Generational Curses
Generational Curses
Generational Curses
The topic of Generational Curses is almost as controversial as Christians having Demons. Its
actually, in our experience, one of the most common reasons why Christians can have demons
and curses over their lives. Again we see Christians in total deception of this, denying it is even
possible for us to be affected.
And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and
gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for
thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the childrens children to the
third and the fourth generation". (Exodus 34:6-7). I took this Scripture back to the original
Hebrew words and the word for 'iniquity' in the verse was 'avon which means
.We are automatically judged guilty - the blame is on us as well as our ancestor who committed
the sin four generations back. In other words we inherit our ancestors sin. If the original sin
keeps being committed then it goes on and on.
We then see two other Scriptures which seem to cancel out this punishment crescendo. These
Scriptures are:Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for
their fathers; a person shall be put to death for his own sin" (Deuteronomy 24:16, NKJV).
Generational Curses
Yet you say, Why should the son not bear the guilt of the father? Because the son has
done what is lawful and right, and has kept all My statutes and observed them, he shall
surely live. The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor
the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon
himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself (Ezekiel 18:18-20,
NKJV). At first glance it does appear to do this but we need to understand more of what these
Scriptures actually mean.
In the Old Testament when a Father sinned, not only could
he be put to death as punishment for his sin, but his children could also. God removed this law
so only the one who sinned would be put to death. Another thing that this verse did was ensure
that the Generational iniquity stops being passed down when one does what is lawful and right
by following the laws and statutes of God. When one becomes a Christian by giving their life to
Jesus and being born-again we take on His righteousness so we are no longer judged guilty.
According to this verse after we become a Christian we shouldnow
bear the guilt of the father even when he is committing sin because we are judged righteous. In
other words o
nce you are saved the punishment crescendo of Generational curses stop. Jesus freed us from
the curse of the law. The curse of the law was the punishment system for sin. Generational
curses were part of the punishment system.
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is
written, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree) (Galatians 3:13, NKJV).
Once you are saved you are born-again in your spirit-man. Your soul-man (mind/will/emotions)
and physical bodies however are not automatically renewed. There is a walk, a process to
appropriate before the fleshly areas come into alignment with the born-again spirit. These
fleshly areas need to pass through the Cross of Christ. Christ is the door and to go through the
door you need to also go through the cross.I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he
shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture (John 10:9, KJV).
There is an exchange that takes place at the cross. You exchange your life for the life of Christ.
He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it (Matthew
10:39, NKJV).
This is harder than we think.
Sometimes there can be un-yielded areas within those fleshly areas that we are hanging on to.
We are unable to give them up.
Take pride for example, we need to exchange our pride for the humility of Christ. That is
incredibly difficult. Man is incredibly prideful in many facets of life. Another example is love. We
need to lay down and hand over to Jesus all our hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness and offence
before we can exchange it for Christ's love. We cling to these areas and stubbornly refuse God
access to them. Sometimes we may think we are yielding them, but God sees our heart and
knows when we are not. These areas can also remain hidden until the light of Christ exposes
Generational Curses
them. This poses a problem! Any area not submitted to God is not brought under the Blood of
Christ. This means it stays in the hands of the devil. All unyeilded areas have not passed
through the Cross.
These areas remain unchanged and untouched until you actually go through the Cross. Just as
a dirty car has to go through a carwash to come out the other side clean, so do we have to go
through the cross to come out the other side clean!
All previous inherited sins, demons and curses from our ancestors also remain with us until they
are dealt with by Jesus and brought through the Cross. There comes a time when God needs
someone to take accountability for them by repenting and then giving them to Christ for
cleansing. We see by the following Scripture that curses can remain on us forever.
Moreover all these curses shall come upon you and pursue and overtake you, until you
are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to keep His
commandments and His statutes which He commanded you. And they shall be upon you
for a sign and a wonder, and on your descendants forever" (Deuteronomy 28:45-56,
*****Please note here the word forever!
Any previous sin inherited from your ancestors before you became a Christian may still have to
be confessed by repenting of that sin.
Only those sins that have been repented and erased from the matter of creation are no longer
able to affect us. For a long time we have sought the Holy Spirit on how to remove ancestral
sins from people. He would reveal by prophetic revelation actual sins so repentance could take
place by standing in the gap and repenting on behalf of yourself and your ancestors.
"But if they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers, with their
unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to Me, and that they also have walked
contrary to Me, and that I also have walked contrary to them and have brought them into
the land of their enemies; if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled, and they accept
their guilt then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and My covenant with Isaac
and My covenant with Abraham I will remember" (Leviticus 26:40-42, NKJV).
It proved incredibly time consuming as there are potentially a lot of ancestral sins that have
never possibly been dealt with. I recently sought God and asked Him if there was a better way.
This is what He spoke:
Until now people haven't known how to appropriate removing Generational curses at
the Cross. There is a way and you can incorporate this into your Ministry.
This is what I have learned:-The DNA and genetic heritage in our blood carries all the sins and
memories of our ancestors. This corruption within our blood can bring disease and sickness.
Our blood has a voice and cries out to God day and night wanting peace. We see in Genesis
how the blood of Abel had a voice and cried out for vengeance.
d He said, What have you done? The voice of your brothers blood cries out to Me from
the ground" (Genesis 4:10, NKJV).
Generational Curses
ancestry and ask Him to filter it with the new and perfect blood and DNA of Jesus and return
back to us only what God wants us to have. The blood He shed on the cross
can actually cleanse our blood along with the DNA and corrupted genes. We need to ask Him to
show us any corrupt
roots within our blood. There can be traditions and cultures that are within our blood, or that we
may even still be entering into that are rooted in
witchcraft and idol worship. Some even go so far as to idolise their ancestry, in the sense that
where they come
from becomes an idol in itself. There can be genetic inheritance we have gained that gives us
prominence and power
but comes from an unGodly place. Many clients who come through our Ministry have royal
blood in their ancestry. The Lord revealed that the royal family has corrupt roots, they are not
chosen by Him so any royalty in your blood that is not God-given needs to be laid down and
removed. The word Generational when broken down means
. This is the ration of
corrupted genes you receive from your ancestors. The work on the Cross allows Jesus to
remove the corruption from
our blood - we just need to be willing to give it up to Him including any prominence and power
handed down from
generation to generation. Jesus had no flaws in His genetics. His DNA and blood were pure.
The Bible tells us that
it is the fathers who hand down generational curses. The word fathers in Hebrew is
and means forefather or ancestor.
Jesus was an immaculate conception;
thereby He did not have a paternal father but He did have a paternal mother - Mary. Joseph not
being Jesus natural father claimed Jesus as his own thereby
adopting Him into the lineage of David (which came from the line of Abraham which was
blessed by God. Abrahams
lineage was blessed. Mary was descended from Nathan (son of David) and Joseph descended
from Solomon (Son of David),
both of which were from the blessed line of Abraham. God even had a plan for the adopted
lineage that Jesus would
inherit. Not to mention the purification process Mary went through before the Immaculate
Conception to ensure that
Jesus blood was not corrupted by man. When you marry two become one flesh so you actually
take on each other's corrupt bloodlines. Jesus is our husband and we are his bride. We are to
become one with Christ when we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour. We then become
adopted sons and daughters in the Kingdom of God and through our adoption we take on His
perfect blood. We then need to allow his perfect lineage and perfect blood to purge out what is
deemed unclean.
Then Jesus said to them, Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the
Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and
Generational Curses
drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is
food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood
abides in Me, and I in him" (John 6:53-56, NKJV).
Some Ministries I have seen actually cut off our natural inherited bloodline. We dont agree with
this. In our process we are not cutting of our actual lineage only the corruption we have
inherited within the blood.Our lineage (ancestry) is part of us. Just as the Bible lists the lineage
of Christ from the blessed line of Abraham we see it is also part of who Jesus was. In fact if we
cut ourself free from our natural lineage it could prove very detrimental.
The Holy Spirit gave me a revelation and prayer about blood ties.
This is what I was shown - Godly ties are spirit to spirit. Ungodly ties are soul to soul. Blood
ties are physical and connect DNA to DNA. If a blood tie is severed as in disownment
(rejection) of your bloodline and any family members then any DNA your share or have in
common with that person is also rejected within your own body. This could prove detrimental to
your health and wellbeing.
The Word of God says in
Psalm 139
that He knitted us together in our mothers womb. All of the races and lineage you carry is not
by chance. After the Tower of Babel was built God Himself scattered man into new lands and
gave each a new tongue. There came about new tribes, new people and new nations. Each of
these people are uniquely different with specific talents and attributes specific to their race and
culture which are God-given. God wants to use these natural talents within our different races
and combine them with the gifts of the Spirit and utilise them for His purposes. He doesn't want
to take away you and your own identity - he wants to transform you into a Christ-like creation.
The problem is the corruption within each and every one of us is hindering the work of the Holy
Spirit. God wants to redeem all of these races keeping their God-given uniqueness and natural
talents but removing all the corruption including cultural traditions that are rooted in idolatry.
Revelation 5:9-10 (NIV) And they sang a new song, saying: You are worthy to take the
scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased
for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made
them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.
I do believe however that when we are resurrected into our new Heavenly bodies when Jesus
returns we will then be cut off from our earthly lineage/bloodlines and adopted spirit/soul and
physical body into our Heavenly lineage.
***If you have children then pray and declare to God that you claim this prayer of genetic
salvation over them and all future descendants too!
**** In regard to the Generationalprayers we believe this applies to your natural birth
parents only as it iscorrupted inherited genes which are in your bloodline. Adopted
Generational Curses
parents cangenerate ungodly soul ties to their adopted children which means you can
then inherit any of theirsins and demonic spirits through that soul tie. If you are
adopted ask God directly to show you anything that you may have inherited from your
adopted family and then deal with it through repentance, forgiveness etc. Make sure
you break those soul ties and cast out any demonic spirits.
(CLIENT) - "Father God Your word says that if we confess our sins You are faithful and just to
forgive our sin and will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I now ask if there are any specific
ancestral sins, transgressions and iniquities that need repenting and also any traditions,
cultures and religions within my blood that have roots into idol worship of false gods. I pray too
that you would show me any ungodly genetic inheritance that I need to surrender".
I declare that all the demonic technologies and iniquities that have attached themselves to my
bloodline including witchcraft, idolisation, sexual assault, sexual immorality, blood transfusions,
adoptions, trauma and mind control can no longer affect my destiny, my life, my marriage, my
circumstances, my finances and my health. I silence the voices of the blood that were inherited
through my lineages. I decree and declare that the voice of the Blood of Jesus will become
preeminent over my destiny, my life, my marriage, my circumstances, my finances and my
Generational Curses
health.Thank You Father for knitting me together in my mothers womb with all the different
races that make me who I am in You. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully
made; marvellous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well (Psalm 139:14,
I release my faith for the healing of my body and
all genetic anomalies in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask that You would remove
the sins from the matter of creation and cleanse the memories from my DNA and heal any
damage caused by the memories. I pray that You would take this burden from me and my
current family. I break all generational curse lines, curses, inherited sin, ungodly soul ties
between all family members and command all demons of generational inheritance and
transference to leave in Jesus name. I place a hedge of protection between my ancestors and
my parents, my parents and me, and my offspring and me."
"Father God now that I have received the power of genetic salvation from the Lord Jesus Christ
in my life releasing me from the power of the corrupted genetic inheritance I pray for the
heavens to open and pour out the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob over my life and my
family's life in Jesus name. I release exaltation, reproductiveness, prosperity, health, victory and
Gods favour - Amen!
Mixed Heritage In this prayer we address warring spirits, which are spirits we inherit when we
have mixed blood or mixed heritage from nations that are or were in direct opposition to each
other. This division and fighting within our own souls can wreak havoc on our lives if it is not
addressed. You may even see the generational pattern of division within your own family if this
is not dealt with. One classic example is when there is a mixed race of Maori and Pakeha If we
have had ancestors from opposing religions this too can cause disharmony within your soul.
You will need to stand in for each lineage/ religion/ race/ tribe/ nation or clan represented and
repent for the wars between you then forgive each one represented on behalf of the opposing
one in order for God to cleanse and heal.
(CLIENT) I pray for the Holy Spirit to show me any strife and division operating within my
***Write them down then line then up with the opposing mixed heritage
Maori Pakeha
Jews Nazis
Protestant Catholic etc..
Generational Curses
"Dear God if I or my children have inherited mixed blood or mixed heritage that is in direct
opposition to one another I repent for the wars and bloodshed that went on between these
races and nations. I forgive the ancestors on both sides for their part in the wars against one
another. I repent for myself and ancestors for all sins of contention, chaos, division, fighting,
complaining, judgments, bickering, dishonesty, broken covenants, corruption, strife, fighting of
ownership of lands and arguments.I repent for all sins committed that have defiled the land,
particularly the spilling of blood. I specifically repent for the aforementioned sins within my
bloodline between
(name all lineages/ religions/ races/
tribes/ nations/ clans and people shown).
On behalf ofthe(name each lineage/ religion/ race/ tribe/ nation/ clan or person shown in the
first column)
I forgive (name each one that is in opposition with the named
one, then do the opposite)
Example: *** On behalf of the Maoris, Jews and Catholics I forgive the Pakehas, Nazis
and Protestants. On behalf of the Pakehas, Nazis and Protestants I forgive the Maoris,
Jews and Catholics.
I cut myself and my children free from the warring spirits in Jesus name and break all forms of
division, separation, chaos, arguments, contention, fighting and strife in the name of Jesus
Christ and break all ungodly soul ties that exist between all parties mentioned. I command Thor
the demonic god of war, warring spirits and all other demons including division, separation and
strife, as well as all demons who transferred via the soul ties to leave in the name of Jesus
Christ. I cleanse the land where all blood has been spilled with the righteous blood of Jesus
Christ. I release Love, Joy, Peace, Harmony and Patience in Jesus name.
******It is a good idea to also ask the Holy Spirit if there is any conflicting heritage within
your soul and your spouses soul causing division between you both. For this reason a
man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall
become one flesh (Ephesians 5:31, NKJV).
Because you are one flesh it works the same way as the warring within your own soul.
If one of the couples is an unbeliever You can still use the same prayer by first declaring that
you are standing in the gap for yourself and husband as one flesh.
(Husband and Wife together) - "We ask the Holy Spirit to show us any conflicting heritage and
beliefs that cause division between us".
(Write them down and
again with the ones in opposition beside them).
Generational Curses
"We repent for ourselves and ancestors for all sins of contention, chaos, division, fighting,
complaining, judgments, bickering, dishonesty, broken covenants, corruption, strife and
between each and within our bloodline between (name all lineages/ religions/
races/ tribes/ nations/ clans and people shown).
On behalf of (name each lineage/ religion/ race/ tribe/ nation/ clan or person shown in the first
weforgive (name each one that is in opposition with the named one, then
do the opposite)
We command the warring spirits and all spirits of division that cause disharmony to leave us
(and our children) immediately in the name of Jesus Christ."
By Tania Francis