Radar Questipons For Isro
Radar Questipons For Isro
Radar Questipons For Isro
1.The Doppler shift Df is given by ________
a. 2Vr / k
b. Vr / 2 k
c. 2k / Vr
d. k/ Vr
c. it is a cumbersome device
b. decreases resolution
7. Which of the following will be the best scanning system for tracking after a target has been
acquired _______
a. Conical
b. Spiral
c. Helical
d. Nodding
b. radar elevator
c. radar speedometer
d. radar latitude
c. transmitted frequency
d. intermediate frequency.
13. Which of the following is the remedy for blind speed problem ___________
a. change in Doppler frequency
b. use of MTI
c. use of Monopulse
d. variation of PRF.
14. Which of the following statement is incorrect? Flat topped rectangular pulses must be
transmitted in radar to _______________
[ ]
15. In case the cross section of a target is changing, the tracking is generally done by [ ]
a. duplex switching
b. duplex scanning
c. mono pulse
d. cw radar
16. Which of the following is the biggest disadvantage of the CW Doppler radar ?
a. it does not give the target velocity
b. it does not give the target position
c. a transponder is required at the target
d. it does not give the target range.
d. m - derived filter
[ ]
b. deflection of focus
d. undamped indications
[ ]
[ ]
20. The function of the quartz delay line in a MTI radar is to __________
[ ]
1. A high noise figure in a receiver means---------- [ ]
a. poor minimum detectable signal
c. receiver bandwidth is reduced
2. Which of the following will be the best scanning system for tracking after a target has been
a. conical
b. spiral
c. Helical
d. Nodding
b. schotky diode
c. Impact diode
d. varactor diode
6. In case the target cross section is changing the best system for accurate tracking is [ ]
a. monopulse
b. lobe switching
c. sequential lobing d. conical scanning.
7. In a radar in case the return echo arrives after the allocated pulse interval, then [ ]
a. plan position indicator
b. pulse position indicator
c. plan position image
d. prior position identification
8. PPI in a radar system stands for
17. The duty cycle in a pulsed radar transmitter cannot be increased beyond a point because it
a. affects the operating frequency
b. increase the average power of the transmitter tube.
c. does not detect weak signals
d. increase minor lobes
18. In case of radar receiver the IF bandwidth is inversely proportional to [ ]
a. pulse interval
b. pulse repetition frequency
d. pulse width.
d. Radar Altimeter
b. counter housed oscillator
d. carrier oscillater and harteley oscillater
3. If the peak transmitted power in a radar system in increased by a factor of 16, the maximum
range will be increased
a. 2 times
b. 4 times
c. 4 times
d. 16 times
4. Which of the following statement is incorrect.The radar cross section of a target? [ ]
a. depends on the aspect of a target, if this is non spherical.
b. depends on the frequency used.
c. is equal to the actual cross sectional area for small targets
d. may be reduced by special coating of the target.
5. Which of the following statement is incorrect High PRF will
a. increase the maximum range
b. make target tracking easier to distinguish from noise
c. make the retured echoes easier to distinguish from noise
b. reduction in beam width of antenna
d. increases directivity
7. A radar which is used for determining the velocity of the moving aircraft along with its
position and range is
a. moving target indicator
b. radar speedometer
c. pulse radar
d. radar range finder
8. Blind speed in MTI radar results in
a. restriction in speed of detectable targets
c. no change in phase detector output
b. blanking to PPI.
d. absorption of electromagnetic waves.
10. Which one of the following applications or advantages of radar beacons is false [ ]
a. navigation b. target identification
c. more accurate tracking of enemy target
d. very significant extension of the maximum range.
11. STALO stands for
a. standard local oscillator
c. stabilized local oscillator
b. to detect trajectory of moving objects
d. to detect storms
1. Which of the following statement is incorrect? The Doppler Effect is used in [ ]
a. MTI system
b. CW radar
c. FM Radar
d. moving target plotting on the PPI
2. A transponder comprises of [ ]
a. transmitter only
c. transmitter and receiver
b. receiver only
d. transmitter and receiver and antenna
3. If A be the capture area of receiving antenna of radar then the maximum range will be
Proportional to [ ]
a. A
b. A 2
c. 1 / sqrt A
d. sqrt A
4. For high power radars the peak power is limited by
a. breakdown of RF components
b. increased complexity of transmitter circuitry
c. cost aspects
d. max. band width
c. modulator
d. pulse interrals
d. hybrid ring
d. bandwidth
9. An MTI system eliminates permanent echoes while preserving echoes from a moving target
a. decreasing pulse width
b. utilizing the Doppler effect
c. increasing peak transmitted power
d. wide beam width
10. A CW radar cannot give information about
a. a range
b. direction
c. both range and direction
d. range, direction and past track
11. A target is moving with a velocity of 360km/hour radially towards the transmitting frequency
generator of 3 GHz will be [ ]
a. 300 KHz
b. 1 KHz
c. 1.5 KHz
d. 2 KHz
12. A duplex is a device which
a. switches an antenna between transmitter and receiver by means of selective filters
b. switches an antenna between transmitter and receiver by means of gas Switching tubes.
c. neither of the above two
d. connect at a time to transmitter or receiver only
13. The minimum receivable signal in a radar receiver whos IF bandwidth is 1.5 MHz and
which has a noise figure 9 dB will be
a. 4.16 X 10 -10 Watt
b. 4.16 X 10 -12 Watt
c. 4.16 X 10-13 Watt
d. 4.16 X 10 -14- Watt
14. When p is the peak transmitted pulse power. The maximum range of the radar is proportional
a. P
b. P1/2
c. P
d. 1/ P
15. A RADAR SYSTEM OPERATES at 3 cm with a peak pulse power of 500KW. Its minimum
receivable power is 10 -3 W, The capture area of th antenna is 5 m2 and the radar crosssectional
area of the target is 20m 2 . the maximum range of the radar will be
a. 343 Km
b. 44km
c. 686 km
d. 888 km
d. Beacon
c. varactor diode
d. gunn diode
20. In radar as soon as the transmitted pulse terminates, the transmitter is disconnected from the
antenna by
a. Duplexer
b. Mixer
c. ART switches
d. Detector
1. Radar range primarily depends upon
a. peak transmitted power
c. independent of transmitted power
b. average transmitted power
d. resolution of radar
2. In radar system which of the following is used for transmitter output tubes
a. parameter amplifier
b. RC coupled amplifier
c. klystron only
d. magnetron or travelling wave tube
3. A radar is to have maximum range of 60km. The maximum allowable pulse repetition
frequency for unambiguous reception should be
a. 25 pps
b. 250 pps
c. 2500 pps
d. 25,000 pps
4. An MTI radar operates at 10 GHz with PRF of 3000pps. The lowest blind speed will be
a. 40 km/hr
b. 66 km./hr
c. 81 km/hr
d. 162 km/hr
5. In which of the following case the lowest blind speed will be 90 km/hr [ ]
a. frequency 1 GHz an PRF 300 pps
b. frequency 3 GHz and PRF 500 pps
c. frequency 5 GHz and PRF 700 pps
d. frequency 7 GHz and PRF 1000 pps
6. If a given maximum range of radar is to be doubled, all other factors remaining constant the
peak power must be increased
a. four fold
b. eight fold
c. sixteen fold
d. thirty fold
7. The maximum range of a radar depends on all of the following except
a. peak transmitted pulse power
b. direction of movement of target
c. target area
d. capture are
8. The antenna used for radar is [09M03]
a. paraboloidal antenna
c. resonant antenna
b. isotropic radiator
d. whip antenna
9. Noise figure of radar receiver is 12 dB and its bandwidth is 2.5 MHz. the value of
Pmin for this radar will be
a. 1.59 X 10 -9 watt b. 1.59 X 10-13 watt
c. 1.59 X 10-15watt
d. 1.59 X 10-17 watt
10. IN radar system the lobe switching technique is used to [09S01]
a. scan the area
b. move antenna in the direction fo the object
c. locate the target accurately
d. move the weapon in the required direction
11. Radar display is
a. A scope display `
b. PPI
c. MTI
d. CRO
12. The minimum receivable signal in radar receiver which has an IF bandwidth of 1.5
MHz and is 9 dB noise figure will be
a. 4.17 X 10 -10 watt
b. 4.17 X 10 -12 watt
c. 4.17 X 10-14 watt
d. 4.17 X 10-16 watt
13. The advance and retard switches for the bearing circuit are needed due to
a. the gate generators being unstable
b. scanner and deflection coil misalignment
c. in accuracies in the power supply
d. failure of the switch circuits
14. When real transmitted power on a radar system, is increased by a factor of 16,. The
maximum range will be increased by a factor of
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
15. The signal arriving from the transmitter to the display unit is the
a. trigger
b. echoes
c. heading marker
d. bearing information
16. The delay unit section of the VRM/ delay unit can be used to
a. extend the range of radar`
b. reduce radar interference
c. expand an area for examination
d. extend the range of radar and expand an area for examination
18. An AFC system produces a control voltage to control the --- frequency
a. Magnetrons
b. Local oscillators
c. PRF oscillators
d. Tabulator
b. 60 MHz below the echo frequency
d. 30 MHz below the echo frequency
b. at short ranges
d. due to satellite reflections
1. One method commonly employed to extract Doppler information in a form suitable for display
on the PPI scope is with a
a. Power Amplifier
b. A-Scope display
c. Delay line canceller
d. Coherent oscillator
2. The characteristic feature of coherent MIT Radar is that the
a. Transmitted signal must be out of phase with reference signal in receiver
b. The transmitted signal must be equal in the magnitude with reference signal
c. The transmitted signal must be coherent with the reference signal in the receiver
d. Transmitted signal must not be equal to reference signal in the receiver
3. In the following which are produce, with time a butterfly effect on the 'A' scope
a. Fixed Targets b. PPI scope
c. Moving Targets
d. Phase Detector
4. The stalo, coho and the mixer in which they are combined plus any low-level amplification
arecalled the
a. Transmitter-Oscillator
b. Transmitter-Exciter
c. Receiver-Amplifier
d. Receiver-exciter
5. The Doppler frequency shift produced by a moving target may be used in pulse radar to
a. Combine moving targets from desired stationery objects
b. Determine the relative velocity of a target
c. Separate desired moving targets from desired stationery objects
d. Determine the displacement of a target
b. Moving target interval
d. Modulation Transmitting Interval
b. Vary in frequency
d. Remains constant
9. The limitation of pulse MTI radar which do not occur with cw radar
a. Blind speeds
b. Delay lines
c. Requires more operating powers
d. Requires complex circuitry
10. The presence of blind speeds within the Doppler frequency band reduces the
a. Output of the radar
b. Detection capabilities of the radar
c. Unambiguous range
d. Ambiguous range
11. The capability of delay line canceller depends on the
a. Quality of signal
c. Quality of the medium used as the delay line.
b. Pulse Interval
d. Delay time of the delay line
12. The output of the MTI receiver phase detector be quantized into a sequence of digital words
by Using
a. Digital quantizer
b. Digital Phase detector
c. Digital delay lines
d. Digital filter
13. A transmitter which consists of a stable low power oscillator followed by a power amplifier
is called
c. MTI Radar
d. CW radar
14. A simple MTI delay line canceller is an example of a
a. Frequency domain filters b. High pass filter c. Active filter
d. Time domain filter
15. The delay line must introduce a time delay equal to the
a. Time interval
b. Pulse repetition interval
c. Pulse width
16. The delay line canceller
a. Rejects the ac component of clutter
c. Allows the ac as well as dc
17. In pulse MTI radar, Doppler is measured by
a. Continuous signals
c. Constant period
d. Phase shift
b. Rejects the dc component of clutter
d. It rejects all components
b. discrete samples
d. Constant amplitude
18. The output of the two single delay line cancellers in cascade is the
a. Double of that from a single canceller
b. U times that from a single canceller
c. Square of that from a single canceller
d. Same as that from a single canceller
19. To operate MTI radar with high pulse repetition frequencies
a. fp must be small b. fp must be unity c. fp must be zero
d. fp must be large
20. If the first blind speed were 600 knots, the maximum unambiguous range would be ----- at a
frequency of 300MHz
a. 140 nautical miles
b. 600 knots
c. 140 knots
d. 130 nautical miles
1. The maximum unambiguous range
a. Runamb = c/2
b. Runamb = (c)
2. To operate MTI radar at low frequencies
a. fp must be small b. fp must be zero
c. Runamb = c/4
c. fp must be large
d. Runamb = (c/2)
d. fp must be unity
d. Pulse canceller
5. If the first blind speed is to be greater than the maximum radial velocity expected from the
target, The product fp must be
a. Small
b. Zero
c. Large
d. Infinity
6. The clutter-rejection notches may be widened by passing the output of the delay line canceller
through a
a. Coho
b. Stalo
c. Second delay line canceller
d.Pulse canceller
7. The frequency response of double delay line canceller is
a. 4 Sin fd1T
b. 4 Sin fd1T
c. 4 Sin2 fd1T
d. (2 Sin fd1T) 2
8. MTI radar primarily designed for the detection of aircraft must usually operate with [ ]
a. Unambiguous Doppler
b. Unambiguous blind speed
c. Ambiguous Doppler
d. Ambiguous range
9. The blind speeds of two independent radars operating at the same frequency will be different
if Their
12. The loss of range information and the collapsing loss may be eliminated by
a. Sampling the range
b. Shaping the range
c. Quantizing the range
d. Keeping constant range
b. Quantizing the range into small intervals
d. Removing the range intervals
d. Pulse radar
d. Delay canceller
d. Sampler
d. High pass filter
18. The bandwidth of clutter rejection filter depends upon the extent of the
a. Spectrum
b. Expected clutter spectrum
c. Filter characteristic
d. Clutter characteristic
b. Probabilies of detection and false alarm
d. Decrease in clutter residue
1.The direction of maximum radiation is perpendicular to the line of array in
A) End fire array B) Linear array C) Planar array D) Broadside array
2. Branch type duplexer consists of ________ switches
A) TR B) ATR C) Both D) none
3.The IF band width of radar receiver is usually expressed as____
A) S/N B) T/N C) N/T D) N/S
4.A scope displays
a. neither target range nor position, but only target velocity.
b. the target position, but not range c. the target position and range
d the target range but not position.
5.Non linearity in display sweep circuit results in
a. accuracy in range
b. deflection of focus
c. loss of time base trace. d. undamped indications
6. Which of the following noise figure.
a. (Si Ni) / (So No)
b. (So No) / (Si Ni)
c. (So / No ) / sqrt. ( Si / Ni)
d. ( Si / Ni) / sqrt .(So / No )
7.Which of the follong diode is used as detector in a radar.
a. gunn diode
b. schotky diode c. Impact diode d. varactor diode
8.________is preferred for describing low noise devices
9.In radar ___________ is used for transmitting and receiving purpose
10. In Phased array antenna is moved for__________