My Visit To Agharta PDF
My Visit To Agharta PDF
My Visit To Agharta PDF
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My Visit to
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In a time in my life when I was very young I used to think about
wonderful things in the universe and the mysteries contained between its ethereal limits.
I wondered if he would ever have the opportunity to experience something fantastic
and different from the prosaic world of my childhood. Now, with the experience of decades,
I can look back to those distant days of my life and ask again
amazing things that still await me and take my spirit through
time and space to reveal the infinite mysteries of creation.
There is so much I can never know. Perhaps it is our eternal destiny to fight for
unknowable, seek knowledge, which is unattainable in its infinity
absolute. Small grains of sand that are able to understand are not
but a tiny part of a beach that stretches forever, maddening
in its vastness and yet irresistible in his glorious riches
My teachers had shown me the majestic wonders of our own
planet and the amazing splendor of the heavenly worlds (See My Visit to
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made arrangements with a good friend, who understood the necessity of my travels
Frequently, to stay home and care for her. His most important task
course would take care of my cute cats, who never understood why,
during my travels, I dare not bring them with me. But finally I was
ready and use the remaining time in silent prayer and meditation.
Standing in the quiet darkness of my garden in the cool air of March with
icy remnants of winter, look up the sleepy landscape admiring the sky
illuminated with its infinite stars night.
He had seen and learned so much in my life that hardly seemed extraordinary
possible due to my humble home, my life this was not only a
amazing and wonderful dream and that at any moment I wake up and I
find again the horrors that lived long ago.
I was a man who suffered much and that in his darkest moments
may well have blown out the candle of his life that was not the right play. But
instead of being swallowed by infinity and born to start again, I was joined in
both body and spirit by the essence and being of Lobsang Rampa
We turned one and we understood our mission and purpose to exist. In
where there was once only despair, had now knowledge, hope and
purpose. Because of this, I was now in the solitude of the night,
silently waiting for the magnificence that came into my life now.
A distinguished particular star in the firmament of velvet.
It flickered brightly, like a rainbow of colors, and immediately caught my
attention. Seemed to grow slowly as rotating about its vertical axis as a
nebula bright ball of light. I knew from past experience that this was the
ship of light that told me to wait.
Anyone who has watched this amazing phenomenon could say
correctly that he saw a UFO (Unidentified Object Volante). For me,
But there was nothing of 'unidentified' to this ship, I knew it was
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I could not resist the stray thought that maybe I was looking
something that was beyond what we might call metal or plastic. The
feeling emanating from the ship, as heat waves in summer day
gave the clear impression of consciousness and even intelligence. The ship not only
she was alive, had a mind. He could feel his thoughts radiating towards me
as if my being trialled with his conscience. For a tiny moment
I became one with his magnificent intelligence and understand its creation and purpose.
But also fast, I was separated from my mind and I found myself alone again.
Obviously satisfied that he had found the person who had been
sent to search, a door appeared in the lower section of the ship. The door
seemed to grow, nebula and then disappeared completely transparent and
leaving a rectangle of white light that seemed to invite me to go to her. How Come
resist so obvious invitation? Even if I had not been expecting something
I like that, I'm sure he would have succumbed to my natural curiosity and
I had entered.
Entering through the door experiencing what appeared to be a mild stroke
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electric when I crossed the threshold. Apparently there was an energy field
some sort inside the ship. It occurred to me that its purpose was to keep
separate the external and internal environments. I did not feel any effect after
Once inside, I expected to be greeted by the same superior beings
other worlds that had led us in our previous trips beyond the
earth. But instead of "Large" or "shoulder width" inside the ship
It was empty. He could not see or controls or machinery of any kind. Instead of
Therefore, a white light, which did not appear to emanate from nowhere, filled my
around so much that I could not see anything. It was as if[3/22/2015 12:53:03 AM]
in a fluorescent tube, with the exception that the light was not
dazzling and rough, but pleasant and relaxing.
"I am honored by your presence Lobsang Rampa," said suddenly a
pleasant voice, "I am the one who is honored," I replied as I leaned to the voice
invisible. "It is a great privilege to be with you in this fantastic ship, but not
I let you see him? "
"Thank you my friend," replied the voice. "But you're already seeing me, because I
I am all that is around you. I'm your host and means of transport this
later. "
Those words made perfect sense. The feeling I had abroad
I was in the presence of a living creature was very correct. This not
it was simply an artifact of some kind, a wonderful machine built
exotic metals and plastics, but a fantastic living creature of a class
I would never have imagined.
"If it is not an improper question, you could ask that kind of living
are you? "asked unsafe.
"It is improper at all," said the voice. "Asking is like
learn and grow. I will be happy to answer in the best way
any questions you want to ask. "
"Splendid," said happy. "I've never seen anything like you. Are you one
artificial intelligence as a robot? "
"No, I'm a lot like you living being" the voice explained.
"Could you enlighten me?" I asked
"As you should know," the voice said. "The main essence of our
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universe and the infinite number of other universes is consciousness. Our reality
It could not exist without consciousness. This living essence extends across all
known realities. Its source is unknown, outside the material world and
astral. You, your human companions, myself and countless other forms of
life through all universes, are part of this Awareness. It is infinite and
us, all are one in it.
"Those like me are beings of pure energy. We exist through all
known realities. We are not limited by time and space because
exist in the area beyond and within the material world. We are
frequently used for other species such as a transport mode. This is
because we are not limited by time and space. The entire creation is
completely within our reach. "
Note that the voice seemed to be male or female in tone and
inflections. Instead seemed to be a perfect and harmonious combination of
two talking with a melodious cadence that was a pleasant time and
soothing to hear.
"I have heard of beings like you," the told my invisible host. "You have
appointed in many ways through the ages. My brothers
Tibet call "Tulpas" and Western occult writers refer to
you as "elementary."
"Those are just names in an attempt to understand what it can
be understood "the ship replied. "It is true that we have met human
since the beginning of time. But we also know other races through
creation, because we are everywhere and in all things. You Guys
will learn one day that all living creatures can be as free as
this is us.
Because of our ability to change our frequency, we can
temporarily make us strong in the material worlds. When we are seen
by living creatures we can be molded impressions of mind
those who see us and often we are seen as strange creatures such as
Bigfoot, aliens and even gods. We have been blamed for many things through
centuries, but are actually their minds that have shaped us and made us
represent their characters based on their beliefs.
"Great," I thought. There was so much I wanted to know about
nature of our world that could have been standing for hours,
talking to my new friend.[3/22/2015 12:53:03 AM]
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"It takes you" I said, approaching the tea by the fire. "It's one of my
weaknesses. You know I never travel without you. "
This was true. Many of our meetings over the years together
were accompanied Indian tea, a tea enriched environment perfect for the
Himalaya, cold and inhospitable. When compared to the insipid you that occurs in
mass in England, this tea was thick, flavored, with a characteristic as
complex and unique as the distant lands where it is produced.
Sipping my tea, point to the rock walls around us and
ask: "Master, can you tell me where we are? I do not recognize the
surrounding mountains. Everything is so unfamiliar. "
"These mountains are far to the north of our own
Himalaya, "he said. "They are part of the Tian Shan mountain range. But you will not
find this particular mountain range on any map. It is because almost unexplored
its almost inaccessible cliffs. We are now in a party, either inside
Asia, which is not only inaccessible hazards rugged landscape, but
also by local governments and the current political situation. This region is
forbidden territory because it is said that the Pamir plateau was once the garden
Eden. I doubt many people outside this region even know that these
mountains there. "
The words of my guide made me feel a chill in the back.
When young, I had often dreamed of traveling abroad and being the
first to explore places and unknown lands. And now here he was, sitting
in a cave in a mountain range poorly known mountains in a land
barely trodden by the foot of man. I was scared and amazed at
was happening and deeply honored at a time.
We sat by the fire talking for hours. We recall our
past adventures and friends we both knew. Finally fatigue I
defeated and put my carpet back fire way to not be singed
by flying embers. At the time of falling asleep, I could see my friend and guide,
sitting quietly by the fire, her eyes closed in silent prayer.
I felt I had just closed my eyes when I awoke to the smell of you
fresh boiled. Beside me was a small cup of hot tea and several rolls
small. The Master, who seemed to have moved from his place by the fire,
He was finishing his own breakfast.
"It's time to start our journey," said the Master while that
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rose and gathered their belongings. "We have to go far before we can
rest again, and I fear that the next time you may rest not be a
as comfortable environment as we now enjoy, "
Fast finishing my tea and muffins, take my backpack and secure in the
shoulders. It was not particularly heavy because years of experience had me
taught to travel as light as possible. Mingyar suitcase Dondup
was even smaller than mine. Undoubtedly with a simple rug, a
blankets and supplies to prepare you.
Following my guide, we walked to the back of the cave where the light of the
fire became weaker. The wall seemed no different from the rest of the cave, but
Lama evidently knew that this section was special because I put her hands
in the rock and I push hard.
Slowly, a rock that had been deliberately set and balanced in
precisely, so that with a little effort rotate at one side and moved
reveal a hidden opening. Beckoning me to follow my Guide
introduced into the portal rock and inside the hidden passage. After
we, the rock twist again back to his place and we sink into the
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Light had a range of beautiful subtle colors that reminded me a warm day
summer with a sky so blue that one could get lost in it forever. Watch
up, expecting to see an opening to the outside, but seemed to have
a direct source of that wonderful light. It was as if the air itself out
"It's so beautiful," exclaimed in wonder. "Where from?"
"This is the technology of men who lived on earth long before
creatures that would become human had crawled out of the sea, "
was his response.
I understood the words, but the meaning still evaded me.
"But can such as this," I asked aloud. "There were no men in
the land before us. Only primitive life in ancient seas. This is
impossible. "
"Not so Lobsang," said Lama. "The earth is incredibly old. This is
much older than scientists believe. What has taught us
as the birth of our planet is just the latest wave of life
it swept. There have been countless other waves and have countless more. Do Not
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comfortably. The floor, walls and ceiling were solid rock that had a texture
glassy. But unlike glass, the floor was not slippery and felt comfortable
for the feet. I think this tunnel had been cast in some way that
form. Perhaps with a high energy device like a laser beam.
Silently continue through the monotonous tunnel. It looked to us
It was slowly wearing down the pure heart of the mountains.
"Nobody really knows who built these passages in the rock," said the
Dondup Mingyar soon. "They were made so long ago that nothing remains of that
civilization. They have completely disappeared in the dust of countless ages.
There is not even the name of those who walked on this planet in the
days of his childhood. "
"But Master this tunnel must have been made with modern technology."
Replicate rubbing the smooth wall. "Nobody could have done this if not in
recent years "
I had heard stories of secret underground forts built by
governments and the military. Some were made as bomb shelters,
other as operational bases. This secure tunnel that would take us to some of
these places, whether built by the Chinese communists or even in a more
bold by the Soviet Union or the United States. It seemed very new and shiny
to be anything but foolish made by aggressive and paranoid humans.
"This tunnel was not built by any human technology, my friend," the
Lama said, laughing, "this tunnel and thousands like him around the world were already very
old when the first man left Africa. In fact, this particular passage
was made long before the mountains above. Is made of a substance
it can be stretched and molded as the earth moves and bends under the
tectonic pressure. "
"Where does it lead?" I asked.
"This tunnel is the beginning of a long journey that will take us to the very heart
our world "replied the Lama. "We are privileged that we have been
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allowed to see the secret and hidden areas in the center of the planet. We are
Agharta loved going. "
Agharta. The very name struck me with such force I run out
breathing. This was the underground kingdom of the center of the Earth where King
The world ruled and that no living man could look. He had heard that
name a thousand times, but almost did not believe such a place really existed. This is
as if a Christian is told that he could walk to the corner and visit the
Paradise. It was that amazing.
In Greek myth, man was created from clay and fire in the matrix
the goddess Gaia, who plays Mother Earth. Similarly, in the former
Mesopotamian myths, man was created in the matrix or Ninharsag Mami,
(Lady of Montana) also personified the earth. We know
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this now as the Secret Garden of Eden, or the Isle of the Blessed.
Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier in his book The Morning of the
Magicians, wrote: "The idea of the hollow earth is connected with tradition
found in many places throughout the time. The oldest texts
speak of a separate sacred world beneath the Earth's crust and
is supposed to be the abode of the spirits of the deceased. When Gilgamesh, the
legendary hero Babylonian and Sumerian epic literature, went to visit her
ancestor Utnapishtim, descended into the bowels of the earth; and it was there that Orpheus
was in search of the soul of Eurydice. Ulysses, having reached the farthest
edges of the Western world, made a sacrifice to the spirits of the
old to rise from the depths of the earth and give him advice. Are
says that Pluto rules over the underworld and the spirits of the
dead. The spirits of lost souls went to live in the caves below
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front alone would be unwise and dangerous. We must now rest here and
look forward. Soon we will meet someone more familiar with these caves and their
potential hazards.
Make a bonfire in this environment was pointless. No heat is needed
because the tunnel remained a constant and comfortable temperature for your rating.
And no light is needed as never lit passages changed
intensity. However the fire was necessary to boil the tea. And not having you
after such a long journey was certainly not civilized.
However, before I refer to the subject, the Lama ordered the teapot
filled with water and placed against the wall of glazed tunnel. A few seconds
then brought him back and filled our glasses with what it was now water
hot. I could not understand how this happened.
Previously, I had touched the walls with my bare hands and
I felt cold to the skin. But now, a kettle of cold water was heated to
boil in just a few seconds. It seemed as if the tunnel knew what
was needed and responded agreement. It was a science beyond what some
I once taught in school. Soon learn that these wonders were things
common here in the underworld.
We drank our tea and ate our little food we brought with
we. The Master told me about the dangers when traveling in those caves.
"There are men who live near the surface of the earth," he said.
"Some were part of a race that was to live under the earth before the last
ice age. Others have been here longer. They could bring their technology
with them, so hard they had to live in primitive conditions. Many
their descendants have degenerated into inhuman beasts that are hunted each
others, and sometimes catch people of the area for sport and food.
They are despicable creatures that exist only for the pleasures of the flesh.
They have lost their humanity and their spirits. "
"That sounds like the demons of legend," I guess *. "They live in
deep in the earth and come to the surface as a pest of humans and
mock the Creator at every opportunity "
"Even legends have their origins, Lobsang," added my friend. "Run Out
But I'm sure you must be tired after our pleasant
walking, must sleep now because tomorrow we take even further
in the hollow interiors of the world. "[3/22/2015 12:53:03 AM]
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Perhaps it was due to the strange environment, or the forced invasion of penetrating,
and curious minds, but my dream was invaded by restless dreams of a
strange nature. In my dreams I was a kind of creature that lived in the
underworld. He was only intelligence and awareness of who I was and
around me. My emotions were like those of a child - hysterical, without
restrictions, wild, rising to extremes of happiness and anger. I also felt
possessed of an endless hunger consumed me completely. That filled my
mind and soul almost to the point of madness.
I dreamed that I was hunting with my family. We were a small group
composed of mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, nephews, brothers and sisters. Some
Sometimes we joined with others to hunt, but like all of our class, we
only took care among us.
We were relatively new to the caves. Even though my host did not
I was aware of that, my human mind knew that these creatures were some
Once humans who entered the caves thousands of years ago. We had
abandoned civilization and returned to the animal state of our home
primitive. And why not? We had given civilization that was not disaster,
misery and almost destroying our species? We had not had more
opportunity to go underground and survive. And if you survive meant throw
aside falsehoods of society and civilization, because that way.
However we were not the only ones. The tunnels and caverns were filled
millions, some primitive and savage like us, other intelligent and
technologically advanced.
Over the millennia we had adapted to our new environment.
To protect ourselves from the cold, our hair was now long and we covered the body
integer. Our nails were long and sharp, so our teeth. We were
smaller, faster and smarter than our ancestors sick and
corrupt, when they first came to the caves. We were the
I realize that we are slowly circling our confident prey.
Silently take our positions so that no escape.
From my hiding place I can see our hunt. He is a young one of the groups most
developed. No hair and wears clothes made by hand. Long ago
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While we have not hunted in these tunnels. Its people have lost their fear
to travel alone and have become careless. That makes our hunting is more[3/22/2015 12:53:03 AM]
easier for us. And why should not it be easy for us? We have to
eat and serve the purpose of the creator, like all living things. It is our
purpose hunting those who are weak or invalid. Maintain the balance of the
With great outcry, women and young lash from the rocks into
his surprised prey. The man, who appears not to exceed fourteen,
jumps from its resting place and tries to escape. Do not realize that the mass Howling
women and children are cunningly pushing the claws of male
adults who are hidden around waiting in the tunnel. I am in
This group eagerly waiting for its prey.
Before the young have a chance to scream, adult males fall
mass on the young, fatally lost and thrown to the ground, his teeth
lacerating his throat and tearing the tender skin. I join adults and destruction
his abdomen with my fingernails to rip the guts. No escape his fate,
and finally dies young man with broken neck and throat
No formalities, we eat our prey in the same place. Males
bigger is first serve sweet blood gushing from the nape of the young. The
rest of us ripping his flesh, tearing chunks that greedily
introduced in the mouth and devoured.
For a while there will be a few easy victims here.
Then the rest will become more cautious and we have to go somewhere else. But
Time is our friend and they will become careless again and again
we will return. They always forget and we keep going back.
I woke with a start, the dream still fresh in my mind. You could even
taste the salty aftertaste of blood, and even feel the quivering flesh between my
teeth. Look at my hands, almost hoping they were still covered with lumps
bloody the murdered girl. My hands were clean but my soul
was contaminated and blackened by this remarkable dream.
It was real? I really had shared the body of a creature
subhuman living in the depths and hunted other people? Or had been
just a fantastic dream I left a deep and forgotten in my mind? Me
shuddered to think that my own subconscious could have produced such
horrific images. So I concluded that the experience was very real. Of
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somehow had tuned my mind with some wild creature that lived
close. Now he knew for certain that the tunnels were dangerous truth. The trip
hereinafter should be done with caution so as not
we were taken by surprise by the same creatures which had breakfast
shared. Did not want such a meeting at all.
I picked up my carpet and look around for my Master. What locate
sitting cross near the junction of several tunnels legs. There was
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Seeing that he had woken up, motioned me to approaching me.
"Ah, I'm glad you decided to join us on this expedition Lobsang,"
joked, "I was afraid that you will fall asleep all the time we have."
The stranger, sitting with Lama, was a man of about thirty years.
He wore a light gray walks and baggy pants. Her skin was out of the
current, looked very tanned olive tree on a green base. His eyes were
slightly larger than normal and biased downward, giving an appearance of
oriental. His cheekbones were high and chin, well-defined and pointed.
Her mouth was small and surrounded by indistinct lips. He seemed very
human, but I did not recognize characteristics in people from the surface
world. This guy was really weird.
"You must try this food that brought our friend," said the Master
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"You're from the surface world?" You ask. "I do not think I've seen anyone
like you "
Leo laughed at my question.
"Oh no," he said. "I come from a town under the surface. Our people have
lived underground for a long time. Unlike others who came to[3/22/2015 12:53:03 AM]
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lives. "
But most fantastic is still the information given in the former work
the Chaldeans, The Sifrala, which contains over a hundred pages of technical details
build a flying machine. Contains words that can be translated as
graphite cylinder, copper coils, Glass gauges, vibrant areas,
stable angles, and so on.
I marveled at the thought of witnessing these incredible
flying machines up and down the ancient tunnels connecting
the inner and outer worlds. They are now almost abandoned and unused except
by the occasional passage on foot towards the hidden exits to the surface. Leo said
have been seen occasionally strange vehicles going up and down flying
tunnels. But as the frisbee observed on the surface of the
land, these testimonies in tunnels are mostly considered folklore.
However, do not be surprised if in the deepest recesses of the planet
live even those who know how to use the old technology of the ancients.
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As we walked forward and down into the tunnel, note other
Once the soft light that shone no apparent source. It seemed as if the air
it was bright, shedding a light on the area in a different light
any surface.
"What is the source of light?" I asked my guide.
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Slowly, without taking his eyes off us, the woman took off her cloak.
At first glance it looked totally naked. But wearing a
almost transparent thin dress that hung from his body and ended just
under your hips.
His skin was the color of ripe wheat with a trace of olive colored
immediately below the surface. Her hair, falling like a waterfall around
his shoulders, it was silver glitter that seemed to sparkle with life.
I could not take my eyes off her. It seemed like a raw physical sexuality radiata
I had never felt before.
Sensually, like a snake before his hypnotized prey, began to
No one dared to breathe before the woman who danced silently in front
of us.
His hands roamed over her body to caress herself with
growing passion. His movements lit a fire in me that seemed
emanate from all my chakras at the same time. But rather than fire
spiritual, this woman was releasing sexual energy within us that
was as potent and powerful as any astral energy. We were totally
captivated by his supernatural charm.
The cavern was deathly quiet except for the sound of the beat
our collective hearts. It was like we were trapped like insects
amber, separated forever from the world.
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Before I could go ahead and join the siren before us,
our guide, Leo stepped forward stumbled towards women. I felt a
uncontrollable rage like a knife that is skewered and stirred in my heart. I read
It was going to take what rightfully belonged to me. He would love to be the one in your
Altar divine and not me. This thought ran through my blood and I filled the
head rabid hatred and fury.
The Master now also Adelanto and fill me even more hatred
this man who had been my guide, my friend loved all these years.
It was intolerable that the alien would usurp my right with this woman,
now my friend betrayed me. This was a blow that struck me most
deep and left me empty and alone.
But Mingyar Dondup not going after the woman, instead subject to Leo's
arm and forcibly dragged him back.
"Back at you, my friend," said the Master, "It's an illusion. She is not real. "
"But she wants me," cried Leo. "She needs me . I have to be with
it! "
The urgent tone of the Master stopped my own initiative and gave my mind
opportunity to get ahead of the overriding body sensation. My mind
began to clarify and was aware that he had been so caught up now
then. I felt that somehow I had been hypnotized strength and my
mind had been stripped of all rational thought.
The teacher had not loosened his hand on the arm of Leo, which turned
against his grip, in an effort to break free and join his newfound love.
However, years of training in martial arts enabled him to
Dondup Mingyar hold the arm of Leo with a firm but gentle pressure. You
Leo spoke softly, like a scared little talk to your child father
dark night. Leo stopped and started protesting silently mourn.
"Lobsang," said the Master. "You all right? You have to fight that. Do Not
let it dominate. It's a trick. "
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I did not answer. My eyes were still fixed on the appearance before us.
But now she had dropped her arms and looked at us with an inert expression. Their
eyes had lost their fire and had become cold and dead, as the eyes of
glass of an old doll.
Suddenly the air was filled with terrible howls and screams in language
unknown. From the walls a group of the most hideous creatures emerged
I had ever seen in my life. So repulsive and unbelievable was his
appearance might well have emerged from the worst nightmares of a madman.
They were like the demons of the legends of old Tibet, only these
Demons were too real jumping and slipping quickly through the cave.
The tunnel was now full of stinking beasts coming toward us.
Leo had ceased to mourn and watched in horror monsters that filled
the cave.
"It's them! " whispered hoarsely. "We have found. You know that
we are here! "
They came in all shapes and sizes, but they all looked small and
underdeveloped due to the twisted shape of their bodies. All were
humanoids, but only looked like men in their most perverted forms. Their
backs were bent and contorted and many had humps on their
His bare skin was sickly pale white like the soft flesh
Loose worms that infest the rotting flesh of the dead. Sores
weeping and putrid skin covered in thick sheets hanging their bodies
Their faces were the scariest of all because it revealed his very human
origin. However they were now mutated and degenerate, far from their[3/22/2015 12:53:03 AM]
remote human ancestors. Their noses were long and fleshy appearance almost
elephantine, and his eyes were like pork, devoid of any trace of
humanity. Their mouths were populated distorted canine tooth color
rotten green, which obviously would use to bite chunks of their
They continued on their screams and rage, but instead of attack fell on
the woman who made no move to protect themselves. It was a spectacle
appalling to see the man-beast tearing. The razed in untold ways
and tore their flesh with its huge and yellow nails and teeth
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We could not do anything. We were paralyzed in place. Even if we
we could move we would not have been adversaries for those devilish
bloodthirsty creatures. They were totally irresistible in number and ferocity.
During this ordeal the woman remained strangely silent. Even
when the creatures tore their members and tore her womb she did not
It made no sound. And then when my mind was already crumbling and
separated forever from her bra to reality ... the gruesome scene before
we disappeared.
Apart from us, the tunnel was now completely empty. The woman,
creatures, any evidence of its existence, had disappeared
completely. Also the paralyzing fear and overwhelming desire were gone.
The tunnel was quiet and peaceful. Only the sounds of our hectic
breathing broke the stillness.
"What happened? Where did they go? "I asked, looking back on my
"That was not real Lobsang." Said the Master. "It was a dream, a vision
sent by the infernal monster that has taken and perverted science and
old machines. The creatures you saw were some human time
like us. "
Leo fell on his knees and face with a clean canvas. He had been
most affected by the vision and his face reflected the torment of his soul.
"All my life I've heard those stories," he finally said. "Always
I thought they were fairy tales to frighten children and hysterical women.
I never thought that could be true. But it's true! Demons really
there and now they know we're here. "
"Obviously our presence has attracted unwanted attention," said
Maestro. "Best we set off, just in case our tormentors
want to go back and do a physical appearance. "
Quickly put together our belongings that we had fallen
during the ordeal and we hasten on our way down the tunnel.
A thousand questions danced in my head.
"Master," I said. "Surely we must be in the wrong tunnel.
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As might lead to this terrible place our beloved Agartha? How Come
as sacrilegious creatures can live so close to the Enlightened Beings and
holy cities? It makes no sense. We must be wrong and this trip is
a trick done by evil spirits who want to lose us.
"It's really hard to imagine that this world might have need
so repulsive creatures, "said the Master. "But they would not be here if you did not play
an important role. It is not our place to ask why the existence of
such things. We just have to accept that everything is as it should be.
But we must also be diligent in making sure that we do not cross in
our way with them. It is a destination that I particularly do not spurn. "
"They have to be old machines," Leo said suddenly. "The
Older machines could do wonderful things like send images to the
long distances through solid rock. We were under the influence
in some distant machine. "
"But those nasty animals can operate a machine?"
"These machines must operate on their own, or are so simple that even a
child could use. "affirm the Master. "But as I told you before Lobsang, these
creatures were once men as you or me.
"Thousands of years ago discovered the old machines. The
machines were still running and ready for use. But instead of using
these fantastic devices for its original purpose, used to control and
harm others. They used the healing rays to ignite their physical pleasures and
abuse their bodies and minds.
"After centuries of continued abuse, the rays were slowly
they change their genetic structure and mutated into the hateful thing that we saw
now. They have lost almost all his intelligence and his humanity. Living
only for the nastiest physical pleasures and not let anything get
stand in your way when trying to get them. "
"Keep the pace," Leo said. "My village is still quite far and I
Whole want to take there. "
"No," said the Master. "Although I cause much anxiety to speak, we
another task to do first. During our ordeal had a vision
very disturbing. A nearby camp of those beasts, and we have to
there. "
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The secret passage was just a crack through the tunnel wall,
barely enough to enter one by one. The Master preceded the Leo group
watching our backs.
We had walked no more than ten or fifteen minutes when the crack
expanded in a small, damp cave. The smell was totally repellent. The
more we could do is turn around and run. The light was weak and consisted of
several small fires scattered on the ground. We could barely distinguish a
small enclosure made of rough wood and wire. In this yard I could see the
motionless body of a woman.
"Is that the woman we saw in the tunnel? Whisper.
"Shhh," I warned the Master. "There she is. This is a real woman
surface that needs our help. Look at the bottom of the cave. There are the
beasts that have captive. "
Straining my eyes because of the low light, I could barely see ten or
fifteen figures thrown against the wall of the cave.
"Now is the time to act," said the Master. "They have drugged them
themselves into a stupor, with rays of your machine. We can come and go without
they even know they were here. "
With Mingyar Dondup leading the way, silently entered the
cave and headed directly to the fenced compound. The woman inside was
unconscious and appeared lifeless when we remove the wire that surrounded it. To the
while we kept watching us figures on the opposite side of the
cave, ever vigilant if awakened.
Taking the unconscious woman supported between us, back to
Quickly back to the starting point in the tunnel and put
stones again to its original position by the passage.
"We have to take away from this place as fast as we can," ordered
the Master. "The more you put in between space between us and those
beasts we will be more safe. We take time to awaken from their state of
Page 39
shuddered to think of the atrocities that would have made him during his captivity.
Pray silently for her. Definitely my companions were also
contemplating the sad figure that was now under our protection.
I have no idea how we walk. At such times my body and mind
were insensitive to exhaustion the day's events. Had it not been for
my training in Yoga and other mystical disciplines, I would have already collapsed
on the rock floor many miles behind. But instead, I still could
withstand extreme blankets that enveloped our stationary host. By
Furthermore, the day was quiet and the tunnel was now quiet and peaceful as
before. This was very convenient due to the fragile condition of our psyche
He had shouted for joy if I had forces when Leo said
finally his people was close. Instead, straighten your back and
hasten the pace, drawing strength from knowing that in the end this part of our trip,
at least, would soon end.
The tunnel was extended into a large cavern and entered the village of Leo.
Leaving women in good hands, we showed the guesthouse.
Of course when I say "home" would be better words, a yurt, which is a structure
Mongolian that is round and portable with a framework that supports it. These yurts
were built with tender trees together with leather straps and covered with
skins. Total, a cozy and comfortable place to stay, after days of
sleep on the rock hard and cold.
The people of Leo consisted of several small groups of yurts located at
through the cavern. Were probably not more than eighty or ninety people in
Total, mostly from large families. These people were
essentially nomads who could lift their belongings and move in a
short time.
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In the center of the village stood a tall pole carved with small
figures. At the upper end of this post was a bright light that illuminated
the entire cave so I could have sworn that the sun was about
we. Somewhere in my past I had heard of such things, old stories
magic crystals that shone like the sun. Considering what
I had seen in recent days, shining stones not seen misplaced
in this strange land.
After settling in, we had dinner with the rest of the villa in a community hut
large. The matriarch of the village told us that the woman who had brought was
responding to treatment with herbs and would soon be ready to leave.
"When Good People get them taken away," the old woman said.
"They will treat you to erase the memory of the caves and men
beast. When you return to the surface, there have memory where he was or what
that happened. It is best to forget what happened to him. No one should take these
memories with him.
"Who are the Good People?" I asked.
"Good People are those not abused machines of the Ancients
for his sensual pleasures, "answered Leo. "Instead, they say they are
dedicated to fighting the beasts and help those in need. Are the
Knights of Agharta, using machines to help others. "
"As with the beasts, I always believed that the Good People were stories
tale. In the same way that the outside world has stories of knights
who kill dragons, we have the Knights of Agharta, who protect
the underground world of destruction and evil. I think there should be
listened more carefully to the stories my grandmother told me. "
Good People there, "said the Master. "They've been waiting for our
arrival and will be here in a short time to be women. "
"As you know that?" Asked Leo.
"We have been called to the sacred Agharta for several reasons," said
Mingyar Dondup. "Even though my disciple had no idea that we had
called, was our responsibility to rescue the woman from the beasts. This
action was necessary to purify our souls and allow our bodies
accept the different vibration of the earth where there Agharta. "[3/22/2015 12:53:03 AM]
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those who would take it away and have our power, but do not let that
happen. "
When we finished our meal we returned to our yurt for
rest. There the Master informed me about the next part of our trip.
"When Good People arrive by women, we will go with them too," he said.
"We will be taken to a website that will enable our physical bodies enter
kingdom of Agharta. Because of this, we should fast until we do that
transition. I also suggest that you use the remaining time to clear your mind
unpleasant thoughts. In the land of Agharta your thoughts are
reality and the mind without restraint can be very dangerous. "
Like his celestial counterpart, Crystal Fire in the center of town
began to diminish its light imitating nightfall. Even after centuries of
Page 42
live underground, these people still needed to respond to the old rate of
cosmos. The night in the caves with Crystal Fire was equivalent to sunset
surface. It was dark enough to sleep and yet not so
Dark anyone could enter while you slept.
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CHAPTER XI[3/22/2015 12:53:03 AM]
The next "morning" found us raised and ready to go. Both
Master and I were fasting and I can tell you it took her tea
maanero much as me, maybe more than me. The entire village had come to
from ourselves and our friend Leo brought along someone who was also very
happy to be here this morning.
"Look who's awake and ready to go," Leo said cheerfully.
To my surprise, Leo brought the woman seemed only to a few hours
be near death. Now she was awake and had fresh clean clothes.
Her brown hair was clean and combed and, except for a few scratches
in the face, seemed to be recovering quickly.
Grinning, she hug us Master and thousand. "I Understand
I must also thank you for rescuing me from such
monsters, "he said.
The Master smiled at the woman and her hand made him aside a lock of hair
her face, like a loving father would his beloved son.
Now every step my child, "said the Master softly. "It's time to start
your journey home and start a new life. "
For many years had witnessed this kind side of my Master to
others. While many monks and lamas are closed for others and
only seek spiritual enlightenment, Mingyar Dondup always looking to
needed help, freely giving to the needy. Was often
criticized by those who thought they should take more time in prayer that
walk caring for the sick. But once told me that the true path
towards realizing he was more than perfecting oneself, also
had to do with the entire domain of ego. The greatest gift we can
give others ourselves
"We will go with you a part of the way dear," said the Master to women.
"You'll have a chance to rest with the Good People before you are sent to
home. "
Suddenly a deep roar, like a jet, filled the cavern and the crowd
stepped aside to make room for the alien vehicle I had seen. The
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machine was large and shaped cylinder with large openings in the sides.
Around each opening was a large rubber mattress that opened at its
long. The roar came from the blades that were inside each opening. Air
kept producing inflated rubber pads.
Like us, the villagers were amazed at the strange machine
before them. As Leo had said before, the stories of men and beast
Good people were considered folklore and fairy tales. And although many
old people could remember personal experiences, young people laughed at
such stories. Everyone wanted to see a legend come to life.
"I can not say it was fun," joked Leo, "but it was definitely
an adventure you think any would repeat again. Good luck
all of you and that the gods favor the rest of your day. "
Along with women, entered the ship and the driver closed the door behind
we. The inside was small compared with the external size.
But it was in warm and comfortable seats, and so we get ready for the
next leg of our trip.
"You can call me Toc Ramir," said the pilot. "This vehicle is made
especially for traveling through tunnels. That is why the shape of cylinder.
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The vehicle fleet air mattresses generated by blades and can travel very
fast whenever the tunnels are properly sized. In large tunnels
we can only use fans below to float above the ground. But
small tunnels allow us to use all blades around the ship and
increase speed.
While Toc Ramir dealt with controls, the Master was wrong pieces
bread and cheese that had given us our friends from the village of Leo. While
ate, our new traveling companion told us as he had been captured
and enslaved by the beastmen.
"My name is Alicia and Runyan born and raised in Austin Texas," he said. "After
I graduated from college I went to New York to work for the company *******.
He had not been with them for a long time when it happened. I had
worked late one night and the building was almost empty. When taking the elevator
and I pressed the button for the lobby, the elevator instead of obeying went down to the
basement. I pressed the button for the lobby again but continued lifting more
below-grade basement. When the doors finally opened, I found
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Page 47
with an animal hunger for sexual pleasure. Frequently abduct people from the
surface to control your mind and re victims of their evil desires. "
"And what would happen to the other people she says she saw?" I asked.
"They're gone forever," he replied. "I think Alice was lucky that you
arrived at that time. Because you know, these beasts are also cannibals. "
Page 48
disappear every year from the face of the earth. Some reappear, many
unexplained suffering from amnesia. Many, however, are never seen another
time. These disappearances remain forever remain a mystery to those who
are left behind. I wonder how many of these unfortunate souls missing
were really fatal encounters with the beasts men of the world
While sitting spinning these unpleasant thoughts, our
decreased machine speed and then stop completely. Our pilot
Ad politely that we had finally reached our destination.
Alicia was already awake now and again thanked us for our help. A
while giving us each a quick hug, weeping promised would never
forget our heroism. This was a promise he could not expect
Standing we made a farewell bow while Toc Ramir
pluck the slider and quickly gained speed in the tunnel again. Said
a silent prayer for Alicia and asked the gods take care and protect in
the difficult days ahead.
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Maestro. "This is the passageway through time and space, connecting the
inner world with us. The center of our planet is more than a
hole in a hollow sphere. This space really transcends physical reality and
exists simultaneously in several dimensions and realities. Once we get
the dimensional vortex, our vibrational field will be increased to match
with the high level of Agharta. Only through this method beings
physical like us can enter Agharta. "
"Why are all these people here Teacher? Ask.
"They're here as we Lobsang," replied the Master. "We have been
called to Agharta for a special task. It is an important moment for all
us because it is rare and occasional a meeting of great minds of
We walked the trail that shone with the elegance of pure gold. A
around us were thousands, probably millions of people of all sizes and
form. Some were human and other obviously not. It seemed he had
representatives of all intelligent species in the universe in this cave, which
heading into the vortex.
"These are the enlightened souls in this universe Lobsang," said the Master.
"Like us, they have all been chosen and touched by the divine light which is the
Creator of All That Is. We are the representatives of Consciousness Ultima
which all life emanates. It is through us that others will learn about their
purpose and your true self. "
To all around us was lit group human souls,
all arriving at the same time on its way toward the light. I could see us
many of the greatest minds that ever walked the earth. Others do not
I recognized but knew intuitively that they would live and teach in the future.
Time had no meaning here as all ages were
united into one.
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"We are now walking on the path of life," said the Master
referring to the golden path beneath our feet. "This is the path that all
living in the physical world will have to walk one day when they leave their
body material. "
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In less time than necessary to form a single thought, we emerged
across the vortex. We were no longer in the cave and the plateau in front
of us was so amazing it was almost more than my mind could bear.
We emerged beside a mountain. From its summit a great river flowed
enlightened beings who now shining with divine light of creation
permeated this sacred land. At the base of the mountain was a vast plain,
full of billions of travelers like us and, even more, continued to decline in
a current from the mountain, to join his brothers.
From our perspective, it seemed like we were standing in the middle of
a big bowl of great size. Instead of a horizon, the earth is curved
upwardly away from us in all directions to finally lose
in turquoise top. In the center of the sky was suspended sol
magnificent beauty. Anything less and less intense than the sun of our system
solar, but still, shedding a wonderfully soft golden light that
illuminating the whole landscape with its sacred shine.
The land was rich in life and beauty. It was an almost perfect tropical setting.
Flowers growing around extensive and richly type. Her perfume wafted on the breeze,
causing me a childlike joy at the delightful aroma, to remind the
sweet days of my youth. From the forests and plains flowing and bubbling
streams of crystal clear water. The air was alive with the sounds of birds
and insects whose harmonious echoes are accentuated and decreased with the pace
universal life. In the distance I could see large and beautiful cities, with
buildings that seemed to defy the law of gravity. The structures, which seemed
be made of glass and precious stones glittered with amazing and radiant light
Until you told me, I realized that I had almost forgotten the Master who
I stood next to me, also, in a state of wonder, because the show
before us.
"Behold," he said solemnly. "La Sagrada Agharta."
Agharta many believe is the city in the center of the earth. Run Out
Page 52
But Agharta is actually the name of the region and not just a city. You Here
lies the cosmic power of the earth. All powers of matter, energy and
dimensional spatiotemporal achieved by living creatures originate in
this cosmic source. In this land inhabited by numerous races, different cultures
and traditions. They live in an advanced dimension and much more evolved,
compared to human life on the planet's surface, in perfect symbiosis
with the world and its living reality.
Other different races of the earth also occupy this land
interdimensional Agharta. Here are large colonies of extraterrestrial people
originating from many different places in our universe. These groups are
interrelate in different dimensional levels.
The capital of Agharta is the etheric city of Shamballa. This city is the
highest expression of this internal civilization astral frequencies and vibrates. There
is conceived and instituted the creative idea and the astral program for the development of
worlds. In Shamballa dwell extraordinary beings that vibrate at the highest
frequencies of the universe. They are free beings, owners of life. They
build the destination. They live together in large clans, led by the Elders.
The clan Mayor is the Guardian of the Word. The Mayor of this clan is the Mind
Director of all life, in and out of the planet.
They exist at these high frequencies, totally free time. To the
move through different time levels, are subject to its effects
only while on them. But his real entity remains unchanged at
his immortal nature. Are Alpha and Omega of all life in the universe.
They garments, rich, light, of incomparable beauty and art, with ribbons
gold and multicolored arabesques. Are higher than the average human, with
strong and vital end features that could be compared with those
hallmarks of the Polynesian people.
Unfortunately, we were not pure enough for
Shamballa visit. Even if we could transcend the vibration of the surface
our world and enter Agharta, we were still far removed from those
pure souls who dwell in Shamballa. But our reason for being there was not to
admire the scenery. We had another purpose we will soon reveal all.
We joined the crowd of enlightened beings who had gathered in
the great plain at the foot of dimensional input. Above us in the sky
large spherical vessels flying down into a tailspin and dodging in the breeze
such as paper kites Lhasa.
Page 53
"Look at the sky," stated the Master. "They are living ships made of
pure and able to travel anywhere in this universe thought. "
The air was vibrant with excitement as the wind moving on
land the sound of billions of voices. All who were there knew that
This was a momentous occasion in the history of this universe and I
felt honored and humbled to be part of it.
"Amazing, too many," I said aloud. "The world can hardly
contain us all. "
The Master laughed with a deep, rich full joy and laughter
delight, something I had never heard him do all the time I met him
on the surface of the earth.
"Beings of all worlds and all ages have come to meet this
point in time and infinite space. It is a miracle that I just dreamed I was
possible, and yet here we are. But do not worry that Agharta was
overflow of enlightened beings, because this place is located in the center of both
planes of existence, the material and astral. It is not only located in the center of
our planet earth, is also located in the heart of millions of others
planets. Agharta exists in the heart of every living being in the universe. "
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Suddenly, the air in our sparking around and titilo when a large
presence moved through the multidimensional reality that was Agharta.
All voices on the plain suddenly fell silent and everyone looked
up to the big sun shining over the world. It was as if all creation
stay silent waiting for what would come next.
While we watched, the sun began to spin rapidly in the
sky, sending a flood of bright colors. It looked like a large pearl in the
sky, turning on its axis and firing in all directions rays
multicolored light.
The world remained bathed in an iridescent light of sublime beauty
sent a collective sense of peace and love through all we were
there. No one dared to move for fear of losing a single moment of this
spectacular event
And then, when it seemed he could not spin faster, sun rushed
its place in the heavens and seemed to fall right at us. Would have much
fled terrified to witness this phenomenon. However, the air was filled
such peace and joy, it was impossible that fear could move. Instead of
So were dumbfounded by the greatness of that event.
The sun, spinning rapidly approached in his fall to us. Your rainbow
beauty seemed entirely fill the sky with his greatness, descending into a tailspin
on earth. But when looked set to smash the world, he stopped and
slowly began to return until he was back in its original position,
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Page 56
astral energy that exists in both the multiverse and planes of existence
beyond, have made these worlds survived the death of thousands of universes
past and survive the passage of many more. Your home, planet Earth is
one of those planets chosen. He has seen the birth and death of many
universes. It is lovely to my creation
"Your species is one of many who have risen from the womb of the mother
Earth. Humans have evolucionad according to my divine plan. As your
an infant born and grow to maturity, so it is with all forms of life and
species diversity. Start of the simplest expressions of life and
grow to become more advanced and complex
"Humans have evolved and achieved the intelligence and understanding of
free will. You are part of the material world and of the spiritual world. Do Not
all intelligent species develop their spiritual aspect. Some never
comprise the astral worlds that exist beyond the multiverse. Because of this
they are constantly being reborn in the physical world until its kind
develop their astral and spiritual sides.
Here is your people is needed T. Lobsang Rampa. "
Page 57
"The human race was born on Earth, one of my banditos planets. Is the
fate of your species evolve spiritually to become Beings
Luz. With other Beings of Light, you will lead it other species throughout the universe,
and other universes, to evolve spiritually. Likewise
your people through history have looked at these guides and angels that
other way shall look upon your race. Is a momentous task that I gave to your
people. But I would not have done if the human race were not able. "
"However, as a species, the human race is still in its infancy.
You are reached a critical time in their development where they can, and
either fulfill his destiny, or die and be reabsorbed into the cosmic dust of my
creation. The choice is yours. You are able to know the love
universal and forgiveness of my law. Yet you are so addicted to such hatred and
destruction, it is imperative that they learn to overcome these petty emotions
and take their place as members of honor in the universal community. "
"This will tell you of the days ahead of your people. Many live now
with fear of nuclear destruction that certain countries threaten each
other. However, countries that now form the Soviet Union soon
abandon their oppressive and spiritually barren roads. Many countries
suffered under his iron fist suddenly find free first
in many years. But this freedom comes with a price. Because due to the
abruptly when the Soviet Union collapsed, many countries that were
economically dependent on it, they will be forced to defend himself
same. This will cause great suffering to the innocent who are separated
The world of politics.
"I'll tell Lobsang, that despite these changes; in the coming years, your
beloved Tibet continue subjugated by China. As the years pass China
desinteresara more and more in ruling Tibet with an iron fist and instead
will allow the freest people determine their own destiny. However,
Tibet will not be free from Chinese rule for your life.
"Due to the broad political changes, the world breathed a little more
relieved of the fear of atomic death from above. But a new enemy
the truth and the light appears just in the days before and after the new millennium.
This enemy is lifted as fundamentalism and religious extremism. .
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Page 59
astral. They are attracted to humans as moths by the flame. They feel
your divine nature and seek to understand and exploit it to their advantage.
Will come and take your dream no matter the emotional scars and
Physical left behind.
"These things remain unknown to you because they hide all
witness. The creatures flying ships and make actual contact are only
biological constructions of these races from other worlds. These constructions are
living creatures born of science for the sole purpose of traveling to other
worlds and do the bidding of their masters.
"The mystery of so-called UFOs never be solved by nature
stealth of beings who are attracted to Earth. However, it is the fate of the
humans continue their relationship with these entities from other worlds. They are species
how are you they will depend spiritually evolved humans to
awaken your inner spirit asleep. Humanity will Keepers
These breeds may be intellectually superior to humans, but
are less spiritually. "
"It is your duty Lobsang carry this message to the people of your time. Run Out
But you must wait until the appointed time to present my
words. Only at the right time, humanity will be open to hearing these
words. Take many years of human time for humanity to attend
my message and grow as spiritual beings they are. If you as a species
can thrive through the rough days ahead, your future will be wonderful,
not only for you but for the thousands of species over time
and space to humans as beings of light guided in its evolution
spiritual. Your people and other enlightened beings who are here will help create
new universes. The choice is yours.
Page 60
With these final words, the golden light around us retracted and strength
Creative aware moved back to the boundary that separates this world from the
actually last. The sun, with a final burst of glorious and holy light, ceased its
turn and returned to normal.
A collective sigh rose upon the earth when billions of souls
They were amazed by what had happened at that time. The voice we had
told all while giving a message that had meaning
staff for each and also a call to duty for everyone. We
we would be Beings of Light, as caring and guiding races that are ready
to evolve spiritually. I thought about beings we call angels
in our scriptures and wondered that ancient race could they
have originated.
The Master Mingyar Dondup pressed me man, his face beaming with
New fire in his spirit. I suspected that my face was
equally radiant. For all the land and gave everyone turns greeted their
neighbor in solidarity. Love and understanding that now filled us was the force
last collective creation. I understood now the simple message that
hoped that we take with us to promote throughout the universe.
It may sound simplistic, but the answer to all questions is love. This
is the true creative force in the multiverse and the worlds beyond. How Come
Reverend Emmanuel Swedenborg eloquently said, "All living
good lives, regardless of religion, have a place in heaven. "
Look over the vast and mysterious land of Agharta, the billions of beings
from all places and all times and wondered about their
own worlds and missions they take place. We would know some
Once your experiences?
"The know someday Lobsang," said the Master. Obviously there was[3/22/2015 12:53:03 AM]
read my mind.
"There will come a time when we will all be together again," said the Master.
"We will have much to do, not only in this universe but in many
more to come later. It is a wonderful challenge that has been given to the
Page 61
humanity. I know in my heart that will elevate us to the required height and we
will join our friends illuminated in the cosmic dance of eternity. "
The sky was now filled with a multitude of living ships that seemed
have come out of nowhere. His brilliant beauty reflected light that now flowed from the
immense mass of beings whose souls were burning with the fire of the Creator.
"It's time to go Lobsang," said the Master sadly.
I heart ached at the thought of leaving this wonderful land. But wise in
my heart that I had to carry out the message that we had entrusted
all. It was now the responsibility of all of us, conscious beings
different worlds in time and space, carrying the message of love and forgiveness
and recognition of our true divine nature. We had to
deliver this important message and it was imperative that we dispusiramos
immediately to take it and make it known.
The living ships were now landing to pick up the chosen and
Post new emissaries of the Creator. Would all be returned to our
own worlds and times for these magnificent vehicles of pure energy and
It was an impressive sight to see the sky full of these magnificent ships
receiving his load and disappearing on high. A feeling of immense
peace and honor invaded my being to think of the majesty of what was happening[3/22/2015 12:53:03 AM]
in front of me.
Suddenly a bright ship appeared in front of us and stay
suspended a few inches off the ground. It was our turn to leave. Narrow the
hands of other refugees from the ground and stood by us. As
us, those great souls return to their own time to spread the message
in a manner appropriate to their age.
We entered the vehicle and immediately got up in the air to join
the thousands of living ships that filled the sky; as seeds of Asclepius
(Mishitos) in a summer breeze. We shot up, free from
attachment of gravity. At this point I could see even more clearly how
Agharta as a large bowl. This was of course an illusion as we were
in the hollow center of the Earth. But not only land - The reality of
Agharta stretched beyond our planet and into a multitude of other
planets whose internal cavities also contained a Agharta.
Quickly we sailed the sky beyond the great sun and approached the side
Page 62
opposite of our hollow planet. Our ship was traveling fast over
mountains, forests, rivers and seas. Other living spacecraft flew with us in
the clear atmosphere. We were kids playing with a wonderful new toy.
Our mutual joy was like a compliment flattered the living light that was
our vehicle
In the distance there appeared a great city. In approaching rapidly,
I could see large crystal structures rising high into the air. His
surprisingly delicate appearance may be appropriate for fairy tales
for children or romantic dreams. The whole city shone like a
rainbow light, lit from within. Large reflectors of various colors
Page 63
When I raise my living ship floating again, the Master with their
hands and leaned in a final farewell. I was saddened by his departure, but
I was also excited for him and the wonderful adventures that
waited in the days ahead. I thought I'd hear their stories someday,
when we were together again.
The living remonto ship again and vanished beyond sacred Agharta
to take anything away. The deep blue of the sky was replaced by a
velvet blackness, dotted with diamond stars that filled the skies
on earth. I was floating high above the planet, outside your
free atmosphere and its severity.
It was the perfect place to sit for a while and contemplate not only
the events of recent days, but also events that awaited me in
the days ahead.
I thought of the newly recent days, people I had met, the beauty and
ugliness he had seen. So much had happened in such a short time it would take him
weeks to process my mind all that.
I wondered Alice Runyan and reconditioning days
stood before her. I made a mental note to try to keep the
current progress after he had returned to the surface.
He thought of the beasts that were kidnapped Alicia and simply
to satisfy their distorted pleasures, tortured thousands through
planet. Humans were certainly strange beings in this universe. We were
capable of both love and beauty. However, as seen in men
beast cave, we were also able to much meanness and ugliness.
As much as I did, it was almost impossible to imagine that someday
we could become Angelic Beings of Light, the creative force said it was
their desired goal. This was a future full of hope and promise that
in stark contrast to those who believe that humanity is doomed to
their eventual extinction. Few imagine that they have the divine spark inside
of his soul - a spark that under favorable conditions, can grow to be the
Flame latest creation.
It is our responsibility to ensure that humanity carries on
true potential. For not only their survival depends on this, but
also the survival of millions of others who live through
multiverse and depend on our development. Because humanity,
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evolved Beings of Light, guide others out of their primitive mud and
lead to the wonders of our universe, which is the birthright
of all.
But that time was still in the future - yet still had the ship
living. And while away the earth and the cosmos opened before me, I enjoyed the
freedom and infinite blessing for a little longer. The stars would
our home someday, but for now I was very happy with just visiting them.