Good Schools Becoming Outstanding PDF
Good Schools Becoming Outstanding PDF
Good Schools Becoming Outstanding PDF
Research report
Peter Dougill
Mike Raleigh
Roy Blatchford
Lyn Fryer
Dr Carol Robinson
John Richmond
About the authors
Executive summary
1. Review of research
4. Conclusions
This research was led for Owen Education by Peter Dougill. Dr Carol Robinson researched the
existing literature about outstanding schools. Roy Blatchford and Lynn Fryer undertook the visits
to the sample schools. The team is very grateful to the headteachers and other staff at the schools
they visited for their willingness to reflect on and share their experience of the journey from good
to outstanding and to John Richmond who edited the report.
Most schools are
already good;
we want to make
sure that they
have inspiring
to support
their ongoing
For some time now in the UK, close attention has been given to schools, especially secondary
schools, facing particular challenges in raising attainment. Initiatives have drawn extensively
on research into change processes and into the broader principles of school improvement.
Additionally, the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) (since May 2010 renamed
the Department for Education DfE), the UK government department responsible for education in
England, has focused on underachieving (coasting) schools, articulating its approach through the
Gaining Ground programme (DCSF, 2008).
Policy makers attention has more recently turned to how to achieve great schools: Most schools
are already good; we want to make sure that they have inspiring opportunities to support their
ongoing development (DCSF 2009c). The issue is critical not only for individual schools, which
want to be as effective as they can be, but because the role of outstanding schools as change
agents for others is increasingly being recognised by policy makers across the political spectrum.
The research that this report documents has been designed to analyse the processes by which
good schools move on to be outstanding. The issues addressed are:
To what extent is an understanding of what is involved in being an outstanding school fully
articulated and shared?
What are the implications of the criteria used by Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education,
Childrens Services and Skills), the agency responsible for the inspection of schools in England,
as part of its inspection framework to judge schools as outstanding?
What are the common features of leadership, organisation and culture which help good schools
in their journey towards categorisation as outstanding?
What is the story of those schools which have moved to the next level and what are the obstacles
facing those schools still on the journey?
What kinds of support (including collaboration with other schools) are most effective in achieving
the transformation?
How best can knowledge and practice of the journey from good to outstanding be shared,
transferred or created anew in a variety of contexts?
The research took place in spring and summer 2010, a period which saw a change of government
in the UK and subsequent changes in education policy. The policy change which bears down most
obviously on this piece of work has been the decision to offer all schools in England judged by
Ofsted to be outstanding the opportunity to apply for academy status. This status brings with it a
number of freedoms, together with an uncoupling from local authority control.
The project involved:
a desk study of processes described or implied in recent research, inspection and school
improvement literature
the identification of noteworthy practice in local good to outstanding projects
visits to and other contacts with local authorities and schools, to carry out structured interviews
the production of case studies, eight of which are recorded in this report, that capture the narratives
of change, the problems schools have encountered, their resolution and their outcomes.
Executive summary
schools insist on
excellence in the
quality of classroom
teaching, and have
systems in place
which mean that
leaders know the
strengths and
weaknesses of all
the teaching staff.
Evidence gathered from the range of sources consulted during the course of this project can be
summarised as follows.
In outstanding schools, leadership is inspirational in providing clear vision and direction. Leaders
who take a school from good to outstanding focus on: raising attainment and accelerating
progress; improving the quality of teaching and learning; improving the conditions for learning; and
developing the school as a professional learning community.
Outstanding schools place high expectations on all their students. They have a broad range of curricula
to engage and support students, personalised to accommodate individual aptitudes and needs.
Outstanding schools insist on excellence in the quality of classroom teaching, and have systems
in place which mean that leaders know the strengths and weaknesses of all the teaching staff.
They operate an evidence-based approach to what is happening in classrooms. If staff teach less
than very well, arrangements are in place to offer support. At the same time, outstanding schools
have a relaxed collegiate culture in which teaching and classroom management ideas are shared
unselfishly and problems acknowledged without fear of blame.
One of the key indicators of school effectiveness, firmly in place in outstanding schools, is the
setting of challenging targets and the good use of arrangements for assessing and tracking pupils
progress. These arrangements are supported by sophisticated information technology to which all
relevant staff have access.
Outstanding schools are highly inclusive, having regard for the educational progress, personal
development and well-being of every student. They prove that socio-economic disadvantage need not be
a barrier to achievement. Speaking English as an additional language can support academic success.
Senior leaders make sure that the professional development of all staff, teaching and non-teaching, is
relevant, continuous and of high quality. Most of this professional development takes place in school.
Building and retaining links with parents and local communities is integral to raising aspirations and
ambitions for children in outstanding schools. They are also broad in their outlook, for example by
having links with schools in other countries. Outstanding schools may well take on a responsibility
to support other schools which need to improve.
A key difference between being a good school and being an outstanding school involves going
beyond tight quality controls towards the quality assurance of a self-confident, self-critical community
in which learning is interactive and permanent.
Based on the experience of the schools visited in this study, good schools seeking to be outstanding
would be well advised to study closely the comparative criteria for good and outstanding
judgements in Ofsteds inspections framework. They may want to set up working groups to plan
how to get from good to outstanding across all the areas which an Ofsted inspection covers.
They may also want to study reports on schools which have already been judged outstanding and
apply lessons learned from those reports to their own context. Visiting schools recently judged
outstanding is likely to be of particular value.
1. Review of research
Highly effective
schools have high
aspirations for
each child and
believe that all
children can and
should achieve at
least the agreed
minimum standard
for each key stage.
Initial desk research was undertaken to identify existing knowledge around how secondary schools
in England move from being good to becoming outstanding. The review searched written and
web-based literature published by a number of organisations, including CfBT Education Trust,
the DCSF (now the DfE) the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA), and Ofsted.
Electronic searches of a variety of databases and manual searches of books were also conducted.
Only literature relating to mainstream secondary schools and published post-2002 was explored.
Preference was given to literature relating to secondary education within England.
The evidence from the desk review is presented in this chapter. Chapter 2 explores the lessons
that can be learnt from independent evaluation of a schools effectiveness, and a diagnosis of
what it should do to improve.
To explore this subject more fully, eight case studies were undertaken to understand the journeys
that good schools have taken in becoming outstanding. Chapter 3 of this research paper reports
on each of the case study schools, identifying the key messages about their improvement journey.
chool leadership and vision, including reflection, monitoring and effective governance
School leadership is inspirational in providing clear vision and direction in outstanding schools.
At the heart of all good to outstanding schools is good leadership and the support for, and
development of, good and outstanding leaders is crucial to school improvement. (CfBT, 2009)
Outstanding schools know themselves well and evaluate their provision and performance in a
robust and inclusive manner.
A relevant and
attractive curriculum
reduces behaviour
In terms of
assessment, one of
the key indicators of
school effectiveness
is the setting
of challenging
Excellent school
leadership is, in no
small part, about
rigorously enforcing
the basics
D All the students are involved in the lesson and all contribute in some form.
E Teaching methods are very well matched to the content and to the learners some may
be original or innovative; for example, content closely linked to students experiences or to
interesting practical situations.
F The teacher checks progress throughout the lesson; assessment is regular and helpful.
G Students evaluate their own and others progress accurately and constructively.
H All students know how to improve as a result of regular and constructive feedback; where
appropriate this is linked to national criteria or examination requirements.
I The teacher develops students basic and other cross-curricular skills, for example
literacy, numeracy, independent learning and PSHE.
J Students have easy access to, and make use of, additional resources which they use
independently to support or enhance their learning.
K Students go out of their way to help each other; they provide mutual support.
L The classroom is a lively and interesting place; it includes good displays of students work
(representing all abilities), things which give a subject-specific flavour to the room, and
annotated examples of levelled work used to support learning.
Outstanding leadership is essential to enable the transition from a coasting or good school to an
outstanding one. Excellent school leadership is, in no small part, about rigorously enforcing the
basics: good behaviour and discipline, a culture of excellence, an effective curriculum, and firstclass teaching in every classroom. (Adonis, 2008)
In schools where the development of an ethos based around mutual respect and a language of
respect has been actively encouraged through the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award,
there is evidence of improved student behaviour, greater engagement in learning, and better
relationships within and between students and staff (Sebba and Robinson, 2009).
According to the Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement (Center for CSRI,
2009) the best school improvement plans are not rigid prescriptions for day-to-day action, but
rather guides for ongoing improvements in critical areas. An effective plan sets forth action steps,
establishes timelines, and identifies outcome measures to monitor and evaluate success. If a
plan is to become a key resource and guide for school improvement, then it must be crafted and
owned by all of the stakeholders teachers, support staff, school leaders, students, families,
district officials, community members and business organisations.
need not be
a barrier to
Ofsteds recommendations
Here is a selection of recommendations in Ofsted inspection reports on individual schools about
actions that good schools should take to improve further.
In teaching, learning and assessment:
Increase the proportion of lessons in which teaching and learning are at least good; strengthen
further teachers skills in questioning and other assessment strategies, and increase the level of
challenge to students wherever possible.
Make teaching and learning more consistent across the school by finding opportunities to
disseminate best practice, thereby improving students involvement in their learning.
[Ensure] that students know what they must do to improve.
[Make] greater use of differentiation in lesson planning and delivery, and greater use of teacher
marking and assessment to help students know their next steps in making progress.
Make assessment and marking practice more consistent across the school in order to give
better feedback to students on their progress.
Share the best practice evident in involving students in assessing their own progress and
In outstanding
defining ways forward so that it becomes standard practice.
lessons you would
expect all students Ensure that all teachers consistently apply good practice, especially in marking.
to have moved
Build on the work done so far in improving provision in ICT; improve systems for assessment
and extend the use of ICT across the curriculum.
In behaviour and personal development:
Improve behaviour by ensuring that behaviour management procedures are applied in all lessons.
Ensure the monitoring and evaluation of students personal development is used to check the
impact of the schools work and refine it further.
In leadership and management, and communications with the schools wider community:
Improve relationships between the governing body and the senior leadership team.
Build on existing good relationships with parents to improve further the channels of communication
and their contribution to school life by: producing regular newsletters; encouraging greater awareness
and use of the school website, which should include a parents area; expanding and regenerating
the parents association; and improving response rates to all concerns and queries from parents.
Gillies stresses the importance of pitching the work at an appropriate level for the learners:
A lesson may have all the ingredients of outstanding in its atmosphere and level of interest
and excitement but if work isnt pitched appropriately for all ability levels then the depth of their
learning will be lacking. Looking at the lesson as a whole, if not everyone has learned enough
or made enough progress during that particular lesson, it cannot be outstanding.
This section reports on the experience of eight secondary schools which have moved from good
to outstanding. The accounts describe the decisions and actions which have driven the schools
progress. First, a summary brings together the features common to most or all of the schools
individual stories.
1. There is no substitute for an evidence-based approach to what is happening in classrooms.
Senior staff did not engage in anecdotal talk about, say, an under-performing head of
department, because the senior team had clear and systematic evidence, rooted in regular
lesson observations and teachers own self-evaluations, on how all staff were performing
in classrooms.
2. When the schools received a good Ofsted inspection judgement, they saw the achievement
of outstanding as the natural next step. Senior leaders asked all staff to read the reports on
schools which had already been judged outstanding. Staff then committed themselves to
ensuring that the same kind of phrases they had been reading in outstanding reports could, in
time, be readily written about their own school.
3. The schools placed great emphasis on the importance of everyone in the school knowing and
understanding the language of the Ofsted framework. Professional development sessions
ensured that all teaching and support staff gained a strong grasp of the difference between
Ofsteds good and outstanding judgements, whether in relation to teaching and learning,
personal development or community cohesion.
4. Schools on the journey from good to outstanding used the Self-Evaluation Form (available
online from Ofsted, together with guidance on its use) as a key document. Different groups
of staff were asked to focus on particular sections of the framework, alongside the Ofsted
criteria, reviewing which aspects of practice needed to improve in order to cross the boundary
from a grade two (good) to a grade one (outstanding).
5. Senior leaders in schools tried to climb inside the inspectors skin. Leaders sought to share
with all staff how the inspection process works, making it clear that inspectors are trained to
focus on students learning and progress as well as on quality of teaching.
6. Headteachers placed great store by how well they managed to create in schools a sense of
urgency at the right time. They recognised that not everything can be achieved at the same
time, but that staff could shift gear for a sustained period if there was a collective ambition to
improve the school. Equally, leaders at all levels believed that if change was worth introducing,
there was no virtue in waiting until a notionally convenient point in the calendar, say the start of
the following term. If students experiences could be improved sooner, then the school should
change its practices without delay.
7. Headteachers and governors believed in a no surprises culture and the importance of
embedded systems that alerted staff to students at risk of under-achieving. Complementing
the organisational systems across the school was an open, trusting culture, in which staff
knew that success was applauded and failure supportively attended to, rather than blamed.
One headteacher
observed: You
have to tighten up
to be good. You
loosen to become
For a number
of years now, all
judgements on the
quality of teaching
and learning have
been rooted in an
extensive evidence
Through visits to
other schools, staff
at all levels came
to understand
what outstanding
looks like.
As time has gone by, the school has adopted intervention in inverse proportion to success
across the school, with the most successful departments being the least monitored. Interestingly,
these high-performing departments see regular mutual observation in classrooms as fundamental
to their sustained successes. The leaders of these subject areas place significant store by the
quality of regular assessment for learning, alongside the promotion of independent learning
amongst their students.
Leadership and management
The sources of evidence upon which to build opportunities for future great classroom experiences
constituted one cornerstone of the schools move from good to outstanding. Equally important
was its determination to know what outstanding looks like. Senior staff led sessions in which
staff studied the reports of schools which had been judged outstanding by Ofsted. There was a
united determination to understand the Ofsted criteria and to aspire to have key phrases from the
outstanding criteria applied to all aspects of the schools provision. This was accompanied by
skillful work on the schools Self-Evaluation Form. Research and development groups worked on
different aspects of the form, examining which areas of the schools practice needed to improve in
order to cross grade boundaries from two to one. Through visits to other schools, staff at all levels
came to understand what outstanding looks like. They felt comfortable with a culture of relentless
monitoring to reach that goal.
This is a school in which each member of the leadership team has published work-plan objectives,
for which he or she is accountable to the rest of the team as part of the performance-management
framework. The team has a clearly structured approach to data management. To ensure consistency
and in order to spread best practice, a deputy headteacher line-manages all heads of department,
in pairs and trios. A climate of consistent and supportive accountability is underpinned by four
governors committees. Of the journey overall from satisfactory to outstanding, the headteacher
identifies his pivotal role in moving from quality-control practices to a quality-assurance role. Crucially,
the school thinks in terms of possibilities, not limitations, for the students.
Key messages
Do things differently, not just more of the same.
A few priorities at any one time.
An evidence-based approach to what is happening in classrooms.
Intervention takes place in inverse proportion to success.
Establish the ethos that ensures moral purpose counts.
The headteacher
describes the
journey as a
long and winding
road, with lots of
mistakes on the
way but fun and
The governing
body has shown
consistent faith
in the schools
leadership team
and has served
to keep the
team focused
on the path of
never digressing
from the schools
core business.
The philosophy of
lifelong education
is embedded in
many aspects of
its provision.
This headteacher
rejects any
notion of single
I dont want a
single conversation,
I enjoy lots of
and thats what
intelligent leadership
is all about.
support and critical self-evaluation. The Advanced Skills Teachers are at the heart of a system of
peer-observation which has created an open-door approach to teachers visiting one anothers
classrooms to see which creative teaching techniques are effective with which students. In moving
to outstanding, the school has preserved strong systems while seeking to place performance
management within a wider professional context, so that lesson observations are routine and
developmental rather than anything for teachers to be anxious about. Excellent teaching and
learning are givens.
Leadership and management
In reflecting on leadership and management across the school, the headteacher returns again and
again to his belief that a significant number of staff working on external agendas has the effect of
stimulating an appetite to move things on. Thus leadership constantly reinterprets and refreshes
how the schools specialisms are operating, and seeks to be part of new national agendas as
they appear relevant to the needs of students. The headteacher asserts: that strong values and
unambiguous, accessible systems are essential to any outstanding school; that success comes
from securing the right people and then investing in them; and that outward-facing partnerships
bring a natural dynamic to the institution so that it cannot stagnate.
The governors have long-standing associations with the school and, importantly, understand and
shape its values and ambitions. They reserve the right to intervene when they need to, but see
their key role as enabling the leadership team to focus on its core work and not digress.
When the School Improvement Partner strategy was first launched (by the DCSF in 2005, to
challenge and support school leaders in assessing how well their schools are performing and
to help them plan for the future), the proposed model was of a single conversation. Tellingly,
this headteacher rejects any notion of single conversations: I dont want a single conversation,
I enjoy lots of conversations, and thats what intelligent leadership is all about. How you harness
your informal and formal networks makes a real difference in improving a school. Perhaps most
illuminating about the schools journey from good to outstanding and its ability to sustain high
performance at all levels is the headteachers summative statement: You have to tighten up to be
good. You need to loosen to become outstanding.
Key messages
Appoint good people and grow your own leaders.
Harness and shape passing initiatives.
Enable teachers to work outside the school.
Outstanding is about what you do for children on the margins.
Move from quality control to quality assurance.
Striking new
buildings combine
design with
practicality, so the
ethos is a judicious
mix of innovation
and traditional
As the headteacher
suggests, wholeschool cultures do
not just happen
you have to be
tenacious and
deal promptly with
practices which
are not up
to the standard of
the best.
to the role of students in improving classroom practice; students help to identify their learning
objectives within given parameters. The school has made a major investment in the training and
development of classroom support staff, with professional development being an entitlement. As
the headteacher suggests, whole-school cultures do not just happen you have to be tenacious
and deal promptly with practices which are not up to the standard of the best. Further, she
believes that teachers will only sustain their high energy levels if they have the opportunity to work
alongside visiting experts for example musicians, curators, designers, local community leaders.
In addition, inviting well-deployed critical friends into classrooms to conduct learning walks is a
form of external support the headteacher strongly recommends.
Leadership and management
The climate of leadership and management is founded on intelligent accountability and a spirit of
optimism about young people. Management systems are secure and trusted, and thus risk-taking
and a lack of fear of failure permeate. At the heart of the school is a feeling that everyone has a
next step, everyone feels they are moving forward. The headteacher believes that the visibility
and tenacity of the senior staff are vital and that high-quality communication must be modelled.
Kindness, mutual respect and forgiveness are equally important aspects of a thriving organisation.
The school has used its Self-Evaluation Form on a regular basis, to re-examine its practices in
relation to Ofsteds outstanding criteria. Latterly, students and parents have contributed to the
writing of the form. The headteacher maintains that defusing parental anxieties about change is one
of her core functions. The governing body has a high level of interest in the school, and provides a
forum for discussion and professional challenge for senior leaders.
The school has positioned itself to develop as a world-class school, benchmarking itself internationally
as a way of maintaining its excellence. Characteristic of daily routines is its entrepreneurism,
professionalism and business-like efficiency, all of which have played a core part in its improvement
journey. Pace, optimism and explicit focus on what goes on in classrooms pervade the schools
ethos. The headteacher has not changed traditions and annual events that work, but has added,
at well judged moments, new traditions that will stand the test of time. She concludes: Appoint
teachers who are better than you are!
Key messages
Strong systems support creativity.
Communication, communication, communication.
Create energy at all levels.
Listen to what the students say about their classrooms.
Manage staff and parent anxieties, no matter how minor.
There is no hiding
place for coasting
students or
members of staff.
steps; snappy introductions and mini-plenaries; meaningful differentiation; skilled use of interactive
whiteboards and related technologies; and marking with best-next-steps for students. Students
minimum and aspirational targets, alongside departmental targets, are the essentials of meticulous
tracking and monitoring. For the senior team, the recent spotlight on the percentage of A* and A
grades at GCSE is a hallmark of a school truly ambitious for its students. With English being an
additional language for three quarters of the students, successful efforts have been made to ensure
that texts in English and English Literature are relevant and engaging. All teachers are expected to
maintain personal portfolios of the work of students they teach, a whole-school practice which both
celebrates what students can do and spreads a message about teachers mutual accountability.
Governors links to departments, with appropriate protocols, have proved fruitful over a period of
many years in placing the classroom at the centre of whole-school planning.
Leadership and management
The senior staff team of seven is passionate about what the school achieves day by day, and
believe that leading an Ofsted inspection by demonstrating that passion and pride, is crucial
to securing an outstanding verdict. They believe that when the phrase whole-school culture
trips off leaders tongues, it should mean what it says, whether referring to students, teachers or
support staff. The headteacher reinforces through her own leadership the principle that everyone
is a learner and that to teach is to learn. In setting ever-higher aspirational targets at GCSE,
she maintains that timing is everything; targets must be both challenging and plausible if the
occasional nay-sayer is to believe that these students in this context can do it.
A professional approach to performance management; short annual interviews between the
headteacher and each member of staff on an annual basis; professional development rooted
in staffs understanding of the Self-Evaluation Form; excellent training for middle leaders, to
grow your own: these, the school says, are non-negotiable on the route to outstanding. The
headteacher frequently refers to calculated risk-taking, for herself, staff and students: Thats how
we learn, isnt it?. The governing body has both encouraged and wisely restrained the leadership
team at critical moments. Further, the school believes in the role of bespoke critical friends in
challenging what it is doing, balanced with sharing its own best practices with other schools.
Key messages
Persuade the critical mass that change can be made.
Dont talk about behaviour as if it is separate from other aspects of school life.
Enable calculated risk-taking.
Know every child and what s/he is capable of.
Take pride in what you have achieved together.
A high-quality
vocational pathway
includes subjects
ranging from
motor vehicle
maintenance to
horse care.
Senior leaders
have a clear view
of the strengths
of the school and
its staff, and of
what needs to be
monitoring means that under-performance in the classroom is detected quickly and support is
provided. Senior staff have been trained in how to quality-assure learning and teaching; in recent
years this training has extended to all teachers. All senior staff are expected to deliver outstanding
lessons. The headteacher sets himself the task of knowing every child entering the school by
teaching maths to the year 7 students.
Staff finish teaching early on Mondays for two hours of in-house training to ensure consistency in the
development of policy and procedures and to provide opportunities to showcase best practice.
Leadership and management
There is absolute clarity regarding the requirements for leadership at the school creativity,
cultural literacy, high aspirations, an outward-looking approach, and the ability to maintain
high-quality relationships in a fast-paced environment. The interview process for new recruits
to leadership positions is rigorous and based on competence in teaching. Most senior leaders,
teaching and non-teaching, are home-grown. The induction of new staff is a refined process.
Expectations are high and staff absence low.
The chair of governors describes the headteacher as: having a clear sense of purpose and vision,
attuned to the governors view of a community school; a willingness to listen to staff, governors
and parents; a remarkable ability to synthesise complex issues and then take appropriate action;
a credibility through maintaining his teaching commitment; and a facility in communication both
internally and with other schools.
The school has robust systems for self-evaluation. A fortnightly review focused on subjects or
themes ensures that evaluation is based on evidence; action points follow evaluation.
There is an ethos of openness and collaboration. There are frequent staff and student surveys,
providing confidential feedback to the senior leadership team. Staff take a clear and active part
in devising school policy and shaping the schools future. Parents are active in expressing their
views and are welcomed to the parents forum, where they have advised on the assessment and
reporting system, the format of parents evenings and the parents portal on the schools website.
The students voice is strong. Students are involved in appointments, the self-evaluation process,
a thriving school council and an associate governor programme.
The school is relentless in its determination to secure excellence in all areas of its life and work.
Key messages
An ethos based on For the community, in the community.
A personalised curriculum for students based on the schools four core values.
Promotion of the performing arts and languages specialisms through the themes of
communication and performance, building learners confidence to play an active part in and
beyond the school.
A strong professional development programme to grow the talent in staff.
Leading-edge information-technology systems for data capture and analysis.
Students who value inclusivity.
A highly consultative relationship with parents.
Students make
excellent progress
and attain
high test and
examination results
at the end of Key
Stages 3, 4 and 5.
development is
based on what is
already working
well at the school.
Senior staff and main-scale teachers alike refer to an unrelentingly positive approach to students.
Teaching and learning
Senior staff see it as their priority to ensure that the main objective of the teaching staff is to plan
excellent lessons. Bureaucracy is reduced to a minimum to facilitate this. Senior staff are expert
teachers. They visit every lesson every day, and rate staff on a 4-point scale each week. Where a
lesson is judged less than good, the member of staff is supported in planning the next lesson so
that the students in question do not experience anything less than a good lesson the next time
they meet the teacher. This programme of intervention is combined with paired peer observations
on a theme identified by the senior leadership team, which has created an open, supportive
environment in which staff can learn from best practice within the school.
High-quality professional development is based on what is already working well at the school.
Teacher bursaries are available, to stimulate research and to ensure that learning and teaching are
at the heart of the schools work.
Leadership and management
Members of the senior leadership team undergo appraisals where up to nine members of staff
may say what that person does well, suggest how he or she could be even better if, and offer a
piece of advice.
There is an acknowledgement that tight systems and structures allow you to be no more than
good. Fundamental to the success of the schools leadership is the concept of transparency and
integrity, based on a belief that if staff are not doing a great job then it is a managers job to tell
them: If you dont and they fail, its your fault.
Middle leaders are extremely effective and share the senior leaderships vision. Induction of new
staff is exemplary. Teachers new to the school in September are individually interviewed by the
headteacher in October to ascertain if there is anything more that can be done to support them.
The concept of high challenge/low stress is conveyed to teachers and students alike.
Key messages
There is absolute clarity about what the overriding mission (to serve the children) means in
everyday practice.
Leaders at all levels are clear about their role and the autonomy they have to fulfil their
High expectations permeate every aspect of school life.
Bureaucracy is minimised, to allow teachers to focus on developing and delivering
outstanding lessons.
Where concerns arise, support is implemented immediately.
Senior leaders are positive and visible. Every lesson is visited every day to celebrate and to
Everyone knows the data.
Recruitment is key. Only teachers who can deliver the very best experience for students are
4. Conclusions
schools have
systems and
approaches which
guarantee that
the overwhelming
majority of
teaching in
classrooms is at
least good, and
usually excellent.
Outstanding schools are different in their contexts, histories and styles, as well as in other ways.
That said, research and inspection evidence suggest they have many qualities in common. This
study of schools that have made the shift to outstanding identifies key aspects of their work on
which the process of transformation has focused.
A personalised curriculum
Outstanding schools adapt their curriculum offer to students so that every student has an individual
pathway through his or her school career, agreed with staff at key moments in that career, in
consultation with parents. Progress along the pathway is continuously checked. Sophisticated
monitoring and data-handling systems give staff a constantly updated understanding of a students
progress, leading to prompt and apt interventions in the work of students who under-achieve.
Engagement of students
Students in outstanding schools see themselves as active partners in the schools life and work,
not as passive consumers of a pre-planned product. This sense of partnership is realised through
students participation in regular reviews of their work and progress, and through the sincere
attention that staff pay to their opinions on all aspects of the schools activity and organisation.
Students voices may be heard through the school council, through the influence of their
representatives in the appointment of staff, or through a system by which students appraise the
effectiveness of their teachers.
Inspirational leadership
Headteachers of outstanding schools have had an overall, long-term vision of what their school
could be, however distant that vision may have been from where the school was at the time, and
have translated that vision into practical and successful effort on the part of a critical mass of staff,
especially of senior staff. They know how to appoint excellent people to other leadership positions
in the school, and then trust them to do their jobs; distribution of leadership is normal. While
encouraging innovation and measured risk-taking on the part of staff, they are uncompromising
and, if necessary, ruthless in addressing poor performance. They promote an atmosphere of
confident pride in the schools culture. They fulfil their role as the principal representative of the
school in its relations with the community it serves. They maintain their credibility with staff by
continuing to do some classroom teaching.
The students acquire knowledge, develop understanding and learn and practise skills
exceptionally well. Students demonstrate excellent concentration and are rarely off
task, even in extended periods without direction from an adult. They have developed
resilience when tackling challenging activities in a range of subjects. Their keenness and
commitment to succeed in all aspects of school life and ability to grasp opportunities
to extend and improve their learning are exceptional. Progress is at least good in each
key stage, key subjects and for different groups and is exemplary in some.
Good (2)
The students acquire knowledge, develop understanding and learn and practise skills
well. The students are keen to do well, apply themselves diligently in lessons and work
at a good pace. They seek to produce their best work and are usually interested and
enthusiastic about their learning in a range of subjects. A very large majority of groups
of students make at least good progress and some may make outstanding progress,
with nothing that is inadequate.
In the quality of teaching and the use of assessment to support learning, within the effectiveness
of the schools provision:
Example 2: Ofsteds criteria for judging a school
Outstanding (1)
Teaching is at least good and much is outstanding, with the result that the students
are making exceptional progress. It is highly effective in inspiring students and
ensuring that they learn extremely well. Excellent subject knowledge is applied
consistently to challenge and inspire students. Resources, including new technology,
make a marked contribution to the quality of learning, as does the precisely targeted
support provided by other adults. Teachers and other adults are acutely aware of
their students capabilities and of their prior learning and understanding, and plan
very effectively to build on these. Marking and dialogue between teachers, other
adults and students are consistently of a very high quality. Students understand in
detail how to improve their work and are consistently supported in doing so. Teachers
systematically and effectively check students understanding throughout lessons,
anticipating where they may need to intervene and doing so with striking impact on the
quality of learning.
Good (2)
The teaching is consistently effective in ensuring that students are motivated and
engaged. The great majority of teaching is securing good progress and learning.
Teachers generally have strong subject knowledge which enthuses and challenges
most students and contributes to their good progress. Good and imaginative use
is made of resources, including new technology to enhance learning. Other adults
support is well focused and makes a significant contribution to the quality of learning.
As a result of good assessment procedures, teachers and other adults plan well to
meet the needs of all students. Students are provided with detailed feedback, both
orally and through marking. They know how well they have done and can discuss what
they need to do to sustain good progress. Teachers listen to, observe and question
groups of students during lessons in order to reshape tasks and explanations to
improve learning.
In the effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement
and the leadership and management of teaching and learning, within the effectiveness of the
schools leadership and management:
Example 3: Ofsteds criteria for judging a school
Outstanding (1)
The senior leadership team and other leaders and managers are conspicuously
successful in inspiring the school community to share a strong sense of purpose which
involves work towards meeting or sustaining ambitious targets for all students. Morale is
very high and belief in the schools success runs through all levels of staff. Rigorous and
extensive monitoring, searching analysis and self-challenge enable the school, together
with its significant partners, to devise exceptionally well-focused plans. Actions taken
by the school and, where relevant, its partners are implemented with precision and
managed thoroughly. As a result, the quality of teaching is at least good and leaders and
managers at all levels are taking highly effective steps to drive up the quality of teaching
still further. Consequently, outcomes in achievement and well-being for most students
are good, and some are exceptionally high.
Good (2)
The senior leadership team and many middle leaders and managers consistently
communicate high expectations to staff about securing improvement. They galvanise
the enthusiasm of staff and channel their efforts to good effect. Leaders and
managers routinely make good use of a range of rigorous monitoring activities relating
to teaching, other provision and outcomes. Planning involves any relevant major
partners, and is founded on robust evidence and good-quality data. It is tackling key
areas of weakness, including those in teaching, systematically and is building on areas
of strength. As a result, teaching is at least satisfactory and improving. Target-setting
is realistic and challenging. Consequently, outcomes are generally good, or there is
substantial evidence that they are improving strongly.
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