5 years. It now takes earth an extra six months
to reproduce those resources. This is alarming, because if we keep
going at that rate, then we will no longer be able to survive on the
Many calculators are made through which we can calculate our own
ecological footprints. Through these we can easily check how much are
we wasting, and then try to reduce our own impact. The measurement
of this is usually done in the no of planets needing to fulfill our needs.
Means that, if we consume things as we are consuming now, how
many planets would be needed to sustain us. Those who are reading
this, u all would be above 1 planet I am sure. But you can always check
this through these types of calculators I found online. If you see the top
right part, you will realize if everyone lived like me, we would surely
need 1.2 planets. Whereas the bottom right shows how much my
carbon footprint is. You would be surprised to know that even if I
registered a bike as my usual travelling way, my carbon footprint came
Also, you can install simple meters to check your water consumption. If
your water consumption rises higher than your average consumption,
it can give you a red flag, so you can know if someones wasting water
or if there has been a leak. Watering your gardens through hoses is
easy, but causes a lot of wastage. We have an easier solution! Just
install sprinklers in your garden with drippers if you have trees as well
and link them to sensors and motor. When the water content in soil
drops below a certain level, it would start the system and after the
desired value has been reached, it would shut it down. You can also
install solar panels for conserving electricity even. A win win situation
all the way.
Next main thing, forests:
What do you think is the main cause of global warming? Its the
depleting forests! Over the years the rainforests have been thinned out
by our activities. We are using them for multiple purposes, making
paper, furniture and other things. Except for these, there has been a
wide clearing of the forests due to building of hydroelectric projects,
building of houses and malls, planting industries or simply for
agriculture. People forget that this is one of the main reasons that
earth has gone into its warming phase. People just shout that why is it
getting hotter year by year, without admitting their own fault, their
own part in the problem, which has led to this.
About 30% of the world is covered in forests. But human activities have
started depleting them immensely and they are getting cut down by
that rate by which new trees cannot be matured enough. By
deforestation the land is turned into non-forest area. Tropical
rainforests see the most cutting down or thinning of trees. This
deforestation has resulted in loss to the natural habitats of animals and
has caused aridity. This has also become one of the main reasons of
erosion and washing away of the lands. When trees are there, they
provide shade and have deep embedded roots. When rainfall occurs
they hold down the rich soil not letting it seep away. But when there
are no trees, the fertile land washes away into the rivers, which is not
good for agriculture.
Between the years 2000 and 2012, 2.3 million square kms (890,000
square miles) of forests around the earth had been cut down. As a
result of this, only 6.2 million square kms (2.4 million square miles)
remain of the original 16 million square kms (6 million square miles) of
forest that formerly covered the earth. According to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat, the
massive direct cause of deforestation has been linked to agriculture.
Continuation farming is responsible for 48% of
deforestation; commercial agriculture is responsible for 32% of
deforestation; logging is responsible for 14% of deforestation and fuel
wood removals make up 5% of deforestation.
Deforestation is the main attributer to global warming, and is named
as one the leading causes to greenhouse effect. It is directly related to
cause 20% of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions. Rainforests have
always been one of the main factors involved in producing the worlds
oxygen, but their depletion has become a main concern.
Planting trees is often the quickest and most effective way of
producing new biomass, thus helping to offset the loss of carbon
resulting from deforestation or forest degradation on another plot of
land. Investing in new carbon stocks has great potential to make a
significant, fast and measurable impact on climate change without
requiring sweeping changes in policies, cultures or national economies.
Several developing countries, notably in Asia, have demonstrated that
major investments in planted forests can reverse the trend towards
deforestation and result in a net increase in forest area.
The UNEP report, Towards a green economy: pathways to sustainable
development and poverty eradication (the Green Economy Report;
UNEP, 2011) asks for funds in reforestation of USD 22 billion per
annum over the next 40 years. This level of reforestation would
definitely increase the seizure of carbon in woody biomass, and may be
big enough to have an effect on climate change. However, large
problems would need to be overcome: it is not clear where the funds
would originate, where the trees would be planted, or how a global
program of this scale would be managed. Planted forests must be
planned for local settings; the trees must be fitting, preferably inherent
kinds; and planting programs must take native cultures and economic
conditions into account. Planted forests are not a simple one-time
Heating and cooling systems are some of the major offenders when it
comes to wasting energy. How often have you seen the windows open
in a house that was overheated? The comparable exists in the tropics
where people cool their places down to 20C and then open the
windows because they are cold.
Construction can help in a big way near-to-zero energy homes and
offices are possible at an economic scale. But it is also personal habit.
Even simple things like choosing to wear a sweater rather than turning
up the heating can help.
Airlines and their industry have been hit by increasing oil prices. The
industry is aware of the risk this poses to its effectiveness and is
pursuing to develop more effective planes which can travel further.
However, the point is that flying is ineffective in principle, resulting in
much higher energy use and much higher CO2 emissions than any
other form of travel. The best advice is simply not to fly travel by
other means wherever possible.
There are some other ways to conserve fuel as well, they include:
the bus or train to and from work is fun. It helps you reconnect with
the ambiance on the streets and the public pulse. Look for daily,
weekly, or even monthly passes to cut down on transportation
10. Ride a bike or walk. If the weather outside is wonderful, and
where youre going is just a few blocks away, why waste the
sunshine or breeze by taking a car? Save your fuel for the rainy
Alright, so you might have read about the definition of green living. You
might have even probed into the environmental health issues or
reasons why people go green, because you see celebrities telling us
about going green at all times. So you wonder, what it will be like.
Mostly the following steps are used in ensuring that you are trying your
fullest to conserve and save everything you have to reduce your
ecological footprints. Mainly these ideas are very easy to use, are not
costly at all, and can have a massive effect on the environment and
our natural resources. While, on the other hand some are rather big,
take time to be done, and can't be done overnight.
Lets see what we can do to make earth a better place for all:
1. Give Up Bottled Water
Many people feel that bottled water is their need and they cant
survive without it, and that mostly comes out wrong. Many times they
are even getting tap water instead of bottled water as they think
because the water that is available in that area is really good for
human consumption. So why waste your money on what you could get
free from the tap?
2. Reduce Your Waste
What comes in your house and what later gets dumped in the trash
cans tells us about how much you tend to waste. Buy what you need,
not what you think you need. Try to eat vegetables and fruits fresh,
rather than leaving them for days and later realizing that they have
now rotten. Dont bin those things which can be recycled. Think about
these things and you will be amazed to see how little your waste has
3. Conserve Energy
From oil to natural gas, energy is getting tougher to yield and more
expensive. It accounts for 21.3 billion tons of carbon dioxide each year
and over 90% of all greenhouse gasses. Do your part to conserve
energy, switch off the fans and lights when unnecessary. These little
things can lower your bill by 50% even.
4. Conserve Water
An estimated 50% of all household water usage is wasted. We use
more than needed in flushes and bathing or even washing clothes. Day
by day, our fresh water supply is seriously depleting. Many parts of the
world dont have a drop of fresh water for themselves. We should think
about them and our future generations too. If we dont save water now,
how will they survive?
5. Green Your Transportation
If your place to go to is not so far away, then dont take your car or
bike to that place. Just walk! Apart from saving the planet from more
If all the given recommendations are followed properly and if we
start thinking about saving our precious earth, then surely our
ecological footprints negative impact can be reduced to a
positive one. We dont want to choose a specific solution to our
problem. Because the nature of our problem asks for each and
every one of our solutions to play its part.