Shen and The Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Shen and The Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Shen and The Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Title of lecture:
Shen and the treatment of psychological disorders"
With some points on effective one needle treatment
This presentation deals primarily with something which we often see in the clinic, that
is, psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety, and phobia. Patients come to
us with various manifestations of their suffering which are not only physical.
In Chinese medicine there is an inherent understanding of the body mind and spirit as
a single unit, which is directed by the heart and the shen.
All psychological disorders are rooted in the shen or in some aspects of the shen.
Traumas, and especially childhood traumas, are affecting the ability of the heart to
connect to our inner most.
If we want to help the patient to see his inner strength, we need carefully, to find the
hidden places, using Chinese medical diagnosis tools such as: observing the patients
eyes and complexion. Listening carefully to his wishes, identifying his strength, and
then we see the pain and suffering, too. for example a person that is angry all the time
and blames every one for his depression, has at the same time the inner beauty of the
Huns capacity to create, imagine and be full of compassion.
Many acupuncture points and old texts give us a clear idea of how to turn livers
stagnation and depression to hope and creative powers.
In Ling Shu Chapter 8 it says: For every needling, the method is above all, not to
miss the rooting of the spirit. This is a vital message for every practitioner of TCM
but what is the best way to root the spirit?
The 7 emotions, 5 wills, 3 Hun. Shen and Po give us clues to diagnose and treat what
we define as psychological disorders.
In this workshop there will be presentation of clinical cases, new approach to
diagnosis and a clinical decision making process which helps analyzing the Rooting
of the Spirit and successfully treat psychological disorders.
Points which are directed to treat the patient core and strength.
Using a single point will bring about a fast and dramatic cure and allow the
patients Shen to shine through.
The role of the Shen, Hun and Po and the emotions as seen in depression,
phobia, anxiety attack, O.C.D (obsessive compulsive disorders).
The usage of: 13 ghost points of Sun Si-Miao, windows of the sky, aggressive
energy treatment, dragon points and more.
Course structure:
Day 1 theory and presentation of clinical cases.
Final note:
This workshop provides effective clinical tools to any practitioner of TCM allowing
faster and better cure. It will make you see your patients in a completely different