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1)Data model
Data modeling is often the first step in database design and object-oriented
programming as the designers first create a conceptual model of how data
items relate to each other. Data modeling involves a progression from
conceptual model to logical model to physical schema.
2) Database normalization
Database normalization (or normalisation) is the process of organizing the
columns (attributes) and tables (relations) of a relational database to minimize
data redundancy.
3)Inter and intra query parallelism

In computer networking and databases, the three-phase commit protocol (3PC)
is a distributed algorithm which lets all nodes in a distributed system agree to
commit a transaction.

5) Object Definition Language

ODL supports semantics constructs of ODMG
ODL is independent of any programming language
ODL is used to create object specification (classes and interfaces)
ODL is not used for database manipulation
A very simple, straightforward class definition
(all examples are based on the university schema presented in Chapter 4):
class Degree {
attribute string college;
attribute string degree;
attribute string year;

OQL: Object Query Language

OQL is DMGs query language

OQL works closely with programming languages such as C++
Embedded OQL statements return objects that are compatible with the
type system of the host language
OQLs syntax is similar to SQL with additional features for objects

SELECT can construct new objects, arbitrary structures


tuple variables can range over any collection; maY have subqueries.

WHERE pretty much the same as in SQL

6) object identity
Object identity is a stronger notion of identity than typically found in
programming languages or in data models not based on object orientation.
Several forms of identity: value: A data value is used for identity (e.g., the
primary key of a tuple in a relational database).

7) What is an image database?

Definition - a collection of image data, typically associated with the activities of one or more
related organizations Focuses on the organization of images and its metadata in an efficient
manner Sometimes delves more thoroughly into an image's content query by an image's
characteristic rather than just keywords/tags Consumer, professional, and industry software
Characteristics of Image DB
Efficiently store images in database Data modeling: An image data model must be developed
to deal with the issues of representing image in database. Support image manipulation in
database level: crop resize etc Store metadata to image.

1) What are Data Models? Type of Data Models.

A model is a representation of reality, 'real world' objects and events, associations. It is an
abstraction that concentrates on the essential, inherent aspects an organization and ignores
the accidental properties. A data model represents the organization itself. It should provide
the basic concepts and notations that will allow database designers and end users

unambiguously and accurately to communicate their understanding of the organizational


Data Model can be defined as an integrated collection of concepts for describing and
manipulating data, relationships between data, and constraints on the data in an
A data model comprises of three components:
A structural part, consisting of a set of rules according to which databases can be
A manipulative part, defining the types of operation that are allowed on the data
(this includes the operations that are used for updating or retrieving data from the
database and for changing the structure of the database).
Possibly a set of integrity rules, which ensures that the data is accurate.
The purpose of a data model is to represent data and to make the data
understandable. There have been many data models proposed in the literature. They
fall into three broad categories:

Object Based Data Models

Physical Data Models

Record Based Data Models

The object based and record based data models are used to describe data at the
conceptual and external levels, the physical data model is used to describe data at
the internal level.

Object Based Data Models

Object based data models use concepts such as entities, attributes, and relationships.
An entity is a distinct object (a person, place, concept, and event) in the organization
that is to be represented in the database. An attribute is a property that describes
some aspect of the object that we wish to record, and a relationship is an association
between entities.
Some of the more common types of object based data model are:

Object Oriented
The Entity-Relationship model has emerged as one of the main techniques for
modeling database design and forms the basis for the database design methodology.
The object oriented data model extends the definition of an entity to include, not only
the attributes that describe the state of the object but also the actions that are
associated with the object, that is, its behavior. The object is said to encapsulate both
state and behavior. Entities in semantic systems represent the equivalent of a record
in a relational system or an object in an OO system but they do not include behaviour
(methods). They are abstractions 'used to represent real world (e.g. customer) or
conceptual (e.g. bank account) objects. The functional data model is now almost
twenty years old. The original idea was to' view the database as a collection of
extensionally defined functions and to use a functional language for querying the

Physical Data Models

Physical data models describe how data is stored in the computer, representing
information such as record structures, record ordering, and access paths. There are
not as many physical data models as logical data models, the most common one
being the Unifying Model.

Record Based Logical Models

Record based logical models are used in describing data at the logical and view levels.
In contrast to object based data models, they are used to specify the overall logical
structure of the database and to provide a higher-level description of the
implementation. Record based models are so named because the database is
structured in fixed format records of several types. Each record type defines a fixed
number of fields, or attributes, and each field is usually of a fixed length.
The three most widely accepted record based data models are:
Hierarchical Model
Network Model
Relational Model
The relational model has gained favor over the other two in recent years. The
network and hierarchical models are still used in a large number of older databases.

Network Model and The network model and the hierarchical model are the predecessors
Hierarchical Model of the relational model. They build upon individual data sets and are
able to express hierarchical or network like structures of the real

Network Model and Hierarchical Model

Relational Model

The relational model is the best known and in todays DBMS most
often implemented database model. It defines a database as a
collection of tables (relations) which contain all data.
This module deals predominantly with the relational database model
and the database systems based on it.

Relational Database Model

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