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Bhumi Study Series, Part 9

6th bhumis with notes

Bhumi Study Series presents information on many of the contemporary gurus,
lamas and spiritual teachers, and their respective spiritual attainments, or
bhumis. This study has been conducted by two founding teachers of the Open
Heart-method, Kim Katami and Pauliina Katami on the basis of photographs
available about the concerned persons. For more info on Open Heart, go to
Familiarizing yourself with the Open Heart bhumi-system is recommended, in
order to understand what this series is about. Read "Stages of Spiritual
attainment" and go through Kim Katami's video documentation on the topic to
get a better picture of what bhumis are. Studying and understanding bhumis
in this manner is a deep subject which requires meditation and analytical
skills. One may or may not be able to discern the outcome of this study series
without extensive practice experience. On the other hand, the differences are
quite easily seen when studied attentively and when the information is offered
in context as has been done here, where one may compare between teachers,
right next to each other. The study has been divided into several categories.
As the Open Heart-bhumi model is universal, it applies regardless of possible
differences in methods used by di stinctive traditions.
This series has frst been published in 2016. Of teachers who still inhabit their
bodies, we have used, as new photos as possible to keep it relevant. Of
deceased teachers, we have used photos, that have been as close to their
demise as possible, and which therefore embody their highest attainment.
This Bhumi Study Series has been made public in order to bring awareness,
lucidity and clarity to the present spiritual culture of the world by explaining
and showing what many of our well known teachers have actually been able to
attain. There is much confusion and lack of clarity about this topic, so we
wanted to clarify this matter from our part, for the beneft of all.
May this study help and serve many in their understanding and study of the
path of mind training.
Note: N, the person above, started Tibetan Heart Yoga, exactly two years
ago. He awakened with the two step formula (1st bhumi) 1 years ago and
since has been steadily progressing in his bhumis. Prior to this he had some
hatha yoga experience but no regular training of any sort.
All people in this episode are Open Heart-practitioners.
Thank you to all people who offered to use their pictures here!

Bhumi Study Series

Bhumi Study Series, Part 1: Dalai Lama

Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study




Tibetan Lamas
Hindu Gurus
Zen Buddhists
Open Heart-teachers
Before and after awakening, +2nd and 3rd

Series, Part 7: Theravada Buddhists

Series, Part 8: Non-sectarians and New Age-teachers
Series, Part 9: 6th bhumis with notes

6th bhumis with notes

You can fnd pictures of some of the people below in their lower bhumis, 0-5th,
from the previous episodes of the Bhumi Study Series.
Bhumi 5/13:

Bhumi 6/13:

Note: "S", the person above, started regular Open Heart-practice, Tibetan
Heart Yoga, in August of 2013. Before this she had practiced Hugging Saint
Amma's IAM-meditation for a year. This was preceded by some reiki courses a
decade earlier. Since 8/2013 until today 6/2016 she has practiced Tibetan
Heart Yoga almost constantly, with some short breaks due to hard physical
pains and aches. This has included all four levels of Tibetan Heart Yoga.
S awakened (1st bhumi) in February 2015 and proceeded through bhumis 1-6
during a time period of 1 year and 4 months. The total time frame for mind
purifcation, including awakening, being 2 years and 10 months as mentioned

Bhumi: 5/13:

Bhumis 6/13:

Note: "P", the person above, has been very active in her Open Heart-practice
since 2009. Prior to this she practiced different forms of hatha yoga, like
astanga and iyengar, for 4 years. In 2009 she started Open Heart-practice

with kriya yoga, kept at it until 2014 and switched to Tibetan Heart Yoga in
early 2014. She awakened (1st bhumi, Open Heart Bhumi Model) in October
2014 and progressed through bhumis 1st-6th within a time period of 1 year
and 8 months. She has been very busy in daily life from early 2014, after
mothering two children.

Bhumi 5/13:

Bhumi 6/13:

Bhumi Study Series, Part 9

6th bhumis with notes
Bhumi Study Series presents information on many of the contemporary gurus,
lamas and spiritual teachers, and their respective spiritual attainments, or
bhumis. This study has been conducted by two founding teachers of the Open
Heart-method, Kim Katami and Pauliina Katami on the basis of photographs
available about the concerned persons. For more info on Open Heart, go to
Familiarizing yourself with the Open Heart bhumi-system is recommended, in
order to understand what this series is about. Read "Stages of Spiritual
attainment" and go through Kim Katami's video documentation on the topic to
get a better picture of what bhumis are. Studying and understanding bhumis
in this manner is a deep subject which requires meditation and analytical
skills. One may or may not be able to discern the outcome of this study series
without extensive practice experience. On the other hand, the differences are
quite easily seen when studied attentively and when the information is offered
in context as has been done here, where one may compare between teachers,
right next to each other. The study has been divided into several categories.
As the Open Heart-bhumi model is universal, it applies regardless of possible
differences in methods used by distinctive traditions.
This series has frst been published in 2016. Of teachers who still inhabit their
bodies, we have used, as new photos as possible to keep it relevant. Of
deceased teachers, we have used photos, that have been as close to their
demise as possible, and which therefore embody their highest attainment.

This Bhumi Study Series has been made public in order to bring awareness,
lucidity and clarity to the present spiritual culture of the world by explaining
and showing what many of our well known teachers have actually been able to
attain. There is much confusion and lack of clarity about this topic, so we
wanted to clarify this matter from our part, for the beneft of all.
May this study help and serve many in their understanding and study of the
path of mind training.

Bhumi Study Series

Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study
Bhumi Study




Dalai Lama
Tibetan Lamas
Hindu Gurus
Zen Buddhists
Open Heart-teachers
Before and after awakening, +2nd and 3rd

Series, Part 7: Theravada Buddhists

Series, Part 8: Non-sectarians and New Age-teachers
Series, Part 9: 6th bhumis with notes

6th bhumis with notes

You can fnd pictures of some of the people below in their lower bhumis, 0-5th,
from the previous episodes of the Bhumi Study Series.
Bhumi 5/13:

Bhumi 6/13:

Note: "S", the person above, started regular Open Heart-practice, Tibetan
Heart Yoga, in August of 2013. Before this she had practiced Hugging Saint
Amma's IAM-meditation for a year. This was preceded by some reiki courses a
decade earlier. Since 8/2013 until today 6/2016 she has practiced Tibetan

Heart Yoga almost constantly, with some short breaks due to hard physical
pains and aches. This has included all four levels of Tibetan Heart Yoga.
S awakened (1st bhumi) in February 2015 and proceeded through bhumis 1-6
during a time period of 1 year and 4 months. The total time frame for mind
purifcation, including awakening, being 2 years and 10 months as mentioned

Bhumi: 5/13:

Bhumis 6/13:

Note: "P", the person above, has been very active in her Open Heart-practice
since 2009. Prior to this she practiced different forms of hatha yoga, like
astanga and iyengar, for 4 years. In 2009 she started Open Heart-practice
with kriya yoga, kept at it until 2014 and switched to Tibetan Heart Yoga in
early 2014. She awakened (1st bhumi, Open Heart Bhumi Model) in October
2014 and progressed through bhumis 1st-6th within a time period of 1 year
and 8 months. She has been very busy in daily life from early 2014, after
mothering two children.

Bhumi 5/13:

Bhumi 6/13:

Note: N, the person above, started Tibetan Heart Yoga, exactly two years
ago. He awakened with the two step formula (1st bhumi) 1 years ago and
since has been steadily progressing in his bhumis. Prior to this he had some
hatha yoga experience but no regular training of any sort.

All people in this episode are Open Heart-practitioners.

Thank you to all people who offered to use their pictures here!

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